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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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these, we follow the story of a british age where cursed as he flees from it live with his family after being arrested by a powerful melisha, one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria and now to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news our live from though. have coming up in the next 60 minutes. rescue workers bill pulling out bodies from the rubble and old and gaza. a day off through his riley strikes, killed at least 50 palestinians as well calls it, a violation of orders officer, a video in the just showing a palestinian man tied to the hood of a minute, 3 vehicles during
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a raid in the occupied west bank. we hear from an active service member of the usf also wants to resign. 40 says is american complexity and the war on garza there's no serving the american people. ready and our current policies for doing it this service to, to people around the world and has a lot of releases video. it says a strategic targets within is rather including minutes. we zones inside the a has a 50 palestinians, have been killed in large scale is riley attacks across knolls. in garza, 24 died in the shop, the refugee camp, a residential area of gauze, the city 19 more with killed moments later and separate strikes. east of garza city
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. many of the victims with children hunting my food begins on coverage data by the ambulance is full, but more one that are coming. dozens of palestinians were injured by israeli jets in gauze and north killing dogs. the war plains targeted 2 buildings and a shot at refuge. you can it is one of 8 historic towns established in gauze after the creation of israel in 1948 displaced, hundreds of 1000 palestinians. and now it's where many to shoulder from is really a types of neighboring you about the 8 months ago. for the young generation, it is no refuge netanyahu is a motor, was how with criminal targeting, innocent children, if you would brave enough, you would have come to start telling me in on the battlefield. the dust had not yet
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settled here that it froze on the other side of the city. another as regular as try could trap this man in concrete. he kept losing consciousness and need to be rescued right away. the cover didn't, does. survivors recalled the moment is really force, is a tide there, densely populated, neighborhood of it was showing some clothes, i work as a taylor, and suddenly the whole building collapsed on all hits. my wife and children were killed. my whole family is going is real, save. it's fighter jets, it struck 2 homeless military sites in the area. i must say is really forces are targeting civilians. it is the most violent they, in the strict sense is really troops killed 274 palestinians by freeing for captives and a new site. uh,
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earlier this month we will stay in because uh and we will die and stay in in garza but forced to leave their destroyed homes. the community can find safety when it is, they refuse the turn to robert hunting mode, as just the, you know, there's about a, gaza palestine hello speak now to topic how about zone. he joins us live from data and data, and so tonic strikes on refugee camps. so cold, safe zones, all of this must be leading civilians even more devastated than ever. that choice that may impact what is happening is a cli escalation from the is very solid regarding the tracking refugee camp. some areas before where does ignited a safe humanitarian. so it was we were clouded. remember the attacks that were carried out, no moss, the area and yesterday, at least so it's $89.00 palestinians happen not going to killed in us. talk to you,
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richard. you count as this place was have been designated to be sites as is where the ministry starts at the ministry encouraging of real help develop the refugee camp. now clearly it is ready minute trees focusing on the refuge account due to its symbolism for palestinians of the same time palestinian, the have been living for years. and the i've been now being told by the is what a ministry to leave this. but what comes up was blindly targeted since day one of the flight. also, the interruption of this found the conflict, swimmingly palestinians as we have been talking to them in the shop to refuge account. they have expressed that deep concerns that they are absolutely terrified and incredibly unable to feel safe again, because the area that was strongest without getting any prior warnings from the men at trees on the same time as well says that the target thing and the task was aiming to eliminate one of from us to military officials while how much movement has said that the attack was carried out against
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a full residential neighborhood targeting civilians. and that is what we really discovered later, for the vast majority of the victims with children and women. and about surprising the what we've been hearing from the civil defense cruise is that they are still working through now in order to recover the victims of them under the rubble of the distort houses. other points about those and the palestinians are still missing as the mendez a beat civil defense saying that the we are facing insurmountable challenges in terms of extracting pulling the victims from under the remnants of the distort houses. so due to the lack of a sudden, shields, midday, essential civil supplies that are nice, it's holly requires in order to pass to accelerate the process of set to force. the volume is far, we have been saying that multiple still rebuilding that they were destroyed in these areas. huge worry all over the crowd and overwhelmed with event trees. and stephen families that have been right now,
