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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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there's the cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way you can get elected is supposed to be coverage and the amount of hours is there. i think the the color that understands the attain. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces attacking neighborhood on the heart of gauze associates sending residents cleaning for their lives a day in the life of a doctor and one of calls has fewer functioning hospitals. we follow a neurologist who is often forced to make a decision about who gets from this israel's foreign minister as well as not trying
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to see the power to aid the expansion of a legal supplements and the occupied west by the major of how blackout and parts of the vulcans leave millions of people sweltering in the middle of the sheets ways and i'm far as small with the sports as you can get there. first went up the heroes . they fall back from the bowl down. speak from back here to one and give them great chance of reaching the knock at the stage. the well let us mount 1500 j m t about 6 o'clock in the evening and gaza. we begin with the moments that is really on salary shells hit a residential area in the heart of kansas city. and then in the off, the amount of that attack is you can see palestinians in the area had to scramble for what as a cause or they could find, it's understood that
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a number of people were killed in that strike. many of those winded ambulances had been trying to connect to the engines that hospitals in the area already stretched to breaking points there, or need 3 partially functioning hospitals. then israel has also followed the entry of life savings supplies to the know 4 weeks was how could centrist this report from moving costs. so clear the density of bump selling has increased in the past few days and nothing doesn't engage the city as that is why the forces targeted different separated residential houses and blocks in both at garza city and often does so a 8 kill and including a 5 not as simple as the war cause i have been killed. why they are doing their duties in the headache. want to oh, a b minus of all of you guys are for the in the sense that, oh god, also 7 have been killed as
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a result. and is really swipe hit as a tune, neighborhood, and dislike. eh, killed 7, including 3 children. and at one women also dozens had been killed and uh, got injured as a result of at difference of a rated functioning and also read all over. nothing does a city at the guys of city itself. and this is, by the way, the daily routines we are experiencing every day in the nothing does a by the way, well, is there any forces? i've also been targeting displaced palestinians in southern gaza and the talk happened to me on the la scene and area that is where it has designated as a so called humanitarians or witnesses a that is really forced as use sounds almost to get people to take shelter out of make shift hospital and then they would have at least 20 people have been killed.
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that number is also expected to rise. is there any strikes on a building and con, unice has damaged nearby school to sheltering this place to families, thousands of palestinians who have been taking refuge in the classrooms. that's now move again. it's still not knowing how many people died in nasa attack as well. let's go to hinge code already. she's in there all i, which is an essential cause and she joins us now from that. and can you talk us through these laser strikes, missing in the south, and central as a way you are exactly what's being been targeted and, and what's been the outcome? well, in the past hour we received an injured baby girl that was injured by and is where the air strikes us is ready for says re did a have is a dense so house in will play dots at least one kind of thing and has been reported killed but let's go to the software that is ready. are tele, resending targets it
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a make shift. come for palestinians were a dozens of products in use were injured and we have increasing numbers of the death to there. we started with 8 policy news being killed, but now we have the number rising to 20 in the past couple of hours and the number is supposed to increase because the civil defense themes and the pod, assuming red depressants are still working on rescuing people and transferring the injured and the policy news were severe the want did, but that may also highlight the fact that there is no hospitals in real far right now. since the rough operation started, all of the hospitals operating in dropbox were completely shut down. also we have been seeing palestinians being displaced again from mos, it of a safe, the significance area to hidden units and to the metal areas. palestinians are left
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at this pace multiple times. they were displaced to day under severe fall years they left without taking any of their belongings. and this has been the scenario for the past 9 months. and palestinians were forced to evacuate internally. the only places they have to go to choose is community. and the middle area, but most places has been also been targeted by that is really army yesterday afternoon and this was a map pounded by is really airstrikes. now we heard a huge mass of explosion in the central area. so is there any forces are targeting all areas across the gaza strip and there's no play safe but palestinians are, are left has less being displays from one place to another. hearing is randy as strikes, but that is where the air strikes continue to chase the palestinians wherever they
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go across the gauze. true, even in the areas that have been deemed allegedly safe, can include already the internal bala and central casa for us. thank you. a more than 8 months as well, and also has crippled the health system. the few hospitals that are still operational, also without sufficient live saving equipment medicine, neutrons, a survival for patients. most of whom cons even get a bed is low. i'll just do i followed up how dusting and urologist deluxe the hospital in general by that. who is also to space themselves to say what it's like that on the hospital front line talk. i wasn't even has history for us. i was elizabeth. this is one of the last few remaining costs, but tools in going so somebody said, i'm going to each thing brings me patients phone year really just how much is this stuff up to the hospital. it means another long shift with like a resource that you want them to get seen up to the, to the letter. every day we deal with thousands of cases. there is
