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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 22, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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is to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15 in the insightful documentary. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you place a to the house of the story, the the hello i'm on the inside. this is denise life and i was coming up in the next 16 minutes a deadly day and god bless. know the center on the south of the street. come on, the is riley attacked, at least 55 people were killed. cause us health system is that breaking point. we meet adults and one of the few functioning hospitals forced to make decisions about
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who gets collect the people of the world cannot afford 11. i'm to become another, got a warning from the u. n. chief as fees grow that cross for the attacks between is wrong spell and $11.00 on could turn into an on a record heat wave score, which is the us and mexico who's saying over a $100000000.00 people to find ways to escape the welcome to the program it's been another deadly day across garza, with his riley strikes heading targets from the north to the south. at least 55 palestinians were killed and hundreds of all those injured is really all to the ratio struck deep into the residential halls. have gone to the city until the south as strikes hit a make shift hospital in milwaukee, which is of course meant to be a so called safe so can could are it begins coverage from daryl bella in central
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garza fleeing and panic. after is really artillery shells target had many populated area in the heart of plaza. city of mount pond is to needless crumbling to help. the injured horse clattered across a brief coordinator. we don't know what happened to me. we were showered with missiles and inches. are trying to connect the wounded, but hospitals in the area are already stretched to a breaking point. only 3 and this partially functioning new pond is to need is period is you as well as the good news continue to be targeted. this is a milwaukee in the south. an area is where the signee did as a so called save. so and then the we were about to sleep and get some risk as the
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next thing we knew was the sounds as a result of the explosions. distilling our places, we found ourselves alone, not knowing what to do. we still can't process. what's happened with this is say that is really meant to use sound bond to force policy means towards and make shift hospital where they were targeted casualties arising the funding, they find the new, the red cross. we are located near that my husband runs a check. they fight to get new, the red cross, the casualties that people got that the. i tried to call my husband, he didn't answer. people start to run someone's a customer's car. the entire clause was to, is under, is there any bombardment, thomaston, use or topped, trying to find any inch of safety, but none exist in quality. i'll just either the plaza palestine as
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well. the international committee of the red cross has put out a statement condemning that is really a tax never was facility mentioned in that report. from hint, it says heavy caliber project tells landed within meters of the office and residences of the i, c o c. and strongly the damage the structure of the i c o. c office which is surrounded by hundreds of just by civilians living in tents. it goes on to say that the nearby field hospital received 22 killed and 45 injured. you know, i see all see says firing so dangerously close to humanitarian structures for so long as the civilians, humanitarians at risk i'll to 0 will also include has more of the attacks in northern garza from july, the clear the, the density of bump showing has increase in the past few days and nothing doesn't gauze and city as that is why the forces targeted different separated residential
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houses and blocks in both at gods and city and often goes with the so $88.00 killed and including a 5 met. as simple as the wall, cuz at what had been killed, why they are doing the youtube and they had to walk to o a b. i might as simple as you guys are to in the sense that olga city also 7 and have been killed as a result of and is really, is twice as a tune neighborhood and dislike. eh, killed 7, including 3 children. and at one women also dozens had been killed and uh, got injured as a result of uh, different, super rated ball i'm feeling and also read all over. nothing does a city at the guys the city itself. and this is, by the way, the daily routines we are experiencing every day in the nothing does
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a by the way as the one gaza has crippled the health system. very few hospitals are badly operational, forcing medics and doctors to work without enough live saving equipment. old medicine to give out. i'll just share a follow that policy. they didn't urologist at all. ok, so hospital and there are paula who is also displaced himself to see what is like on the hospital front line tarka. but as soon as the story, i was elizabeth, this is one of the last few remaining costs, but tools in going so somebody said i'm of each day brings me patients phone year, really just her mother and his this to the hospital. it means another long shift with lack of resource. so the to the letter every day we deal with thousands of cases. there was a severe shortage of a central medical supplies. we are dealing with patients using very primitive methods which take a long time. we sometimes lose the patient in the operation room due to the lack of
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medical tools. most of the 36 hospitals and goals will have been destroyed and critical health care remain in accessible. nearly 500 alice city and health workers, housing kills, and boost assume something with limited supplies. atkinson, to make a choice about to get to the specialist of a medical professionals have how to move around to avoid being targeted in as well as attacks in almost 8 months. they have been providing essential treatment to the wounded and those who were really sick and with h is very strong, causing mass casualties. keeping people alive with limited supplies becomes that much more difficult. and like medical professionals all over the world, doctors and nurses in going to do not get breaks. it's a good night. so sleep is a little sugary from home that home and down the boss hands on with the last work 24 hours on certain days. we are providing minutes, okay,
