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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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thanks very much. let's just show you. some of the lights has pictures that are coming out of the canyon capital. this is the problem of building a profit that's on file you are watching. i'll just say a. this is the scene at the moment from the academy and capital library. and it's apartment on 5. it's $1300.00. and we're bringing you these live pictures of protests and demonstrations of the parliament to be passed to bill assignments bill, which would increase the basic the price of basic commodities across the country. a number of people have been shot and dozens of others have been arrested during those protests against not just the proposed tax rises, but now this tax bill the we do, there are lots of people behind that camera. screening shows and protesting. these are the latest pictures of people actually just leaving and running away from the parliament building. those crowds store and the building itself in library based
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testing is a positive on 5 in the past few as m. p. 's have approve and measures proposed by the government to present william, re take the payment saved the proposals will further increase the cost of living, but vases the rise is unnecessary to increase in revenue and reduce borrowing less costly if it's america whereabout correspondent, a nairobi malcolm just tell us exactly where you are and what you're seeing right now. so i'm right outside parliament where the demonstrate is vacated, the sections of the railings which have been resolved. there's a ministry truck data type that's typically used by some pos, the department at to please, which has been told smoking remains of a truck. the february in the street. police worth accounting, pause outside on the other side of the street. at the body of a young man holding a canyon flag with a bullet hole right in the middle of his forehead dead on the floor. but his brain,
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uh scott said on the paper and noticed the show by the guy, the body was picked up and put in a police car. and what we saw that it was uh, video street is uh, paying close security operations, firing guns into the crowd. we saw several people who carried away with gunshot wounds since then the police have pushed it demonstrates his back away from donovan . constance found that the gas being fired, just so 2 trucks of people admitted to uniforms arrive supposed to be one of the police, permitted to lead me to do that. wearing helmets kind of collapsed nicole heading towards the crowd of demonstrators and now 3 towards the kind of vehicle proceeding in that direction as well. now this is about extensively rejecting the fine on sale, but it's about so much more uh, is, comes into context where demonstrations are expressing treatments trust to the governments in what they say is the context of very widespread and visible
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corruption. now let's place a clearing some of the deputy right here so that the both accounting truck passed. one of the, one of the things they've been putting out of the street is that the welded massive bunk from wheels with the names of the n p. the voted in favor of the written on the side of it and select bins about rejecting the bell and stuck on the top of it was off of medicaid and couldn't waste up. but instead, steve and add the pigs head with cash, it is mouth. and this is a message from the, from the demonstrates is it's a bit suggesting that the, the m p, the in parliament simply being paid to rights and decided to put in favor. it's a, it's a statement against corruption. and again, for they say, a little they feel is a complete lack of representation. this is the building up for my own 7 days since the proposal sold is financial, bel,
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you'd be in the library during this period of time. just give us an idea of how the i think it has been building up to the moment that we're watching the scenes that you're seeing now on the screen. what would they have in the, in the same, very fall just outside father and a week ago, when a couple of 100 demonstrations came, the price of reading calls the fine on sale, which is intended to increase taxes. they were broken off by please add a cool full for the demonstrations on says a law suite to submit hearing a bill that day, thousands of people headed to the streets in more than uh or around 20 different towns and cities across the country. and in a very large demonstration, every night, right, be which again met. was it kind of an say a got 5 by piece towards the end of the day at one of the people what killed the price testers and video showed the witnesses on video. and i think like the
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security opportunity breaking up the crowd using like gum fire, among other things instead of demonstrations that then declared the 7 days of rage starting on friday, i think because on social media and that's included different process activities everyday including demonstrates is attending strategies on sunday was the frequency by politicians. there was cheering and shouting of, of seconds against president re so when he was inside a chat in button and one full time, one part of the country. the bottom of is, do you just need to get in today? and that's why the demonstration came back to the street. so they've been built all kinds of other activities going on in the last week that with you just wouldn't have seen the week before. and creating if example, these are the same campaign is online. instruct, same people how to recall that read page. so the and p c cited in favor of the bill
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and please, and can you can be because according to the constitution, if they have the said the people demanding the vehicle, have the signatures about 30 percent of the can say to and said i am see comes from the instructions today, they have been translated into kenya is many different languages. and that being distributed around the country. and i'm saying this is a sausage gathering, frequences try and recall m. p symphonic and said all kinds of the position activity, which is a symbol unprecedented. and the kind of things this demonstrates is it doing now i'm not being done in the recent past. i certainly take a position in political opposition that demonstrates is complaining to fails to represent them as well as speak to people probably testing them today, just the position. politicians are easily just to be paid off in the building cost . just stay with us for that. i would say malcolm, because the images that i'll screen
