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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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tasteful phones of discrimination watch focused bringing people together is quite unlike anywhere else. i lost my lot white folks football office on out a 0 the on children 21000 and no missing since as well as the tax on calls. i began in no type of the time of anxiety. this is all just there in life and also coming up as well as prime minister says intense fundraising, and garza is nearly over. i didn't say it doesn't mean the war is about, and an account of terrorism operation ends in russia's, duncan's stone region, often government attacked churches and synagogues killing at least 19 people. 9
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bodies are found off to 5 breaks out of the lithium factories. factory in south korea, the mold in 37000 palestinians in garza has been killed by israel since october, nearly hoff with children as well as the abuses of let it to being added to the un global blacklist of countries that home children and agencies say another 21000 children are missing. some have been separated from the families, all those buried on the rubble, the faint unknown. phoenix the wire reports in the united nations has called it a rule for children. the causes health ministry has documented more than $15000.00 of their debt. an 8
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agencies are founding the alarm on yet another green statistic. the missing children. according to whom money to and organization save the children almost $21000.00 to mind. those in gaza have been reported missing since the beginning of the war in october. $17000.00 of them are either unaccompanied or separated from their families, while at least $4000.00 a believe to be trumped under rubble. in the aftermath of these really strikes on residential buildings and refuge centers, wherever you look in gaza, there are children. they make up nearly half of the population in the besieged strip. in the wake of unrelenting war, 8 agencies say it's become more difficult to support them. nearly 19000 children are reported opened in gaza. that has left the fate of many miners
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entirely, or in part, in the hands of total strangers. they warn this is increasing the risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. and that's put a spotlight on a generation of children who have not only lost the apartments, but i left her alone and unprotected. it was on felix new r o g, a 0. color guzman as the general director of the child rights organization defense for children, international palestine. he spoke to us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. he says children in both gaza and the occupied westbank on deliberately targeted advisory forces. so we are lifting this feed for a lot of that fifties, but what we are facing, what we are, what i think is the rest of this event. but we didn't do it for even doing the 2nd word or so. yeah, it is. or what i guess to that,
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is it in the guess i'll be the big course of the big surprise for the size of a genocide. i'm good sense, of course was fine. that was the fact just didn't are also subject to work drives out of the crops trans against a human in the front, right? so with the ministry interested in gets out of my and it didn't systematically and continuously from the 80 so this is why we are talking about targeting just didn't, and we're interested in today and guess that is around the development of the population, as i mentioned. so eh, on it's relative that i for life is not going to be anymore and gets it. so the number of the children will be good and i'm so sorry to talk about the numbers. but that i'm finding that i'm but also it is that the facts on the ground. so we talk about the around the $20000.00 children. eh, missed and gets it. so those watkins,
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it's about 50 percent, almost 50 percent of the king does that. and then we'll talk about tip. this is 20000. did this means that more than 40000 being injured due to head is not guaranteed anymore. right? the fluid, right? the cleaner what the right to house thing. it goes as health ministry as announced, the death of the director of the ambulance and emergency service in gaza. honey out to frawley was killed in an as riley attack on the on the raj clinic. and garza city helping to see described him as a solid model of steadfastness and determination. within 500 paramedics and doctors have been killed. i've it $310.00 arrested since the beginning of israel's we were on the strip to speak now is a terry cowboy zoom who joins us now from there on father. so the desk of mister honey l jeffrey must be a huge blow. oh no, early to those who knew him,
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but also the exp be important while he was to reach the smelling that absolutely correct to. now what we do knows that as to how to drop around, we has been doing since say, one of the conflicts, everything possible in order to provide different sorts office since you have medical cap for palestinians and they know that part of the gaza strip despite is very bombardment on this flight, the met a treat encourage enough to know that part of the goals of sleep and that reflects the level of resilience and determination for those who are working of the medical field in order to keep providing all kinds of men to come help for palestinians as a we're talking about more that set to treat a palestinian hospitals have become out of service in light of this ongoing issue, a new fence up on the territory by the grim reality mentally. and in fact, is that use palestinians who have been trying to do everything possible to mitigate that humanitarian and medical crisis on the ground and the gaza strip have been taught that we are talking basically about to humanitarian workers will have been
