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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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making entire households and because the words of those who survived on with the help of palestinian generalists phone lines, toes, the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us completely in the world's most brutal in decades. the night old and biden's wanted us to just either the color i made or instead of going and this is counting the cost on out to 0. you'll wait to look at the world of business. and the total is this week for things. economic growth says ground to a halt. the main political process of laid out that plan is to fix that in the election manifesto was the time they bring about real change. protera special helps
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of the u. s. head chinese made electric vehicles with high level east to that. spock trade war and a little mosques. i've something pay the 1000000000 that has been awarded the largest compensation package go on to, to an executive at a us listed company. but is key was that the, the economy is turning a corner. that's the message delivered by the british prime minister, risky. so not since cooling the general election for july 4th, boston. the latest data shows that britain is not out of the woods yet. inflation is now back at the bank of england's target rate, but economic growth flatlined in april and millions of people are still feeling the pinch of high food energy of housing prices which have a party wednesday election. it's going to face the challenge of reviving growth while limiting a rise in government debt. political policies buying for votes have laid out by plans to achieve fast, to say what we've seen over the last week is manifestation impact the major
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policies. and because a choice of the selection between a conservative manifesto to the office, a clear plan to deliver a secure future for persons taking both actions and negatively causing taxes of people at every stage of their lives. so people in work who is self employed buying that 1st time, families and end date everyone, these were tied as well and contrasts or no ideas from the labor party. just holler taxes 2000 pounds worth of holland taxes for every working family. i don't want to see that happen, that's a choice. it doesn't selection on the stakes a high for the prime minister. polls suggest the labor policy is on cost for a reco general election when the leader of the opposition party has criticized the conservatives for presiding over 14 years of economic decline. keeps thomas said the economic growth and wells creation of the top priorities of his government, if he's elected prime minister, stability over tales long term opa schultz to an end to the desperate era of
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justice and gimmicks. and to return to the serious business of rebuilding all come from a rebuilding that must begin 1st and foremost with new choices of a comic growth factors. the mom that we see from britain, this selection a mandate economic drive. because the way we create wealth in this country is broke, it leaves fall to many people feeling insecure. people who are working hard on doing the right thing. so we will reform it and we will keep all the rest holding it until it deliver us for the old policies are promising to revive the british economy. let's take a closer look at how the conservative say that they will cost around $21000000000.00 in texas. they've also pledged to fix the chase housing crisis by building 1600000 new homes over the next 5 years. i'm to recruit thousands of nurses and doctors by 2029 to meet the staffing needs of the struggling national
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health service will. and h. s. labor proposing around $9000000000.00 in revenue, raising measures that include extending the current when full tax on oil and gas companies. they say their policies aimed at alleviating the cost of living crisis for the most vulnerable in society. and they promise to advocate around $6000000.00 per year on the day to day spending good things like school breakfast clubs more, n h s appointments at a launch of police force. all the policies wanting include the liberal democrats on the green policy. they propose raising taxes to fund the social health and environmental policies and nigel for roch's wife wing policy reform u k. so they will ensure net 0 migration the implement major of tax cuts and reform the bank of england poll suggests that while a victory is out of the reach, the policy will likely make games by winning of a previously held conservative seats. well,
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the health of the world 6 biggest economy is expected to be the main factor in deciding the outcome of this election. here's a look at the status of that economy right now. and it's you bills and items on store shelves will still cost more than they did before. the pandemic wage growth remain strong and the 3 months to april. but mortgages and rents brokers head anything to household income's. well, people are falling into policy a more a tony's of food banks. trussel trust says that it provided 3000000 emergency food parcels to people in need last year. and that's a really the number for the charge of the number of patients wasting from non emergency treatment. to the national health services climb to around 6300000 in march. now, when they cost that bonnet, smokers will likely consider whether that better off, since the conservatives came to pa, in 2010. that period is included the double economic shocks of a pandemic. and the war in ukraine to discuss all of this. joining us not from
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london, michael jacob sees a professor of political economy at a form of senior advise us for the global commission on the economy. good to have you with this up, michael term, the british economy a full, the tax and spending promises that the, the major policies right now selling to vote as all the other but pledges fully and realistically cost as well. those are the major parties. i would claim that the plans ultimately cost it lots of the independent commentators are doubting that. and the reason for that is that the current plans on which both policies are based that they manifesto. countries include some reading rather incredible claims about the future with spending does not go, does not rise in line with the demands, for example, on the national health service, which is. ready strong, so mostly independent commentators, other you be us about the claims being made by both political parties, not because they won't do the things that they say they're going to do. but just