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if it's 3 basic departments and we should follow all the cases in the hospital. we continue to treat new tanks as in the emergency department of time and we carry out medical surgeries for critical cases along with my colleagues of size patients. well. but then usually just is also a refugee, how much has hot to move multiple times because no wes safe in goza is ready attacks health telling you to be pulled in areas with designated save stones, for doctors like from that, that's a worrying so wild. what? because they have to leave the families and flimsy tents for days from about as i think i thought that how old, like i said, when the war began, i didn't see my family for 2 weeks because i didn't leave el cheapo hospitality. even when i visited my family later, i was thinking about the hospital and the patients and how i can balance my personal and professional lawns with the goals as doctors and nurses have refused to leave patients behind. even when the, when given evacuation orders like is all over the world boxes and health care
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workers have approved tested in sort of derrick see. but for doctors like tell me that a ceasefire. it could not come soon enough as that tirelessly worked to save lives . tarika bassoon l, just sierra derek by the palestine. well, the un secretary general has voiced his alarm at the escalating violence between israel and has buller. and one of his strongest comments on the situation on sonya gutierrez said the risk of the conflicts and the release is, will, must be avoided. gabriel, as on the as moved from new to the secretary general saying that the un continues to support any diplomatic efforts to ends of violence in gaza and avoid any spill over into 11. on the u. n. has about 10000 peacekeepers in lebanon, and the secretary general said they are working around the clock to try to de
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escalate tensions in the region. secretary general also saying that an all out war between has belong and is real, would be a worst case scenario. one that he is worried about for quite some time, but now more than ever, the reason for the test which seems to me the least why that is real, as must be avoided, is when rational, when miscalculation. good thing is that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination, let's be clear is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become another god. so the secretary general knows that the best way to avoid any spill over into 11 on is for israel's war on gaza to end. and that's why he again called for association and hostilities that would lead to a permanent cease fire. one that he says is the only durable solution gabriel's
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onto, i'll just either at the united nations in new york as well as released a video. it says shows a new kind if it's tapped right. and the explosive drone was used, it is strong, and cooling is really ministry base in mid to late in the border with 11 on i'll just there, as i said back has moved from barret of the conflict and southern lebanon has been simmering since the start of his wheels will, on gauze this day, the reports of it strikes untrustworthy. the attacks between israel and his beloved, but it has been a warning from his with all his need to should have sent us with us. in a tell of wise address, said that the group has ministry, unintelligence capabilities that would enable to distract deeper into israel. and also st. john's protects from his beloved drones over stays where it needs to be of hyphen. we've seen drone for different kind of cause the drum striking is really positions the message from his will is that they don't want to put up prepared for
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it. and any or out to the conflict will not be confined to the board. as of living on benita has done this was one cypress. it's believed here that cyprus, cooter is being used by these ratings in terms of minutes. you intelligence to target his beloved hair. but the message from his realize that this is april, the group has the capability of inflicting damage on israel. but people here in the don't, don't want to avoid the contr ford, one is already suffering from an economic crisis. it would be devastating. but the reality is, if it is, it will not be confined to the board is of this country. and there would be damage inflicted on israel. i said vague. i'll just say the favorites, living on these 2 palestinians have been killed by his riley forces who opened fire on a vehicle in the occupied west bank. the shoes didn't happen in the northern city of kalki. leah, a red crescent official on the scene told down to 0 that is really forces prevented his team from approaching the call,
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assisting the injured. i'll just there is newer all day reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank. the hello sydney and authorities confirmed to man were killed in poker in the northern westbank with his ready forces. i'm bushed the center of the town and fired at a vehicle carrying to people allegedly wanted by the is really occupation authorities a be have of a habit and my holds. they were both confirmed, killed their bodies and the car they were riding and were confiscated by the is really soldiers. meanwhile, something far more strategic and with long lasting effect is also taking place with these really army transferring powers over construction in agriculture and about 61 percent of the west bank to the is really ministry of defense, particularly these really administer bits of smotts rich and a group of civil servants loyal to him. what that means is that in essence,
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the israeli government is implementing its coalition agreement that pledges to next the west back. it will be treating these illegal is really supplements the same way it would any other is really city inside israel proper. and over the months we've heard from you on an international law experts and more than 50 countries at the international court of justice saying the is rarely occupation of the west bank is illegal because it is permanent, and it is tantamount to annexation. and so now with that step, it is no longer creeping annexation or the fact of alex ations many would say alex station is here, it is now being streamlined a normalized within the bureaucracy of the is really state, not all the address data, but i'm a law palestine and so you are state departments deputy assistant secretary if as riley published in unify as has resigned. andrew miller says he's made the decision
