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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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for excess mission and so there is a very big disparity amongst who causes the problem and who suffers the deadly day in gaza at least 55 palestinians, a kill buys, ready attacks across the street. the money inside the salad. is there a knife from the also coming up? she a pill fight to provide in garza, we look at one man struggle to find food for his family and it was saying that people cannot afford 11 and to become a warning from the u.
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n. cheapest fee is grow the cross for the tax between israel and his phone a could turn into an extreme heat wave grips the us triggering the lives for over a $100000000.00 people. the welcome to the program we begin with the moment is really all temporary shells hit a residential area in the house of gauze. the city in the north, the strip the, the fall. and the optimal that attack palestinians in the area have to scramble. so whatever cover they could find, it's understood, a number of people were killed in the strike with many of these wounded least 30 people have died in is riley attacks across gauze. the city ambulances have been trying to collect the injured. there were only 3,
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possibly functioning hospitals in the area. israel has bought the entry of long savings supplies to the new for weeks. martha include sentence, this update from northern gauze. to clear the, the intensity of bump shilling at has increase in the last few days and nothing doesn't engage the city as the body forces targeted, different, separated residential houses and blocks in both at gauze and city ends off and goes with the so a 8 killed and including a 5 mount as simple as the wall, cuz at what had been killed, why they are doing their duties and they had to walk to o a b. i might as simple as you guys are to in the sense that, oh gods us. it's also saving it had been killed as a result of and is really, is twice as a to neighborhood and dislike. eh, killed 7, including 3 children. and at one women also dozens had been killed and uh,
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got injured as a result of at difference of a rated functioning and also re all over nothing does a city regardless of the itself. and this is, by the way, the daily routines we are experiencing every day in the nothing does a, by the way in southern galls is where the forces of killed at least 25 palestinians in all my wasi that has a strip of land on the southern coast which israel designated as a humanitarian zone. witnesses say the army, you sound buttons to get people to seek shelter at a make shift hospital. and then they were hit. yesterday, they were random rocha to tax this thing. gold. we are safe and home today before the afternoon, a bump was thrown near the red cross. my husband went out after hearing the sound
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of the explosion. the 2nd bomb was near the red cross building old a young man went the because some people were injured. my husband went and then looked for him, but couldn't find him. everyone was forced to sleep in the clothes without taking their belongings. and all cordarious and darrow by the in central garza, with more on the latest strikes across the strip. it was another deadly day for the palestinians across the godless trip, starting from dropbox, where the are telling me is ready time. so that makes if to come for at least $25.00 policy means were killed and dozens were injured. and we also need to highlight again that there has been no hospitals in dropbox for all of those who were injured were transferred to the european hospital in can eunice, there were also a couple of targets in the saw you dos and also department and the civil defense these were able to pull a body of another time at the time. any member from other i saw many where she was
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chopped under their boat for more than 4 days. yesterday for palestinians were also rescued from the same exact place in the house of the other. i saw many in the se ross refugee time, but their bodies were decomposed. unfortunately, the civil defense team say that there are many palestinians didn't missing. i'm trapped under the rubble. the statements continues across the cause of su 4. there has been a heavy artillery selling and air strikes in the eastern parts of the fluff and cleanliness, pushing more people more into the middle area. central of the god distributor, talking about that in buff as the white. the other areas in the middle area towards the western part of, of the largest group were also in the hospital where hospitals continue to face humanitarian and how situation collab where not only medicine is not available,
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but also palestinians are striving to find water to drink. and also food to eat more than 8 months of one, gaza has crippled the health system. a few hospitals that are still operational all without sufficient life saving equipment or met as and which also survival for patients, most of whom can't get it bad as low. now does there a follow the palestinian urologist? alas, the hospital in darrow bhalla was also displaced himself to see what dislike on the hospital front line. sorry, couple assume has a story. for us. i was elizabeth. this is one of the last few remaining costs, but tools in going so somebody said i'm of the each day brings me patients phone. you really just, i'm her mother and his stuff at the hospital. it means another long shift with lack of resources. so the to the letter every day we deal with thousands of cases. there
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is a severe shortage of a central medical supplies. we are dealing with patients using very primitive methods which take a long time. we sometimes lose the patient in the operation room due to the lack of medical tools. most of the 36 hospitals and goals will have been destroyed and critical health care remain in accessible. nearly 500 alice city and health workers, housing kills, and boost assume something with limited supplies. hopkinson to make a choice about who gets to the specialist and of a medical professionals have how to move around to avoid being targeted in israel is attacks in almost 8 months. they have been providing central treatment to the wounded and those who were really sick and with h is very strong, causing mass casualties. keeping people alive with limited supplies becomes that much more difficult. and like medical professionals all over the world,
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doctors and nurses in going to do not get breaks. it's a good night. so sleep is a little sugary from home that home and down the box and sound with the last work 24 hours on certain days. we are providing minutes, okay, if it's 3 basic departments and we should follow all the cases in the hospital. we continue to treat new tanks as in the emergency department of time and we carry out medical surgery is the critical cases along with my colleagues of size patients. well. but then usually just is also a refugee how much has how to move multiple times, because no wes safe and goes is really a tax house telling you to be pulled in areas where designated safe zones for doctors like from that, that's a worrying. so while the what because they have to leave the families and flimsy tents for days from about as i think i thought that how old, like i said, when the war began, i didn't see my family for 2 weeks because i didn't leave el cheapo, hospitality, even when i visited my family like to, i was thinking about the hospital and the patients and how i can balance my
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personal and professional lawns with the goals as doctors and nurses have refused to leave patients behind. even when the, when given evacuation orders, bike is all over the world boxes and health care workers have a protested instead of guarantee. but for the doctors like come that a ceasefire. it could not come soon enough as that tirelessly work to save lives. tarika bassoon l, just the wrong there the palestine or you in agencies, a warning that over a 1000000 palestinians in gauze i could experience the highest level of starvation by mid july. hunger is worsening. is this ro maintains it's located on humanitarian access into the strip? it's less parents across the strip. scrambling to keep the childrens alive. surely they get reports. a saba ahmed swell struggles echo throughout garza.
