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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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are they going to have the surface behaviors look, got us into this problem? and surface behavior will not get us out of this from the the, on the bulk of this is the news life. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, the, the following scenes in northern gauze or whether use radio army has attacked a residential neighborhood in the hearts of gaza. city. at least 21 people have been killed across the strip will be live in the north with alexis. is there
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anything special forces is carried out to a raid in the city of calc here in the occupied westbank getting at least 2 palestinians is or as far right minister does allow, small true seizes more power to aid the expansion of an eagle settlements in the occupied westbank. 2 at allies on pop up with awareness campaign about the war on gaza is inspiring environmental activists in indonesia is fully anal, messes, argentine not have made a winning thought. i'd be called by america. the reigning changes being canada to now with argentine now targeting a subs consecutive major title. the thanks for joining us. we begin with hiring the scenes of northern gods and he is the moment is ready. shells. he's a residential area right in the hoss of gauze. the city
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will be optimal, so is that attack a pile of senior living in the area? we're seeing scrambling for whatever cover they could find is understood. a number of people were killed in the strike with many others wounded ambulances. they've been trying to collect the image it, but hospitals and the arrow already stretched to breaking point. they're only 3 partially functioning hospitals that as well as part of the entry of live saving supplies to the north for weeks. now will that spring in mos i'll colors who's in northern gauze or far as live mocked? can you tell us about least strikes? they hit northern guns and this morning. well it's, it's a clear the, the intensity of bump showing has increase in the past few days and nothing doesn't gauze and city as that is why the forces targeted different separated residential houses and blocks in both at gods and city ends often goes to the so
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a 8 killed and including a 5, not as simple as the wall cuz it would have been killed. why they are doing their duties in the headache. want to o a b minus simple. if you guys are to, in the sense that olga city also 7 and have been killed as a result of and is what 80 is twice as a to neighborhood. and this like eh, killed 7 including 3 children and one women also dozens had been killed and uh, got injured as a result of uh, different, super rated, functioning and also read all over. nothing does a city and the guy, the city itself. and this is, by the way, the daily routines we are experiencing every day in the nothing does a, by the way a more i can see a little section of the,
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this is severe damage just behind you. the describe for us, if you will, what life is like the in northern gauze, or at the moment as well. the all the, all situations here, nothing. garza is die as a nothing into to the nothing does what the forces of preventing keep preventing the axes of any human story need to the nothing does this trip. and by the way, i'm talking to film the market over here, which is considered the main and only market after that is what any forces destroyed. did you buy this central market and the shield once and 12 market, as you can see behind me, i'm talking to from the market itself. and at this store you choose to be a very commercial, but related this to it. as you can see, it's totally empty. sellers has, oh, have nothing to offer. there is no unabridged couples of food to uh for,
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for civility is and if there is any humanitarian aid that enters to the nothing goes through, it will not be the extensive needs of the relation. uh, yeah. and this uh, its cost details need d o v i o v. uh, excuse me, the, the product to justify why the, the, uh, came in at one hospital is full of malnutrition cases. so as you can see, all of this as costa t o will to add it to the product at vegetables and fruit just because the, as a default is keep imposing and tightening the siege all over and double. and they bought a sinews here and nothing goes as drugs at extraordinary level of damage on many levels them off, many things that month i'll include reporting from northern kinds of them as well
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in southern gaza is randy as strikes on a building has damaged a nearby school sheltering displaced families that happened in the city of con eunice. dozens of other seniors have been seeking refuge in the classroom. say that instruction means they now have nowhere to sleep. this way, the army targeted refugee come since central gauze over night, can at least 3 people and wounding dozens. as long as you can see the classroom where we shelters damaged, i don't know where we will sleep. we are 25 people in this classroom. look at how damage it is. look at our sleeping area. where will we sleep? we don't know. we might have to sleep in the yard. all right, let's go to central 1000 darrow by a hint, cody is standing by there. she joins us now live and, and she was saying more strikes and cottage and gauze, a city. what more can you tell us about well,
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let me tell you about the community or strike yesterday in the school. let us let it be clear that gaza is a 365 square kilometers area where buildings are attached to each other. hospitals or i talk to schools are attached to houses. it's very crowded, and the continues displacements made everything worse. so there has been a couple of our strengths on different schools, not the schools themselves, but the schools have been severely damaged by extracts targeting the facilities of the areas. and con eunice, the vicinity of announcer hospital has been at targeted and hundreds of families where it says to ring in that school people were sleeping at night. they were transferring him to school. but people also do not have any place to at that to seek shelter in some people at took shelter in hospitals. other took child services,
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but there has been intensive airstrikes across the causal strip. so palestinians are left unable to find a place safe. and also another a vicinity of a school. in the northern gauze, us reports also targeted an hour ago where 5 had a sinews where it kills to palestinians are left helpless. they do not know what's better. should i go in the 10th or should i go to a school or should i go to someone's house, or should i stay in the street? so palestinians do not feel safe in any other places, but there has been also endless stripes across the causes true from the south to the north at targeting different residential homes in different areas and at least 20 see one palestinian according to the palestinian ministry of us have been killed in the past 24 hours. it has been, as you say it, that'd be 24 hours from both north to the south of the causes trip hinge many thanks by including reporting from the al bala. now for the children of gaza.
