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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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a 2024 more. the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm for the back to go. this is in use our own alger 0 live from our headquarters in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the police in can you know, fire and live. i mission on crowds protesting against proposed tax wise as part of
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the parliament complex's set on fire soldiers deployed and at least 5 people that killed a novelty and dozens, a respite. also this hour, at least $32.00 people, including children, are killed in the latest these radio strikes across garza. and we can make founder, duty and assigned to line seems on call counter being released from a u. k. prison. after a p d over the us bomb peters segments with us for truly building up to a busy might have to euro's the minimum span. so making they way to the stadium environment where they saw and we'll take the whole street voting still in with a chance of finishing softballs vague. the thank you very much for joining us. it's 15 gmc 6 pm in kenya, where dramatic scenes have been on folding in the capital during demonstrations, against and increasing taxes. protests are stored in the pond and compound in the center of nairobi and set
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a building on fire. while eastern and violent after m. p 's opposed measures proposed by president william burroughs government to raise taxes again on essential items like cooking, oil and bribes. local media reporting, some people have been shot dead. dozens of others have been injured. earlier protesters also set fire to the headquarters of the local government in the canyon capital. these are the latest pictures from there. the offices are close to the parliament in the center of may, will be thousands that also being binding in major cities across kenya, police abuse, water, cannon, n t, a gas to disperse them. critics say that proposals will further increase the cost of living, hurting millions of canyons. president william hotel says devices are necessary to increase revenue and reduce for a while we have to correspondence across the story this our on al jazeera kathrine . so is in the west and to be of consumer. but for us we go live to mock him web in
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and i will be mark him, a 10 situation in the canyon capital. this tuesday, protests started storming upon him and compound bring this up to speed with what's been happening. we just as a department building where it was just a couple of hours ago that demonstrates has came down the street down this one as well. and broke through the fence upon him and just to it's me to come around can take a look at so this is a can you thought of and building way. one week ago, the 1st demonstration took place. this fire engine is just parked in front. we seen several fires here in the city center, and if i ever gave the certified services know i had to put some fire engines, presumably to try and put them out. but now we're looking at the far the bottom and building that demonstrates is go through the fence a and we can also see a ministry style truck. the type used by the police which has been burned out,
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is still smoldering. and this is where the demonstrations ends up. automobiles so, so at video earlier of playing play security officers, he is shooting into the crowd. and once we arrive to found the body of the young man, counting a canyon's flag on the floor on the pavement just outside parliament. well, most where we are looking at right now, we had a bullet wound in the center of his forehead. he was dead and because of we saw a video of a people being carried away with what appeared to be gunshot wounds and reports of several have been injured in on the number that killed now is we bring the camera background. yeah. you can see some right place still on the streets. if you take a look down here for step aside, we can zoom down the street. this is where the protesters had advanced and then late to put the food back down here by the police using the will to cannon firing to a gas at firing pilots from shot guns as well as beating them with buttons. and then
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further down the street where we're looking at right now is the library, the city county building, which of those have been entered and was uh there was a fire in that we saw smoke billowing from inside just inside the entrance. and that's where the municipal assembly meets and sits now within the couple of blocks just down the street and to the left. we've seen just a short while ago. people looting in shops, people marching off with what appeared to be television sets in boxes and other items from the, from the stores located that which is not what the organizers of these demonstrations, not that they particularly have a leader, but the people calling for them on social media, they've called from the start full peaceful demonstrations, and they will have peaceful laws the peaceful last week. i'm tuesday and it was a couple of 100 people on says day when it got much bigger. but today things did take a moles island 10, right? why is that?
