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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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all the scenes in move in gaza where these videos, he has a talk to a residential neighborhood in the heart of casa city. many fee. 4 the hello, this is your life from doha. i'm showing you that people also coming up as well as far right ministers is allows outreach. these is more power to 8 expansion of the legal settlements in the occupied by spanish. and that was sent back for french, interested in the sa hale news as military government revolts, a license or
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a major uranium mines and allies on top. wow. and awareness campaign about the one, guys i is inspiring environment lots of is seen in the nation. the thank you for joining as we begin with harrowing scenes out of northern guys. so here's the moment these really shells hit a residential area right in the heart of casa city. in the aftermath of the attack, palestinians living in the area were scenes crumbling for whatever color they could find is understood, a number of people were killed in the strike with many others, wounded ambulances have been trying to collect danger, but hospitals in the area already stretched to a breaking point,
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they're only 3 partially functioning. hospitals, there is around his body, the entry of life state and suffice to the most of the guys will strip 4 weeks. now, let's get the latest wave honey. my mode who's in down the line for us in central gaza. thomas about these latest attacks, honey, in the north and their impact yes, well these really military continues to strike across the guster with more relentless air strikes in the northern part of this trip and mainly around the area of why do you have that? that's the southern part of weird is really military, is how the station major part of its occupying force is on the ground. that's an extreme in our section that connects the law. i'd be involved in the eastern. 1 although we would the cost of wood in western part of gauze of city, and that's where in the area where people on daily basis get together. and they are either be waiting for a to trucks or try to find a way to go back to their homes. that is really monetary also in separate attacks,
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targeted municipality public facility. that's a garage for the trucks and the equipment use bikes, unit gather municipality, and please do for the clean up and for removing rumbles and threats of from the streets out because of the ongoing or tell her is on bombing that has been blocking the roads of major roads, all of gauze on a city 5, you report it goes, 4 of them happens to be in the ways that of the municipality. and this is not the 1st time we're seeing people being deliberately targeted. because the are either employees of the municipality, or the are at the r 8 workers or the some how the are part of and existing a chart the organization on the ground on an edition. in addition to the constant and deliberate tax on law enforcement person over trying to secure the delivery of a, these really monetary also continue sincerely hours of this morning with its r taylor's heavy artillery. the eastern part of this trade, the,
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from the northern city has been handling all the way through the door of i city and near uh, along the, the philadelphia core door. it's part of the what this really military is conducting on the ground, the establishment of a buffer zone along these trends and borders of the, of the gaza strip. also in drop off city. these really military continues to push deeper into 5 major areas, including a shovel or a refugee camp where it's believe, according to reports we heard there's a heavy confrontations and flashes when palestinian resistance finding grooves and is really military also, and eastern hon units where people to try to get back to their homes, are being constantly fired out and shut out by the the troops and by is very occupying forces groups i, based in part of the city. so attacks across the causes trip once again and this relentless bombardment, honey is causing the collapse of the health care system in guys that but
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particularly in the know the situation is very di, because a monetary and aid hasn't gotten to the area in weeks now. yes it has been explained then slowly becoming worse than each passing day. what were with this thing is a complete obliteration off the health care system. in the northern part of this strip right now, we need talks about this. we have work off of a ship out or the indonesian hospital come out like one hospitalized. it does not constitute that these health facilities are going to get. # on track any time soon its what they offer right now is some of the most basic basic health care services . not major one that definitely not prepared for large influx of injuries. these are the cases. 1 mountain nutrition and they enforce the hype ration inside the causing large number of people to be at the hospital or receive a treatment. but unfortunately,
