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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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rustic crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless. i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the hello. this is in use our own alger 0. i'm 40 by people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, abuse and humiliated out a 0 speaks to an injured palestinian forest strapped to the front of it is really military vehicle in the occupied west, fine, and possibly used as a human shield. most of the day to is really sole, just grab my hands and to this my feet start swinging,
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left and right. i felt to the ground twice. and on the 3rd time, they showed me over the hood. also this hour, these really military targets was a distribution building in gaza. city where dozens of disgrace products to me inside gab, at least 4 people. they can't food of rotting away at guys at border crossings, wild 1000 star agency, se fighting and is really a tax on convoys that preventing them from doing their jobs and from parched cone fios in china to flooded crops. initially, we look at how climate change is affecting global food production. and piece of statements with useful to me is it's another big truthful f one will chat the next for stuff and as the rebuild the, the winds, the spanish growing pre enforced related to explain. he's the championship, the
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$815.00 g m t. thank you for joining us. all g 0 has spoken to an injured palestinian man for p. a to have been used as a human shields by is really forces in jeanine in the occupied westbank, which i had a body was trapped to the front of a nice, really military vehicle on saturday, which drove past several ambulances. a body says he's ready force has continued to beat him and mock him while he was injured. oh, cool, cool. i've always looked to see these really soldiers will laughing and mocking me wild beating me to death to his very sojourn. grab my hands to others. my feet, this started swinging the left and right. i fell to the ground twice. i don't to stay the time. they shoved me over the hood. it was extremely hot and my back was booked. they drove me back and forth for 20 minutes. i have nothing new i had hoped to be dead before these really soldiers arrived. i had expected them to attend my women's not to beat them back to me. while i already had to critical injuries that
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springing, i'll just bear with me that abraham, who's in all my life force in the occupied west bank need a more details emerging about this incident, which is really military says it's investigating a yes indeed. this time we see these really are made a leasing a statement saying that this is not the usual practice and that they're going to be investigating this incident. but looking at the cases, the both of those cases we've been reporting on here from the occupied with bank. it shows that this is not an isolated incident. this is something that palestinians go through day in and day out. the fact that we have a video is one of the reasons why the story went viral and these way the army was forced to respond really to contain some of the damage, the p r damage that might have been cause to the image of these really army but if you speak to palestinians, who under go these huge with the huge, when is raise the rates in the occupied with thing, they would send you,
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it's not know. and it was been reporting on the is really use of palestinians as human shields for a long time. now human rights organizations have been accusing israel of using palestinians as human shields in the continues does re read. and we've also been a poor thing since the war started on the extensive use of b thing, palestinians up and torturing them and humiliating them. was that as to patients? so what we see this video and is we're talking about it. we've been speaking so much. i had about the pain about the burns in his back from it being on the hot engine of the military vehicle on a whole day here in the occupied with bank. let's not forget that there are thousands, if not more palestinians were suffering from the continued humiliation, mistreatment by these really forces that palestinians would tell you that so long as there is no accountability. these actions will continue to happen. need to thank you very much. i saw just here is me that you brain revolting their life from
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ramallah. well, let's discuss this further now with sorry by she who is the program director of human weiss was, she's to go to joining us from the occupied west by, sorry, good to have you with us on audra 0 would try to body subscription. all these all deal is quite shocking and as needed said, not an isolated incidents. what struck you most about this particular incident? so i can provide some context for what's taking place in the west bank and express some concerns about lack of accountability. we're experiencing an unprecedented escalation on violence from last year is really forces killed nearly $500.00 palestinians in the west bank, including more than a 100 children. that's double the figure from last year. and palestinians in the west bank till $25.00 is rarely civilians, as well as 5 as rarely soldiers, which is also more than in any recent year reported by the united nations. and what part of what's happening is that there are much more frequent search rest
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operations and other other kinds of incursions into palestinian cities and towns like like we saw yesterday. so on average v, as really, military is conducting $640.00 searching arrests and other operations in the west bank every month, which is about double what it, what it's been during the peril of period. so there's much more interactions violent interaction between israeli soldiers and palestinians, sorry, on the a specific issue of, of palestinians being used as human shields. how common and, and frequent is that is that's his stomach. you would say. so i don't have information about this specific case. i don't know if it's a case of a human shield. what i can say is that human rights watch, as well as other human rights organizations have documented various unlawful use of force against palestinians, including all feelings, using legal force. i'm awfully denying medical care and using other kinds of
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beatings, including of children. i'm particularly concerned about a permissive environment that gives soldiers on the ground a sense of impunity. so i understand that this really authority isn't said that they're going to investigate. the concern is that this really seem right to sell them as well as other human rights organizations have characterized these really investigative systems as a whitewash. yeah, because you have senior officials, including senior politicians, calling for no restrictions on either use of force against palestinians, nor westbank down to under those circumstances. it's quite difficult to see how, how we could have accountability. yeah, i was going to ask you about that. in fact, because these really armies say not that this incident, and the abuse at this man said the hand of his really soldiers, preachers, it's values. but you want to what values they're talking about and what is being done by these really all me to try and stop these types of abuses from happening if
