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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the the head of causes emergency services that rates 9500 medical work is kill since the stalls of israel's will. the hello. so robert, which he loves the life headquarters here in the also coming up the he's very full, sustained 100 people with an o is during rates across the okey bind, westbank and russia and blames the united states up to 4 people are killed by
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ukrainian miss silence, the vast apple is a 100 others are injured and counter terrorism operations and august on, in russia as a government attack churches and synagogues coming at least 20 people news . so this very strongly because kill the head of dogs is on balance and the emergency service honey of folly was killed and them is riley, strongly called the dodge clinic and also city the health ministry described him as a solid model. let steadfastness and determination. i'm a honda triples i've seen that has become all to for media to health was in god's according to but and these really nice time it's funny. oh, jeff rowley. someone went on to all of them. williams, the said that yesterday the irish clinic was attacked. the room of mister honey
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o jeff riley was talking to him because this is a he and his crime and adds to the record of the is ready. occupation is right. hoskins? hundreds of quite a medic. some doctors since it started it for in october. so does this health walk us no way safe, even to clinics the want is right to be held comfortable? last, you go, unless evidently, we appeal to the international institutions to take a test on some of these attacks. we have lost more than 400 health personnel in garza and more in detention. we lost dozens of health institutions to complete the partial destruction. we say to the world. isn't that time for you to stand up and protect the palestinians to protect medical crews and institutions, the respect, the palestinian bloom spots a 100 guys as health work as had been detained. we felt jag by is right, and since october is there, he does have left the hospitals and clinics indoors and yet doctors not system but
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emetics. continue that by to walk in near impossible conditions comes them, i'm a disease. so let's close the 2 central garza where honey made a correspondent to standing by in dab bala, the death of vista of defraud. we only highlights the difficult job, the medical personnel do, but the tributes fleming in for him. yeah, son, this has been echoing for the past few hours, then we had a stand here by the the, the, the emergency department here about what's that? what happened to mr. john probably earlier this morning when they was attacked and killed in a relentless is really a talk. but this is the story of this is part of an, an a, an extent that deliberate attacks on health care facilities and health care
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personnel and medical staff. definitely. so far, we're looking at at least a $300.00 of them been detained by these really military kidnap and the tenant from health facilities across the gloucester. when a shoot back and followed wand indonesian hospital nicer hospital, the worse for invited to be military. 3 all was the 300 medical staff doctors and nurses and parent medic are good now been detained it from these health facilities and they are held in his, in his really defensive sensors without any charges. then we looked at also at the hundreds of paramedics and, and doctors are being killed either in, in gaza at the, at the civil hospital for the northern parts were in the central area and the funding part of this trip. this is part of the, the psychological warfare that is not only there is no safety place across the garza from not even health care facilities which deepening the, the shutter already shot, a sense of safety and security for a really traumatized, displaced person. but also your medical down does not protect,
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it doesn't give you the proper protection from is really attacks. and so far we've seen all was as the, the war rages across the gaza strip. we see that bullets always win over the flesh by seeing this large number medical staff being attacked deliberately and killed civil defense accrual paramedic cent. now the ambulance department and the emergency department, it's cheap. kill, you know, the civil defense, then paramedics and emergency 5 are the 1st people do to be dispatched to bond sides. they are, they're the 1st to see the evidence that was read the atrocities that mass occurs. and all the things that can point a does really monitor. yeah. and what it's doing across the gods for it since the beginning of this for me, that voice and data is about. thank you. that was really full. is the carrier that rides across the occupied west bank. at least a 100 people were detained. palestinians
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confronted his very forces with fireworks west of them. i know there's been fighting in the time the 2 of us and one palestinian was injured by can find the city of not for this, nor dave visited one town and the occupied west bank, which it seemed frequent is really rates. this is the park of go further down a village. a village of about 6000 residents overnight is really occupation soldiers turn that into a make shift detention center. we found all around tape like this, used to blindfold about 30 of the residents, including a boy as young as 14 zip ties. and blindfolds were also found all around in the park. but this is not an isolated incident in the past 9 months. guilford, and i may have seen several nightly rates like this couldn't for all, whatever you need, celebrations were cleaned off in the village, like a big family here. it's wouldn't make sense to hold a wedding next to a house in morning. more than