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to use a family consent seems previously known as a critic of bought into the price of handling the war and gaza. several officials have resigned from the state department since the beginning of the war. and white house correspondent, given a whole kit, has more the resignation of senior diplomat. andrew miller from the us state department is the latest in the spring of resignations from the side administration across a range of agencies. and it underscores rowing frustration with in the bought into ministration over the president's stock support for israel's war on gaza. already there has been a number of high profile resignations, where those who have resigned have said that the president, in some cases is twisting the facts or even turning a blind di or complicit in the 37000 palestinian desk and
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counting. now this not only underscores the growing frustration with in the government, but also outside the government. just 2 weeks ago we saw thousands take to the street outside the white house, protesting israel's war on garza. and we expect, as we head towards the november presidential election, those protests will continue next week. us president joe biden is set to debate for president donald trump in a presidential debate where joe biden appears in public appearances. he is often met by protesters who call him genocide, joe, or say that his red line was a lie. we also expect there will be further protests when the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu addresses a joint session of congress. next month. we know that there will already be a large number of members of congress who plan to. 2 caught that address. kimberly helped get out to 0. the white house for me, us diplomat, william laurence is
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a friend of andrew miller. he says that his resignation is assign, the state department officials aren't happy with the us approach. i know, and you're really quite well, he's a friend, i have not spoken to him since the resignation, but i know his political views quite well and um and his frustrations with us policy. he was the senior official for israel passed at the state department. i mean, he was a deputy assistant secretary part of the bar relief barb relief was the assistant secretary that went on all 8 of blankets and trips to them at least as his main advisor. so this is the, the officer in charge, the senior diplomat in charge of israel palestine, the state department resigning and saying its for family reasons. now the fact that it was broken in the washington post and several people that knowing well, we're talking all about guys that made it clear that, that he's trying to you know, make a principled stand, but interact, matic way that doesn't embarrass his bosses. but he was definitely unhappy with the
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policy he was against what's known as the bear on the policy sort of the card punch blanch policy towards that. and you know, early after october 7, he's pro palestinian state. he's pro palestinian writes, and he's one of i would say the majority of diplomats who are frustrated with the guys a policy and he's left and this is, if not an over at protest is clear as my friend suzanne maloney set in the washington post. that the guys, a policy is taking its toll on us government employees on the state department and they're not happy. i think if he'd had the ability to change more of what was going on, i think if net. yeah, we'll take the ceasefire deal. i think if by them the ministration had more successfully applied pressure on the ministration, he probably would have stayed based on what i know i can use and confirm that to me personally. but i know him well enough to make that assessment. i mean him land, well, ill find another job, but it takes a lot of the big toilet of family with children to quit a job like that and then go job hunting, you know?
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so he's, he's made a personal sacrifice of time before the resignation of the job after the resignation. um and uh, he, as, you know, embarrassed the administration to some degree, even though you're trying to do it in an artful way. because the policies so bad bows with a bunch of other state department people out in advance. um, uh it was on 11 on and, and, and i talked to many of the people there. i mean, the state department, people are not happy in general with what's going on. and guys, i would say the majority of the diplomats are not happy with the guys the policy. it reminds me of the 2003 erac at the state department when the vast majority is much where it gets the rack and vision. and the dissent channels wasn't used. you know, in the apartment, it's a different matter. encourage to send a cable directly to the blinking and then it's reviewed by blinking of his staff and responded to all the cables. it's never been so active since the iraq war until now. on the guy's a policy where it diplomats on a regular basis express that dissatisfaction with all aspects of media has
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officially recognized the palestinian state. the country supports the united nations resolution on an immediate cease. fire is in favor of the 2 state solution to the palestinian. is there any conflicts palestinian authority? welcome to move as well as ministry of foreign affairs, summoned almeni's and besta. last month, spain orland, uh no way for me. recognized palestine as a state, a 143, all the countries and acknowledging palestinian statehood. un agencies, a warning that more than 1000000 palestinians in gauze and could experience the highest level of starvation on the middle of july hung a is worsening as israel maintains its blockade on humanitarian access into the strip its left parents across the strip. scrambling to keep the children alive to the daycare reports, a saba on that swell struggles echo throughout garza. it's
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a daunting task. i have to rest every flights of space. the difficulty is trying to provide for a family. when israel has cut off an entire population from the resources they need to survive, we can hardly find a loaf of bread. and if available, we just eat bread without any other food items. we do not have income, and even if there is nothing to buy, we cannot afford a decent meals. my children and i each only allow for bread and only once a day. there and 11 members of the swell family and they live in state law here in the new hunger and thirst. a spreading on summit, struggling to keep his trojan life, even when they escaped. death from israel's near constant attacks. come see for