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a bit more vivid now for all of us joining us here on out to 0. these latest pictures and life pictures coming out of the tiny and capital my road be where people took to the streets may have did over the last 7 days, protesting against the proposed increase in taxes on basic commodities through the finance bill. that bill has been passed and people have not got incredibly angry. in doing so, paula bins and the surrounding areas of the pilot building have been infiltrated and pasta. the building is on fire and peace. probably feed, evacuated as has the speaker. but the security forces is taken about heavy a 100, a private stays protest, as we believe that one person instead of many more into that as you can see from the much larger picture on your screen right now on the left we have uh well, um, security personnel and we believe perhaps a dead body as well in the distance. and as great,
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that's all part of the capital. and then the right to the screen of the 2 small about says we have, i think doctors and medics giving 1st agency all those that are injured in the box below we can see more protest as tight to the streets in various parts of the capital as they have nothing to lose, all them is found as well, cuz this isn't much big of problem. now the security services, you've seen that most of the day in terms of see how they had or were planning to protect the area and keep the whole area safe. and perhaps non confrontational, so this demonstration started peacefully in the morning. but then things escalate said please, 5, take us in both account and to try and break it up. and then some of the demonstrate to the front uh towards parliament while they were confronted by the police started trying does uh, an escalation lead to, uh, to that seems to be 60,
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with paying quite a security firing weapons towards the crowd. several people being carried away with guns or waiting, and then the body to that body is the same right here on the street outside. call them and a young man holding a canyon flag. but the police were right in the center of his forehead, and his brains spilled on the paper until just a short while ago. he was picked up and they put body before the police on and driven away. now is the death of to demonstrate to is uh, last week uh, reportedly allegedly by taking place security. you were trying to break up the demonstration last the last day last week. that caused so much i can get to be expressed on line on social media to the declaration of the 7 days of re does to campaign as a code. and for all of these different process sunset disease which will be taking place and reaching data, including the st price, ask, who's taking place here today and it's still going on right now. we're on the corner by uh, by the front of the building. and just at the end of the street around yeah,
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demonstrate that it's still that was that john, seeing what you had encountered more than anything else, was the demonstration to send for the against the final bill, but yet signatures increases taxes. so what you need demonstrate discount thing going is rico moscow that expressing no position to president bruce, i am willing president william booth a at 2. a 2 government says that these tax colleagues unnecessary as to the candidate to raise money for the budget to pay for services to keep up with it . if the pamphlet is set. 1 uh, if you feel any about what the school situation with take us in and around your mouth could be so right, we can move on and we can come back to you. we'd love to have you in a, a safe to position to talk to in a few minutes time. so we'll let you go because i've got a guest. i want to speak to now from my re be joining us as the continuous been
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that he's a researcher with the east africa peace and security governments program for the institute of security studies. mr. ben, that could help you with this on the program. can i just get your reaction to what you might be seeing on your television and screen? it might not be the same picture that we're seeing. but you certainly know what's going on in your capital as well. it just been with the president of the to be honest and for can yeah, as you can, you're ready for the demonstration sort of slid. it can be able to be very peaceful and from finding the morning the so for testers, the other from different corners of the people knowing that it would be quite that fast copy to them and new or going to the cvd. this is a central business district for peaceful fortress and then of course i was the of the news that has not been the speaking. now use this book just as i've actually emitted that a problem and did it was be
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a see from what i'm also hearing is that on the pregnancy such as ok, so the government. now, he's also being that the not touched by, you know, by find other forms of the same body cops and we'll just buy the image, but also the send it to the city to speak. so it is quite to move into the into was, it is for late because of it was the display nice be the controversial finance view, which it part of me do was actually seating to distribution along the side 3 d. and of course us to click these, actually they find those phases will need to one of those wasting pictures of the as you say, a city hole now on file you've talked about the governor's office of the set is also being attorneys. this is now dead or i said getting out of control. and i know this comes up behind the dog correspondents while the nose getting the very well said this, can you give the government the excuse to go in a lot more heavy handed?
