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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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without 0 we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the . ready a dead the day in gaza at least 55 palestinians are killed by is riley attacks across the street. the hello. and this tells you, hey, this is alex is here at life and also coming a day in the life of a doctor and one of causes few functioning hospitals. we follow a neurologist forced to make decisions about who gets to let the people of the old cannot afford 11 on to become another. got a warning from the u. n. chief as p as grow the cross border attacks between israel
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and hezbollah. content until all out under major power blackout and parts of the balkans needs millions of people sweltering in the middle of a heat wave. the hell we begin with the moments that is really artillery. shells hit a residential area. right, and the homes have gone to the city and the uh and the off the mountains that attacked the palestinians in the area. as you see, had to scramble for what ever cover they could find. its understood, a number of people were killed in that strike many of those wounded. at least 13 people have died in his randy attacks across the city. ambulances have been trying to collect the injured. there are only 3 partially functioning hospitals in the area. and this route has paused the entry for life savings supplies to the for weeks without include centers this update from northern golf. a clear the. the
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intensity of bumps schilling has increase in the past few days, and nothing doesn't gauze the city as that is why the forces targeted different, separated residential houses and blocks in both at gauze and city, and often does so. the so a 8 killed and including a 5 met a symbol of the wall cuz at what had been killed, why they are doing their duties and they had to walk to, oh, a b. i might as simple as you guys are to in the sense that, oh gods us. it's also 7. eh, had been killed as a result of and his right 80 is twice as a to neighborhood. and this like eh, killed 7, including 3 children. and at one women also dozens had been killed and uh, got injured as a result of at different super rated functioning and also read all over and nothing
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does a city and the guy, the city itself. this is, by the way, the daily routines we are experiencing every day in the nothing does a, by the way being while in southern gaza is there any forces, has killed at least 25 palestinians. and on the wasi as a strip of land on the southern coast, which is where i had designated as a humanitarians are witnesses say that they only use sound bones to get people to seek shelter out a makeshift hospital and then they were had well, let's be talk correspondents in cordarious, she has internal dial out in central garza. she joins us now from the can you talk us through these ways to strikes that we're seeing both in the south and central garza where you are. what is been the outcome is of these attacks? well, there has been a couple of air strikes on the central area of the thought distribution. you'll say
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dog and today's. but the main incident where at least $25.00 pilots means were killed was and dropped on the western parts of drop off in bed, save the sick native zone by the is there any forces in dropbox? where is it to, is there any, are temporary setting workstations on the health? and that's a huge area base trust, sound bonds where some people gathered and then they targeted those people. now there's a couple of things we have to highlight that those people were in a make shift come that it's some of milwaukee area. it's very close to the sea. it's in the western parts of rough law. and this is where policy news chose to stay . for one reason is the is ready for the sick native this area as a safe zone. so today when the art salaries sending started, palestinians workforce to evacuate, another time being displaced multiple times, squeezing part of the thing is more in just
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a newness and into the middle area where also the middle area has been targeted continuously by the is there any forces but in dropbox, in the heart of the image of buddha, and it's certainly directed to a neighborhood. there has been a complete, systematic destruction for residencia and how says, and this is the same scenario of what's happened in union square, it's completely destroyed. but let me also make it clear that this is not the 1st time i make shift comp and in a mall. so you'd have to have milwaukee has been targeted business. the 3rd incident in the past couple of months, in, in, in, in, in, in very, very, very same incident. it has been systematic work targeting policy means in there make some shelters, has been something normal to the, is ready forces. now people are coming into the central area, they're coming because that you think it is a safe zone, but also they're being targeted in the central area. so palestinians have,
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know where to go. they're being targeted wherever you go. where would they go and know where and no place across the gauze trip from the south sea? the north is safe and for diary reporting for us from the ground from darrow bala in central garza. thank you and all the you and the secretary general has voiced his along at the escalating violence between israel and hezbollah. and one of his strongest comments he has on the situation. antonia gutierrez said that the risk of further conflict and then released as real and it must be avoided escalation him continues, exchanges of fires and escalation in bel, it goes with saudi. from both sides is effect all out. war was the means. the risk for the conflict seems to me the least. why then is real. must be avoid is when dress move, when miscalculation. good, good,
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a catastrophe that goes far beyond the bar of this. and frankly, beyond imagination, let's be clear is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become another god. so to hello correspondent gabriel. as on the was watching that statement for us at un headquarters in new york gave the u. n. and many other countries on taking phase of escalation very, very seriously indeed. yeah, the are, and i think you heard that in the words from the secretary general. he said 2 things, he said, reason and a rationality. so those are the 2 things that are needed right now. more than ever . and you know, he's been talking about spill over into 11 on a 4 months now. quite frankly, both publicly and nephew statements that he's made previously going back to october, but also private. we with the security council members and other diplomats are really stressing on how worried he is about this. now he said that the un
