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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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possible, solid donates with confidence the the hello i, my name's by this is the new sound like from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 43 palestinians are killed and is really strong. that targeted all shots, the refugee camp, and now to the area in northern garza. the purchase has set fire in front of the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the good policy headquarters intent of these. they want to see spawn deal and any election is really forced is tight and injured. palestinian mom to the hood of
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a ministry vehicle during a raid. and the okey pod westbank appearing to use him as a human. she'd campaigning for the july presidential vegas under wayne wanda, to all position contenders are taking on long time lead a full time job and asked what sports as belgium get off the market. the yours, a beach for immediate pseudo to me from the boston to the top of that group on the right since you can sentence of progress to them, they'll pad, wrap the welcome to the program. at least 43 palestinians have been killed in launch. scale is really a tax across northern gone. so 20 full pups. these died in the l. shante refugee camp, residential area of gauze, a city 19 more were killed. moments lisa and separate strikes. east of gauze. the city of long the victims are a large number of young children. tiny,
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my mood begins are coverage at the the ambulance is full, but more one that are coming. dozens of palestinians were injured by as rarely jets in gauze and north. getting done toward plains targeted 2 buildings and a shot at refuge account. it is one of 8 historic towns established in gauze after the creation of israel in 1948 displaced, hundreds of 1000, a palestinian. and now it's where many took shoulder from is really a type of neighboring your body 8 months ago. for the young generation, it is no refuge netanyahu is a measure, was how with criminal targeting, innocent children, if you were brave enough, you would have come to start telling me in on the battlefield. the dust had not yet settled here that it froze on the other side of the city. another is really
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strike a trap. this man in concrete, he keeps losing consciousness and need to be rescued right away. the cover than does, survivor is recalled. the moment is really force is a tide, very densely populated, neighborhood of it was subbing some clothes, i work as a taylor. and suddenly the whole building collapsed on all hits. my wife and children were killed. my whole family is gone. israel say's its fighter jets. it struck 2 homeless military sites in the area. i might say is really forces are targeting civilians. it is the most violent they in district. since was regular troops killed $274.00 palestinians by freeing for captives and a new site. uh, earlier this month the we will stay in the sides and we will die and the gods stay
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in gaza but forced to leave their destroyed homes. the many can find safety. when it is, they refuse to turn to robin hunting more just the, you know, there's by garza palestine, thousands of protesters, all again, rawling and israel to demand the a sci fi deal on early elections. the latest pictures coming to us from tennessee with families is kept as being held in dolls as joining the demonstrations. there's been mounting pressure on probably minister benjamin netanyahu to do more, to bring them home. the demonstrations, a positive weekly protest against the government's handling of the war zillow, so it's not a secret and everyone understands that it is impossible to return $120.00 days
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through military operations. just reminded this for any govern his band algebra from reporting from israel, which is why honda civic now joins us from the jordanian capital. i'm on i'm does. so judging by the pictures that the purchased have been getting quite intense. what more do we know about them? a saturday's rally in tele, v was an end to would protest. organizers were calling a week of disruption. it began early on sunday by blocking major roads and highways throughout israel. but tonight, in telling me about this, riley we heard from them or is really captives who said that they were disappointed in the government that they felt let down. and in fact, to even that protest extending to outside the look good party headquarters. this is the party of benjamin that's in young. we saw police mounted on horseback trying to show the demonstrators trying to remove them from the area. but overall,
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protesters are demanding new elections. they're demanding, but nothing yahoo step down because they say he has not left the country in the right direction and he is not capable, nor is he interested in obtaining a ceasefire deal that would bring about the release of the remaining captive and ultimately end the war and these protests have been going on for months since early in the year, and they're only taking up in both size and scale of these really public is demanding more from their leadership. as you say, homes at months and months of demonstrations. what if they are cheese it's difficult to say exactly what these demonstrations have achieved, but they have certainly put pressure on these really prime minister on his coalition as a whole, seeing the time to kind of shift within is really society where there was once wide spread support for the war effort is now turning into
