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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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goes to them, he makes the effort. we tear the state the refuge to revel. dozens of palestinian civilians are killed in his rate. he strikes one of the bloodiest days in milton garza, the hello. i'm down, jordan, this is all just here, a line from dell also coming up. is there any force as time injured? palestinian bound to the hoops of the military vehicle during the rate in the occupied westbank. israel says it's a violation of protocol. tens of thousands of students are missing, final exams and concept because they have no longer schools to go to. i'm to enrich audrey. i'll bring you the latest on the fly from during our records and the situation on me and my band with best partner
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the at least 50 palestinians have been killed and launch scanned. is really a tax across garza. most of them in the north of the street, $24.00 died and they all shot to refugee come. that's a residential area of garza city. another 19 were killed just moments later and separate strikes east of guns of city. most of the victims of children on tuesday or is how they might move it as more not from did i bought the. the ambulance is full but more when that are coming. dozens of palestinians were injured by israeli jets in gauze and north killing dogs. toward plains targeted 2 buildings and a shot and refuse you can it is one of 8 historic towns established in dogs after the creation of israel in 1948 displaced, hundreds of 1000 or palestinians. and now it's where many took shoulder from is
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really a types of neighboring your body 8 months ago. for the young generation, it is no refuge. nathaniel, who is a murderous coward, criminal targeting innocent children. if you were brave enough, you would have come to fight, told me in on the battlefield. the dust had not yet settled here that it froze on the other side of the city. another is really strike a trap. this man and concrete, he keeps losing consciousness in need to be rescued right away. the cupboard in does, survivors recalled the moment is really force, is a tide, very densely populated, neighborhood of it was showing some clothes, i work as a taylor and suddenly the whole building collapsed on our heads. my wife and children were killed. my whole family is gone. israel
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say's its fighters jets. it struck 2 homeless military sites in the area. i must say is really forces are targeting civilians. it is the most violent they in district since israeli troops killed $274.00 palestinians by freeing for captives and a new site. uh, earlier this month we will stay in because we will die and because to stay in in garza but forced to leave their destroyed homes, the remaining can find safety. when it is, they refuse the turn to robert hunting mode, which is 0. there is by gaza palestine. meanwhile, new video shows an injured palestinian man tied to the front of his right the ministry vehicle off to a rate in jeanine in the off by the west bank. it appears he's being used as a human shield in
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a statement to i'll just say era. these where the army says the suspect was apprehended in violation of orders and standard operating procedures. it says the conduct of the forces does not conform to the ministry is values and will be investigated. after there was no a day reports from jenny, wounded, bleeding and tied to the hood of an armored is rarely military vehicle. as it drove through jeanine, as ambulances could not come to the rescue. it's not clear which unit of these really army was involved. the vehicles, number plates were concealed, was really soldiers later released was a head allowing paramedics to transport him to hospital where he was taken to the operating room. why didn't most of the the jeep passed by and the injured man was on the hood. last one um was tied to the windshield me and the other room was on his abdomen. sony. they drove past us and refused to get on the patient machine. the whole, these really armies use of palestinians as human shields is well documented. it's
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been cited in several recent to you and reports, including one that added israel to a list of countries, the target and killed children. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank or violent is really military raids and subtler attacks. are relentless, neither. i'm a law, another palestinian mother indoors the unthinkable. varying her 12 year old boy mohammed was injured and is rarely read 2 weeks ago. meanwhile, is ready. soldiers rated completely yet to confiscate the carbon is really man shot and killed there on saturday morning you attack was the parents retaliation to the ambush and killing of 2 palestinian men on friday in the jordan valley here. another is really subtler attack. is no casualties reported, but a reminder that in this climate of violence and community, no palestinian is in union to the violence of occupation or all day i'll just eat
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a drama, palestine. what is the 1st time these really ministry has been forced to address true misconduct, palestinian rights group say, is ready. troops use 5 children as human shields during the re named jericho. and the outside westbank in may last year. is randy ministry opened an investigation of the video image of a soldier building what appeared to be a koran in the same month. the bombing of the red crescent headquarters in southern guns in january this year is also under investigation. 5 people were killed besides sheltering $1400.00 people is randy soldiers blow up the main building of the university at the start of the year. after using it as a ministry base for several weeks. the ministry says its troops did not get permission to destroy the building along saint louis time is the author of the palestine, the borrower, tre, that's a book on the israel's arms and surveillance industry. he says, is, randy, i'll follow it is need to be sanctioned. and held accountable for norful, can i there's
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a long history of these rally troops in the west bank and gaza. indeed in these relics self of using palestinians as human shields. and this, i think, goes to the heart of what the occupation does to a population of the human eyes is that i'm so the idea of doing this, when the idea says in response and breeches our values there on those values under occupation, by definition one's values are broken under occupation and these are as we don't keep buying palestine for either half a century. so no, we can't be surprised. the issue is no one is being done to sort of stop these outrages and not much is being less attention on the westbank since october 7. and the rise of killings by settlers and soldiers is so out of control that any palestinians, including friends of mine that i speak to say there's no protection for them. i mean, i see it rightly soldiers and settlers when anyone's talking. now that a 2 state solution still pushed by the us, so parts of europe are and dates, some of the arab weld is to lose, you know, there is no 2 sites,