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anything at all. and so human rights logic is calling for the, for international accountability. the, the prosecutor for the international criminal court is seeking arrest warrants for seniors, rarely officials, including the prime minister and defense minister as well as for senior, harass meters. and we believe that's appropriate because these really internal system has proven itself unwilling, and we're unable to investigate these kinds of crimes. just to give you an example, just this month, bring it to your general general history. i was shown there who in 2015 used unlawful me full force against a palestinian trial. this was a very well documented chase where a 17 year old boy through a rock that damaged his military vehicle and then right away and he pursued him and shot him to death in violation even of his really rules of engagement. there was an inquiry, no criminal charges were filed and this month to receive an honorary doctorate at
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the richmond university in israel. so under circumstances in which senior leaders are not only disobeying international human rights law, but also israel's own rules of engagement with me for consequences and then being awarded honorary doctorates. it's hard to see how soldiers on the ground would be encouraged to follow even is really was let alone international rights law. and it's hard to see, sorry how the situation on the ground can improve at all when, when we're now seeing the national government increasing, the transferring control from the military to civilian aspects of his ha, right? government gimme occupied westbank. ca, concerning is that to you and how much worse would it make and for palestinians any occupied with by, i mean, look, the de central ization of islands through state sponsored settler violence is very worrying. it has led to death, as well as force displacement of thousands of palestinians who are fleeing their land because of stellar violence and subtler intimidation. we think that what would,
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what would make a difference or if these arrest warrants were issued? and if the criminal proceedings at the international criminal court are allowed to take the course, we also were calling on all states to stops, to suspend arms transfers to the is really military as well as to math. and there's lot of jihad, because these weapons are being used against civilians on law. so that would make a difference. sorry, thank you so much for talking to us. sorry about she's the program direct that human rights watch. joining us there from the occupied west spine. thank you very much for your time. i is and israel's military has once again on least a barrage of attacks on civilians in gaza at least 4 palestinians were killed and dozens more injured when is there any shedding target at the rock compound in kansas city? the facility had been turned into a warehouse or what little aid was getting into the stream image and came to report another shelter. hundreds of displaced palestinian garza destroys. and some of the
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limited supplies of a ruined of the israel targeted the un. what headquarters in gauze assisting the solid. i found my eldest son in jersey. the youngest trapped under the debris. and those dead bodies lying there. what's wrong that these innocent children do? we are running from death towards death. young men and women are slaughtered by these radius. there is no safe and in the entire gauze, this trip. this is our lives. nothing but fear and destruction running from death to death. the will and goal is to as internally displaced more than 1700000 people with few if any places that can be considered safe, the i'm not the hands of the i didn't was a couple not to all of us here are display civilians. so i'm trying to get their hands on food. others searching for clean water without warning is riley war plans fired missiles on us. this is an unreal center. it's supposed to be safe. but these
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riley's have no regard to any limits. israel's intensified brocade means 8 deliveries are often stuck at border crossings, subject to his writing scrutiny. and the aid work of se does arrive is difficult to deliver, due to the ongoing compartment, the destroying supplies that have fund that way in means of population of 2300000 that is already facing death due to salvation is an even greater risk image . and came out to 0. is there any forces also a time tab will raise refugee camp in the middle of the guys. a strip of power medics rushed to the c. 9 treated several casualties. at least one palestinian woman was count. let's get the latest with, i'll just here is honey. my motels in dial by law in central guys, a force honey. and we're a distribution center struck again in guys uh, what's been the optimize of these latest attacks of the to what we're learning so far about the
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tax on, on, or what the headquarter one away and gone to the city. that was the main gate of the headquarter of the united nations headquarter and gauze. that's on where the united is for policy and refugee. that turned reasons late into our app as you can before displaced families coming off the northern part of the city with the horror of the unpredictable bonds only to face the offer of yet another wave of unpredictable bonds on the hit quarter debts on indication that there is no safe place across the gas turban. one more proof of the dire situations in terms of safety and security of civilian population for people are reported skills the injuries are required to wear transferred to allow the baptist hospital are in very critical conditions. the hospital and its facilities and the medical team are unable to provide any nothing. 30 medical intervention whatsoever, leaving so many of them. literally on the floor of the house have reported way one
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paramedics, the are exhausted, they're running out of supplies, running out of every basic the fact that he needed to, to save life. you know the attack and on our way, it's not the, the 1st time it's happening happened before, and different facility, the owner, what, including the ongoing attacks and civilian population right after the tax on the right order. a residential home and of rage is records. you candidates, been part of the central area was targeted. one women reported killed its uh mothers and her children were pretty critical. the conditions were all transferred to unlock the hospital. and just within the past 45 minutes in, in an in a news fresh wave of attacks on last week evacuations on that phase from part of the city of tanya and it's heavy. artillery is one person before the skilled and dozens of injuries transferred to uh, not that are hospital just for those who are not where what not, there has been said the only public health facilities in hon. you in