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a voice that is calling for the end of the war. because the is really public is seemingly thinking that without the end of the war, the captives are not going to be released. you also have the pressure from the families of the captives from families or former captives and former captive themselves, who say that they feel so down by the government that they themselves want to see new leadership. they are calling on people to take to the streets with them saying that this is a full is really played calling for new governance within israel, but nothing yahoo himself remember, has dissolved his war cabinets. so he is ultimately going to be the sole decider of how the remainder of the war is prosecuted. and that is something that is not sitting well with the remainder of these really society who is protesting against his leadership. so the pressure is continuing to mount on us and yahoo, but he's seemingly on phase in the face of all of that. okay, thank you for that. honda settings that for us in mono reminded is really
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government has bombed out his air from operating in his row, which is why we are reporting from neighboring georgia of israel has detained thousands of palestinian civilians since it began its will on garza is ready for his release, bother dawson, often month in detention. he says he was tortured and this one is sophia although
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the nature of, of so that's not going to put this sort of thing, but i've shopped that bundle with the heavy. yeah. actually that one, sir schumann is a palestinian humanitarian worker and active is to is detained by his role in 2009
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. he told l g 0 the well should not forget the prisoners in is ready custody. and i think that they are masters of psychological torture. and in addition to what's happening in the us. and i also went through that in 2009 when i was taking administrative custody. and a lot of what mr brothers saying, i'm remembering right now, and we can't forget about the 1000 stuff right now in administrative costs, busy and because we can't forget about the 7013000 now plus prisoners. that's all it is really presents right now. the world needs to do something i'm calling on the red cross to please check one of our people that have been taken into custody. and because we need an international agency like the red cross to go into as well as right now, and check on the thousands plus prisoners that have been taken by this administration
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. and let the people of the world know what the situation we don't want to see more, but the headlines we want to see. our people come back to their homes. ahead of the red cross office and rough i has described the off to multiplan is riley strike near it's hospital. as unprecedented is 25 published indians were killed on friday, often is rarely a time just outside these rarely designated. circled, almost the safe. soon william schoenberg said it was a miracle that none of his stuff was significantly injured. within moments we had a flood of wounded people show up at the gates of our compound, the piles of dead bodies, bloods everywhere. um, frankly, its like nothing i've ever seen before, and the scale of this shock was quite unprecedented,
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at least for us. and to give you one very unfortunate but graphic detail. we literally found the body parts scott to in different areas including within the compound which we then they took selected. the scale of this shock was quite unprecedented, at least for us. and to give you one very unfortunate graphic detail, we literally found the body parts scott to in different areas, including within the compound which we then they to collect it. we have a lot comp for all stuff actually located directly next to where we are and extremely close proximity to where these projectiles made to impact. and it is nothing short of a miracle that none of my teams and all that family members well, significantly injured. they were just some minor injuries that were attended to by our field hospital. um, well they're part of
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a compound call to the permit to will was actually impacted as a result of the strike. students is one of several messages that we have had too many notices that we have hans and we use the i see all so you cannot operate like this to janine in the northern okey pod westbank where several palestinians have been injured. and is there any raid video is much showing one of those engines being tied to the front of an is riley military vehicle appearing to be used as a human shield. no de reports to go and the bleeding and tied to the hood of an armored is rarely military vehicle. as it drove through jeanine, as ambulances could not come to the rescue. it's not clear which unit of these really army was involved. the vehicles, number plates were concealed, was rarely soldiers later released was the head allowing paramedics to transport
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him to hospital where he was taken to the operating room. why didn't most of the the jeep caused by the ended man was on the hood. last one um was tied to the windshield and the other room was on his abdomen. sony. they drove past us and refused to get on the patient machine. the whole, these really armies use of palestinians as human shields is well documented. it's been cited in several recent you and reports, including one that added israel to a list of countries, the target and killed children. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank or violent is really military raids and subtler attacks are relentless needed on my law, another palestinian mother indoors the unthinkable. varying her 12 year old boy my how much was injured and then is really rate 2 weeks ago. meanwhile, is ready soldiers rated company to confiscate the carbon is really man shot and
