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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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inside local media realty, a number of people have been self dad's during those demonstrations, the gains tax rises, dozens more, have been images, the demonstrations of also set fire to the headquarters of the local governments in directly these all the latest pictures of the city whole. the offices are close to parliament under the halls of the capital. thousands of protest is also rallying in major cities, place of being seen using war to come in and take us to disperse those kinds protests and violence. after m. p. 's approve the mattress proposed by the government itself present when he emerged say to raise taxes, the vote and say the proposals will further increase the cost of living. but retail says devises unnecessary to increase revenue and reduce borrowing this cost back over to malcolm web. the he's by close to that is part of the buildings now secured in a ring of security steel, it might be said by the police. malcolm, if you can hear me,
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just tell us exactly what you are right now. what you're seeing, i can hear you or yeah, we do, we just down the street from the apartment outside the city county assembly building carlos smoking, tig area, which is that makes my eyes go to get a step aside and show you around. so we can see some of those the right place here with buttons and shields. they've been part of the crack down to try and break up these demonstrations rules have been submitted. the dressed please carrying the gossip in plain clothes, security opportunity, some of them carrying guns. now if you move the camera around to the left to see a supermarket here that will go lou to those. the crowd came down, head towards bottom. and all the demonstrates is i've been cooling for non violent protests, and so the large part today, the protest having dates not being so fine. and if you look further down the street, again, if you can see anything other than a lot of spoken to, i guess. but the on the demonstrates is they've been shouting and john saying
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reject the bill. but they mean reject the finance bill. the government's plan to for the increased taxes. the ones that you have in town seeing a lot is router must go president william roots. actually they blame for the cost of living crisis. and speaking to all the people on the street who they hold responsible for what they perceive to be widespread corruption and misspending mismanage into the economy. now if you bring the camera up to the left, we can see the nairobi city county assembly building, which is those are answered by demonstrates isn't the smoke. figuring out that from above the, the entrance. this is just one block away from parliament where that demonstrates is also entered into the compound or not. so when we saw those images of plain clothes, security operatives shooting into the crowd when we go to the bottom in just a short while ago. so a dead body on the floor of a young man kind of you can even flag with the but it wouldn't right to the center
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of his full head and the material of his uh, of his brain spilt uh the pavement until the police came and removed his body put it in a vehicle and drive it away. this is in the context of that, we understand several people having received gunshot wounds, but we don't yet know how many people have been injured or killed today. let's take a walk down the road. uh, i gotta step aside again. you can see the right place and then uh, a lot of deputy in the streets. well, it started basically in the morning, ended up with some of the demonstrations when police tried to uh, to keep them by using take us more with the account and some picked up uh, stones. uh, others, uh, set things on fire. if you look to the last remains of a building block with several of these around uh, ottomans, uh and uh, and then some of these demonstrations user answered apartments itself. we can also as the smoke billowing here from the city county assembly,
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which is also kaylee. uh, targeted, targeted by the i have of the, the demonstrators, please feel when you speak to them. kaylee very frustrated with all of the political task because what they believe is a political system that doesn't represent them and is entrenched in the interruption. and patronage sounds very much the sentiments of the people who speak take these demonstrations. it will say many other people who you speak to who even it's not coming to the streets themselves, been expressing thoughts. so these demonstrations of course, most of the has seen a scenario that you explained before the in the lead up to these demonstrations throughout the past 7 days, churches, i know the neutral locations, offerings, doctors and medic settings 1st aid has the opportunity to you might say setup so that just in case that was a problem, we have seen that sort of ration. so to me the last few hours
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of the. yeah. does it just just around the block that would demonstrate the sheltering inside and the need is one of the city center attaches this morning, announced that that would be hosting, as he mentioned medics inside the church. can you talk to a union? a nurses union said that providing free medical services to people ended in the demonstrations. uh then the, the prominent don't say prominence on social media. i was abducted on friday evening. please. excuse me to take us the smoking yet. yeah. a little bit challenging. so at a prominent don't to prominence on social media was reportedly abducted by plainclothes security. on friday evening before being released 24 hours a day to one of the number of people who a prominent on social media, i have been abducted to arrested in the last few days. now those arrested over the
