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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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is the fact that you assigned him a present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on talk to al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the deadly day in dallas, at least 55 pounds of simians, a killed by is really a tax across the street. the money in sight, this is out, is there a night or so coming out the people of the old cannot to for 11 and to become a not because a warning from the u. n. chief is fee is square that cross for the tax between israel and has the full i could turn into an without found the destro from days of
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torrential rain and $1.00 of the west have areas and some china jumps to $57.00 extreme heat which heat wave grips the us triggering and less for over a 100 and the name. the we begin with the moment is riley of tennessee shells hit a residential area in the hall. so have gone to the city in the north of this trip in the off tomorrow. but that time, palestinians in the area have to scramble for whatever color they could find. some distorted number of people were killed in the strike with many others wounded. at least the 2 people had died and is rarely a tax across garza city. i mean, since they've been trying to collect the injured or any 3 partially functioning hospitals in the area. and his role has bought the entry of knowing,
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saving supplies to the north for weeks one. so clute centers this update from northern garza, just almost to clear the, the intensity of bump selling at has increased in the last few days and nothing doesn't engage the city as that is why the forces targeted different separated residential houses and the blocks in both at garza city and often does so the, so a 8 killed and including a 5 minute symbol. it's the wall cuz it would have been killed. why they are doing their duties. if they had to walk to o a b, i might as simple as you guys are. to in the sense that regardless of it's also saving it, have been killed as a result of and is really, is twice as a tune neighborhood and dislike. eh, killed 7, including 3 children. and at one women also dozens had been killed and uh,
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got injured as a result of at difference of a rated functioning and also read all over. nothing does a city regardless of the itself. and this is, by the way, the daily routines we are experiencing every day in the nothing does a, by the way mean, well in southern gaza, is there any forces of killed at least 25 public opinions in milwaukee? video shows the moment make shift structures, quote fi also they would targeted by his writing troops witnessed to say the all me, you sound bolton's to get people to seek shelter at a temporary hospital. and then they weigh it on the las vegas strip of land on the southern coast of garza, which is real designated as a humanitarian. so noted power steering is to move to for safety it yesterday there were random rocha tax this thing. gold. we are safe and,
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and home. today before the afternoon, a bump was thrown near the red cross. my husband went out after hearing the sound of the explosion. the 2nd bomb was near the red cross building old a young man with the because some people were injured. my husband went in and looked for him, but couldn't find him. everyone was forced to sleep in the clothes without taking their belongings. handle cordarious and darrow by the end, central garza, with more on the latest strikes across the strip. and it was another deadly day for the palestinians across the godless trip. starting from dropbox where the are telling me is ready time. so that makes if to come for at least $25.00 policy means were killed and dozens were injured. and we also need to highlight a gun that there has been no hospitals in dropbox, where all of those who were injured were transferred to the european hospital in con eunice. there were also a couple of targets in let's play it off and also department and the civil defense
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. these were able to pull a body of another time at the time any member from other i saw many where she was chopped under their boat for more than 4 days yesterday for palestinians were also rescued from the same exact place in the house of the other i saw many inside rods, refugee calm, but their bodies were decomposed. unfortunately, the civil defense team say that there are many palestinians didn't missing. i'm trapped under the rubble. the statements continues across the cause of ship, where there has been a heavy artillery selling and air strikes in the eastern part of the fluff and cleanliness, pushing more people more into the middle area. central a of the godless troops, just talking about fit and buff as the why. the other areas in the middle area towards the western parts of,
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of the largest group were also in the hospital where hospitals continue to face humanitarian and how situation collab where not only medicine is not available, but also palestinians are striving to find water to drink. and also food to eat. well then 8 months of war and gaza has crippled the health system. the few hospitals that are still operating along without sufficient live saving equipment or medicine. the challenge of survival of patients, most of whom can't get a bed as low as airflow. the palestinian neurologist i'll accept hospital in there, i'll follow who is also displaced himself to see what dislike on the hospital front line dark boys who has a story. a silent. this is one of the last few remaining costs patrols in going so somebody, somebody each day brings me patient phone. you're really just, i'm her mother and his stuff at the hospital. it means another long shift with lack
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of resource. so the to the letter every day we deal with thousands of cases. there is a severe shortage of a st. jude medical supplies. we are dealing with patients using very primitive methods which take a long time. we sometimes lose the patient in the operation room due to the lack of medical tools. most of the 36 hospitals and goals will have been destroyed. critical health care remaining accessible nearly 500 was putting and health workers . how thank you and do some food stamp thing with limited supplies. hopkinson to make a choice about who gets to the specialist and of a medical professionals have how to move around to avoid being targeted in israel's attacks in the post 8 months. they have been providing essential treatment to the wounded and those who were really sick and with h is very strong, causing mass casualties. keeping people alive with limited supplies becomes that
