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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the drum that is strong would you crate. we're going to drill baby drill. we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way he can get elected is too close to a coverage and the amount of out the has will release is another driving video. it says, shows sensitive is riley sites including minutes resides in haifa. that could be targeted. this all out or escalates. the sammy's a them, this is al, just here a live from the hall. so coming up, rescue workers still pulling out bodies from the rubble in northern gallons. a day officer is writing strikes, killed at least 50 palestinians across the street. we hear from an active service
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member of the us at full, so once to resign, 40 says is american complacency and the war ongoing. so there's no serving the american people in our current policies for doing it this service to, to people around the world. plus russia, ramps opposite the tax in ukraine, talking things kind of kids and kids. several people have been killed in thousands and the it has, the law has published another video of what it says. all aerial images of strategic science within is row 11 and base group says it shows mid 3 centers in haifa, among other areas it released to simulate video on tuesday, showing all those sensitive sites as the laws promise support for the people of garza. it's the, the has to know, so i was wondering as well,
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no one will be sped. it's all out, war escalates. for more on this, let's go live to us, had begun to rush in southern lebanon. so 1st of all, i said what? all the sensitive sides which of featured in this video of the well, those sensitive sites consist of ministry base is one of which is the hackery, a complex. now that has is the headquarters of the ministry of security, the general stuff on the minute. if she combines with multiple suntrust thing about this latest, which is that we've seen that's intertwined with his because need to speech a how so i know through that as well as the footage is that the whole soul highlighted or risk of was elect and electricity stations as well, the satellite bases, as well as the listed maritime chords, and that's for 3 guess extraction points. so that's interesting because what has
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been law is doing now is pointing out to israel that they have highlighted not just ministry, the sides, but also infrastructure. and in the event of an would like to where they're able to or could be able to strike these. and that's a warning really, as we're hearing this language of a possible escalation of is of an escalation, his belie sending warnings to israel, saying not only can we infiltrate your space, we have potentially have highlighted targets. and in the event coming or that will it's, but they're saying that they could to target these locations in addition to that drum financial reports about another drug and actually evaluating the defense systems and hitting a target insight. israel this morning, tell us what we know about that. yeah, this is not the 1st time. so here's, we'll say that they have had beds here. and this isn't the 1st time over the last week or so. and i've just conflicted in the 7 and 11 on board that has continued
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that have been instances of his beloved drones drones, as you say, of aging is really defensive and managing to hit their targets just the other day. we saw another drone before this from the drone actually going into strike a and it's really positions. and what this tells us is that this isn't the same. his with as 2006 when the last time there was a was, this is his beloved that is much more sophisticated. it has more with and i'm capabilities and they're actually showing that now again, daily strikes, going across the border here. and in this latest strikes, they've managed to infiltrate an of age is very defensive, again, hitting targets. but this conflict that's taking place is we've been such an unwritten rules these, this striking ministry targets. but the warning really is that if this escalates an order, it takes, is one missed because miscalculation to escalate, that his beloved will be able to hitch targets much more wide and broader inside
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israel. all right, thanks so much. i said bags a spring and now so tom bought a cause. he's a professor of public policy. a time has been philosophy invest. he joins us from york in the u. k. good to have you with us. so this is another incident. so has the la releasing drone footage, a clear message being sent to as well it's it's good. it's clearly a message to deter his route from implementing what the the topic has been about in the last few days. and that is an hor, approve scared war against 11 and i took it up and the to it. uh maybe we todd in order to push it. just pull it back. now i don't think the opportunity to solve is, is incredibly significant. i mean, if you go on on google there, you'll be able to establish
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a similar view of what exist with it needs to know the message here is that they've got sufficient intelligence to identify those targets. and they know that these auto strategic importance also, i think there is an episode message that has my life is doing is going to avoid this really in that targets all those targets that they've highlighted military or strategic targets. so a just to warn israel that they are ready and they can go as far as they can reach . and in fact uh it is being well established fact uh for a long time. and as i was fully aware of that capability that has my law that owns at the moment, and it is much more advanced than they used to have a back in 2006. so found, let's talk about what's going on in the west bank as well, with reports of overcrowding. so bad and these ready prisons are actually releasing
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some palestinian detainees to make way for others. what is the policy here? is it to get as many palestinians through the prison system to break the will of the occupied peaceful that is to bring to the world. but this also to be able to interrogate directory as many promised to use as possible, as rather desperate for on the ground intelligence. and as you know, that was the main weakness that there suffered from on the 7th of october. and you know, from us, in particular with nga was capable of switching out a lot of those so called spies on the ground that used to serve these res. now the desperate for information and the best way to try and extract some of that information is to capture as many and as wide yeah. as possible. palestinians and have them face of