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a 1000 as good a storm bite is really monetary was largely destroyed and severely damage. and right now, the fear is that those are transferred to not their hospital are not getting the necessary medical intervention to save their life. that they're a trip of losing their life as we speak. honey, thank you very much for the update. that sounds as here as funny. my moved with the latest staff from dow, by in central gossum, a huge obstacle to getting humanitarian aid into guys at the board of texas read insist on making before trucks are allowed to enter supplies. arriving egypt on congo shapes had foresight, or biplane irish airport. a trucks you to enter gaza or text bye. it's really a forty's at needs on a then cross back into the jeeps where they head to the roof of crossing the last i'm any truck was allowed to pass to rock. i was on february the 4th. oh, they go to the is there any control time i was taught him costing for inspection and enter that before the war began around 500 trucks,
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a day crossed into guys to carry my boost, signed him nearly none are getting. so now what we spoke to matthew holling worth was the welfare programs directive about his side. and he told dodge a 0 about why trucks on getting to parts of scott. and i'm at the moment, we're reliant on essentially one power to, to get into the northern garza and north of jobs. and that sort of the key entry point of that actually alpha and she points into the northwest. um however, we actually once a need to have that ricardo functioning assistance coming in from the know the central, the south. we need the assistance to, to cover multi set to requirements, not just food. we need the services to be provided, not just in time, a to be handed over. and so there's a lot more that needs to be done. it is an active, was that we are constantly,
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gayly having to negotiate the access and navigate through what is the was i to get assistance to people that need not so incredibly complicated. it could all be much easier if there was a cx 5. and you can watch more of my colleagues. so here rahman is interview with matthew holling worth from w a fee on talk to algebra airing throughout the week. i'm with a nod hoss on is hi e heads the guys a emergency response team at the a group nearer, he says, getting 8 into this trip has now become nearly impossible. the crossings are really the settlement to getting 8 and we're now 260 days inches or more than a half months into the war. so this way, some of them have been, become desperate advocate, often and suing and both. now the north and the south in gauze, i've seen some operations in rough. i begin early may. so the amount of food and other 8 entering into gaza. it's been sufficient to make the story means,
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what was it before? it tells me as soon as you come now, even more desperate, i'm almost impossible to deliberate on the ground so. so from our experience as an error, we had almost 80 trucks enter into gaza recently. what's needed is, as the numbers have been mentioned, more than 500 a day, and this requires a lot of coordination to get in. so with the delays of inspection, what the delays of approvals from is really side does not allow aid to get in. we do need a permanent or supplier to happen in gaza for the coverage. and again, we do also open up all the access points and so the trucks are not getting in. it is by putting up as a game at the cut them aside. um, as well as the last year which is always open but also inaccessible. the biggest thing is security. there is no security for that to to, to go in and uh, deliver the aid as well as even delivering to the people desperately need it. and
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other developments has by law, has published another video of what it says, the aerial images of strategic sites within israel. the lebanese space group says it shows military centers in the high for area, among others. it relieves to simulate video on tuesday showing of a sensitive sites as well as farm is support for the people of gaza. with its data has sent us around the warning israel that no one will be sped in on a lot more aside because this update from, from us shouldn't. 711 on in this video was the titles to whom it may concern, and it wasn't declined with smocks remarks from the lead to of his with the house and not through a lot. but what it did show was this sensitive site that you mentioned. no, one of those was a hacker. yeah. complex which has is the headquarters of the ministry of security, the general stuff and other military come ons. but also in this video, what we're risk of was of the electricity stations as well as satellite bases. but
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also interestingly, unlike other videos, they listed maritime code and that's for 3 gas extraction sites. and again, this goes back to his blog wondering is reading the case of with actual that these, the, these sites could be talk to them. these are not just ministry sites, he's also not. we also looking at infrastructure. but what's interesting is that his beloved drones have managed to infiltrate is really a space and have managed to avoid the defenses. and this is happening on a daily basis. no. uh, but what, what his below hasn't done has it struck these locations, is just pointed teaser, a point back to israel that his beloved knows where these locations are. it's a warning more than anything else because it has been to come and ask of escalation and his beloved need to send the select up to the res earlier in the week. and he said that they don't want to will, but they are prepared for it. meanwhile,
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israel's foreign ministry, bending the next now, has been complaining about a delay in on the shipments from the united states. he told a cabinet meeting, he now believes it will be resolved soon. i will make out about whether she about 4 months ago. there was a dramatic drop in the supply of august arriving from the us to israel and methyl weeks. we all american frames to speed up the shipment. okay, but in a couple minutes we got all sorts of explanations. but one thing we didn't get, the basic situation didn't change and is rose defense minutes? are you off? kalonde is heading to the not the states for talks before he left the address, the escalating violence we've has while i live in a little it's, i believe the united states is the most important and central ally and our relationship is particularly important. perhaps move another these days in these meetings, i will discuss the situation on because the front end on the lebanese front, 2 months is of critical importance. at this time, we are ready for any action. it may take whether in gaza, lebanon, or elsewhere,
