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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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to find toothpaste or phones of discrimination to watch focus bringing people together is quite unlike anywhere else. i like to watch sports football interest on our 0 show on the by the west most coast. good news. east president vladimir putin was in no sweat on vietnam. this week, strengthening old alliances as a rule in ukraine drags on the both sides and to gain most of the us thing. this is it inside story, the other the and welcome to the program. i'm nora. kyle ross has pressed. the inside of my opinion has wraps up a to nation asia tool on a hi. it was the 1st time in 24 years. he had set foot in north korea and the left
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killing young with a new defense packs to show for it is tuesday visit to vietnam also yielded several new trade agreements with the manufacturing hub. which ends latest state visit seemed to be an attempt to both, to support them at increasing isolation of his war and ukraine. but what do these countries stand to gain from place of ties with most go? and how is washington reacting to a tool before we get to a panel of gas to get some on says this report from michael. apple. korea gave one of its closest allies, a hero's well. let him in putting was treated to all the pomp and pageantry pyongyang could its been 24 years since his last visit. strong good ties between north korea, which is almost entirely isolated and russia increasingly. so since it invaded ukraine, mean the to lead is all committed to a lot more share. a new defense package includes the clothes that the c one
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come to the aid of the other in the event of an attack. and crucially with disability and i see the thing is richard rusher does not roll out the development of military technical cooperation with north korea in accordance with the documents signed today. it was this comment that caused concern in the us to send it to it's unveiling a boat that if past this picture says it all would see russia declared a state sponsor of terrorism. i don't even need to go into the classified briefings that we've received to tell you how frightening as the idea is that russia would be lending its nuclear expertise to north korea. next, stop for putting was vietnam. a country he last visited in 2017 the 2 nations have struck nearly a dozen deals,
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increasing cooperation in industries from nuclear energy to education. vietnam's trade with rochester, 3500000000 dollars 2 years ago. a fraction of the $120.00 plus 1000000000 it does with the us annually. the one analyst says it's so cold. bamboo diplomacy, which is strong yet, flexible shows. washington the world is no longer uni poa. countries are going to have multiple relationships. they're not going to be only on the us side or only on the russian side. and that requires a shift, an adjustment in the way in which the united states deals with many of these allies . and many of these partners who general tends to moscow having strength and old ties and bowls to trade relations important states and his efforts and rushes, growing international isolation. mike's level l. g 0 for inside store
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let's bring in all guests now and from so we're going to buy andre line calls a professor. it could mean university and director of ink can use that as an online use tools focused on north korea. benjamin young is in richmond, virginia. he's an assistant professor of the but virginia commonwealth university of the over the guns gorillas. i'm the great lead north korea and the fed, well, and, and camera is call out say, a professor amerisys of the university of new south wales camera and a full. i'm a senior staff member of the asia pacific sense of security studies up the us pacific. c'mon, def, i boom, welcome to all of you, andre. this person's 1st visit to north korea in 20 full years. why is he making it now? and because he wanted to exist aspirations the united states. is there a few diesels, but that makes you smash sixty's something like even the americans to
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active and to persistent the supporting ukraine rush reveal revenge by supporting some countries. americans strongly dislike and countries as each of the sincerity, the insured us was an american interest. and definitely no study of gums, fewest at deceased. so it was just a sort of defiant and see if you like. and also able to show that traffic is not exactly did the use of going to uh find some pretty dentures. elyse is it was a major message. it says also way to present most guy. that's what he sells. good idea to make sure that sounds good. he is the not so munition to ukraine because cells getting is bundles of holes, elijah spread yourself, munitions, and it's vital for the russian military efforts to book ukraine for them getting access to the social security and trans. okay. um,
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but let's bring here with at this point because is that the message that the us heard from the pretends visits to appear on young in the us government is extremely concerned about this rejuvenation of russian ties with north korea in many respects. this is revitalization of the 1961 treaty between the soviet union and north korea, which assured both sides both sides that they would come to each other's defense. in the case of armed aggression, there is quite a bit of ambiguity. and this re new defense pat between russia and north korea. and i think that in general, the us is quite limited when it comes to getting in the way of this relationship due to the geo political environment that the us has now situated to call us bring you to you. and because your focus on vietnam is not a part of the states,
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but it was in the same trip that boots and made to north korea was happy to be lovington with a sub to prime nation. know exactly now know from retired diplomats who are well informed and i know i that the yes i'm try to to de length of to and i think when we look at the joint statement, we can say well, they have to, they had to grin and bear a foot and was going to go to north korea and that would have repercussions for vietnam, but the craft of joint statement, but tried to distance yourself from the bellicose rhetoric. uh that came out of the young on what impact did it have on the on put in standing though if it, if the whole trip was designed to show the west that put them is not isolated. to what extent did the high noise visit supports his legitimacy? the one you have to understand historically the soviet union recognize yet knob and 1950. so it's a long standing relationship. they have