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a dog in the face to face interrogation. but like every country that must have a capacity, i mean, they've rounded up more than a 1000 other sinews in the last 8 months. the presumes that we have already over crowded with more than $50000.00 at us and you just already in and out of the us prisons. so uh, the assets, it could be the fact that they just run out of space and they have to release people out. unfortunately, what do we see now from the footage that came out of one of those prisoners that was reduced in gaza, is the level of torture that's being employed and exceeds all the acceptable for and knowns, and if you like of then dimension, he would tell you know, and that didn't my assessment is really to do with the fact that these writers do
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not hold the international law as a reference point. but they keep going back to the americans and sometimes to the british referring to how they've conducted themselves during the so called the war on terror. so they see that as they're the baseline rather than what the intuition community expects of them and, and perhaps link to that. we've had reports from credible organizations like the united nation 7 united nations experts on the 19th of february, talking about sexual assault rate. in one case, a woman kept in a cage in the rain and in the cold without food. how wide spread all reports of abuse is becoming when it comes to palestinians held in his riley detention it is, it is a long established practice from the is there any sign that gives the promise to
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use they know very well what the honor concept means to the populace thing, in particular, when it comes to the owner of, of a female and they know how to exploit that very well. and then not just into that. and i can write this on, let's try to the, to write and decide to make a female in front of her male relatives, husband chaudry and so on. they know that that can break the model and can be used, has been used by them for a long time, to extract information. all right, thanks so much. so con, bought a car from the some of the vin, felicia university, or spend a grizzly start to sunday in dallas. so with rescue teams still struggling to reach people buried in the rubble. at least 50 palestinians were killed in long scalars by the attacks. across the end of $24.00, died in the shots at refugee camp as
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a residential area of garza city. 19 more were killed moments later for the east. many of the victims with children hunting my mood begins on coverage from data by the ambulance is full, but more wounded are coming. dozens of palestinians were injured by israeli jets in gauze and north killing dogs. toward plains targeted 2 buildings and a shot records. you can it is one of 8 historic counts, established thing dogs, after the creation of israel in 1948 displaced, hundreds of 1000, a palestinian. and now it's where many took shoulder from is really a types of neighboring valley 8 months ago. for the young generation, it is no refuge. nathaniel who is a murderous coward,
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criminal targeting innocent children. if he were brave enough, you would have come to fight, tell him in on the battlefield. the dust had not yet settled here that it froze on the other side of the city. another as regular as try could trap this man in concrete. he kept losing consciousness and need to be rescued right away. the cover didn't, does. survivor is recalled. the moment is really force is a tide there, densely populated, neighborhood of it was showing some clothes. i work as a taylor, and suddenly the whole building collapsed on all hits. my wife and children were killed. my whole family is gone. is real, save. it's fighter jets, it struck 2 homeless military sites in the area. i might say is really forces are targeting civilians. it is the most violent they in district since was really
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troops killed $274.00 palestinians by freeing for captives and a new site. uh, earlier this month we will stay in because uh and we will die and stay in in garza but forced to leave their destroyed homes. the community can find safety. when it is, they refuse the turn to robert. had even more as just the uh there is about uh, gaza palestine. lets speak to todd a couple, i assume now he joins us live from data. bella in gaza and the line just jumping here as we come to you thought about an attack close to the under uh main headquarters in kansas city. what can you tell us? yes i met in fact things i'm moving quickly. i'm incredibly fast here in the strip as the main focus again has been on the know that part of the goal is as
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trustworthy as many fight digits have targets. it's a play you start to so close to the gates of the owner of our main headquarters in the city. now, as we clearly remember earlier that it's been a mandatory, the stormed, the main former will headquarters in dallas. i really think the vast majority vista apartments and even sits in the fire inside the buildings of that flight. you spot like you to own like it. after that you started with the children from that area. it's had certain to be a warehouse or aids that are getting to the most of the district before and with families used to be waiting remote hours. i would have to get some thoughts on possible foods in order to help them to mitigate that. we're facing humanitarian crisis in the north of district by den today has been talking to a new casual piece to now being recruited uh, working on verifying more information about this box. and all the parts of the tax removed. tax have been carried out by the is very all me, but at least a palestinians have been killed in a supper. and april hoots off to
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a residential building was completely destroyed while as well too. now was it pressing on with its military offensive? and the most of the district and also in the southern part of garza, were bottles are still only government guns raging with how much of protest is ready all meet in the street. so roughly district main bottles right now are taking place in the center and the western parts of russell district where the a drink of how much has been saying is that the managed part of is ready a minute, 3 vehicles on time. and you're not in a shovel neighborhoods, um, a defined thing that's just to, to that one going with the east bed, the army from best sites that at least they managed to mentally control 70 percent of rough space waiting to to completion. the military goals, from rough operations that has reduced from fedex, true to the american and warnings regarding the expansion of the financing. which right now has extend that to the western area where the is very military right now