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israel's war has turned schools into places of shelter rather than learning. 625000 young palestinians have been out of school for little bit. 8 months. goes as children make up nearly 16000 of them more than 37000 people killed since october. the 7th agencies say for the 3 and a half 1000 kids. the mile. nourished and on the brink of death and an estimated $17000.00 young palestinians have lost one or both of their parents. and then as you say, you believe children are struggling to cope and some of them are even suicidal area . we spoke to all the diamond. she's a founder and president of the n g o i n a r y in ma, appraising and gaza. she says the scale of the devastation inside the strip is unlike anything. humanitarian workers have experience before. and it's exponentially more dire or more desperate if that is even possible. and what you have on top of you know,
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this ongoing psychological obliteration when it comes to both the adults and also the children is the sort of ominous under tone. and that is, this increase that, you know, we're seeing, but that is also being reported and looting and criminal activity because what one needs to understand and this is something that tragically happens. you know, when we're talking about any sort of war dynamic with this level of deprivation of the basic necessities needed for human life. and that is that you see the moral code beginning to road. and so, you know, i was talking to a father yesterday who was telling me that his 5 year old son imagine just 5 years old coming up to him and saying, you know, daddy, maybe it would have been better if we had just died and stayed at home rather than having to live like this, and he was further talking about how, you know, the next war is going to happen once the bomb stop. and you hear this repeatedly over and over again. there is the war within each individual because
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a lot of people will tell you that right now, despite all of this madness all of this tragedy, it's also providing a certain level of a distraction from the true measure, the scale, the scope of everything that has been lost and you have children that are beginning to exhibit all sorts of signs of severe and traumatic psychological distress. and when it comes to specifically the humana terry instructor. no one who works within the humanitarian sector has really been confronted, you know, with, with this level of need and loss because the traumas are still ongoing because the triggers are constantly there. you know, the buzz of the drones is sort of like, this is ongoing tons of o you think you've survived, but we can still come when we talk about interactions for children. very much really focuses in the space of providing a distraction. so it's activities, you know, like play like music, dancing, but then what we're also trying to do is provide children with, you know, basic educational kits. but then you have, you know, other things as well that,
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that we're trying to get into gaza. but that have actually been been stuck for the last 2 and a half months now pretty much ever since that up on the border cross. and that is things like children's shoes, just driving to this location this morning. you see children don't have shoes, were running around barefoot in areas where there's sewage, you have this growing increase of, you know, disease. and then you have this very sort of basic reality. and that is that when a child is scared or in pain, they turn to their parents to try to find comfort these very basic killers of stability have been fully eradicated for children. so what we try to do is build them up in the barest way possible. but when you talk to children, they don't use the rhetoric the language of children anymore. they use the language of adults and that is extraordinarily jarring to see and to experience. and to witness was our diamond that while at least 2 policy needs have been killed by is ready for us is who opened firewood a vehicle in the occupied westbank?