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a little hiccups after the soviet union collapse, but in 2012, russian federation became a comprehensive, strategic partner, the highest level, and yet bombs foreign policy hierarchy. just along with china and india, there are tens of thousands of you have to meet some studies and received education in that country. the, the whole military complex in vietnam is based on russian weapon read technology and equipment. and without it, it wouldn't be a modern force of that scalar glass oven range guided missile forgets. the population has a great deal of affection because the soviet union helped vietnam air defenses during the american war, as they call it. so they have a completely different perception of, of russia. then we in the west. okay, andre, that's a look at this mutual defense, tracy that was signed between showing yang and russia. it's
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a commitment to come to wait until the age in the event of attack, but to what does a few details in it. to what extent does it involve, perhaps military assistance in the event of an attack. it's explicit is admitted to data. assessments is likely to be involved. what does that mean it citywide? well. he'd say the level of the clothes which existed in the 3 g signed in 1961. and a voice removed from the 3 d e in 1996 and now pulled back a. so it said it does is a patient which existed during the cold war. and so does that mean the andre? that's north korea is providing russia with weapons as many report save as it is. but of course it's and russia itself deny to. i say it's a very useful doubt. it does provide these weapons. but it's cuz the best thing to
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do is to treat it because forms and those get in point of view, it's a normal can there for like a tv is yes, it's a band by the un security council dissolution. but most katie, a 2nd. right. so tons is a load going to respect and full not and full of this it itself, it's a so it's a kind of traditional cache you, you send 2 boats in this case you had mentioned dice is i to do the shells and you get to your cache, so it's sort of other related to 83 g. so from most goody, it's a kind of simple patricia. they don't really need the russian nuclear umbrella because they have to have their own new cam. berella is pushing himself recently said adam goose gives it to a tech so scared of you because not impossible in the long kind of in zillow moran of, well, uh, i doing seems that rush of you necessarily except for them. because there are many
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ways to get around, especially if it was some conflict this started doing that, you know that already. okay. more kind of symbolism and re depression. americans. yeah. okay. that central figure, benjamin if, if i'm feeling young, he's not looking to most go for a support militarily, especially when it comes to a new to on brothers. as andre mentioned, how am i to be seeking all the expertise and technologies from russia, for example? is it likely to be getting nuclear technology until the technological expertise from bhaskar? quite a few of the reports that have come out on the public domain indicate that russia, that in russia has sense of food aid. and there is also some doubts amongst experts, whether nor russia has sent technical experts to how north korea with their space technology program, which has dual use capability for its military as well. uh and if you would
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actually also actually read this treaty that was just sign between russia and the dpr. k. it's not just about the defense. there's also quite a bit of provisions within it. i'll call truck strange about sending russian students to the, the peer k for language and vice versa, sending north korean students to rush up for language training. this is really a deep social and cultural and political and military agreement between the 2. this is a deepening of ties and in many respects this is also a more career trying to reduce is near total. political and economic dependence on being north korea spits tend to something 80 to 90 percent of its external trade with china. that is huge and north korea has all tied and it's all on being self reliant, self sufficient, and to being so dependent on one country is not something that the officials and
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the policy makers in the north creating leadership want to do. and so in many respects, the warren ukraine has opened up a new pathway for north korea to return it to this more non unwind diplomacy, where it is firmly on its own pathway. it's not a chinese top of state or chinese lackey, that it really does have agency and autonomy to how it conducts as foreign policy. and that way it can maintain equity distance between moscow and beijing called to what extent is that also to the full vietnam? and let me look good. china's reaction. so this trip by purse into these 2 asian nations is based on concerns. but most ago is, is getting in bold has tried to go on its patch. well, jet nonsense. the late eighty's has a policy diversified in multilateral lising. it's x journal relations. i've
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mentioned before that has a 3 tier of hierarchy in china. and russia and india were the 1st of the comprehensive strategic pop partners, the us, japan, australia, and south korea for added in the last 2 years. there is an intermediate strategic part partner level as a comprehensive at the bottom. that's 30 countries. so if we see it as a galaxy, vietnam sees itself in the center, it doesn't want to be pushed into anyone's orbit. um and the set russia is extraordinarily important because it's a member of the un security council. it's a powerful military state. the supports you have to miss military as a counterweight to china and get down, but at the same time, well, this is the only country in the world within one year is receive cmt doesn't live in the bathroom near fulton. yeah, this is a famous bottom thing just diplomacy, eva. so we heard about him. michael's report to the. a findings with a little beholden to none, but how long can it keep that out before it starts up setting its biggest trading