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is the building on demolishing complete residential neighborhoods. leaving behind countless destruction, similar to other areas in the gaza strip. like kinda knew this times even to about the refuge account. whether it's very minute treat to them. now has been up painting the military attacks without no source of the top or was fight till now slight to me on the ground. tell me. all right, thanks so much todd. a couple i assume that is ready for us is have arrested 20 people in the occupied west bank. and just the past few hours, the palestinian prisoner society says that brings the total number of arrest since the stats of the war to move a $9301.00 arrest that shot because many is an incident on the sack today. an injury, palestinian was film tied to an is riley minutes. a vehicle during a raid in jeanine. he's right, the army says it was a violation of orders and it's investigating with all the has this report from romano, wounded,
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bleeding and tied to the hood of an armored is rarely military vehicle as it drove through jeanine, past ambulances that could not come to the rescue it's not clear which unit of these really are me was involved. the vehicle's number plates were concealed, was rarely soldiers later released was a head allowing paramedics to transport him to hospital where he was taken to the operating room. why didn't most of the, the jeep caused by the injured man was on the hood, must one um, was tied to the windshield, and the other room was on his abdomen, sony. they drove past us and refused to get on the patient machine. now what couple, these really armies use of palestinians as human shields is well documented. it's been cited in several recent to you and reports, including one that added israel to a list of countries, the target and killed children. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank or violent is really military raids and subtler
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attacks. are relentless needed on the left, another palestinian mother indoors, the unthinkable. varying her 12 year old boy my how much was injured and then is rarely read 2 weeks ago. meanwhile, is ready. soldiers rated completely to confiscate the carbon is really man shot and killed there on saturday morning. the attack was an apparent retaliation to the ambush and killing of 2 palestinian men on friday in the jordan valley here. another is really subtler attack. is no casualties reported. but a reminder that in this climate of violence and community, no palestinian is in use to the violence of occupations or all day else as ita drama loved palestine. it was still, i had an al jazeera that a faulty 1000 young people in gauze, not able to sit that final year exams or have a report on the toll as wells was taken on education,
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the the oldest and loaded in the easiest sort of ways. he's being hit by repeated big send this to austin is funding reported just about 24 hours ago and it's still this general everywhere. thunderstorms are possible. they moving away from the philippines, which is not good to be dry here. but it is looking, driving, borneo, not necessarily entirely in java or sumatra, but most the time is not way to the focus should be for the nor for me to try it and it has been, it's shumate, it's not too hot nowadays, costs very wet seasonally, that is correct, and as we change the season in australia towards the winter, you'd expect it to be cold is certainly frustrated. not in places like camera pods of victoria by day the low teens. but the sun is dominant to you unless you're
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a bit further west. so i have light and probably west victoria will see that sherry stuff wind did evict style, say, didn't pass, it looks fine by 18 degrees. the sun is dominated by a few shelves inside and here's the shells coming into our life. possibly now, but baby, the bit of the noise of queensland, but this new zealand against the focus of the heaviest. right. and has have, or the last day a certain on monday doesn't look better to be there to the wind is coming from the northeast. so it contains humidity, but doesn't reflect that in the temperatures. for example, any about 12 in christ church, right? occasionally, sherry or the interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric, yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community. can we also say that dell's,
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the cornerstone of democracy, is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the the welcome back here watching out, is there a time to recap ah, headlines now as the law has published? so now the video of what it says on ariel images are strategic sites within as well, including military bases and facilities and hyphen negates and donnelly, as the laws leaders warning as well, no one will be sped and then will allow at least 50 palestinians have
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been killed in log scale is right. the attacks across sconces is ready. war plain, strong buildings and homes, and the shots that refugee camp. many of the victims with children is there any forces have arrested 20 people in the occupied west banking just the past few hours . this as these, right? the army says it's investigating a video. we pro costs on site today, showed injured palestinian tied to the hood of and his writing met the vehicle that a faulty 1000 young people in gauze are not able to say that fine. the exams, as well as war, has devastated the education system. students have been out of school from any 9 months. imaging, kimball has more, should have been a day to celebration the day. the goal is the secondary school students, the final exams. but instead of writing 13 knowing size and young people have had the opportunity taken away from them by israel's devastating one. cause i would
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say i'm totally depressed because i have prepared myself for this moment for 12 years and what should have happened. it didn't, the situation is getting worse and worse. so such a plans are no longer possible. the future looks bleak. there was a scholarship waiting for me at all as a university in egypt, but now i lost just because i didn't take the high school exams and i don't have the certificates. so i lost the scholarship. i lost my education, i lost everything, teaches them, it could says this day has been terrible for her. it's the 1st time and no news. she's not going to be seeing the final year exams, the mid intend that comes for or say, given these riley's no, i need to string all homes and property through so entire generations. even if the will ends today. 90 percent of school buildings has been leveled to the ground for students from 1st graders to university undergraduates. an entire academic year has
