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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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is to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably policy and demonstration number 15 in the insightful documentary. so i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you place to the house of the story, the people in gaza waking up all through a day and from 5 months at least 55 palestinians were killed in strikes across the street to the 22. now right? present hospital the on site me say them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up is ready for us is time in just palestinian on the hood of a minute, the vehicle and drive while conducting a brayden's in
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a refugee camp in the occupied west spine. and election campaign gets on the waiting room on the with is long time lita hoping to return to office for another to the time of scope sense light developed by china and from small to space on the mission to hung down the most powerful explosions in our universe it's 800 hours, gmc, that's 11 am gone so well another day of is riley strikes is killed thousands of palestinians and injured hundreds more across the strip. no price is safe and people are struggling to find any food or medical attention the tool and the no fuzzy people were killed buying this right. the strikes on the residential area in
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gaza. city on friday, 100 small, where injured and the strikes which send people scrambling for cover in the south is ready for the shell. tens, housing displaced, palestinians, and then mosley nailed off. 25 people were killed. best despises rel earlier designating the area a so called humanitarians safe. so many palestinians are desperate to escape as rouse attacks. they fly to central garza, that's why all the zeros and the whole. the re file this report from data about a the, the fall sleep in panic. after is really artillery shells. target a have many populated area in the heart of cause a city pond is to needless crumbling to help the injured horse got hurt across a brief coordinator,
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we don't know what happened. so to me, we were showered with missiles and didn't says, are trying to connect the wounded, but hospitals in the area are already stretched to a breaking point. only 3 and this partially functioning new pond is to need is period is you as well as to good news, continue to be targeted. this is a milwaukee in the south. an area is where the signee did as a so called save. so and then the we were about to sleep and get some risk as the next thing we knew was the sound as a result of the explosions. distilling our places, we found ourselves alone. not knowing what to do. we still can't process. what's happened with this is say that is really many to use sound bonds to 1st policy means towards and make shift hospitals where they were targeted casualties arising
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the funding, they find a new the red cross. we are located near that my husband runs a check. they fight again new the red cross that were casualties that people got that, that i tried to call my husband, he didn't answer. people start to run someone's across in his car. the entire clause was to it's under, is there any bombardment punished and these are trapped trying to find any inch of safety, but none exist? include any others, either the plaza, palestine or what i speak now. so thought a come by zoom and joins us live from that are about i saw the day off the attacks right across garza from north to south. what does it look like for palestinians waking up today? the world generally sent me there was never any response in terms of fitness, very attached to the gaza strip buys. we know that trust right now is an active
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site and we come off and isabel on the ground. but as the tax on point thing is, can continue to urge a from the central western portions of a city that is so adjacent to a more of the area that had witness. math is valuable but months. yes. today we're at least $25.00 pounds for news have been killed so far, according to dollars is government media office alongside with the how much of on hills ministry. now what we do now is dodge families. this call to, to flee from the areas that have witness attacks by this valley military times that had managed to carry out a southern military intelligence for the most of the area. we certainly seems a military time when calling a piece of land that absolutely overviews the most. the area that has been completely since i'm the theater for palestinians who have been displaced from the houses in about 60 bucks. we have seen how f lindsay tents were attach how house
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can use, what physically injured and right now they are receiving medical treatments and the speed of hospitals and also yeah, in a box of hospitals in the central areas of going so, but the situation is really getting donated that families are not able to return back to a loss. and even the attack hasbrook negative impacts on the ability of a humanitarian aid agencies and also humanitarian organizations to move in. and what was it because they have a slick real far since the beginning of the minute you're encouraging that. and at the same time, they went to a milwaukee because it has been designated to buy the as many minutes as a humanitarian say you so, but that's absolutely right. now what's happening is to take 3 to what is well, has previously announced as bombardments, in roughly it's not stopped for the entire city has been on to is very intense compartments and the course of the past weeks. on the same time as with the permits funds place that the money's to operational control up to 70 percent of roof on them side with philadelphia. here we go with that is
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a jason split thing. we garza and egypt, and that is part of it is what a miniature includes and that's was wanting to buy us administration to not expand . and that is happening right now is it expands and full, the pointing to reach clauses. beach in the far. i thought a couple assume that thanks so much. now several palestinians have been injured. it is really raid and janine in the northern occupied west bank. now this video shows is ready for us, is driving a minute for a vehicle with an engine. palestinian tied to the hood of the truck, drive past several ambulances, and appeared to be using him as a human shield. at least 3 palestinians were arrested by the start of the minute treat in dislike cushion. let's go now live to know that she's in ramallah for so no one was a palestinian put on top of