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partners, which isn't russia, it's the us and the you, as well as the united states, the assistant secretary of daniel clinton becker just showed up in a honda all right, but just prior on the 13th of june, before food. okay. the new president of get the i'm a former minister of public security met mark nap or the american advisor and said, we want a, we're encouraging defense and security cooperation with you. a huge american i t delegation. was there the comprehensive strategic partnership with the u. s. is all about innovation, science, technology, computer chips, electric vehicles, and then working on climate change, green energy, and the resources, the vietnam house, the us motivations really to get china and help get them on the, on the south china sea. but uh, with everybody that aside yet, um has a policy or for those no military allowances, no for an basis, no gaming from the 3rd country and no 1st use of force to what extent benjamin does
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us have to pivot, since it's ideas about the world or the next steps that it is not simply a black and white situation where the world is idle countries, why the, for it or against is on the any sense given circumstances. and it is in these multi polar in the us is finding itself right now are in a difficult geopolitical situation with a strengthening of this, almost some called access between tear on tongue young beijing and moscow. and rochester, warren, ukraine, has really enhanced this access in a way. and so the us is in a difficult situation. and in many respects, vietnam stands got the cornerstone of trying to wean strategic partners off of dependence. economic dependents on china. and vietnam also spans as
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a really important economic partner, both for the us when it comes to near shoring and reducing our supply networks into china. but also vietnam is important for defense and security purposes with the situation to solve china seats. so the us, uh, you know, foreign policy has never been a big deal in domestic politics. but obviously there's 2 major crisis happening in the world right now. russians will warn you crate and the israel palestine conflict, and this is definitely waiting on the minds of the vine. it is ministration coming into november with the election. and a trump has definitely been a different kind of us present when it comes to foreign policy. she had in 2017 fire and few already with comes on on. and then the following year, she met kim's on a 2 separate occasions. and so one would have to believe that the, if he doesn't win in november, that there would be a very unique
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u. s. foreign policy going forward in regards to russia and north korea. and it has some interesting points, isn't it? and to what extent does the need to be a new approach tools, especially north korea, the us is, was that that it go be but knowledge for the large number of years. now the sanctions are clearly not working. they need or tons. it's awful to the 6 policy talks of over a decade ago. yes, it was more than well over 10 years ago. but as a question is actually on the trump, americans pride to negotiate some kind of agreement of the rollover need donuts from coal. was that he will be able to vitiate no scary us to set and does a new play of weapons which is clearly not going to happen. and it's very difficult for them. medical decision makers study allies is that no study is going to remain
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a nuclear powerful is if i see of, of the future and nothing could be done about as even as the decision to make you guys understand that it's next to impossible, to explain it to that congress to the media, to the common fabric who met a lot in the america, which is a democracy. so america's americans decision make this a very careful. they don't go into the government. i smell scary, isn't nuclear power and stop talking about nuclear arms control, which is basically that would be a video, rational decision about they cannot do anything about its nuclear program. and they things that kind of, we can see, once again, this is the most grated, that sanctions that russia is not very disappointed. not going to on the sand shows that he, you lation sense on, but frankly, even resolve these russian hutto sanctions. we are not going to walk because we
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have seen it worst case scenario. essentially it's gonna kill some poor pharmacy and any more prizes, sometimes because they undermine the economy apps, but the so very need, if any impact on a new problem under when the person was in the north gray rails, against the heads of many and the imperialism of the west, i mean that's quite apt language when you're in shown young was the many playing to his origins, which you think he really is seeking a new world order. and then the time he creates a new world order at this stage. but maybe if he can see c, c, this is kim self as it goes on. who is, you know, opening and you are in civil case that he quite probably definitely a new earrings are from the city for sure. and he wants to position himself and uh, were russia led by him as a kind of the leader of what is usually called now is the global sales forces to beach. i'm not happy about investment in nation. it's a very different ideas,
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very different agents does. but they are united by they does like all of the kind of old system and are for, would like to position itself as, you know, kind of lead all of this movement. the, it's a voice in every scene related sexes. village sexy. but i'm also sure, because most of this companies don't see russia as a part of the global cells, but it's in the bought for 2 months and such reps that it works very well in town. yeah. even so it will basically no, it's good indeed assembled about changing symbol is a quite indifferent to what is happening in the world. they just want to keep their country under their control and to make it powerful. and if possible, pass bit us call the same person visiting saudi arabia the you a last. yeah. of course i have a relations with ron. other countries as well. do you think he has gathered enough
