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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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all the . ready very trapped or lost in the chaos of conflicts. at least 21000 children are missing in gaza. the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is out a 0 live from jo. ha. also coming up. rising a tax on medical workers. the head of guns is emergency services is made to risk. he's among nearly 500 medical personnel killed during israel's russia plains. the us and consequences of full people are killed and ukrainian attack on cry. near the 1st batch of kenyan police offices leading for hazy lady un back commission to
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contain gang buying the nearly 21000 children are missing and gaza. according to a new report by save the children, most believe to be trapped under rubble buried in unlocked graves. all lost in the chaos of war. more than 37000 palestinians have been killed in the strip by. is there any attacks since october and nearly huff with children? israel's abuses have led to the un to add it to a global blacklist of countries that home children felix now water begins our coverage. the united nations has called it a rule for the children. the causes health ministry has documented more than $15000.00 of their debts. an 8 agencies are
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founding the alarm on yet another green statistic. the missing children. according to whom money to and organization save the children almost to $21000.00 to mind those in gaza. how been reported missing since the beginning of the war in october? $17000.00 of them are either unaccompanied or separated from their families, while at least $4000.00 a believe to be trumped under rubble. in the aftermath of these really strikes on residential buildings and refuge centers, wherever you look in gaza, there are children. they make up nearly half of the population in the besieged strip. in the wake of unrelenting war, 8 agencies say it's become more difficult to support them. nearly 19000 children are reported opened in gaza. that has left the fate of many miners
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entirely, or in part, in the hands of total strangers. they warn this is increasing the risk of abuse, exploitation, and neglect. and that's put a spotlight on a generation of children who have not only lost the apartments, but i left her alone and unprotected. it was on felix new are all 0. as the head of gauze was ambulance and emergency services is among hundreds of medical workers, children as rarely attacks since the war began. last october. honey onto offrey was targeted in his riley strike on the altar ridge clinic in garza city. the health industry described him as a solid model of steadfastness and determination. healy 500 medical workers had been killed since the stones of the war hunting my foot reports from data abolla in central casa. i feel that has become a familiar to health workers in gauze colleagues guild,
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by in his regular talk. this time it's hand is jack riley, someone well known to all of the lambs. the said that yesterday the out, the irish clinic was attacked. the room of mister honey o. jeff riley was talking to him because this is a he knows crime and adds to the record is ready occupations. israel has killed hundreds of paramedics and dr expense and it started it's war and october for golf and those workers, nor save even derek lennox room is really a talk. the one is was to be held accountable. now she do, unless evidently, we appealed to the international institutions to take it clear stones. on these attacks, we have lost more than $400.00 health personnel in garza and more in detention. we lost dozens of health institutions to complete a partial destruction. we say to the world, isn't it time for you to stand up and protect the palestinians to protect medical crews on institutions. the respect the palestinian island spots 3 hundreds of
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dollars. a health workers had been detained without charges by you as well since october. various tasks have lived there hospitals and clinics enrolling. and yet, doctors, nurses and turn medics continue their vital work in the or impossible conditions. and even more just the central gauze of palestine sized palestinians including children, has been killed and many are injured by these really bombing of a residential building. and because the refuge account in gaza see ended up being taken to the unlike the hospital in central garza is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has given his 1st interview to his rarely media since october 7th. he said, finding in goals i would decrease in intensity, but rejected a permanent ceasefire. i mean, no more harm else to come in. come uh, i am not ready to stop the war and for him last remain. i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us. and i know we are forced to
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continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is to remove the home office. i'm not ready to compromise or how most as reacted to benjamin netanyahu. whose comments saying it proves that these rarely prime minister was not interested in securing a deal. i'm to salute has more from on. on sunday, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that she's not interested in a long term deal that would ultimately ended a ceasefire, saying that he would only be interested in a partial one that would see the release of some is really captive. but on monday, speaking of these really parliamentary, he said that israel remains committed to the deal that has been approved by the united states. so overnight, essentially, switching his position now, how much has released his statements and that's in yahoo remarks commenting thing. the quote mentioned y'all, who is the one who was avoiding making a deal, and that his stance is apparent in wanting to sell for time. how much goes on to say that the ball is in netanyahu's court and that they've responded positively to