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i mean, the, the mountain, sorry contraptions is a police a mock. i'm sorry to interrupt you. um, just why the violent turn? the demonstrations i've taken j, as you say, they've been largely peaceful, peaceful. but they had been in the past accusations that police brutality in the previous demonstrations. and this, again, seems to be the case today with several people reported killed in today's demonstrations. why these heavy handed response by kenyan police. the weather. uh certainly what we seen is the place of use to take us and it was supposed to come in here around the apartment earlier today and, and the 2 street protests, it took place last week to push that demonstrates in the back uh and then it was uh right here that they had bonds to woods parliaments and it was uh at around the same time that we paid sits. this is seeing what it pays to be placed,
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shooting into the crowd, im seeing those people dead and injured with uh, gunshot wounds. now imagine the security agencies would uh, with defended the directions for protecting ottoman would still have members apartments uh inside at the time. and, but the demonstrations was, you know, had started last. we peacefully, we did see people picking up rocks and throwing them towards the place and setting things on fire and keeping that truck we looked at some moments ago and some funding bumps in the streets here. so it seems it's off to do things to escalate quickly. but i think a contributing factor to that will be that as people will hear outside on the streets, demanding full members of parliament to reject the final bill, which is the proposed increase, the post tax hikes inside the ottoman and peas. but the thing to posit through it's uh through is next phase. uh, apparently uh,
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lost in any way of responding to the demands of the product test as the growing demands of the products as if we heard out here on the street today. and uh, over the last week, how come thank you very much for the update that solved to 0? is malcolm web with the latest they are from the streets of nairobi. while the tax increase is a part of a no stereotype program, recommended by the international monetary fund implants billions of dollars to kenya over the years. but people in the country have been struggling with the rising cost of living, which is here is catherine. so is, and i will be where she's been speaking to some of the protesters about that can cents will a suit exact to the bill when hand me far stuffy, signed up to help coordinate by the tax support half. and she had no idea things would move this past. the 28 year old is one of thousands. who's taken to the street to demonstrate against a finance bill, which they say will people kenyans already struggling with the high cost of leaving for stuffy has been arrested and marked as
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a person of interest by the lease. there's going meeting. if one is coming out, you know, because we have time to port type the 400 people unemployed and you keep pushing the punitive taxes, you know us to us. so no one is full of setting some of things you know, any support citing here. you can not supposed to be some of the young days of that you the government was to raise revenue to run a budget of $30000000000.00 between $2.00 to $3.20. find some of the controversial tax proposals have been dropped from the bill, but the protest to say that is not enough. manufacturers, retainers and investors have joined the condemnation that use government officials of wasting public funds and corruption candid does not have. i've given you problems, can you has an expenditure problem. when you go to new york,
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they cannot make it look at it. can you ask them to make a growth? is about 5 percent. they want to grow driven by duct in percent of the know mean that you did the thought to come? what happened police have a loud protest is to for the most ration on tuesday, the organize i say they want to shut the country down. they've been trying to find the night will they call these young people will say they have hard enough and a lot of canyons support these demonstrations. the practice has been largely peaceful, but human rights groups have a q security forces or using excessive force to despise people. to protest is what killed last week. rex can you cause mother phase has signed the bled to death. when he was short on the sy in one been i don't even know what to say to the government
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. the fighting for the rights while i use life bullets, it would have been easier to understand if you had had a weapon. he was just working with his friend. good miller. she hopes no one else will have to bury a child. was fighting for there. right. catherine saw you all to 0 nairobi and catherine joins is now live from kenya's, 3rd largest city chi summa, which has been at the forefront in the past of previous demonstrations against the government. katherine is not just a residents in nairobi who are angry about this plan for the rage is happening nationwide. talk to us about the demonstrations elsewhere across can you call the people here in case you are in shock. they've been watching those images that are coming out of narrow. if you can just try to understand what is going on. and the whole day we've seen thousands of forecast is
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a come to the streets. tons, team can small games and they're saying the same thing. they say that these by nonce b o must be rejected. so we have seen that going on. that process here has been largely peaceful, but then what is happening in nothing. and i, robi has apologies, we've lost our connection to catherine story in kitchen with that. catherine, can you hear me? especially we lost you there frontier. yeah, we lost you there for a 2nd. go. okay. yeah. go on. tell us about the protest in case of more and elsewhere, including in the hometown of president brutal. i understand. yes . so we have been monitoring what has what has been going on across the country.