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a 3rd of the village homes have been rated and trust. only today, 13 times the storm. off of them have seen it repairable damage. it is ready forces turned the house as they raid upside down. this is one such house. 8th grader mohammed was detained, blind folded, hands, cost interrogated, and then released, sleeping from the exhaustion. 30 such homes were affected tonight, but is really raised in the occupied west bank of more than tripled since last year . all in all about 9300 palestinians have been detained since october of last year. it's a situation that brings anxiety and uncertainty to all families across the territory. not all the address either before, not me, palestine the, the, the,
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the russian foreign ministry has subbing the basset after the keys ukraine of using us made massages to launch an attack on crime in full people were killed by following day, billions of us to fall on sunday, russia says that shot down 5, ukrainian massage over the russian annex port city. tiny hawkins is standing by for us and the russian. comfortable with the latest mole reaction where the from rusher on. yes. today's the types of ciocca. so what they've been saying, what we've heard out of gauge was before by the crumbling of the us and all the equipment that i was being involved and attacks on russia, whether that's true weapons supply or kind of didn't shattering this, but was a very direct accusation dimitri pasco, whereas the folks when describing expedited strong cause of pop by direct attack and cooling on his colleagues in washington and europe, to quote, explain why they're killing russian children. many of the victims of the store, i guess by several i should say victims of a strike. whatever. of course mine is. he added it continued attacks against the
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russian civilian population would have consequences that supporting we've heard of course before, from president putin as well as other russian officials that was unclear yet. well that could entail us a must have been trace, of course someone to the russian foreign ministry given to demolish about yesterday's incident as well. and what he is a caught about the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman also in number 2 minds about who she thought was responsible for, quote, a bloody crime on the key of regimes saying this was a targeted attack against civilians. now the 4 women in st. equating ukraine and washington in some of the responsibilities for this latest attack will certainly be viewed as a serious, dramatic escalation between moscow and washington. because time you'll, you know, if it'd be, wouldn't drink water ukraine has to say about this. they of course, have a vested interest in what goes on of course, and had of the,
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the craig and president's office mercado porter lack saying earlier today, there are no beaches porous songs all peaceful life in crimea saying the whole putting to, according to him is a ministry warehouse being covered by civilian occupies, and that's going to be viewed by the traveler as a tacit admission of responsibility for what happened. we've seen this before with the incidents with a russian passenger jet, a russian, the passenger plane cold holding exciting po, double who's being shut down in january. we're belgrade when kids didn't confirm or deny it. involvement, but said russia was to blame all the way. there's got to also sponsored bodies in the west, of course, regarding for the weapons surprised the key if, if keeps, should be allowed to use weapons, how it sees fit, which key it has been pushing to do a full autonomy with the almost it's given. so these claims from a crate in high ranking officials saying that basically all is found out that what couldn't be viewed a civilian casualties are essentially at fact game in this conflict that's going to
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cause a lot of concern in moscow. and indeed, deep on the debates and dividing the west over just what homes can be given to cuba future and how ukraine should be allowed to view to use them. given what's happened over the last 24 hours, or the whole console of that update from most k. thank you. well, authorities in the russian region of dogs don't say account of terrorism operation is now i have a gun, been killed at least 20 people, including police officers and civilians, and singleton these attacks and the city of em hello and did. but the attack has talked and sitting oaks churches and a police post the some of in traffic has more defining sleep. as the anti terrorist operation ended in russia's druggist on regions and orthodox church, and the synagogue were attacked by government exchanges up a heavy fire. it continued in the early hours of the morning. at least 5 attackers were killed. i was shot from the back. it
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cuts out from here. we tried to help civilians evacuate. we did, or we could push a state media says the funds of the head of central that gets done. so go from the district. but among the attackers where it's supposed to be of the subsequent operational such an investigative major, we because they don't update all participants in this sleep itself. anything to fight. and of course, had been preparing, including from abroad. i would like to ask all of you, dig astonished to remain calm. the situation is under the control of the government and the enforcement agents. it was in addition to the incident in the event and then also attacked a traffic police post about a $125.00. going to meet a degree and then they'll be confident of my side chicago. i was at the road police department. i got the dispatch call and move to the site, the court in the area, and while doing it, i got wounded right here. my friends were killed. i was just talking to them half