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because of the destruction of the health care system, these facilities are unable to provide anything, nothing serious type of the ongoing obstruction. the ongoing restriction of humanitarian aid, including medical supplies and food supplies are making it very difficult for these hosp because the sustain operation that has been 40 days since the crossing being taken over by it is really military. there is complete the closure on the rough. i crossing the only project right now that is partially done. that's it. close to 5 percent only. it's often and allowing it's a human interior and trucks and a and promotion. it's where the vast majority happens to be commercial trucks and list on the humanitarian it trucks. and these a goods end up in the market in which people are able to, to buy because they cannot afford. it's the, the, the, the cost of it. it's a, it's triple 8, the price isn't there, storing so far. the altogether is putting more pressure on the health care system
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with the spread of diseases right now. the hospital are unable to provide any health care services whatsoever. honey, thank you very much for the update. connie has to be heart the hovering of that drone, the threatening sandals, that drone hovering over you there. honey. my more to live in darrow bloss central gas in southern guys. i meanwhile, as honey mentioned, is really as strikes have damaged, her school sheltering display. some of these after building next to it came under attack. it happened in con eunice. dozens of palestinians would been seeking refuge in the castle, save the destruction means they have no way to sleep. these really ami targeted refugee camps in central gas. i overnight killing at least 3 people and wounding tasks. as long as you can see the classroom where we shelters damaged, i don't know where we will sleep. we are 25 people in this classroom. look at how
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damage it is. look at our sleeping area, where will we sleep? we don't know. we might have to sleep in the yard. while for the children of guys is are as well, has turned schools into places of shelter rather than learning. $625000.00 young palestinians have been out of school for more than 8 months. guys, as children make up nearly 16000 of the more than 37000 people killed students october the 7th. 8 agency c i for the 3 and a half 1000 kids, all malnourished. and on the brink of death, an estimate of $17000.00 young palestinians have lost one or both of their parents . and you say the rave children are struggling to cope. and some of them are suicidal. oh yeah, i spoke with our damon who is the founder and president of the n g o. inara. what operating in gaza? she says the scale of the devastation inside the strip is unlike anything, humanitarian work has that experience and, and it's exponentially more dire or more desperate if that is even possible. and
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what you have on top of, you know, this ongoing psychological obliteration when it comes to both the adults and also the children is the sort of ominous under tone. and that is this increase that, you know, we're seeing. but that is also being reported in looting and criminal activity because what one needs to understand and this is something that tragically happens . you know, when we're talking about any sort of war dynamic with this level of deprivation of the basic necessities needed for human life. and that is that you see the moral code beginning to road. and so, you know, i was talking to a father yesterday who was telling me that his 5 year old son imagine just 5 years old coming up to him and saying, you know, daddy, maybe it would have been better if we had just died and stayed at home rather than having to live like this, and he was further talking about how, you know, the next war is going to happen once the bomb stop. and you hear this repeatedly
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over and over again. there is the war within each individual because a lot of people will tell you that right now, despite all of this madness, all of this tragedy is also providing a certain level of a distraction from the true measure of the scale, the scope of everything that has been lost and you have children that are beginning to exhibit all sorts of signs of severe and traumatic psychological distress. and when it comes to specifically be surmounted terry, and such are no one who works within the humanitarian sector. has really been confronted, you know, with, with this level of need and loss because the traumas are still ongoing because the triggers are constantly there. you know, the buzz of the drones is sort of like this is ongoing tons of o you think you've survived about weight that can still come when we talk about interactions for children. very much really focuses in the space of providing a distraction. so it's activities. you know, like play like music, dancing, but then what we're also trying to do is provide children with, you know,
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basic educational kits. but then you have, you know, other things as well that, that we're trying to get into gaza. but that have actually been been stuck for the last 2 and a half months now pretty much ever since that up on the border cross. and that is things like children's shoes, just driving to this location this morning. you see children don't have shoes, were running around barefoot in areas where there are sewage, you have this growing increase of, you know, disease. and then you have this very sort of basic reality. and that is that when a child is scared or in pain, they turn to their parents to try to find comfort these very basic killers of stability have been fully eradicated for children. so what we try to do is build them up in the various way possible. but when you talk to children, they don't use the rhetoric the language of children anymore. they use the language of adults. and that is extraordinarily jarring to see and to experience and to witness. in other development,