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the shooting took place in the northern city of kalki, the red crescent official, the scene told out as they were, the disarray, the forces prevented his team from approaching the cart and assisting the engine is ready. military has transferred significant legal powers to pro secondary employees and the occupied westbank would have posted on this website transfers responsibility for civil administration bylaws to people working for his right the far right minutes to best allow smoke change. the move also includes planning and construction, which will make it easy to expand. illegal is where the sacraments will. 61 percent of you will defined westbank is on the direct is right. the military or civilian control room. they were more than $260.00 illegal sacraments, or outposts in the area of the c. m is around the proof construction of, of the 3 and a half 1000 housing units. and then an unprecedented move. washington has sanctioned is where the settlers and entities involved in violence against palestinians. the u. k. kind of the in the you have done the same. you and human
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rights chief is one of a drastically deteriorating situation and the occupied westbank pointing to the killing of some $528.00 palestinians, including a $133.00 children since october, no other day as live for us in ramallah and the occupied westbank, i know what's the latest festival on this raid and calculate well, as far as the company is concerned, we know that the is rarely forces that ambush that car and killed the 2 men. we have no confirmation yet about their names. they took that car and the bodies of the 2 men that were killed. a 3rd passer by was rescued by paramedic and is now receiving treatment in the hospital where there is suspicion that at least one of those who was killed in kentucky is a, an activist in the palestinian islamic jihad wanted by israel. his parents had been repeatedly detained by is really force as a, as
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a way to apply pressure on him to surrender himself, but again, or waiting for confirmation on the names from palestinian sources. but know, attending to this maybe by these ready ministry. what does it now mean for control of civil administration laws to, to be in the hands of those working for israel is extreme right wing finance minister. best of all, smudge a while it means that the amex ation of the occupied westbank, which is at the core of the coalition agreement of this is really government is now in full force. and regardless of who mans these positions and right now of the people operating at that department are loyal to smotts rich, their settlers themselves and active in organizations that come about palestinian presence in 60 percent of the occupied westbank. but right now what this does is formalize the annexation is streamline it. treat illegal is really supplements and
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the occupied to us back as they would any palace to any is really a city inside israel proper. and we've heard over the past months from you on experts and international law experts warning about creeping annexation about the legality of that antics ation. well now it's here in full force and the international court of justice that just a few months ago heard from over 50 countries about supplements. and amex ation will have to render a decision in the coming months about the legality of the entirety of israel's occupation. but based on these practices, it basically makes the case for those saying that israel's presence in the west back is altogether illegal because it is becoming permanent, not temporary, as any occupation should be. yeah, it sounds like it's going from a creeping annexation to a sweet thing. i think station that, nor many things that node in ramallah. now the real estate answering, blinking is, won't destroy any government officials to avoid further escalation what it has been
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on 11 on us is trying to ease regional tensions early this week. the on groups lead a one is fine, is we're ready for why the war and this way, the army said it had to prove plans for 11 on offensive. the 2 sides have been exchanging fire across the board, us since october. but attacks have intensified in the past week and has blown, has released a video of it, so shows a new kind of attack. drum explosive drone was used a nice try calling us ray the military base and latuda on the border with 11 on. so in a honda reports from maggio june in southern lebanon on has bull as use of arms drones for the 1st time. the tit for tat exchange of fire along the 11 on israel border continues. it is as a lower intensity than what we witness last week, but nevertheless that is still an active front line, has velo releasing video showing that it's used for the 1st time. an arm drawn the
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f p v, a targeting and is ready military position close to the border and in particular, targeting a system that detects drones. what has the law has been doing in recent weeks and months really is target surveillance equipment as well as iron. don't batteries the, this is the anti, you know, anti mishandled defense system of to try to we can is rouse defenses has the law is also trying to show the is really, is what it can do and how it can hurt it if it decides to widen the conflict along the border, israel has as of late been threatening, a wider confrontation is, has beloved does not pull back from the border a few days ago. or us envoy wasn't able to, you know, it. and his message really til ebony is officials was that it as well as serious about widening this conflict. but as well um is um, is being defiant,
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saying it will not hold the fighting until there is a permanent ceasefire in garza. so the situation along this border is dangerous. the us describes it as serious. these are critical times a war, a wider more may not be inevitable because both sides know that they can, you know, rick destruction on each other. but nevertheless, it is a serious situation. then there i was was either so their loved or not. i mean yes . as for me, recognize an independent palestinian state and a statement it's foreign ministry said reaching a 2 state solution is the only way to ensure the palestinians and israelis couldn't realize the legitimate aspirations, spain islands to be in the new away made a similar move last month joining more than a 140 you and member states that have recognized palestinian state. now last month, i believe is from nations including casa or palestine, and jordan attended the summit in madrid when spring fully recognized palestinian statehood cuts us 5 minutes to shake. mohammad been of durham on alt honey is