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it's a daunting task. i have to rest every flight to space. the difficulty is trying to provide for a family. when israel has cut off an entire population from the resources they need to survive, we can hardly find a loaf of bread. and if available, we just eat bread without any other food items. we do not have income and even if there is nothing to buy, we cannot afford a decent meals. my children and i. e, tony, a low grade, and only once today they're 11 members of the swell family. and they live in state law here in the new hunger and thirst, a spreading and sub struggling to keep his children a life. even when they escaped, death from israel's near constant attacks. come see for yourself the fridge
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is completely empty. nothing at all. not even what my children are starving to death. it's now infested with insects and cockroaches is nothing. it all depends and 85 percent of palestinian children under the age of 5 in gaza. being forced to go at least $1.00 and $3.00 days without food. the number of deaths from dehydration and val nutrition is rising, leaving parents hopeless is found and takes hold to lead vega out a 0 the us state department is deputy assistant secretary for is riley pala sending a fast has resigned onto miller says he made the decision for family reasons, but he's disagreed in the past on some of the ways the button administration has handled the role on gaza. that's bringing all white house correspondent, give me a whole kit. kimberly. so tell us bit more about andrew miller and what more we
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know about why he resigned of the. well, there hasn't been an official reaction from the white house, but what i can tell you is, even though he is saying that this is a resignation for personal family reasons. as you point out, he has differed in the past, particularly over the issue of president biden's support for israel's war on gaza. and this is consistent with what we seen over the string of several months now. and since october 7th, in fact. and since the israel launched his campaign on gaza and that is business free resignations, some have been public, some has been anonymous, but across a range of agencies where there has been an increasing number of us officials who say they can no longer support. joe biden stands in there and he's unconditional support of in the defense of israel as it continues to wage. this campaign is indiscriminate campaign that has now resulted in 37000 palestinians and counting
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that have been killed. and not only that, it's been the blocking of humanitarian aid and also the fact that there has been an international condemnation and many of these officials and said that there has been a twisting of the facts and that in many cases the united states has been complicit in these steps, so even as the white house defends itself, saying that they believe that they have some critical, the civilian casualties that they've been working to boost humanitarian aid. really underscores the frustration within the bible administration. and this is something that we see not just within the governmental also outside the us government. we see protest outside the white house case. and we expect that this is only going to increase as we get closer and closer to the presidential election. for example, we have next week the presidential debate where we're going to have to abide and facing off against the former president. donald trump, and wherever jo biding goes, we see the protesters often outside calling in genocide. joe,
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that his red line was a lie us, and we also expect that we're going to see even more protests when the, as really prime minister himself comes to address the joint session of congress that is happening. we expect next month. and already we know that there are a large number of members of congress that are expected to boycott that address as well. thank you for that committee home. cut that for us at the white house. and william laurence is a former us diplomat. he says andrew mothers resignation is assigned state department officials on happy with the us approach. i was just with senior. how was it barb relief last night? i was with a bunch of other state department people out in advance. um uh it was on 11 on and and, and uh, i talked to many of the people there. i mean the state department, people are not happy in general with whats going on. and guys, i would say the majority of the diplomats are not happy with the guys the policy. um, it reminds me of the 2003, a rack at the state department when the vast majority match where it gets the rack
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and vision um and the descent channels uh, wasn't used. you know, in the apartment, it's a different matter and cards to send a cable directly to the blinking, and then it's reviewed by blinking and this stuff and responded to all the cables. it's never been so active since the iraq war until now. on the guy's a policy where it diplomats on a regular basis, expressed of dissatisfaction with all aspects you on secretary general has voiced his alarm at the escalating buttons between israel and his bullet. in one of his strong, his comments on the situation and tony gutierrez said the risk of the conflict and them at least is real, must be avoided. escalation him continues, exchanges of fires. an escalation in bel, it goes with saudi. from both sides is effect all out. war was the means. the risk for the conflict seems to be the least. why that is real. must be avoid is
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when dress move, when miscalculation. cool thing that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the bar of this. and frankly beyond imagination, let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become another, gaza. gabriel, arizona is that the united nations that says many countries are taking fees of escalation very seriously. and i think you heard that in the words from the secretary general, he said 2 things. he said, reason and a rationality. so those are the 2 things that are needed right now. more than ever . and you know, he's been talking about spill over into 11 on the 4 months now, quite frankly, both publicly in a few statements that he's made previously going back to october, but also private. we with the security council members and other diplomats are
