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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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knowing that i'm as to be contributing to the change. it's really every whiting of feeling sleeping on water. and the girl from the new series of africa direct on, i'll just see or the, the at least 43 palestinians are killed in. is there any strikes that targeted out saucy refugee camp? then i'll to the area in those and off the i'm on the inside. this is all just there in life and don't move to coming up. thousands are taking pods and anti government protests and israel against prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who's coming to any forces tight and engine palestinian mon to the hood,
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ministry vehicle during a rate in the west bank appearing to use and as a human, she'd residential campaign for general ibex begins in one day with incumbent welding faith. the welcome to the program. at least 43 palestinians have been killed in non scale is riley attacks across new garza. 24 palestinians died in the l shots, the refugee camp. a residential area of gauze, the city, 19 more were killed moments lisa in separate strikes, east of casa city. among the victims are large number of young children. honey, my hood begins, are coverage at the the ambulances for the more one that are coming.
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dozens of palestinians were injured by israeli jets in gauze and north killing dogs and the war plains targeted 2 buildings and a shot at refuge. you can, it is one of 8 historic towns, a stablish thing, dogs after the creation of israel, in 1948 displaced, hundreds of 1000 palestinians. and now it's where many took shoulder from is really a type of neighboring your body 8 months ago. for the young generation, it is no refuge netanyahu is a murderous coward, criminal targeting, innocent children. if you were brave enough, you would have come to spite domain on the battlefield. the dust had not yet settled here that it froze on the other side of gaza. city another is really striking, trapped his man in concrete. he kept losing consciousness and need to be rescued right away. the cover didn't,
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does. survivors recalled the moment is really force, is a tide there, densely populated, neighborhood of it was subbing some clothes i work is a taylor. and suddenly the whole building collapsed on all hits. my wife and children were killed. my whole family is going is real safe. it's fighter jets, it struck 2 homeless military sites in the area. i must say is really forces are targeting civilians. it is the most violent they in district. since was regular troops killed $274.00 palestinians by freeing for captives and a new site. uh, earlier this month, we will stay in because we will die and stay in in garza but forced to leave their destroyed homes. the committee can find safety when it
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is, they refuse the turn to the honeymoon mode, which is 0. there's by gaza, palestine and israel has detained thousands of palestinian civilians since it began its will. garza is ready for says release bothered jocelyn. often not in detention . he says he was talking about the 2 of the
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the nature of the of so that's not going to position i think, but i've shopped that bundle deal with the heavy duty option we now and meanwhile is rarely purchased as a once again rawling in tel aviv to demand
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a ceasefire deal as well as the elections families of count as being held in garza had been taking part in the demonstrations and been mounting prussia on prime minister benjamin netanyahu were to do more to bring them home demonstrations also being held in several of the cities that will possible weekly protest against the government's handling of the war just reminded this right to govern his bond onto the rep from reporting from inside his row, which is why honda solution now joins us from a non in jordan. so how many of these protests have been going on all week a, these anti government rallies to consider exactly what's been happening as well this week of disruption, as protest organizers pointed, begin on sunday when demonstrators were blocking main roads and highways throughout israel, and they're ending with this main, the larger rally intel a, b, there are also rallies all across the israel in the north, in the south and in west jerusalem. but at this protest specifically,
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demonstrators are calling for these really prime minister to resign. they say that too much time has gone by and his war efforts have failed. additionally, we heard from families that was really captive this morning as part of the hostage and missing families forum. who said that quote, benjamin netanyahu is incapable of getting a deal to bring the back of the remaining captive. so the demands of the demonstrators that increased as the weeks go by, as well as their anger. we saw throughout this entire week the protests that were taking place, and in fact, tonight in west jerusalem outside of benjamin netanyahu, this helps protesters are set to go there. but is really felice has barricaded the premises to avoid what happened earlier in the week. so just to give you an idea of how authorities are responding to these protests, to these participant going on since the beginning of the world that have been slowly but surely guessing, lodging logic, the question is,
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have they achieved anything? is there any reason to think if they've had any effects on prime minister benjamin netanyahu? well chairs mentioning that initially these protests began as bring them home. raleigh's for is really captive and then eventually the anti government demonstrations started up again early in the year. around february, previously they had stopped when the war began, but people became increasingly frustrated with benjamin netanyahu was handling of the war effort. so if they are having an effect on him directly, the answer to that right now is no because he is still going to prosecute the war. however, he sees fit. he says that until there was an absolute victory until all of the goals of the war, our chief, the fighting is going to continue. and remember that he's dissolved the countries war cabinet. so now he is going to be the sole person who decides on how the