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peacekeepers and there are about $10000.00 of them in lebanon, mostly in the south, a part of the country long. the blue line are working right now, day and night to de escalate the attentions and help to help prevent any miscalculation. and i think that is what the secretary general is particularly concerned about any misstep, any miscalculation, could lead to a wider war that as he so eloquently put, it would have absolutely devastating ramifications. okay, but as on the what team developments for us at the united nations today? thank you game. well, let's get the view from the lebanese capital beverage and we can speak to our correspond awesome bag. who's that for us? as the intentions of the mounting on that border as well as threats, it seems absolutely they have. and what i can tell you is, and the last through i was we have have reports of these right? yes, strikes on the turn of policy on nice other chapel in 711 on now. as for those threats,
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leader of his bus pass on this are locked in a 10 advised address, issued a warning saying that hipaa law has the military capabilities, unintelligence capabilities that could help it strike deeper into israel. and in the case of, with our tool, as well as warnings to cyprus, where it's believed here that israel may be using a could use cyprus as a base all the space to target has been not had in lebanon. and what's important to state is that his will lot that we see here today is not the same. his but uh that we sold back in 2006. it's far more capable. it's far more sophisticated. and as the leader of his beloved said, has that necessarily he says that they have new weapons that they haven't shown yet that they haven't shown to israel. but what we have seen from his for the over the
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last few days, is drawing footage over these really city of highfield, which would set alarm bells ringing in israel as well as drone footage from his. but come because the drone talk to him, is there any positions? no, no one had ended up in on one. so will they know it would be devastating for the country? that's what already suffering economically. but here's what i said that they don't want to will. but i've prepared for it and the message that they're saying is that in the event of an or like towards the have, the capabilities to hurt is right that strike them back. but this conflict has been simmering every day. they'll strikes across the border between israel and his beloved, but this being kept within certain boundaries, it isn't a or the actual yet. but as you've heard it all it takes is one miscalculation one move that could make it devastating and could expand this concept also back the following, all these developments for us from the liberties capital. thank you. i sent well,
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the us state department is a deputy assistant secretary for is really paula staying and it says has resigned and doing the says he made this decision for family reasons. but he has disagreed in the past with some of the ways that the by the administration has handled the war on casa well, that spring in a white house correspondent can be house. that can be miller isn't a fast, but i believe he's the most senior to resign from this portfolio of the yeah. and this is just another blow to the binding of ministration. that is trying to push forward and say that this is certainly a family decision, but given the fact that there has been a long string of 5 ministration officials that have not only resigned but that have openly disagreed with the president and his star support of israel it is making it more and more difficult for the president to push forward. you have to add to that, but it's not just members of the administration,
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but is the very public demonstrations that has been going on even just outside the whitehouse gates. as recently as 2 weeks ago, you had thousands that were protesting openly against the president's policies, and that is only expected to intensify given the fact that we have not only the presidential debate that is coming up in the very near future. but also the fact that we have a b is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu coming himself to speak before a joint session of congress next month, where there will be even more demonstrations. so this is the challenge for the us president. the fact that he continues to defend what many are arguing has been an on defendable position. the fact that there are now more than $37000.00 palestinian casualties and the many americans are now saying that they cannot allow their tax dollars to continue fund doing what the international community has
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amount said amounts to war. crime, white house correspondent can be how could they, with all the latest for us from the white house. thank you very much. kimberly a hot wheels and 8 months of war in garza has crippled the health system. the few hospitals that are still operational without sufficient life saving equipment medicine, the chance of survival of the patients most of whom continent get a bed is low. out of 0 followed a palestinian urologist at the opposite hospital in narrow butler who is also just based himself to see just what it's like on the hospital front line. tarka boys in has history. so that's how you let us a lot of this is one of the last few remaining hospitals in going. so somebody, somebody each day brings me patient. huffman phone, you're really just, i'm her mother and his stuff at the hospital. it means another long shift with lack of resource. so the to the letter. every day we deal with thousands of cases. there
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was a severe shortage of a st. jude medical supplies. we are dealing with patients using very primitive methods which take a long time. we sometimes lose the patient in the operation room due to the lack of medical tools. most of the 36 hospitals and goals will have been destroyed. physical health test remain in accessible. nearly 500 was put in health workers, housing kills and do some food stamp thing with limited supplies. and to make a choice about who gets to the specialist and of the medical professionals have how to move around to avoid being targeted in as well as attacks in almost 8 months, they have been providing essential treatment to the wounded dues who were really sick and with age is very strong, causing mass casualties. keeping people alive with limited supplies becomes that much more difficult. unlike medical professionals, over the world,