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much more difficult and like medical professionals all over the world, doctors and nurses and goals, i do not get breaks. good notes to sleep is a luxury from home that have been down the been auto boss and some of the last we work 24 hours on certain days. we are providing medical care for the 3 basic departments and we should follow all cases in the hospital. we continue to treat new tanks as in the emergency department of time and we carry out medical surgeries for critical cases along with my colleagues of safe patients. well, but then usually just is also a refugee, how much has had to move multiple times because no wes, saving goza is ready attacks health telling you to be pulled in areas that the, with designated safe zones for doctors like fun. but that's a worrying. so wild what because they have to leave the families and flimsy tents for days from about as i think i thought that how old, like i said, when the world again,
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i didn't see my family for 2 weeks because i didn't leave out chief, a hospitality, even when i visited my family like to, i was thinking about the hospital and the patients and how i can balance my personal and professional laundry with the goals as doctors and nurses have refused to leave patients behind. even when the, when given evacuation orders like is all over the world boxes and health care workers have protested instead of derrick see. but for doctors like committed a ceasefire, it could not come soon enough as that tirelessly work to save lives. tarika bassoon, l, just sierra derek by the palestine. at least 2 palestinians have been killed by his ready forces. they're open fire on a vehicle in new york on westbank. excusing happened in the northern city of calculated red crescent. official on the scene told al jazeera that his rarely forces prevented his team from approaching the ca. assisting the injured no day
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reports for mala and the occupied westbank. the hello sydney and authorities confirmed to man were killed in poker in the northern westbank with his ready forces. i'm bushed the center of the town and fired at a vehicle carrying to people allegedly wanted by the is really occupation authorities a be have of a habit. and my hold said we're both confirmed, killed their bodies and the car they were writing and were confiscated by the israeli soldiers. meanwhile, something far more strategic and with long lasting effect is also taking place with these really army transferring powers over construction and agriculture. and about 61 percent of the west bank to the is really ministry of defense, particularly these really administer bits of smotts rich and a group of civil servants loyal to him. what that means is that in essence,
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the israeli government is implementing its coalition agreement that pledges to next the west bank, it will be treating these illegal is really supplements the same way it would any other is really city inside israel proper. and over the months we've heard from you on an international law experts and more than 50 countries at the international court of justice thing the as rarely occupation of the west bank is illegal because it is permanent, and it is tantamount to annexation. and so now with that step, it is no longer creeping annexation or the fact. so alex ations money would say alex station is here. it is now being streamlined and normalized within the bureaucracy of the as real estate. not all the address data drama, la palestine, to the state department's deputy assistance x ray, if it is rarely published in unify as has resigned 100 mill. it says he made the decisions for family reasons,
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but he's disagreed in the past on some of the way the body and administration is handled. the war and gossip multiple officials have resigned from the state department since the beginning of the war. whitehouse correspond, can be hook, it has more for the resignation of senior diplomat. andrew miller from the us state department is the latest in the spring of resignations from the side administration across a range of agencies. and it underscores rowing frustration with in the, by the end ministration over the president's stock support for israel's war on gaza . already there has been a number of high profile resignations, where those who have resigned have said that the president, in some cases is twisting the facts or even turning a blind di or complicit in the 37000 palestinian desk and
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counting. now this not only underscores the growing frustration with in the government, but also outside the government. just 2 weeks ago we saw thousands take to the street outside the white house, protesting israel's war on garza. and we expect, as we head towards the november presidential election, those protests will continue next week. us president joe biden is set to debate for president donald trump in a presidential debate where joe biden appears in public appearances. he is often met by protesters who call him genocide, joe, or say that his red line was a lie. we also expect there will be further protests when the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu addresses a joint session of congress. next month. we know that there will already be a large number of members of congress who plan to. 2 caught that address. kimberly helped get out to 0. the white house, the head on out is there a major pell,
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a blackout and pumps of the balkans leaves millions of people sweltering in the middle of a heat wave. the hello, sadly on the cold side for southeast and piles of australia, but that is windsor. so we're still looking at quite a cool, probably breeze coming in the into victoria 3, tasmania pushing up into new southwell, around this area of low pressure which will bring some raw the wet weather for a time intern, easy to visit, just spins a little further east with what the weather coming in across southern parts of wy, so we'll say some cloud and rain rolling for here. bright. just guys, coming back in full, many dental is the se chris sunshine. i think we can coordinate chris because it is going to be cool. but it will be dry and bright for the most part. still a few showers just cling onto the east coast as we go on through sunday nights that