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all of the positions that have been brought forth to them by mediators. this is just to continuation in the pointing the finger at each side whenever there are terms or negotiations for c 's filed, these really signed continuously blames him. us for whenever there is a collapse in these negotiations and have mass says that israel is simply an interested in bringing about this deal. but it comes as nothing y'all who was under immense pressure from the families of his really captives who released the statement saying that method yahoo is back tracking on the policy of bringing back the remaining captive and ultimately ending the war in a deal that would be 3 phases long time to send, who just need a, a man and a reminder that these really government has bend over to 0 from overheating israel . and that's why honda was reporting from jordan. this is rarely defense minister. you'll have glance has been holding tools with senior us officials in washington dc
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. this includes the secretary of st. anthony's blinker. a small group of protest is gathered outside the state department for his arrival. let's go live now to my kind of who's at the state department in washington dc. like what is the us hoping to achieve with these meetings? we understand that a number of issues were discussed between the secretary of state's and the is rarely defense minister among them. the state department was brief, well told on israel's transition to what it calls phase 3. this is a reduction in the level of conflicting gaza and a gradual withdrawal of israeli forces. another method that was discussed is the question of governance in gaza off to the conflict in the us has been attempting to get agreements on what form the governance in gaza would take and trying to get agreements from the israelis on what this actually would mean. however,
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we understand that there's still no agreement on what form of up and then should take place in gaza of the the will. and mike, as we've been reporting extensively on the video, often ended palestinian 9 strapped to the front of an israeli military vehicle in the occupied west bank. now we've seen a response from the us over that video. and d. d. a said it was coming from the state department on that incident. it was described by the state department spokesman matthew miller as shocking. this is what he had to say. as we saw that video, it was shocking. the practice was absolutely unacceptable. humans should never be used as human shields. the idea of should swiftly investigate what happened. hold people accountable. now we understand as well from the spokesman that the israeli army has given assurances that the soldiers were
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acting against the protocol that the matter is being investigated. and that the soldiers will be held accountable, that appears at the state department is satisfied with these assurances from these way the army. right, thank you, mike. that's my kind of reporting from washington dc for us. the russian foreign ministry has some into the us ambassador saying washington has direct responsibility for an attack on russian amex, crimea, for people were killed by falling debris instead of us to go on sunday. russia says it's shut down 5 ukrainian missiles over the port city. moscow says us specialist helped oversee the flight. part of those missiles append to go and spoke to us and said you crean conducts its own military operations to new hawkins has moved on the russian reaction for most go the roles that had the reactions from the 2nd level
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for us ins throwing us who said there is no doubt to me, involvements all the united states in what he describes, the terrorist attack in crimea, prominence. the machine has been in a meeting with russian officials also drew power those uh, just earlier today between what happened in august on and crime me over again describing both as tell respects and secretary of the head of the state to my defense committee under they cut the pull of has also echoed cools, we heard earlier from russian officials that the, the west will be held responsible for supplying weapons. these will claims we have heard before, of course, from russia, saying that to any russian, any attacks while you play on russia using western supplied weapon rate will mean effective. you direct involvement in the quite in conflict by ukraine's allies, dmitri pasco, somebody as a condo, uh, the russian communist folks. when the and foreman is these folks, the models are being low to mine. so you have describing this is of all barrack