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i got completely not one to the rubble of these distort area. so sammy, generally there was a great sentiment of frustration among peoples are in the north for not only suffering from these very ongoing attacks of refuge account as but also from the ongoing, this tough ation rising that day by day as well. and thought of it's not just the types of just picking up reports of cases of malnutrition rising to tell us about that. oh yes. in fact, that's what the gauze is. hills ministry, the notes of the strip says it's they say that they have the recording cases in terms of mom, nutrition as a, the vast majority with young children who are on able to get the essential basic humanitarian supplies, including milk and the central medical treatments in order to be treated from the searching. none of those diseases that continue to talk the no, but part of calls and i'll be another part of the college district. didn't really use the place that has witnessed different sorts of prussia, including military um,
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even humanitarian want us. there was no and you calling to base get into the north of district. since the beginning of the monitoring coaching, devalues is, has been punished by that is where the military display, the international court of justice resolution to remove. i'm kind of office that goes on to increase the capacity to people who are in a very desperate need for to now is would be hearing from low close friends. okay. you know that part of the goals that they say that we're all about to die from starvation due to the full kinds of basic food supplies the all right, thanks so much talk about zoom from data now to the occupied westbank with video is a much showing and injured palestinian tied to the front of it is right. the ministry vehicle off to rate in jeanine. it appears he's being used as a human shield in his statement. so i'll just, sarah, the side of the army said it was
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a violation of orders and standard operating procedures says the comm, docks of the forces will be investigated. not all the has this report from the law wounded, bleeding and tied to the hood of an armored is rarely military vehicle as it drove through jeanine, past ambulances that could not come to the rescue. it's not clear which unit of these really army was involved. the vehicles number plates were concealed, the soldiers late to release was a head, allowing paramedics to transport him to hospital where he was taken to the operating room. while most of the ship, the jeep passed by and the injured man was on the hood. most one um was tied to the windshield and the other room was on his abdomen. sony. they drove past us and refused to get on the patient machine. the whole, these really armies use of palestinians as human shields is well documented. it's been cited in several recent you and reports, including one that added israel to a list of countries,
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the target and killed children. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank are violent is really military raids and subtler attacks are relentless nigrama law, another palestinian mother indoors the unthinkable. varying her 12 year old boy my how much was injured in his really rate 2 weeks ago. meanwhile, is ready. soldiers rated celia to confiscate the carbon is really man shot and killed there on saturday morning. the attack was the parents retaliation to the ambush and killing of 2 palestinian men on friday in the jordan valley here. another is really subtler attack. is no casualties reported. but a reminder that in this climate of violence and community, no palestinian is in use to the violence of occupations or all day i'll just eat a drama palace time or it's not the 1st time these right?
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the mid 3 has been forced to address misconduct. spiteful asses palestinian rights groups today is friday. troops used 5 children as human shields during arabia jericho and the occupied westbank in may last year. these riley minutes reopened down investigation of the video emerged of a soldier binding what appeared to be a total all in the same month. the bombing of the red crescent headquarters in southern gauze, or in january this year, is also under investigation. 5 people were killed at the sides, sheltering 1400 civilians is riley. saul just blew up the main building of a university of the south of the year after using it as a military base for several weeks. lametre said its troops did not get permission to destroy the building. on 1011, stay in is an independent journalist and all sort of the palestine. the bar tribble can, as well as alms and surveillance industry. he says he's right, the authorities needs to be sanctioned and held accountable for the unlawful
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killings. and there's a long history of israeli troops in the west bank and gaza. indeed. and his relics self of using palestinians as human shields and dissenting goes to the heart of what the occupation does to a population that the humanizes them. so the idea of doing this, when the idea says in response and breeches our values, there are no values under occupation by definition, ones, valleys are broken under occupation and these are, as we don't keep buying palestine for either half a century. so no, we can't be surprised. the issue is no one is being done to sort of stop these outrages and not much has been less attention on the westbank since october 7. and the rise of killings by settlers and soldiers is so out of control that any palestinians, including friends of mine that i speak to say there's no protection for them. i mean, i see it rightly soldiers and settlers when anyone's talking. now that a 2 state solution still pushed by the us or parts of europe,
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or indeed some of the arab weld is to lose, you know, there is no 2 sides solution and occupation continues and deepens. when it's in yahoo, his government is increasingly transferring control from the military to civilian aspects of the government, which are basically which is officially any station. this is the reality in less occupation. so without accountability or sanctions on the governments of these relatives will not change. a tens of thousands of protesters rad they didn't tell of eve on saturday coding for a seas 5 deal and the the elections organize. the site was one of the biggest demonstrations since as well launched its full families of captives being held in garza have joined the demonstrations. is there any government is banned? i'll just hear from reporting that. so i'm the sort of host has this report for my mom another week of demonstrations against israel's government.