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weekend saturday and sunday we're mostly released within about 24 hours following widespread campaigns on social media cooling. so that re release and lawyer is going to police stations to, to cool soul them to be released. but it just last night, the head of the planning process today. yeah. on the streets and i re add them to the mile. so i'm going to, i'm going to come out and buy me. yeah. okay. now can i want you to move away from the gas? i want you to move away from that say a gas with your camera mind that you keep talking to us. but just we, we know it's a challenging situation. if you can move away too much clear area, we'll carry on talking. it's not a problem. as long as we have the signal, we know that the police in a by say that if you want to move to a boat sites, a non gas. yeah. yeah. that would be a good for you. we know it does, it would take the eyes, it's all right. had so you but just that you can describe the areas that they said also what the nature of the security operation that that's
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a you yeah. and so now we walking down the street can see a crowd of demonstrates is a them something at the end of this block at the streets full of debris. just a couple of hours ago. the thousands of people feeling these very streets, making their way towards parliament as the security agencies try to keep them back initially using t got some will to canon that prompted some demonstrations to pick up a pick up about stones in the process took a, a time for the violent and that's when we seen those images of the same close security shooting guns towards the crowd and where we found the body of one young man coming in canyon flag shot dead on the floor with the bullet wound in the center of his full head now it was a desk of 2 protested, it'll says there is demonstration. last week. the frontage campaign is on social
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media to cool for 7 days of rage, including this demonstration planned for today. it was time for today because i'm fees are due to meet again in parliament to discuss the kinds of i always talk to us. i know you get the invitation. you know, because we know we've, we've, we've covered this a little bit and we will continue to cover just to tell us exactly where you are in terms of the geography of parliaments. we think that's behind you. i think you talked about city whole just a moment ago. i mean, wherever you heading to tell us a little bit about this area, because obviously it's become a little bit more empty and does a very, a distinct lack of security personnel. the, there are lots of battery is up the so we're now about 2 blocks away from parliament. so often the processes go inside parliaments and the police eventually push them away. uh, we just passed one block away. the city county assembly where we saw smoke
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billowing from the windows and when i was coming up, one more block of from that that we can see demonstrates is uh in the streets. uh, there's a crowd of them here. this is all within not really the central business district which stuck a great in the city center includes all of the main, uh, government buildings and municipal buildings. uh and then the crowd that just taking a full us to turn it around. so we are going to turn around and uh, well the other way. uh, but just uh, the other with thousands of people in these very streets is called evidence of new things. having taken place in this area. of course, malcolm, there is this line that we've also heard that the president has instructed the military to come in and back up the police. a worrying developments, potentially if it's just to unfold the capital,
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but also is night falls. the security at the rates of night road people want to make sure they have complete control of the capital. and everybody is dispos studying for the general sense that you'll get saying, what do you think is going to happen? i mean, because we have to have a crystal ball, we can't look into the future, but we get a sense of it that we from you on the ground. well just yesterday the interior administers speaking on television, announced that the demonstration would be allowed to go ahead but would not be allowed to go past sunset. so that's in just about one and a half hours from now. we'll get duck every night ready and i won't be so and says day last week is the demonstration. please try to break it up, take us and we'll to kind of throughout the day. but it was an evening off the dock . uh that that one or possibly 2 people were shots and we so videos showing plain clothes, security charging at the crowd at some firing weapons. so it seems that the,
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the violence on the part of the security agencies was escalated ass shortly after sunset to wait. seems to find out uh what, so if so how would the security agencies will i try and clear the streets today on of, to what be no significant, you know, domestic day with demonstrations in many parts of the country. and then quite quite some domestic events happening here in my baby and creating a breaking into parliament just uh, 2 blocks from here. and then signs of uh, of leasing in the shops here in the central business district. just write down that i can see people carrying uh boxes for you to have televisions. uh and then they'll be looking around at the shelves to come registered to that seat. and some of these shops have been broken into. now the people cooling for the demonstrations and from this task said they must be peaceful. and initially they, they were uninstall. so the day people who were here in the city center said things are peaceful. everything seems to take it to in
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a different direction as the state has progressed. leave with that for now with you in a very be malcolm malcolm's web correspondent, in the best district to business districts of my writing. these all the latest pictures of the calls, people being triology and it'd be that it says the insight, vacations around the city of coles churches and backgrounds have been used to medics on coal high secuity present space by foots. and as you can see on horseback, to as a, the gas was used to try and disperse these demonstrates as, as they got larger and larger homes mohammed. so suppose the here in dialogue joins us joins us on the site. you'd be watching the pictures and phones as we have the past few hours. these are the latest images that were able to show. the view is it