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effect and saying that they will be repercussions here. the for the u. n. a us such a sam baset or lin, tracy, also someone to the russian form is chief or a protest about the events. yes. that a, this does really represent a very direct combination of all your direct accusations by the criminal at of involvement in ukraine and is effectively quite a serious diplomatic escalation. the white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has a response from washington a little on has responded what the breeder general pat rider has said, is that as well, there is no secret that the united states, of course, is supplying weapons to ukraine. it is really up to ukraine, how those weapons are used ukraine makes and so targeting decisions ukraine conducts its own military operations. now having said that, we should quite house at about 3 weeks ago, almost a month ago, the president the matter. and she says the us military, joe biden did relax,
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the restriction surrounding how those weapons are used. for example, previously there were tied restrictions. and now for example, the weaponry can be used to take out a russian play and in russian, aerospace, if it's about to fire in your freight in error spray. so this is significant. the other bank, significant change that has taken place in just the last week is the fact that now they are prioritizing deliveries to you free over other nations. we have just gotten a response from the national security council as well, with regard to the shrapnel from missile strikes that killed civilians. what the national security council is saying that any loss of civilian life is a tragedy that includes thousands of innocent euphrates has been killed by russian forces. still ahead on account of terrorism operation ends in druggist on, in russia, of the government attacked churches and synagogues, the,
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the lowes are starting to add up know, 1st within the bite. next will want to get to the rest of australia. well, they'll come in series. now i think as we go into winter, this is bringing right into past property on wednesday, not so much on tuesday. and this will bring colder is a is a cost light right into adelaide. and eventually melvin may be called in the for this now in the victorian house pro for right and seems like it. and also i did last a couple of days particular on the eastern side. so it gives been really more of a focus then oakland, for example. we still got a few big chas rounded into these. yeah, almost buddies. we did have independent competitor. nothing sort of raising maybe in west and java include in chickasha, unfortunately, but the, the thrust falls, the wet weather for which the warnings of heavy rain should beat into china. i mean,
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talented particular that's the case and my son's ought to be in the clearly the seasonal line. the plum range is that has produced flooding in this process of china and to extends to will assault in japan. and courtesy was, which is the which is month to, to have, i think, 3 days worth of rain. sort of it sundry outside. the rain definitely is quite hot. 6 or more degrees above average in the north and north west of china. luckily, as the shell start to break out and in new delhi, the temperatures here are coming down a little the unique perspectives. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization and the police over the past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in
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a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the streams on our to 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, this is out to 0 for mind to top stories. this our agencies say 21000 palestinian children have gone missing in gauze us since the sound of the war in october. some have been separated from their families, but it's rarely and strikes have buried many others under the rough. russell is rarely defense minister is in washington dc for tools with senior us officials. he's met the secretary of state, actually lincoln,
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this year to meet us defense extreme noise. on tuesday, the russia has summit, the us ambassador in protest, after 4 people were killed in a ukrainian missile strength on from here on sunday. let's go, says us personnel oversaw the launch at the new styles. the pentagon says ukraine makes its own decisions on military operations. residents in the us who were forced to flee their homes when a train crashed, caused a spill of toxic chemicals will soon find out what caused the development. investigate is from the national transportation safety board. a said to release the findings incoming hours, the train carrying various hazardous materials, the road in the town of east palestine in february last year. many residents say they are suffering from long term health problems. oh does. he was christian salumi is live in east palestine with public meetings with the n t s b a taking place. so
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what have residents been telling you about what they've been experiencing? well, president still have a lot of concerns about the lingering health impacts of this trained derailment. and also whether or not they should accept the settlement that's been offered by the owner of the train. that to rail norfolk southern to pay for the damages that they incurred. this report is the final report of the national transportation safety board that's going to be released on tuesday. and it comes as a news has come out about another study that was done and found that the particular it's the toxic particles from that spill actually traveled much farther than originally thought. covering some 16 states here in the united states all the way from the southern border of canada to the state of north carolina. it was just right here. it or. and it was over a year ago,