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sees really military has transferred significant legal powers to pro sadler employees in the occupied westbank and order posted on his website transfers responsibility for civil administration by laws to people working for is really fun . right. minister, there's a lot small traits. the move also includes planning and construction, which will make it easy to expand the legal ways, really settlements that speak to no day about this. she is live in rome. i lined the occupied westbank, the significance new office. what does it mean for control of civil administration? laws to now be in the hands of those working for his rouse, extreme right, financed based it will follow you. what this means is that the israeli government has basically mainstreamed and streamlined. the amex ation of the occupied westbank treating is rarely supplements which are legal under international law as any other is rarely city. and this is really an honest translation of the coalition agreement. 9 separate articles in that coalition
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agreement of the most far right government. it is really a history. what's amex ation of the west bank as its primary objective? and that's exactly what smart search has done. he's put in place in the is really government bureaucracy. the mechanisms to take over the land to facilitate the expansion of these illegal supplements, but also very strategically to fight palestinian construction and agriculture in about 60 percent of the occupied westbank. so it will become older, more difficult for palestinians to access their land, to build homes, to expand their communities, to get to their crops when they need to. and that is basically the strategic impact of this step. it's not just a minute administrative stuff, but small trips to slipped by in a rogue measure. it is
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a translation of that coalition agreement, then something the world has said repeatedly, right, was unacceptable. because onyx ation is treated as a crime. talk to us about the lay of the land. so those of, of, of us who may not be familiar. what's happening in the occupied westbank. know how much control does the is really army have over the occupied westbank and how to palestinians even start to defend their non then their rights in the occupied with . and that's a very important question. finally, because the occupied westbank is basically under the complete control of the is rarely army. 61 percent of that territory is under its direct control, military and civilian. the palestinian authority controls nearly 39 percent of the rest of the of the west bank. but we have to remember that this really army comes and goes as it pleases, even in that 39 percent. these really army gives up permits to palestinians if they
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need to construct their homes they, they control whether they can access their land in that 61 percent. then what this measure does is basically trans for control from the is really army to the, is really government removing any semblance of temporary, of the temporary nature. that occupation should have and making an exploration not creeping, not the fact. so as many have been warning over the years, but very, very real new or thank you very much for that. that's nor, or they live that in ramallah any occupied westbank and staying in the occupied westbank is really forces of stone. the town of a live near to korea, they rated and searched a number of houses. several policy needs have been detained. elsewhere these really military arrested 8 men after reading blood, also in refugee camp north of ramallah. soldiers searched a number of homes in the county, armenia as soon as it has formerly recognize an independent palestinian states in
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a statement its foreign ministry said, reaching a 2 state solution is the only way to ensure that palestinians and israelis can realize in legitimate aspirations, spain island sylvania and no way made a similar move last month. joining more than a $140.00 you and member states that have recognized palestinian statehood last month, i believe, is from nations including khattab, palestine, and jordan, attended as somebody, madrid spain formerly recognized palestine, statehood cutoffs for administer, chef mohammed, bin of vermont. all funny is visiting spain, where he has once again commended them. so me a smith and how they have such a lot to do, you felt that the significance of this step is not only symbolic, improves the palestinians have rights. it sends that message to other countries not to use double standards. we've unfortunately seen a lot of cases where decisions are made based on the, the city of the aggressor and the victim. and that should not be accepted in this
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day. and i just, if you any, we want to show you some live pictures from jordan's capital oman. now these are the scenes that hundreds of people are rallying in amman in support of palestinians in gaza. protesters are marching through the streets, holding banners. as you can see and also chatting slogans. they are around 2500000 palestinian refugees in jordan. israel has denied them the right to return to that historic home that still had on the program extreme hate united states migraines at the border with mexico and those suffering the most. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that it slots out to donald trump? now? i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this page both ukraine's