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many of protesters in different countries have come out to the st including. yes, max, it's all right, we apologize. it's really difficult to get that connection out of the summer with casper new story. we will go back to our once we've re establish it. let's take a closer look now at the proposed legislation, which has been again approved by parliament, but hasn't been signed into law yet by president bhutto, kenya is short of money and struggling with the cost of living crisis. president router wanted to increase taxes to raise $2700000000.00 to reduce its budget deficit that spots fury among mostly young canyons and on tuesday, many came to occupy upon them and to show their anger. those demonstrations prompted rudo to scrap the plans for a range of levies, but he's planning to increase the price of fuel and raise export tax instead. while let's bring in, i'll just here as homes, i'm hom, it who is with us on the news. i our, and has coverage kenya extensively,
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and this closely monitoring these demonstrations. let's just take a step back because we, we keep talking about this legislation and increase in taxes. this has been happening almost every year in kenya and increasing taxes. but what is it that's tipped to people over the edge, whereas the source of the younger come from fully kenya in general, is a country in economic distress. the prices of almost everything else going on, but what has not been going up is the way it is that people are taking home. so when a pattern goes or somebody who walks goes to the supermarket or the local markets or and to shop what they find is the prices of every day commodities. for example, brad, me, for example of sugar. everything has gone up. so when the government has been increasing taxes for the past few years, what people are having to choose is whether to put food in the people on. then you have patents with the young people in education, 6000 something by leaving the education sector,
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but not finding jobs. then when they see the government increasing, the taxes, government has no other plans apart from interest and taxes and getting it does not have a point on mineral west like the guys. so the response from government and previously as has been to go out and bought them money for the has been they have been amendments to the finance belie, understand, the government has tried to make a gesture towards the demonstrators. why is it so not acceptable? but most of the done with straight this when you speak to them or most king is when you speak to them, they do not trust their petitions from previous experiences. what they find is that politicians would say something in public when they're under pressure. but when reality comes, they do the opposite. so there is no trust. they've seen previous governments. and even these governments tell them one thing and do the opposite. can, in a sense, is important country. they've been voters from everywhere. and now they have to be paid or small, right. and the government as of the moment, spending a box type of revenue just to pay interest on the loans at the end. so what does
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that meant for people's living standards? what, what does an average canyon earn? today and, and how are they able to, to make ends meet. so for the average king, so i'll give you the example of doctors in protesting everywhere across the country . they say the living conditions in the homes, under what conditions have not been up to the stand, there is no expense used to indication universe this paint huge amount of money that most of them even bought. now the after we pay back, but what they find is what the conditions and what they use. and then that comes to patients when they come to hospitals, they cannot find things like medicine. they cannot find the treatment that they need. so king is not against paying taxes, but they don't see what the taxes is doing for the right. so the significance of these demonstrations, as we heard from malcolm, is the fact that they all need to less on like previous demonstrations when are seeing, for example, opposition leader, right? that what didn't get on the streets with the protests is this is a,
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a young people i use uh, let protest movement, which is mainly organized on how old been organized on social media. is that an advantage or disadvantage? you think, for the protest movement. the fact that there is no liter, and that this is very organic in nature as a company both for the young put this the, it is good that the position not involved in this process. and because the government for the painting didn't buy as people who have been paid by the opposition and more people who would have not maybe stayed away from joining those properties before the oppositions. the paying away from joining these profits. because the they know the government is under pressure, they know that this is john hanging at doing that. the jump for the rights briefly . and how much pressure is present rudo himself and is, and he's a darling of the west. of course, we saw him being a no treated to a state dinner and a state visit in washington dc, kenya, announcing the deployment of troops and i hate to stabilize the situation there.