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i've talked as they were doing their humanitarian jump, there are talking about police officers who have been targeted as they were trying to secure the set of the frontal them to find now with medical work is as 500 times plenty of medical workers have been killed so far since october the 7th along side with municipal members and crews on the grounds that they are trying to provide people with us as well. controls the vast majority of we were to wells across the gaza strip. so this is that you were in reality and faxed over to treat that as well right now was carrying out its, its military offensive on the goals a strip. mainly they are attacking everyone who's trying to help palestinians or even to try to mitigate this harsh condition on the ground. so high meal job for the long side with other medical workers have been a vulcan points of the is very military offensive approved to the ministry campaign on the gaza strip. where uh, the owner of also has been targeted within the past couple of days where at least
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67 percent of it's send it to you. i'm just pulled, have been also partially or completely destroyed and due to the widest to military and codes of the gaza strip, which no longer palestinians believe that it has an indian side. okay, thank you for that tire cowboys. do that for us and 0 by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that intent is fine take against her most in gaza. is nearing its end and his fuss sit down, interview with his riley media since the stones of the war. and that's, and you know, talked about deploying more troops to the northern board with less than on an address, ongoing antique government protests that will be used for any government. his bond elders era from full costing math. so home to salute reports now from amman in jordan. and the 1st time since the outbreak of israel's more ongoing as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu sits down for an interview with
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these really media. and just outside a crowd gathered in protest. in his interview with these rules bar right channel 14 nathan, yahoo says this portion of intense lighting in gaza is coming to an end. but that the war is far from over. netanyahu says a total ceasefire deal is not on the table. straying away from the 3 phase plan laid out by the bye, didn't ministration and scorching outrage from families of this really captive still held in gaza. i mean no more harm asked to come in hama. i am not ready to stop the war and for a loss to remain. i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us. and i know that we are forced to continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is removing him aust. i'm not ready to compromise. and on the escalating situation with his bola, he says, israel is prepared for all possible scenarios,
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including a full scale war history, almost all of our soon after the end of the severe phase of the war, we will have the possibility to transfer a part of the troops to the northern borders, and we will do it firstly for defensive purposes. and secondly, to return the population to their homes. if we can, we will do it, doesn't matter. click last week, these really aren't issued a statement saying it had defeated half of him. this is military capabilities in drop off, and that operations would last a few more weeks, while the army spokesperson said a total defeat of how mass in gaza is unlikely. the possibility of war continuing seems to be very much still underway until there is serious significant pressure from the united states in the form of cutting off the money and the weapons that are enabling this war and this genocide, to continue in the wake of the rear interview pressure continues to melt on these
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really prime minister from allies like the united states to families of captives and even from his own coalition, from the central jersey to a man. and a reminder, identity is really government is bound known as era from appraising in israel, which is why we are reporting from neighboring jordan. now, is there any forces of car that range across the occupied west bank? at least a 100 people were detained. how the thing is confronted is there any forces with fireworks west of ramallah last or 7? fighting in the town of to boss for one? palestinian was injured by gunfire in the city. now. bless the source. he's in the russian region of august on say, a counter terrorism operation is now over. government killed 15 police officers and
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4 civilians in simultaneous attacks in the cities of much color. doesn't. the attack has targeted a cynical churches and a police post. an orthodox priest was killed in a church called shop, dead in devon, in the capital. the government fired on a traffic police by 6 suspect gunman have been killed. she wouldn't be due. today has become a day of tragedy for august found on our entire country. unprecedented in their cruelty, the terrorist attacks were committed against religious sites in the capital. much carla and our ancient city, their bent is going to daniel hawkins. he is not even most gay. daniel, a significant attack. have we had any more about who was behind it? as well as the motivation as well, the active face of the god to tell peroration, may be over, but fine to piece together who was behind this and then motivation. of course,