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killed there on saturday morning. the attack was the parents retaliation to the ambush and killing of 2 palestinian men on friday in the jordan valley here. another is really subtler attack. is no casualties reported. but a reminder that in this climate of violence and community, no palestinian is in union to the violence of occupation or all day i'll just eat a drama, la palestine. this is really all me is issued a statement out there in response to that video of the palestinian tied to a military vehicle. it says during counter terrorism operations in what able to can is forces were found at the statement breeds during the exchange. if i, one of the suspects was injured and apprehended, violation of orders in standard operating procedures, the suspect was taken by the forces all tied on top of a vehicle. the statement says the conduct of the forces in the video,
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the incident does not conform to the values of these ready ministry and that the incident will be investigated. it also added, the suspect was transferred to the red crescent to receive medical treatment. video footage results and knowledge of a 60 year old man being assaulted by his ready soldiers. a house right in hebron. family of new i'll prove says he was ordered to disconnect the speakers of a most to stop the cool prize. his son belongs to the fish that his father who was already suffering from limited mobility may now be unable to look at. am i calling laura kyle spoke? challenges there, a senior political analyst smile and discharge. he says is ready. soldiers on the grounds and dogs are on the west bank and taking matches into their own hands. there's a long track record of the violations of human rights, silver tormenting, protest, unusual, tortured a dead, arising band, and, of course,
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always distancing themselves from it. and dest, uh, putting together some form of commissions or investigation, perfectly to nowhere in the start of the soldiers, both in gaza and in the west, and are taking things into their hands more regularly. as many of those are actually quite fanatic. there's a lot of the ones in the west and caught illegal settlers violence on and so on, so forth. so i think uh, even in these really media, we are seeing more or more reports about how that end. because ition is ray, the soldiers are leading to widespread violations of human pricing. and if that is the case, if these weren't even easy, it was reporting more on these violations. should we expect these ready public to be demanding more from their investigations? when you look at some of the polls coming,
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god is right. they're not the executive. yeah, sure. yeah. well as you know, something like 95 plus percent of his rate. he's. ready said that is or is using it just as it needs to in terms of or violence against the palestinians or not sufficient enough. uh, only 2 percent of these ready to a public pool said that is usually too much less so you can imagine an entire nation is really involved in or indoctrinated to support acquiescing to the government position of once again, tormenting, torturing and terrorizing the palestinians of both in the west bank and gaza, the 2 active members of the us military are seeking resignations on conscientious grounds of american complicity in the war. and garza forced personnel, laurie
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a bet, and you on bets and cold say they can no longer be complicit in is rarely will crimes that have been aided invested by the country. they signed up to some of us on people. organization estimates. there are at least 40 on the ministry personnel seeking resignations on the same grounds. well, laurie a back, a senior and then on active duty in the united states force joins us now. he does not speak for the ministry. he's speaking for himself. he joins us from rota in spain. thank you so much for your time, sir. how difficult was it for you to come to this decision to leave the married ministry? what led you to this point? yeah, they do. for me, it honestly wasn't a difficult decision to me joining the military in the 1st place, but it is partially due to i mean, all of us we want to serve people, are the american people specifically, obviously,
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but there is no there's no serving the american people in our current policies, we're doing a disservice to 2 people around the world and, and i strongly feel that. so that's why i had to apply for as a conscientious objector which causes. ready long history and other conflicts as well as vietnam and i rag. so i'm actually proud to kind of, you know, go into for the status of our, our prior conscientious objectors. and at what point during the war over the course of the last 8 months, did you go okay, i've had enough, i can't do this anymore. i honestly, really early on it. i think in november i actually learned about the conversation, subjecting and i looked more into it and i didn't know if i would qualify or not.
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um, but the, i think a lot of service owners don't actually know entirely. 2 what it is and what their rights are. and so i think it's extremely important to highlight our country's a conscientious objector and in shelby. ready like that it is an option and you can take it. i think a lot of service members feel that they, they don't know what to do and, and they don't know how to how to ask in this moment in, in the past almost a year now. and i think this is applying for separation, whether it be through contributions suggesting a ford, another form of administrative separation from a business along the laurie. apologize for interrupting a bit. how is yours of periods and colleagues,
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we reacted to your decision to do this. um, well it doesn't really go internally. i haven't really been super problem with it until now. but when i have brought it out to certain people, they haven't really uh, they've never either heard of the term or um, so i, i've had to explain what it is to people. but yeah, and what the, what did they make of the reasons you've given that you are leaving that, that you want to leave the army or i don't think a ton of people actually has been obtaining that. i think most people are kind of focused on their own careers in their own lives. i don't think many people have an opinion either way. and, and what about your colleagues? how do they generally view the wind guard size? it's something that's on everyone's radar. do you discuss it to discuss the us to