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has been peaceful, generally speaking, it's taking a ton. so the was parliament was invited to tax parliamentarians. i'll shoot out to whatever routes they will, but it's, it's got introduced in direction now and given the will solve it to use the reason to go in perhaps with a more heavy hand. we don't quite seeing that yet that we have had repulsive one or 2 people having been killed, many more injured. what we are seeing is unprecedented. i don't remember the time with protest this from the parliament buildings on that part of it on fire. just to give the general feeling of the part of an a it'll be, it's one of the most heavily guarded. you have several sensitive government offices in the part of tom is, is referred to as a central business district or cbd, a police officers or security officer in general inking a used to dealing with protesters. so this shouldn't come to them as a surprise. you also have these bottom up to be with the lack of security that
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today means that they weren't prepared for this. they should be prepared from experience. can security to offices know how to deal with this process from post electric violence from previous brought this about tax hikes and inflation an insecurity. so they should have been well prepared for this. the president and few days ago met up with the security chief when this process started. also you have in this part of on a painful security to offices, what canyons referred to as the c d criminal investigation department offices. so this is extremely surprising, especially after a presence as an adult, and that if you disagree with the officials, he's leading a country that is in economic distress. and this seems like some of the process of looking at the pictures that guiding and stuff. i'm not sure if that's a diff taken from where it looks like tv sets, but present router would not be happy seeing what's happening. especially left the
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he met that the security chips and also in terms of the region, the neighboring countries. we've been looking up. what's happening in natalie and this will not been looking a good it seems that security personnel on i've got to get all the settings as cost of running away from that running away from something. what they often do. so community offices, there's only a few states that come down to these part of what they tend to when did the process like this is they just moved to make sure for the testers to north come the spa. also. good morning. we've seen a book this getting more and more violent than we'd been seeing, the police officers security officers fighting t. gus, we've also seen them fighting the buddhist so they shouldn't have been ready for this. especially when they know parliament was voting today. you put this does have been calling or that in peace, not deposit this bill. that being technique, they should have been also painful, secluded to office among the professor. this is what can we often do when there's
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a process that was sending painful offices to be amongst the participants, to listen to what is going on. of course, these live fits is coming from kennedy's capital library b as a people who had been demonstrating being attacked by a security forces. some have been injured a couple of being reported that we're not quite sure whether these people pos, not demonstration, but now we're seeing looting in possibly central business district with districts of the capital itself, funds on him. and of course on the lives of those pictures for us. and we will of course, continue to follow events in library be in the coming out the spring. some of the days other news, at least 32 people have been killed and is really strikes on several positive causes since the as of tuesday morning. and it's really strongly called the other
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because the refugee compton central dasa killed at least 5 palestinians, 3 children, auto monks that had a mold and 37 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed since the war on costs began. last october, 1, palestinian lost his entire family in an overnight strike ongoing. so with the development of applause, we were reaching out to him though, and suddenly he had an explosion. i think it is a missile attack by a drug and i've lost all of my family and i want to say that the world is not fair to arabs and to them. arabs are on fact the muslim world war and the international community is run just about how we are real civilians. 5 children lost their lives, i think about may go to and why to bestows must see on the level even though my face looked like which you can see. continue a lot about this disaster, how difficult was displaced in the 1st one and ton unit is on the in just well does not care about the civilians. the meanwhile, in southern guns or at least 3 palestinians have been killed in many of the vintage
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and in his right, the shelling of a house in con eunice eye. witnesses say that the targeted house will show through the displaced family such operations on the way. now and the wounded had been transferred to nicer hospital, said to central goss speed. so obviously it was honey, my maid, isn't there a lot more? do we know about these strikes honey? of the yes i will since the early hours of this morning and more. 5 recently, just the past couple hours, just more concentration of these relentless air strikes in the northern part of the gods are mainly the western part of gauze and city, as well as the hun you and is the eastern. 1 of the city of hunting, this almost happens similar to any of the work, more residential homes being targeted and destroyed the people inside these residential home were given as little as just a couple of minutes to evacuate on just the complexity of this that there is no time with the state of panic, the people inside these residential home to if lead the horror of these