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a severe shortage of a central medical supplies. we are dealing with patients using very primitive methods which take a long time. we sometimes lose the patient in the operation room due to the lack of medical tools. most of the 36 hospitals and goals will have been destroyed and critical health care remaining and accessible nearly 500 was putting and health workers, housing kills, and boost assume something with limited supplies. atkinson to make a choice about to get to the specialist and of a medical professionals have how to move around to avoid being targeted in israel is attacks in almost 8 months. they have been providing essential treatment to the wounded and those who were really sick and with h is very strong, causing mass casualties. keeping people alive with limited supplies becomes that much more difficult. and like medical professionals all over the world, doctors and nurses in going to do not get breaks. it's a good night. so sleep is
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a little sugary from home that home and down the boss hands on with the last work 24 hours on certain day as we are providing medical care for the 3 basic departments. and we should follow all the cases in the hospital. we continue to treat new tanks as in the emergency department time and we carry out medical surgeries for critical cases along with my colleagues of size patients. well. but then usually just is also a refugee, how much has hop to move multiple times because no wes safe in goza is ready attacks health telling you to be pulled in areas with designated save stones, for doctors like from that, that's a worrying so wild. what? because they have to leave the families and flimsy tents for days from about as i think i thought that how old, like i said, when the world again, i didn't see my family for 2 weeks because i didn't leave el cheapo hospitality. even when i visited my family later, i was thinking about the hospital and the patients and how i can balance my
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personal and professional laundry with the goals as doctors and nurses have refused to leave patients behind. even when the, when given evacuation orders like is all over the world boxes and health care workers have protested instead of guarantee. but for doctors like committed a ceasefire, it could not come soon enough as that tirelessly work to save lives. tarika bassoon l, just sierra barrett, bella palestine at least 2 palestinians, meanwhile, have been killed by israeli forces who opened fire on a vehicle in the occupied west bank. now the strange thing happened in the northern city of cub kelly, a red present official who was on the same, told down to 0 that is there any forces prevented his team from approaching the car and assisting the images. meanwhile, the is ready, military has transferred to significant legal powers to pro set to employees and
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the occupied westbank an order posted on the website to try and so is responsibility for civil administration vitals to people working for is really far right minister does a lot of small stretch is compelled to the, let's take you straight to the united nations where the one separately general, antonio gutierrez, is commenting on the escalation intentions between israel and 11 on that line. escalation, continue. the exchanges of fires and escalation in billing codes with, sorry, from both sides. as if an all out war was the means. the risk for the conflict seems to me the least. why then is video of must be avoided, is when dress move when these calculation cool thing that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the bar of this. and frankly, beyond imagination, let's be clear,
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is the people of the region and the people of the wills cannot afford 11 on to become not the gods. on both sides of the lines, many lives have already been lost. tens of thousands of people have been displaced . and domes and live we will have been destroyed. most fire sparked by explosions of further devastating communities in the environment. unexploded ordnance and remnants of war lead to the landscape. and these bows, additional steps, the people in both isabel and $11.00 and $2.00 united nations and do many italian personnel. the product is, must urgently be could means to the full implementation of security goals. who resolution $17.00 oh $1.00 and the media seats. and what's the session of us to lead these civilians must be protected children. generally, some medical workers should never be targeted and displaced,
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communities must be able to return to their homes. the world must say loudly and clearly immediate. the escalation is not only possible. it is essential, there is no military solution for their military escalation with only getting the more suffering model devastation to communities in lebanon, and israel, and not potentially catastrophic consequences for the region. it's time for reason and that i should now empty. it's fine for practical and mexican engagements by the bottom is to the diplomatic and political avenues available to them for all parts united nations. he's actively engaging to promote b security and stability in language to go to the concert resolution 70 and what you end peacekeepers, any fields. i don't think at all what thing to de escalate tensions and don't
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prevents miscalculation in extremely challenging environments. i deeply appreciate that service is a section of us to be p as in progress towards dependencies, fi, it is the only durable solution and united nations for the support of people that take efforts to end the violence piece. thus the ability of are given great. so do you mind softening in the region that has seen far too much? as we do so, we continue to pass, but in the media to many settings who's finding gaza, the media and then conditional reviews of hostages. and the best way to a 2 state solution sink or a couple questions kind of it to mild 0 english today as you pull fit destination in the region. israel has continued strikes in gaza city in the north, as well as on a displace community in the around. so what is the reaction? our position has been very clear since
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a long time ago. we need an immediate cease fire as we need any immediate the lives of officers going on with the military operation that says that emetic impact on civilians is not solving any problem. thank you very much mister secretary general. first, can you tell us what the united nations is drawing to try and overcome the lawlessness that is preventing aid from actually getting to the people in the, in gaza. and secondly, could we get your reaction to the announcement this week of a mutual assistance packed between north korea and russia. thank you, brother. i have 2 different questions. first of all,
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the situation in godsa became a situation of thought lawlessness. most of the trucks will be meditating a being side. garza, i don't know, looked at because this is a water that has to be for them from and the other one. usually in the water that use, that is one force that the tax they occupy parts of the city thought a of the force. and then they get into the security and management of the areas they occupy few, we have a tex. yeah. bombings. and then phillips move to other places or i'm on the so the titles to the original one is and it's very stuck. okay. yours, in gaza and there is no authority in most of the territory.