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how does this impact him? and also kenya, standing in the eyes of the international community. press the route, as you said, is extremely eloquent. he's got a good p r system around. this is not what he would have liked. few days ago, he met up with the security chips. and this was in it, this was because of the process that was going on present to has been in government for the past. he was a deputy president for pena and now he's been president for 2 years. so present to is used to see process. but he has never seen one dot net to the binding of pots of the apartment. so this month is unlocked. prism group, the is, is the one that he wants to portray to the rest of the was and also to the, to the countries in the region. because present to his scene as a democratic need. a present who allows press fee to present who does not use force against the some for this is right. we're expecting to hear from the president will of course bring that to you live on all just here. when it happens. i'm it. thank
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you very much for your insight. what canyon police are cracking down on protesters at home on the same day that the 1st group of offices arrived in haiti's capital, kenya is heading. are you in back, international force tasked with containing the gangs that control? most of haiti's capital for the prince. the deployment faces a legal challenge in kenya. but president will tell us government has gone ahead with us packing. but for an forces of had a troubled history and hate to us to raise the bull reports. he has been displaced several times in the past year. that may be, he said it was a bus driver and was injured doing a re some fight between rival gangs that now controlled and most of hades capital. he's now living in a government building, unable to go back home. i am hoping international forces will come to haiti to disarm the gang, so we can have a life once again. but if they are going to come here to do what the united nations did in the past,
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i hope they don't. the united nations security council has also right it is really meant if i moved by national security support the mission to haiti to assist the haitian national police in their fight against criminal against giving you a husband and to you to police contingent that will lead the mission, but it's not the 1st time forwarding troops had been deployed to haiti since he already 1900. there's been at least 3 forwarding interventions, including a decades long occupation by the united states. the last 4 enforced the country was a un studies station mission known as new stuff, which was deployed in 2004 after the rest, to engender trying to receive the most haitians associate meaning staff to colorado out week that cause at least 9000 people the outbreak with linked to the united nations peacekeeping base. the also related to sex, one of you would like to see forces to come and help us go back to our lives. i
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don't want them to come and re appointment, but to help us, what's the same thing, dss, the nation of residential ven, anymore use in 2021 has been in chaos. nearly 400000 people have been displaced by violence and almost 3000 had been killed this year. i transitioned our presidential accounts that was set up last month to handle the power to an elected government by february 2026. but the country needs to be stabilized 1st, we've seen the cycle throughout eighty's history, right? of these repeated for an interventions and whatever sort of short term games they might provide. and they've always sort of to undermine the long term consolidation of a sovereign democracy in haiti. and ultimately it's, it's that weakness of the state, the lack of a social contract and the lack of representative government and 80, that, that perpetuates the, this cycle. and so we see how these things seem to relate and perpetuate one another. and, you know,
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sadly it looks like that's more of the same coming patients say they need the violence to end and are hoping things will be different this time. pretty similar, i just see you at least $32.00 people have been killed in is really strikes on several parts of the gaza strip since the early hours of tuesday. and he's really strike on all my guys, the refugee camp in central guys. i killed at least 5 palestinians. 3 children were among the dead. more than $37500.00 palestinians have been killed since the war on gas. i began in october 1, palestinian, lost his entire family in an overnight strike on gas with the bill or the other thought we were eating. i told him and suddenly you had an explosion. i think it is a missile attack by
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a drug and i've lost all of my family. i want to say that the world is not fair to arabs and the arabs are on fact, the muslim world war time to the international community. the run just never had real, real civilian. most 5 children lost their lives. i don't know if i may go to my to bestow is mostly on the level even though my face looked like which you can see continue a lot about this disaster. how difficult was displaced in the uncanny and this is all the and just well does not care about the civilians and other than in a 7 guys or at least 3 policy needs have been killed in many injured. and these really shelling of a house in con eunice eye. witnesses say a display saw me with sheltering in the building search opperation, zondaway and wounded people have been taken to hospital. and at least 10 members of the extended family of a mazda, as political leader is, might need, have been killed. and then is really striking northern casa image and came to has the details to shut the refugee camp. one of the biggest, an oldest comes and goes to it. again, void is right. yes,
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story. one of the targets is the home with him. us political need is mail continue when his extended family and the full, the, the full months at 2 o'clock in the morning talking to the house without private warning. it's the house of a heavy honeys ones. then his mother, the sister of honey. we came because the explosion was strong, get the time of several members of pennies family located in the strike and others injured. united decide. her 4 children were screaming charging father, father, father, i woke up to find myself covered in blood. we call the ambulance and the civil defense, but no one came up. so we waited till the morning for the ambulance and we got 3 people. i was like, oh my god, i'm but forty's a believe to still be under the rubble. any use family will take into the lee, a lot of the hospital goes to city along with all those coding the attacks on the come the what is the fault of the children?
