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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the weather is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage goals, ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes inside story on out jersey era. the hungry process and tenure against propose time slices. police file, i run the coaching bullets and say a gas to discuss the crown, the one i mean, sorry, this is out. is there a life for me to so coming off as well. supreme court rules that ultra orthodox seminary students must be drafted into the military. even though it is there any
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attacks across the gaza strip can at least see palestinians and targets included of saucy. and i'm not got a refugee and the we can expound the julian assault loans and find coal cops being released from the u. k. present in a play do with the it's 11 g m t. we begin in, can you with thousands of protest as a riling against proposed tax rises? these are the themes in narrow view where police have been using water cannons to gas to disperse the demonstrators. they are trying to march to parliament wet and peas on the facing the measures proposed by the government of president william router. he says and was as unnecessary things is revenue and would use foreign
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movies on purchase and health mostly by young. people that go straight to a correspondence saying is robbie his life for us in nairobi. so protests continue, and i believe that vote empowerment is also taking place to put through the license that is correct when we are the members of parliament are being asked to verbally yay or nay. their opinions on amendments that bill later the next hour we are expected the bill to be voted on once again the the under way, a 100 me the protest is escalating that session is under way a crowd of swell into a crowd of m take over every street surrounding parliament surrounding here the center of nairobi. now begin with the use of tear gas and water tenants.
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and we've heard what sounded like live spire protest are showing as fluid side witnesses showing a good cartridges in saying that the police are using as well. or here is simply escalating with every passing hour. it is getting worse and with the messages. here is that no matter what decision the moment, we will continue the process to turn to the decided by people they consider this management. and they say the to generation that is bending by saying uh, we can see that it's a very, very busy where you are many thousands of people suddenly starting to disperse. i'm not sure what exactly has happened. but clearly the mood in increasing the tents
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and you said uh there is the possibility that people have been using the police have been using live ammunition. how, how warring is that of the wood? that is certainly something that the protesters were worried about. they have been saying over and over again, this is where essentially plain floats police officers with right to live, as well as a non lethal. using that you're, we're seeing protesters here on arms waving flags, even tearing palm leaves is a kind of peaceful gesture showcasing that they remain peaceful and they don't want to become violent. however, in the last hour. so we see and has to say, well, same apologies, usually a peaceful protest to something that is becoming more bye. okay, zane, apologies, i have to interrupt you that we have live breaking news. we're going to go straight to geneva and have a listen to sleep. love reading the commission in general of the how the sun
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refugees in the narry. so he's holding a press conference. let's have a listen to what he has to say. we have to adjust the resolution. the was about 40 member states, represent the advisory commission on the terms of the 1st time we were meeting in person since the beginning of the war in the gaza, basically during se so do so session. we have uh, obviously discussion about the, the tech one is on the what the motivation behind to hit the what the, what, what, what, what, what is the risk of basically we know that the part of the reason, the targeting of the agency encouraging fuel. they're just the t, v, a fault on the to the statement is unrelated to the references that you offer to buy this and in reference to use that many would like
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to see bank street. we have also gone to the members advisory commission to teach would be mistaken to seize the set top on the floor, the lens of biological relation between the one on the east round that much more is at stake. and if we succeed though, we own a walk that wouldn't be also other entities which will then be exposed and the risk behind it is actually create a new stunned fall of the complex emergencies in the future. and hence my cooling 2 of them and both advisory commission and also to the member states in general, and to strongly push back on these. so i have also discussed with them about the advisory commission, about the the critic enrolled the agency complete. and he's being now remain to
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blackboard of the broader you mentioned response. so in gaza at that one. so to believe that today we would stop the transition, a date in between the leading to the day after the agency will have absolutely critical contribution to do, especially when it comes to the resumption offer education. and the primary helps. and we had a full session that ticket, the to education, to look at the house. this could be a role out in gaza and was also asking the member states to do what ever is possible to shield the politically the agency. and to make sure that whenever there is an agreement on any type of roadmap transition that the, the role of the agency be also specifically mentioned,
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or now when it comes to the field, the, all the latest stuff. i know that you'll have quite a lot of information today. you will have to bump the ip see, which was the issue, the drum on which would be further discuss in new york out the know not briefing, but tenure. that was, that was very easy to and positive news to share with you, and also very, very easily positive impact on what we had a week to 10 days ago. and so being daily tactically, pulse to facilitate the human tongue supply into the gather straight back. last night, again, the school has been here in the deliberate of the company which is on the northern part of gaza. and reportedly we have the amount of 12 people killed 22 uh with that being uh in june. but jason, bring also that to,
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to know from private citizens which have been a heat or damaged or targeted since the beginning of the war. $292.00, which is more than one of the premises and the infrastructure that we have in together street. and as you know, this premises on this shelter also used by the population to seek what remains of the possible protection. that's more than 500 people sofa have been killed, one seeking the un protection. so that's, that's odd in fox, the, to my call to the member of the advisory commission and the member states a, we are not on the, on the political or legislative or smearing on a competing attack. but on the ground, did you in an own one has also been target that we have paid to have the prize more