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unpredictable bonds. not only we're talking about residential homes being targeted on a regular basis. but right now, there are more evacuation centers in the city, as well as more of the public facilities that turn into more of a refuge account is, are being deliberately attacked and destroyed by the is really military to the point where everything is started to feed into gaza is becoming uninhabitable and this feeds into what days really, monetary causes stated that the initial weeks of, of this where more people are dying right now at a record number by their, by the ongoing relentless air attacks or the ongoing heat artillery and or by the difficult conditions on the ground is the mainly we're talking about the, the spread of they enforce the hydration and starvation in the northern parts. uh and here in the central area signs over the side of to be visible. and more recently, in dropbox city, on the city of tiny, what is the entire gall, this trip? unfortunately, given the situation is involving it act in
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a clear way and more and more of a killing box right now. it's either the rockets, the bonds, or d as in force, the hydration and as far vision that is going. everyone particularly vulnerable, a group that includes women and children. but the tragedy of all of this is those who are a critically injured are arriving to hospitals, that ox barely functioning. we have here an example of this. so my operate operation of health facility in the central area is off. so hospice that runs at the lowest capacity possible then just to give a better context of what's going on inside the hospitals, were joined by ms. marina from a leah. she's the logistics coordinator of this medical emission that has been cut and it has been here for the past couple weeks, providing support and health for this health facility to continue on. so saying it's an operation and thank you so much for joining us. green, and we would like to start by, what is the situation inside the,
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in this situation inside the hospitals is dire as i'm sure you know, honey. i mean, i came to the farm in march and the situation was dire in those hospitals, babies were sharing incubators, doctors didn't have supplies, they were exhausted. there was a shortage of fuel. and now this has only been exacerbated dramatically with the closure of that, of a foreigner. and so people don't have the supplies, they need to treat critically injured patients. they themselves are, are exhausted. and on top of that, they're dealing with, with injuries and levels that they just don't have the materials for. there's no, there's the machines. we're not even talking about the chronically injured people. we're not even talking about the chronically ill people with diseases like cancer with issues like dialysis or, or that need those kinds of things. we're talking about stabilizing patients who are otherwise going to die. and that seems to be the level that they're functioning at these days. because there's no opportunity for them to treat. otherwise,
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i was going to comment on the fact that this is not your 1st time being dogs out. this is your 2nd visit. and do you mind sharing with us your personal experience of appear and how your work has been going so far? yeah, um, you know, i, i told people that does is better sweet, because you get to meet some of the most wonderful people who have ever existed on earth. but at the same time, you hear stories about people who have been displaced 10 times. you hear stories about of parents who are carrying the bodies of their children because they, they were bombs or targeted by things like ca, quad copiers, that, that just don't there's, there's a, there's a, there's, i mean it's just, it's a series of genocide, right? there's no, there's no, there's no and there's no reprieve in the process. and so my experience on a personal level has been as an aide worker. it's where we live in a sort of luxury compared to like, other people who live in tents for example, right? i mean, we're talking about the days being 90 something, degrees fahrenheit and people don't have access to things like water and they're
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sitting and 91 tense and they're baking here. so it's been, it's, it's been, it's been a very different situation from what i experienced and dropped off the 1st time. and the 1st time. yes, there were people that were displaced, right. there were 2000000 people in a place designed for 280000, but things were still functioning on, on some sort of level and they were moving. and now on my return, seeing the differences just been really jarring. what are the major medical needs inside the hospital? supplies fuels, doctors not being exhausted, doctors themselves or targets as health care workers, health care workers in general, right. but the fact that the hospitals are running without fuel, they're running without supplies, they're running without equipment. again, you're talking about places that are literally just trying their best just to stabilize patients, and that's the, the bare minimum that's, that's all they can do. and so it's, it's a, it's an incredibly difficult situation. i can't, i don't, i don't,
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i don't know how the doctors and health care workers that are working here are able to do the things we've been able to do with, with the, the, the shortage the for shortage of supplies. especially since the closure a bit of our border on mesa. maureen, thank you so much for joining us and thanks for your inside. so as we heard it from marine from glad the, the difficult and their situation side, the hospital keeps to be a of an obstacle to and in the face of these difficult condition created by the ongoing bombing campaign across the gaza strip. anyone made the 1st data about us. thank you. israel supreme court as a rule that they all the must dress the countries also old adults choose, the ruling could split 5 and stuff. and even this the, all his coalition government to orthodox policies pauses but nothing. we all who governments and the coalition and without the, the government would collapse leading to new elections. other quotes said the israel is compulsory military service applies to the ultra orthodox like any other citizens. he's really government husband $1.00 from reporting from israel. so i'm