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yourself the fridge is completely empty. nothing at all. not even what my children are starving to death. it's now infested with insects and cockroaches is nothing. it all depends and 85 percent of palestinian children under the age of 5 in the cause of being forced to go at least $1.00 and $3.00 days without food. the number of deaths from dehydration and fall nutrition is rising, leaving parents hopeless is fun and takes hold to lead vega ultra 0. the extreme heat continues to score 2 regions across the united states. the heat wave stretches from the midwest to the northeast and is expected to spread to the southern states over the coming days. by a 100000000 people are on the heat to less than reco breaking temperatures in the
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reading region of new england and the city of chicago, with temperatures reaching 36 degrees celsius and the city of chicago. this week. washington dc is also expecting record breaking temperatures this weekend. great wave is proving deadly from migraines on the border with mexico, a migraine was found dead in the desert. nick, who had died potters, apparently from heat stroke, and his boot officials say at least one migrant died every day from the heat last week in the el paso region rescue teams have been deployed on both sides of the border. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is
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don't try to cross the legally, don't go through the desert shavers on seizing washington dc. it has the south date on extreme haines across the country. a scared washington dc where you get to experience the streams of the heat. and really, we've been told to expect the highest temperatures towards the end of the we can, we're at a, a major risk of extreme heat. whereas those states, the level for it stream risk are illinois, missouri, indiana, michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, new york, and massachusetts. and what we've been told is that don't expect enormous temperatures necessarily. i think the fear is sustain periods of high temperatures . what effect that's going to be without any release from cold, cold, the temperatures this bearing washington there. if it is very interesting because there is a general consensus now, the type of change is responsible for extreme weather events like this. but looking at the polls for the upcoming election, even though people say, well,
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something should be done about climate change. climate change does how the registers on the important issues this november's presidential election, economy, immigration, democracy, prime climate. not really that, in fact, time it does sort of come into the issue of the economy because a lot of what a lot of people and off for cheapest petrol prices possible. which of course then contribute to climate change. she ever time c l g 0 washington. most of us santiago is found, is revitalization strategies of business focused on moving most vulnerable communities from surviving to thriving. he says, infrastructure has to be developed in the united states to face rising temperatures . that i think we still have work to do to help people to understand just how deadly extreme he can be. we know here in the united states that for the african americans, you know, they die at twice the rate as our white brothers and sisters. we also know that extreme g is tied to
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a number of public health impacts. so i think it is really about a refraining about the issue and helping people to see themselves reflected not only in the intake side, but also in what they can do to help to address the issue. you have to continue to build out the infrastructure. we have these climate crises, they are happening both in this moment and we know that they will continue to grow over time. so we have to make sure not only that we have hulu centers, but we also know this area is still about 10 percent of the united states population that doesn't have air conditioning. there are other folks who can't afford to turn the air conditioning on because of trying to figure out how to put food on the table and keep the lights on. so we've got to do a couple of things. one build out the infrastructure, the 21st century infrastructure to make sure that everyone who has vulnerable can be protected. and then we've also got to make sure that as we move forward with this new reading economy, that folks are able to actually be able to afford to utilize the electricity that's going to be necessary to keep their bodies cooler. we have this moment in the
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binding registration has been making significant investments and helping people to actually do just that. historically, we know that people of color have been police of the sacrifice zones through policy, red lining, restrictive covenants. is that often push people into certain areas? then in those areas we find many of the fossil fuel facilities that are there. so these communities get double and triple land. and what i mean by that is that one, they have to deal with the air pollution that is coming from those plants which causes its own set of diseases and public health impacts. and then they are the, you know, of the things that are coming out of those admissions that are coming out of the warming of our planet. i'll play a role in what's happening with the climate crises when we talk about extreme heat, awhile fires a, as you know, the various slides that are going on a number of different things that are there. so these communities have often been seen in her and have been just invested in and then you find that these fossil fuel facilities come in. there's a set up shop there. the people have to deal with the sets of impacts that both
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happen coming out of the stacks and then what plays out in relationship to the climate crisis. the still ahead on the al jazeera, the desk toll from the days of torrential rain in one of the west hit areas in southern china jumps to $47.00 major power blackout and pallets in the balkans leaves millions of people sweltering in the middle of the heat. waves the hello sadly on the cold side for southeast in piles of australia, but that is pointing to us. so we're still looking at quite a cruise heavily breeze coming in the intake toria free tasmania pushing up into new south wells, around this area of low pressure, which will bring some raw the way with a for a time intern easy or does it just spins a little further east with what the weather coming in across southern parts of