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west the weather making its way across new zealand. as we go through the next couple of days, crisis guys to come for the cost whole next week. meanwhile, some very heavy right into central pot, sofa china pushing across into west south career and heavy rain. also coming into southern parts of japan, some big temples coming for you could see some localized people flash flooding, same system direct, more, very heavy, right across a similar area as we go one through sunday, temperatures at 30 celsius to take care of that state. meanwhile, for badging his fine dry eye will the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out there, and linda thought top stories 1st, a nice that the palestinians have been killed and it is rarely strikes and goes to the city. and the north, the strip people was seen scrambling, succumb a wind shells, hit a residential squad during one of the attacks itself. in garza 25 people were
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killed. and on the last day, when the army talking to the make shift hospital, just phase kind of sinews, with sheltering israel have designation the area as ation monetary and usa departments, deputy assistant sex reef. as rodney published it in a fast, has resigned. andrew miller says he made a decision for family reasons, but he has disagreed in the past on buttons. how do i for one cost, you and agencies a warning that over 1000000 palestinians in gauze and could experience the highest level of salvation by mid july. hunger is worsening, as israel maintains is located on humanitarian access into the strip. is left parents across the strip scrambling to keep the children alive. judy diego ports a saba ahmed swell struggles echo throughout garza. it's
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a daunting task. i have to rest every flights of stairs. the difficulty of trying to provide for a family when israel has cut off an entire population from the resources they need to survive, we can hardly find a loaf of bread, and if available, we just eat bread without any other food items. we do not have income, and even if there is nothing to buy, we cannot afford a decent meals. my children are not you telling me a loaf of bread and only once a day. there and 11 members of the swell family and they live in fate law here in the new hunger and thirst. a spreading and sub is struggling to keep his trojan life even when they escaped. death from israel's near constant attacks.
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come see for yourself the fridge is completely empty. nothing at all. not even what my children are starving to death. it's now infested with insects and cockroaches is nothing. it all depends and 85 percent of palestinian children under the age of 5 in the cause of it being forced to go at least $1.00 and $3.00 days without food. the number of deaths from dehydration and fall nutrition is rising, leaving parents hopeless is fun and takes hold to lead vega out to 0. the united nations secretary general has voice has alarm at the escalating violence between israel has buller and one of his strong his comments on the situation. on to do gutierrez said the risk of 5, the conflict and the least is real. must be avoided. gabriel alexandro small from new york of the secretary general, saying that the un continues to support any diplomatic efforts to ends of violence in gaza and avoid any spill over into 11. on the u. n. has about 10000 peacekeepers
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in lebanon, and the secretary general said they are working around the clock to try to de escalate tensions in the region. secretary general also saying that an all out war between has belong and is real, would be a worst case scenario. one that he's worried about for quite some time, but now more than ever, the risk for the test, which seems to be the least why that is real, must be avoid is when rational, when miscalculation. cool thing that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination, let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become not the gaza. the secretary general knows that the best way to avoid any
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spill over into 11 on is for israel's war on gaza to end. and that's why he again called for association in hostilities that would lead to a permanent cease fire. one that he says is the only durable solution gabriel's onto, i'll just either at united nations in new york out there, as i said, bag is in the lab. and on capital, beverage of the conflict and southern lebanon has been simmering since the start of his wheels will cause up this day the reports of a strikes and trust for the tax between israel and his beloved. but it has been a warning from his with us need to ship, assigning us through the in a televised address. said that the group has ministry, unintelligence capabilities that would enable it to strike deeper into israel. and also seeing drone for fits from his beloved drones over stage, right needs to be of hyphen, we've seen drawn from the data from kind of cause the film striking is really positioned. the message from his will is that they don't want to butcher are
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prepared for it. and any or out with the conflict will not be confined to the board as of living on benita has on the one cypress. it's believed here that cyprus cooter is being used by this radius in terms of mid of to intelligence, to talking to his beloved hair. but the message from his realize that this is april, the group has the capability of inflicting damage on israel. but people here in the don't want to avoid the conte ford, one is already suffering from an economic crisis. it would be devastating. but the reality is, if it is, it will not be confined to the borders of this country, and there would be damage insects on israel. i said vague. i'll just say the favorites 7 or at least 47 people have died in the southern chinese province of glendon. as heavy rain full brings flooding to several parts of the country in the east emergency cruise helped thousands of people to evacuate in on who in the province,
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katrina hughes invasion with more of the flooding across china. us health systems of last 7 am eastern china for about 10 days. now. the defected provinces include one don't put in place to john and john see the lifelock, the hardest to region seems to be a county continue. a major city in one don't. they reported the highest death row so far. now at the beginning of this week, non stop torrential rain target extensive land slides, as well as severe flooding. some parts of penguin county received about 40 centimeters range within a 12 hour period. now we're just starting to get an idea of how wide spread the damage is about. 55000 people live in p. u in county. and the government says more than 5000 times more than 100 bridges had been destroyed, damaged, a 1000 hectic, a fall, bland, had been effected, power supply, disclose key rules and communication lines have also been cut. now the authorities say because of how wide spread and how serious the disaster has been, it's taking