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support for israel? yeah, it's sort of a taboo subject. um many people will speak on the issue because um, if you i think most people can, they can agree that what is going on is wrong. and almost every way, but to speak on it while in service is basically taboo because you'd be speaking against us policy. and so i think a lot of people are afraid to even talk to the topic. you also went on a hunger strike and yeah, this yeah. which comment been a very easy and, and presumably very difficult for those close to what? why did you make that decision? i got to break the point where i just didn't know what to do and um, another major reason for it was the so emulation of here in bushel
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and the silence afterwards of our leadership in the military and, and the government. nobody wouldn't even speak, say his name, and he was an active duty service ever. so it was uh for me, a pretty easy decision to, to just go straight to dc and, and try to figure out how i can help and how i can uh, put my voice out there. and how did, how did you, how does the army react when you did that? i believe you did it when you won't leave a. yup. so i, i took leave and i went to dc and i tried a different forms of approach ass and other ways to help um and then uh, yeah, they read called me from my leave and sent me back after i tried to speak to the chief of staff but ultimately it ended up in a letter of reprimand,
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which isn't a major formal punishment, but also i think for other people who are lucky to do something, i wouldn't discourage anyone from acting and protest. and you have small children, i believe. and i've really been affected by some of the images you've seen from the school. can you talk us through how you felt? uh yeah, i'm not sure how anyone can see the image is coming out of guys are not feasible. so sort of way. i think a lot of people may try to avoid looking, but i can, i feel like i can do that as a father and as a service member. and so it's been disturbing to see children that look just like my own dad and they use
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in the fashion. and uh yeah, it again, it was very easy decision to come to this conclusion and, and oppose what's going on. really good to speak to larry and the senior admin on active duty united states. as always. thank you for speaking to alex rivera. thank you. sadly, 40000 young people in garza had been deprived of switching the final exams in gaza . as rose was been devastating to the education system with students out of school for ninty 9 months. oh, universities and hundreds of schools have been level to the ground and more than 200 teachers killed image and came back before it shouldn't be in a day to celebration the day. the goal is the secondary school students, the final exams. but instead of writing 13 going sizes, young people have had the opportunity taken away from them like israel's
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devastating wrong cause. i would say i'm totally depressed because i have prepared for this moment for 12 years. and what should have happened, didn't the situation is getting worse and worse. without the told you the certificate. that's the end of the year exams. so says what plans are no longer possible and the future and explained there was a scholarship reading for me. it's as her university in egypt, but now i lost it because i didn't joins it though she and i don't have the certificates that shows that i'm associate his student. so i lost the scholarship. i lost my education, i lost everything, teaches them, it could says this day has been terrible for her. it's the 1st time and no news. she's not going to be seeing the final year exams in internet cancer or say, given these riley's and no, i need to string all homes and property, but also entire generations. even if the will ends today. 90 percent of school
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buildings has been leveled to the ground for students from 1st graders to university, undergraduates, and entire academic year has gone down the drain. yeah, this is tied to los physically and mentally. all universities and goals have been destroyed and nearly 300 statements schools and 65 un schools have already been completely well partly destroyed. with them when years of work. more than half a 1000000 students has not been out of school since the will began resuming study will not can be difficult. for d. p. traumatized, population imaging came out to 0. so one person has been killed and then is riley striking lebanon's weston becca district call was fits in the town of our k. yara, which is 40 kilometers away from nevada. israel says and killed a key figure involved in supplying weapons to him, off their increase concerns about the escalating violence between as well as on me
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and 11 on space. has full of fighters has been a need daily exchange of fire since school began. garza, i said, thank has moved from roommate in southern lebanon, are here in such a never on where we're standing here, right, 2 and a half kilometers from that d modification line, that you in blue line, uh, between uh 11 on an israel zillow, about 3 strikes this morning, one uh, the town just just behind me and israel, the is there any positions i'm not very far from have, but we've also been hearing from his beloved and they say that they've kind of the item number of strikes against is rodney positions. they say that they talk to, is there any soldiers in the settlement of marinara, again, which isn't very far from head. this said that say at the, took a direct strike against that position. and also 5 missiles at the shape of funds. the area that's the area between syria live and on and it's considered occupied by