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saturdays protests intel of these ends would organize, was called a full week of disruption, with demonstrations taking place every day in multiple cities across the country. i'm here to demo site and ask my government and also government his own was please, please do. citing the deals assignment from y'all view just doing it brings them back home. these rallies have been calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down and for new elections to be held. but that's not all they're asking for. protesters want deal to ensure the safe release of the captive. but they say the government is neither capable of bringing them back, nor interested in the ceasefire that allows that to happen. they know, so it's not a secret, and everyone understands that it's impossible to return 120 up doctor,
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today's 3 military operations. that's in you all who has maintained the military pressure is the only way to bring them back home and says the war will only and once israel has achieved an absolute victory overcome us. but earlier this week, these really armies spokesperson, daniel, has already said that that goal is unattainable test or say they'll continue taking to the streets until there's a change in israel's policies towards the war. and with a ceasefire deal nowhere in sight. demonstrators say it's their job to turn off the pressure on this and you all who's government to send who just need all, i'm reminded now these right, the government is banned down to 0 sum. offer a thing that's why we're forcing from neighboring jordan b, u. k. is maritime and coast guard agencies as a merchant ship in the red sea. he's being damaged in a drone is hacked,
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launched from the m. and this is the light, is such attacks launched by radian back to see rebels on saturday. the us minutes reset. it destroyed st. lucie vessels in the area. the who is these have been attacking cargo ships in key waterways, including the red sea, is that acts of solidarity with palestinians in garza. hospitalized published another video of what it says. all aerial images of strategic targets within israel, lebanon based group says it shows mid 3 senses in the hyphen area, among others. it relates to similar video on tuesday, showing all the sensitive sites. how's the laws promise support for the people of garza? but let's say the husband, they'll start a warning as well. no one will be sped and all out war from one of the says, go live now to us, a bag in the mesh that's in southern lebanon. so as it 1st of all,
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take us through some of the sensitive sides featured in this video. a yes, this video titles to whom it may consent as a new warning to israel, really looking at not pointing guide coordinates of these sensitive sites. that some of those are the hackery, a complex which has, has a headquarters of the ministry of security, the general stuff on of the military combines. but what's also significant is the in this video has, will have also highlighted other places that could be possible targets including, or was of, was electricity stations, as well as satellite bases and other military bases. but again, another significant fact, 10 different from previous videos, is that in this one that they've given a listed maritime code. and that's for 3 gas extraction sites. and as you said,
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this comes days off to another drone. his blood drawn food into is radius space over the port city of hyphen, and it's significant because his blog is sending warnings to is read as they are towards as concerns about escalation. what it's doing is lifting israel, know that it can infiltrate excess base and even point out ministry targets. and the reports of a drone evading is radiated defenses and making it inside israel to focus through that. yes, this isn't the 1st time we're hearing from his beloved source. is that the hit a pay school at bay till it but this isn't the 1st time they've done it before. and the significance of this is that this isn't the same, has been law as 2006 the last time that there was a will between israel and up and under what we're hearing on
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a daily basis now is on his beloved drones. evading is really defensive is a going to use radio space and hitting the positions on the other side of that line . now, as we talk about the escalation, again, what we're seeing here is everything that we're seeing is within such an environment is within, within said such an unreturned rules, isabella isn't hitting infrastructure, what the doing is pointing guides, a smooth military targets and protecting those. what's in this latest video that you saw? it's a warning saying that if this escalates, if this goes into with actual, well, it won't just be confined to these small military targets. it will be much more widespread, and israel can't start to will without incurring damage itself. all right, thanks so much i said by exam reporting to us from southern lebanon last spring. and so tom bought a cottage, the professor of public policy. it had been felicia university joins us from new
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york in the united kingdom. good to have you with us. so, so tom, 1st of all, this is the 2nd time we've had a, has the law video release in just a few days. how significant is this of all i think is part of the 2 sides trying to establish the degree of duty patterns against each other has the law is basically these changes. so we can penetrate your defense system. we have the reach, we've got the information, we know what are the key targets as far as these records are concerned. and his are continues to threaten to attack the capital flapping and by root. and in an effort to deter hezbollah from taking an action. and it's unlikely i think that pre will anytime soon as see either side taking a full scale war against the other last week because the 2 main backers of
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hezbollah and is that is the wrong and ignited states desperate to avoid direct confrontation. they will not to, they do not want to go to laura this particular moment. the us isn't very close to the elections day and a lot and also is coming. so it's on transition terms of presidency and so on. so the both sides are working very hard, i'm sure behind the scenes to try and calm things down. the difficult in this situation, i always that the extremist on both sides on particular. i think one day as gravy with them is ready to governments. now that the log cabin and tests for the part and guys, a lot of people will be pushing before great having gauge meant because they need to distract the public attention. they need to justify a continuation of false. the war as they should themselves have lost everything. i lost and locked the guys out without getting much. and i with the hostages, and i was still remaining with the, in the hands of for months. well, around may not want to,