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and the easel does not even allow the so called blue police to s got all the convoys because it's a local police linked to the, the local administration. so lawlessness is thoughtful. we see extreme difficulty in distributing either side. gotcha. so the problem is autonomy to bring things to gaza. there must be a mechanism get into that. that is a minimum of law and thought of the that the loss for that is the bush and to take place. and that's why a cease fire is so necessary to them properly organized and implement a plan for that purpose. in addition to the 2nd question that uh, sanctions approved by the security council in relation to the, the dpi. okay. or any relationship that's in the
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country with the viet. okay. including the russian federation must entirely abide by those sections. very general, let me get back to the blue line. you just mentioned that you wouldn't be devastating if the escalation started. that would be devastating for both people in israel and the live on. how are you going to ensure the security and safety of the peacekeepers in there and have you ever engaged with is really officials or do you have any plans to engage with these really, or the bunnies officials on the situation that i've done and it's complex. uh, the only few with both sides inaudible not telling me to do its best for the escalation, but also to get into the, the, the mission is accomplished as a to protect the security to not only of people but also of the peacekeepers
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themselves. and there are very detailed plans for the protection of peacekeepers, including in the case of a total explosion for all situations that our plans decide established the rules to be followed in order to get into the safety of peacekeepers, whatever happens. but now our main concern is to make sure that we do not have that emetic escalation, that would be a disaster for the area and for the low gauge meant thank you very much. i as well as in listening that to the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, commenting on the escalating intentions between israel and 11 non gutierrez's been saying the world cannot afford for 11 on to become. and now the goal is that he says that in un peacekeepers, all that on the ground,
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blushing to deescalate tensions and prevent miscalculation, well, i'll correspond to get what i was under was standing just a few meters away and un headquarters that spring. and then now gave the phase of serious escalation of katy very real indeed and, and growing it seems. so that's right. and i think you saw there from the secretary general's remarks that he's really putting the weight of his office, if you will, and of the weight of his position and his words behind trying to bring any sort of a diplomatic ending to this, if you will. any sort of talks it will be going on a sort of when his voice to that he heard that very strongly, i think from the secretary general there you sent a further military escalation will only guarantee more suffering more devastation to communities and 11 on an israel and more potentially catastrophic consequences for the region he went on to say it is time for reason and rationality. he also, in his remarks said one rash remove one miscalculation could trigger it.