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the transition to the 3rd phase in the gaza strip is of great importance. i will discuss it with the senior officials in the us administration. how that could also lead to other things. i know we will reach close cooperation between israel and the us on this issue as well. plus you book the extra into other world news now and in france, protests are taking place against the fall rights. women's organizations are marching in paris ahead of next week. snap elementary election, present the money of my co shots many when he does old upon them in 2 weeks ago, after his party lost ground to the far right in new york in parliamentary elections . because move good hand power to my reading depends national ronnie party. patasha butler has more from paris. really depends for right policy is on the brink of power in front, the 1st time messy. and she knows that i'll be come,
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smiling. the pin but support isn't the constituency of an upper month ahead is next sunday's not collection is the one that we did. we have the possibility of winning these elections and creating a unity government. this will get this country out of a rush earlier this month. the president, unexpectedly dissolved paul, them into, off to resend to write on. he was drafted by the far right and wrong says you election. emanuel macro said he was responding to food. his grievances and conceited had made some mistakes. spastic of sylvia say. ready if i thought i'd done everything right, i wouldn't be standing here today. i wouldn't have dissolved the government and everything would be fine. so yes, i do take some responsibility with a surprise election looming politicians from all sides of being propelled into last minute campaign with a political twist some tubs, as dramatic as micros decision. the conservatives of being raped, appalled by divisions its lead to eric's the off the barricaded himself and his
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office of to be expelled from the policy for in line with the fall right on the left wing policies of the lines. one foot impossible, that includes socialist readings and coming to study that in the data. and we do need, we have decided to unite to resist the fluoride. but above all, to restore hope, to millions of people who live in frogs and who cannot stand manual microns policies any longer. so it's not the legend is a major gamble for emmanuel macro. she is pressing on. vote is being so scared to overflow, right victory. the bill back is policy. that may have been the case in the post, but it's not necessarily the case today. you see this post the says michael underestimates the appeal of depends policy. so can the purpose ok, once he's not taking into account is that these days people are gone to the national riley as a political party like any of the projecting a soft a younger image depends. national riley has widened its appeal,
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but the language critical lives, migrants muslims in the u remains the same. if the fall roy takes power, michael will most certainly lose his bets and pays the way to the countries 1st popular government. the heel of gambled away his political cri dependency. does legacy as actually butler alters their powers, to speak to go the whole show on about basis, a professor of political fury at the university of nothing. i'm is joining us from provence in front. thank you. a go for being with us again on alger 0. so we have more riley's against the far right in front of this sunday. what effect is this having if any on volta sentiment and does president my call beneficial from the seminary sheets, or i'm not sure of i to protest, those are the stem of this process that obviously are worried about the far right coming to power. and the question is the choice in question of abortion and, but i think it's the report that we're just saying before, this is really a bad stuff. michael has put them and to say ok, look, you know,
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people nice think that still have some of them on us and now the far right are ready to take the power for the 1st fine is the french really, really want reading. he realizes you can know you no longer use the carnival was saying the kind of the last bulwark against the far right. but here it is full. so it's trying to put a state as a, as a fence to say ok, are you be prepared and a friend really prepared top of the format. so now i saw something on us and us, or region us variety in power. it's a, it's these, it's kind of in, it's trying to colder bluff transfer expands and we see that already quite a bit. i see that the, the sonata, so i, they said that there was a lot of rhetoric that there, but it's the world's finest directory. yeah. even the new is no longer in this, you kind of read, you said in other words, we're going to do some small things. now we're going to reduce the ac on tetra. but the kind of the more it's product and things of the more it stream is they've seen
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surface appear. so on that level, the blood seems to be working. we're going to ask you because it's not, i mean, as you say, it's a bed. it's a gamble. but the present made here, but it's not the 1st time that governing parties have made this type of bed. they've been doing this for the past 20 years. but this time it feels different. and the french might actually really want the fall right in power at this time. what, what do you think has led to the acceptance? what seems like the acceptance of the far right, among many french voters? is it down to just, you know, dissatisfaction with the mainstream parties or the other factors that play? i think there's a few factors here, right? the state, there's dissatisfaction, france has been killed. my call have is long history of having a left brain part need to socially sort of the service of power. my cocaine is that archie, i'm going to do a little bit of a sudden we're going to do the once he's on the right. it's kind of disappeared and told us that is the far right. they are the only ones who look like a true position i think is has no position letter on the center of the center,
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right. so we only have the exchange and it has to be said also the band has to strategically yet. so these don't quite a good job in trying to, you know, demonize the sub on us, not to make it more acceptable at least to we say she's the voters, even though that if you look into who did candidates are. and if you look at their policies behind what they do, not occasion maurice of each other, the disease remain the same. and all of these teams positions remain the same. so there's been both the satisfaction for the public at large. it's a kind of a sense, well, we've never given these people the child, so why not give them a chance to do the hands the money? no, ben has done this as a good job of making her herself acceptable and making her partner acceptable. interesting, how do you view equal the current political alliances? the new role form for play of left to coalition that was created on june. this tends in response to this not part of entry election. well, what are those terms if you think of the upcoming felt?