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the rest of the investigative committee is only just beginning my belief, those updated casualty because lines that are 19 people killed at 50 millers police officers that we understand labor doesn't all still in hospital, some of those in a serious condition as well. yes, that a russian media will quick so float the citing security forces that these attack in some way have had some sort of links to foreign extremist organization. some sort of really ations to uh, to these foreign groups that because they were using, according to russian media at foreign weapons in these attacks though they've not put into more detail about what exactly this could have been this morning. a thing, thanks. the institute for the study of all has said, that's all. yes, kase affiliate in russia has released praise for this attack. what stopped short of claiming direct responsibility? we also understand that some of these attackers, what a sounds of a local politician, they had links, the former law enforcement service attack was very close to home,
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full russian security services, at least to the laws resignation. if you lot are going to be very close to the look that one is the home road home in spite attacks and the 2nd version, some sort of link corporate ation to groups from abroad and tell you how of russian authorities reacted to this attack as well that's a, that's theory of phone development was floating very quickly yesterday by douglas stone and pay a bill came, got g f, who was quick to point the finger of blame. what he described does ukraine, nato states. he was quickly shut down by another russian for an addition to meet to the goals and who said, but simply blaming a foreign palace, phone or involvement for all such seems that it's wouldn't be leads appropriate in this for russia in the future this morning. so again, medical f, who's the head of the, i guess not real public, has said he's got little doubt that these attack is well inspired, supported
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a train of some sort of ball went from the outside as well from outside russia. that is the venture committee. this morning has been looking into these criminal cases of terrorism, obtaining weapons, staff to weapons as well. and that's, that's the biggest problem rushes, but it just, communities, jewish, muslim, unchristian, have very much sort to make a writing call for people not to be provoked by what they describe does. extremism was by the color as ation as an attempt to destabilize the russian society. and get started republic, which is of course most of the majority who public but also as significant communities. what minority communities with christians and the people of the jewish faith as well. so very much all the ortiz in the already days of this investigation, we're lucky to find out. as the identities of the attackers have been established, who they were in contact with, where they got these weapons and what exactly most somebody's attempt to carry out
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this choking attack on the synagogues, and searches in the group that gets done. okay, thank you for that. daniel, who can start for us in most guy since he's on the reports of heavy fighting between the sudanese all me, i'm the power ministry. rock that support forces in the city of call to bari, which is north of the capital. both the recess and the student needs on forces accused each other of destroying key infrastructure conflict between the 2 sciences last at over a year. and has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths as well as displacement of over 10000000 people. the still ahead on al jazeera french far rise, needed jordan bardello is trying to we know the young versus the head of elections that could see the national ronnie policy make big gains and phones. i am very proud of the young people, the i'm convinced by praise from the president,
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why kenya is young people are continuing to voice that rage that's coming up. see the mid, such as being greeted in central europe as you probably know by giants on the storms causing some damage, producing hey oversize or cricket bowls, that sort of people event. it's less likely to be at exactly the same place. the focus seems to be fair, the science ignore them. it's lee, west and bulk and still less so australia, unless so in ukraine with the sheriff's becoming rather lighter. but i think those missing particular is at risk. notice of this, the weather is improving from the point of view of it being summer, which hasn't been seen very much, to be honest. and more or less from hungry surface to greece and turkey of the