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a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment no one can build offices reach inside story . on al jazeera, the, the . ringback the interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, a unique the correct, but so is the international community upfront. only without the
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you're watching out you 0 live from doha. reminder about top stories, a large number of casualties have been reported after, and he's really a talk on guy's the city people listings crumbling for kind of when he's ready, shouts, he's a residential square. people are struggling to get all of these at the hospital. and the strikes as damaged as cool sheltering display. sammy's in the southern city of con eunice in garza, dozens of thomas needs have been seeking refuge in the past when say they now have no way of this. and these really military, a transfer significant legal powers to pro cetera employees in the occupied westbank move also includes planning and construction which will make it easier to
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expand illegal. these really settlements and other well use use as many terry government has revoked the uranium mines license of french nuclear group oriano. the company operates several sites in each area, including one of the was largest deposits of uranium. mining was frozen bad when uranium prices collapse after the for pushing the nuclear disaster in japan. new sharon has promised to revoke a ronald's license if work failed to stop. this has highlighted tensions between the 2 and the informa colonial power funds. and it's not just me share or commercial interest military leaders in book, you know, fossil and money. i've also asks french troops to leave the countries. the 3 west african nations have also pulled out of the french box regional g 5 security force . fighting on to groups in the file and us french influence declines. russia has stepped up to fill. the gap is, wagner mercenaries have been on the group on the ground providing security in some
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areas while we spoke to of last thing about this is he had a visa health program at the conrad and add a new or a foundation. and he explains why he share is moving away from france and varying towards russia. it. yes and uh, maybe sign it breaks phones. i mean especially the issue around you must be very. ready contentious insurance has been accused of the extra charges on the, on, on these are the price is tax exemption. is that the only issue? no. the government branches financing nothing, especially for the nation to get this license to take it away from the french that they are offering. yeah. the most and there was a military corporation, poplar equipment and united used to be onto the cool. nice. yeah. you know, a major part of your. ready you know, training programs providing improvement rationally i think just get and they also
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often use jamante and causes the neighbors. you get a lot of times i suspect this palms or do you know it is nice and good to go to russian company. it will start on this just sign lease. okay, apologies. you know, the copies are cash strips, they don't have cash, but they provide radio solution. i think the russians, they play it's marketing and just plain no credit on your thoughts. i'm the mistakes or this miniaturization, rationalizing often you. ready much more successful than most of the defense of the rest of the cost of the product. it's pete more than $5000.00 soldier. now there was this re side kind of just money news. yeah. awesome. and maybe you're 1000 for russian. so i'm not sure if i make much of a difference, but it's 9 was the inside guy. so they didn't do my way home from the west, you know, orientate yourself towards moscow. they suspended on political cartoons and you
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know, basically ended termination to 0 and also 0 in the. ready space, so to get a civil society to complain all some restrictions. so it's assuming that big the also also there's a lot of support in new jersey and, you know, if i'm running for the june, just because they really want to break this file z, these military that they have fresh don't. what prevents in their countries basically becomes, you know, phase states, south korea has some of the russian ambassador in protests against a new security deal between north korea and moscow on a st. visit, appealing young this week. present 14 signed an agreement with kim john owens legend. mutual defense support you a secretary of state down to the blinking as also condemned the new treaty as a threat to regional p. sensibilities. flashes and bass sort of dis off career has responded. same threats against most close relations with young young are
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unacceptable. torrential, rain and flooding has try get an imagined see response in eastern china. intense down force force evacuation of thousands of people in on we province with photos. as we used to bring craft presidents to save c l square flooding damage crops, roads and infrastructure with a maintenance emergency measures. in more than a dozen tasks, the heat alerts has been issued for around 70000000 people in the united states. extreme temperatures, us washing regions from the northwest to new york rescue teams have been deployed on both sides of the us border with mexico. a migraine to was found dead in the deserts near stupid out of water is apparently from heat stroke. us photo officials at least one migrant as die from the heat every day last week in the possible region. forecast is of one temperatures of up to $43.00 degrees celsius are expected in the coming days. we would highly encourage people to use the port of