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a very different scene over in february of 2023. when the train went off the tracks and burst into flames. uh, but the, the cleanup effort is very much ongoing. so as that clean up continues, as the impact on health continues to be studied, people still have a lot of questions. so they're very eager to hear what the n t s b says, not only about what happened, what caused it, but also what the future impact could be and, and something that's of concern for all americans. how spills like this couldn't be avoided in the future. given that it was so costly and so dangerous and impactful for the people who lived here. all right, thank you. christian, that's christians, letting me reporting from east pulsing following those developments that foreign policy and western sanctions are on the agenda for around 6 presidential candidates who had taken part in another live television debate. this is the 4th of 5 encounters between them headed friday's election. the 12 men,
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the guardian council vetting body as approved one reformist and 5 conservative candidates. the election was treated by the death of a rainy and president abraham racy, and a helical crash. last month. russell sort of has more from debt on the southern death of your brand new president, the brain racing last month for these lovely public to hold and election ahead of schedule. now 6 can be this. have just these to proceed. voters, 2 of them are seen as permanent and have different views on how you are on should be a, with the rest of the world. the hotline conservative side you to be a problem is this to continue race, these policies you just being in to help you people should to someone who knows how to take the opportunity to someone who can continue races of all your races, salt and your arms isolation, by reaching out to him on wisdom countries normalize relations with region arrivals or the area suspecting ties with russia and china. joining both are strong. i cooperation,
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organization and the beef group of countries just by group efforts runs economy remains enterprises. most of nations with the west cubic isolated from the national financial system, the reformist, amongst these candidates must be position, can't believe the solution. is that correct for the investment? by removing sections for decades, your own has been on the sanctions imposed by western countries. in 2015 inside the historic nuclear deal with 6 world powers, including 2 yes. you're on agree to reduce if you're in human richmond, significantly given to international sanctions were lifted. america will not be held hostage to nuclear black man, but in 2018 us administration on the donald trump withdrew from the deal. and he pulls most sections on your off the joint cities here on the former for the minister, closer to the architect of the nuclear deal. so 1st position in cottage and the
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reform is candidate to be negotiate the nuclear deal if you liked it. and because this guy and he's, he will do so build on it gives me the art seems to 2nd board. well, no country has made progress. the doubt for investment on export, we have to increase exports attract funding investment. this is a fact, it is impossible to find a real partner. what sanctions are seen in place. the more the conservative candidate bucket credit, but there's no port was the negotiations with the west, but you saves us, is not trustworthy. let's you got you sure. we saw what happened after we signed the deal. the us just told the deal about the left. but still, if the country's interest are fulfilled, we can negotiate to remove the assumptions, position, kills, and call you boss, can do this ease or for for those. so you can change, but many radians, believe real color lives with on the elected officials. and that's whatever email just as the winner would not be a game changer. instead of that,
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which is 0 to wrong. authorities in the russian region of douglas done say, account of terrorism operation is now over, government killed at least 20 people, including police officers and civilians in singleton. these attacks in the cities of the hutch go out under a bench. the attack is targeted synagogues, churches, and the police post a, some of the binge of a report. the findings sweep as the anti terrorist operation ended in russia's darkest fund region, and orthodox church, and a synagogue were attacked by government exchanges up a heavy fire. it continued in the early hours of the morning. at least 5 attackers were killed by the tools. i was shot from the back. it cuts out from here. we tried to help civilians evacuate. we did all, we could. a rush of state media says the sons of the head of central that gets done . so got to the district. what among the attackers, what do i get supposed to be of the subsequent operational such an investigative
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major? so we'd be cutting down on the all participants in this sleeper sofa, anything to fight. and of course they had been preparing, including from abroad. i would like to ask, one of you, do you have to get started is to remain calm. the situation is under the control of the government and the enforcement agents. it was in addition to the incident in the event and then also attacked a traffic police post about a $125.00 could lead me to the re and then they'll be competing off my side chicata . i was at the road police department. i got the dispatch call and move to the site, the court in the area, and while doing it, they got wounded right here. my friends were killed. i was just talking to them half an hour before that. at least 15 policemen were killed in the attacks. and among the 4 civilian casualties and orthodox priest who worked there for 40 years. and the church guards were also killed. out of 13 policemen. 2 were let go home
