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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the is there any forces coming up as strikes across the southern gaza school shall drink? dozens of displays. palestinians is hit. the other ones are enjoying the sound as they are in life, and also coming on, strikes, raids and incursions more than 8 months of israel's relentless attacks. of devastated guns as healthcare system plus planned attack sites and kenya took a nationwide anti government protests at least one person who has been to another
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move against french interests in this the how much is minute you government revokes a license for uranium mine news beginning goes away and is really strong because damage to school sheltering, displaced families. it happened in the southern city of hon. eunice, dozens of palestinians who had been seeking refuge in the classroom. say that instruction means they have no way to sleep. is randy ami targeted refugee camps in central gauze overnight getting at least 3 people and wounding dozens? i think as you can see, the classroom, where are we shelters damaged? i don't know where we will sleep. we are 25 people in this classroom. look at how damage it is. look at our sleeping area. where will we sleep? we don't know. we might have to sleep in the yard as well as well as unrelenting attacks. mean, a growing number of palestinians are seeking treatment from
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a health care system on the brink of collapse. according to the world health organization, only 17 of gauze, 36 hospitals are able to offer services. i don't eat the most basic treatment, at least 70 percent of doctors and health workers have been forced to flee. and israel blockade is making it more difficult for medical supplies to get into the strip a group. so wanting a further outbreak of infectious diseases with 2 thirds of gauze water and sanitation facilities damaged or destroyed. well, obviously it has been given special access to guns as largest remaining functioning hospital. but medical workers are struggling to provide cat corresponding honey. my mood was taken through. i likes the hospital indiana above we're inside the law, the emergency department here. we can see it's over crowded and i'm joined by doctor man inside the hospital from pansy. my medical mission
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volunteering to hold people and medical staff. are we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department. thank you, honey. as you can see the extreme, i have a crowding in the emergency department. this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get. especially when there are a tax nearby. there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors servicing hundreds of patients, family members everywhere. there's not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the floor on that, surrounded by their family members. they're only 3 doctors generally in the emergency department, sorry. based off this i've worked in on this, this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see all around us there as patients and the family members in the car doors in the hallways,
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living with that by his family members. and it makes it very difficult to be able to move around even to be able to actually even find to patients that a lot of times unfortunately because there's no structure and there's no system you actually don't know always way your patients. and the way you might be able to find them in order to provide the treatments. and we're going to take a look inside, unlimited resources that are being provided here and the operating, you know, the healthcare facilities in there are only a couple of hospitals that are still passionate. this will be one of them. on my left hand side here are the recovery rooms where patients come off today, i finished day operations and i'm kind of terribly sorry. everything that's inside, but it's very limited. resources is not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them. tens of taking that vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. what is this case? yes sir. this is, this is a young kid that's obviously had to be done from an explosion ard last injury. this is a very common and unfortunate scenario, or
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a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their rooms. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give them how they have to come daily down to the operating through room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress. i wins appropriately and, and they require care. actually this is sometimes is not necessarily not able to be provided here at the hospital where the honey, my, who joins us live now from did i by the in central gaza, honey. so yet another is radio talking, han eunice, close to our mass. the hospital, i mean this relentless bombardment continues to cause a collapse in the health care system. how many in the yes, the hell. and this is exactly what's going on. not only we're seeing more pressure put on the health care facility due to the large influx of injuries and those who are full casualties of these attacks either in bond homes or industry, but the fact that relentless at ty, sorry, take any place nearby,
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the vicinity of hospitals just not only causing a great deal of concern and panic for the sustainability of these health care facilities to operate. but also preventing the intreat of any basic supplies that these hospital by the destruct, destroying the facilities and the infrastructure and roads leading to the hosp to just henry and everything. and causing delays of delivery of the medical supplies, the movement of ambulance when they are dispatched from the hospital or a outside or inside the health facility itself. that would be a target the definitive not that hospice causing, read deal of damage to the area, including an evacuation center. that's an honor with school that united nations for policy reviews, for the vast majority of their facilities across the doctor, including the schools, setting for education into now evacuation centers and shoulders for people. if people went back to these evacuation centers,
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after this really military withdrew from the city of pon units and causing the trails of devastation, destruction to all means of was including these evacuation centers, mainly the schools. the people went back to and read it severely damaged shelters. but because there isn't any other place, see if there's another place to go to this state here. you have the have to, uh, do a struggle and deal with the kind of funding that took place on the figures right. happens to be a live stream. many of the social media active as were present at the area and we were able to see the ears strikes live as 3 and at that time, number of casualties reported to not set a hospital just within the past a half an hour. will you confirm reports of a drawing as strikes on a group of people in the eastern part of hon units? the city that does require a suburban, the eastern part of the city, where 3 people reported killed and transferred to gaza european hospital. this is