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than $200.00 in a human turn. stuff have been killed the mountains and 190 feet on the from my own organization. and. and this is also the reason why i believe that the, we need the mall, the will come separate concept resolution 2 weeks ago on the protection of human tongue 8 walker. so we need to come from and this was for problem mcneese will offer an investigation. and accountability. now, when it comes to the a delivery. so it's have to say it's becoming more and more complicated. it has been extraordinary excruciating over the last few weeks to bring a file to many checks have been looked at. the have not reached the
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proper need destination. the number of pressing remain so far too limited. and basically we are confronted now with the it's a twin the towards the breakdown off of the one older. and um, we use a truck driver being uh regularly, uh, foot 10 or uh, sold on the left some this uh, waiting to move uh, assistance from the boulder to own man houses and bare houses to the people. and in addition to that, you might have heard about the secret, the smuggling, which is uh, the latest uh, type of smuggling taking place in guys uh, wherever we haven't been report that, that one cigarette cost between 20 and 40 dona. so you multiply and by the number of cigarettes and one factor and then like us to show and that gives you in fact uh,
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divide new off of the sort of cigarette in uh, in uh, gas uh as we yes. so yesterday, for example, just to, to, to, to knew how to carry it. so the situation is even in terms of the resources we had on the front, too late because of remaining gathered in an on a vacant in dek as a straight past. due function on the gathering, on the basically, yesterday we were in a situation where our international stuff was not able to move a truck for me. i mean, needless to say that i'll call the sword was the same cold and has been hamilton repeated so many times we need sustainable meaning for uninterrupted stuff in the cause of the street. but if we want to reverse the hung a situation, a new source that need to start a p, c one and 5,
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a person living in suffolk got nutrition on the situation. and the, at the cute nutrition impacts that, you know, the, the entire population and guys are more than 90 percent on the between those being in emergency contests for fixing to asian and catastrophe means risk of funding these here at any time between now and the september we have in to, to more than 1000000 people. so our faults will have to continue and the community, the environment today is not the can use a for, for us to, for the reverse, the trend we have of 17. now, it'd be just wanted to comment on the children you saw that yesterday. also in international organization. i think said the children, that's issue a report on the children. again,
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the fee goes quite the staggering the death. talking about 4000 children. the missing, missing on $17000.00, being on that combined. so more than 20000, a new on these to the recall that 14000 children we had who have been killed since the beginning of the war. a new take on some into consideration that the basically we have every day 10 children who are losing one legs, 2 legs on average. these gives you an id of this whole book. offer the type of uh, tied to a child to come have in uh, in uh, in uh, in garza just to frego. so we took out the wrong guys. now of course for ya on, there were concerned about the situation also in the west bank where we keep saying that a kind of siding point is taking place if that wouldn't because that's what they
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did was fine with the heat. the headline, more than 500 people not been killed since october 7. that was also a striking when we go to the west lanka is um, the uh, the, the, the, the, the, the intensity of the operation taking place in the refugee compo all in the villages. 2 weeks ago i visited one of them into the program. and sometimes it looks like a was own because a security operation taking place. and most of the time now we use the destruction offer neighborhood the destruction offered for the current infrastructure on this one. we talked to so a lot today about and it wouldn't stop here maybe after about the funding situation of the agency. you know that before october 7 the we would result
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in fact, that step bound. that's the funding situation off of the agency, the tony agency functioning on the negative cultural fold and full 5. you know, so we have suffered by the absence of attention on the how this to destroy the conflict over the last 10 years. so our resources have a rule that and we have one more mismatch between what we are expected to deliver. and we should never, never forget that one was unique because we are off to provide government like services. but we completely depend on the trade contribution for the member states on the hands when the member states, i'm not sure retires, as part of the world on not prioritizing our own walk. we have, we stopped to,
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to stuff uh we have to mother for a lot, but it had the names back from the quantity of a lot of services over the last 10 years. and then we had october 7, october 7, with extraordinary the staggering needs in the straight for, for which i have to say we had a good ship balter. but after that we hadn't 10 rate $26.00. the allegation was 12 stuff or 10. pre pause by a number of countries, a new and it was a story. 2 months later took that same, put on every point, has been up for the permission to. since all the known, i have come back. we have some new donors. we're having a strong den, or is it the from the public? but the only sir does not come from said the suspension. i'll fall mendoza to the united states. and even if you would have to united states,
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we would definitely not be in a you know, so sort of a pos when it comes to predictable funding for the agency. so it treatments a struggle, it's in palm to offer the denti fi existence of for the, for the agency. and the big chunk of the discussion we had was a member of the advisory commission, was very much related to funding. so i think i always stop here and thank you. we thank you for the for, for this introductory remarks. the diag for the few questions. sorry. i've seen hence. yeah. i give the, for in the, in the order i've seen it done. it's stuck with the i do from sunset, mr. knowledge and it took me last was on the sure. and as i need a separate, a separate syllabus. good was energy efficiency still need a new version. uh. was it easy to the unit?