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what is the fault of women? all of this, what did they do wrong to deserve this? they were just sleeping in their homes. is smell honey, who lives abroad? it's wonderful. masses public faces. he was born in the old shots. he come in april and it's really striking central, closer to 3 of his sons and full of his grandchildren. and he says he's lost about 60 members of his family since israel's will, and goes up again on the 7th of all type of image and came out to 0. to get an update on the situation on the ground and speak to hodges ears. honey. my mode was in dab lie more deadly attacks across garza, with at least 30 people killed in the last few hours. honey, bring us up to speed with what's been happening. yes and just right after the statement came out of from the health minister about the total number of people killed in the past 24 hours were hearing from the
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hospital here from the information desk here and about more people are actually dying of this come to the are ones of, of the, the arrive to the hospital here, and other health facilities across the central area with the critical ones that they are unable to stay in here. they are just quite difficult. there. there is the risk of people dying at the record number right now because of their ones that because the inability of the hospital to intervene on non steve lives and you do the acute shortage of medical supplies. the insufficient medical staff was at the same time we are, as we talked about hospital and desires to do is inside these really military continues to strike across the gaza strip in nearly an hour this morning at the northern part and gauze as to the middle of the western part of the city, including a shudder, refuge account works a part of the extended family of the, of how much political the political bureau chief was killed, his sister and her family on a different uh, a talk in con you, in
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a city where the house of the deputy director of nasir hospital was targeted and destroyed with multiple injuries reported from that house all the way to not their hospitals in the eastern part of jobs and city that includes the 2 records you cancelled in nevada and a brief more of the injuries arriving to the hospital and more casualties are caused by the intense bombing can been a while. these really military continue to push deeper and drop off city targeting up the refuge account of the western part of the city, including more attacks and deliberate attacks on 10 sites. that's where the vast majority of displace palestinians have been filtering for the past few months. and since they have been forced into this in force displacement from the northern parts and gaza city, unfortunately, the situations are getting quite difficult by the hours not only because of the ongoing bombing campaign, but because of all the difficulties in created on the ground that includes the spirit of non in addition, the dire situation inside the hospital,
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the fact that for the past 45 days, the, the crossings have been blocked completely done. go any closure and the prevention of the of, of a few minutes for you on a floor and commercial trucks into gaza. the prevention of medical supplies to get into the gastric, just the threatening, the operations and the sustainability of remaining already in dire situations. these health facilities meet example is what we are reporting it from a, from here, lots of hospitals that have been very difficult situation right now. honey, thank you very much for the updates that sounds very tiny. my mood with the latest they have from casa, and other developments is ro, supreme court has ruled that the army must draft fee countries, ultra orthodox jews, the routing good street prime minister making. i was called ition government, also orthodox bodies, a part of michigan. i was rooting coalition and without them the government would collapse. leading to new elections. the court said israel's compulsory military
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service supplies to the ultra orthodox like other citizens speak to hum to son who it's about. this is joining us live from amman. jordan, because he's where the government has find all just air from reporting from there. tell us about the reactions to this ruling. honda and what are the implications of it? we'll talk about some updates that have come out just in the last several minutes. israel's deputy attorney general is now calling on these really defense establishment to immediate. we draft up to 3 alvin ultra orthodox meant to go along with the ruling from israel's high court. this is a process and a story that has been going on for months. in fact, since the beginning of this war and your call back in january and february, the attorney general had given a warning tenants in yahoo that he had to come up with some sort of bill but could become lost when it came to the exemptions for the ultra orthodox otherwise the
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exemptions would be removed once the law expired in april. nathaniel, whose government has been trying to advance one to bill that is on the table and the look good party statement earlier today. it was essentially slamming the high court of justice. is ruling saying that this is something that will only be temporary and it is not the solution to the problem of conscription of the ultra orthodox and that nothing young's coalition is going to be doing. second and 3rd, readings of a conscription law that would make the age for ultra orthodox meant $21.00 instead of $26.00. and we're also hearing from these really opposition. you're located welcoming this ruling over call. he is the opposition leader. he said that the time for quote shady deals as part of the nothing you all who government is over and to be exemptions are now a legal benny against a former member of nathan. yahoo has more time and says that benjamin netanyahu and his government trying to fight this ruling is