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remainder of the war is going to be held. so he's going to have some approvals from his water security cabinet, but now it's just going to be benjamin netanyahu, prosecuting the war, something that these demonstrators are saying cannot be tolerated. ok, thank you for that. honda civic that for us in amman, just remind again, is really government has bound al jazeera from appraising in israel, which is why we are a forcing from neighboring georgia. subscribe to janine in the northern occupied westbank with several palestinians have been injured in is riley raid video has a much showing one of those injured being tied to the from tiffany is riley minute treat vehicle appearing to be used as a human shield nor all day reports from geneva, wounded, bleeding and tied to the hood of an armored is really military vehicle as it drove through jeanine, past ambulances that could not come to the rescue. it's not clear which unit of
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these really army was involved. the vehicles, number plates were concealed, was rarely soldiers later released was a head allowing paramedics to transport him to hospital where he was taken to the operating room. why didn't most of the, the jeep caused by the injured man was on the hood. must one um was tied to the windshield and the other room was on his abdomen. sony. they drove past us and refused to get on the patient machine. now what couple, these really armies use of palestinians as human shields is well documented. it's been cited in several recent to you and reports, including one that added israel to a list of countries, the target and killed children. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank or violent is really military raids and subtler attacks. are relentless needed on the left, another palestinian mother indoors the unthinkable. varying her 12 year old boy my
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how much was injured in his really rate 2 weeks ago. and meanwhile, is ready. soldiers rate is completely up to confiscate. the carbon is really man shot and killed there on saturday morning. the attack was an apparent retaliation to the ambush and killing of 2 palestinian men on friday in the jordan valley here . another is really subtler attack. is no casualties reported. but a reminder that in this climate of violence and community, no palestinian is in union to the violence of occupation or all day i'll just eat a drama, palestine. while these are in the army has issued a statement out there in response to that video of the palestinian mine tied to a ministry vehicle. it says during counter terrorism operations in y, d. bergen. it's forces will find out the statement reads during the exchange of fi, one of the suspects was injured and apprehended in violation of orders and standard
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operating procedures. the suspect was taken by the forces while tied on top of the vehicle. statement says the conduct of the forces in the video, the incident does not conform to the values of these are in the ministry and that the incident will be investigated and also added. the suspect was transferred to the red crescent, receive medical treatment video for teachers and much of a 6 year old mine being assaulted by. is there any soldiers at the house raid in hebron the family of new assume says he was ordered to disconnect the speakers. if i'm not to stop the call to price, his son belongs to the fees his father who was already suffering from limited mobility, may be unable to walk off to the assault as one person has been killed and then is rarely striking. lebanon's weston becca district. a call was hit in the town of o, k r a, which is about 40 kilometers away from the products as well says and killed
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a key fig get involved in supplying weapons to loss. their increase concerns found the escalating violence between israel's ami, um 11 on face has bullfighters. it's been a near daily exchange of fire since a wound goes up again. i said bag has moved from nation southern level, a tear and says a neighbor on where we're standing here, right? 2 and a half kilometers from that d my cation line that you and blue line, uh, between uh, 11 on an israel zillow, about 3 strikes. this morning, one uh at the town just just behind me and israel is there any positions? i'm not very far from have but we've also been hearing from his beloved and they say that they've kind of the item number of strikes against. is there any positions they say that they talk to? is there any soldiers in the settlement of marinara, again, which isn't very far from had they said that say at the to took
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a direct strike against that positions and also 5 missiles, the shape of funds, the area that's the area between syria live and on. and it's considered occupied by israel for also the settlement of matilda. now what's interesting about that is that his velocity that they use, the idea to me size and the very nice to footage. and you can see the smoke rising from the tensions have been increasing, and this conflict has been simmering since the stock them as well as will on cause and the have the mornings impacted by the escalation. so what his with law says is that they actions have i in support of the people of gauze. new response is right, new strikes on southern lebanon. so yes they are, they new strikes taking place on here on, along the southern border and southern they've been on the situation here, remains tense with daily strikes, taking place to and fro between israel and is writing positions. and there is a real fear of the escalation. i thought they did the permission slip and up enough
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to active members of the us ministry are seeking resignations on conscientious grounds over american complicity in the war and gaza to force pass. no, laurie a bad and do you on back in cold say they can no longer be complicit in his ready war crimes that are being aided and abetted by the country. they all signed up to serve you as anti will organization estimates. there are at least 40 all the minutes repass, no seeking resignations. still ahead on al jazeera, the tennis group assess like the one spine china and from the home down the most powerful explosions in on the, on the changing face of mexico and scape, how murals and making the whole neighborhood safer on more attractive