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w y. so it will say some cloud and rain rolling through here, brighter skies, coming back in full, many then pools, the se, chris sunshine. i think we can call it chris because it is gonna be cool, but it will be dry and bright for the most part. still a few showers just cling onto the east coast as we go on through sunday nights that what the weather making his way across new zealand as we go through the next couple of days, right. this guy's to come, but he added cost hope next week. meanwhile, some very heavy right into central pot, sofa china pushing across in to west south career and heavy rain. also coming into southern parts of japan, some big down pulls, coming through here. could see some localized, simple flash flooding. same system directs more very heavy right across a similar area as we go one through sunday, temperatures of 30 celsius to take care of that state. meanwhile, prepaid tank is fine, dry of the
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african stories from african perspectives. the museum of these 2 menus, the same mass email book. so some people are too short documentary by african filmmakers from the media and gonna, knowing that i'm actively of contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding, a feeling sleeping on water. and the go from a new series of advocate direct on i'll just see or, or what does a really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? a g i, 's beach, actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late? so if corporations this more power might in the bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice if to before she needs, as well as human on al jazeera. for my life is the senegalese
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fishermen to elected n p in the madrid assembly fighting racism into thing, giving voice to those he left behind a michael and tend politicians reveals how european over fishing an applicant forces has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses, be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the award winning program from international. so make or just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well,
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on algae. is there the the, the, you're watching out there. a reminder, our top story is the style. nice. 55. how the standards have been killed and attacks across the goals. districts save some were killed in a strike ongoing for city, presidents for spain scrambling to come up in the south $25.00. all these were killed in a strike on what was declared a safe side. the ones chief has voiced along the escalating violence along the israel 11 on florida. 20 gutierrez's warning that one rush mirrors and miscalculations could trigger one to war. on a catastrophe beyond imagination. on the usa departments,
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deputy assistant sex reef is rodney policy. and if the house resigned, andrew miller says he made the decisions of family reasons and he has disagreed in the past, which i have buttons have list for one golf lean. she 9 is a research fellow in the middle east program to quincy institute. she resigned from the state department back in march. over the us government stands on the gospel. she says more resignations, oncoming as he said, this is related to family reasons, but i also know that he has disagreed in the past with the administration's policy . um, so i, you know, i hope that he and his family are doing well. and you know, in general, i do think this does draw attention to the fact that there are many people inside the state department to continue to be where a find by what the administration is doing. i do think we will continue to likely
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see more resignations when it comes to the administration's policy on israel palestine. the decisions are made at the very top. so unfortunately, there are many people, such as das miller, who although he was in a senior, a relatively senior position, was not able to have a significant impact on policy as we've observed. he and others have, have expressed, well, i imagine he and others have expressed some of their concerns internally. and clearly it has not had an impact on some of these decisions. so i don't expect that his departure will really shift the policy that we're seeing. the head of the african union commission moves the vacuum. how much has wound up a possible genocide in through dawn of a 14 months of conflict between the army and the power ministry. rapids support forces has already cause one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history. fuck, he says he's concerned by reports of ethnically motivated attacks and del for missing
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of the violence in the region. 2 decades ago, over 25000000 people hosp the population on desperate need. if you monetary nate, international criminal court has made public a warrant of arrest for the formal edith and the homes group accused of will crimes in mali. yeah, i got a allegedly commissioned the offenses in the city of 10 buck. 2 in 20122013 nicholas hoc reports from neighboring sent a go. the most powerful leader of the outside uh, affiliated in this, i held your mazda suddenly, somewhat mostly mean the leader named eod, ga. the also known as i'm the father is now wanted and will be tried for crimes against humanity. war crimes committed during the invasion of northern molly in 20122013. he was been the leader of an sardine and according to the international
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criminal court documents he was responsible for war crimes, murder of soldiers, the use of sexual slavery rates and other forms of bodily reach, relation, cruel treatment, and torture. those or some of the crimes that the prosecutors of the international criminal court will bring to trial, but of trial that will take place in the absence of the ungodly, who is still somewhere in hiding between the borders of molly these year and 14 uh faso. and continues to launch attacks in the region who was famously known to have kidnapped the western hostages, and then released them against millions of dollars of round sum was paid to the armed groups. and it continues to be one of the most powerful armed groups in the region. nicholas hawk algae 0. the car,
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2 people who died during protests and tenure against tax reforms over $300.00 have also been injured chemistry, just clash with police and cities across the country for just as a cold for 7 days of rage beginning on friday. um for national strike, next tuesday, thousands of young canyons took to the streets of the capital, nor ruby with police firing t gas and was a cabin to despise the crowds. now, despite the purchase, the controversial finance bill passed its 2nd reading in the countries parliament. a job as the gumbo is a constitutional lawyer, he says the government needs to show its listening. it shows that there is a way in which this, for this outcome of getting a job because of the imagine political bunch of this, amongst the people. and if it spreads across the country, because so far we have seen it happening in various focus. hol, let me get those in the country each made it well. i mean,