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catastrophe that goes. busy beyond the border, and frankly beyond imagination, and then he brought up god. so as well saying let's be clear, the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford lebanon to become another guy. so now it's just the secretary general's been very concerned about spill over from israel's. we're on gas it into oven on over the blue line for many months now. in fact, the 1st brought it up just a week after october, 7th and early october he stood at that very podium and said that he was worried about escalation and how it could potentially spill over over the, the blue line and how that would potentially affect the region and also 11 on itself. so i think this is something that both privately and publicly secretary general has been talking about for a long time. now bear with us on the that watching that statement for us at un
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headquarters. thank you very much. cable. that's got the view from 11 on. we can speak to our correspondent also bag. he's in a route for us. so can you talk us through what's been happening that on the southern border, the so called blue line. what do we have in searing and hearing in the last few days of what we've been saying, this simmering conflict between his beloved and is there a that tit for tat? it strikes drones? strikes selling on both sides of the border. now, recently what we see from his by law, of them issuing warnings, warnings, not just israel, but the why the international community. the need to pass on us through the, took to the base of natal advise address. and he said that to his beloved doesn't want to will, but he's prepared for one. i also talked about the groups capabilities saying that they have new events. and it's very evident that the, his beloved that we see today is not the, his blog that we sold in 2006 is way more sophisticated. it has more weapons. and
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according to his beloved, they have more white as he in 2021. how send this or last said anything that they had 100000 fighters and it's there right now they have been assess the nation has talked to the assassination of his beloved members. every time israel ties those i to the same, it's a commander, but to and they have been responses from his below and that has, and this was also said, and he warned cyprus, because there's a belief here that israel code and is possibly using cyprus as a base for intelligence, so otherwise to target has been the 11 on, but the reality is that living on cannot affordable many people head don't want a war. but what's his belie, it's essentially saying is that they don't want to will, but they are prepared for it as a warning to israel that they have the weapons now on the capabilities that could strike israel back. so if israel does start to war,
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his beloved is more than capable of striking back and also infecting damage. i said back that with a view for us from 11 is capital is very rude. thank you. i said, well, let's bring it all on the chart. i was, is there a senior political analyst who joins us now from paris? mon, as we've been monitoring developments on this, or over the last few days, we've talked about these threats and counter threats we're hearing from has blah and israel. they might be about the turns, but shortly they also make it harder for each site to back down. absolutely, and that's the nature of installation, right, in the end of the day, uh, there is an ongoing site, its limited, but uh, both sides tend to, uh, you know, respond in a way that could that trigger perhaps as a secretary general say, i'm mistake a dangerous consequences short, whereby the war could easily why didn't, but the, for the war, not to why do nothing,
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both sides had been issuing threats to bring about some kind of a, a balance to start. or if you were, by each side just trying to terrorize the others population into recognizing that if this floor widens that uh, you know, they would pay heavy price. now, the ideal starting to be able to look into got a saw which really began that a particle escalation by these ratings. something that needs to be addressed has on. so when the secretary general says that need be clear, you know, we all stop because we really need to listen about what exactly wants to be clear about the world can't afford to another 11 on the coming on other guys, i guess not exactly. let's be clear, especially clear is or i should not be issuing stress about turning on add up capital into another guy. so because it should have been, should have gone to guys what it has done to you guys. so i think the idea that if
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it hasn't been worked out with has been like it's gonna go on and destroyed another capital. that's the thing that needs to be addressed. when i hear someone saying, let's be clear, let's be clear. we're not talking about that 1st week. i'm talking about the defense, minnesota, and the leading general is of a state say we're going to story the capital one out of state a small one. clearly we're seeing along from not only from the un that we've had it from the you, from the us and we some days wrong. chose to launch a direct attack on israel back in april. that was an unprecedented decision. then given the fizz what sort of scale to the full blown war actually take on it could definitely be dangerous and if you just listen to the various assessments and declarations. busy you can really be sure that as in 2006, but you know, double trick on what type of docs and a sense of has one. i can reach cities up to hyphen and most of hyphen. it could
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that probably block the mighty time. uh, access to is right. is there a could destroy much of never lost and so a lot of people could die. in fact uh, out of the blue yesterday i was reading a little item into, is there any process where the is really administered? all right, just a hair is really minister or i'm just like that saying that as ministry is preparing for the burial of many is ways. when you hear that kind of an item from a government official, liza ministry say is going to be a right. the name of, of what we're going to, betty, a lot of his ratings. you know, you would probably just need to contemplate what that does that exactly be. but none of this, susan, editable, none of it is inevitable. is this the only stop? so if there is a pair of minutes, each line goes on. i mean, why are we continuously talking about the possibility of sending people into