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a historical stain on is really history. it's no surprise that the ultra orthodox parties with it. nothing else has coalition have slammed the ruling and are battling to fight to come to thank you very much from dis on hoops reporting their life from amman. jordan, because again these really got me to expand down to 0 from israel still, i had on this news our iran spreads eventual candidates make a last push to win over voters at a time when ordinary radians are struggling with the rising cost of living. the the, the, it has been surprisingly really, really cold in southern to the minus 22. that's on sunday nights now that compared with the average of minus 2 is obviously a huge deposit. so we've captured some on top the care and brought it up to this
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profit sheila and then if you add the credit of the total that you find to get started. so the full cost in the spring snow to this part of profit dirtier than normal. that the sun is probably returned occasional station, as is still likely in the mountains to the east of santiago, option t looks very dry and here's the season. a lot of fun. the soldiers has cooled things down significantly in paragraphs and threw him down to 50 the seats and also got low in peru, another record by about point 6 of the degree. and that's the 2nd reco. it's that i think this month is part of per generators. hoffman to dry as you know, that refers and the funds to know which is bad here, you presume? seasonal, right. is that a bit ragged here last year? because i think it was a bit more emphasis to the north of that. we seen flooding any way throughout central america, but more recently it's been in mexico. and indeed there are more shelves throughout mexico. quite a change to the full cost. still pretty halting, the good part of the southern states and the plains in the us. and also generate yet more big chairs,
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at least in those african stories from african perspectives. the music reduced the menus to say mass email books from phone people to short documentary use by african filmmakers from the media. and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding of feeling sleeping on water and the go from a new series of advocate direct on. i'll just sierra joe biden. donald trump go head to head, so we're going to fight it was a rick trial ban a saw in the 1st tv debate at the us selection 2024. we're going to close that border tied as a drum status strong. would you crate? we're going to drill, maybe drill, we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only
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way you can get elected to sit. she supposed to be coverage, an amount of space out to 0. thank you very much. of the the, you're watching out you 0 live from doha reminder about top stories on this news. our can, yes condiment has been overrun instead on fire by hungry demonstrators after and peace passed the bill to raise taxes. several people have been killed and canyons in other cities have also gathered to voice opposition to the tax fail, including in president. we didn't notice hometown of as direct professors say they have 2 weeks to solve the bill from being signed into law. and in gaza at least
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$32.00 people have been killed in is really as strikes on several parts of the streets since the early hours of tuesday, news radio strike on all my guys, the refugee camp in central guys. i killed at least 5 palestinians came out of well hughes julian assign, just set to plead guilty to a charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information in the us court room in the pacific. on wednesday, he is now traveling from bangkok to pick type on. this is expected to end washington's long running efforts to prosecute the we cubic founder for a legally revealing government secret sto, evans has more which he likes found. the julian assad, leaving london for a us court room in the northern mariana items he's expected to plead guilty to, conspiring to steal and distribute classified documents on us was on foreign policy . as long as as associate suggest,
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the deal to free him came together in recent days. it just came model bell, most prison. and what i hope is my last visit to see julia on the here in the prison, where he spent 5 years, 2 months and 2 weeks, despite depending guilty play as andras supposed to still call him a hero. i think that the, the correct, of course of action from the us government should have been to drop the case entirely. we will be seeking a partner, obviously, and it was this video that made headlines. i made unionist osh. i'd gladly recognize big police puts it serves the us military firing on reuters john list and baghdad. the us justice department say that sounds profited with military intelligence analysts. chelsea manning to sue and then published more than $7000.00 pages of classified documents. discussing to us was in iraq and afghanistan, us diplomatic
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e mails and other sensitive material. i saw says he was practicing journalism, but took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london to avoid arrest. the us charged him in 2019, was violating the espionage act. and is here on the pacific island of side, past us territory, where julian hassan shall enter his guilty play. no one's thoughts coming here. and that was one of the many questions that people asked today is why stipend, why this us territory in the northern mariana islands? well, according to port filings from the department of justice, the united states attorney. it's because the son didn't want to travel to the continental us to enter his guilty plea. and also because this is a close us court to his to australia. we can look say massage will be returned to australia off to the air and there is nothing to be gained but he's continued incarceration and we want pain brought him to a strategy. but it's not clear what julian massage would do when he returns to
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australia, or what restrictions his homeland will place on him. joel evans, out of there you in a massive express, deep concerns over what they called the ron significant escalation of nuclear activities. the ambassadors of called on yvonne to stop enriching uranium. jayvon agreed to limit his activities in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. iran says us and as for us, any size continued to fight economic sanctions that were supposed to be lifted under the deal. as the all the sudden death of iridium present, the brain, right? you see last month, past for see want to hold an election on june the 28th. the guardian council, the full 6 candidates, including a reformist politician to run for the presidency as a candidate to make their final push to persuade voters to supreme either any human, a called on them,