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because the underlying situation of the partition public finances is really very poor and gross as your local report that has said, has been extremely weak. not just over the last few months, but consistently really over the last 14 years also. but particularly since the pandemic of the british economy is just built in a very good place. and obviously if the economy is not growing, then it's very difficult to fulfill your spending and your tax pledges. fiscal responsibility is baked into the dna of state. the conservatives who are in power right now. well, no, i would. the other doubt that i can get maybe back to, to the way they talk about it. but if you look at their right to a record of, it's been a big, strong, moderate fiscal, a fiscal position. we know that in the so many budgets of the very shortly prime minister of his trust, accosted tax cuts and spending meant that the pound failed to record low interest rates wrote very highly that was not a fiscal responsibility. and i think it's a very old claim to claim that the conservatives of the guardians of fiscal
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responsibility, except it was one of out of my mouth. i have that before i could even ask the questionnaire to your, your anticipated what i was going to say. why is not the policy 5, the 2 major policies talking about brake said, which it could be argued as cause more home to the british economy than either the pandemic or the war and ukraine combined? that's true. um the independent uh, estimates all the dates taken about 4 percent of the british g, d, p and, and the damage will continue as long as we're out of new york in a single blocking customers union, that's the case much the largest, biggest market needed 50 percent about trade goes, is we the rest of europe, but that decision has been settled and the reason the 2 parties are not talking about it is that they both concluded rightly in my view, that the british public made a decision in the referendum right to wrong. and do not regard it as appropriate for government to come home just a couple of days later and say we're going to go back on the decision was made by
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the british public. what did he think about that decision? that was a democratic choice in the method that the government off the british public to make. so they're not talking about it, but it is the underlying problem that, that has made the company was over the last few years since breaks it happened. and will continue to do so over the next. but the adults being completely on taylor from the you help or hinder the british economy. it is better off on its own. ultimately, no, it simply called b. and that was always know. and in the way the british public going to voted for breakfast even knowing that they were told this during the referendum campaign a nothing caused by the people who were asking them to vote to leave the you. but how big is small? it is the one that's closest to out to out those that, and that's where british companies need to trade, but imports and exports. and they find it really difficult. the bureaucracy that is required now to trade into the water or out of it is ridiculous. so many
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companies have just given up this and not doing it anymore, and the extra about extra friction, the trade has real economic costs. and so it's, it's more or less impossible to see how any situation, however, the u. k. economy develop, we could be better off out of you, which certainly most of them and britain is still a major economic part of, but for how much longer to what extent will it continue to be buffeted by a global economic without far beyond its control. many countries of the body economic by the, comes from the united states because of the power of the dollar particular from china because of it shift size. now in the global economy, and particularly in supply chain. and the u. k is adjusting to the fact that relative to other countries, inevitably in the rest of the world. but as long he's going to get smaller relative to the, the total. but we have some particular problems which i'm not experienced by other countries, you know, positioned in europe. we have a very, very weak grows,
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a growth record. and that's because our investment is very low. neither the private businesses that operate in the u. k. know the government invest at the same level that they do in all the comparable economies and if your investment is low, your productivity is low. productivity is betty move since the financial crash of 2008 and is lower than most about competitors. we have a legal market that produces lots of jobs, which is great, but it produces very insecure jobs. a 1000000 people very nearly all now on what to call 0. i was conference where they don't know how much they're going to be working . one week to the next, which means that down very insecure, they don't spend as much. i never know productivity gains because it's so easy to employ an extra. ready low cost, so we got some very fundamental economic problems which have not been dealt with by the conservative government to the last 14 years, but predict the visual longstanding issue. and so the next government, whoever it isn't, it obviously looks as your report set, like it's going to be a labor government has some really deep challenges, which will take quite
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a long time to, to tackle them. i don't expect growth to suddenly get back to within a year or 2. this is a long term challenge for the next government. and it's not an easy one. professor, it's been great to talk to you many thanks and thanks for being with us, michael. on counting, the cost us in video is now the world's most valuable public company, topping microsoft shows that the trip make a rose 3.6 percent last week, lifting the funds. market cap, the 3 points, $34.00 trillion dollars. the trip make a stock has been on the roll for the last year on the huff and video of chips, unmatched and producing processes, the power artificial intelligence systems. meanwhile, mcdonalds is ending it's test of artificial intelligence checkbox that drive through restaurants to the us mcdonalds, launch the pilots, which uses voice recognition software to process orders in partnership with ibm in 2021. the fast food chain gave no reason for ending its test. one but videos of