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oh yeah, that was quite a surprise actually. and i think my whole didn't expect them to you. nice. so quickly there was a on the lines before the so called a new best. this is a site the obviously because of the european elections where the different elements of other lions did more of this well before it was dominated by joining mean also. and this finds combine them to kind of more or less up to this party. but in the european part of methods, the socialist party, that doesn't matter much better. so there's been a reliance. a lot of people were surprised by how quickly they came together and there was a realtor. my mother left for the end are doing quite well that. i mean, if you look at the latest posting, yes, the possible and i sent are still a hand drawn around 35 percent, which is fair. you were and of course, see. then you last thing a lot. this is on the 28 percent so which is quite it's, it's coming in seconds. they fill out the result. one of the questions which is, who is going to be the leader isn't going to be a leader, or is it going to be joining us on in middle school again? or is it going to be someone from the morning last week and you haven't looked at
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the appointment? so the further that you're going to be more of a center that these are like half the loops, 9 you've selected that you haven't part of it, but he did very well. and so this does, it does the tensions within that group. and as you know, the french system has a 2 rams. there's a 1st round and it is right. so it will be very interesting to see when we come to the 2nd round, why the alliances will be there to my home kind of hopes that some of the center last voters may leave the other lines. the last thing it lies, enjoying the centrist ball, and that's the gamble that cease to work. so now let's see what happens on june 30th and july, the 7th to around seem to parliamentary elections and funds. you go to show thank you so much for talking to us. are still ahead on al jazeera, boeing called for a re run of india is national exam for medical colleges after allegations of possible leaks and 3 time grand slam champion. and the mary falls out of wimbledon
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will tell you why or stay with the . so a lot of rain, a lot of snow in the chilly night and these recently enough for a night time rescue. this is in the mountains, just the north of santiago. covered inside is obviously is full and then dropped beaches with the rescue of success and the full cost is also a success. not quite as much. it looks as the settings down to return the range bit further south, a bit more snow pulse be on the origin times side of the and these, and equally on load on the come of the max of for him. this is how it should be. this of the, the visit big charles around the se, busy over the warnings. i really think that going fairly soon. and also the, the big gap gets the seasonal live, which again comes and goes and it's intensity. it's quite heavy in west,
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in columbia, and recent plays throughout central america, home juris nicaragua, guatemala. how south though there have been floods because of the seasonal rains, which really have been quite heavy, full cost would continue them in mexico, probably cuba, maybe jamaica. i know you let's just, mainland mexico over at the monterey robin coveted hope sunshine is covering the potential for big showers. it's been stinky, horribly, eastern side of us. washington dc reporting nearly 40 to yesterday slowly to be cooled by showers of the he says he went toward towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been at home for so many years in the final parts of the series. we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested
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by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me state list in syria on now to 0. israel's war machine is decimating entire households and with us the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian generalists, folk lines, toes the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's most brutal in decades. the night old and biden's wanted us to hold on just either the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching these are on out you 0 with me for the back to go. i. reminder of, i mean stories. alger 0 has spoken to an injured past me and who is trump? to the front of a is there any military vehicle in the occupied westbank on saturday and possibly use as a human shield, which i had a body says, is there any soldiers continued to be 10 despite being injured? at least for palestinians at frontier that many more injured after is where the forces shell, the main, or the red building in gaza. cities. the compounds main gate plus head, causing significant damage. hundreds of displace palestinians that saw the shelter in the building. and multiple agencies say they are unable to work or deliver age to tens of thousands of sobbing. thomas to means dropped inside. the guys that much of the page has been damaged will gone bad in the summer heat,
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as israel blogs or the days to late for the test turn to some of these have been used now. and these are live pictures from brazil, the rio de janeiro way launch cross a gathering to protest against a bill that would further criminalize abortion if passed. it would treat the termination of pregnancy after $22.00 weeks. as a homicide tries rate victims often don't realize they're pregnant until further into their pregnancies. let's bring in. when he came knock, it was in rio for a civil ready been massive demonstrations against the spell. talk to us about today's protest, monica, and how they're shipping out. well, yes, there are protests here this afternoon. there will also be some follow up pretty much all the for so has been very mobilized because of this. i feel that way a portion after 22 years of pregnancy to murder, they say that here in brazil, uh, women are suffering will be subject to
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a much harsher sentence than the races themselves. who have raped women and gotten pregnant. many of them children. so there are lots of protests and there have been people here say they will continue on the streets because they are afraid that congress will pass laws while they're not paying attention. and so talk to us about the timeline. then the bill has been fast tracked in parliament. when do we expect a full vote on it has been sort of part of the whole because of these demonstrations. they fast charge it in the sense that the house of representatives decided that they could fold it any time without being there be any debates. usually bills are, are debated. special with committees,