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really stressing on how worried he is about this. now he said that the un peacekeepers and there are about 10000 of them in 11 on most, in the south. a part of the country along the blue line, or working right now, day and night to de escalate the attentions and help to help prevent any miscalculation. and i think that is what the secretary general is particularly concerned about any misstep, any miscalculation could lead to a wider war that as he so eloquently put, it would have absolutely devastating ramifications. still ahead on al jazeera, a major power blackouts and pods, as the balkan slaves, millions of people sweltering in the middle of the heath way, the
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hello there are yet more heavy showers pushing across central parts of europe. we're going to see that west, whether it's going to go further east, which as we go through the next couple days, and eventually we'll see some woman and dr. bribes of weather coming back in across the northwest. at the moment. we have got a fair amount of tab little marietta fronts rolling across the back to west to sort of out and pushing a little further race was interested in positive u. k. as we go through the next 24 hours, we'll say, but eventually they will drop it will price and that's still plenty of showers. there were especially close southern positive jeremy switzerland is pushing down into the noise of it looks like the outbreaks of rain still in place across east. and there is a tools about 6 de southern areas of scandal, vegas things, and what the weather for a time clearing for on sunday bright, this guy coming back in behind and warming up quite nicely. probably a shower still that that was northern parts of if lake but quanch's woman, right. 28 celsius still very warm down towards the southeast with plenty of heat around in the south west warming up as well. which was
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a good part of north africa 40 celsius inc. cars have very much on the hot side here. also still, as we go on into sunday rush, i was across the west africa into the gulf of guinea. what is wise for the intents as they should be? but the opposite? never the less you will so caught a duty in a grove using for its p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on read present and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the
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the broken back you watching out is there a mind to thought old stories this hour? at least bessy palestinians have been killed and is really strikes and calls, especially in the north. the strip people was seen scrambling for come, the wind shells hit a residential squad during one of the attacks is where the forces levels have been talking to space palestinians in southern dogs at least $25.00 of us citizens. thank you. size, right, the strikes and the so called humanitarians zone of on the last few estate departments, the deputy assistant secretary for his riley published signifies, has been assigned. drew miller says he made the decisions found many weeks, but he has disappeared in the past on findings handling. for one cost.
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at least 2 palestinians have been killed by is riley forces who open fire on a vehicle in the occupied westbank. the shooting happened in the northern city of called kennedy, a red crescent official. on the scene told al jazeera is ready forces prevented his team from approaching the call, assisting the injured. now in other news, the desk toll from protest in kenya against tax reforms has risen to 2 is more than $300.00 injured off to demonstrate as clash with police and cities across the country. for just a zip code for 7 days of rage beginning on friday for national strike next tuesday . just want to purchase the controversial finance bill posted 2nd reading in the countries parliament on wednesday. by so the purchased as all young people. let's say it from a film producer who's joining the demonstrations. so i am close again that i am
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a sill insights produce a base t. i know it will be kenya and i'm excited and through during the process. and i was going to say not to the finance deluxe, takes me on a personal and professional level personality because of everything's going up and this affects my professional life because as i feel mika, i, our industry is basically, you know, like cadillac series. so if people can afford, you know, their basic needs, dental, gonna wanna watch awesome. they're not gonna wanna go into sleep. mentioned the donation is the most effective educational sees, has gone up there and no job. they have nothing but time on their home in new resources, it will, this is the only way that they can share their voice is this is the only way they can be had having one plus one day if it is so unfortunate it's,
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it's unfair. will you be, have our goal to protect us as we've purchased it in the constitution, but the, the doing this crazy, but for a more united than ever and i think social media please such a big rules because a lot of people i've seen housing needs to be charged that the connection is travelers. it's like i have this problem. you have this trouble. how can we come together? and, and i see lots of beautiful things with this. and i, i do think that this is the beginning of a new chapter in 10 years. history that is going to change the course of elk hunting for the best definition. and his prime minister. now random moody has been visiting indian administer in kashmir as far as trip since winning a sad time. 2 weeks ago. body lead a yoga session and 3 in the golf. mocking world yoga day. i it is government scrap the most the majority region, special, semi autonomous states us back in 2019 and use supreme court has now ordered the