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solution and occupation continues and deepens. when it's in yahoo's government is increasingly transferring control from the middle of treat to civilian aspects of the government, which are basically which is officially any station. this is the reality in less occupation. so without accountability or sanctions on the governments of these relatives will not change. a protest as up and running and his ran the city of tel aviv coating for a ceasefire dealer and the elections families of captive joining the demonstrations as pressure mounts. and prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do more to bring them home. there's when the government's band out, as they are from reporting their so home to some extent of this from jordan's capital. i'm another week of demonstrations against israel's government. saturdays protest. intel of these ends would organize, was called a full week of disruption with demonstrations taking place every day in multiple
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cities across the country. i'm here to demo site and off my government and also government whose own was please, please do, citing the do sign from you all do just do it brings them back home. these rallies have been calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down and for new elections to be held. but that's not all they're asking for. protesters won't deal to ensure the safe release of the captive. but they say the government is neither capable of bringing them back, nor interested in the ceasefire that allows that to happen. zillow, so it's not a secret. and everyone understands, but it's impossible to return 120 up doctor to use 3 military operations. nothing you all who has maintained the military pressure is the only way to bring them back
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home and says the war will only and once israel has achieved an absolute victory over him, us. but earlier this week, these really army spokesperson, daniel, how gory said that, that goal is unattainable, protests or say they'll continue taking to the streets until there's a change in israel's policies towards the war. and with a ceasefire deal nowhere in sight. demonstrators say it's their job to turn off the pressure on this and you all who's government. i'm the son who is a 0. i'm a, a. and a reminder, these really governments band out as they are from operating inside is right. and that's why we're reporting from navient jordan, not to active service members of the us ministry are seeking to resign on conscientious grounds for american complexity. and the will and garza air force personnel. larry, a bad on one bedroom, cold say they can no longer be complicit in his ready war crimes being aided and abetted by the country they're signed up to serve us on to your group estimates. at
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least 40 other minute treat, press. no thinking resignations on similar grounds. linens has blog group as publish video. it says show strategic targets and israel. it includes ministry centers in the hyphen area filled by dr. on wednesday, the group released separate surveillance footage of sensitive sides and filled by, drawn from within israel as below, has found support for the people of gaza. but it's lead to how something us, while a warning israel, no one will be sped and pulled out, will now nearly $40000.00 young people in gauze that have been deprived of sitting that final year exams as well as what has been devastating for the education system students have been out of school now for 99 months image and came off. it should have been a day for celebration the day. the goal is the secondary school students, the final exams. but instead of writing 13 going sizes and young people have had
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the opportunity taken away from them by israel's devastating one. cause i would say i am totally depressed because i have prepared for this moment for 12 years. and what should have happened didn't the situation is getting worse and worse without the tell g e certificate, that's the end of the year exams. dolah says the plans are no longer possible in the future and explained there was a scholarship reading for me. it's as our university in egypt, but now i lost it because i didn't join that though she, he and i don't have the certificates that shows that i'm associate his student. so i lost the scholarship. i lost my education, i lost everything. teacher submit a could says this day has been terrible for her. it's the 1st time and no news. she's not going to be seeing the final year exams seem to have that guns for or say, given these railways and no need to string all homes and property producer entire generations. even if the will ends today. 90 percent of school buildings have been
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leveled to the ground to students from 1st grade as to university, undergraduates, and entire academic year has gone down the drain. yeah, this is tied to los physically and mentally. all universities and goals have been destroyed and nearly 300 statements schools and 65 you and schools have already been completely well partly destroyed with them when years of work. more than half a 1000000 students have not been out of school since the will began resuming study would not be difficult for the p. traumatized. population. imaging came out to 0 of the now the comforts in me and miles were kind state between the buddhist con. you are seeking autonomy and the ministry agenda is moving closer to the bangladesh border . tens of thousands of ethnic wrangler,
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a quote in the middle pressure to choose aside, leading some to resist. tons that challenge a report some cox's bizarre knew me enough. tens of thousands of predominately muslim rang uh, have recently fled the fighting in me and my southwestern russian state. i'm taking shelter nearby mother. she bought her. so i'm going to say they have started or assist in movement. i got the money order 0 spoke to a 27 year old member of a really anger assistant group on the sides. there are more than 1000 active members like came operating in 17 separate locations in rock kind as they are fighting against the military. honda forces and sometimes the ark and army rebel group auditing is one of the we train our people inside, right kind in the valleys between the mountain areas. there are several of these training grounds out to me and there are many groups and each of them has different training instructors. this 21 year old or hang or recently managed to escape to bangladesh. from a military camp operated by the arctic,