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entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is don't try to cross the legally and don't go through the desert. indonesians are taking a page from the old eyes on rasa, viral campaign, to raise awareness about the threat to forest seeing the west poplar region. indigenous tribes and palm or companies are locked in a legal battle in the supreme court. barnaby low, re for some chicata. the members of indonesia is how you in more communities from west popple province travelled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court to save their forest. but we will be left with nothing. if bomb oil companies are allowed to operate, we are worried about the bomb will waste polluting our sources of life. a video of
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this demonstration in late may has be shared online. along with it, a poster with the hash tag, all lies on popcorn. the campaigns, creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies on brought the image which went viral after the is really army bump, a 10 camp in southern god, killing at least $45.00 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if we support people abroad, we also need to support at brothers and sisters at home. indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil and ingredients and products ranging from chocolate toothpaste. millions of hector supreme force had been cleared for it's called evasion and production. the government stop issuing permits in 2011 companies wanting to produce palm oil in what are considered virgin for us. said wanted to balance economic and environmental concerns. after the say, the cases before the supreme court ar test of the governments political will
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populous force are largely intact. but the area being contested in court is nearly twice the size of jakarta. hans, how we need to initiate this one is the palm oil industry is good for the economy. we think it's big enough for us. it is if they want to expand their business, they should make use of technology instead of clearing more land. industry leaders say the support the moratorium, but the concessions granted before 2011, such as the ones facing legal challenges may be exempted in the gospel and we'd be far a good software man can. if i lucian department, me. so uh, the bank on the golf for many of bro to you uh, defined, seen you are the oh you annoyed people are hoping public support online will persuade the supreme court to rule in their favor. find below al jazeera jakarta, this and that is in use for now on al jazeera in the states from me. slowly back to bo, stay with us for inside story. next, which discusses both times,
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accusations against israel and promising involves thank you for watching. not just the the color we have some very big down polls expect to the cross part so, but create peninsula easing across japan. over the next couple of days, we go with the menu from the suicide river of low pressure hit just off show how to into the moving out to the most of the north west pacific. o drag. i swear a little further northwards at east was pushed. some really heavy right into south korea that could cause some flash flooding for a time. southern passage panels. i think some very heavy down pools. centralized china. then let's say some big and heavy showers here over the next day or so. and again, we are looking at the possibility of some flooding, just rolling through body shop as to just making the man to the northeast of china
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and just running up towards that north korea. we'll see if that by the way, reference to the southern half of japan as we go on to the next day, we'll say something off of india along with slang guessing some very heavy showers monsoon race. now just run to the south of good iraq, just running across to a southern areas of additional, heavier down posted in place across the pots. so fun with us, of tools found northeast of india and quite as heavy as they have been recently. but they us, the less never the less the monsoon range they have, like the little as we go through the next couple of days. we should see those showers just pushing a little further north was, but the heaviest down pulls for the last thing gets the a meeting of minds all over the world. the rise of $84.00 is the climate catastrophe. where do you put the resulting and well, i'm hoping we can use that as the fuel to change society. so that's a musical innovative brian, you know, meets renowned economies. hardoon chang,
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talked to that sort of, most of the funniest economies in the world. i don't have any competition. judy, i'd be on split data analysis era. yes. again, israel is accused of committing rule crimes against palestinians this time by you and bikes, commission of inquiry, says, unless is october attacks didn't happen in a vacuum listing, and i'm groups also received a share of the plane. but who will enforce? accountability is inside story. the welcome to the program and the bulk of a report by a u and by commission of inquiry funds as well has committed war crimes and crimes that.


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