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okay, that was the that was the late plaza. we need to commission a general off audra speaking that in geneva, i'll just sum up some of what do you have to say the head of the organization calling on you and partners and all those to fight back against f. it's by israel to how the organization does find it as it continues to try and provide humanitarian assistance in gaza across the region. he talks about the challenges the organization was facing. he said the agency was essential in providing a 2 thousands not just threw out as well as 8 months offensive, but even looking into the future when it comes to the days off, they talked about the importance of the what the organization when it comes to education and then he also talks about how the organization was staggering under the weight of we're legend as attacks by the israeli army. over the course of the last few months, he said the agency had paid a terrible price,
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a $193.00 on rep personnel had been killed. he said, as a result of this will. okay, are now living on as well as supreme court has ruled, but the army must draw the country's ultra orthodox jews. the world in could split prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition government ultra orthodox policy is all positive. nothing yahoo is reading coalition on without them the government will collapse. leading to new elections. the court said as well as compulsory military service supplies to the ultra orthodox like all the citizens. at least $32.00 people have been killed and is rarely strikes on several parts of gauze as since the early hours of tuesday morning is rarely strike on out and the gauzy refugee camp in central gauze are killed at least 5 palestinians. 3 children are among the dead, and more than 37500 published indians have been killed since the war and gone. so
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began last october. as of the latest with target boys who he joins now live from there on the tower and bring us up to date police to tax yes, generally what we continue to hear on the ground is constancy. is many bombardment that continue to show the entire truth from the news to the southern part of the territory. but the main focus within the early hours of this morning and even within the open noise strikes when the territory is directed towards the north of his trip. this very marginalized part of the territory has been experiencing different suits of humanitarian and military prussia, executive, especially in areas that the vast majority of recent stock due to rick. at least 15 palestinians have been due to the system of the route, cheapest main honey alongside the numbers of his family members being targeted by the grim reality on the ground. sounds really dias specifically. that is what it all me has the bounds and also the central areas of kansas city,
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especially that has done recently to be any recreation center, including a dizzy or a support flap for at least the full palestinians have been with was 16 just now. concepts to get proper medical treatment in the past as possible to find even of the solvent pont of gauze and con eunice in particular, is what he has found to the group of palestinians. at least one has been killed along side that roughly district has been receiving different sorts of military pressure. exactly. you know, more of the area with is really naval forces. have open the fire against one of the palestinian tents in the coastal 9th of that area. one lady has to be killed as causes health ministry said that at least 13 to palestinian so far within the past 24 hours have been killed. the vast majority of them were killed in the no other possible goal is at this place that is suffering from high rates of malnutrition. i'm a nurse, so they've been getting to know that part of the gaza strip. also we've been
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hearing from the civil defense crews on the ground that they are scrambling in order to help to recover the the people who are still under the russell if they destroy it, houses where those is palestinians have been left under the remnants of the shot the buildings. okay, thank you for that topic about doing that for us in central garza, the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for full russian defense minister. second, a showing you as well as the russian general valeri get us know of. so we go in the car and chief of stop rushes, ministry accused of crimes and crimes against humanity. cool, says they directed multiple attacks targeting civilian populations. let's go to all correspond to stuff boston who's a them sit down for us stuff. so did we know that this was about to happen? you know, we didn't actually,
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this is this announcement comes now exactly around to time when we were expecting an announcement on the arrest warrants a, in another conflict in the gaza against the prime minister. nathan jo and also 3 leaders of how much, but now this is coming a 1st that was no announcement earlier that these arrest warrants were requested by now to free trials chamber has released these arrest warrants. we have to remember that a year ago there's also beat and the rest for went to against the president, sliding inputs and also for war crimes. and now these 2 channels and the form of defense minister has now also be issued in the restaurant again. so this not means that all the countries that they will travel to who have us assigned to the rome statute, we'll have to arrest them and bring them to the hague. but actually, as we know, since the rest of or with against president clinton and he has not been the rest of