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is this the what re now? well it is the worry of was the president as a sabina beach. i certainly do divide. you'll get speaking and seeing the present as being double speaking of the present towards the 9, the who uh for i think, and apparently as district dunce to natalie and of course pulled up the in the next few minutes. you will be able to give us statement with regards to what does being documented. and of course uh the king employees has as mean overwhelmed. and the suspicion that maybe the, the, for the so be looking to, to, to, to supplement of getting into the busy, the national police has been doing. we check in shows that the practice does what you know, don't have any form of need. uh, what are, you know, just on the about the, the, the finance be and of course the of could have been seriously very peaceful manner and this symbolic ox actually of, uh, we need to probably,
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i mean to go to buying the dees flight. the one who mentors, uh, because these people sending, okay, a message that the dispute is very unpopular and if the government continues. so we did the, the a, the, an optimal dispute in see a, something that was really about, we used to be a country which is just the and proceed in getting done so, but the police are, you mean indicating participants if they're already begun to do so, that's being placed signs that the public at law. it's a very angry, 7 days of protest. it started nearly a week ago. you would have to think a certain the around parliamentary and wrong strategic government and civil service buildings. the security would have been built off in the last 7 days as the speed of failure uh, which is indicative of exactly what the people are talking about. a failure of golf, but nobody to protect people themselves and to look after that. well 5,
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but you can protect that right in civic buildings. ah, that's what i'm saying. it's quite unprecedented into of course seen boy. um, if you see that for just as was a broken or they put on the area is the biggest of these to deal with trying to see these of a document you got into place and the med joe was the need to buy them in the building so suppose was, these are so the city hall rolled into for the fundamental and for the workplace, this to be able to really break this by the end, getting to plug them into this quite unprecedented and symbolical, the nature of the nature of governance in congress dot com, is that the hub? and of course the other means you have the symbol. it seems, for example, the book test design. now you can see that in the 18 the 4 days. uh,
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the last that was to get so the members of by the mean, these are so uh, you know, cutting uh assign each of that is belonging to the part of the day and switch it again. i did most cation for the, um, uh, and the fact that these 2 pieces that gives those actually st homes that are waiting on some be paid. and of course, legally is actually being dining them so easily into the um, you know, to the months of these, uh, people. so the total is the fee of government. and for me, i'm already looking forward to the next statement that would be made by the head of state and included. so you know, the amount of features, especially in security related to the offices that can be very money, mentor for non people. the countries you have a dedicate the situation. yeah. we just never been, we missed in a long time. indeed, as a very serious situation of the day went to perhaps even kenya's neighbors will be
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looking on wondering what's going on because can you is one of those stable countries african continents. it's a, it's a, it's a game changer. it's a leader as well within the african union and within uh, east africa as well. and it is perhaps a worry, is it not? but another country perhaps could become a little bit more unstable than it normally should be. and this makes people know this doesn't fit the neighboring countries, the induced african region, including tons anyway, because the for the nice, especially if you look at the, the default does better physically support the switching to the finance view. and of course, the relationship between budgets and external boring leaves nice beak international financial institutions because most of these countries also be by then so bids from
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external bullying. and of course, if you look at the budgets that plus the martinez, the rate uh last week for the budget for the today for 2025. by actually a lot of the money, all the options explained to bits repayment. and most of the citizens from this country is based african countries such as you'd be under tends on you and mean. yeah, that will, these neighbors would be looking at 14 very closely because most of the most, i see bits of a little volume if money, which i get and as really contributed to these by then, which now most of the budget of kitchen is actually going to the payment of the state, but of course kenya is differentiate, put the data, these economics die in the region. it's g b and the comic studies quite significant compared to the other stuff you can countries. so they'd be a lot of tools. but um, folks of ation from, from these countries, but also the fact that the,
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these 4 test i've actually been initiated in late by use before the bought this with also somehow dropped off. it may be in there, right? you know, you're right for much to most of these countries also experiencing a lot of governance challenges such as for adoption, but you need bids and other forms of the ease of probation of funds. which now be the what to the board on the, from kenya, which of those to, for a new demo. so be and needing thompson's democratic gains in terms of showing that, did them actually belittle changes. so the students will be observed can be by these, these different countries and pulled up the display to serve all over to, to this, to this countries that, but that is for sure. look at the most sub into thanks so much for joining us. of course, we'll continue to get your analysis uh, as the hours progress that's closer to a correspondent, smile to web who's now in nairobi,
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malcolm i know that you've managed to get to us on kind of just explains where you are and what you're seeing right now. so we're just outside the bottom and building a central nairobi is that at 1st it took about what's down the streets. we can see butting remains of about any road block that beyond it demonstrates is of a challenging and shouting is a judge to the left. some demonstrate to the reason that some of the church is announced earlier today that they would uh, host metrics ready to support demonstrators who were injured during the process. these are some of the big churches in the city center. is one of the growing number of voice easy to varying degrees or is that expressing support? so the people on the streets at now around us here, we can see groups of uniforms, place some kind of a weapons to tear gas to which a lot has been side to so many trading close security opportunities around carrying
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carrying guns. and we saw some of them the shooting into the crowds and just a short while ago, it's time to come around this way on the streets. uh, just over there just outside parliament was a party of a young man who's carrying a canyon slag. he had a bullet hole rights in the center of his forehead. his brains has failed on the pavement. and this is one of the number of people who've also seen with gunshot wounds being carried away from here. now that swallowed at it demonstrates has a breaking in to bottom and to stay with that you can see still the remains where the fence was to an open. at least a truck appears to be a minute to truck. but this is a type of the police use, smoking smoldering, a just outside problem and i have it as well. it can demonstrate to 0. now to a hunting more, we've got a bunch of that. it says enough is enough. and this is about the extensively
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rejecting the fight on bill, which is meant to increase taxes. the government says it needs to increase taxes to pay for its budget to provide services and to keep up with debt repayment. and so this is the 2nd year in the road tax, has it been increased the sentiments among the protesters? is it that not accepting not from a government widely seen to be deeply corrupt and i was and i'm billions coming. going to have to us to come or operate to, to step aside why we lose malcolm, i'm doing, i'm sorry, they just couldn't. why he malcolm. while he moves to load the cards, while you move to one side, mid ambulance get through. we can see, demonstrates is coming towards you. can you just give us the geography of where you are in terms of the parliament building, the senate and the governors office because we have that the senate and the governor's office. the also have been a tax and worked full way. not quite sure. yeah, we're not seeing those pictures, but we certainly have seen the pictures from parliament.