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another guy? so when we need to stop the freezing cause, when the united states and others need to start talking clearly, let's be clear. we need a per minute see sliding guys or the war on guys all. the general side in guys is there is more crimes and guys must and worse, that is automatically. what happens between is around 11 on what also and on the shower. i'll just say we're a senior political analyst that showing salts from paris today. thank you so much. my. it also has here this out, is there a news on india's me that makes has a fast a visit to the dispute is kashmir region since the general elections in which he lost the sweeping majority under protest and kenya against the government's proposed tax rises. we hear from a film producer joins these demonstrations in the 4th will the last round about the play for, for arms against the netherlands overlays just from here is coming up for me was
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far the hello place to say we have got some slightly dry weather now. coming into the fall, se opposite one or 2 shy was still in place here, but these will drift out into the south atlantic as we go through the remainder of friday, wet and windy and some very wintery weather. still continuing, just around the central and southern pasta today, wanted to see about seeing them will meet as of snow as the winter weather trudy setting here for the most up to the topics the usual big and heavy showers. they will continue up towards the camera band is close at western side of the car being where we are seeing the live this down. pause, tropical storm. oh, but i may land full across that eastern side of mexico. and we do have plenty of weather to come over the next day or so some heavy, a shower,
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still continuing into the southeastern corner of mexico. around to the bay of kind of paycheck. we are looking at a heavy shower was just pushing across the top peninsula. this may well develop into something more ominous as we go through the next day or so. and still very wet right across the central america. further east of scattering assurance, but the great toronto at least one of the 2 showers is creeping away until the last event. and this as well as we go into sat today as the, the us. but we're looking at some really heavy rain, some big down polls, possibility of flooding around the northern plains, into the midwest for my life is this 10 degrees fishermen to elected m p in the madrid assembly fighting racism in spain, giving voice to those he left behind a michael and turned politician reveals how european, over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for
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a regular migration. take your 3 buses, be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around award winning program from international. so make guess we're just seeing so many people traveling with children, taking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well, today on algae was there the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the was a match and watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound, at least the same people have been killed according to the goals. administrative health often is really attack on garza city and then also the strip paper was seen scrambling for kind of a wind shells had a residential supply of 84. so they've also been targeting displaced the palestinians, and southern gaza at least $24.00 palestinians have been killed by is really strikes and the so 14 monetary and zone of and the one thing while the united nations actually general antonio gutierrez, has spoken about the escalating tensions between israel and the lebanese cruise has blocked, he said the danger of a way to contact them at least is very real and must be avoided. as for the death toll from protest and kenya against tax reforms has risen to 2 with the $300.00
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injured and demonstrations clashed with police and cities across the country. protests as a code for 7 days of rage beginning today and for a national strike. next tuesday, thousands of young canyons took to the streets of the capital. nairobi is easy with police fire and k, a gas, and what was the cannons dispatched the crowns. now, despite the protests, the controversial finance fell past it's 2nd reading empowerment. what most of the protesters all young people, let's hear now from the film producer who is chosen to join those demonstrations. 3 i um, so you're getting that i almost feel if i could use a base t, i know it would be kenya and i'm excited and through joining the process and i was going to say not to the finance villa fixed me on a personal and professional level personality because of everything is going on in this affect my professional life because as i feel mika, i,
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our industry is basically, you know, like cadillac series. so if people can afford, you know, their basic needs dental, but i wanna watch awesome. they're not gonna wanna go out in this fif mentioned the donation is the most effective educational fees has gone up the new job. they have nothing but time on their home in new resources, it will. this is the only way that they can share their voices. this is the only way they can be had having one platform die if it is so unfortunate if it's unfair, will you be have, are going to protect us as we've purchased it in the constitution. but the see doing this crazy, but for a more united than ever. and i think social media has to be such a big route because a lot of people as being housing needs to be charged that they connect on this travelers. it's like i have this problem, you have this struggle, how can we come together?
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and, and i see lots of beautiful things with this. and i, i do think that this is the beginning of a new chapter in 10 years history. that is going to change the cost of elk hunting for the better. and south korea has some into the russian ambassador and protest against the news security deal between from young and laska on a state visit to north korea this week. presently adam appears and signed an agreement with kim jong on subject mutual defense support. your secretary of state on st, blinking is also condemned. the near tracy is a threat to regional peace and stability. russia is enough for the south for it has responded saying that threats against most of those relations with whom young unacceptable india is prime minister under moody. it has been visiting ended administrative cache man, his 1st trip since winning at that time, 2 weeks ago. and already let yoga sessions turn a gone locking while during the day. his government scrapped the most of the majority regions. special. send me autonomous, spacious, back in 2019,