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misinterpreted orders like bacon, top ice cream have recently gone viral. it is a german call. ben's who's commonly credited with inventing the gas fuel petrol. fueled automobile today, chinese electric vehicles leading the way west of liter say the china states subsidies are getting its comic has an unfair advantage. they're worried about a lot of badging cheaper eaves flooding, global markets to try to cup. that's the european union has recently spoken tariff hikes on chinese electric car imports, despite criticism from european comic has to move a stronger response from badging. so could it lead to a trade war? capielo pest hold i on reports. china is the world's largest manufacturer of electric vehicles, or avi's, the green alternative to petrol engines. it's making them faster and cheaper than any one in europe or the united states. but western competitors say,
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states subsidies have given china an unfair advantage in the market. and response president joe biden says he will quadruple import duties for protect us jobs. and the european commission has announced an additional 38 percent to a 6 this thing 10 percent tariff on a v. china has accused europe of protectionism and has threatened to ban in ports of pork. i'm doing so far, we do use to listen carefully to the objective and rational voices from all walks of life, immediately correct and strong. packing assistant stop both sizing economy can trade issues properly handled and kind of become trade frictions, future dialogue and consultation to chinese easy brands, such as car giant, b, y, d, cost, around 20 percent. less than e. you made cars, brussels as an increase in the price of chinese made ease. these will level the
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playing field bod, automobile industry analysts in europe argue that higher tariffs could limit access to affordable electric vehicles. what's considered from the consumers points of view such a measure. it's definitely not understandable for the whole of you repeat the clamoring for cheap electric cause. well now we have cheap electric cars, which are also very well received by come see me. is it and that we are certainly making these even more expensive again. and consumers are concerned, they won't be able to afford and make the switch the governments want people to make. so this won't they make it even more difficult for people like me to buy an electric car. as a global shift towards sustainability continues, it remains unclear just how the trade clash between the you and china will impact the consumer and the environment. katia a little bit, so the yen, elda 0 for counting the cost. if not before we get stuck here with, i'll guess let's take a closer look at how popular chinese made a these are you can see in orange here. the sales have been climbing from 339000,
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sold in 2016 to a staggering 5900000 in 2022. last year. more than 8000000 electric vehicles. also in china, that's about 60 percent of the global total. according to the international energy agencies, annual global e v outlook sales in the rest of the world in great. they've also climbed steadily and in 2021. they were even with china, but fell behind a year late. so, all right, let's bring it for as a highway who's an independent list and co author of red capitalism. the fragile financial foundation of china is extraordinary rise. hey john, just now from edinburgh. good to have you with a set phrase that is the e. u. shooting itself in the 4th here. oh, imposing curse on chinese made is is going to undermine it's pledge to phase out the side of petrol. a diesel caused by 20. so he 5 edits and it's c o 2 emission
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targets. oh, yeah, no, that's a very good point and it's one of the chinese times uses leverage against the europeans as well. but i think it was interesting on that or but you just gave it by easy diabetes, and the chinese subsidies and unfair trade practices, etc. you could almost pick any industry over the past 20 years and replace e v by that, but it'd be glass whether be solar panels, whatever it may be. china as being, we know that china is the right for middle manufacturing power. what tended behind this, of course, is by subsidies are given to companies and also to consumers as well. and that many of these chinese car manufacturers actually losing money. their sales are following a home. and the european americans are concerned that basic china is just dumping excess supply in the marketplace overseas, which will ultimately impact and basically pre settlement copies for the wall. it's not saving your visa, american copies of the slope. it's not say that the chinese companies are building
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banner cars into are even just 3 or 4 years ago. this is typically a sideway, the china has gained the system on the w deal at long last year. is americans are pushing back by the time the month a these in europe, the met solely by european manufacturers. i mean, surely these, these vehicles made by china the needed all well, you can certainly argue there's do far load emissions floor. i'm going to use an artifact of course, not say that the production is not in vitamins. we are, will we know that the minerals are our district very destructive? there may be 2.2 methods are clearly 0. that's not to say that this is simply just the entire change, the supply chain history been the efficient, the can be a drastic by bringing into the minute vehicles made by not share technology. when so foreign companies went into china, china demanded that technology was shared with the local producers by not
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a lot of chinese companies to come to europe and share technology. there's also a question which is very different from suburban cars, is a by them data. these are basically computers on bills restoring that data is controlling that data will sign these companies be able to follow the cars, you know, basically a map with all cars that driving. and then m e u because of the electronics and these cars. we're just not information being shared to that being said what? so as of right complicated the picture. sadly that this populace b fall when i nature a load, amazing supply chain which is very important, but sideways provide the least default. where do you are paying also the automobile manufacturers stand on on this. how much business are they doing in china? bmw makes its electric. many in china, doesn't it? which, which sells in in europe. how much, how much business do they stand to lose to lose if china retaliates? well, this is a particularly jeremy car. manufacturers will become extremely dependent on china.