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the, of course, has also been avoiding traveling to countries where they have this obligation to hand them over to the i see in the hate. okay, thank you for that stuff by some left for us in amsterdam now, and this is the last minute of school julian of phones will plead guilty to one challenge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information in the us court room on wednesday. this ends the united states loan running efforts to prosecute. so we can expound if illegally revealing government secrets off to his court. hearing with league says, assault will return to australia. daniel robinson isn't skin sidney with the latest as well. he, in australia, his support is excited and they are elated to hear this news that the wiki likes found. it used you to become a free man after he's hearing in. so i've had, and we have heard moments ago that he's,
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he's due to arrive in australia is capital in cameras. first for full spending time with his family. and that is something that he's brother not long ago has said that assigned is really looking forward to being back with he's partner and he's children and saying he's family. but his brother also said that assigned is feeling overwhelmed and he's caught in a still a has said that while she is grateful, the support they have received. she is cautious. she says she would not believe that assigned is truly free until she can hold him in her hands. so while there is still some steps to takes julian assange, his mother has said that she's frightful, that this part of the ordeal is over. and while it has been tough for her over the past 14 years, she said this moment really was a result of the power of quiet diplomacy. something that was echoed by a sanchez's father today to quite diplomacy has really been the consistent theme
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with australian governments. here today we saw a red bipartisanship in parliament, a support for assigned cross to potty lines. the prime minister said that this case is going on for far too long and that a sergeant needs to come one. it's been an extraordinary saga that has really gone beyond legal teams. it's been an effort across 3 governments as well as constant conchella assistance and pressure from he's supporters that have been flashing for this moment to kayla switch and back to teneo with thousands of protesters up in raleigh against proposed tax wise. there's this morning and parliament has now approved a 1000000000 tax. hi. so let's go straight to zane. this is robbie who is reporting life for us from that. so saying what's happened in the last half an hour or so? parliament has now officially posts the bill. i believe that is correct is that the session in parliament was ongoing. what was happening
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on the streets, just a 100 meters outside parliament was absolute bedlam. we saw protesters and police clashing and protested, did turn violet. protestors were breaking bits of paper and throwing rocks at the police. police were firing back with water tenants to your desk, and we've also heard reports of live far being use at least 2 people reported we shot during the course of these demonstrations where a few city blocks away from the parliament known as you can see. there's dark smoke rising over a crowd that has gone from a few dozen scattered groups too. absolutely. tens of thousands of protesters everywhere and the sides of the city blocks everywhere in downtown roses is you can tell whether this is going to pass or not. this was the people that does happen, and there was surprising step down even though is that what they wanted,
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they don't support too high. they got in touch with you to continue to say is that they are here for freedom and what they want is to decision makers to the future of their concerns. and they will make sure that happens on the streets, if not in the halls of power. and zane, so the, the bill has now been approved. what is the purchase has been saying to how long these purchase going to continue of the well, now the bill is going to prove the president of 14 days decided into law and with the protest. this thing is that whether it takes another day, a week or months, it will continue to come on to the streets. now, is the time to try to protest to stop the president from signing the bill. there's still wants to see it's not pass and they say now the protests will go from stopping the eyepiece or voting for it to stopping the president from signing it into law. okay. that was a invisible be that for us in nora be way upon them. it has just approve those
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measures that protest as have been protesting again. okay. yeah, up to date inside story is coming up next. lot small on our website. if you want to hear about any more, the stories, please do. check it out out a 0. don't come here up to date. the theory in india, students say that a state exam results scratch because of a corruption scandal. police are investigating league for the exam paces affecting more than 3000000 young people. so on the next for the students, i'm the countries education system. this is inside storage. the .


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