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an ongoing, a ongoing that extension of the talks of from over night then, and it really causing further civilian casualties, destruction, to remaining residential buildings and an infrastructure. meanwhile, these really monetary continue, almost non stop heavy, are tell her is that the eastern part of didn't bella city been that particular area of the sudden eastern parts of the city as well as the refuge account and not as the and of greece and a new site that's deep in the central area, causing more destruction, more panic, more casualties are transferred to either allow the hospital or a lock that has put them here and dated by city on a separate attack. these really going to continue to push deeper into by city already taken over militarily over 5 neighborhoods, including 2 of the refuge account that the western part of brooklyn city. kind of my code line for us there and data about in central garza honey. thank you for
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doctor james smith is an emergency physician who worked with alex and all the hospitals in gauze. and he says, the extent of the dentist ation of gauze as health care system is how to convey. and i don't think the even the most attentive media outlets that have been reporting on, on the genocide since since day one. and prior to october, i don't think that those media outlets have really conveyed that the full extent of the violence, the full expense of, of, of the bob baretski, of what is happening. and the ways in which that has manifested i'm with, with, with speaking here about hospitals that have been unable to coat for several months . and they are functioning really by the sheer determination of the palestinian health care workers that are continuing to show up and are continuing to see patients. but frankly speaking, even the most well resourced health care system in the world would not be able to withstand the level of, of, of trauma that is coming through the, the,
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the doors the she and number of patients presenting with some of the most complicated and her research, physical and psychological conditions, but that, that a healthcare professional will see in that, in that, in that professional career is what is needed. and, and frankly, it's incredible that we're still having to save this 8 plus months into one of the most bob barracks, uh, moments in, in human history, is that we need an immediate end to the violence against the people of casa and what's then needed. of course is a ground swell of support that is sustained not only over several weeks and months, but over the years and decades to rebuild and to revitalize the palestinian health care system. the new ones as has been killed in kenya off the police. confronted demonstrate his
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doing nationwide protests against planned tax reforms, thousands took to the streets and cities across the country on thursday in the capital my road, the police volunteer gas, and he's water cannon to disperse the crowds. welcome website. this report it started with social media uses, laming can use president really and route to, to the rising cost of living and tax hikes. now it's pool files and to the streets . protest has gathered, may, can use parliament as m. p. 's debated the legislation to increase the taxes. we operate in the houses l o w on the up and oh, i thought it was good to go to run to get to the hospital and not missing those results. please try to can street. the government says it's already listened to the people when it removes some of the most controversial taxes from the bill. every time we got to the side street rounded panes,
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basically the way they say we got to put down the middle of the police in the day to help them. but to need to do these offices as people talented the peaceful protest as well. mostly peaceful, federal coupons, several streets in the city center. so the police use fulton cannon and tig to seal off the streets closest to parliament. inside about 2 thirds of m. p. 's voted to approve the amended bill at his 2nd reading. the president veto hasn't majority outside people said his government doesn't represent them and then tired of corruption and full service delivery to the influx initial on the.
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2 on the weekend so, so far since he came into the fall off once as he's done with the the 1000 protesters in around 20 different towns and cities, including router's hometown is able to read the crowds a younger than those seen it opposition lead protests and reason yes, it doesn't follow a political leader and that student's job see, cuz i'm young professionals on the streets in my baby rights group say more than 30 people were arrested and thousands injured, including 6 hate by police cars. when running away, the police have set their respect, constitutional rights must protect government buildings from occupation clements expected debates on the finance village. final reading. next week the sunsets approached, please try to clear the streets with fontes of tear gas before nightfall. it didn't
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work until playing co security broke up the remaining crowd. malcolm web address, there may be, can you, insta, them the head of the medical chat with you, doctors without borders says more than 14 months of conflict has created one of the wells was humanitarian crises, in the latest development, sophie's told out to 0, the permanent treat rapids support forces of taking control of our food up. but that's the capital of the west. cool defense state, south west of the capital. fighting between the sudanese army on the panama. let your group last in several hours before the soldiers report and meet, withdrew the rapids. support forces then took control of government and ministry. buildings. thousands have been killed, and 9000000 people displaced since april last year. even move and as more from call to the farm and a through rapid support forces has been targeting positions opposite in these army, not just and fashion in the door for region in north star for but also in other parts of the country. now in westport design,
