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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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or the multiple attacks across from russia's dentist region with the targets, including a church and a synagogue. several people have been to the hello. i'm jessica washington. this is all just the red line from dough ha. also coming, abused and humiliated odyssey or speak to a palestinian who was injured and strapped to the front of and his rarely military vehicle and the occupied westbank and used as a human she to his way to soldiers grab my hands and to this my feet stopped swinging, left and right,
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i felt to the ground twice. i know the fear that they shot me over the hook. these ran the military targets, interest, age distribution, building in tulsa cities, with thousands of displaced pallets, palestinians had gathered at least 4 people acute task growing calls for a rerun of indian national exams and medical colleges of to unusually high scores. and allegations of people in the there has been several attacks across the rushes druggist on region. at least 6 policemen and a priest were killed. 12 others were injured. synagogues in mechanical and 2 events was set of ladies. a church in dublin was also set on
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fire. well, let's speak now to our russia correspondent, julia shep alova usually took us through the latest about these these attacks. so jessica, we're talking about to say she's in the news and coaxes republic of douglas stein. russia's republic of a dentist on the hutch, carla and your band. so as you mentioned at the number of deaths as a result held that types in target stock has increased at 9 people. 25 has been injured and ministry equipment will supported on the streets of their band to right now. the entrance to the city is currently locked and still ration to eliminate the minutes since continues during been kind of growing channels, right? that's an a sold has begun on the house and which they have tacos, have allegedly been hold up. also local telegram channels published videos all the
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situation in the hutch color as well. so the roads that are blocked. there are a lot of police on the streets and which is also report from the seed that's many ambulance is a what hedging of that to the place where that talks, i've taken place right now. so local channels were pulled that the, the militants are stopping cars at gunpoint and taking them away from the drivers and uh, also uh the car abandoned by the attack. cuz the scene of the incident is right now being inspected by sniff dogs. so basically it's, he's an important day as close in russia because also the ex questions celebration poetry to sunday today. but obviously that gets done is predominantly a muslim country. but to that detaches all settings churches were a tops, is quite a significant, full, full the wish present. the believe is in this country,
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you would have officials, the in russia, had to say about this incident and how they handling the situation. well, we've had sions, some of tre, pregnant analyst, as well as from some officials. they say that south tower and leaders watch hawks to drive the attention from russia's fight in ukraine. the taking of hostages in a free trial detention center enroll stove and don't buy tacos boxing on behalf of this lumnick state took place exactly a week ago in the morning of june, the 16th and to to free holsters special schools. as soon as the free trial detention center kennings 5 a tacos, and he rushes sweet, free to similar attacks for which there is logic state. i take responsibility to place one after another. so the 1st it was big focus safety whole are talking much
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. then there was a pre trial detention center in will stalled. now they supplied kona chancia in synagogue and doug, it's done, but states representatives and officials kind of at mid best because of legend page and publicly had publicly announced that russia couldn't be targets of but him is what we he and now is that even before the investigation has even begun and some officials a place they were supposed to been to see what happened on ukraine. and they said, and staff will create text that critics say. it's a very dangerous precedent as a source is losing the ability to respond to real threats that can be different from the official rhetoric. right. julia, thank you so much. that's julia shipping. those over posing from most of the
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said intense fighting against him most in russia is about to end. he also told is rarely media that that move would allow move forces to be deployed to the northern border with levon on these ran, the government has found out 0 from reporting this. so we're bringing in hondas looters. joining us from jordan to we've had a response from the is rarely ami. firstly, let's talk about the attack on the owner of facility. what they've been saying so far. well, to begin on on or why these really army has made change since the beginning of this war that on or what is operating as a i love this facility that they targeted in the north was previously used as an ottawa facility and is now being used by both have mass and palestinian is. lemme g had though it is worth mentioning, that under what has completely denied all of these claims and the is really not only the army but the government
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a like have really demonized this you one organization that is considered one of the own, the lifelines for palestinians throughout this war and for palestinians in gaza in general, remember, we're not just talking about this war. we're talking about a decades long blockade b is really government had gone so far as to introduce a bill last month within these really parliament to say to designate on our well as a terrorist organization. now these really military is maintaining that all of their strikes are coming with precision based on intelligence that they have gathered. but the results on the ground are showing a completely different story palestinians injured in the masses of lease or who were killed as a result of this. and now this warehouse can no longer be used to distribute the very little aid that was already getting into northern gaza. and how to let's move on now to is really politics. we just had only a few moments ago from the israeli prime minister benjamin that now here saying that the intense fighting against time us in rough is about to end. what else have