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an hour before that. or at least 15 policemen were killed in the attacks. and then when the force of indian casualties and orthodox priest who worked there for 40 years and the church guard were also killed. out of 13 policemen. 2 were let go home as they had light truck news, 9 other remaining hospital out of them for had undergoing surgeries, they are in stable condition, but they are still in intensive care. others are in moderate condition. some parts of the units go ahead and site the burnt local media says at least 2 goodman running to the orthodox church, tried to set fire to its main icons and then opened fire. seed media reported that the attackers were supporters of an international terrorist organization. but did not name it market fun has been simmering since the 19 ninety's window shop for children and local separate or at least 4 people from the august on would arrested in april after a deadly attack on moscow. struck a city hall concert venue responsibility for which was cleaned by iso. but the
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russian president has insisted that threats to russia come from best. some countries are ukraine. the rest is war drags on some of the jobs i'll do. there's still a head hit all the 0 and get a new caledonia after pro independence lead. as i move to mainland from sweat l sites trial. last month's price as the the magic ounces. how did share of thunderstorms in what should be the dry period and the rumble on the way, but instead of y, c, for the most part is lucky much drive in the last few days, so few shall. so they shouldn't be mostly a dry picture. the wet weather focusing now in me in my toilet. and that was a warning art photon under heavy rain for the next day or the same. but some
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assistant heavy right has been the case in southern china relations when i picked his half a meters worth of writers folding this. so for all this month, this flooding here about one off times, june saffron's bank. the more coming because the line is persistent and it policies very slightly. takes that heavy right across the japan, north of this where it's not yet raining though, of course it will. it is health impacts of northwest in china. under red alerts are full. the heat at the moment, shanghai is just on the edge of these, right? and so is how the moderate rain or light, right? and for the next 3 days, and it has been for the last 2 or 3 as well, seasonally, that is correct. this is all on the bottom, the soon flows that she made and went particular on the west and got so from carol north was up to what's good. you're out. and it looks like we've already had, she has, i might see some more shelves in rochester, and certainly the weather up in new delhi is changing. but as yet, like you stand, it's still hot and dry. the
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what is the effect of the conflict on the environment? the impact is so much more than just emissions from tanks, ships and will fight motormouth. it has a devastating effect on people and the department of defense emissions is as large as many countries. heavy time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased and this war and this finds christ, all hail the product on a jersey to the in the book about 2 inches a with me. so robin and the whole reminder of all the top stories, it is really strongly because kill
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a head of golf is i'm dealing send the emergency services on a uh, just probably was killed while working in a clinic in garza city on sunday is ready for us to kind of raise a cost deal coupon westbank, at least a $100.00 pallets. that needs to be interested in several locations. and the counterterrorism operations against government in russia's predominant people's the region of duncan stone has ended village since we killed at least 20 people in subtleties tucked some churches to the golds at the police station process. right wing national valley party is putting its hopes for success and next weekend stuff . elections on that leader, jordan ball della and, and just if he is the son of italian immigrants, his wife, the appeal of his ponti to attract young devotes, as he won't shun that under the age of just 20 $8.00 to $12.00. as he's ready to become the countries prime minister, latasha butler reports from boulogne belong cool. on the outskirts of paris. jordan bought ella the 28 year old rising star of francis fall,
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right. nation rally policy. marine depends protege. and if things go his way in the snuff election from says next, prime ministers law says he's ready for the job. laying out his vision on the campaign trail. you sort of come, you've got to walk in terms of migration. the 1st measure i'm going to push through is the abolition of the right to legal residents in measures to enable foreign delinquents and criminals to be supported. but it has been in politics for more than a decade. both with tanya and parents in the pool powers sub a. he joins depends populace policy when he was 16, rising through its ranks to become an a p, a 23. using social media. he's white and the policies appeal. a take talk politician for new generation. recent you election, an unprecedented sushi percent of young people voted for right. mainly thanks to him. you measured. he has an image that really speaks to young people about