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israel for also the settlement of matilda. now what's interesting about that is that his velocity that they use, the idea to me size and the very nice to footage. and you can see the smoke rising from the tensions have been increasing, and this conflict has been simmering since the start of israel's will on gauze and the have the morning's impact by the escalation. so what his with law says is that they actions have i, in support of the people of gauze i need a response is really strikes on southern lebanon. so yes, they are, they knew, strikes, taking place on here, on, along the southern border and southern lebanon. the situation here remains tense with daily strikes, taking place to and fro between israel and is ready positions. and there is a real fear of further escalation aside base. i just the permission slip and openness. the still ahead on now to sierra
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to telescope satellite launched by china and phones to hunt down the most powerful explosions in the universe. and none of us to the new age in london, west thousands of climate for taxes and lodging, to demand a more action from authorities in calculating climate change and india. closing on the semi finals. the t 20 wells come action from the big window of, of bangladesh coming up in the central europe. it seems for weeks has been suffering repeated bias of heavy rain or thunder storms. and that's still going on, as you say, recently causing funding up in the out science of all that there is generally being quite well man, talk to you for your argument,
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particularly in the western vulcans way about rate belgrade and musta, for example, have been seeing temperatures any degrees or off the record in case of most of that's 10 degrees above average. unsurprisingly, people are finding ways to cool there, or you could say, enjoy it. now, the next 24 hours or so we've got a range. how's likely noise? immensely and spending cost into the bulk. and so i think attempted to come down a bit as a result. so that's a probably a positive about for greece and probably talk to you and at least about gary and something, right. the remainder of the temperatures will stay high and the sun is out. of course. in spain and portugal, their stuff is hot. here is not one thing that what were in june after old days, or how long room nice and have been for a long time in the next few days. $27.00 in power is $26.00 and under both seeing that the sprite is not sunny weather. that's mondays forecast. it's been very healthy and all 5 cuz you know, i mean, particularly the middle of our jerry, it's nearly 50 degrees. disappointing me. the shouts that should be in west africa
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are taking a step backwards. he says he went toward towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been home for so many years. in the final part of the series, we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria on now to 0. the latest news as it breaks is really military has been forced to stop locating a blockade on the gauze of red, severely limit exam 3 of the spend so good with detailed coverage. human rights organizations have well come the u. s. decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights from the hearts of the story. the. 7
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attention of water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of palestinians. the of the, [000:00:00;00] the look back and watching out there a mind a thought top stories based on is there any forces of once again, carried down log scale attacks across northern dogs that can at least $43.00 palestinians. this really will play installed at, at homes and buildings and the al shante refuge account leasing and firearms of missiles on a residential square. thousands of protesters have again, right in israel to demand the
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a sci fi deal and any elections cap just being held and gone to join the demonstrations. they want prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do more to bring them home. several palestinians have been injured and is there any rate in janine and the occupied westbank? this video shows is there any forces driving a ministry vehicle with an engine? palestinian tied to the foot of the truck appeared to be using him as a human shields. nothing to secure the number of sites. the 3 people have been killed in a rush, an attack on the ukrainian city of car keys, authority. se guided ariel bones from russia, struck a residential area. recess. he ate all the people were injured. president george misa lensky is reiterate, and caused more help from western allies, saying they need more ministry hardware to help stop russians attacks. so,
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in russia, president vladimir putin has taken part in a re laying ceremony of the 2 of the unknown soldier in moscow. he was joined by his new defense minister, an economist, andre police of e replaced long serving ministers that gave, showing to back in may preach and spent much of the past week approval and strengthening ties with north korea and vietnam, dining hall, kansas and the russian capital explains the significance of belly solves appointment as defense minister is one of the new defense ministers. but also the 1st public appearance is that the ceremony was that i met with not to be a person and disappointment and very much sense to signals. the 1st is that things will not be the way they've been any longer at the defense ministry plague for a long time buying a geishas of corruption, incompetence and efficiency. disappointment seeks to spell that out because photos of has no toys to the minutes coming from when he cut them in the background. he's