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visiting spain while he commended the move, a me estimate and how they have something. what about the default of the significance of this step is not only symbolic, improves the palestinians have rights. it sends that message to other countries not to use double standards. we've unfortunately seen a lot of cases where decisions are made based on the, the city of the aggressor and the victim. and that should not be accepted in this day and age. these are the scenes, the to the indian capital m on my hundreds of people in raleigh, in support of palestinians, indigo. so test as amounting through the streets waving binders and charging slogans around 2 and a half 1000000 palestinian refugees in jordan as well as tonight. and the right to return to that historic homeland the sub and use to people have been killed and more than 300 injured in kenya of the
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police. confronted demonstrators during nationwide protests against plan tax reforms. protests of now cool for a nationals trying to oppose the tax increase. thousands of young people most peacefully in cities across the country on the 1st day. and the capital nairobi, police find t, a gas, and use water cannon to disperse the cause. despite protests, the controversial finance bill, positive 2nd reading in parliament. oh, okay. well let's take a closer look at the proposed legislation. can use being cast strapped and is struggling with a cost of living costs is present william roots. i wanted to increase taxes to raise $2700000000.00 to reduce the budget deficits in the country that spot fuel re, among mostly young canyons. many of them came to occupied parliament to show the rage on tuesday when those demonstrations prompted. root types of scrap the plans for multiple levies, but now he's planning to increase prizes and fuel res, export tax instead of us. the gumbo is joining us now for my robi has
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a constitutional lawyer. i thank you very much for your time. so the process of turn deadly, we know of at least one demonstrates a reportedly short then that's according to the police and the central business district of nairobi. um, also the presence of a spent cartridges, implying the use of live rounds as a specialist yourself on good governance. what is the site to you about how well this is being handled as well. thank you so much. what is emerging present thinking yeah. with the civic resistance or disobedience with the respects to vote for the finance being the 2024 demonstrates a clear political consciousness, especially amongst the people because most of the day one street us today and it is a 19 the 35. and they use kind of gone to a type of response by. ready they are so good job besides using lives, words instead of going to give us to the constitutional spirit that under
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construction and providing some good lunches, the right to be good for demonstrate the rights to for people to it's to, to, to come out. and just to be assumed individually, by way of the rights. and so i think it goes against the established known as an international human rights stand up and loans when security officers use lives. blips try, i'm going to assume because of the dns in the country. i imagine that for there is a very real risk of the flaming tensions further because as you say, live rounds of pits are being used on, on, on civilians. yes. and presently political things and the money into which these mobilization and organization is the $50.00 k didn't happening on layman using social media and destroy the body. so something to flips
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and especially being prevented by the people and you politically, the police work, but it's not a blaming these products. and it shows that there is a way in which this, for this. so going to get a job because of the emerging political bunch of this, amongst the people, and it spreads across the country because so far we have seen each happening in various focus, old dominion tones in the country. each made it way. i mean, it's going she and she has unconscious, as the ones on the part of government to listen to the canyons to dissenters, the corners, to listen to these young people so that it does not lead to what is what's really being feared as an uprising in the comparable ways of that up spring. much of this may not get there just yet. but i've seen the young people in this country and struggled as to whether the private sector, etc. right? wants to be listened to. you talk about the responsibility drive of someone to jump
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in when you talk about the responsibility of the government to have a conscience when it comes to the tax hikes levied upon the civilians of the country. now of course, trying to raise $2700000000.00 to reduce the budget deficit. these are the instructions to the i m f. i wonder if the i'm f also shared responsibility in making sure i'll stay with the measures don't worse than political instability there. well, the institutions our physical button us for the past very many years. and when we know that, well that, that's kind of partnership is very important. the kind of the restrictions on times that come from they may have the bank of various conditions a time spent, watson because the government has got to attend to those. uh conditionality is and why do we appreciate this debt of that you've got to produce standing of 60 percent of the g to be and also looking at the kind of government revenue collection of
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from which 59 percent goes to that your payment. and it demonstrates how can you be, has been in physical challenges over the bus for most of aides. and therefore, the government has got to make a critical decisions that i am able to go to the question at about the plate of games, especially with the state of the economy and the contents themselves meet the position godaddy does on how the economy needs to be managed by way of uh, balancing development needs and district payment. java. so pick out about constitutional lawyer speaking to us from i right. be very good to hear analysis on that. thank you. thank you so much lounge as ministry government as revokes the uranium mining license of french and you can a group or on to the company or operates in mind. and one of the largest deposits of you ranging is highlighted the tensions between the jump to i'm full, the clarity will power from so it is the latest step in cutting ties with friends.