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we heard on this? okay, it appears that we are having some connection problems. the speaking to honda, but we will endeavor to get back to her soon us and just a reminder that honda was joining us from jordan because to 0 is down from operating in israel. we will endeavor to get her back live soon. once we work out that connection issue, i'll do the or has spoken to an injured palestinian man who was used as a human shield by as many forces in jeanine in the occupied westbank. would you all had a body was strapped to the front of and his really neat military vehicle on saturday, which drove past several ambulances for the 1st time, a body explains what happened to him. about a 100 on the telephone saffir. i received a phone call yesterday morning that he's really special forces are in the neighbor
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. i was at my uncle's house with my cousins and i stepped out to check and found them if you me cause away. as we start to go back home these way, the soldiers open fire. my cousins were injured. and i've also received the bullets in my um let me show behind and he's really on the vehicle parked outside my uncle's house with both these really soldiers kept firing. and by the time i felt to the ground, i received another bullet in my legs. some of our friends and neighbors were also arranged. all these really soldiers round of them all up, but they could not reach me behind the ahmed vehicle. they shouted at me just a full without reply though was injured and could not move these weighty soldiers slight. then you should die or remain on the ground bleeding for more than 2 hours, which is none of the soldiers approached me. only one drone hovering above us. i kept bleeding off cuz that another is really on the can approach the one i was lying behind. they tried to run me over. oh, you know, there's
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a lot of footage cruising all this. oh, i called with difficulty and can clear within that range. as they approached, one of the soldiers cramped into my head under his boot, kept bunching me in the face of kicking my bleeding leg. well, he twisted my injure on my leg, an own bones were broken. how totally crushed these very soldiers capital offering and mocking some wells beating me to this from to his very soul. just grab my hands and to others my feet. they started swinging my left to right. i fell to the ground twice. and on the 3rd time, they shoved me over the hood. it was extremely hot that my back was, but they drove me back and forth from 20 that i had hoped to be dead before these very soldiers arrived. i had expected them to attend to my wounds, not to beat them back to me while i already had to critical injury. last to these very soul, just get me on the, on the vehicles hood for 20 minutes,
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driving back and forth. and finally, they drove me on the vehicle to the main road. with these way the soldiers were stationed, were bringing back on, corresponded time to salute, who is reporting from jordan following developments in israel, and reminded of holidays reporting from jordan. because israel has found out a 0 from operating that under a moment ago we were talking about these developments in his really politics. the latest that we've heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the intense phase of fighting against him us is coming to an end. what more have we heard? let's remember that zach last monday on june 17 b is really military, had released a statement saying that they had now defeated half of how masses the tale and half of their fighting forces in southern gaza. another operation in dropbox would take a few weeks to complete, but it is worth mentioning, this is in no way an indication from the is really government for the army. but this is an end the war. and that's and young himself had said that tonight in an
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interview with is really media. i also want to mention that since the beginning of this war, he had not really given interviews to is really media, but rather a gone to american media or international media. really giving israel's message, he says abroad, but there was a campaign that within is really media to get him on and it has seemingly worked so tonight on his roles channel 40 and nathan, yahoo is stating all of the policies that he essentially wants to instill in this morning's cabinet meeting. nothing you all who had rushed to side finance minister bits on it, smelt ridge of bar, right member of method yahoo, who's coalition because small rich wanted to establish a military governance in gaza. so we're talking about a full scale military occupation. similarly to what we see in the occupied westbank . so this was already a hint that perhaps these relatives were working on some sort of non military,
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non political kind of governance for garza. and he did say that tonight in this interview, he also mentioned a wide variety of things that israel is going to continue the fighting until there's an absolute victory in the war. and one asked about how some of these really public has lost their faith in him. he says that he is, quote, a strong leader that is going to lead the country into victory until all of those goals of the war are achieved. so well be, is really government and the army are saying that the fighting is close to an end in the fall. it is in no way and into cation, but the war itself is anywhere near its end. right. that's how desolate the reporting from jordan. honda, thank you and a reminder that honda is reporting from jordan because israel has signed out of here from operating that thank you. i'm to israel is military has once again unleashed a badge of attacks on civilians in gaza. at least 4 palestinians were killed and
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thousands more injured when it's rarely showing targeted the guns a city compound. i'll see you an agency for palestinian refugees. the owner of the facility had been turned into a warehouse for what little aid was getting into the strip honey. my boat reports or another shoulder for hundreds of displays. palestinians in dogs are destroyed. and some of the limited supplies of a rolling after israel targeted the honorable headquarters in gaza city. the solid, i found my eldest son in jersey, the youngest trapped under the debris and those dead bodies lying there. what's wrong? did these innocent children do? we are running from death towards death, young man and women are slaughtered by these radius. there is no safe and, and the entire gauze and strip. this is our life. nothing but fear and destruction running from death to death. the war in gaza has internally displaced more than