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the central europe. it seems for weeks has been suffering repeated by so heavy rain or thunder storms. and that's still going on, as you say, recently causing funding up in the out science of all that there is generally being quite well man talk to you to argue with them. i'm particularly in the weston vulcans where i bought great. that'll great and musta, for example, have been seeing temperatures any degrees or off the record in case of most of that's 10 degrees above average. and surprisingly, people are finding ways to cool their, oh, you could say, enjoy it. now the next 20 for houses. so we've got rain, child likely and know them, it's late and spreading across into the public. and so i think attempted to come down a bit as a result. so that's a probably a positive but for greece and probably talk to you and at least about gary and some
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of remy remainder of the temperatures will stay high and the sun inside the course in spain and portugal. so it's not as hot here is. he's not one thing that what we're in june after old days or how long room nice and have been for a long time in the next few days. $27.00 in power is $26.00 and under both seen at least friday is not sunday. whether that's monday's forecast, it's been very healthy and all 5, cuz you know, i mean, particularly the middle of out jerry nearly 50 degrees. disappoint, you knew this house, it should be in west africa. taking a step backwards of israel's war machine is decimating entire households. and with us the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian generalists, folk lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's most beautiful in decades. the night old
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n biden's wanted us to part of just either the the on the back and watching out as a reminder, thought top stories based on his writing forces have once again carried out launch scale attacks across northern gauze. like kidding, at least 43 palestinians. is there any who plains targeted homes and buildings in the saucy refugee camp? a leasing of barrels of missiles on a residential splash? several palestinians have been injured and is there any rate in janine and the odd
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westbank? this video shows is reading forces driving amid a tree vehicle. with an injured palestinian tied to the foot of the truck. they appear to be using him as a human shield and have him skills the number of flights one person has been killed and, and is rarely striking a call in lebanon's west and becca district call was sketching the town of l. kiara . just 4012 inches away from the border as well says it killed a senior, a mazda 3 people have been killed in a russian attack on the ukrainian c. see us call keywords. dougherty said, guided ariel bones from russia, struck a residential area, at least 38 all the people injured president, the residency reiterate and calls more help from western allies, saying they need more ministry hardware to help stop russian attacks being well in russia, president vladimir putin has been taking part in a re laying ceremony the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. he was joined by
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his new defense minister and they called him miss andre believe so. he's replaced along 7 minutes to say a showing his back in may. he didn't spend much of the past week vote, strengthening ties with north korea and vietnam. the presidential candidates in wanda has launched campaigns for next month. general elections. president pool gone the address, the forces at a riley in the northern town and was sunday on saturday. you seeking another time off the 24 years in office. commies, the favorite against 2 rivals, a politician from the democratic green policy and an independent but 2 other opposition candidates have been filed running. i'm not both tang reports. president, to click on me, has moved around to it with an iron fist for decades. many analysts say they don't
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expect any surprises on who's expected to win the selection. tommy is running for a full time. he came into a pilot in the wake of a genocide, to kill the estimated $800000.00 to seize and mode which we choose in 2015 london approved constitutional amendments that allows coming to run for us, that they also voted for shorts of presidential times from 7 to 5 years. in 2017, the electoral commission declared him winter with 99 percent of the vote. there are 3 presidential candidates in this selection. felipe, on peggy mana, is running as an independent. frank, having is a from the democratic green policy, says he has overuse, receive numerous death threats, been imprisoned and forced into exile during previous attempts to unseat coming. and the last election, he came 2nd with less than one percent of the human rights campaign, as have often accused the routing lines unpatriotic friends, party of intimidating,
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serious presidential contenders. 6. why in very is one of come it's, this is critics. she was bought from running for president because of a prior conviction of insights and division, and conspiring against the government. she served 8 years and joe, but says the charges were politically motivated, the dozens of other ones and are in exile. some have blamed the states for killing or disappearing dissidents. rolanda has also been accused by neighboring democratic republic of congo, and the rebel group in the north. keep you province in the northeast. fighting between government forces and m. 23 has killed many and displaced close to 2000000 congolese since 2023. the governments and godly has denied the accusations, despite sort of as many of the ones in the country say that happy with the president's and will vote for him again. i'm up watching out a 0. hundreds of people are protesting and it's me often indian farm work
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a died on wednesday. something i'm saying was reported. he loaded on to them by some toya and then abandoned on the street off his palm with some of that work and stuff. the spunk, public outrage of failure to protect, to migrant workers. things employ is now under investigation for criminal negligence and mountain sources. which emergency in the autonomy not enough comp pre is left thousands of tourist stranded many areas left without will set off the main non bushes system failed. local authorities had to hold all tour survivals to the popular island visits with them. now freaking back in, but the move has created loan lines of passengers, a ticket offices in the southern city of naples. as they deal with the backlog of tourists to thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of central london to demand that the next british government does more to reduce the decline of nature in the country. round $350.00 charities and businesses took fox