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a risk, the teams and emergency team days to reach those who need to be rescued. and those who were trapped. the search does continue for those who are missing, but some fear that the death toll, they still katrina you all to 0 agent stream temperatures continue to scorch regions across the united states. the heat waves stretches from the midwest to the northeast and is expected to spread to the southern states that with the coming days about a 100000000 people are on the heat to let's temperatures in the capital. washington dc are expected to break records this weekend shepherd tons to reports from the nations caps. so here's washington dc where you got to experience the extremes of the heat time. really, we've been told to expect the highest temperatures towards the end of the we can, we're at a, a major risk of extreme heat. whereas those states, the level for it stream risk are illinois, missouri, indiana, michigan, no higher,
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pennsylvania, new york and massachusetts. and what we've been told is that don't expect enormous temperatures necessarily. i think the fear is sustain periods of high temperatures . what effect that's going to be without any release from cold, cold, the temperatures this bearing washington or if it is very interesting because there is a general consensus now the type of change is responsible for extreme weather events like this. but looking at the polls for the upcoming election, even though people say, well, something should be done about climate change. climate change does how to be registered on the important issues. this november's presidential election, economy, immigration, democracy, prime climate. not really that, in fact, the time it does sort of come into the issue of the economy because a lot of what a lot of people and off for cheapest petrol prices possible. which of course then contributes to climate change. she ever time c l g 0,
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washington. new jazz, mid a tree. governance has revoked the uranium mining license, a french nuclear group around there. the company operates mine with one of the wells launches deposit. so if you rang and highlights of tensions between the genta and former colonial power fronts and is the latest step and causing ties with fronts. and so that interest explains revoked. my license relates to the human we're inviting site. it sits on top of $200000.00 tons of uranium. a metal used in the production of nuclear power and nuclear weapons, the military government images you had given to the french mining company. what i know the deadline of 19 june to be nice to side will have that license report, or i don't want any spots that won't be nice. mainland resources and even upgraded infrastructure besides in preparation for food operations. however, it said it was surprised by the latest news by the french, by the government in revolting devices,
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or also operates another mining side in. yeah, our leech and the region of auditors relations between media and french interest in the country took a nose dive, says the coo, last year. first of all, i, when relations deteriorated, we saw how the french investigate mature, was ported out of the country. the ministry also the french military, and it's basically that was shut down and the men see it all out of the country. now we see another escalation, this time target to print businesses in the republic of other people believe that the license is that was the license belonging to or i know and respect to human, wrote a mining side will eventually find its way to russian interest because we've seen over the past few months, how relations are warming up between the military and major public and russia, as well as pressing interest and companies who have significant interest in mining and ranging in the country how many degrees i'll just eat, i and all the news,
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the dest told, from purchasing kenya against tax reforms, has risen to, to, with over $300.00 injured of, to demonstrate as clash with police and cities across the country. for the test, a zip code for 7 days of rage, beginning on friday, for national strike. next tuesday. just want to purchase a controversial finance bill posted 2nd reading in the countries parliament on wednesday nights at the protest. it's all young people. let's hear now from a film producer who's joined the demonstrations as i i'm close to getting that. i almost feel if i could use a base t, i know it would be kenya, and i'm excited into joining the process. and i was going to say not to the finance deal, effects me on a personal and professional level personality because of everything's going up and this affects my professional life. because as i make, our industry is basically,
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you know, like cadillac shooting. so if people can afford, you know, their basic needs, dental, gonna wanna watch awesome dental. gonna wanna watch industry mentioned the donation is the most effective educational sees has gone up the new job. they have nothing but time on their home in new resources. it will, this is the only way that they can share their voice is this is the only way they can be had having one plus one die if it is so unfortunate is sunset. will you be, have are going to protect us as we've purchased it in the constitution, but the, the doing this crazy, but for a more united than ever and i think social media, we such a big rules because a lot of people i've seen housing needs to be charged that the connection is travelers. it's like i have this problem. you have this trouble. how can we come
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together and, and they see such a beautiful thing to witness. and i, i do think that this is the beginning of a new chapter in 10 years. history that is going to change because of elk hunting for the bed to india is prime minister in the run. the movie has been visiting indian admitted some cash man. this 1st trip since winning assigned to 2 weeks ago movie led to a yoga session, inserting the gall, mocking. well, the yoga day has government scrap the muslim majority regions, special semi autonomous states as back in 2019. but india supreme court has now ordered the government to hold local elections by the end of september, decade sloan uprising against indian who has killed thousands of people.


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