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as i'm address explains, of the mind me license that was to do both about the military june. that relates to the more word and binding site which sits on $200000.00 tons of uranium. a metal used in the production of new care energy, as well as nuclear weapons. it's the only side operated by the traits mining company, or i know it also operates another mining sites in our lead, in the north of the country. and the region of, again, is the government of virginia chinese, the military leader in new jersey had given or on no up to the 19th of june to mobilize, decide, or lose it slices. the company said because already mobilized stuff, and my tv is to the side and lead infrastructure to the 4th of june relationship between phones. and it's for my call, i need you to try to rearrange it says the cool last year that by virginia general academy. and then we'd start to see how the relationship towards started are taking an old style. when the french, the media didn't government for to the french and positive to leave adult, was followed by the eviction of several hundreds of french soldiers based image and
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disrupting down of the offering spaces images here. now it seems that the move or the action of them in the future is also targeting print businesses, images. yeah, the russian companies have indicated interest in the uranium mining. so the site anymore. and, and we're seeing also applauding of a to just between russian businesses and the russian government as well as rushing, messing the res, uh, image here, which clip point to the direction. why these new license or devices for you. but we're in may be headed to how many degrees of do you see that? would you like a ton for whether now here's epa to hello. welcome to look at the international full cost. it's so quiet that was good parts of the middle east. not too much in the way of any significant rain, full little bit of weather, just filling out the vom mania pushing across into northwest and passed all around . maybe some shala's, but through the wintery and nature of the high ground. but the northern parts of, of kind of stumped elsewhere. as you can see,
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we are getting into the full seas full, many could touch 50 degrees in a queue weight. and also in fact, that very high temperatures remaining in place here. not quite as high on those temperatures across the eastern side of the met. it's right in over the next couple of days, but still plenty warm enough. 36 else. use that for nick a c. c into the the high. so that use that every to west and pots, all syria, like that to use the full gauze. and i just wanted to share, i was a possibility for the 2nd half of the weekend, just pushing across into where i live in on, and maybe happen to the west side of syria. but essentially a lot of dry and several weather as is the case across north africa, plenty of shelves across west. i forget the notice wise but as they should be, but they are still there never the less pushing a little bit further north was one of the showers, a possibility from time to time one or 2 showers to it's eastern parts of africa. but across the south, east and retry and settled still a head on, i would just say i'm the push to make half like
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a self sufficient in vaccine $1000000000.00. place to the global summit in a bit of a stretch india's leader makes his 1st visit to the cash me a region since the general election. so when she lost a sweeping majority turned in support. a hat trick for this australian bullet has been tight and his teams a 100 percent record of a t 20 ticket. well come the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or a weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera award
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winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the actual shared is there a, is there a mind about top stories based out,
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a significant number of casualties have being reported after this really attack on kansas city. people will seem scrambling if a cover where the shells hit a residential square. folding t is struggling to get the images to a hospital. at least 2 palestinians have been killed by and so 84 seats away from 5 on a vehicle in the occupied westbank. the shooting happens in the northern city of calculator . medical officials say is ready for us is blocked them off with help. though several balkan countries have experienced a major power outage shutting down traffic light submitted scorching the high summit temperatures. montenegro, both near and most of crashes, adriatic coast as well as ponts of albania, where impacted a malfunction of a power transmission line. and montenegro has repeatedly close the power outage in the region. they speak to ada. how did she managed now? who's in saudi eva for us? so do we know any more about some what exactly was behind this power outage and how
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many people were affected by of the while we still do not know the exact reason behind the power outage, but the most so we know we've heard from creation officials according to christ and officials, it did not happen inquiries. and they said it might have happened somewhere between greece and albania. but that's all preliminary information. they also said it might take up to 6 months before we know the official investigation results about the incidents, the creation of fail shows also says it's what happens might be to some extent related to extreme heat wave here in the bulk is we have one of the hottest, they so they, it is almost 40 degrees as i said. so one of the hottest is, and it's affected hundreds of thousands, if not millions people in bosnia and herzegovina, incur asia and albania,
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and once an acre. and it is also affecting many stories, especially in the address a close increase, or because we're in the middle of the story. yeah, not a great time to be without air conditioning, that given the temperature as a to many things that ada had. some agents speaking to us from san diego, induced upon me to send their end for moody is visiting indian administered kashmir . his 1st trip since winning i said to him 2 weeks ago. oh, the latter yoga session is for an ongoing mocking world. yoga day. is government scraps, the muslim majority regions, special samuel tournaments, states as in 2019 i had it's right to elect his leaders. but india supreme court has now ordered the government to hold local elections by the end of september at decades. long uprising against india and rulers co finals and of people that street around charlie is the direct to general all the gender india institutes taking time to joins this slide from new delhi to look at this in a bit more detail. thank you for your time. so what message do you think the render moody is trying to convey with this visit? firstly, a little, you know, yoga is
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a team of very close to the indian prime ministers hot and he has spreaded. what, why the international yoga be adopted by the united nations is the result of mr. movies, the evangelizing and campaigning at the national level. but even domestically within india, um, this was a new car for me to go to yoga with a lot of local people in historic setting up the lake. and so you know that which is a capital of crush me advantage. i think he's trying to convince a message that the yoga unites all the indians and that you know, crush me. it is a part of india it's and he nearly level part of india and that the crush me is progressing. and societies slowly settling down of to be level cation of the inspection status in 2019. and that there is some kind of normalcy. and you know, some harmony that's coming back. all the attacks there being some,