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yeah, the apartment is right behind us. uh, we can certainly come around and uh, and take a look back quickly. just to see how close we are. we can see that find out police truck. these holes in defense. this is where minutes ago we saw a dead body on the pavement. the protest is right here, just an arrow, so it go to bring the camera background, you'll see why the police are full of the box using t a got to using both to kinda know what days to be live, guns lie, i can't. and apparently at least one people and several others, these dates are being in to be done. so with these demonstrates of some of the coming out the judge on the left. others coming down the streets being met. we say a gas and flash bang stung. today's big side by the police, but it's not detecting them very much. clearly a lot of boots up and got among these crowds on the streets. a lot of these demonstrations austin,
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to be to reject that finance bill. one of the things you hear people, cherry more than anything else, is the roots. i must go. uh, president william read say, who became president to you as a guy also being vice president for 8. yes. it is. comes of a time that increasing cost of living and the government's basically asking people to tighten a belt. yes, again, with these further increases in taxes. but it's a government that demonstrates is feel is deeply entrenched in corruption and patronage. and they feel it simply doesn't have the policy to collect more money from people when they didn't trust this government to deliver services and noise day of the money. and of course, when the bill was proposed, well could meet was proposed several weeks ago, but you might say, been mentioned to protest again. states has really ramped up a notch over the last 7 days when the use elemental all canyon society just basically said we've had enough time. we're going to have 7 days of rage was 7
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days into these private tests as such. and they've built up men. so just give us an idea of the men so, but also can you give us an idea of how it security is built up in the capital to count of the product tests as well. it was escalate to drop it and we were standing. right? yeah, just 7 days ago, and the demonstrates is tied to mazda parliament codes. the 1st demonstration is just a couple of 100 that day they were broken up by police dispersed using to you guys . and it demonstrates is code full every to, into the streets on thursday. last week, when the next uh, sits economy with you to discuss the build up process. so a thousands of people in towns and cities across country about across the country, about 20 different towns and cities. and very many people here in my baby. please try to break up the demonstrations using gas and both accounting. and at the end of the day, just off the sunset, one or 2 people were shot dead. we saw
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a video showing plain clothes, security operatives running into the crowd, firing guns, and more phase 2, to repeat and attempt to, to clear the crowd at the end of the day. now that prompted to demonstrate this to the class, 7 days of rage started at the end of last week and they proposal different kinds of activities, including people across the country to begin read the process of re cooling their m t. the constitution as a provision for re cooling a m p 's has been elected, it requires gathering about 30 percent of the signatures of devices in any one constituency. now the instructions to do this have been translated into several of can use different languages and distributed online to different parts of the country. is the kind of mobilization that has not been seen in can you before or certainly not. so yes, on sunday, protest is went to churches, which often frequented by politicians, president william groups or attended a church. many members of the congregation ones allowed in sides because the
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security forces, evidently thought it could become a run with the protesters to protest. as john said, outside of buddhist, come, boy, and it just seems that they said he just said the security personnel imaginable in uh and what many people it does seem security personnel, sorry to interrupt that malcolm. obviously there was a ring to cold, the security ring, and cold and in front of parliament, so that literally those security personnel and the truck that's just going pass really day. well, those protest is further down the street to anyway, the problem is, i presume that's the strategy so far as we're trying to keep them back same. so we can just see some on summary. uh, what it pays to be a shot gun towards these young people you've seen someone jumped out on the street if we turn the camera to the left. and we see the demonstrates is coming out of the church on the left, holding their hands up kneeling. with that being said,
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just pulled out of a check. we'll have to, if we get you to describe the pictures now we see we can, we can say those sorts of images due to you might say international television rules and the of calm. but that's a, those are the rules that we have to abide by and sense of taste and decency. is that me a ton of death, obviously, have rec situation and unfolding way. you. uh, um, obviously, security personnel uh very heavily on malcolm. just so if you can visually describe what's going on, whether it's protest as well and where they are right now is a, is a church made by you were talking about churches and places of century for those that might be injured? a yeah, this is all taking place just outside a judge. now we don't know if the person log on the ground was injured or conscious . what that indeed is. he said he's taking the camera away. that there were people
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now gathering around that person like on the floor and this is just outside. indeed, the judge seems to crowd around the person like on the floor. come, has moved back in that direction and just to the left. today we can see the entrance of a church now this morning church, sometimes the latest said that they would the host injured people in the churches. i'm have some medical services inside the scene of the large city center uh churches, which is one of the many growing forms of uh, of expressions of, of, to varying degrees support to these protests that are up to very quickly. i already in the last, uh, 7 days uh, we clearly many uh, institutions, uh, churches included ceiling and due to varying degrees that the people on the streets have a points. and this does come off their cost of living prices. that's uh, that's the cost of living is being, getting off on and off ever since the global academic at corruption and misspending