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so you often many of their statements, you would think that they've actually, chinese manufacturers not driving once. they seem to be defending, i mean they, these are multi national companies. they're no longer taylor deep into their country at large. so they are very, what is the major push back that this will impact their business in china? but really, b, m, w, mercedes are still very, you know, high quality brands in our senior stage, assembled in china and elsewhere. they are actually not with the chinese, the manufacturers, but it's frankly, oh, do you mind if i was being taught on the off the whole line to try over co, but the chinese manufacturers are really caught on their food using good quality cars. like that simply wasn't true 5 years ago. so in the space that sounds like going to be there and they're creating links and they don't like that. but at the same time, they don't want to basically seem to be computational, what china is there any way the chinese manufacturers could get around these terrace by it, for instance, building vehicles in the you possibly. but as you say,
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that's only part of the solution. perhaps because again, who are they going to be employing? what's fans or somebody going to use any type of labor, manufacture, etc, will it be technology transfer? but it also does address a total of a secure changing security concerns about basically the chinese computers, the chinese sup, uh, and data being sent back to chinese divers, which ultimately can be accessed by are the, the chinese government. it's interesting, particularly in terms of german r i who america before she left, actually one that one taught to give in israel, taught to buy higher either perhaps taking all of these standards needs to diverge, particularly the car space. because ultimately, the technology standards that define the societies we're looking at and europe in china are very distinct society present. it's been great to talk to you on counting the cost money. thanks today for being with us. the now does compensation mass, a window one of the world's richest men. it apparently does to billing at 8 on
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mosque test. the shareholders of approve of $45000000000.00 paid deal to the chief executive officer of the electric current company based on the current value of 10 lashes. is support is argue the musk has achieved the targets laid out for him. the comic has market value reach more than one trillion dollars at its peak, but sales and running. so i've recently slumped. the multi 1000000000 dollar question is what the company have been a successful without him? well, the decision was seen as a vote of confidence in his management of the comic musk doesn't receive a salary for leading the company. in 2018, he agreed to be paid in stock with around one percent of the test was equity each time the company achieved one of his goals. in january, the package was blocked by a judge in delaware, of concerns with it was unfair to shareholders. legal experts say that it's not clear if the court will restore the pay package. shareholders also approve the proposal to move test was legal headquarters to texas will executive pay in the us
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as increasing of its fastest rates in 14 years. critics say ballooning reward packages such as 8 on must put west and the social in a corner seat. he has how his pay package compassed with plans for other c o's and workers. the deal is was around the $300.00 time this what the top building boss in the us made last year a more than $3000.00 times. the average ceo's pay package of $16300000.00. the median annual pay of a test employee last year was around $46000.00. average household income in the u. s. is around $74500.00. that means it would take an average american household, maybe 751000 years on what must could get in his pay deal for more on this. let's bring it elaine buck, she's a science and technology writes a host of the pot, cost for tech sake. she joins us now from dublin. i like to see you again. is he on the bus with is as well. i mean, what are their feelings towards the mind?