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as they had like trop news. 9 other remaining hospitals out of them for had undergone surgeries, they are in stable condition, but they are still in intensive care. others are in moderate condition. some parts of the can ask ahead of psych burned media says at least 2 goodman run into the orthodox church, tried to set fire to its main icons and then opened fire. state media reported that the attackers were supporters of an international terrorist organization, but did not name it. target fund has been simmering since the 19 ninety's industrial for children and local separate or at least 4 people from the august on would arrest it in april. after a deadly attack on moscow struck a city hall concert venue responsibility for which was claimed by i so but the russian president has insisted that threats to russia come from western countries, are ukraine. russia's war drags on some of the jobs out of there. the 1st group of 200 kenyan police are on their way to haiti to lead a un back to mission,
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to tackle gang violence. can you will be leading a $2500.00 members, security force several all the countries including nigeria, and she'll a will also be sending personnel games have been controlling most of haiti's capital for the past several months. security agencies in kenya are accused of intimidating active us ahead of plan. nationwide demonstrations on tuesday organizes have called for 1000000 man march. when politicians get to vote on amendments to a finance bill that could increase taxes can use interior minister is wanting. there are limits to the right to protest. they must remain peaceful and not throughout the assembly that it was sufficient to pick a team and the present ation of any petitions to authorities to they must engage in
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a manner that does not promote violence or rights. katherine, so a reports from the capital nairobi right outside the direct generate of a criminal investigations here in narrow b and some of the organizes august portez are here. they are saying that to some of the core legs are being intimidated. one of the port testers is missing and they say that they, he might have been abducted by police. so i the lead of all this port a square here, a say, as they want answers, they huge security presence. i hear the police say they don't want any trouble
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themselves and they will have, uh, they say that they want to, uh, listen to what the podcast is to say that there is a benefit of money. hi. what's going on here. we're being the police have been looking for us for the last 3 days. so i mean, i do almost have deputy on fridays so we can turn to us up to the police. cuz it onto a deputy that's not going to talk to you the but don't go to refund me. so when you'd be afraid of leaving the north country, they wouldn't just put spacing order. i just want to send you the product to be safe. just telling the president you want to download, the deputy nose for no charge is missing. i have to put the chart. so the situation is quite fluid, and the part us is this thing that they will keep potted. they say they need to call out the lead or they say that these have to stop. and on tuesdays they said that they are organizing
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a one mean you're march um on the streets to tell the view, does that enough? is enough catherine. so i'll just narrow, narrow, be much of a asia has been baking in extreme heat for months, together with a prolonged drought. agriculture is one of the worst hid sectors from coffee plantations in vietnam to rice fields in china. office a low on a be low reports coffee farmers in vietnam are working hard to make up for months of disappointing harvest. the country has seen very little rain in the last few months with extreme heat ripping much of south east asia. on the uh the, the drunk drawn up this whole area and the surrounding areas and the water shortages . so it should be that compared to last year, the hottest, the coffee cherries is very low. we lost a lot of the outputs. it was very small, very low, the see it farmers are bearing the brunt of the drought,
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which is now sweeping north. is central china is hon and province, these rice fields or parched because the reservoir does a place order for irrigation is drying up. and the reason called could you check knowledge and dodge official ride may help, but if it doesn't rain in the next few days, we might not have missed anything as old science is the situation is very different in other parts of china. however, we're flotsap inundated villages and dozens of people have died. scientists say global warming is contributing to the extreme weather. all of it destructive to agriculture rate, holler, shoot us way. you've got drought in one place, floods in another. you can't rely on that. having a pool, houses here and then importing from somewhere else. we're seeing these converging


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