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goal. does that mean the perception of that is going on as being a problem in can yeah. for, for generations, but it's safe to mount the reset. i don't really want to, i don't want to the government of president, really a router, but don't want too much because obviously you want to give us backgrounds and that's absolutely crucial and like this. but obviously we think a lot of folks are generally surround to roles. think a lot of noise to the left. we presume, protest is they want to face off against it seems that power, that line of security personnel, how many security personnel that we talking about that behind you, that we can see dozens and dozens here around thought of a movie, said many more of going towards the other positively now way saying please try to break up this very small group. it demonstrates is who we're trying to approach apartments. so i think that we've boston's,
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we just say 9 people firing weapons in the last few minutes. but then yeah, the renewals will to kinda in around some of gone down the street. uh, there's another one uh, just talk behind us. uh. and then we sold 2 trucks of uh, of, of men and made it to uniforms and helmets and collapsed because it was a driving into the crowd. we didn't know if they belonged to one who can use power, military police units, which part of the security agencies that they belong to. i mean real estate of uh for example, one is the basement trusted this right? get giving water to a protest to a short while ago and the other side is that there are also some expressions of sympathy from the police officers themselves. we've had protests as john, things like we're doing this for you as well. the rank and file of the police are not highly paid, and those wages go for everyone in kenya, less fall than they did at, you know, just one or 2 years ago. some everyone's feeling depends to varying degrees. and so
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there's expressions of sympathy from the, from the prices to the police, it is very tough situation that isn't everybody's hope and testing is coming out and things like, we're doing this for you, which we get to help. yeah, it's a 10 situation, is that somebody protested so we can see appealing, most probably it seems to the security services that who keeping that distance, even though they ha heavily um. there was a suggestion by one of the contributors just a short time ago. that is, the situation did get was the president has the ability to call in the military and those the evening. what with mid afternoon now, but as the evening progressed, as of a sudden sense, they might be a bit of concern about security around the capital in, in general, of the internal affairs administered speaking yesterday said the demonstrations wouldn't be allowed to. we're not allowed to carry on pos, uh,
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just seeing if someone else being carried away that they noticed ariens, they don't know the internal affairs administered, that the process could not carry on beyond sunset. now last thursday it was just solely off to sunset. uh that that, that we saw this video showing playing cited security opportunities, firing weapons, the crowd. and then the crowd was uh, broken up in the 80 hours in the evening and it just shortly off the night. so. so yeah, we wait to see what will happen when the sun sets in just uh, just save it 2 hours from now. uh, at least the demonstrate is we'll try and stay around or what kind of forced the police might use to break them up. and that the, the government then, i think, finds itself positively between a rock and a hard place in terms of how to deal with this. because many of these demonstrates are certainly not old, but very many that young people who are relatively educated, living in the cafeteria, people are using small credit and live streaming everything on social media. and so
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the amount of visibility to these protests as being significant, especially compared to the initial number of people just a couple of 101 week ago, exactly when we were standing right here. but with that use to technology, social media platforms and smartphones become very visible very quickly. so some of the rights abuses that we said in the past in committed by security agencies against demonstrations, for example, in some areas to which is relatively little outcry or repercussion. and if it's small numbers, approaches to decode in such circumstances, but the reaction now is very different and won't be. so when many people were arrested exactly a week ago, that the lowest society of kenya came out declared it would help the protest if he's, with dozens of lawyers looking 3 stations to push for the release of the those detainees . now the government seems to appease to continue to try it across, down to being reports of several. a prominent social media campaign is in active is
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being abducted by people in plain clothes last night. and in several cases of this reported over the last few days, in each case of somebody going missing well being seen being conducted by people in plain place. the hash tags about online cooling for that person to be freed is that near the end of end of last week and over the weekend. all of those details were released within 24 hours so that we understand about 7 will be removed from an in social media activist. i'm interested in to check the aspect behind the to the government and he said, detaining these people. the quote is an outcry, but then they feel that if they really said that these people are leading the process, but the reality is these purchase things really have elidah. no. malcolm, in the, in the week of protests that we've seen over the last 7 days, you would have spoken to a whole range of people. young people, shopkeepers, house,
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wives, business, been politicians that's just begin with the rank and file public who have found the cost of living just unbearable. can you just give us a case history of the type of person you have been speaking to? and the, and the real problems facing, which is the hots of this issue right now, why we're seeing people on the streets and why we've seen people shots and injured in can yet. and it's capital nairobi of the people who spoken to uh, it just included people who uh, in that light team to just finish school thinking about that teachers. so having to go to university are looking for jobs. we've spoken to people in these that these even forty's, including professionals lawyer as a guy we spoke to last week, is public relations professional and others that we speaking to as well. that the demographic, supposing this is quickly a phase to quickie bye much broad. we've had that as videos going viral on social