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doctors and nurses in goza did not get breaks. good not so sleep is a luxury from home that home and down the box and sound with the last work 24 hours on in dice. we are providing medical care for 3 basic departments and we should follow all the cases in the hospital. we continue to treat new tanks as in the emergency department and we carry out medical surgeries for critical cases along with my colleagues a safe patients. well. but then usually just is also a refugee. how much has hop to move multiple times? because no wes safe in goza is ready attacks health telling you to be pulled in areas with designated save stones, for doctors like from that, that's a worrying so wild. what? because they have to leave the families and flimsy tens, 4 days from about as i think i saw it up and how on like i said, when the world again, i didn't see my family for 2 weeks because i didn't leave. i was chief of hospitality. even when i visited my family like to i was thinking about the
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hospital and the patients and how i can balance my personal and professional lawrenceville. it goes as doctors and nurses have refused to leave patients behind . even when the, when given evacuation or despite is all over the world boxes and health care workers have protested in sort of guarantee. but for doctors like you come that a c split could not come soon enough as that tirelessly work to save lives. tarika bassoon l, just sierra derek by the palestine as well. still ahead here on out of here on the desktop from days of torrential rain and one of the worst it areas. and the southern china comes to the and all eyes on pop one. how and when this campaign about the war and gaza is inspiring environmental activists in indonesia, the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that it slots out to donald trump? now i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build offices reach inside story. on al jazeera, the
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. ringback the, on counting the cost few k policies of laid off at economic plans and election manifesto is the fool can bring. we'll change the you have slept, play a terrace on chinese by the electric vehicles. that spunk afraid will eat on last 5, hoping pay package is he worth it. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories. a sound. at least the st. palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes in gaza city in the north of the sprint. people was in scrambling for have a wind shells had a residential squadron,
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one of those. is there any forces that will save in targeting, displace palestinians, and southern gaza at least $25.00 college students have been killed by is really strikes and the so called to humanitarians are, and you want to check with your general, antonio gutierrez has spoken about the escalation intentions between israel and the lebanese group has with us. he said the danger of why the conflict in the middle east is real and must be avoided. for at least 2 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces who opened fire on a vehicle in the occupied westbank. not choosing happened in the northern city of cafeteria, a red crescent official on the same, told how to 0. that is, there any forces prevented his team from approaching the call and assessing the injured several broken countries have experienced and age of hell. black out, i mean scorching the high, some of the temperatures, one to neighbor balls. mia and most of co asia's adriatic coast as well as ponts of
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albania, to all impacted the power fairly, has caused significant issues, including shutting down the traffic lights and the function of a power transmission line. and once in a row, as opposed to be responsible for this ounces, it has the muse, which has me, i'm sorry, as of most of what we know about the power outage is coming from crease and officials. they say that the incident did not happen inquiry. so and according to some preliminary information, the problem happened somewhere between greece and albania. a great and officials have also says it's march 6 up to 6 months before we have official investigation results. and they said that what happened might be to some extent related to extreme heat wave. today we have to have one of the pots of space in the balkans, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees, people in bosnia and herzegovina, albania, grace, shaw, and montenegro. greece as well were affected by this power outage. we're talking
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about hundreds of thousands, if not millions. also, sir, is we're attached to that because we're in the middle of a store a season. i'm. the situation is gradually coming back to normal. the extra electricity is gradually coming back, but there were some disruptions. we're hearing that inside of it with the policy and capital traffic lights for off and there were severe traffic disruptions. also, we're hearing about people who were sacking the elevators and the fire fire fighters has to rescue them. luckily, institutions such as schools, hospitals, and other similar institutions. they do have their own uninterrupted power supplies with their own generators. to the death toll from protest and canyon against tax reforms has arisen to, to, with more than $300.00 others. injured, often demonstrated as clashed with police and cities across the country, protest a zip code for 7 days of rage beginning today and for a national strikes to next tuesday. thousands of young kenyans took to the streets of the capital library be with police as you see,
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the firing to gas and water cannon to dispatch the crowds. despite the protests of the controversial finance bill passed, it's 2nd reading in the countries putting least associated people have died in the southern chinese province of gong. hong is heavy rainfall continues to bring funding into several parts of the country. imagine sea cruise helped thousands of people to evacuate and on great problems which is in the east. as you say, they use boulders as to to bring prompt residents to safety. elsewhere, flooding has damaged crops, roads an infrastructure with emergency measures now in case and more than a 1000 pounds deal. with ortiz, i'm wanting other regions to prepare. as the band of rain spreads, move fluids. katrina, you as invasion with more on the flooding. we're seeing eastern and southern china, a house of storms of last 7, an eastern china for about 10 days now. the effected provinces include one don't