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mediates can she and she has some questions. this one's on the part of government to listen to the guy, just listen to the stick for those to listen to these young people so that he does not lead to what is possibly being c a as an uprising in the compatible ways of desktops. pretty much others may not get there just yet, but i think the young people in this country and stick or does whether they're. busy private sector, etc, wants to be listened to the kind of just the restrictions for a time that come from them in the west bank of various conditions attempting to watson because the government has got to attend to those conditionality. and where do we appreciate this debt of that they've got to produce done, think of 68 percent of that you to be and also looking at the kind of government revenue collection of for which 59 percent goes to that payment. it demonstrates
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how can, yeah, it has been in physical challenges over the past most 80th, and therefore the government does go to mexico, divisions i'm, it was good to the question that about the plate of games, especially with the state of they're going to be under control themselves, maple, the position godaddy does on how they're going to be used to be managed by way of, of balancing development needs and district payment. well, most of the protest as a young people, let's see now from a film producer who's joined the demonstrations. so i am close again that i am a sill info, reduce us base t. i know it will be kenya and i'm excited into joining the process. and i was going to say not to the finance deal, effects me on a personal and professional level personality because of everything's going up and this affects my professional life because as i feel, mika, i, our industry is basically, you know, like cadillac shoes. so if people can afford,
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you know, their basic needs, dental, gonna wanna watch also, they're not gonna wanna go into sleep. mentioned the donation is the most effective educational sees, has gone up there and no job. they have nothing but time on their home in new resources, it will, this is the only way that they can share their voice is this is the only way they can be had having one plus one day if it is so unfortunate it's, it's unfair. will you be, have our goal to protect us as we've purchased it in the constitution, but the, the doing this crazy, but for a more united than ever and i think social media please such a big rules because a lot of people i've seen housing needs to be charged that the connection is travelers. it's like i have this problem. you have this trouble. how can we come together? and they see such a beautiful thing to witness?
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and i, i do think that this is the beginning of a new chapter in 10 years. history, that is going to change because of elk hunting for the bets. at least 47 people have died in floods and land slides in the southern chinese proven says one don't emergency crews help thousands of people to evacuate in on who we provence in the east. these boulders is to bring trapped residents to safety. elsewhere, flooding is damaged crops, roads and infrastructure with the emergency measures in more than a dozen towns, katrina hughes and phasing with mold in the flooding. the houses storms of last 7, an eastern china for about 10 days now and effected provinces include one don't put in place to john and john c, the lifelock pathologist to region seems to be accounted continue. a major city in
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one don't. dave report at the highest death row so far. now at the beginning of this week known sub torrential rain target extensive land slides, as well as severe flooding. some parts of penguin county received about 30 centimeters range within a 12 hour period. now we're just starting to get an idea of how wide spread the damage is about. 55000 people live in p. u in county. and the government says more than 5000 times more than 100 bridges had been destroyed, damaged, a 1000 hectic, a fall bland, has been effected. tell us supplies as well as team horse and communication lines of also being taught. now you 30 said because of how wide spread and how serious the disaster has been. it's taken a rescue teams and emergency team days to reach those who need to be rescued. and those who were trapped. the search does continue for those who are missing, but some said that the death toll, they still katrina you all to 0 agent. several balkan countries have
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experienced a major power blackout mid scorching lehigh summit temperatures us man hudson convenient montenegro. i'm most of gracious a drastic coast as was also called pena all impacted. the policy is cost significant issues, including shutting down traffic lights. malfunction of a power transmission line and months nigger is reportedly responsible for the outage idea how g music has moved from, sorry, ever. the smallest of what we know about the power outage is coming from craze and officials. they say that the incident did not happen. increase so and according to some preliminary information, the problem happened somewhere between greece and albania. a great and officials have also sides. it's march 6, up to 6 months before we have official investigation results. and they said, that's what happened might be to some extent related to extreme heat wave. today we
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have to have one of the pots of space in the balkans, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees, people in bosnia and herzegovina, albania, grace, shaw, and montenegro. greece as well were affected by this power outage. we're talking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions. also, sir, is we're attached to that because we're in the middle of a sore a season. i'm. the situation is gradually coming back to normal. the electricity is gradually coming back, but there were some disruptions. we're hearing that inside of, of the policy and capital traffic lights for off and there were severe traffic disruptions. also, we're hearing about people who were stuck in the elevators and the fire fire advisors has to rescue them. luckily, institutions such as schools, hospitals, and other similar institutions, they do have their own uninterrupted power supplies with their own generators. south korea has someone, the russian invested in protest against the new secure cdm machine,