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a trunk cause that and we do know of course of the history of human rights organizations like bait, selling these right of human rights organizations. talking about these right ministry having a policy of using palestinians as human shields. this is that what was going on as we think so, yes, i mean, it does seem that there's no other logical explanation to tie up a man who's there and cleared visibly injured. and paid to the hood of an armored vehicle as it moves through it mean after laying siege to at least 2 homes, searching them, detaining, as you said, a number of people, a medical sources also tell us that they are now treating to injuries in hospitals engineering but that images that really shocking image of the jeep going past ambulances with a man who was injured and tied to the hood, is something that has repeated in,
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in several ways in the west bank. and it is what human rights organizations call the use of human shields. in a, again, it's been done several on several occasions. we're also hearing about, sorry, the attack in kalia node. what can you tell us about that? i am completely earlier in the morning is really authorities confirmed that is really mon enter, your video was shot dead. he was treated by palestinian medic, paramedics sent to a hospital in that town and then transferred a to an is really ambulance. but he succumbed to his wounds. it does seem that this might be an attack in retaliation to israel's ambush and killing of 2 palestinians earlier just about 24 hours ago and completely as well. i'll tell ya, is a town surrounded from 3 areas by the wall. there's only one entrance to that town
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. it's very easy to see if cars are coming in or out of the city and with a visibly different license plate. it seems that this was a target of a fortunate to you for the group. wanted to retaliate for the ambush of their 2 of their 2 members earlier yesterday. all right, thanks so much. note all the un agencies a warning mold and a 1000000 palestinians in gaza. could experience the highest level of salvation by mid july. hunger is worsening as this rel maintains its blockade on humanitarian next access into the strip. so that's parents scrambling to keep the kids alive. to date i go as this report to saba, ahmed swell struggles echo throughout garza. it's a daunting task. i have to rest every flights of space. the difficulty
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is trying to provide for a family. when israel has cutoff an entire population from the resources they need to survive, now we can hardly find a loaf of bread. and if available, we just eat bread without any other food items. we do not have income and even if there is nothing to buy, we cannot afford a decent meals. my children are not you telling me a loaf of bread. and only once today, they're 11 members of the swell family. and they live in state law here in the new hunger and thirst. a spreading on summit, struggling to keep his trojan life even when they escaped. death from israel's near constant attacks. come see for yourself the fridge is completely empty. nothing at all. not even what my children are starving to death. it's now infested with
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insects and cockroaches is nothing. it all depends and 85 percent of palestinian children under the age of 5 in the cause of being forced to go at least one in 3 days without food. the number of deaths from dehydration and fall nutrition is rising, leaving parents hopeless is fun and takes hold to lead vega, i'll just say era. cuba is formerly joining south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. the cuban government cold on the u. n's, highest cool to stuff is roles. disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force. south africa's case accuse israel of a genocide likes in garza. it's been supported by more than 10 countries, including spain and t. lee, up to one to an hour. president polk odami and other candidates launching campaigns
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for next month's general elections. gummies taking a full term in office faces to all the politicians from the democratic green policy and an independent 9600000 registered voters will head to the polls in july. i'm a boss thing reports president to click on a have you to answer with an iron fist for decades. many on let's say they don't expect any surprises on who's expected to win the selection. tommy is running for a full time. he came into a pilot in the wake of a genocide that killed the estimated 8 100000 seats and mode which we choose in 2015 london approved constitutional amendments that allows coming to run for a set time. they also voted for shorts of presidential times from 7 to 5 years. in 2017, the electoral commission declared him winter with 99 percent of the vote. the 3
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presidential candidates in this selection, felipe on peggy mamma is running as an independent. frank, having is a from the democratic green policy, says he has overuse, receive numerous death threats, been imprisoned and forced into exile. joining previous attempts to unseat coming and the last election, he came 2nd with less than one percent of the human rights campaign, as have often accused the routing lines and patriotic friends, policy of intimidating serious presidential contenders. that's why in the very is one of cook. i mean, this is critics. she was bought from running for president because of the prior conviction of insights and division and conspiring against the government. she served 8 years and joe, but says the charges were politically motivated. dozens of other ones and are in exile. some have claimed the states for killing or disappearing dissidence runs as well. they've been accused by a neighboring democratic republic of congo of i'm in the rebel group in the north.