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put in place to john and john c lifelock. the followed is to region seems to be accounted continue. a major city in one day, from 4 to the highest death control. so far. now at the beginning of this week, non stop torrential rain target extensive land slides as well as severe flooding. some parts of penguin county received about 40 centimeters range within a 12 hour period. now we're just starting to get an idea of how wide spread the damage is about. 55000 people live in p. u and county. and the government says more than 5000 times more than 100 bridges had been destroyed. damage and a 1000 heck says a fall bland had been effected. talis applied as well as key rules and communication lines have also been taught. now youth or do you say because of how wide spread and how serious the disaster has been, it's taking a rescue teams and emergency team days to reach those who need to be rescued. and
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those who were trapped. the search does continue for those who are missing, but some fear that the death toll, they still retrieve all the 0 a plumbing lot, extreme temperatures continue to scorch regions across the united states. but he'd weigh stretches from the midwest of the northeast. so sir, expected to spread to the southern states over the coming days, about a 100000000 people on the hazel that's going into this weekend. they have the rest for breaking temperatures in the region of new england and the city of chicago. temperatures in the capital of washington dc are also expected to break reco. it's this weekend. well, that heat wave is also proving deadly for life grants on the border with mexico and migrant was found dead in the desert. and yes, sir. dod, juarez, a pantry from heat stroke, us border officials that say at least one migrant died every day from the heat last week in the el paso region. rescue teams have been deployed now on both sides of
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the board. and we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is don't try to cross the we go, we don't go through the desert. now indonesians are taking a page from the allies on rafa. viral campaign to raise awareness about the threat to forests in the west. poplar region indigenous tribes and palm oil companies have been locked in a legal battle in the supreme court. that bound to below has worn out from jakarta . the members of indonesia is all you in more communities from west popple province travelled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court to save their forest. but we will be left with nothing from oil companies are allowed to operate . we are worried about tom oil waste,
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polluting our sources of life. a video of this demonstration in late may has be shared online. along with it, a poster with a hash tag, all lies on popcorn. the campaigns, creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies on brought the image which went viral after that is really army bump. a 10 camp in southern does killing at least 45 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if we support people abroad, we also need to support at brothers and sisters at home. indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil, and ingredients is products ranging from chocolate tooth paste. millions of hector supreme forests have been cleared for it's called evasion and production. the government stop issuing permits in 2011 companies wanting to produce palm oil and what are considered virgin for us. st. wanted to balance economic and environmental concerns. as of as say, the case is before the supreme court or
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a test of the government's political will publish force are largely intact, but the area being contested in court is nearly twice the size of jakarta. well, how does how we need to initiate this? one is the palm oil industry is good for the economy. we think it's big enough for us. it is if i want to expand their business, they should make use of technology instead of clearing more land. industry leaders say the support the moratorium, but the concessions granted before 2011, such as the ones facing legal challenges may be exempted in the clock for me before the gets off or mind can. if i lucian declared me so uh, depends on the golf tournament being brought to you. uh, defined, seen you are the oh, you annoyed people are hoping public support online will persuade the supreme court to rule in their favor. find below al jazeera jakarta as well. that's it for me and associates. i remember you can always find much more on our website onto there. a
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dot com next inside. story takes a look at russian president vladimir person's trip to north korea and vietnam. have news out of the the hello. welcome to look at the international full costs. it's so quiet that was good parts of the middle east. not too much in the way of any significant rain for a little bit of weather, just spilling out the bomb media, pushing across into northwest and pulse all around. maybe some shala's within the winter, and major over the high ground. but the northern parts of afghanistan elsewhere, as you can see, we are getting into the full of these full, many could touched 50 degrees in a queue weight. and also in fact, that very high temperatures remaining in place here. not quite as high on those temperatures across the eastern side of the med. it's right in over the next couple
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of days, but still plenty warm enough. 36 hours just that for nick a c. c into the, the high. so that use that every to up west and pots are all syria, like that. he's the full gods and i just wanted to share was a possibility through the 2nd half of the we can just pushing across into by 11 on and maybe happened to the west side of syria. but essentially a lot of try and settled whether it has as the case across north africa. any a shout was across west. i forget that notice watch but as they should be. but they are still and never the less pushing a little bit further north was one of the showers, a possibility from time to time. wanted to share with students eastern posts of africa, but across the se, and retry and settled. he says he went to award towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been home for so many years in the
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final parts of the series. we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria on now to 0. a sean by the west, most of the east president vladimir putin was in no square vietnam this week. strengthening old alliances as a rule in ukraine drags on the both sides down to game. most of the us thing this is inside story, the


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