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an army input. the don is not worried about his family safety back on the product by any that up until we get on a right. so we'll keep our resistance fight against the me and my government. that is, our objective is not like the, the plight of the hang of trapped in border areas remains unknown because of the intense fighting form. recently a part is environment they're say, then not i read off and the new movement of really anger towards the countries bothers. they also realtor that their spend of not permitting any more members of the ethnic muslim community to enter it stutter 3. the many wants an immediate resolution to the crisis. she's the community they forcibly too many young men, including me from l homes. when we refused the use with them is to frighten us and threatened to our families. gun fired from the fighting and right kind state has reached boats near the bangladesh, the territory of saint martin island,
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virtually isolating the island from the mainland for weeks now. by mother she home minister has worn of retaliation. if the me on my military or the i cannot make continues frightening edits about the coming around, you see the international community should pressure me in march to establish a safe zone for the real hand gives and not a con, protected by you enforces 7 years after this conflict began nearly a 1000000 dro hang, are stuck at a refugee camp in cox's bazaar. many community leaders say a peaceful resolution is not possible in me and my without international mediation, tons with jobs, race. i'll just say that cox's bizarre starts. i saw a break here and i'll just say when we come back coming in, the crowds, tough task for rivals taking on rolanda as long time leader plus mine and then of as an individual in london, west thousands of the time of protests as amounting to the amount of action from authorities in calculating time to change
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the award winning program from international. so make or just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on algae was there pod came in to be israel at north dakota piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table?
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hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that you sign the present as not then import effective. he had the story on talk to al jazeera in depth investigations. give compelling in science, inter toes from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching. i'll just see a real quick reminder about top stories here. this hour. at least 50 palestinians have been killed and large scale is where the attacks across goza is there any will
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find struct buildings in the homes and they all shot through refuge account. many of the victims for children and video shows is ready for us, is driving a ministry vehicle with an engine palestinian tied to the who did the truck after right in jeanine and they'll provide a west pine. they appear to be using him as a human shield is really obvious as it was in violation of orders as being investigated. thousands of protest as a valid and israel demanding a spawn dealing early elections. families of casters holding jobs are joined the demonstrations. they want the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to move to bring the presidential candidates have held their 1st rallies in rolanda, the head of next month's elections. 2 rivals of trying to and president poolgan these 24 year room, barbara and golf our for more than 2 decades of to you came to power. huge crowds. welcome, president, pool cook. i'm a to my son's a 9 to confirm. it says north of run,
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does capital kick only to ones the last election in 2017. with close to 99 percent of the vert described questions of oppressed and democratic freedoms. click on this to maintain support. i'm going to kind of video into you to i love him so much. he brought us peace. he contributed to the well being about children. he brought us security and he improved our daily lives. we are no longer poor vic twine gotta be a a has been blocked from contest in the presidency. she served an 8 at present time for an sizing division and conspiring against the government. she says her conviction was politically motivated and that government has removed strong challenges from the race. have 3 election in the one that you know that to do the democratic process and keisha or how did the different on the video and have you fill out the boxes and edit today. there's
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really no additional because there is no to in the cognitive development positions . cut dammit came to power off to our civil under genocide in which $800000.00 people were killed. since then, randa says its economy has grown up to about 8 percent every year. between 202019 a government defense one does democracy demo. gosh, he was a, were you damo? democracy means choosing what's best for you, what you want. the fact that you will free to make your choice. democracy is not the choice of someone in your place. no one should make your choice for you. it's up to you to make it a motor at crowds, wallace, and kick gully for friends. having is a one of 2 candidates attempting to and companies room. just democratic green proxy halls 2 seats in rhonda parliament regarding the quarterly office priori to as to
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chris and put them into put you into the people. because the improvement tripped ammonia and people is going to present according to national study. so office then what kind of set it up, but few are expecting a change of government. but you, barbara, and grandpa will just era as rough as long as the air attacks on the cranium. capital cave, several blocks were heard, and the city and its surrounding areas. officials say air defense systems repelled the attacks. they come off to russia, destroyed toby training, and runs targeting the western boarder regence of france. well, in a separate russian stripe, 3 people have been killed by the attacks and reclining, the city of hockey by these 38 others were injured. ukrainian, president of the landscape reiterated called for more help from western allies, saying they need ministry hardware to help stop the russian rates. and russian president vladimir putin has taken part in a re playing sermon, the other 2 of the unknown soldier in the capital. moscow virginia was joined by his new defense minister and they've been