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do you have the stuff that's coming? innocent civilians encourage me. so on one hand it is a security practice. but on the other hand, i think there is an attempt to integrate, gosh me into the mainstream of india. and i think there's little better means to do dental. you'll go and try to ality and meditation, please do that. well, that's the view for many in the customer areas, but this is an attempt to wave a muslim voters off to an election results that left moody with the bloody nose. i mean, at least one resident of, so we're not gonna describe the, the mass. so yoga session is a, quote, cultural intrusion as well. you know, yoga is not really just uh, you know, as mag, it's not a meant to impose any religious had you money or anybody. i mean, some people may see that clean, but you know, and many of you saw me parts of the word, mostly majority countries out happy the adopted the international deals. yoga and congress are sorry to interrupt this, this, this was the brainchild,
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specifically you have to run for moody. i'm not saying that the that the yoga needs to be in any way, secretary and apologies. i'm. but this was a body of a moody event. a i suppose, you know, he is the flagship. i mean he leads the sections. he wasn't the united nations headquarters in new york uh in a previous here doing yogurt a. but i think we can catch me. the people are willingly coming forward, democracy, bit in these sessions to show that, you know, there's something that's come on the ties auto plus uh, indian c. it is about do a, b and b belong to. so of course they wouldn't be separate, they send, you know, a hard line, you know, my religious extremists who may see this as some kind of a culturally position as you was saying. but i don't think that represents, you know, the most recent um, parliamentary election impacts we've, we saw a huge turnover. so record donald's of people going to vote in the, in the general election. so knowing some of the constituencies incarcerated was more than 30 percent. then before we haven't seen these kind of enthusiasm
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a part of the situation. so i would say it's a, you know, mix picture that is still a separate. it is one that terrorism of that you have these violence sponsored by the docket song. but there's also a sense that you know, we should integrate and assimilate into india. are you guys a nice way to, okay, we don't, we don't have anybody from pakistan to defend that position on this. but let me ask you this because moody, remove the regions and limited state of co tunnel be back in 2019 centralizing, overall control of the region. the move was, as you say, designed to crack down on separate has to send, given the 10 him do programs that were killed in the shooting any last week. what does that say to you on us about the policy's effective effectiveness to date as well? i would say just a walk in progress, mr. mall. these intention is to bring the car for me to, to the main screen and to remove the separate is tendencies then and uh, i think uh there have been, uh, incidents, unfortunately,
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the tags and the engine view is that most of these are sponsored by uh, do you have you still groups based in focused on which has got the support of the park or side of military. so uh it would be a hard uh long track before we can see the oh gosh meeting muslims. i havent integrated into the main stream that is still a piece of fiction. what on the other hand development, what's going on with some of these? say you, the unemployment is a big problem and we are working towards reserving those students somebody's bowman, you know, this summer we've had to record numbers of what is going to catch me valley from across india. so the business is a humming and i think there is an attempt to bring normalcy back up. but of course it's going to be along the way, given the history and the backlog. and also the religious fundamentalism that comes from the pocket sunnyside and perhaps a long road when it comes to winning over the save of the countries, 200000000 muslims, as well as from childhood director general of the gender india institute. many thanks for your time of joining us or europe and nations and others have pledged
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more than $1000000000.00 for vaccine production in africa. it was announced to the summit in paris, attended by the french president to mining my call and several african leaders. so i go ripple, it's amazing of mine's and funds promised all to enable african countries dependent on vaccines made abroad to access and produce that own among those gathered here, health organizations and pharmaceutical firms. i know assets say be just to make the confident, most self sufficient. in the face of the next pandemic, left click, african manufacturers only 2 percent of the vaccines that to choose as you know, in the end that we have set for ourselves. is that by 204060 percent of vaccines out to be manufactured on the continent, the savings, more than $1000000000.00 has already been committed to the cause. 3 quarters pledged by you are being countries in attempts they say to correct the mistakes of
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the past when the colored 19 vaccine was being distributed around the world, africa was one of the last places where it was rolled out. vaccine nationalism well, welfare countries pushed access and potentially hold production was blamed, creating not only data and quantities, but also allowing for further mutations and countries with low a vaccination rates. despite the kofax initiative that enabled low to middle income countries access to the vaccines kovacs, helping us to reach the world as for us and most vulnerable foster, then we would have otherwise. but not fast enough. there is no doubt that the delays in reaching lowered income countries and communities we instructions cost lives. and it's not just cobit that's been dudley on the continent. malaria kills more than 90000 people. yeah. more than 6000 to have died in the current
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color outbreak across eastern and southern africa. the largest death told me, is 40 percent of gross fatalities recorded among children under 5 years of age, exacerbated by flooding and regions with access to vaccines is most vital. the project aims to secure more than 800000000 vaccine dose is produced locally across africa over the next decade and achievement. that would be some way to address the an equality that continues to overshadow. health care around the world . so like i yeah. go oh, to 0. the head of the for communion commission, most of hockey mohammed has wound up a possible genocide and suit the woman 14 months of conflict between the ami um power military rep and support forces is already close on the worst about us having crises in recent memory. ok, he says he's concerned by reports of ethics and motivated the tax and the 4
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reminiscence of the finance in the region to decades guides within 25000000 people . hosp the population with desperate need of humanitarian a south career has some of the russian. i'm positive in protests against the new security deal between people, young and most go on the state visit to know 3 of this week president vladimir putin signed an agreement with kim young on pledging mutual defense support us, sexy of state and to the blinking. there's also condemned. the new treaty is a threat to regional peace and stability. rushes on bass of the south korea has responded same threats against most of those relations with people young, unacceptable. at least 38 people have died in the southern chinese province of glendon. off the heavy rain full coast floods in several parts of the country. emergency crews have thousands of people to leave the homes and on who you province in the east that he's bulldozers to move truck residents to safety. elsewhere, flooding has damage cross roads and infrastructure. emergency measures are in place in more than a dozen. towns authorities