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international support to defy west and sanctions? i'm for long the will on ukraine. no, i don't think he can accomplish that. there's too many countries that are opposed by the sanctions are never gonna work. a 100 percent. there's ways of evaluating them. and with the a bomb, they talked about rubles, dom, the victim these currency exchanges to get out of the swift system that has the sanction rush out for, for currency transfer because of but just now i'm almost castigated by the us for receiving button because they were receiving a person under the international criminal courts of warranty as well, for example. but those are limited group. if we look at those who have saying that the general assembly is it so, you know, just under a quarter of, of nations are trying not to, that doesn't mean they're citing with russia, but they don't want to get involved in the polarization that's occurring. if we look, the brakes are slowly being expanded with this membership and get them sent to
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a high level official of and they're looking at membership along with other countries. and there's a group in africa and all obviously in the middle east. so i was just trying as best to break out of them, but all the analysis that i'm reading about the economic sanctions or they're hurting, but they're never there. they're not going to. it's not like a wrestling match, we're fine. maybe a thought. russia is going to say uncle wouldn't give up. right. okay. benjamin is the thing that the west can do about these trying, putting alliances. one of the tactics that us senators have put forth is putting russia honestly, sponsor terrorism less. that's important largely for symbolic purposes, but also it has an economic implications as well. so the state sponsors of terrorism last in the us now currently has 4 countries, syria, iran were afraid to bar on those 4 countries, keeping my opinions. you really should not be on the list, but north korea,
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in my opinion, really should be on the last in russia should as well. this would send a message that if you strengthen this access and you coordinate at economic and military relations with around in north korea, which are both threats, the international liberal order, then you'll get placed on this list. and this has ramifications for a run. the russian economy, which is already under heavy sanctions, but this would basically denied any sort of interaction with us financial institutions. more over, it would send a message to other rogue regimes in the broader view of little the landscape, strengthening and trying to be part of this access. with e, ron russia in north korea will make you into a prize that will make you into a so called rober gene. and in our very globalized,
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interconnected economic world. you do not want to be placed on those list because it has severe economic implications for your tourism industry, for your weapons, industry, and for your broader economic future. andre, what are your thoughts on that? do you agree that russia should be placed on the state sponsors of terrorism list a wrinkling op? and i believe that there is something strange. we suppose, that seduced because, well, sometimes you can find countries of beach have not done anything. this terrorism for many a slight and australia. it's a. busy unpleasant, very brutalization, highly depressive. ohio keeps is population on the control beach fisk property. nobody else will bite the very if you bought it's a loss. engagement is february 16. 52, please. for 2 years ago before me. 8 and the midnight tonight is nothing. seems
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that there are many countries, visual info is activities, but because they have good relations was invited, stays them on the bottom of that list. so for me, it sounds like a kind of using some bold sounding votes to many people. wait to basically put nice labels just to describe guns needs to be trick, have bad relations is united states. and for me, i have always been skeptical. involves at least including that presence of most guardians. this is once again, i have no illusions about no study. it's a company with a few people vote warranty like, duties. nonetheless, nonetheless, it's not a thought of terrorism. and last actions which can be described as territories new or it is some of those getting and involvement segment as well. it was nearly cold for century table. okay, and that way and let's leave it today, but he thinks indeed for well,
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i'll guess for joining us on very long cold benjamin young and call fan and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website that's out 0 dot com without discussion too. good. well, facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. it wasn't during the conversation on x all homeless at a inside story from the laura kyle and the whole team had bye for now the to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting is global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having
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a free and open democratic pro upfront without the challenges for 30 years friends carry down nuclear tests and the pacific explosion locals, the search workers to high levels of radiation, 11 east investigate the ongoing for a lot of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific's forgotten nuclear victims on which is 0. the
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good, i think the global system is broke. therefore the system does not solve itself. we're going to have to find new ways we do not need fossil fuel. the 2nd is people knowing what to do, the saving, consciously do the right things. that will help us solve this problem, not by ignoring everybody else and looking after one second. there's a false expectation, particularly among rich people, that they can survive every day. even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate change and they're going to have to be assessed which behavior is what got us into this problem. and surface behavior will not get us out of this
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from the you watching all just bear with me. so robin in doha, reminder of our top stories is ready for the carried out loud scale attacks across the north of the causal strip, leaving at least 20 full palestinians, dead homes and buildings and the o shante refuge account. but talks advised by the will. planes which at least an attack on the residential squire rescue crews ascribing to find survivors notice understood a large number of the victims of children. and these by the forces of kyra down as a separate attack east of gauze, a city at least 18 published and ends up being killed of.


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