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been talking tough, threatening ministry officials in the far east with criminal liability earlier this week. if they don't fall into line and produce at the ministry contracts they've been given and to get that military spending, which is every thing, of course, is now up to 6.7 percent approaching, ged, paid back into shape. so this is very much the message to plump down corruption. we've seen that in the wave of the top generals being arrested. 10 out of 12 deputy defense ministers dismissed and changed in the post. and of course that to get the m o d in line with a defense secretary and more broadly with other ministries in the problem as well. presidential candidates in wanda have launch campaigns for next month's general elections. president polk gone a address and forces at a riley in the northern town as we saw his date on stand today, you seeking and all the time off to 24 years in the office. the company is the
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favors against the 2 levels, including an independent, the democratic green, hockey candidates, frank, happiness told supporters in kigali, he would improve the economy and security if elected. i'm a, bo chang reports. president obama has moved around so with an iron fist for decades. many analysts say they don't expect any surprises on who's expected to win the selection. tommy is running for a full time. he came into a pilot in the wake of a genocide, to kill the estimated 800000, to seize and mode what you choose. in 2015 london approved constitutional amendments that allows me to run for a set time. they also voted for shorts of presidential times from 7 to 5 years. in 2017, the electoral commission declared him with, with 99 percent of the vote. there was 3 presidential candidates in this selection
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. felipe, on pay him on, is running as an independent. frank, having is a from the democratic green policy, says he has overuse, receive numerous death threats, been imprisoned, and forced into exile joint previous attempts to unseat coming. and the last election, he came 2nd with less than one percent of the human rights campaign, as have often accused the routing rolanda unpatriotic friends. policy of intimidating serious presidential contenders. that's why in very is one of come, it's fits this critics. she was bought from running for president because of a prior conviction of insights and division, and conspiring against the government. she served 8 years and joe, but says the charges were politically motivated, dozens of other ones and are in exile. some have claimed the states for killing or disappearing dissidence. one that has also been accused by neighboring democratic republic of congo of i'm in the rebel group in the north, keep you present in the northeast. fighting between government forces and m. 23 has
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killed many and displace close to 2000000 congolese since 2023. the government thing to godaddy has denied the accusations despite so will this many of the ones in the countries say that happy with the presidents and will vote for him again. i'm up watching out a 0 and the u. k. thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of central london to demand the next british government does more to tackle the climate crisis . the store nature now is cooling for an environmental rights spill the next parliament following next month's general election. atlanta, felina, which has moved from london. they come from the person to make noise against nature's decline. marching through central london, more than 300 environmental groups, demanded action on climate change. with mainstream organizations, shoulder to shoulder with no disruptive. like just to polio,
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best known for the traffic, stopping slow routes. today, turning down the tactics for a joint who's have 10 boxes walking slowly. i've been sent to prison for that is quite nice to be here today. and also, you know, gazing, arrested actually is a sort there. and so you close those movements and the, the, the alignment we all have in the face of what is a logical and climate around that we must act and governments mustang. that message echoed by actors. emma thompson lending has to pull to the march. we are still at now we, we were told, decades ago and we still continued towards the end of mid the music and the prompts, the tangible action that the emotions won't. they say they have several of them on sonya. they want to restore it. they want
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damages caused by affordable review of the introduction as person heads for a general election on the 4th of july people, he is a major policies have failed to offer any substantial environment. pledges. product isn't a certain thing, something that people are concerned about this know something like they don't think that they don't think that people will do it with us in mind. but, but i, i will. well, this is changing rapidly and the problem or the phone and sirens. i'm not taking any pictures on a short term planning. i'm passionate about who serving nature. i think if we destroy nature, we destroy everything that we depend on a message that the thousands who march departments with hope to come through to whoever takes the
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reins of power in person. meaning that we still need to reach out to 0, not least 12 people live in killed by an agricultural fire, and se tech a. and blaze began on thursday spreading through an area neighboring the provinces of dia on. okay, and not in the 78 others were wounded in creating 3 people who were in critical condition. hundreds of live stock will serve killed in the place, which is now under control. a real kid, caring a satellite with telescopic capabilities has been launched into space from china. china's shish one prevents this is a moment of elk and took fine to a need developed by china and from the satellite has been designed to track down the most powerful explosions in the universe. cooled down the rate best.