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and it's right to elect it's our need is. but india supreme court has now ordered the government to hold local elections, and by the end of september, a decades long uprising against indian rule has killed thousands of people that are freedom. talia is the director general of the general india institute, the think tank. he says, moody sees you are the in spirituality as a way of unifying country for this visit to crush me. you'd have to do yoga with a lot of local people in historic setting of the lake and see another which is a capital of crush me valley. i think he's trying to convince a message that the yoga unites all indians and that you know, fresh meat is a part of india. it's an inalienable part of india. and that of course me is progressing. and societies as slowly settling down of the location of these special ed students in 2019 and that there is some kind of normalcy and you know,
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some harmony that's coming back. although the doctor attacks there been some, do you have just attacks killing innocent civilians in crush me? so on one hand, there is a security practice. but on the other hand, i think there is an attempt to integrate across from leading to the mainstream of india. and i think there's no better means to do that. so you'll go on spirituality and meditation. what he's doing that the most recent um, parliamentary election in crush me. we saw a huge star notes in the record going on. so people going to vote in the india general election, so going somewhere because the twenty's incarcerated was more than 30 percent then before we haven't seen this kind of enthusiasm a part of the solution. so i would say it's a, you know, mix picture, that is still a separate, it is one that terrorism of that you have these violence sponsored by the docket song. but there's also a sense that, you know, we should integrate and assimilate into india several vulcan countries. i've experienced a major power blackout. i mean scorching the high some the temperatures, montenegro, bosnia and most of croatian,
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adriatic coast as well as pumps that all baby oil impacted this policy. and it has 4 significant issues, including the shutting down of traffic lights and the function of, of how transmission line in montenegro is supposedly responsible for the vantage. it housing was, it has one on for us from sorry, as a most of what we know about the power outage is coming from craze and officials. they say that the incident did not happen in craze. so and according to some preliminary information, the problem happened somewhere between greece and albania. a great and officials have also says it's march 6 up to 6 months before we have official investigation results. and they said that what happened might be to some extent related to extreme heat wave. today we have to have one of the pots of space in the balkans, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees, people in bosnia and herzegovina, albania, grace, shaw,
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and montenegro. greece as well were affected by this power outage. we're talking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions. also, sir, is we're attached to that because we're in the middle of a sort of the season. i'm. the situation is gradually coming back to normal. the electricity is gradually coming back, but there were some disruptions. we're hearing that inside of of the policy and capital traffic lights for off and there were severe traffic disruptions. also, we're hearing about people who were stuck in the elevators and the fire fire advisors has to rescue them. luckily, institutions such as schools, hospitals, and other similar institutions. they do have their own uninterrupted power supplies with their own generators. and at least $38.00 people have died in the southern chinese problems have gone down as heavy rainfall that brings flooding to several parts of the country. emergency cruise helps thousands of people to evacuate. and honestly, province in the east. they also used boulders, is to bring truck presidents to safety. as you can see. elsewhere, flooding has damaged crops,
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roads and infrastructure with emergency measures in place and more than a 1000 pounds. it was already is wanting other regions to prepare as the band of rain and now spent most woods. katrina you is in beijing was more on the flooding was seeing eastern and southern china. how so storms of last 7, an eastern china for about 10 days now. the effected provinces include one don't put in place to john and john, see the lifelock apologies to region seems to be accounted continue. a major city in one day from 4 to the highest desktop so far. now at the beginning of this week, known sub torrential rain target extensive land slides as well as to view flooding . some parts of penguin county received about 40 centimeters range within a 12 hour period. now we're just starting to get an idea of how wide spread the damage is about 55000 people living in un county. and the government says more than
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5000 times more than 100 bridges had been destroyed, damaged, a 1000 hectic, a fall bland, had been effected. tell us supplies as well as team rules and communication lines of also being taught. now youth or do you say because of how wide spread and how serious the disaster has been, it's taken a rescue teams and emergency team days to reach those who need to be rescued. and those who are trapped the search does continue for those who are missing, but some fear that the death toll, they still katrina you all to 0 agent. it's all he to, lance has been issued for around 70000000 people in the united states. extreme temperatures of scorching regions that from the north west to new york rescue teams had been deployed on both sides of the us border to with mexico. a migrant was founded in the deserts. yes sir, is out of juarez apparently from heat stroke. us border officials say at least one migrant
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a day has died from the heat last week and they all pass our region full cost as of $1.00 of the temperatures of up to $43.00 degrees celsius are expected in the coming days. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is don't try to cross the legally and don't go through the desert or indonesians taking a page from the lines on rough, a viral campaign to try to raise awareness about the threat to forest and the west poplar region and dizziness tribes, and palm oil companies have been locked in illegal baffling. the supreme court finally below has more from the indignation capital to come to the members of indonesia. as are you in more communities from west popple province traveled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court. to save their forest,