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in the restore nature. now march, many were cooling for an environmental rights bill in the next parliament following general election next month. and then a vis selena, which is in london and has been speaking to purchased as about for the mountains of the rest of it would have a list of them on they will, and businesses and companies that pollute the environment to pay, move to restore the environment the doubling of the bombings budget to make sure that farm is a part of the solution when it comes to climate change. they also want more protected areas of natural duty to be protected. that's out here in the u. k. but obviously they want and you know, that was the nature of the heart of every policy that watch. thousands of people have much here today to west, which is the see to the pow wow. embrace and die faster even little than i, they shouldn't do. good established international groups like the w w as marching
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the long side, more destructive organizations like desktops, oil and extends to write that in 19 for that direct action which is awesome. quite disruptive, where they say they're united under the same pools of that consent and they have not seen any political, major political party really let you know to do when it comes to restoration of a natural habitats here in the u. k. and lots of ordinary people have joined today . you may not be affiliated to some of those big groups and i'm joined by maggie will come here today. at maggie. why is it important for you to be here today? what you want from the next income and governments here, and i want the government to put nature 1st. you know, i'm part of that generation where we destroyed the natural world. and i'm here with 1000 as of other people who are standing up for nature. in particular, i'm standing up for a species that are on the edge of extinction and the u. k, including the hedgehog is,
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is one of the deciding issues of the next election. it is the environment is the most important issue for me in this selection. i live in north, norfolk on the coast and sewage ross who is being done on our beach. and so that's something i see that every day doing beach cleans and other environmental activities and it's difficult to stop. thank you so much maggie. and what might be saying here is reflecting goals. so what we had from all the people here and also appalled from an organization here and you pay the, found the 77 percent of faith to things that the government and neither political parties are doing enough to pledge how to help the environment. so it's shaping up to be an important political issue, and while the people to gather hits, they certainly have that by being the pressure on whoever is the role keep tiring,
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a satellite with telescope pig capabilities has been launched into space from china synch one provence t light jointly developed by china and from the satellite has been designed to track down the most powerful explosions in our universe. cooled down the right only von events and space can generate those bloss, like when a launch dying stall collapses on doing so in ways forming the black hole as well. that event admits an explosion traveling at nearly the speed of light which a cold, a gamma ray best the best detected in the sky round once every day. the best, so brief the scientists in a race against time to collect data. this telescope satellite will use x ray vision to track down the source. the bus allows scientist investigate the process the best
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of the fast stars and galaxies. to madison is a senior research fellow at the international center for radio astronomy. it was such a catch in university, she says the new south lock will enable scientists to tax move down the right bus from the grace of distance. as we actually don't see, as many as are actually happening. so gamma, right? this, this, this lot, the scanner a lot they produce is actually a very narrow beam of light. and unless that beam is directly pointed at us, we're never going to say is that they are actually still extremely rare events. we have to look at very, very large hops at the end of this very, very deeply, very, very far away. and for very long time before we, we say any of them at an age one is actually quite unique and interesting um from different types of explosions,
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the creation of different material in different environments. but the, the ones to be detect advice, foam that i aim is to actually detect the most distant and therefore the most oldest gamma, right desks. so we're talking about this that has occurred only a few 100000000 years after the big bang with the the, the creation of the universe. and that means that the lot has taken several billions of years to reach us. so as we're looking further away and looking at these more distant explosions, we're actually looking back in time. it is top level as mexico, stacy's knowledge, as districts, and also one of the most violent and poverty stricken the office residents. local governments have come up with an idea to change the atmosphere, the largest bureau project in the world. judy gadgianno has the support for us from
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mexico city. the small army of urban artist says, changing the face of one of mexico cities, forrest and most violent neighborhoods. the one is more than $11000.00 a year old. now with during the streets en route the stop by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the area safer and more attractive. 35 year old at a male has painted dozens of murals here depicting issues of women's empowerment to scenes from mexican history. she's putting the finishing touches on one of her favorite works so far a piece celebrating the creativity of childhood. you step by what ed is couple of them you role is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them, to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors. the history of this town that need towing is double up as not just violence. there's a great history here. and so local heroes now lined the streets of beloved
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beds, his patience an elderly couple. as the.


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