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all they asked may not want to why thing of the war has the law, but the fact that has belies releasing these videos, does it show that they are convinced that these reilly's may be getting close to the decision of escalating into a full out war. yeah, i mean there's really haven't a, there's res, i'm not stopped the targeting leader is that with is my lot and assessing aging individuals and they just, they attacks one last the, yesterday, the day before. so this is, is this, that is part of that, as well as effort to deter reserve from taking direct action. and i think a lot of under this agree with this that will be taught to be suicide, or for those rallies to go on the ground to offensive against hezbollah. and this particular moment they need to keep in mind that has my last throughout it's to engagement. and syria has gained a lot of expertise and tactical advantages on the ground. and it
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is where i will not be able to simply drive across the borders as they do back in 2006. this is going to be a totally different scenario. and the on the card that a hold is to attack the capital in the route, in the hope that the rest of the deputies will weigh in. and it has belie from, from going any further. but now that they belong to, they both have reached this balance of uh to, to attach to over the last 8 months of taxing, a smaller tax, screaming across the border is on the best thing is just a center for this. i mean, any further push towards an explanation would be taught to be disastrous. so called how significant other goals that this morning a drug and it has the laundry and nice to is a, is radiated defense systems and hit a target inside israel as well. it's,
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it's important, but it's not. uh, it's not the main issue. i mean the, the iron dome and is ready to defend the system. we all know it's not 100 percent water growth. and there is a typically 10 to 15 percent terms that i'm, as i was when i go through, but it does show that they have that capability and they have the willingness to the target sides, whether it is or i'm, it's a, it's a warning signal for this riley's, which i and a lot of people hold that they take that into consideration, then they do not ask in a to any further with their water than that. and let's talk a little bit about garza and we're seeing increased packets of attacks. and the last 4 of 2448 hours of refugee camps a so called safe so ins areas in the west that people had been told to go to being
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hits what you like of what's happening. but i think it's the way we look at this, it's a, it's another addition to the long list of crimes against humanity that the been committed in gaza. but the tragedy of this one is that it was his royal who so declared those areas as, as secure and areas and then kind of need millions of people to move into these areas. and they move without, they should have done this on the basis of knowing that there is no infrastructure, unfortunately not in this area. so they have selected the areas the 1st time the band with the people there. and now they're, they're claiming that they're targeting, how much space is within that, that context. i think it's these raise way to work around the many warnings that were made internationally against an invasion or so, although nothing you know,
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has not allowed his times to roll into refresh physically. he is continuing his attacks within the act and the on average of the last month or so ever since the warning was given by binding were wishing something from $40.00 to $60.00 people, an average being killed and dropped off. now, the none of this can be justified. and even when israel stays, we're targeting individuals or link to how mass, you know, the way you're talking them with the size of the bombs and subtract they know 100 percent. that it is inevitable given the density of the times that many, many civilians would be killed. so all it does really is to the evidence against israel that should not be pursued in due to actually courts. right. that's a little bit about what's happening in the west bank. one thing that caught my attention,
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the report style of overcrowding being so bad news. right. the prisons that of parties releasing some of the time needs to make way for others, and announce them by this your boss prison service. talk about their capacity and this is in april was 14 and a half 1000 prisoners. in april, they already reached 21000. what's happening is this a deliberate strategy to try and get as many palestinians through the prison service as a way of, of breaking the morale of a people under occupation. it's a, it's a way to break the wrong that sort of a, to try and speak to as many publish to use a face to face as, as possible. but uh, ultimately, i mean again it's, it's a crime because a lot of those people have not been accused of anything. and since the 7th of october, his writings are rounded up almost a 1000 palestinians. and i agree, i mean, they must have a capacity. is there must have reached the limit of how many people they can in
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prison and reasonable conditions. i mean, they don't, the conditions are big, precise, by all sorts of human rights reports and right across reports and so on. so they're not ideal. and the difficulty here, i think, is that they are conducting this war and taking as a point of reference, what the americans have done in iraq and in their so called war against terror. they take that as the golden standards instead of taking the continued to show you me, tell you. so every time they come in to such a crime, and particularly in terms of the prisoners and their torture, which we saw in the last few days, they don't to go back to the no big go back to what the americans and somebody, some of the british did during the time in iraq and is it, well look, you have to do this when you forth against iris. we have no option but to do the same. and that of course is a very is a false argument. but unfortunately,