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attempt is to very high arguably it's a heat ways in places that are warnings that to prove the point ac improvement very from those. and here powers up to 32 on tuesday. and that heat stays until about friday when we see quite a rapid dropping temperature. so a quick look at why cause the defects most people in the near the heat will generate to think a line to thunder. storms is run slightly, eastwood's be followed by a rubber cooler and fresh it whether it says a 3 day summer heat wave for the u. k. for example, still very halting algeria. i'm looking for big showers in this a how and you can see there is one vast mass will move slowly, westwood through nigeria, maybe some new jet, but to be honest, they should be more as the teams in the gaza strip is there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as,
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as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the list, think that's the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching l does around linda thought old stories. this, our agencies say 21000 comes to me and children have gone missing and goes a census don't answer for, we don't tie that some all separated from that families,
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but it's really strikes have buried many of those under the rumble counterterrorism operation against government in rushes for don't need less than region of august on, has ended on medicines killed at least $21.00 people in simultaneous attacks, some churches, synagogues on a police post. in the cities of much of color, devon, 6 gunmen were killed by security forces. no 16 people have been found dead officer launch of fire broke out and it left him factory manufacturing phones in south career of a 1455 years have been sent to the factory to try to stop the spread of the blaze. they've now enter the building to begin such operations. let's go. i've not seen eunice kim, who is noise outside that manufacturing plot for us unit, so it does sound like a pretty significant fi. what more can you tell us of hi maureen. yeah, that's right. we've been seeing additional ambulances on you in
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a vehicle from of more it's file through into that hard 3 story, a lithium battery plant. here's what we know at this hour the death toll has risen to at least 16 with the latest recoveries, according to the latest precinct from the fire department. here they are a part of the 23 who were missing based on gps signals around the time of the fire this morning. they were in or near the the structure and many are known to be for and national as likely they work or is a 40 to an eye witness and evacuated from the 2nd floor of that person had spotted a spark from a battery, a single battery self and, and so that could be the source of the fire that started. but it was a very tense and difficult initial ours here, as because lithium batteries are once ignited,
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they were and more furiously and longer. and our explosive risk was very difficult for firefighters make use of those critical initial areas to go inside. the search continues. they are continuing to comb, and despite the president's orders to send as much resources as possible to save those lives. the news so far this afternoon is very good. ok, thank you for the units. kim. the 1st outside that lithium, manufacturing blown. thank you. from says roy, a national riley policies pending its hopes for success and next week snap elections on the president jordan bond data. and just a few years, some of a tally and immigrants has want in the appeal of his policy to attract young voters . on charlotte, just 28 by dentist says he's ready to become prime minister. natasha butler reports
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a jordan bottle. the 28 year old rising star of francis fall, right. national riley policy. maureen depends. protege and if things go his way in the snuff election from says next, prime minister for the law says he's ready for the job. laying out his vision on the campaign trail is sort of gone. you got to walk in terms of migration. the 1st measure i'm going to push through is the abolition of the right to legal residence in measures to enable foreign delinquents and criminals to be supported. but it has been in politics for more than a decade, both with tanya and parents in the pool towers sub a joins depends populace policy when he was 16, rising through its ranks to become an a p, a 23. using social media. he's white and the policies appeal a take talk politician for a new generation. recent you election, an unprecedented 30 percent of young people voted for right. mainly thanks to him. and i don't know any measure. he has an image that really speaks to young people
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about stopping you are taking over on nation the fronts to be not to go to austin. most of the songs live in a market outside power is 24 year old. mateo, jim murphy is campaigning for the national riley. he says, all that is the future. but it is that you don't have to be afraid for words. if you pay a tax, if you know or to be french and for respect to the control you are, you have to understand friends, you are not the chance for friends. friends is a chance for you. it's not any, some young people who are voting for jordan, fall of the people of all ages, all quite jones in kind of one of his main advantages is themes. these simply notes emanuel michael, is it possible who is all done by the law? i think jordan bardello is able to question himself, he's capable and intelligent, but i'm a chrome never questions himself. he doesn't listen to anyone who's on micros also the nemesis of from says new left wing alliance spot the on idea of depends on team