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media from people in the middle ages saying we should support our children. it's been described online and international media like traditional media hearing. can you, is jen z protest referring to the many young people who are among the demonstrators, but it is from the start to of actually be much broader and not and quickly going forward. if i ask why the 2nd, as these messages ads rather spread advice on line. and i'm here on the street, as well as being told simply agenda. the process does seem to have a much big of backing. and it's ok a minute ago about the leadership doesn't continue to have leaders. and that's something i think that's uh proving challenging for the government people online. i've been joking about the fact that and security agencies are trying to find out who's paying people to demonstrate. and the jugs is being made is around the president with a route 70 governments. uh, according to the, to the campaign is not understanding that people sometimes do things without being
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paid. that the protesters imagine is that new wise but feeding the everyone there in parliament is doing what they're doing because of political benefits. because it puts in a tool because of the direct rights which is the something that people have fairly widespread. and it's in that context is the rising cost of living and the government's requests for people to tighten the bells even more is uh c only. so an acceptable so many people of a sudden they feel that the revenue that has been collected state has been mismanaged to much of it has been stolen. now there's just a truck of uh, another truck arrive please arriving at just to see we tend to come around. we can take a look some reinforces. 0 coming and the just down the street that the police in our advancing towards the
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demonstrates is we just to the end of the block. and we can see in here, this is a, you know, so just down the streets as well. when we have them says david, several blocks throughout the city center, where the streets with completely filled the trees left many of those streets because they were containing the output. and they pulled back to was the streets around parliament to try and keep these demonstrations away from parliament, which they did not succeed in doing just a couple of hours ago when demonstrates is broke in and out. so we saw those scenes of people with gunshot wounds being carried away and the pain cited security officers shooting guns into the crowd. of course you're watching got out of their mountain with federal correspondents and i right be. malcolm will just give you a few moments just to gather your thoughts and to find out what's going on behind you and why you all would just recap for all view is across the world. what's going on from ken demonstrates as of stones became unit complement in nairobi,
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assessing the building or parts of it on fire. local media, a reporting, a number of people have been shot during those demonstrations against the tax rises, dozens of others have been injured. to demonstrate the civil also set funds to the headquarters of the local government in i repeat these all the latest pictures of the offices close to parliament in the heart of the city. we also believe the governors office and the senate, as also being attacked thousands of protests dissolved rally across major cities in the country. police have been using roles to come in and take guess, to disperse those crowds. protests, 10 violence of the m p 's approves the measures proposed by the government to present william booth at to raise taxes on commodities. 0 opponents say that the proposals will further increase the cost of living. the present retailer says the rises are necessary to increase revenue and reduce borrowing. stella garza
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and africa governance and security analyst in the long time textbook old campaign joins us now live from library b. mr. garra good to have you with us on outright or we were speaking just what 7 days ago about the prospects of the problems that the router government could face based. the bill was approved. i just want to get your reaction of what you are seeing on the streets and hearing on your television screen. i mean, 1st of all, i must registered of them is really extremely upset by the situation of the country right now. it's exclusively disappointing that the present has been getting advice from whoever to use this into the process to be help end of the listening as your report is actually inform the warranty. and then these a lot of the things being the don't have to get to yet names and that was,
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it was black, but it was supposed to be shit and less than the stuff was built for the present. here. what canyon's i see in the one of the fish on we had the more he, i didn't mention that the prove not the business. as usual. the government is used to, to stopping focused by using violence by using force. and then eventually people give up and stuff different as they did not realize that he just realized that i think maybe could be the view of the dealing with a different kind of group of on the matter of fact, the motivation when the soviets today, when all this was happening then the midway in government actually be pitching in and looking for the for the being close by close. and then eventually because they might have to finish the should be possibly because they don't get and get them to do the discussions this because in court for impact reading and they actually do the final water in this document. the board has come out, it's $195.00, will give us $1.00 to $5.00 will to me, what is he doing about police,
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multiple spiteful. so after all the process, it seems $48.00 people money to change their minds in books, no to the the assignment that looked for the present book sense to, to this, this, to be looking at how class he has been the will, the, as he finishes of school, he has to account for what's demand and bought. what do you have to be like is going to attempt to actually extend to dispute? and i'm told that the boys of king of the middle of being passed by the government and will sign with the tricia to the distribution. i missed of the team. and the government is the best way to to can. and the institution is that now lights up in the young people who one of the children dimensions via people who are very young. been doing good and kind of douglas. and now we've lost last. it's a v b. unfortunate situation, unfortunate and serious as well. i mean, this is a, that's simply a scenario. as you say, that the canyon presidents,
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even previous cunning and presidents would never have met the gen z generation, are incredibly different in the way that they think. and the way that they believe they want to see the future unsolved. and rising taxes only allows them to perhaps see and that pirates, that uncles, that grandparents worry about how to put the basic things like food on the table and paying the bills. if we just take those 2 issues, the basic commodities, the tax will tax will be incurred on can you just give a view is around the world? what use, what you know is going to income the new taxes so, so one of the ones that i have been watching the front about is the time some people can even have an independent input in and when, when the citizens pushed back and said that they can do a point at talk some of the local, even function goods, then the results to know how the test when the inputs. unfortunately when you,