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but we will be left with nothing if palm oil companies are allowed to operate. we are worried about tom oil waste, polluting our sources of life. a video of this demonstration in late may has be shared online. along with it, a poster with a hash tag, all lies on popcorn. the campaigns, creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies and brought the image which went viral after that is really army bump, a 10 camp in southern gaza, killing at least $45.00 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if we support people abroad, we also need to support at brothers and sisters at home. indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil and ingredients in products ranging from chocolate, tooth paste. millions of hector supreme force had been cleared for it's called evasion and production. the government stop issuing permits in 2011 companies wanting to produce palm oil in what are considered virgin for us. said wanted to
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balance economic and environmental concerns. as of as say the cases before the supreme court or a test of the governments political will pop was force are largely intact. but the area being contested in court is nearly twice the size of jakarta. we need to initiate this one is the palm oil industry is good for the economy. we think it's big enough for us. it is if they want to expand their business, they should make use of technology instead of clearing more land. industry leaders say the support, the moratorium, but concessions granted before 2011, such as the ones facing legal challenges may be exempted if the cost for me before the good software men can. if i lucian department. so i depend on the golf where men we have brought to you to function. you are the oh you employed people are hoping public support online will persuade the supreme court to rule in
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their favor. find below al jazeera jakarta. i'll spell a head here on out here. we both know i'm not above killing children, but i'm not wasteful, or take life for specific reasons. as we look back at the life and career of canadian assets, almost solomon has died at the age of 18. 114, the last thing is i was insane to make a winning stones at the cooper american. the action coming up shortly was far the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the
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welcome back. it is time to support and his bar and his status here. thank you so much. and ukraine of got there 1st went up the arrows after coming back from the go down to beats one back here to one. it was even scribes who had in slovakia had inside 20 minutes and diesel board. ukraine have last 3 meals, romania in their own injection. my co shepherd, ring code level things up after the break. and they want it with a great piece of skill from substitute roman young child with 10 minutes left. keeps them in contention to progress to the last 16. it's now old to play for in group e. ukraine. move up to 2nd. the bombs still back here with the top 3 teams all on 3 points. leaders, romania play on saturday against belgium. we're still trying to get off the mark. gillian and bob a may have to come up with a plan b if he's to wear a protective mask. in francis game, a gibson at the lens and bobby broke his nose during his team's opening when
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against the austria. the mask he wore during training on thursday, it appears to break tournament rules. your way for regulation st. medical equipment must be a single color and free of teen logos, the t based on a lot. well, as you might expect from a french offense and chosen to wear their own masks ahead of the match in leipzig, france, 17, and they're past 8 games against the netherlands. i don't know if you play through the receipts completed today, but you think that's the reason frances rule. so maybe very uh, curious what it brings tonight. maybe yeah. 2 or no, no 4. so we're going to be in. it's going to be 201 in the 1st of all and won't go in a 2nd. just put them in to look for that game. its poland against austrian, berlin, poland, captain robert,
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and the windows gave. we'll start on the bench. he's injured his fine and built up to the heroes and miss owens 1st game against the dutch r corresponded john mccain is in berlin, ahead of the poland game that match, taking off in just a few minutes. and dominic, what's at stake for austria and poland heading into this game? well, let's remember that these 2 teams lost their opening games respectively against the french and the dutch teams. so for them, this is the opportunity to get some points on the bold as it was in the stadium behind made either perhaps you can hear the public an answer going through the, the lineups for the 2 teams. well, the interesting fact to here is that you have a player on the branch for the publish team scrub 11 dusky, who had a cruiser and courier in domestic german football, 2 plates and one full set for a german cup finals to people costs finals in the stadium school, the hattrick,
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and once an scold, either a penalty or gold during regulation time in the others. this is a man with a 150 caps, 82 goals that the international level. can he come off the bench and make some difference to the game, or can the austrian team and players such as on how to rich from internet to not a full priest, the phone got matt from abbey live sick, who have coast placing the policy you get here in germany, convey, neutralize the polar express what we're going to be finding out to the call. so the next couple of hours on the way. yes, we will indeed ask for the late match. dominic, the question on everyone's mind. will kelly in, in bob a, a k, a, the man in the mask be making an appearance of the yeah, so that mosque man who was potentially go to win the game for the french. suddenly that's what the french finds. will hope. can he make the sort of difference to this
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game which his team will need because that to be clear about it prompts against the netherlands as the spam barb game, in fact, groups. and remember, there's also the full going into this for french team. put 6 goals off the netherlands into games of the qualifies to get to this stage. and they will be hoping to, for repetition of that sort of thing. who can, let's touch teams rise to the occasion. remember, this is a problem that this is the tournament for the one in 1918. it's never won anything else. they've got to look for finals, but i've always seen as the metaphorical bridesmaids, and they'll actually one puts on a minute. so lots going into this out of course, group victory could ride on it. certainly 3 extra points putting which have a team wins on 6 that would put them through to the last 16. so great deal to play for. yes and by fe might be the man for the french even if he is wearing that mosque. okay, well we shall see. dominant cane reporting live for us from berlin. thanks for now