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there are some objectives at things that were to pause. i would imagine on awarding such a paid package because he's not just see or tests that he spreads himself quite said he. c or maryland key c o. of space x, he is effectively meeting x, even though he's not the ceo there. and he is embarking on this new venture with x a. i. but he seems quite impassioned about it. so, and you would wonder if the at the back of an innovation and test the recently at the slowness of getting products market when they were promised. the reason something sales that you mentioned, because of that they have a leader who is ultimately distracted. but what he has effectively doing is created a cold threat and so on. as you mentioned, his valuation is very much tied up in the value of the companies that he's head of when he has this funds around him and a lot of them being shareholders in tax, but who voted in this pay package. he continues to be rich and powerful because
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people wants it to be their fondest him and they don't want him to fail the amount of money and by the average c o in the u. s. is dwarfed by what a long musk has has been promised, but has executive pay cut out of time. do you think? and i think what's kind of a bigger problem, i think this is that it becomes a question about your most pay package, which as you mentioned, eclipse is on a older pay package of the us on already there should be a debate around thought because you're talking about a disparity and pay between low and workers of high end workers that has been increasing exponentially over a long period of time and hasn't shown any show any signs of stopping. and then you have this one month who's paid pockets can be $300.00 times that. and it kind of starts to take too much of the conversation because you can't to solve the problem and solve the problem for the pay disparity everywhere else that continues to exist is, is kind of an outlier in the conversation. but the high
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a salary packages for seo is actually drive performance when you set it up, you know, most exposing himself very similarly to shareholders. get value for money as well because the seo kind of becomes the sticker head of the company in a, in a lot of ways. and certainly in the case of being almost you see that you see that was on the case was like someone like to cook who actually is like a space and a figure has of apple. and so the value of the company actually comes in transit, the tides with their will to personality. so actually having a figure has to can drive a fond of who can g people but, and attract more people into a buying stock in the company. that obviously helps the shareholding for everybody . so the cult of personality has effectively be comb. hugely valuable to these companies. and again, like your feelings on the mind, a size of whether you are pro or against. he has a lot of sides. he has
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a cold spelt around him and they will support them. these people at the shareholder meeting, where we're in cyber cook from the t shirts. they were hooting and hollering at the results of the vote. so it is something more like a rock star by that, like a c, e o. but that actually does become intrinsically linked to the value of the company . it's always good to talk to relate manufacturing dates for being with us again on counting the cost of that. so i'll show for this week if you'd like to comments on anything that you've seen, i'm a fan of getting on x. here's the hash tag h a c t c. if you can, you could also drop us a line counting the cost of out of 0. don't net is on the email address. as always, those printable few online. i'll just do a dot com slash ctc. that takes you straight to a page that you'll find individual reports, links on the top episodes for you to capture that. that's it for this edition of counting the cost i made for it instead of going for the whole team here. and so thanks for being with us. the news i was a 0. the ok,
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so we start with driving forces. those are what are the emissions going to be? and it's not that easy. if you think about it, what are we going to be doing? $3050.00 a 100 years from now. that's going to cause human bait emissions. how does the political system going to respond? how does the human psyche get a response? there you get in an area which is really impossible to predict. and the question then becomes, how do you fix up between these events? how do you recover from a hurricane before you have time to really fix the damage? the question, i guess we might, as of drake, that i'll pick up next time is why do we do nothing? thank you. but the good chip, us product us, there is a risk, huge for we travelers. most are crossing africa looking for a possible way to your some are coming back the other way. and their stories are
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chilling reminder of the dangers to, to my head, the safe haven at the crossroads of hope and despair. the loss shelter. witness on a jersey a what is the effect of the conflict on the environment? the impact of war is so much more than just emissions hung tanks, ships and will fight motormouth. it has a devastating effect on people and the the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. every time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased. and this war and this find this crisis all have the product on it does ita what happens in new york has implications all around the world to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people, the mayor of the city,
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and i'll send in doing away with the 1st few that we're supposed to get everybody off the street. it's international perspective with the human touch doing way in and then pulling back out again. the refuge done to revo dozens of palestinian civilians are killed and is really strikes. one of the bloodiest stays in northern gulf. the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously a real life and go home. so coming up is ready for his time. ended on this been in mind to the who of a ministry vehicle during a raid in the occupied westbank. and what israel says was a violation of orders. we hear from an active service member of the us apple seems looking to resign. what he says is american complicity in the war on guns. there's
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no serving the american people in our current policies for doing it.


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