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showing young and most of the south korean foreign ministers of russia to immediately stop ministry cooperation with north korea. date of this week, russia's president vladimir putin signed a defense deal with north korea. later came joan, the us has also condemned the deal and called it a threat to regional peace and stability. and it's brian minutes to run. the movie has been visiting indian administered cash, ma'am. it says foss trip since winning a sad time. 2 weeks ago, he led a yoga session in so in the gall knocking, weld yoga day. is government scrap the muslim majority region, special semi autonomous state is back in 2019 and it's running to elected slate is but india supreme court has now ordered the government to hold local elections by the end of september, decades loan uprising against indian who is killed thousands of people in my
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college need bonkers, spoke to see the child here, the director general of the gender india and said she'd spend time. he says that moody's policy and kashmir is down to crack, down on separate has to send most recent the bottom and to let you know, because we, we saw a huge donald so record donald's of people going to vote in the, in the general election. so knowing some of because of the twenty's in gosh, muted was more than 30 percent then before we haven't seen this kind of enthusiasm of participation. so i would say it's a, you know, mix picture. there is still a separate, it isn't one that terrorism of that you have these violence sponsored by the docket song, but there's also a sense that you know, we should integrate and assimilate into india and you guys are nice. we okay, we don't, we don't have anybody from focused on to defend that position on this. but let me ask you this because moody, remove the regions, limited state of co tunnel, be back in 2019 centralizing, overall control of the region. the move was,
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as you say, designed to crank down on the separatist to send, given the time when do programs that were killed in the shooting any last week. what does that say to you on us about the policy's effective effectiveness to date as well? i would say just to work in progress, mr. movies, intention is to bring crush me to the main street and to remove the separate is tendencies then and uh, i think uh there have been, uh, incidents unfortunate attacks. uh and the indian view is that most of these are sponsored by uh, do you have, you still have groups based in focused on which has got the support or the progress on the military. so uh, it would be a hard uh, long track before we can say that, oh gosh meeting was things i have integrated into the main stream. that is still a piece of fiction. what on the other hand, development, what's going on with some of these? say you're uninsurable, i'm it is a big problem and we are working towards resolving those students on his own. mean, you know, this summer we've had record numbers of boy is going to catch me valley from across
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india. so the business is a humming and i think there is an attempt to bring normalcy back up. but of course it's going to be along the way, given the history and the backlog. and also the religious fundamentalism that comes from the pocket study side. and it, as mentioned, government has revoked the uranium mining license, a french nuclear group around or the company operates and mine with one of the wells launches deposit. so if you ring and finalize attentions between the agenda and former colonial power fronts and is the latest step and counseling, ties with friends. as a human interest explains, a revoked mining license relates to the human we're inviting site. it sits on top of $200000.00 tons of uranium. a metal used in the production of nuclear power and nuclear weapons, the military government image you had given to the french mining company of what i know the deadline of 19 june to more be nice decides we'll have that license report
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or android spots, any type of organized mainland resources and even upgraded the infrastructure besides in preparation for form operations. however, it said it was surprised by the latest news by the french, by the is a government in the voting devices also operates another mining site in? yeah, i live in the region of, i get as religious between media and french interest in the country took a nose dive, says the cool last. yes. first of all i, when relations deteriorated, we saw how the french investigate, mature, was ported out of the country's divinity. also the french military and it's basically that will shut down the unlimited fee of audit out of the country. now we see another escalation, this time target to print businesses in the republic of other people believe that the license is uh, that was the license belonging to or i know in respect of human, wrote a mighty side will eventually find its way to a russian interest because we've seen over the past few months how relations are
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warming up between the military, june time, the jetta, public, and russia, as well as russian interest and companies who have significant interest in mining rainy in the country. i did reach out to you later. i it still has on al jazeera, the. 2 why zone pep or how and awareness campaign about the war and guns as inspiring environmental activists in indonesia, the
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troops, it's back in frank fight is charge out from the hidden positions. for the moment, however, their enemies imagined and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense rules put through the paces in the baking heats. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food,
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the pledge of allegiance. since the new conscription laws came into the force of thousands of young men and women, come down into the jungle, joined the pro democracy forces, and raw the fight against the military dentist and join the ranks based forces. conscription makes resistance force stronger. now what accepts that road? so you, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being constricted by the military. these volunteers, pang and sweat, then hardship to that belief in a democratic future. i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. the