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. we will massey's argentina. i have made a winning start at the cobra america title holders b, canada to nail in atlanta with massey once again playing a central role and his team was victory. andy richardson reports it's become a familiar site that made you flip the tournaments in recent use. origin see to funds celebrating a victory this time a to new when of a canada in the opening game with the copper america. there's so many changes. and then finally, it came really late. i was going to select the united states is hosting this expanded edition of the south american championship legal mess. these will cut when is oral, so the holders of the corporate trophy, canada, along with the us and mexico will be home to the world cup in 2 years time. then you can't send alfonso davies close to opening the scoring. instead it was only
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been seen who took the lead early, and the 2nd top. missy still seemed to move. to finish with a goal for you. you know for us, missy, you turns 37 on monday, couldn't quite deliver the gold the atlantic crowd really wanted to see the, but he was able to provide another this. so we see this, this tony, so that's how remote scene is. soon victory. the origin seen a contrast to the last against saudi arabia, which kicked off the will cut campaign season. but as you might know, because we've always known how tough the i mean game is the most important thing is to get off to a winning stock. it's not happened previously so that when will help calm things down because you suffer loss when you begin with the fate we are in a difficult group. so now we're going to wrist and prepare for our next game against you. like this could be my season,
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last big tournaments with these country or insane of fans are enjoying him while they can. is that c names to when a 3rd consecutive may do totally. so on the richardson l g 0 australian principle or pat cummins took a cat, had tricked because his team made a winning start and the super 8. so the t 20 woke up cummins efforts helped research bangladesh to a score of a $140.00 for 8 and n t g. a series of range of ways can prevent australia from hanging of the runs. they needed for victory, australia, and beaten in the tournament. the 2nd practice is under way of the spanish formula, one grand prix maclaren driver landa norris when quickest, and the 1st sessions will title holder and championship leader, and matcher stipend is just behind him. there are signs, though we're stopping. so i'm a nation of the season is coming to an end,
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inclement and ferrari and both taken wins in the past. 4 races. didn't lose anywhere else, which is always going to be the concern. an american, lexi thompson has a one shot late after the 1st round of the women's p. j championship. it's one of the 5 major tournaments on the appointments towards 29 year old thompson has announced. she'll be retiring at the end of the season. well, number one, nellie florida is in it's high for a 2nd. okay, that is all your support for now. and just as you get back to me, thanks so much fine. now award winning hollywood act to donald sutherland has died at the age of $88.00, a canadian stall featured in nearly $200.00 films and television shows an x ray of that last 6 decades sutherland was known for his roles and nation. kelly's heroes and more recently and a 100 game series. kristen, so we, me take a look back as life donald sutherland appeared in more than 200 films and shows
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throughout his career. he got his start playing quirky off bead characters. what's a not so smart, conduct named vernon, pinkly. the 1967 hit, the dirty dozen and the drug addicts known as oddball in kelly's heroes. just a few years later. and more recently in the hunger game series, he was a fascist dictator. or take life for specific reasons. his death was announced by his son actor kiefer sutherland on social media there he posted a photo of himself as a child with his father in it. he wrote with a heavy heart, i tell you that my father donald sutherland, has passed away. i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film, never daunted by a rule, good, bad or ugly. he loved what he did and did what he loved, and one can never asked for more than that. a life well lived sutherland played a father figure,
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and robert redford's academy award winning directorial debut ordinary people. redford was just one of many film legends he worked with over the course of what he had. knowledge was a bless career and a blessed life. i just had a terrific life and it's been because of everybody else. you know the people who come and ask for an autograph of the people who've given me this life. i've had a wonderful partnership for the last 30 years with my wife who was a uh god, there's not an award in the world we're going anywhere close to the sutherland was never nominated for an oscar, but in 2017. was honored by the academy for his life's work. he was 88 when he died, as well as that for me and the sounds he. okay, so this sounds there in years out for them, but you can always find a lot small on, on websites that's out of there. i don't. com. don't go away there. i'll be back in just
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a couple of minutes with much more of today's news to stay with us here on the he says he went to war towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been our home for so many years in the final parts of the series. we follow the story of a british age worker, as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me state list in syria and now to 0 to run just seen has leukemia, and needs and treatments approved for as well as will and locate ongoing. so is this something that you're seeing is also suffering from malnutrition ox? the hospital endeavored by he's not load calling since again the frank assignments
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as small nutrition among palestinians continue to spread, says foster, due to the lack of all kinds of basic humanitarian and medical supplies. according to the you on more than 20 children have going to mount attrition in the north alone. i'm 31 percent on acute lima norris hod huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering that the reports are, we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides.
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the challenges on the the palestinian residence playing for their lives in garza city. as randy for us as loans and deadly strikes from know to sell, the uninstall said hey, this is al jazeera life from the 2nd. the people of the world cannot afford to live in order to become another cause. a warning from the new when chief as pay us grow


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