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environmental committees that we have lost our connection. unfortunately, to monica inactive, who was reporting their life from rio de janeiro in brazil web demonstrations on the way again of this sunday against a bill that would further criminalize abortion in brazil that tied over to india. now, with the head of the national exam agency has been dismissed after weeks of turmoil triggered by a major cheating scandal. thousands of students achieved unusually high moxy and this is medical entrance exam. it's prompted allocations of fraud and left the future of nearly 3000000 students. at risk, alexander vice has a story braving scorching heat and heavy police presence. students across india have been protesting for days. for them. everything is at stake. they're furious over suspected cheating at the highest level of their
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national exams. jack and yeah, so what can i say? whatever is happening is very strange everywhere. cheating is happening. there's no discipline the indian governments, national testing agency is that the center of the scandal. it holds elite entrance exams, critical for securing a spot in highly competitive university programs. thousands of students earned unusually high marks this year. some statistically impossible to achieve its prompted widespread allegations of cheating that include questions being leaked and sold for tens of thousands of dollars ahead of the exam. the discussion nick is yet issues and that was really what from indeed that's photo that i showed you that was very fun for me to accidentally predict in the head of the agency had been sacked, results and other exams have been cancelled. students have petitioned the courts
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and police are investigate think across the country. there's no point, but you knew, i mean, you know, one is going to be spread. well, no matter how big or influential someone is, no one is going to be sped. * the scandal has reached the highest levels of indian politics. the opposition say the render moody and his government are to blame for not cracking down on corruption. the youngsters in india simply have no way to and it's not just the educational crisis. it's a crisis in pretty much every sphere that we're facing. now people already killed the disaster and we've got a government that is good, but cannot do the job. more than 3000000 students sat this year as exams from many, it took years of high pressure study and the norm is sacrifice to get to this point . they say their dreams have been wasted left without
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a university place. they say the only way forward now is to seek justice. alexandra myers out a 0 of the 5 slides and draws destroying food crops and farms around the world. take look at what's happening in eastern china weeks of south 20 being hate and little to no rain full has left corn fields in shun dong punch. that means farmers incomes are drying up too. so the you may have ago 10 is extremely, extremely severe. from the time i can remember, i've never seen a dispatcher or used even with the drought in the nighttime 6 days. or it wasn't as dry as it is this year. and the back that is due rain once or twice in the spring, but this year it hasn't been even once. it is a different situation in southern china, but the story remains the same farmland, flooded by days of torrential rain with thousands of heck does of cops completely
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avoid exceptionally dry weather is affecting coco farmers in africa. more than 60 percent of the world's supply comes from ivory coast and gonna in the past year, the prices of nearly tripled putting pressure on co chocolate fellas, while in europe, huge amounts of rain have taken a total on agriculture. 234 percent more rain than usual last fall and, and it lease food basket region of the body is disrupted the planting of brains like may soya and rice rolling douglas. he's a ceo of climate risk and resilience at the global ensure a housing group holdings. he says, is going to take a global effort to slow the kind of price i regretfully was saying the impact of, of turning the levels thermostat off when out. so 225000000 pulse of a cx. so you put a 1000000 of, uh, in the atmosphere, and that's literally like setting up the thermostat and the slave. surely the
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templates is in the oceans rising to striving most like lands. uh, missing uh, increase the temperatures which are close to closing risk of wells far and flooded will say, tornadoes and a major hell event. so this is inevitable under directly it's going to get some continue to get worse as us the atmosphere just of these new conditions. and so we got to learn to prepare and with that space then this summer for expose communities protecting the northern hemisphere. but actually in the years ahead, governments companies, both of us really go to the wherever we do. security is probably the primary transmission system for the most acute, but also strategic impacts of climate change on countries and communities. and it's also a, a growing stress for jet physical and why the economic challenges of the world is, is currently facing as a sort of
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a multiply risk multiply. so we've got to focus on at the, of a sort of local level and sharing that communities have the right kind of support the rights of across the right sort of sees heat resistance or, or uh, what will the appropriate process of props for those that have cause protecting other regions from excess flood through, through various interventions through to reduce flood risk. in particular, the costs the well, the ukrainian striking, the russian makes crimea peninsula who's killed fine as people in sense beach go is running for their lives. it happened in the block c for the city. as of last of all, local you officials say ukraine's military 5 ballistic miss size with cluster munitions, russian and defensive shut down 4 of them. a 5th at wes hits change direction exploded over the city. the gulf. no, if the boss fall says
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a 124 people were injured. that's bringing daniel hawkins in moscow for is what's the reaction from the russian government to this attack? well firstly, the governor of the government of from you has announced a day of morning tomorrow in connection with what happened on the beach earlier today. other than that. so we can say rational so word he's in no 2 minds who they blamed for this. i liked, has attacked the russian, i'm of the saying that these was us supplied outcomes. marseilles, as you say, most were shut down one exposure to mid ass gas, wrong. these class, the munitions according to the russian id and the speech. and they've said they are full primarily washington, responsible for this because they say, but it was them that should be provided coordinates for us that somebody to launch these attacks that they want to do is also found the response. though it's not clear what that's going to be, they don't elaborated on this. we also know that the medical transport plane has