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source and to one of our top story is big stream heats across the united states. the heat wave is stretching all the way from the midwest to the northeast and is expected to spread to the southern states over the coming days. as a 100000000 people on the heat. so that's a we spoke to melissa, see, know, she's a professor, the climate school at columbia university. she says he weighs become increasingly common. wellness and preparation is needed to keep people safe. and when we look at the climate science and all the research has been published over decades, we know that these type of events are much more likely as we continue to put greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. there's 2 different approaches to this. what we have to do simultaneously because we have delayed action when it comes to responding to climate change for a whole variety of reasons. the 1st is to keep it from getting worse. so we need to quickly mitigate quickly reduce emissions so that we are limiting the overall
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effects we see over time, climate changes already happening. we're already feeling it, but we can limit how far and how extensive the damage goes. at the same time, we need to be adapting to it so that we keep people safe and healthy. there are many different groups around the world that are most susceptible to it. um, susceptible these heat waves and 6th stream events. those who do not have resiliency in these events, and so we have to ask ourselves, what are the tools that begin to play quickly to protect health in these extreme events. there's so few people who understand that even if we stopped, you know, thinking about climate change for a moment and just thought about the other types of air pollution that come from the same source is the same power plants, the same cars, etc. they would already be worth it economically to respond to de carbonized to bring down emissions. and when we include health in the equation, it's a no brainer to respond more quickly into the change in climate and to get down emissions as quickly as possible. the challenge in the united states is that we pay for different things under different buckets. so we pay our energy bills from one bucket. we pay for our health care from another bucket. and that disconnect between
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health and energy bills and things like insurance, really challenges us when it comes to moving quickly. but step one, bring awareness, bring awareness into the conversation and make sure that it's not disjointed when it comes to policy discussions. and visions all taking inspiration from the campaign about the war on garza that went viral why zone popular campaign was influenced by allies on russia and campaign braces awareness about the threat to forest and the west popular region. farm b low has moved from chicago. so the members of indonesia is l. u. in more communities from west popple province travelled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court. to save their forest we will be left with nothing if palm oil companies are allowed to operate. we are worried about palm oil waste, polluting our sources of live hood video. this demonstration in late may has be
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shared online. along with it, a poster with the hash tag, all lies on popcorn. the campaigns, creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies on brought the image which went viral after the is really army bump, a 10 camp in southern god, killing at least $45.00 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if we support people abroad, we also need to support at brothers and sisters at home. indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil and ingredients and products ranging from chocolate toothpaste. millions of hector supreme force had been cleared for its cultivation and production. the government stop issuing permits in 2011 companies wanting to produce palm oil and what are considered virgin for us said wanted to balance economic and environmental concerns. as of as say, the case is before the supreme court or a test of the government's political will publish force or largely intact. but the
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area being contested in court is nearly twice the size of jakarta. the blinds all. we need to make sure this one is the palm oil industry is good for the economy that we think it's big enough for us. it is. if they want to expand their business, they should make use of technology instead of clearing more land. industry leaders say the support, the more tory but concessions granted before 2011, such as the ones facing legal challenges may be exempted at the cost for me before the gets off where men can if i lose shit department. so i depend on the golf with many of bro to you uh, to find g or the oh you employed people are hoping public support online will persuade the supreme court to rule in their favor. find below algebra 2 card. okay, that's it for me. my name's slides this, these are you can find more information on on website, out of there. don't com. my colleague jessica washington will be here in just
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a moment. much more. today's needs to stay with us. the onboard china is past fishing. evidence of human rights abuses is widespread trafficking wage the code on the black people starving death on land. it's a legs we goes a forced to work in c food processing units, obligations. china denied one. 0, one east investigating some china slaves fiction. oh no. just the
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you will see a duty in the grove using for p use a car to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris for my life is the senegalese fisherman to elected m p in the madrid assembly fighting racism insane. giving voice to those he left behind. a michael is 10 politician, reveals how european over fishing an applicant forces has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses,
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be a witness documentary on. i'll just say around for those sounds like focus on the politics of the conflict, is the human suffering definitely reports on pre brave bullets and bombs. and we always include the views from all sides, the a deadly day in goals. and as the news, the center and the south of the strip come under is rarely attacked. at least 55 people accuse the one. jessica washington, this is all just the red line from don't ha, also coming off of sconces. health system is at the breaking point. we need to jump to in one of the few functioning hospitals for to make decisions.


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