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this is how it's being done at the moment. i will leave it as thanks so much symphonica. the russia has launched a miss all attack on ukraine's capital t is several blocks for her in and around the city. these 2 people were injured. try me and military officials say a defense system is destroyed to the weapons. the time comes off, the russian says it shot down at least 30 ukrainian drugs targeting the west and both the region of france in a separate russian attack. 3 people were killed and ass strikes in the framing in city of concave. they 52 other people were injured. presidents, a lot of them is that i'm scared, is again called for moment every support from west and allies, samuel romani, is an associate follow at the british defense and security. i think times the royal
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united services institute joins us now from london, british capital for most of the 1st of all, while we seeing a stack up in washington, texas is what's going on to well versus in basically doing this for quite a long time. i mean, revealing assumption, obviously in the left was that the russians are going to repeat the tax they did in the winter of frame $22.00 in the winter right on the thread. but they didn't do that. and they hot everyone by surprise, by starting these at hansa, in the spring and summer, as to whether or not warmer, in the hopes of degrading the printing electrical infrastructure to a severe degree by this winter, giving the western allies of these. okay, not enough and the response seems is that fractions are quite effective in these attacks. and what it does last year, they've already lost track of their production capacity in new grain. you can google us become 9. you what the most of the european from give for minus that is maybe a just over one the lot. and now there's talking here for about 20 hours a day with that power in the winter. so this is
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a concerted campaign from russia and when there's been surprising and also surprisingly effective, you mentioned the impact there are all the attacks then effectively weakening the energy in for strong show. is this something that your crime can recover from? well, i mean, we get exact, so you'd be losing the energy infrastructure to the country. and fortunately, our entry venture for heating and rolling blackouts, even areas that have been largely untouched by the war and possibilities exec or pod. yeah. which is the reason that board is hungry and they're having to have rolling by having some time to time. so this is a severe disruption, obviously the economic, your integrity and to whatever businesses have returned to the western part of the country. and it's also a bit lowering morales. i think that the russians are not going to be able to do that very much because this is incent, cigna, ukrainian is because it's causing so much hardship that they do. they last is it also a message being sent here?
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with the attacks on kids today. last night, a warmer you sent me a message, obviously a, a warning shot against ukrainian passed across the board as russia recall having seen prisoner, she started yeah attacks yet in october of arrangement issue, the printing instruct the timing, bridge this i draw a flurry of the cost on ultra national as on telegram on state media for us you to respond with a tax and you really and critical infrastructure. 2 days later with the appointment disorders are eviction, they started bonnam power. it's. we're seeing the same thing planned here now. so the really answer, striking energy facilities inside russia, including gap as others. and the russians are responding a symmetric way by attacking power risks is all of this now kind of in a different context off the, that a lion's agreement which russia is made with north korea? well i'm, i don't think that the familiar numbers richard attacks and the nice 3 alliance are
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necessarily related to each other because uh, the, the readings are largely providing uh, artillery shells. and i can be around why they usually do football. seeing more closely on the cooperation, the rushing arrive when it comes to attacking energy grids because the running ends have been helping them with the drones and prospectively with the miss house carry this out. but yeah, definitely the rushing north green patches triggered a great deal of alarm here in london where i am, as well as in other western capitals because it's a throwback to the ninety's do one back during the cold war. and it probably will lead to more is utilized mosier cooperation begins you countries, especially in the spirit space, satellites, and blistering or a sprays ballistic missile program. but many people are driving that it might lead to more russians is north korea's nuclear program, which is definitely something we don't want to see right now with changes in the pacific. so i right, thank you for your thoughts on that. some of the romani from the royal united services institute,
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the head of the houses there holding in the crowd's tough task for rivals taking on runners, long fun presents with one week to go french citizens getting ready to vote in a snap parliamentary election. why the far right national radi policy could make big games the central europe, it seems for weeks has been suffering repeated by so heavy rain or thunder storms. and that still go on as you say, recently causing funding up in the out science of all that there is generally being quite well man talk to you to argue with them. i'm particularly in the weston vulcans where i bawled right, that would great. and musta, for example, have been seeing temperatures any degrees or off the record in case of most or that's 10 degrees above average. and surprisingly,
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people are finding ways to cool their, oh, you could say, enjoy it. now the next 20 for houses. so we've got rain child likely and know them . it's late and spreading calls into the bulk. and so i think attempted to come down a bit as a result. so that's a probably a positive but for greece and probably talk to you and at least about gary and some of remy remainder of the time sheets will stay high and the sun inside the course in spain and portugal. so it's not as hot here is. he's not one thing that what we're in june after old days or how long room nice and have been for a long time in the next few days. $27.00 in power is $26.00 and under both seen at least friday is not sunday. whether that's monday's forecast, it's been very healthy and all 5, cuz you know, at the particular in the middle of out jerry, nearly 50 degrees. disappoint, you knew this house. it should be in west africa. taking a step backwards. the what is the effect of the conflict on the in 5 the,