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a warning all the reasons superpowers storms had no need to load, so it'd be an issue for around $70000000.00. people in the united states, extreme temperatures and scorching scorching regions when northwest 2 new york rescue teams have been deployed on both sides of the us border. we, mexico and ma good was found dead in the desert near c o. that far as apparently from heat struck us, but with officials say at least one my when to day died from the heat last week and the el paso region full cost. as of one temperatures of up to 43 degrees celsius are expected in the coming days. i would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross illegally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is don't try to cross the legal, you don't go through the desert engine easy. and so taking a page from the old as
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a rock viral campaign to raise awareness about the threats of forest in the west poplin popular region. rob, excuse me, indigenous tribes and palm auto companies are locked in the legal bottle in the supreme court. barnaby live reports in chicago. let's go to the members of indonesia as are you. in more communities from west popple province traveled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court. to save their forest we will be left with nothing. a bomb oil companies are allowed to operate. we are worried about the bomb oil waste, polluting our sources of live hood video. this demonstration in late may has be shared online. along with it, a poster with a hash tag, all lies on popcorn. the campaigns, creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies and brought the image which went viral after that is really army bump, a 10 camp in southern gaza, killing at least $45.00 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if we
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support people abroad, we also need to support at brothers and sisters at home. indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil and ingredients in products ranging from chocolate, tooth paste. millions of hector supreme force had been cleared for it's called evasion and production to the government stop the issuing permits in 2011 companies wanting to produce palm oil in what are considered virgin for us. said one of the balance economic and environmental concerns. after the say, the case is before the supreme court's ar test of the government's political will populous force are largely intact. but the area being contested in court is nearly twice the size of jakarta. hans, how with need to initiate this one is the palm oil industry is good for the economy that we think it's big enough for us. it is. if they want to expand the business they should make use of technology instead of clearing more land. industry leaders say the support, the more tory but concessions granted before 2011,
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such as the ones facing legal challenges may be exempted at the cost for me before the gets off where men can if i lose shit department. so i depend on the golf with many of bro to you uh to find g or the oh you embroidery people are hoping public support online will persuade the supreme court to rule in their favor . find below algebra 2 card still ahead on i would just say let's look at the life and career of canadian active donald sutherland started up to $96.00 decades and entertainment and support will be mosque by making the parents so years later on friday will be live in the hose, come to germany,
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the the,
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the tank of, of my, to any while in on this is argentine i have made a winning thought. i'd be copa america. the title hold is that beats canada to now and atlanta with messy, once again, playing a central role and his teams victory. and they were to send reports it's become a familiar sights. it may just be tournaments in recent use origin seen of funds celebrating a victory this time a to new when of a canada in the opening game with the copper america. there's so many changes. and then finally it came really late. i was going to select the
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united states is hosting this expanded edition of the south american championship legal mess. these will cut when is our role. so the holders of the corporate trophy canada, along with the us and mexico will be home to the world cup in 2 years time. then you can't see alfonso davis think close to opening the scoring. instead it was origin senior who took the lead early in the 2nd home message still seemed to move the finished with a goal for you. you know, for us may see you turns 37 on monday, pretty point deliver the goal that the atlanta crown really wanted to see what he was able to provide another this. so we see this, this tony, so that's how remote scene is soon. victory for origin seen a contrast to the last against saudi arabia, which kicked off that will cope campaign the season. but as you might know, the big, okay, we've always known how tough the i mean game is the most important thing is to get off to
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a winning stock is going to happen previously. and so that when will help calm things down because you suffer long when you begin with the fate, we are in a difficult group. so now we're going to wrist and prepare for our next game against you. like this could be mfc, last big tournaments with these country. argentina fans are enjoying him while they can is that c names to when a 3rd consecutive may do so. on the richardson l g 0. okay, and back they may have to come up with a plan b if he's to wear protective mosque and frances upcoming game at the yours, bobby broke his nose during his team's opening. when it gets australia, the monkey worked during training office, it appears to break to them, and the rules and regulations that say medical equipment must be single color and free of team logos appropriate for frosts. it looks as though he might be able to
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take some part in the match later this friday. the park again and get better with the kelly and situation. there's no disturbance in the group. the medical staff are doing the best they can, and he's with us. regardless of what's going on outside the camp, internally, there's tranquillity and serenity. to lock in ukraine, i have kicked off fridays action. so if i could, i began a group be with a victory against a belgian, a tough time instead of a one ukraine. and now after that game, attention a little time to group de with poland and australia aiming for the fest points as well that so my child correspond to dominate, can, will be as in burning, dominic, what's at stake for austria and poland heading into this fixture. the little this game is all apart victory for one of the other. remember, both teams lost their opening games against the netherlands against france. and the question for many who was trying to gathering buying may,
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as you can hear us through and through the course is robot. levon don't see what can he do for the publish take? this isn't mine whose career was glittering and german domestic football, winning the gym, and kept the day at people call in the stadium full time scoring a hattrick and one final scoring and in the others to county repair, reproduce that sort of form. he is a title is mind for the polish team. what can the austrian team neutralize him? can players like marco a not to of which, from internet. so not a vocational found. gotten that from how they live seeking place here in the city. or of course, can they do some things full manager rudnick against the publish team will have answers to those questions in this study, right? as being full, like when the stadium opens up, when the game gets under way in a short while, somebody, let's talk about netherlands for us. the big question, will the man in the mosque be making it appears well, that sewage huge question, isn't it?