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stopping you are taking over on nation the fronts to be not to take. most of the solar eclipse in a market outside power is 24 year old mateo gym. marissa is campaigning for the national riley. he says, all that is the future. it is that you don't have to be afraid for words if you pay a thoughts. if you know a to be french and you for respect to the control you are, you have to understand friends, you're not the chance for friends. friends is a chance for you. it's not any, some young people who are voting for jordan fall, it's the people of all ages all, quite june, same kind of one of his main advantages is themes, is it is simply notes in my new michael, is it possible is all done by the law i think jordan bardello is able to question himself, he's capable and intelligent, but macro never questions himself. he doesn't listen to anyone. micros also the nemesis of from says new left wing alliance. but the idea of the pens and team of ration policy and power,
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sketch and even move or pos and the most part of the controls. i don't understand. i had confidence in the old french people, whatever their religion, all that race. i said to myself, it will never happen is dangerous because it creates hate between people and that. so shame. what on his opponents of what was concerned is he's pulled the national riley from the margins of french politics to the main stream. they say he'll destroy the country, his support to say, he'll save it, patasha butler, which is 0 blowing people across from the p. j. geneva. there is a research director of the georgia rule foundation. he's an expert in european national movements. he says the national riley waiting would mean the big policy change of funds on both domestic and international funds on a and actually all right a, when's the selection was already deals with ravages majority or an absolute majority? this wouldn't be an historical moment. i mean the national. alrighty. as being on
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the size of the bank string projects for more than 2 years. and this would be a co sign for 1945 that the training launch would come to drive to power. so we can expect very huge shandra disclosures and incomes off domestic policy. it was the end of the integration from non european countries and also in joseph engine. national pharmacy was always asked to just, jo craig, always yeah, well, it's some kind of a flight general between 2 very young man. i thought it was 28 and 28. and then by the time we met many people in this country out now, so that's fine with me because it took so i could show, i mean when my call decided to i was calling to get a yeah, that's a, that's prime minister. age was well known that it had to do with his age. i do not say anything about the things that i mean it was very much of the presence of mind that you know just to come drove in there. so. all righty. yeah. it was the
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name of the young prime minister, we on many topics, and like about the young call take a knowing how to use the social media and so on the, i mean that's the, that's the delta dental traffic challenge because most of the young people, 8 between 18 and 25, do not go to the board. we saw that in the european elections, agent of the age of politics can change their everyday life in the same way. fine, it probably depends as active as the new caledonia have taken to the streets again, selling a decision to transport, kind of like independence. the. those defaults to face trial. federal authorities say they need is what behind last month's violence unrest and which 9 people died. wayne, hey, ripple's explosions and 5 returned to the new caledonia and capital new mail for independence protest as being on the streets since last month,
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but have again intensified direction after seeing some of the lead is arrested and sent to france. it was a possibility that was signals by the french government some time ago. but when it finally came, it caught everyone by surprise. 16 inform us who was of all up to you. we only learned of this off the decision had been made. so we were surprised and stupified, we've already appeal the among those sent to friends for pre trial detention christy and chain leader of the field action coordination, sell, and indigenous come a group. the parasites is behind most of the violence chain was among several independents leaders who met with french president emanuel macro, when he visited new caledonia, just as a full weeks ago to try to resolve the crisis. protest began last month over a proposal to allow more french nationals to vote in elections. a change cannot say will marginalize the voice. president macro has now suspended,
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but not withdrawal. the constitutional change reports the wall on the constitutional bill that was voted on by both chambers on new caledonia. i have decided to suspend it because we cannot have them be, give it to you during the period. it must be suspended to give full force to the dialogue taking place over that and further attempt to order. in paris, supporters of the pro independence movement gathered near the ministry of justice to protest against the decision to send the arrested leaders to france. except the white simply, there is no material, evidence to date, to link the lead us to the c. c a t with the obviously is the top been committed because quite simply, there isn't any because this organization has always been processed. it has all this call to feel peaceful much is a large security presence remains in new caledonia, but it's unlikely to do to the protest is and with the pile of entry election beginning in less than a week. stability in this french pacific territory looks