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a so you replace long setting minister. so guess, showing you in may, which has been much of the past week abroad strength and times of north korea and vietnam. as hundreds of people have marched intentionally as capital rather than against laws on abortion. and you from asia prime minister, george and 11. he says she wants to reverse a democratic crisis, encouraging women to have babies. follow right. government has pos legislation allowing anti abortion groups access to women considering ending the pregnancy is the moves reconnected. tensions over abortion, which has been legal naturally since 1978. a relentless heat wave continues to bake most of the us, many, a 100000000 people under a heat advisory with many regions facing recollect breaking temperatures, the prolong and heat wave is putting pressure on infrastructure from pa griggs, to transportation in idaho to people in the sixty's died from heat related causes
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such as on the way for 3 people reported missing off to severe thunderstorms cause a landslide and southeastern switzerland rescue as pull one of them on a line from under the rubble elsewhere in switzerland. the tourist area of the mountain near the mantel and isn't accessible. every rain and melting snow calls the much less piece of river to overflow, isolating the village a band on taurus on the italian island of capri because of a warrant emergency has been lifted. 30 settings will cancel the thousands of passengers waiting up tickets offices in naples, please mass as water tanks, us left risk of running out in hotels and responsible for supplies. the visitors at these pro, people have died in a wildfire, and se key at the blaze. stop it on thursday, spreading through an area of the provinces of data because unmarked in hundreds of livestock died in the blaze, which is now under control of the problems of protest as in central london are demanding the next. but as government does move to talk of the climate crisis, restore nature,
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and that was quoting for an environmental rights bill following next months election. right now, this elaborate your thoughts from the big come from the person to make noise against nature's decline. marching through central london, more than 300 environmental groups, demanded action on climate change. with mainstream organizations shoulder to shoulder with no disruptive. like just the oil, best known for the traffic stopping slow routes. today, turning down the tactics for a joint who's have 10 boxes. uh, walking slowly, i've been sent to prison for that is quite nice to be here today and also, you know, again, so you're arrested actually is a solid there. and so you close those movements and the, the, the alignment we will have in the face of ways i can logical and climate the route that we must act and governments mustang. that message echoed by actors. emma
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thompson lending has to pull to the march. we are to right now we, we were told that case to go and we still continue towards the end of mid the music and the prompts, the tangible action that the emotions won't hear. and they say they have several of them on sunday. they want to restore it. they want damaging by affordable review, or they won't say introduction as person head or a general election on the 4th of july people, he is a major parties have failed to offer any substantial environment to play. it is a certain thing. so something that people are concerned about that is know something like they don't think that they don't think that people will do it with
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us in mind. but, but i, i will. well, this is changing rapidly and the problem. yeah. the phone and sirens. i'm not taking any pictures on a short term planning. i'm passionate about subbing nature. i think if we destroy night shift, we destroyed everything that we depend on a message that the thousands who march to parliament square hope will come through to whoever takes the reins of power in person. next, meaning that we're sending image outages 0 not know a template in southern india has introduced a robotic elephant to try to stump out animal cruelty during rituals named above the sun. it's 3 meters total in the ways, almost a 1000 kilograms. people for the ethical treatment of animals, peta tonight to the right. but in recognition of the temples about the member use live animals and rituals that have been cases of capt development. set temples attacking ok the next few minutes. all right, that's it from the diamond jordan for now,
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the news continue here on out to 0 off to, to, to out. that's it. station, thanks for watching. the of the 2 is ready to halting, must be released at the moment, is very different relief from thunderstorms on the route one or 2 shar, from the mountains of a monument or saturday. and they're still warning that's around neck, a refund. the stones that really the main thing is the heat. it's the 2nd top is not to record in saturday. and medina are 35.6 day time or up to 40 full q, right. if it's $51.00, nothing you record as well. i'm with forecasting $51.00 in baghdad, so it's horribly hot, or it's if you're getting on the show per ease and that's the case and the find temperatures do come down. and if you go to the north shore breeze for dropping,
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so not catching these of the monsoon warehouses and the low associates for high humidity. but for the most part, this is what you expect, but halter and the long to an average. there's nothing to release the heat unless you're in iran, possibly as a by john, i want to to shows our rand, r and tropic alaska. we don't see much rate of this times. you increase briefly, maybe in some of the up in the mountains or high ground is easier for and in a south to down and the central african republic. and it looks like we might see a bit more rain in the middle of mozambique, or just on shore breeze, but typically it would be dry in southern africa of this time. so yeah, it just surprises me quite including in cape time of the listings in the gaza strip. as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question,
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sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively the humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past the, the human cost of his rails on going going wrong cause it's becoming increasingly evident to those on the ground. the reality is still entirely with ongoing from boston centralized non existent infrastructure. how people coping us to move to and other basic essentials, they need to come increasing, discussed. and is there any way that humanitarian quite the thing does it can be alleviated. matthew, holding with the country directive for the well food program in palestine tools to


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