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definitely is joining us not from the jordanian capital and then home that has to be set up a hugely significant ruling that will impact the government and the public a like this is indeed a significant ruling. and in fact, it's been part of the conversation within the is really government throughout the entirety of the we are back in february the attorney general had told this and y'all was coalition that they had to figure out a solution for the conscription lot before it expired. in april, once it expired in april, and that's in yahoos, governments scramble to get a new law passed. but the ag said that the ones were not complete, and we're not able to become law. so what is happened by the high ford is something that is truly significant. we've been hearing from across these really political aisle. let's begin with nothing else. is ruling look who's tardy. who said that to be high court of justice is ruling will only be relevant for
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a short amount of time. and they criticize the ruling saying that there is something else that needs to be done, which is the 2nd and 3rd reading of the conscription love, which they are currently still trying to pass within these really parliament. but we've also been hearing from members of nathaniel, whose coalition like these ultra orthodox parties who say that this is something they are going to fight and it's something that's unacceptable. meanwhile, the opposition is welcoming this ruling. leader of the opposition, you're in the page said that this is a something that should apply it to his really citizens across the realm. meaning that it is now illegal to have these exemptions and benny gans a former member of nathaniel who has more time government that said, it would be a quote stain on history for an s and yahoo and his government to flight this ruling rather than having been near 63000 orthodox men who are eligible for the military draft to serve in the army submits. and y'all,
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whose government says they are going to fight this, but there is still a lot that needs to be done. and the high court ruling was quite clear today. but these exemptions on the ultra orthodox no longer apply for sign in and enjoy. and thank you, the less than say, last minute obstacle, you to look at his own drill, plead guilty to one charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information to the us courtroom on wednesday, they sends the united states long running assets to prosecute the wiki leads found it legally revealing government secrets, joel evans, assessable which he likes found. the julian assad, leaving london for a us court room in the northern mariana items he's expected to plead guilty to, conspiring to steal and distribute classified documents on us was on foreign policy
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. as long as the associates address the deal to free him came together in recent days, i just came out of bell most prison. and what i hope is my last visit to see julia on the here in the prison where his spent 5 years, 2 months and 2 weeks, or despite depending guilty play as long as you're supposed to still call him a hero. i think that the, the correct, of course of action from the us government should have been to drop the case entirely. we will be seeking a partner obviously, and it was this video that made headlines. i made unionist osh. i'd gladly recognize, figure out the link splits. it serves the us military firing on reuters john list and baghdad. the us justice department say the assigns, posted with military intelligence analyst chelsea manning to sue, and then published more than 7000 pages of classified documents discussing the us
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was in iraq and afghanistan, us diplomatic e mails and other sensitive material i saw says he was practicing journalism, but took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london to avoid arrest. the us charged him in 2019, was violating the espionage act. and it's here on the pacific island of side of the us territory where julian hassan is, will enter his guilty play. no one's thoughts coming here, and that was one of the many questions that people asked today is why stipend, why this us territory in the northern mariana islands? well, according to port filings from the department of justice, the united states attorney, it's because the son didn't want to travel to the continental us to enter his guilty plea. and also because this is a close us court to his to australia, which he like say massage will be returned to australia off to the air and there is nothing to be gained but he's continued incarceration. and we want him brought him
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to a strategy. but it's not clear what julian massage would do when he returns to australia, or what restrictions his homeland will place on him. jo eleven's outer 0 as the shuttle to hold elections in 3 days after the sudden death of the rainy and present abraham, right. you see, last month, the radiant presidential candidates all making the final push to persuade viruses and the upcoming election. the guardian council, the 12 meant the best thing body ever seen by the country supreme lead to the human . they approved 6 candidates, including a reform is politician to run for president south korea, moxie $74.00. yeah. since the stalls of the korean war on tuesday, as an eunice acute problem is today, the welding and resolute respondents to north korea and publications. as film yang sent a 5th round of waste filled balloons to its southern neva. it's kim has moved from sol, strong words.


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