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a long way off. wayne, hey l g 0. into the ripples of heavy fighting between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids, a boat falls in the city of call to the body, which is those of the capital that they said they are found. the sydney's own forces accuse each other of destroying key infrastructure. the conflict between the 2 sides has lasted more than the yeah. and does resulted in tens of thousands of depths of the displaced. it's a mold and 10000000 people's been can be a security agencies all being accused of in timber. they say that to this, to have a plan nationwide demonstrations on choose day organize of cold for 1000000 the mileage when lawmakers get to votes on amendments to the finance bill that could increase taxes. katherine solely has moved from my baby right outside the direct generate of a criminal investigations here in narrow b and some of the organizes august portez are here. they are saying that some of the core legs are being intimidated. one of the
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port tested is missing and they say that they he might have been abducted by police . uh so uh the lead is, uh, all this port, a swear here say as they want answers. there's a huge security presence here. the police say they don't want any trouble themselves and they will have, uh, they say that they want to, uh, listen to what the podcast is the say that there is a benefit of funny hi. what's going on here. we're being the police have been looking for us for the last 3 days. so low and high d one was the deputy on fridays so we can turn to us to the police. is going to give that to us. we're not going to talk to you the we can start when i go to if i'm human, so what, what do you need be afraid of?
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leave me know extension you can export space. you know, i write a letter saying you got to talk about it could be certain risk telling the precedent, you want to go when you read that to us for no charge is missing, asked to put the chart. so the situation is quite fluid and the part us is this thing that they will keep potted. they say they need to call out the need or they say that we have to stop. and on tuesdays they say that they are organizing a 1000000 march. um on the streets uh to tell the view does that enough is enough cost me so i'll just narrow, narrow be $22.00 people have been found and after a large fire breakout at the factory that produces lithium batteries in south korea . delays began after numerous batteries cells exploded in the warehouse, but what triggered the explosion is still a no. you just keep revolt. so have a whole song in south korea where the century is located. the fire engulfed and
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lithium battery plant in minutes. when i witness who escapes is it was started by a spark from a single battery firefighters. say they so many blow up. it sounds like raining bullets like popping sounds. it lasted for awhile and then black smoke went away and the sound stopped at around to 15 gmc, what did you want to know what to think of what portal i saw that would go shots and shows folding because of the way it was so loud it kept rumbling and banking right the, the blaze is believed to have started on the 2nd floor of the 3 story building were products were packaged and stored. happening workers inside most of them for him, labors among the missing workers. there are chinese nationals and other for nationals about 20 workers are for national one of the government rapids we dispatched fire fighters because of the risk associated with a lithium battery plant. when over heated, the batteries can explode and burn more intensely and for longer than traditional
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ones. as of $35000.00 were believe to be installed. after hours of battling the flames, firefighters entered what was left through the building to survey the damage and retrieve the bodies of those inside. south korea's prime minister hundreds who visited the scene with members with as government promising their full support. so zillow has them, says others we would twice on the city to assign one dedicated official pet victim to provide full supports and to take swift action to ensure the injured receive treatment without inconvenience and investigation. and to the exact cause of the fire is underway. as families more those they've lost is kim alda 0 class on south korea. so tiny ones president has responded to a threat by trying to impose the death penalty on time when the citizens who demonstrate to support the islands independence. beijing claims time on his part of
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its territory. incident. where y'all chung bill, i want to emphasize that democracy is not the source of crime or talk or see what is the crime. china has no right to punish the people of taiwan just because of what they advocate china has no right to pursue the cross border persecution of tie when these people bunch of asia has been bacon, unix stream heat, so events now together with a prolonged drought agriculture is one of the worst it sectors on spelling. the below explains coffee farmers in vietnam are working hard to make up for months of disappointing harvest. the country has seen very little rain in the last few months with extreme heat flipping much of southeast asia. handy uh nothing uh drunk drawn up this whole area and the surrounding areas and the water shortages. so it should be that compared to last year, the hottest, the coffee cherries is very low. we lost a lot of the outputs. it was very small, very low to see it. farmers are bearing the brunt of the.


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