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gone down the drain. yeah, this is tied to los physically and mentally. all universities and goals have been destroyed and nearly 300 statements schools and 65 un schools have already been completely well partly destroyed. with them when years of work. more than half a 1000000 students have not been out of school since the will began. resuming study will not can be difficult for d. p. traumatized, population imaging, kimber out 0. smells of us were active service members of us. ministry are seeking to resign on conscientious grounds. citing american complicity in the war on garza air force personnel, larry eva and ju, on betts and coal, say they can no longer be complicit in this way. they won't crimes being aided and abetted by the country. a signed up to some of the us and to organization estimates at least full t,
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all the ministry personnel of seeking resignation on similar grounds. and the idea we spoke to larry ava, he says he doesn't speak for the ministry speaks for himself. he hopes small members of the us military will learn about the rights is conscientious objectors. for me, it honestly was an a difficult decision to me joining the military in the 1st place was partially due to i mean, all of us and we want to serve people, the american people, specifically, obviously, but there is no there is no survey american people in uh, our current policies were doing a disservice to 2 people around the world and, and i strongly feel that so that's why i had to apply for as a conscientious objector which has. ready long history and other conflicts as well as vietnam and i rag. so i'm actually proud to kind of, you know,
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go into the footsteps of our, our prior conscientious objectors. i think in november i actually learned about a country. ready subject and, and i looked more into it and i didn't know if i would qualify or not but the, i think a lot of service, i really don't actually know entirely of what it is and what their rights are. and so i think it's extremely important to highlight our country as a conscientious objector and, and show people. ready like it that it is an option and you can say, i think a lot of service members. i feel that they, they don't know what to do and, and they don't know how to how to act in this moment in the past, almost
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a year now. and i think this is applying for separation, whether it be through the cartridge, in subjection or another form of administrative separation. it is going to go along with me. i don't think a ton of people actually have an opinion. i think most people are kind of focused on their own careers and their own lives. and i don't think many people have an opinion either way. the of the cranes president, all of them is that landscape says his army is shot down to russian caliber across the comments came off to russia loans to miss all the time on ukraine's capital kids. several bloss for her in and around the city place 2 people in just kind of ministry official, say the defense systems destroyed 2 of the weapons. earlier russia said it shot down at least 30 ukrainian drugs targeting the western border regional 3 on in
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a separate russian attacks. 3 people were killed in as strikes in the ukrainian city of car keys. at least 52 other people were injured. samuel romani is an associate follow the bridge defense and security think tank the roll. united services institute, he says reisman's tax on your crime damage the facilities are having a significant impact on launch parts of the country. even areas that have been largely untouched by the war and possibilities the executor pod. yeah. which is the reason that border is hungry. they're having to have run by habits from time to time. so this is a severe disruption, obviously the economic activity and to whatever businesses have returned to the western part of the country. and it's also in that low right morale. i think that the russians are not going to be able to do that very much because this is, instead of saying the ukrainians because is causing so much hardship that they do, they last and it gets sent me a message. obviously a warning shot against you pay
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a tax across the board as russia recall housing researchers. yeah. it has to be here in october of arrangement to you for any instruct. if i mean bridge this i draw a flurry of costs on alternation less than telegram and state media for us. you to respond with a tax and you really and critical infrastructure. 2 days later with the appointment disorders are back here, they started bonnam power, and we're seeing the same thing planned here now. so the really answer, striking uh, energy facilities inside russia, including gas representatives, and the russians are responding a symmetric way by attacking power, right. of those, as in france, hold costs the ballots in the snap parliamentary election one week from now presidency manual, my call shrunk to many, many dissolved parliament off those policy loss. ground to the far right to the elections 2 weeks ago. well, the move cuz hand pallets and the pens national riley policy from paris natasha bonsa explains why my home visit was because happened next summer. really
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depends for right policy is on the brink of power in faults for the 1st time. and she knows that i'll be can smiling the pin, but supporters in the constituency of an upper month ahead of make sundays not collection is the one that we did. we have the possibility of winning these elections and creating a unity government. this will get this country out of a rush. so any of this month, the president unexpectedly dissolved parliament of to resend to write on. he was drafted by the fall rights and from says, you election emanuel macro said he was responding to food. his grievances and conceited had made some mistakes. spastic. have it put me up? see if i thought i'd done everything right. i wouldn't be standing here today. i wouldn't have dissolved the government and everything would be fine. so yes, i do take some responsibility with a surprise election looming politicians from all sides have been propelled into
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last minute campaign with the political twists and turns as dramatic as micros decision. the conservatives of being raped, appalled by the.


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