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with ration policy and power scares than even move or boston or most of those. i don't understand. i had confidence in all french people, whatever that religion, all the race i said to myself, it will never happen is dangerous because it creates hayes between people. and that's a shame. what on his opponents of what was concerned is he's pulled the national riley from the margins of french politics to the main stream. they say he'll destroy the country. he's supposed to say, he'll save it, patasha butler, which is 0 blowing people cool through the front. you know, they've been purchased over the arrest and transfer of 7 pro independent activists from the french pacific territory of new caledonia to mainland, from the authorities in paris, accused the group of orchestra writing riots in the territory last month, buttons erupt. it, as i propose electrical reforms that indigenous complex feed with dani that
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influence iran will hold its presidential election on friday. the guardian council of 12 members investing body has approved. one reform is politician and 5 conservative candidates to run for president around relations with region on the world. a one of the major topics in the race are so set as move from tech, from the southern depth of your brand, new president, the brain racing last month force these, let me probably to hold an election ahead of schedule. now 6 can, does this have just these to proceed waters? 2 of them are seen as permanent and have different views on how you're on should be a, with the rest of the world. the hotline conservative. so generally it promises to continue rates these policies. you just being in to help you, people should to someone who knows how to take to unfortunately, someone who can continue rates is probably a racist salt and the around is a nation by region. optimum western countries normalize relations with regional
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arrivals or the area suspecting ties with russia and china. joining both are stronger cooperation organization and the beef group of countries. just by good efforts, ron's economy remains in crisis and most of nations with the west cubic isolated from the national financial system. long before mister amongst these candidates message position can believe the solution is to have to act for investment by removing sections for decades. your own has been on the sanctions imposed by western countries in 2015. it signed a historic nuclear deal with 6 world powers, including 2 yes. you run agree to reduce if you didn't even richmond, significantly given to international sections were lifted, america will not be held hostage to nuclear black man. but in 2018 us administration on the donald trump withdrew from the deal and he pulls most sections on your off your very if you're on the former for the minister, closer to the architect of the nuclear deal. so 1st position in cottage and the
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reform is candidate to be negotiate the nuclear deal. if you liked it and position him, he will do so build on it gives me the art seems to 2nd board. well, no country has made progress. the down for investment on export, we have to increase exports attract funding investment. this is a fact. it is impossible to find a real part. now, what sanctions are seen in place? the more the conservative candidate bucket credit, but there's no port was the negotiations with the west, but you saves us is not trustworthy for them that you got to sure we saw what happened after we signed the deal. the us just told the deal about the left, but still, if the country's interest are fulfilled, we can negotiate to remove the assumptions, the positions and call the boss tended to seize or for for, for those seeking change. but many radians, believe rio cover lives with elected officials. and that's whoever you know, just as the winner would not be a game changer. there's a set of that,
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which is 0 to wrong. saudi arabia says 1500 pilgrims died during this. he is hobbs health minister says most of the desk because mine's extreme heat and pilgrims working long distances on the direct sunlight. 83 percent of those who died on the register pilgrims, egypt has revoked the licenses of 16 tourism companies association with punch. vietnam is in, during it's west route to nearly a decade, which could increase coffee. price is around the world so well 2nd largest coffee producing country. a lack of rain is home to output on which is the quality of beads on the say, the rustic climate, just making it hard to predict what that how this looked like. styles of young canyons of health nationwide demonstrations against plants tax increases. president william re to assess his government. we'll address confused unemployment
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. catherine. so airport's kenya has never seen anything like this. thousands of young people standing the fire and she's outside of charge. the president we moved to was washington. people have been using such events to blue police coordinators and disrupt the speeches. so congregants had to be started the checks before entering the building. after this service, the president's con void, doable to tons of everything is most people who don't they say thousands of young canyons are protesting against definitely non spill. i propose these additional taxes. the president says the government needs the money to serve as a huge x on those that implement development projects and avoid relying on outside


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