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the impact of war is so much more than just emissions from tanks ships and will fight motormouth. it has a devastating effect on people and the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. and every time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased. and this war and this kind of christ all have the product on it does ita. heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on seen until now. our moral is high. now brothers die every day to the country. oh, to 0 world reveals the long lost personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for all cheering independence. i'm writing to you, not knowing if this could be my last letter. letters of love letters or for analogies 0 the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out just the time to recap ah headlines. at least 50 palestinians are being killed in log scale is riley attacks across garza is very well plain strunk buildings in homes and the shots that refuge account. many of the victims with children, thousands of protesters of rather than israel demonic. is these 5 dealing at elections? families as caps is held in gaza, joins the demonstrations. they want prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do more to bring them inside. the army is responded to the video. we both costs on saturday
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showing and then just kind of spinning and types of a heard of in is really minutes. we vehicle says the action was in violation of orders and is investigated to active service. members of the us military is seeking to resign on conscientious grounds for american complicity in the war on garza, the 4th person now larry eva and judy and that's in cold say they can no longer be complicit in his writing. will crimes being aided and abetted by the country they signed up to serve us sense of organization estimates, but at least full t all the ministry personnel also you can resignations on similar grounds. oh yeah . we spoke with larry a bat. he says he doesn't speak for the military, but a speaking for himself. he hopes more members of the us military will learn about the rights of conscientious subjects. is that for me, it honestly wasn't
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a difficult decision to me. joining the military in the 1st place was partially due to i mean all of us and we want to serve people, are the american people specifically, obviously, but there is no there is no survey american people in uh, our current policies were doing a disservice to, to people around the world and, and i strongly feel that so that's why i had to apply for as a conscientious objector which has. ready long history and other conflicts as well as vietnam and i rag. so i'm actually proud to kind of, you know, go into the footsteps of our, our prior conscientious objectors. if i think in november, i actually learned about controversial subjects and, and i looked more into it and i didn't know if i would qualify or not. um,
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but the, i think a lot of service areas don't actually know entirely what it is and what their rights are. and so i think it's extremely important to highlight our country as a conscientious objector and, and show people. ready like it that it is an option and you can take it. i think a lot of service members. i feel that they, they don't know what to do and, and they don't know how to how to act in this moment in the past almost a year now. and i think this is. ready applying for separation, whether it be through cartridges objection or another form of administrative separation. that is going to go along with me. i don't think
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a ton of people actually have an opinion. i think most people are kind of focused on their own careers in their own lives. i don't think many people have an opinion either way, a sent a faulty 1000 young faithful then girls are not able to say that final year exams this year. this rose was devastated. the education system. students have been out of school for 99 months, mentioned kim to has more shouldn't be in a day to celebration the day. the goal is the secondary school students sit the final exams. but instead of writing 13 knowing size and young people have had the opportunity taken away from them by israel's devastating war and garza, i would say i am totally depressed because i have prepared for this moment for 12 years. and what should have happened, didn't, the situation is getting worse and worse. without the told you the certificate. that's the end of the year. exams. so says the plans are no longer possible and the
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future and explained there was a scholarship reading for me. it's as her university in egypt, but now i lost it because i didn't joined it though. she and i don't have the certificates that shows that i'm associate his student. so i lost the scholarship. i lost my education, i lost everything, teaches them, it could says this day has been terrible for her. it's the 1st time and no news. she's not going to be seeing the final year exams, the mid intend that comes for or say, given these riley's no, i need to string all homes and property producer entire generations. even if the will ends today. 90 percent of school buildings has been leveled to the ground for students from 1st graders to university, undergraduates, and entire academic year has gone down the drain. yeah, this is tied to los physically and mentally. all universities and goals have been
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destroyed and nearly 300 statements schools and 65 un schools have already been completely or partly destroyed. with them when years of work. more than half a 1000000 students have not been out of school since the will began resuming study will not can be difficult for d. p. traumatized population imaging kimber out 0. it's the conflict in man mazda, right, kind state between the buddhist autocad, i'll me, which is seeking autonomy. and the minute regencia is moving closer to the bangladesh. she bought a tens of thousands of estimate were a hanger, a close in the middle pressure to choose aside, leading some to resist the child or faults from cox's bizarre, namely ma, tens of thousands of predominately muslims were hang, uh, have recently flagged the fighting and me and my southwestern rock trying state, i'm taking shelter nearby mother. she bought her. so i'm running that said they have started or assist in movement. i got a mother visitor, i spoke to