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been dispatched from moscow to bring in those children that were injured in this attack were on the stand at least 5 in a critical condition. they, we both must go for treatments in the coming hours. the casual, difficult at this stage, of course, unfortunately, may rise as well. danielle, thank you for the update. that's daniel hawkins lived there in moscow. a while ukraine's president voted means the lensky says he's all me, has shot down to russian caliber aircraft. the comments came off to russia launch a missile attack on ukraine's capital keys. at least 2 people were injured. ukrainian military officials say their ad defend system, destroyed 2 of the weapons in khaki. one person has died and half a city was left without electricity after another wave of russian attacks, at least 10 people were injured. these latest attacks come dressed the day after russian strikes killed, 3 people in khaki, of which is just
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a few kilometers from the front line. another 52 were injured. present savanski has again call for more ad defenses from western on ice. the still ahead on this is our a memorable performance via down to sign of a t 20. well come that's coming up in sports with each i stay with the joe biden and donald trump go head to head. so we're going to fight it was a rick trial and a saw in the 1st tv debate of the us selection 2024. we're going to close that border tied as a drum standard strong where you crate. we're going to drill baby drill. we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way you can get elected to sit, she supposed to be coverage and the amount of our african stories from african perspective. amazing me these 2 menus to same mass email box. so some
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people are too short documentary by african filmmakers from the media and gonna, knowing that i'm actively of contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water. and the go from a new series of advocate direct on. i'll just sierra the the as for seems to be to probably thank you very much. for me, the one will check and next for stuff, and as one the spanish growing people, the food you in a row, the red bull drive it started from 2nd on the grid in fossil learner,
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behind land and all this stuff. and i the toughness by the 1st 10, it was george russell who shopped into the lead desk and then post rustling, left 3 in from pain meds, and looked back to stuff and crossing the line. 2.2 seconds ahead of my turns norris'. so he's 7 victory in 10 races the season. the cities is loise hamilton finished food for his 1st podium of 2024 england or looking to beat the usa. it almost certainly booked a place in the semi finals of the t 20 cricket woke up. the americans all basking 1st and all 102 for 5 in bridgetown, barbados. meanwhile, afghanistan shucks, australia to keep a semi final hopes alive. they handled the all these base whose last solve the tournament display the head straight from pet cummins. it's the 2nd straight match that come in. this has made 3 dismissals in a row with things if it's helping was picked up. got he's done to 148 for 6 will
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say 20 of is 2. but the nave, however, made sure that to spray they fell short, taking full for 20 of the skins dismissed australia for 127 to win by 21. runs, it's a watered up game and definitely know what it comes to beating besides it's, it's, it's a good achievement and the we ended up doing, you're going to want to work up. so meeting team like that. i think it's always gives you that so much energy it the doesn't need you to sleep as when it's all low . nothing full scotland may offend since they had for stood. got knowing history or next it from the euros awaits the scott's face. hungry. in a final group game, which takes off in a few hours from now a, when would likely see been progress to the round of 16 as one of the best food placed teams. if they manage that it will be the 1st time scoffing has progressed beyond the group stage of a major tournament, golf tournaments extensive occasion to come out here and to be involved in and for
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scott, for scotland. the 1st major overseas tournament since 1998. 1990 . 0, still play. it's a long time ago. so it's nice for them to be nothing you can see with the support as it will go. i've here have much they have enjoyed being here. i'm sure other people, but in scotland, the other 5000000 admonished to travel, i'm sure that they also didn't ghost in the tournament and russian as well to many owing pole position to top the group. the hosts take on switzerland, latham looking to make its 3 wins. from 3 chimneys coaches, not on the estimating his opponents. despite these teams in prison phone, which has been a mess of turn around from the 2022 world cup in which the sun did not make it out of the group stages, just pushed onto the document, we get the impression that the germans are believing in us once again, and then we must give further momentum to this passion. we must further foster it,
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but this can happen only if we believe in ourselves on i don't know the secret, but simply we got back in the saddle and we came some good results. and we got a very good starting to this turn. these supposed to go all concerned as a group, as windows of the beating to tier. but not a silver gave portugal the lead. the 2016 european champions we'll get to the 2nd co circus, defend the summits. i been attempting a back post to the go people buddy sped, found the back of the site and me. christy on a ranada, the insights of through ness and then is who made it's 3 new to portugal in the 2nd off. okay, let's take a look at group if of $22.00 rounds of group of games, the key or 2nd and must avoid the fees and they final match against the czech republic to be. so it's an of progressing georgia. drew 11 with the checks with both teams fill in with a chunk of qualifying fell. jim are off the market,
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the euro spacing romania to know to pick up. they 1st went up the tournament. they went to, hey it all to 2 minutes when the aroma made a call to say it's up to you to tell them on your coffee and stuff like that and go rolled out for the food timing to matches. but with 11 minutes left, then just the cities tend to throw in a seal the to know victory. and belgium's 1st 3 points of color come, action men get people. i wasn't worried off to the 1st much. i don't think we played badly. of course we made a few mistakes, but i think we created opportunities into it, but we just didn't go any goals for them. i think we, we show of our plan. we knew what we had to do today, and it's, and i think our performance was a lot better. it really could not be any tighter in that group or right now for teams sitting on the 3 points heading into the final round of games. those and will play ukraine? well,