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when you talk to people to the problem is dependent on people's lives. the cost of these people does that make sense? but just because of the same thing with the motor vehicle types of cancers, if it was the data and then instead they proposed a few. in the meantime, i'm leaving the proposed as a determined by 7 conditions. and he tells us this goes to the bottom. it will bring up and most of the problem is enough because no money respond immediately when it goes to the people when they talk about sexy studies and something determines like laptops, phones in disabilities, young popular disease or amongst apple just dropped the tubes of treatment. this is across the tennessee that the government
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has over and over again to provide jobs for them to provide them with this kind of a from previous review. but this particular regime has many to us. it is when they did it. we actually do to us that the jobs that they used to have access to. i mean, really, unfortunately, when the taxes to an income and you stop suppressing them being held because of the symptoms that go to the dispute for the needs that they have created for themselves to be able to, to, to have jobs. what at this time and maybe in one of the attempt to get to the media production, i have one group of similar to the of the government. this reason will not accept the disposal of the majority of a previous invitation to mind. in addition to the news, had been threatened tremendously by, by the 2nd president of these companies like some of the defendants moines and because of the 10 accounts. and we'll be happy to be understood to attempting to
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dig into this comes in the this is completely unaware of the stairs. this is the fit of use. the key thing i'm sure you have seen in the picture. the money slips is funding critical items in the money from $5.00 foot and the areas in the city. and also apart from that, i know that when they come to now the, the budget is going to be and having for auction for a boost in addition to, to sit down and watch the government will be billed the president to engage in drama. we for action to watch from people who like to watch some cases being part of the school to get to know who is not the least for them to work and making decisions about the government that enriches orientations and re just himself. and
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then being will do to start with the detect and then build, i think is the institution. but i think that that is causing this people who will not be. and then you begin to really the process of 10. 10 is also be aware that the i am is hard for the difference in how this business drafting video with this has happened in particular, just seeing that at the bottom, if i can, i have met for the full banking when i put the am if, because they needed assistance, need a budget in terms of how they should be boring because the required probably participation folks because in a more we, we have never had that. i did the reason i think i mentioned this is one of the programs i know. so we don't even know what people will be using for some time. and then also once i meet and then we look at and see the funds, we need to do that the development activity did in some cases. in some cases, we did have some reason usable to diminish. you'll tell the state of the company
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and secretaries in the mornings is how do you get young people, human environment like that to understand when you're telling them i'm going to come back and defend duplicate, to get the resources from these young people to understand that because we loved and lived in a comfortable company and negotiating the bunch of people to yesterday, but you to the point of having a position of connectivity 10. and then you tell them to now you're going to be looking for another to get their voices in front of them. the president of one to just one to listen to what the can use of seeing the easy i believe the pressing will this be or the discussion of this be these 2 to be and said that he's going to be brought to the drawing board. maybe you do the attempt to describe the image of the to resisting amongst the use. i know i know these now. yeah. but he thought he was dealing with a c or should not from, from being he has asked. yeah, maybe i was, i would like to just get that because it just seemed that the president doesn't,
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doesn't perhaps sold it, as you say, isn't the way i really of the pulse of the nation and which parts of the nation's pulse beats just that little bit stronger which is young people, jet and z. as you say, we've got a developing story coming in a line that the government has now, or the president has allowed or instructed the military to come in to back up the police. what do we read into that in terms of security and the message that's being said? now as this, as the evening progresses, the ninety's on the wall. when you have to bring that meets the ministry to come and you will because in the writing is on the will that be i have a feeling states we're heading to recruit. can i supposed to be heading to the people because of the 2 pieces to some of the people who give them to my husband? what a team by 10, you know, given on monday we have
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a social contract and he with the taxes. we worked and people to develop and he's supposed to be something that people have cannot subbing international exist not probably interested in what you can have. i also aware of the claims of bravery the front of it, which is why some of them are you respective of what it was because the opposing them to do today is the number one number to the just before i go to the of december, because there's another appointment to be looked at and it was beginning from the st. does need to get the police with the citizens to meet the needs of the media to what kind of forces the city wants to business days. and is it given looking from, from the military that as opposed to be defending this nation from external attacks and will be put and locked and multi defeated with with, with the lives of citizens. the police have been on the streets and the full
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d until the stuff is due to use level as well. but use like the can use it use it was thing that you've been sales have demonstrated in the last couple of days before was the coming out to the customer, the vice president, to, to get the meeting out there. as is to ensure that the austin, that he provides time for citizens up to the individual this month. the key to bundle the submission. as he mentioned, he has an opportunity to speak english quotes and all that to be a very close for the saturday. he is the one with, can you tell me what are these countries? i'm still the dream for days because you become up too busy some to save, just come to the to lap. and what for many years after the big news live with the 300 entities as a god will have to leave with that for the moment it's got to get your insight. i'm sure we'll be speaking to as the hours progress. thank you so much for joining us from nairobi insights you joining us here on out as ever. these are live pictures