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only vine and events and space can generate those bloss, like when a launch dying stall collapses under a certain weight forming a black hole. that event emits an explosion travelling at nearly the speed of light, which a cold damage re best the out best detected in the sky around once every day. but this so brief scientists in a race against time to collect data. this telescope satellite will use x ray vision to track down the source, the best allows scientist investigate the process, the best fast stars and galaxies to madison is a senior research fellow at the international center for radio astronomy. it was such a catch in university. she says to me, satellites will enables scientists to detect, move down the right bus from the great to distance. we actually don't see as many as are actually happening. so gamma, right this, this, this lot, the scam or
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a lot they produce is actually a very narrow beam of light. and unless that beam is directly pointed at us, we're never gonna say is that they are actually still extremely rare events. we have to look at very, very large hops at the end of this very, very deeply, very, very far away. and for very long time, before we, we say any of them at an age one is actually quite unique and interesting from different types of explosions. the creation of different material in different environments, but the, the ones to be detect advice, foam that i aim is to actually detect the most distant and therefore the most oldest gamma, right? this. so we're talking about this that has occurred only a few 100000000 years,
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often the bang when the, the, the creation of the universe. and that means that the lot has taken several billions of years to reach us. so as we're looking further away and looking at these more distant explosions, we're actually looking back in time. so heads on al jazeera, lambda norris drives a plastic lot to land poles, physicians, spanish, from pre coming out, which i'm at the las vegas employees. thousands, a huge proportion of them. latino is work is in the service industry. it taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called for the the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values. our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada,
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we went the whole thing. donald trump isn't a strong position haven default or right now he has a 5 point lee, the head of joe quite a lot can happen between now and november. but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada, at least if donald trump gets his way. is real hor on gossip be coming in forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the
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sizes for each of the community about them or off the market or is basically mainly it's so you know, just make up that for us. when of the tournaments they want to head off the just to minutes when the new coffee sets up you'll receive and you're talking to the south lights ahead of go. who's out for the 1st time and see matches thoughts with 11 minutes as much as soon as you can. kevin, you're going to be able to see the victory out of 1000 fast 3 points. and it really couldn't be much tied to it in that group. now i'll just go from bottom to top. i know full teams sit on the 3 points heading into the final round of games. belgium pay you crate and remain facing slovakia, a. christy auto and now that is all smiles off to his football team. but that place and the last 16 that consent, but when is the f optimization for kit and don't it's not. i still think it's still the lease building 2016 irritated champions. was this the best 2nd goal says here to send us some kind of assumptions about the cost of the gulf. this is what they
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said. the problem is that because it's a net without a then such a free days and on this he made it 3. no thoughts in the 2nd half of course funded so mccain has more the funds and done in these different clearly they was, as it was a spent up in performance from the portuguese teams compared to that 1st hour thing . and note that they wanted to send a message, not just the focus team, not just to this group, but perhaps also to only opponents who are going to be now lying in wait for them in the last 16 further into this competition. i'll have to say that the fans here, this is the friends are now it's empty. you have to quite considerably. but there was so many people in the, near that the police decided to close the 10 spouse to any of those who wanted to come in. so perhaps was this place and most of the friends with certification, and every time a go went in, there was a harsh appall from in the small contingent of portuguese friends who were here. so
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as i say from the forty's perspective, it's a message they've sent, scoring those 3 goals, and now they can look with confidence to the last 16. 20 reports go to celebrates and sometimes got a little carried away, reading onto the pitch to try and get a self. it was christie only went out a porch was kept and didn't seem to mind using with this young boy. but it went out . i seemed less pleased when another supporter clapped his neck when trying to get a picture pushed goes, kate forgot to martinez, is worried about his play a safety. it seems that concerns because today we were lucky that the intentions of the funds were good. i think we all loss of fund that is recognized as the, the big stars on the because the icons in the, in the, in the lives that's i think we all agree with that, that you can understand that there is a very, very difficult moment if those intentions are wrong, the place that expose and ready to be careful with that i don't think we should happen in a football page. and that same great tech republic came back to cool with george as
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well. and that would give it a penalty at the end of the fest offer a handbook. yes, it does have a pretty way just for kicks to see if the side, the needs of a price to equalize please fix it. now it's kind of fun for yours is 6. those 2 mr. channels to it with this. but i know taking the game as it finished one push, but then as i mentioned through as when is of group f with 2 wins from to secure seconds and must avoid defeats in the final game against check for public to be such an of progressing georgia pipe portugal 9 a must wins have any chance of qualifying london or a said he drives the past. it's last off to taking po physician for sunday's. a spanish go on pre in the car and drive at tops the time sheets to the very last savings and qualifying those stuff ahead of championship lead. and that's the staff and and 7 time world champion and it was counseling. who was the quickest witness eighty's. this is just the 2nd balls the norris one he's plus rice out of the see