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romania face slovak. yeah. all right. let's go from the european championship to the top of america. now we mexico. i've opened a campaign by beating jamaica by one goal to know it wasn't all good news for the mexican team in houston. they kept them in some over is winter in the 1st tough with the head string injury mexico's when i came with around 20 minutes to go courtesy of head out of the pay guy they take on venezuela. next. speaking of the venezuelans, they will also go into that game on the back of the victory baseball effect to win t one against it could all had to play a scene. so in the 1st off, it's on the cubbies and it was bales getting the goals full venezuela in the 2nd off tennis now and to time wimbledon champion and the murray will misuse tournaments. hope you're having a back surgery already has been dealing with a spinal 1st and one to play at the events in london where he won 2 of these 3
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grand slam titles. the operation has also left these participation at mixed months parents olympic games in doubt. well the one yet accent a is warming up nicely for wimbledon by winning, he suppose. title and cross go straight and open champion defeated proteins who but hope to catch in straight face type victory in jaila. the tele infringing these fish trophies since moving to the top of the rankings center has last just 3 matches all season and now heads to the 3rd grand slam of the us. the top seemed jessica particularly is also celebrating her 1st type loan growth of the getting past coke, a golf in the semi finals earlier in the year. she went on to beat rushes and cutting sky uh in the final of the building opened the world and the 5 lost the 1st set before coming back to where in 3 figures to save the 5 match points and the decided it is, the americans put korea title
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a salary. richardson has qualified for the patters olympics off. so when he the one underneath a sprint of the us track trials. so the time of 10.71 seconds the raining will champion missed the tokyo games was disqualified from the u. s. t. of the testing positive for cannabis use and the world's best speed time is scramble for the tickets. the parents olympics that a qualifying event in budapest, proteins alexander colored sky one. the women's final world. china is really fun. rose to the occasion. a maintenance advance will leave it there for now. i'll be here again. lights with most bullets needs. funny peter, thank you very much for that. american singer songwriter taylor swift who will take to the stage on sunday night for her 3rd sold out show at wembley stadium. she'll never find another likely this hosting more tennis, less performances than any other city in the world,
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drawing nearly 700000 people over 3 days. a report release this week says that megastar concerts will boost the city's economy by about $380000000.00. and she's planning to return for another 5 sold out shows in august, august, there is really challenges in london and as more on what's being called swift to nomics, which is vicky economic impact of taylor swift. concepts. us assigned a ticket. registers timing at the moment and as, as the site $318000000.00 just for london, but bought these bank is estimated that titus swift is generating about $1270000000.00 for the whole u. k. uh, economy. basically, each of the fans that you can see streaming up towards wembley stadium and the distance that on average would have spent a $1000.00 or more on tickets. on the accommodation, on food on things like that, there's
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a outfits to buy. this type of swift themes off the policies to go to and to afford you can see why all that money is rolling and she hasn't just been playing london. of course, he's been playing that in black. honda and live at both ends. it's being cold. swift and all makes this, this whole phenomenon in london is mostly economic slouch. as i said he's, he's a huge number of, of musical performance and supporting and performances that every yeah, yet the man is office knows that taylor swift is different. it's got this property is that each die hards with the about the amount of money who is being generated as a temple in southern india has introduced several body callous cent discount pod animal cruelty during rituals named by le dice. and it's 3 meters tall and weighs nearly a 1000 kilograms. people for the ethical treatment of animals, peta, donated the robot in recognition of the temples, promised to never use life elephants in its rituals. they've been cases of kept developing,
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set temples attacking or killing humans. and that's it for this is our on algae 0 to stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with the based on the i think the global system is broke. system does not solve itself. we're going to have to find new ways we do not need fossil fuel, the 2nd exp to knowing what to do, the saving consciously to the right things that will help us solve this problem. not by ignoring everybody else and that's enough to one. so there's a false expectation, particularly among rich people, that they can survive everything, even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate change. and
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they're going to have to says fish behaviors. what got us into this problem and surface behavior will not get us out of this, but what is the effect of the conflict on the environment? the impact is, is so much more than just emissions from tanks ships and will fight more than will say it has a devastating effect on people. and the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. and every time ministry spend and increases military emissions increases. and this war and this kind of christ, hey, on the planet, on that does ita. this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. the listening post covers have in use is presence emanuel not call surprised phones by calling us not to mention just weeks before the live the games in paris of do
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a. so just support from reading the times national run, the policy will look at the pay off. will the country know cheaper to the, to the far right of the print connection without using the . ready abuse and humiliated douches era speaks to an age of pot us to me and who us drop to the front of these really military vehicle to be occupied, westbank and possibly use as a human shield to is really sole. just grab my hands and 2 others. my feet start swinging on left to right. i fell to the ground twice. and on the 3rd time, they showed me over to the


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