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and the latest pictures coming out of the canyon capital for several hours now. since the finance build, as it was proposed by the president and maybe some days ago, it was initiated that had been protests on the streets from a large sway that society predominantly led by the younger use generation. it's 10 violent in the last few hours when problem it was taken into the parts of it on fire. we also believe that the office of the governor, since the whole of the senate, of also being the type empties well should out by security services. several people have been shot dead on the streets of library be what you'll single the left of your screen now heavily on a security post. now we believe parts of the police schools that are on the streets . you also have the line waiting to also get more visual confirmation that the military have been called in to back up the police. let's call say that's a conference. so he's in the city of kits to move in the south of the country. a
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fast moving situation in the capital cast when you've also a multitude what's been going on in the capital the last 7 days, but you're not seeing kids to move. just explain to us what people bad are saying and what you're seeing with regards to that you might say, saving anger of the public over this finance bill and how it's impacting on that day to day lives. it's just people that watching those tvs coming out of narrow beach in shaw, this thing that they don't know. oh, they don't understand what, how, what has happened. and, you know, i'm much said you still hale. i have how good may need protest. you're in kenya, including the portez that was held last year again, or the um taxes. so this was supposed to be a very peaceful demonstration. uh, but spring club,
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s. com that you said very quickly. now here it just seems thousands of all for testers. uh well marching all to the streets, the police were there they um you still got but not so much the abuse 40 here and we have been speaking. 9 in the last couple of minutes, we have been talking to start testers. we would have to push, feel, uh, gathered in some areas. and like i said, they said they are insured. and they tell us that this is not just about rejecting that nonce bill. they say that they offer frustration, mississippi, including the cost of living is extremely high. they cannot find jobs and they will put cheese, they teapots, whatever they're doing. they will be on the streets to call out of the government and let me just spell the all so that we're not only talking about too soon. you
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know, several of the counties have seen task level has already. that is where the president comes from. thousands of people to the stream such as cheap as well we have seen process in the postal robust stuff. oh really? so uh for these um, using tube tests there as well. now we're talking about varying jones. so testers, canyon itself, has about to 60 percent of the population. these uh that then um 35 years old and a lot of of september 20 twenty's. and they said that they are, they have the power in the numbers and they use that power. what are you calling out to the members of parliament pass that bill and
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build uh because they states that to stop sweeping? well, they fix the book to stop with hey, and he's also got to take responsibility for taking the decision as we just here. because the last few minutes that he's advise, the military coming to we think nairobi to back up the police. it sends a very home of this message and if it's going to happen and i rotate it, things take a time for the words, for example. well, the way you uh, take a minute to also be imposed that as well. hi catherine, can you hear me? yeah, you cut, we just seem to have lost. oh oh you cut my ear. okay. i know navigation is a very tough right now. we understand sitting in the visa consensus got with i'm not quite sure whether you had my question, but if the book does stop with the president, he also has to take responsibility for ordering the military into the capital and possibly into other areas of the country. if the situation does get was
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a more people come out, talk to the streets. i guess people outside uh what uh has been said. uh, people are very afraid because many of them know what happens when the military is compliant. if this is a demonstration pcs supposed to be a, you know, all the physicians and every time there for tests where, when works every time the political process, sometimes the military is called, the things you all use is usually a huge security presence as well. so people know that and directly afraid of what might happen going forward, but the ones that we've talked to say,
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you've got to receive a cause there really are 2 di florida saying that will keep coming to the street to call out the leaders. and they're not afraid, they say they say they're not, they are, you are less. and because like i told you before, they say that they have that power in numbers of thousands of them are young. and they're saying that it is time to take the future in the home to that whole time because that's what we think is because of because we will be catching up with you and of the while you're watching out. is there a line from dave hall? we are actually showing you those protests in 10 years, 1400 dollars, 10 seats, but demonstrates is of stone, parliament buildings in the capital setting something on file local media reporting, a number of people have been shot dead during those demonstrations. the gains tax rises, dozens more, have been images. the demonstrations of also set fire to the headquarters of the
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local government in direct be these all the latest pictures of the city whole built . this is off close to parliament, under the cost of the capital of thousands of protest is also running in major cities. place of being seen using war to come in and take us to disperse those kinds of products as to invalid after m. p. 's of proof, the mattress proposed by the government itself present when he emerged say to raise taxes, the vote and say the proposals will further increase the cost of living. but retail says devises unnecessary to increase revenue and reduce ball rolling costs back over to malcolm web. he's by close to those positive buildings now secured in a ring of security steel. it might be said by the police, malcolm, if you can hear me.


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