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the rest of was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, townhomes in the states and with the takeover of the iris over the ministry garrison and then food that that needs to be bubble new. so as the last remaining minutes, re stronghold in the states of west go defend. now this means that the hours have, has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the court defend region. and especially in the west, our floor and now has access to control of the border between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the recept over and food that has led to the displacement of civilians. and for it was already a place that has been home or hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced from other parts of the port defend region into areas that are controlled by the army and territories controlled by the army. because they deemed it safe for and now with the iris of control and food of tens of thousands have spotted defeats which sub, a new site in westport defined states, which is the last remaining armies phone called. but it's also
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a place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation that will result as a result of the iris if taking over and as a result of the displacement of civilians from and for that to buy a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to ban. already the united nation says 10000000 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. more than 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic, so many parents situation according to the united nations. and they all consent that with more and more people seeing especially towards buy a new cell, which is already an active, complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they often sense that different unitarian assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and that more and more civilians will be in dire need of assistance and may lose their lives. as a result of shortages of those relief supplies. he by morgan onto 0, hard to talk for a short break here. and i'll just say when we come back with dwindling supplies of electricity and gas,
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alice demands and jobs are returning to more traditional ways of cooking on the extreme heat to the us border with mexico migraine. so on the 1st to pay the products more, not the he says he went to award towards syria to provide aid. my time entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been our home for so many years. in the final part of the series, we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful melisha, one of the toughest times when they tortured me state list in syria and out to 0. the latest news, as it breaks, is really military has been forced to soft locating a blockade on the gauze of red,
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severely limit exam 3 of the sandstone goods with detailed coverage, human rights organizations have well come the u. s. decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights from the ha. so the story, the shortage of water is adding more misery to the live of tens of thousands of palestinians. the, the challenge is here with the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book about you watching out just a right click on mind about top stories here. this hour on his radio strike is damaged to school sheltering, displaced families and the southern institute. dozens of college demands with been seeking refuge in the custom site and now have nowhere one person's been killed in kenya. often the least confronted demonstrate is doing nationwide protests against plum tax reforms. police use move to kind of into, i guess, to discuss pounds me call them into nairobi. where and peace voted to move ahead with the lack of electricity and fuel means palestinians struggling to cook. the little food available in guns that many have resorted to using traditional play ovens. how do they done shape structures becoming increasingly common as products demands tried to feed their families. but that in the history reports turning to old traditions as a means of survival in the midst of war and famine. these young men are crafting
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a lifeline to counter israel's blockade. bad, uh, but does it have a big shot in us and we started making play opens 2 months after the war began to be seen as an opportunity to make a living. and also to provide people with a means to bake. as there is no electricity or cost people can use these opens for cooking, and there's been a very high demand. so traditional clay ovens have been a part of palestinian heritage for g and ration. but haven't been used on this scale for a very long time. i'll have a slot, i will kind of learn this across from my father if he wanted to be here with us today, but couldn't my father used to work with my own company was 16 years old. they stopped for a long time and cost. my tricity became widely available, but when the war returned, we went back to this craft from 6 am until the end of each day. this group is hard at work using a bucket to mold around the face with cement, and pouring straw and clay over the top,
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and then leaving it to solidify in the hot sun, low of one another. i'm assuming that this craft to save people are lost because there's no electricity that helps them cook and bake, or even grill food. if anything, this has save people a lot of trouble with the know the effects of the ongoing fuel and electricity shortage or more parents at night rescue crews are forced to use cellphone lights to search the rubble for victims. but for families it means modern cooking facilities don't work. increasingly the relying on clay ovens and firewood that oh, if i am with of course it is tired and it consumes a lot of firewood and even fire disappears. but what else can we do that i have no alternatives. we tried to adapter the situation even if we go back to using clay us as we all resilience people and think god, we try to adapt to the situation. no matter what. adapting the circumstances has become a daily reality, as people increasingly struggled to find food, water,
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and medicine. with few options, left resurgence of this family craft is helping to feed palestinians for desperate for an end to their sufferings. they dug out 0 no measure as military government has revoked the uranium money license of the french nuclear group around of the mine operated by the company was $1.00 of the world's biggest uranium deposits is the latest move towards cutting ties with funds. i'll just say it was off the interest of the story to the mind me license, i thought sort of old about the military unit that relates to the more word and mining side, which seats on 200000 tons of uranium. a metal used in the production of new energy, as well as nuclear weapons. it's the only side operated by the french mining company, or i know it also operates another mining site in our lead in the most of the country in the region of i get is the government to forgive you. the chinese, the ministry leader in new jersey had given or on the up to the 19th of june to mobilize, decide,