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in miami and sits the standings behind the stuff. and i'm for always, charlotte a super, super high be one of my, i say my best position. i don't have many, but out of the ones i've had my best and we've been close all weekend. but really this was just about a plastic class. unfortunately, it was just not enough, but that that is how it goes. sometimes i think overall we can still be very happy with, with this performance and qualifying and is definitely able to play for tomorrow. we might use that fluids and, and it's really just down to every single individual back to the factory who's pushing and design pushing in, in making the new pos that we get to bring as early as possible to these races. and slowly, the car is crossing into a racing machine that we can hopefully fight the guys at the front. to the $221.00 cup and india have thrashed bangladesh and the sea freights throughout. caly helps you did get off to a strong stockton until you get hitting such a 7 run, including 3 sixes audit. sunday,
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it was the top score that it was an m beats and how century, helping the assessors august of a 197 and called it we got up with the pick of the indian bolus. he took 3 wickets as a restricted bangladesh to a 1468 in their winning by 50 runs to remain on the beach and in the tournaments alongside south africa. and australia is australia, feats of kind of satellites of face, india and australia. it will go straight to the semi finals just 9 days until when put it into more big names in the women's draw. a struggling lot of the 3 arena sutherland has pulled out as the violin open because of a shoulder problem midway, 3 or 4 to find the against on that kind of sky. it is the 1st entry, retirement establishes vapor and to time limit and find this on. this is about also withdrew from headquarters, line against. okay, said golf because of illness. that's always 20. 22. we wouldn't champion delaney, we boston that you pulled out on friday of just feeding on well, i'm raining wimbledon champion. look at that one. dressed as a engine hit in
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a full on quartz titan's height, well, who catches closing and on his 2nd side to a how a lot of them, but not in big time favorites. i'm franchise and run a rough audit sound as they're up in straight sets to reach the final what he'll say so well, number one, younique's in a or something you might see very often on goals. pga, tul cameron young. she also right around a $59.00 at the travelers championship. that's the scene shops on, depart including to eagles and stuff and buddies. move to the 24th into 2nd place is certainly the 13th time we've seen a sub 60 randall the to fuss since school to chef was it? it's like in 2020 you to give you a few weeks still holds the rest of it. in 2016 for the 13th thoughts. and so hey tanya, it's another home home run into the la they'll just this time and it's 1st game against his phone to see me like angels. it was a 27 time in his last 11 games in 20 seconds to the season. april bosky still ended up on the losing side of the angels. 132. that is all you'll support from is back
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to me. thanks. jemma. now is top a lot, the is mexico cities largest districts and also one of the most violent and poverty stricken but alters residents and the local government have come up with an idea to change the atmosphere long just near old project and the weld judy, i know has moved from mexico city, the small army of proven artists. it's changing the face of one of the lexical cities, forrest and most violent neighborhoods. the weather is more than 11000 of these murals now live during the streets en route. the stop by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the area safer and more attractive. 35 year old at a male has painted dozens of murals here depicting issues of women's empowerment to scenes from mexican history. she's putting the finishing touches on one of her favorite works so far a piece celebrating the creativity of childhood. you step up,
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um what ed is couple of them you role is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of the tone that me telling is double up as not just violence. there is a great history here. and so local heroes now lined the streets of beloved beds, his patience, an elderly couple. as the project has grown and the murals are more and more visible, residents in these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories on public display. for 12 currently, there is hundreds of requests for local neighbors to have their murals painted. 8 year old luciana got her wish when she caught the eye of an artist painting nearby . her image now covers an entire world right outside her bedroom window, and she couldn't be happier. main campus at all is the oldest used to be
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white or grey. well, exactly, but now it's pretty early, it's happier, more colorful. i wake up and say, wow, what a beautiful place again. while it's hard to draw a line between the murals and the security situation in this district of 2000000 people, those involved in the project say it's popularity speaks for itself. that's not enough for yourself. mazda c less, and it's one of the most visible projects we've had and frontier, when people will buy the murals, they feel safer, and now they don't have to go to museum and pay to see if they have a fee. open a gallery right in the neighborhood. residents of you stop a lot, but no, it will take more than painting their walls to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect. making him marginalize community feel seen again. the galle, i know i'll just euro mexico city. okay, that's it for me. my, the insides of this means i'll be back there in just a moment for much. most today's use to stay with
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the surround, just seen has leukemia and needs and treatments approved for as well as will and locate ongoing. so is this something that you're seeing is also suffering from malnutrition ox? the hospital endeavored by, he's not load calling since again is a frank assignment, as long as christian among palestinians continue to spreads. so as far as the due to the lack of all kinds of basic human italian and medical supplies, according to the you on more than 20 children, have deli devonte attrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acutely minorities, african stories from african perspectives. and reduce the menus to same se, mailbox and some people to short documentary use by african filmmakers from the
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media. and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water. and the go from a new series of africa direct on i'll just sierra to what happens in the. 1 it has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch, booming way in and then pulling back out again for 30 years. french gary don't nuclear tests and the pacific exposing locals as such workers to high levels of radiation. one to one east. investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific's forgotten nuclear victims on i'll just 0. the challenges with
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the . ready the hello, i'm not inside the news life coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 43 palestinians are killed as rainy as strikes. the target says our shop a refugee camps and offices the area and the garza, the purchase is set size in


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