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government to hold local elections by the end of september. a decades long uprising against indian rule has killed thousands of people. south korea has some of the russian investment in protest against a new security deal between shown young and most guys. on the state visit to north korea this week, president putin signed a mutual agreement with king john on us next year. stay on to be blinking, is also conducting the new agreement as a threat to regional peace and stability. now several bolton countries have experienced a major power blackout to bid scorching a high summit temperatures. montenegro pals, nia, and most of course, has a dressing coast as well as possible bain. you will impacted bounce ideas, core significant issues, including shutting down of traffic lights and malfunction of a power transmission line in montenegro is reportedly responsible for the outage id
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has the music has moved from, sorry, eva, the smallest of what we know about the power outage is coming from craze and officials, they say that the incident did not happen increase so and according to some preliminary information, the problem happened somewhere between greece and albania. a great and officials have also sides. it's march 6 up to 6 months before we have official investigation results. and they said that's what happened might be to some extent related to extreme heat wave. today we have to have one of the pots of space in the balkans, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees, people in bosnia and herzegovina, albania, grace, shaw, and montenegro. greece as well were affected by this power outage. we're talking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions. also, sir, is we're attached to that because we're in the middle of a store a season. i'm. the situation is gradually coming back to normal. the electricity is
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gradually coming back, but there were some disruptions. we're hearing that inside of here with the policy and capital traffic lights for off and there were severe traffic disruptions. also, we're hearing about people who were stuck in the elevators and the fire fire fighters had to rescue them. luckily, institutions such as schools, hospitals, and other similar institutions, they do have their own uninterrupted power supplies with their own generators and extreme temperatures continue to scorch regions across the united states. the heat wave stretches all the way from the midwest to the northeast and is expected to spread to the southern states over the coming days. as a 100000000 people on the heat to let's temperatures in the capital. washington dc are expected to break records this weekend. shepherd town see has moved from the nation's capital. here's washington dc. we got to experience the extremes of the heat and really we've been told to expect the highest temperatures towards the end
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of the we can, we're at a, a major risk of extreme heat. whereas those states of, of level for it stream risk are illinois, missouri, indiana, michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, new york, and massachusetts. and what we've been told is that don't expect enormous temperatures necessarily. i think the fear is sustain periods of high temperatures . what effect that's going to be without any release from cold, cold temperatures, this bearing washington or if it is very interesting because there is a general consensus now the type of change is responsible for extreme weather events like this. but looking at the polls for the upcoming election, even though people say, well, something should be done about climate change. climate change does how to be registered on the important issues. this november's presidential election, economy, immigration, democracy, prime climate. not really that. in fact, time, it does sort of come into the issue of the economy because a lot of what
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a lot of people and off for cheapest petrol prices possible, which of course then contributes to climate change. she ever time c l g 0 washington. lisa people have died in the southern chinese province of london as heavy rain full brings flooding to several parts of the country in the east emergency cruise helps thousands of people to evacuate in and who the province katrina hughes of beijing small in the flooding. the houses storms of last 7, an eastern china for about 10 days now. and these selected provinces include one don't put in place to john and john c, the lifelock pathologist to region seems to be accounted continue. a major city in one during the day before to the highest death row. so far. now at the beginning of this week known sub torrential rain target extensive land slides as well as severe flooding. some parts of penguin county received about 30 centimeters range within
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a 12 hour period. now we're just starting to get an idea of how wide spread the damage is about. 55000 people live in p. u in county. and the government says more than 5000 times more than 100 bridges had been destroyed, damaged, a 1000 hectic, a fall, bland, has been effected. tell us supplies as well as key words and communication lines have also been cut. now, because of how wide spread and how serious the disaster has been, it's taking a risk, the teams and emergency team days to reach those who need to be rescued. and those who were trapped the search does continue for those who are missing. but some said that the death toll, they still katrina you all to 0 agent. indonesians all taking a page from the all eyes on ross, a viable campaign to raise awareness about the threat to forest in the west apply
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region digit, as tribes and palm oil companies. are locked in the legal bass or and the supreme court on a be low has moved from jakarta as the members of indonesia is l. u. in more communities from west popple province travelled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court to save their forest. but we will be left with nothing if palm oil companies are allowed to operate. we are worried about tom oil waste, polluting our sources of live hood video. this demonstration in late may has be shared online along with it, a poster with a hash tag. all lies on popcorn. the campaigns creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies and brought the image, which went viral after that is really army bump, a 10 camp in southern gaza, killing at least $45.00 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if.


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