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because let's be clear. that space has family was expanding his piece about legal nessie and the answer to the couple of medic, yes. well, what about kenya and papa? he was the main man in the world cup, final in caps. us, which we all remember, county reproduce that sort of phone, excuse me, wearing them off to be playing. is it going to be leading the line a thinking to be able to reproduce the sort of form that here showing closed internationally and domestically because let's remember was on the line for these 2 teams having one that came victory in tonight's game, would propel them in civil law, 16. put them in poll because it or in the group stage, but will they be able to reproduce? will he reproduce that phone call to the last 2 tournaments? that's the question. so mccain lie from portland. thank you very much for that. what's your name? possible of the pat cummings, a took a hat trick as his team and made a winning start. and the super 8 i have to to 20 woke up cummings effort to help districts bangladesh to school of a 14248,
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and t g. a series of rain delays that couldn't prevent all spring from that hitting the runs they needed for big 3, australia on beaten in the corner. also in that group, india obese of going to sign in barbados, india school, the 181 up for 8 and the 20 overs just 3 to 4 runs and took 3 wickets. as i've got a son lost by 47 runs, he talked to and the group will move on to the semi finals and american. lexi thompson, that has a one shot lead off the 1st round of the women's pga championship. but it's one of the 5 major tournaments on the women's tool. 29 year old thompson has announced that she'll be retiring at the end of this season. and that's it for me. far as mail will have moved for you later on. but now it's back to nissan. i. thanks. as a voice award winning hollywood accidental sutherlands has died at the age of 88.
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the canadian stock featured in nearly 200 films and television shows in the career the loss of 6 decades. kristen salumi takes a look back at his life. donald sutherland appeared in more than 200 films and shows throughout his career. he got his start playing quirky off bead characters like them. not so smart, conduct named vernon pink, late in the 1967 hit, the dirty dozen and the drug attics known as oddball in kelly's heroes. just a few years later. and more recently in the hunger game series, he was a fascist dictator or take life for specific reasons. his death was announced by his son actor kiefer sutherland on social media. there he posted a photo of himself as a child with his father in it. he wrote with a heavy heart, i tell you that my father donald sutherland, has passed away. i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film, never daunted by a rule, good,
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bad or ugly. he loved what he did and did what he loved, and one can never asked for more than that. a life well lived sutherland played a father figure and robert redford academy award winning directorial debut. ordinary people. redford was just one of many film legends he worked with over the course of what he acknowledged was a bless career and a blessed life. i just had a terrific life and it's been because of everybody else. you know the people who come and ask for an autograph of the people who've given me this life. i've had a wonderful partnership for the last 30 years with my wife who was a god, there's not an award in the world. we're going anywhere close to the sutherland was never nominated for an oscar, but in 2017. was honored by the academy for his life's work. he was 88 when he died . is remembering donald sutherland now. that's it for this news advocate,
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a website i would 0 it don't come on use with me in just a moment's time. make sure you stay with the see the unique perspectives. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization and the police over the past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0 to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting is global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct,
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but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks. we become about to on the we are not and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be truth and the quality we are under false.
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that's our officers. whatever has been done before to be done as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the is there any forces target a so cool q monetary and zone in southern carson, police 8 palestinians flipping killed, the israel's army shells and residential square in the house of gulls with susie, many palestinians have been wounded. we'll see it. the funny bulk of this is all just
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a life and doe who also coming up as well as far right minutes to beds allow smoke . church sees is more power to 8 expansion of legal sacraments in the occupied west


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