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1700000 people with a few. if any places that can be considered safe, we are not just saying i didn't was a couple not to all of us here are display civilians. so i'm trying to get their hands on food. others searching for clean water without warning is riley war plans fired missiles on us. this is an unreal center. it's supposed to be safe. but these riley's have no regard to any limits. israel's intensified a blockade, means a deliveries are often it's stuck at border crossings, subjects through his regular scrutiny and aid workers say the aid that does arrive is difficult to deliver due to the ongoing bombardment destroying supplies that have really found their way in mean a population of 2300000 that is already facing the use of our vision is that even a greater risk? honeymoon was just the it out from the central area of the gaza strip. how the sign is really forces have also attacks the elbow range refugee camp. in the middle of
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the gaza strip, paramedics rushed to the scene and treated several casualties. at least one palestinian woman was killed. the still ahead on out a 01 for the money to for the show, taylor swift global tour has become a musical and financial the for the big and recently damaging tens of thousands central europe, particularly the something else. and more recently, the west and ukraine are repeatable event. they are moving in some places, but i think there's something else in dolton history that risk continues to rep monday and probably to say, we might see if you continued big ones in the west and balkans. but they will ease away from west and into eastern you crate. this is sort of the remnants of an a
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cold front, which means it's cooler to the north and the size, but it's very visible after the site. but that junctions produce the energy it's necessary for those john stalls with cricket bowls sized hail. however, if you're not on denise, those is cart quite well, but it certainly improve, you know, you're so disappointing stops. yeah, for example, it, but then we should see times that's about 30 inches 23. that's so continuous. the next 5 days, neatness tunnels of stuck them were up to simulate temperatures. again, quite a rapid change happening, proven to stomach. it still tremendously halting out. you have, you may be less surprising. i saw 49 yesterday because he something similar during the day, not many people live to, but it just indication of her health things. all the disappointment is for the science. so how we should see a multitude of big chairs, they're fairly rare. the onboard china is past fishing. thing to evidence of human rights abuses is
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widespread trafficking wage the code on the black people starving death on land. it's a legs. we goes a forced to work and c food processing units, obligations. china denied one. 0, one east investigating some china slaves. fiction. oh no. just the power defines i wow, we live here. we make the rules, not the people empower, investigate, expose the question. the youth and the business of our around that go on out just there on the the this is a reminder of how top stories this hour. what 0 has spoken to an engine, palestinian who was strapped to the front of and his family military vehicle in the
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occupied westbank on saturday, and used as a human shield, which you all had a body said is rarely so just continued to beat him despite but he was already injured, at least for palestinians have been killed and many more injured off. is there any forces shown to the main own rebuilding in kansas city compounds main gauge was he's causing significant damage. hundreds of displaced palestinians that sort shelter in the building. at least 9 people, including 6 police officers, had been killed in attacks across the rushes. the dog has done regions, at least 2 synagogues, and a church with such a ukrainian as strike in the russian annex. crimea peninsula has killed at least 6 people and sent beach go is running for their lives. it happened in the black sea port city of sylvester polt. local officials say ukraine's military military, 5 ballistic missiles, with cluster munitions,
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freshman and defense of shut down 4 of them. a 5th that was here to change direction and exploded over the city. the governor's office of us apollo says a 124 people went into trouble the head of india is national exam agency has been dismissed after weeks of time, well treated by a major cheating scandal. thousands of students achieved unusually high marks and this is medical entrance exam is prompted allegations of fraud and left the future of nearly 3000000 students at risk. alexandra violates reports braving, scorching heat and heavy police presence students across india have been protesting for days. for them. everything is at stake. they're furious over suspected cheating at the highest level of their national exams. jacking yeah . so what can i say? whatever is happening is very strange. everywhere. cheating is happening. there's
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no discipline. the indian governments, national testing agency is that the center of the scandal. it holds elite entrance exams, critical for securing a spot in highly competitive university programs. thousands of students earned unusually high marks. this year, some statistically impossible to achieve its prompted widespread allegations of cheating that include questions being leaked and sold for tens of thousands of dollars ahead of the exam. the discussion, nick is yet this is just another video from inside it. that's photo that i showed you. that was very fun. somebody accidentally predicted the head of the agency had been sacked, results and other exams have been canceled. students have petitioned the courts and police are investigating across the country. they point, but you know, i mean,
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you know, one is going to be spread. no matter how big or influential someone is. no one is going to be sped. the scandal has reached the highest levels of indian politics. the opposition say the render moody and his government are to blame for not cracking down on corruption. the youngsters in india simply have no way to and it's not just the educational crisis. it's a crisis and pretty much every sphere that we're facing. now people are already killed, they're just sitting on a disaster and we've got a government that is good, but we cannot do the job. more than 3000000 students this year is exams from many, it took years of high pressure study and a norm is sacrifice to get to this point. they say their dreams have been wasted left without a university place. they say the only way forward now is to seek justice. alexandra