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keep you province in the northeast. fighting between government forces and m. 23 has killed many and displaced close to 2000000 congolese since 2023. the governments and godly has denied the accusations spiteful of as many other ones in the country, say the happy with the presidents, and will vote for him again. i'm up watching out a 0. i said i had on al jazeera, heavy rain clouds and land slides. our climate crisis is tracking the lives of millions across latin america. the changing face of mexico's urban scape murals on making point neighborhood sites on more attractive the on counting the cost few k policies of laid off, but a comic plans and election manifesto has been who can bring, we'll change the you have slept, play
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a terrace on chinese by the electric vehicles that spot trade will eat on last 5 popping pay package. is he worth it? counting the cost on i will just say around the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of hours. you're gonna see the report 34, that's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important to impact the lives at the height of the storm to high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world. from here is the rails war, machine is decimating entire households. and with us the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian generalists, folk lines toes, the harrowing stories of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's
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most brutal in decades. the night old and biden's wanted us to hold on just either the the you're watching out just there a time. to recap the headlines now. at least 55 palestinians have been killed in australia times across garza. so 3 of them were killed in the strikes on gauze. the city in the south 25 others were killed in a striking was declined to say. so you and report estimates. 39000 high school students are being deprived of the opportunity to sit the yearly told g exams in gaza. now this is the time most young palestinians will be taking pos in
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those tests. instead, schools are being used to shelter displaced. several palestinians have been injured in an x ray, the raven, janine and the golden occupied westbank. this video shows is ready for us, is driving a ministry vehicle engine, palestinian tied to the hood of the trunk. the drive past several. i'm good says it's be using him as human 2 way ahead of the african union commission. most of fucking my how much has one's of a possible genocide and so that he says he's concerned by reports of ethnically motivated attacks in the full building. 14 months of conflict between the army and permit for your rapid support forces is close to one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent memory. now the international
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criminal court has made public interests one for the former leader of an um, group accused of war crimes in mali. yeah, doug devali is accused of committing the offenses. and then over the city of tim book 220122013 nicholas hawk reports from the capital of neighboring sending golf of the most powerful leader of the outside uh, affiliate. in this i held your mother suddenly, so i'm well mostly mean the leader named eod ga the also known as i'm the father is now wanted and will be tried for crimes against humanity. war crimes committed during the invasion of northern molly in 20122013. he was been the leader of an sardine and according to the international criminal court documents he was responsible for war, cries, murder of soldiers. the use of sexual slavery rates and other forms of bodily
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reach, relation, cruel treatment, and torture. those or some of the crimes that the prosecutors of the international criminal court will bring to trial, better trial that will take place in the absence of the ungodly, who is still somewhere in hiding between the borders of mali. need your input key now faso and continues to launch attacks in the region who was famously known to have kidnapped the western hostages. and then released them against millions of dollars of round sum was paid to the arm groups and it continues to be one of the most powerful armed groups in the region. nicholas hawk alger 0. the car, at least 27 people have been killed in land slides and floods across the latin america all through a week of torrential rain. roads and bridges have been destroyed, making rescue f. it's difficult. authorities,
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a warning the death toll could rise. i'm a how much has this update in a rush to bring the virus buddy into mat following d. so if a heavy link in el salvador dreams good lance lights, destroying homes and gutting of entire communities well suited to see. several people are trapped in destroyed buildings. yes, on the way, but as long as there are 19 people who have died so far, including 2 children and 3 adults in the past 24 hours, there are a 104 active shelters. and we've had more than 3000 people in the shelters in cheating and tie it down on the water. the government has issued warnings for several regions. see flag what the levels would rise. father would really, really that it's kind of the river overflowed. i'm, what's the canal group? we think it's because of the construction companies buying glass up hills and
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making the river small. luckily the situation is not that, that you don't do it as rufus have broken their bonds. so imagine homes and funds while i think it's about 5 o'clock in the morning, it started to rain heavily. and by 10 o'clock in the morning, the house was flooded. the floods of also heat, northern mexico, forcing thousands to be taken to the temporary shelton's, the 3. all of the streets were destroyed. we don't have anything to eat. no electricity, water, nothing. the road was destroyed. when i left my home, everything was destroyed across the region, rescue efforts expected to continue 4 days. have them, i'm 0. the 47 crew members have spent the nights on board a saturday that ran the ground in new zealand, south island, fer authorize it into a rocky cliff face shortly after leaving the town and fix it on friday. the