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a 27 year old member overall hang good rest. it's been group on on, he says there are more than 1000 active members like came operating in 17 separate locations in rock island. they're fighting against the military. honda forces and sometimes the arc and army rebel group auditing is one of the we train our people inside, recline in the valleys between the mountain areas. there are several of these training grounds audits and there are many groups and each of them has different training instructors. this 21 year old are hanging there recently managed, escaped to bangladesh, from a military camp operated by the ark and army input. the don is not worried about his family safety background. i'm going to do what i got in front of i any that up until we get all know right, so we'll keep our resistance fight against the me and my government. that is our objective. not letting the plight of the hang of trapped and butter it is, remains unknown because of the intense fighting. most recently
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a part is environment, they're se, then not i read off any new movement of running towards that countries bothers. they also realtor, that their spend of not permitting any more members of the ethnic, mostly community to enter it stutter 3. the many wants an immediate resolution to the crisis. she's the community they forcibly too many young men, including me from al homes. when we refused, they used with them is to frighten us and threatened to our families. gun fired from the fighting and right kind state has reached boats near the bangladesh, a territory of saint martin island, virtually isolating the island from the mainland for weeks now. by mother she home minister has warned of retaliation if the man, my military or the i cannot make continues frightening edits about the coming around. you see, the international community should pressure me in march to establish a safe zone for the wrong and gives and not a con, protected by you enforces. 7 years after this conflict began, nearly
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a 1000000 ro hang are stuck at a refugee camp in cox's bazaar. many community leaders say a peaceful resolution is not possible in me and my without international mediations done with jobs, race. i would just say that cox has bizarre and american aircraft carrier has arrived in south korea as a joint. military drills south korea's navy says this shows the strength of its defense alliance with washington. the show support comes off to north korea, assigned a new security deal with russian president vladimir putin. any of this week, the us condemned. the pact is a threat to regional piece. so some of the russian ambassador in protest, the presidential candidates of how the 1st rally isn't the one that had of next month elections to rivals the trying to end president pulled konami's 24 year rule
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barbara and go for reports more than 2 decades of to you came to power. huge crowds. welcome, president, pool cook. i'm a to my son's a 9 to confirm. it says north of london, capital kick only to ones the last election in 2017. with close to 99 percent of the vert described questions of oppressed and democratic freedoms. thomas, to maintain support. i'm going to kind of video into you to. i loved him so much. he brought us peace. he contributed to the well being about children. he brought us security and he improved our daily lives. we are no longer poor vic twine gabby, they has been blocked from contest and the presidency. she served an 8 the present time for inciting division and conspiring against the government. she says her conviction was politically motivated that government has removed strong challenges from the race will be able to handle the election in the one that you know that to
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do, the democratic process reprice and collision or how did the different on the video, the fit on the voices and the today the, there's really no petition because there is no to in the coming. the positions came to power off to our civil under genocide in which $800000.00 people were killed. since then, randa says, its economy has grown up to about 8 percent every year between $22019.00 click on the defense one does democracy demo. gosh, he was a, were you damo? democracy means choosing what's best for you, what you want. the fact that your free to make your choice democracy is not in the choice of someone in your place. no one should make your choice for you. it's up to you to make is the motor at crowds, wallace, and kick gully for friends heavy,
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nicer. one of the 2 candidates attempting to end cuz i'm his room, his democratic green party host to seats in rhonda parliament regarding the quarterly office priori t. as to chris and put them into put you into the people. because the improvement tripped ammonia and people is going to present according to national study. so office then, what kind of video, but few are expecting a change of government. but you, barbara, and grandpa will just say era. both is in france, will cost that balance in a snap parliamentary election one week from now president to manual my call, shrunk to many. when he dissolved parliament 2 weeks ago, the move could 10 pallets and the pens, national valley policy from paris natasha boss. so explains why mccomb did it. what could happen next? really depends far right. policy is on the brink of power in faults for the 1st
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time. and she knows that i'll be some smiling, the pin, but support isn't the constituency of an upper month ahead is next on the snap election is the one up as we did, we have the possibility of winning these elections and creating a unity government. this will get this country out of a rush. so any of this month, the president, unexpectedly dissolved parliament of to resend to write on. he was drafted by the far right and wrong says, you election. emanuel mike crow said he was responding to villages, grievances and conceited. had made some mistakes, spastic of it, if i thought i'd done everything right, i wouldn't be standing here today. i wouldn't have dissolved the government and everything would be fine. so yes, i do take some responsibility with a surprise election looming politicians from all sides of being propelled into last minute campaign with a political twist some tubs, as dramatic as micros decision. the conservatives of being ripped apart by divisions its lead to eric's, your,