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or lose it slices the company side because already mobilized stuff. and my tv is to the side and lead infrastructure. so it's a full of june relationship between 1st i need for my company need you to try to rearrange it says the cool last year that piper gave you a general try me. and then we'd start to see how the relationship taught. started taking a nose dive when the french, the media didn't government for to the french. and both of their to leave adult was followed by the eviction of several hundreds of french soldiers based imager and disrupting down on a french basis image here. now it seems that the move or the action of the minute future task is also targeting print businesses, images. yeah, russian companies have indicated interest in the uranium mining site anymore. right . and we're seeing also applauding of a to just between russian businesses and the russian government as well as rushing messenger res image, which clip point to the direction. why these new license or them vices for people
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who are in maybe headed to how many degrees of do you see that you are paying nations and others pledge more than a $1000000000.00 for vaccine production in africa? it was amounts of an african vaccine. so much in power was attended by french president emmanuel, macro, a several african leaders. i'm 0. it's on the diego thoughts of the amazing of mines and phones promised old to enable african countries dependent on vaccines made abroad to access and produce that own. among those gathered here, health organizations and pharmacy to confirm an asset, say, meters, to make the content and most self sufficient. in the face of the next pandemic, left click, african manufacturers only 2 percent of the vaccines that to choose as you know, in the end that we have set for ourselves. is that by 204060 percent of vaccines out to be manufactured on the continent. more than $1000000000.00 has already been
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committed to the cause 3 quarters pledged by european countries and attempts they say to correct the mistakes of the post. the, when the cousin 19 vaccine was being distributed around the world, africa was one of the last places where it was rolled out. vaccine nationalism well, welfare countries pushed access and potentially hold production was blamed. creating no totally deeper in the quantities, but also allowing for further mutations and countries with lower vaccination rates . despite the kofax initiative that enabled low to middle income countries access to the vaccines callbacks, help us to reach the wireless porters and most by medical faster then we would have otherwise. but not fast enough. there is no doubt that the delays in reaching loading come countries and communities we instructions cost lives. and it's
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not just cobit that's been dudley on the continent. malaria kills more than 90000 people. yeah. well then, 6000 to have died in the current color outbreak across eastern and southern africa . the largest death totally new is 40 percent of those fatalities recorded among children. on the 5 years of age, exacerbated by flooding and regions with access to vaccines is most vital. the project teams to secure more than 800000000 vaccine doses produced locally across africa over the next decade. an achievement that would be some way to address the an equality that continues to overshadow. health care around the world . san diego. oh to 0. protest is in the front city of ran matched against the rise of the far right on thursday, around 1500 people to the streets, to protest against the surge of the far right and national riley potty. it was
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spoilt by coal from unions and political groups across the country. 6 commodities disrupted by classes between young demonstrators and the police. you know, around 17000000 people in the united states. so facing heat deluxe is extreme temperatures affect regions from a north west to new york. rescue teams have been deployed on both sides of the us border with mexico to help migrants attempting to cross on the scorching sun. a migrant was found dead in the desert and you'll see a dead juarez in mexico, allegedly because of extreme heat temperatures. temperatures are expected to hit 43 degrees celsius under the new seat weighs. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is don't try to cross you legally and don't go through the desert. we'll ask that from the dial in jordan,
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you kind of goes find much more information on our website down to 0 dot com. there it is on the screen. the web is next to the inside. so it discusses will crimes, accusations against as well. and color groups spectrum. and thanks for watching the the, you're welcome to look at the international full cost and we'll start with a little check up on the progress softly she is monsoon range. the blue line shows where the rains currently live, just to the south of goods or right running across towards the pots. so the bab and go and pushing a little further north, which you can see there's a bit of a lack there. that black line shows where it should be, so the res haven't quite settled across the northern plains as much as we would like to see at this present time. so if any of them pulls a off of the north and east up towards the northwest, we've got
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a scattering of showers. that device monsoon rice, i was just hoping to know the edge of those temperatures, but it's still very hot. nevertheless, central pot sinks and break it down pools over the next. i'm sorry, western got sol assessing lobby shots. i also into sh lanka range not as intense. they should be somewhat disappointing here at taking a little bit of a breather. lots of dry weather. meanwhile, across the arabian peninsula, temperatures into the 4th is for many of cost down around mobile immaculate, around $41.00 celsius. touching those sort of temperatures across the eastern side, ultimate. it's right and still pulling and see a seats in place here. as similar attempted to the for the northeast of africa as
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the central africa, plenty of showers in place, but not as heavy as i go to be. the us again, israel is accused of committing rule crimes against palestinians this time by you and by the commission of inquiry. it says, unless is october attacks didn't happen in a vacuum listing. and i'm groups also received a share of the blame, but who will enforce the accountability. this is the inside story.


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