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steering side is being blamed, so the accident ship belongs to the government owned and says item the fleet, which has experienced a string of mechanical problems in recent years. now rotate counting a sap lives with tele. scoping capabilities has been launched into this space from china scituate in provence. this is the moment the rocket slides took place during the developed by china and russia and france rather, the satellite has been designed to track down the most powerful explosions. you know, universe cold, gamma ray bus. jim anderson is a senior research fellow at the international center for radio astronomy research, zip codes, and university. she says the new satellite will enable scientists to take more gamma rate bus from a great to distance. we actually don't see as many as are actually happening. so
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gamma, right this, this, this a lot, the scanner, a lot they produce is actually a very narrow beam of light. and unless that beam is directly pointed at us, we're never going to say is that they are actually still extremely rare events. we have to look at very, very large hops at the end of this very, very deeply, very, very far away. and for very long time, before we, we say any of them at an age one is actually quite unique and interesting from different types of explosions, the creation of different material in different environments. but the, the ones to be detect advice, foam that i aim is to actually detect the most distant and therefore the most
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oldest gamma, right desks. so we're talking about this that has occurred only a few 100000000 years. often the bang when the, the, the creation of the universe. and that means that the lot has taken several billions of years to reach us. so as we're looking further away and looking at these more distant explosions, we're actually looking back in time. it is tough. alaska is mexico cities largest districts and it also one of the most violent and poverty stricken by the office residents and the local government to come up with an idea to change the atmosphere . julia got a on a reports from mexico city. the down the small army of urban artist is changing the face of one of the lexical city, forrest and most violent neighborhoods. the weather is more than $11000.00 of these murals now live during the streets en route to be stopped by the government funded
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program is part of a larger project to make the areas safer and more attractive. 35 year old a male has painted dozens of murals here depicting issues of women's empowerment to scenes from mexican history. she's putting the finishing touches on one of her favorite works so far a piece celebrating the creativity of childhood. you step up a morales is couple of them you role is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of this town that need towing estoppel up as not just fine. and there is a great history here. and so local heroes now lined the streets of beloved beds, his patience, an elderly couple. as the project has grown and the murals are more and more visible, residents in these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories on public display. for 12. currently,
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there's hundreds of requests from local neighbors to have their bureaus painted. 8 year old luciana got her wish when she caught the eye of an artist painting nearby . her image now covers an entire world right outside her bedroom window, and she couldn't be happier. main campus at all is the oldest used to be white or grey was actually, but now it's pretty nice. it's happier, more colorful. you know, i wake up and say, well, what a beautiful place again. while it's hard to draw a line between the murals and the security situation in this district of 2000000 people, those involved in the project say it's popularity speaks for itself. that you will not for yourself mostly see less and it's one of the most visible project we've had . and frankly, when people will buy the murals, they feel safer. and now they don't have to go to museum and pay to see if they have a free, open a gallery, right in the neighborhood residents of the stuff
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a lot. but no, it will take more than changing their walls to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect making a marginalized community feel seen again. julia galle, i know i'll just sierra mexico see the end of the show. we're back to the top. we also stay with the now we're probably look to changing the weather, packing over the next week, or say, but currently still in europe, all the clouds most the and then the whole. and it's generating some very big chaz damaging shelves out to the alpine fronts. and switzerland, these clouds represent thunder stones and they've also grown and we'll grove to the east where it's quite warm and not of course, full of moisture. so damaging sound of stones flash drives if you like, down the roof is sitting in the out where you've got snow belt to add to it because
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of the walls of the incoming somebody. overall, the real heat is kept for the sake of and in the just west side of it. sleep where this storm springs up rate will be kept at $27.00 degrees in the rain. but here in southern italy or greece or ball, gary reading, the thirty's move types who probably rise and even further northwest so far has been disappointing. london's forecast to get 25. this is on sunday and madrid still happens to hutch too. close spain and portugal been doing quite well just recently as you might expect for the half of the heat current using the balkans. and i suspect it's good to get even hotter here. still have a most of north africa and disappointing despite the fact you see some clients, the sheriff that should be reading loudly west africa, have gone away again. the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however,
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it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rock for looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years . connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0, the low i'm, adrian said again, and this is counting the cost on out to 0. you'll wait to look at the world of business and the total ex, this rates, brooklyn's economic growth says ground to a halt. the main political process of laid out their plans to fix that in their election manifesto most the time they bring about we'll change the time respectful
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hopes of the us head. chinese made electric vehicles with higher level east to that spot trade war.


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