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the barricaded himself and his office of to be expelled from the policy for align with the fall right on the left wing policies of fame to new lines, one foot impossible that includes socialist readings, and coming to study that in the data, and we do need, we have decided to unite to resist the fluoride. but above all, to restore hope, to millions of people who live in france and who cannot stand manual microns policies any longer. so it's not the legend is a major gamble for emmanuel macro. she is pressing on. vote is being so scared to overflow right. victory. the bill back is policy. that may have been the case in the post, but it's not necessarily the case today is to this post the says michael underestimates the appeal of the pens policy. so can you pop as open once he's not taking into account is that these days people are gone to the national riley as a political party like any of the projecting a soft a younger image depends. national riley has widened its appeal,
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but the language critical us migrants muslims in the u remains the same. if the fall roy takes power, michael will most certainly lose his bets and pays the way to the countries 1st popular government. the heel of gambled away his political cry dependency. does legacy as actually butler, which is 0 power as us, and still i have them al jazeera and as a call, all tell him it is, will tell you why this temple that offends in south india isn't quite what it seems . the use of strain use political battles, columbus, congress spans bullfighting nationwide. it brings to, in, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers, this victory, reevaluate culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the
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law proposes binding all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old tradition which use to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. is real hor on god's that'd be coming in forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line the,
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[000:00:00;00] the now weeks of heavy rain full is lead to severe flooding in the us town of rock found a northwest, iowa. the funding is full of hundreds of people to leave that homes. the state governors issued a disaster proclamation, meaning more resources can be used to respond and help people recover from the damage. relentless heat wave is affecting most of the united states that a 100000000 people under se, se advisory, many regions are facing reco, breaking temperatures. for long as hate is putting pressure on pallet goods and transportation seem particularly bad. the most vulnerable, including the elderly, my friends and i were cultural workers to thousands of protesters in central london demanding the next position. government does moses i called the climate
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crisis. restore nature now is cooling for an environmental rights spill in the next parliament. they never send enough, which reports from london. they come from the preston to make noise against nature's decline. marching through central london, more than 300 environmental groups, demanded action on climate change with mainstream organizations, shoulder to shoulder with no disruptive. like just still polio, best known for the traffic stoping slow routes today, turning down the tactics. so i'd joined who's have 10 boxes walking slowly. i've been sent to prison for that. it's quite nice to be here today and also, you know, again, so you arrested actually is a solid there. and so you close those movements and the, the, the alignment we will have in the face of ways i can logical in time. it's around that we must act. and i told him it's must that,
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that message echoed by actress. emma thompson lending has to pull to the march. we are still at now we, we were told, decades ago, and we still continue towards the end of mid the music and the prompts, the tangible action that the emotions won't have to pay. and they say they have several of them on so they want to restore it. they want damages caused by affordable review of the introduction as person heads for a general election on the 4th of july people, he is a major parties have failed to offer any substantial environment. pledges politicians certain things,
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something that people are concerned about this know something like they don't think that they don't think that people will do it with us in mind. but, but i, i will. well, this is changing rapidly and the problem. yeah. the phones, iran's, i'm not taking any pictures on a short term planning. i'm passionate about who serving nature. i think if we destroy night shift, we destroyed everything that we depend on a message that the thousands who march to parliament square hope will come through to whoever takes the reins of power in person. the sending of h alex is 0. not now, a tempo in southern india has introduced a robustly callison to stamp out animal cruelty during rituals named by the us and its 3 mates is toll in ways nearly a 1000 kilograms. people for the ethical treatment of animals, peta donated the ro, both in recognition of the temples promised to navigate,
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to use live elephants in rituals that have been cases of cap, developing some temples, attacking or even killing cube. that's it for this news out for basketball fan, the the latest news as it breaks, but immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the sensor ride remains from the in the side of the file, right is expected to shake off politics and bustles from around the world. the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. integrity, the narrative is the u. s. has continues to corporate israel,
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affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric? yes. the correct but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these
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bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the . ringback the, the, the has, the law release is drying videos this as a strategic sites within israel, including minutes, the ones in haifa, the on simon's, i, them, this is i'll just say are a live from the halls are coming up,


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