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buyers out a 0 can in president william rudo says he's ready to hold tubes with thousands of young protesters who held a nationwide to demonstrations against a plan. tax increases, or just as his government will address use unemployment and promised to move funds for higher education. and i am very proud of our young people. they have the full what, try bless. they have the full what peaceful. and i want to tell them. we're going to engage them. we're going to have a conversation, so that together we can build a great mission. those protests is dump the week of rage continue across kenya. catherine, so a reports from nairobi to the right outside paula. and then there's been a huge security presence since last week when the process started. now the process is save that they wants to off,
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she's high parliament and these are the police presence is just going to increase because on tuesday is when the members of parliament are going to vote for that point. nonce bill. and um, a lot of the young people who have been here, i say that they will not let that happen. very helpful for a week originally seen several activities to watch that. let's start with president . tools. was in a central tenure and the so young people who had come outside the charts and when he's k, voice was leaving, they started taunting this on sci fi, non severe loved. and then they said that they're very angry at other areas. so um, you know, people of hiring slugs, for example in charge is really just need to have a loud um,
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some of these youngsters to come to shop with the floods. and to talk about this by nonce bills we have hard from lead is of any religious need is basically who are say, present roots or the government's the m p 's. they need to listen to what the people are saying. because the people are very clear on what they want. now we know that says this process goes, we're very young. a thing that said they will not relent. they say that they will keep pockets until they hold accountable their lead, as because they have the power in numbers. catherine, so they all just, there are no, rosie. saudi arabia has announced that more than 1300 kilograms died during this years. hodge, the saudi health minister said most of the debts were caused by extreme hayes and
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pilgrims walking long distances under direct sunlight. the authorities say 83 percent of those who died were unregistered hodge pilgrims in response to to the death egypt has revoked the licenses of 16 hodge associated tourism companies in tennessee, the religious affairs minister has been sucked in france protests. so taking place against the fall rise, women's organizations have been marching in paris ahead of next week's not a problem entry election. president emmanuel, my crowned results opponent 2 weeks ago after his party lost ground to the found right in you can call them at elections, crowns move could have power to maureen, the penn national valley policy from paris natasha battle. it really depends for right policy is on the brink of power in front the 1st time and she knows that upbeat and smiling the pen met supporters in the constituency of anna
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beaumont ahead of make sundays not collection is the one that we did. we have the possibility of winning these elections and creating a unity government. this will get this country out of a rush. earlier this month, the president unexpectedly dissolved paul limits of to resend to right party was drafted by the fall rights in front says you election emanuel mike crow said he was responding to food. his grievances and conceited had made some mistakes, spastic of it. if i thought i'd done everything right, i wouldn't be standing here today. i wouldn't have dissolved the government and everything would be fine. so yes, i do take some responsibility with a surprise election looming politicians from all sides of being propelled into last minute campaign with a political twist, some tubs, as domestic as macros decision. the conservatives of being ripped apart by divisions. it's lead to eric's, you'll see, barricaded himself in his office of to be expelled from the policy for online with
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the fall right on the left wing policies of the lines. one foot impossible, that includes socialist readings and cleanliness studies that no wonder is that all the data and we do need, we have decided to unite to resist the fluoride. but above all, to restore hope, to millions of people who live in front and who cannot stand manual mac loans pulse is any longer this not, the legend is a major gamble for emanuel macro. she is pressing on. vote is being so scared to overflow, right. victory, the bill back is policy. that may have been the case in the post, but it's not necessarily the case today. it is to this post the says michael underestimates the appeal of the pens policy. so can you can, once he's not taking into account is that these days people are gone to the national riley as a political party like any of projecting a soft a younger image depends. national riley has widened its appeal, but the language critical us migrants muslims in the you remains the same. if the
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fall roy takes power, michael will most certainly lose his bets and paved way to the countries 1st popular government. the heel of gambled away his political cry dependency does legacy natasha butler, which is 0 power. as the large crowds have gathered in the streets in brazil to protest against a bill that would further criminalize abortions if paused, it would treat the termination of pregnancy up to $22.00 weeks. of homicide. want to, you know, was at the rally in re edition and we are here in rio, additional narrows iconic pop up on a beach. all these people that you see here, they have come to protest against the bill. that weighs abortion after $22.00 weeks of pregnancy to murder that lead to a 20 year for women who have these abortions which are now allowed by the current legislation. now
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a reason to have just come out the says that out of every resilience, even those that are christian catholics because they are against this fail. and this is a wake up call because people here say that congress is using this politically. they are touching this very divisive subject during an election year and in october williams were roll, municipal elections that are very important here. and that usually influence the outcome of the future presidential election monitoring in the 0. we're just american singer, songwriter taylor swift school take to the stage on sunday nights for her 3rd sold out show at wembley stadium. she'll never find another likely london is hosting most homeless with performances and.


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