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not to ally themselves with anyone who deviates from the revolution by sol said re, for some tara, your arms economy is crippled by international sanctions imposed by western governments. and to us, if a nation is running at around to 50 percent, but that is the lowest when it, when the presidential hopefuls see pollution and sanctions as the major challenges budget code above the more that comes over to put edition accurate and part of and speaker is promising to increase saturdays in line with inflation to keep people's put cheese and power stable when they go over. so you said one touched families, employees, social workers, nurses, and those on the fixed income are losing data because only inflation. my economic program is based on a supportive shield focusing on balancing the inflation and seller raises. the only to for mrs. candidates running for president must be position young. but he's the main structural problem for the economy is the lack of transparency. he promises to
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bring the flow into the economy management, elected up as up on a shelf. we have the laws written, but they are not implemented because the parliament, government and judiciary are disconnected from people. if you have to hear the voice of people who are suffering, you're always younger generation would be with what someone called restrictive liberties. also suffer from a level for paternity and high unemployment. the hotline comes over to say, generally wants to give to them. because best for you, oh, emphasis would be on create and the quote was more lead for you on ways the best blissful opportunities to florida school is almost every student and faculty member must be given a court up with canada. yes. to play a role in the countries progress, janet also promises to continue the late present, receive useful policy, desktops and your on site solution by reaching out to non western countries. many iranians believe that the international sanctions are the main reason for the power deeply their country. but main presidential candidates are setting different
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solutions which candidates proposed those workers prefer. wouldn't decide that the friday because instead of that, oh to 0, they're wrong. addressing the nation, yvonne supreme leader on the how many has called for a high voter turnout was you i didn't get the high turnout is important to you is choosing the right to pass and is also crucial. the right person is the one who believes in the islamic republic principles, although the main result of a high time out is that it gives the nation pride and also when it foils the enemy's plots. or from all any winds economic situation. let's speak to not there have baby who's a professor of practice and economics of mentally set brundis university, his life from boston. thank you so much for being with us in the presidential election in the wrong coming as, as the radiance race, a cost of living classes as we saw. do we bring in vote to see any meaningful
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difference among these presidential candidates to any of them appear to be in touch with the rainy and society? hey, i think majority of people, i think that even if there are differences in opinions of these candidates, they're fairly teacher manual or is limited because of the think she picture nomic issues and foreign policy issues that are affect the economy are determined by the supreme leader of this law suited to him. so yes, to ever make any promises, but i think during that is limited and people are aware of that. what are the living standards of the average uranian today or visit to use for the majority of people feeling that there has been a decline? do it is a feeling of loss of purchasing power because their teams nation did not know they just have not declined, but the country has suffered 40 percent 45 percent inflation the last 2 years. and
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even this year render nissan expectation for at least the decline in inflation rate . this commit kingsgate that the best scenarios would be around to 20 percent. and to do majors, especially in the private sector, have not kept up reduced. so government is holding a statistics show that the percentage of people in the middle class have declined, that many people have suffered down to about mobility chain to the lower economic classes. and using the candidates have been very candid and acknowledging these economic difficulties out there just waiting for them to charge you. right. and the, the high inflation has been blamed on the punitive sanctions. and as you say, all the candidates have been candid about this and have agreed that the sanctions have a devastating effect. but how are they going to ease? so sanctions do you think we might see
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a resumption of negotiations with the west or where he runs nuclear deal depending on, on who becomes president. so it would not be dependent on who becomes president, but there might be a decision at the highest level at the level of supreme leader and a today, a supreme leader made a speech and said that all candidates must be committed to our foreign policy, which means that hard to turn into foreign policy. now there is a possibility that there might be negotiations and got could to provide some relief from to sanctions. but there is a lot about searching care about that, especially in the near future because of the development. seeing the other bizarre, the conflict there is called a photo security bar between his brother law and do so. you wouldn't pose a risk to run any economy because you don't have the government to have you go online to get directly involved in any sanctioning release would be helpful. but
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more important for you to run is to pay for getting golf stability and a clear vision of the future. and that is what is lacking and has an adverse effect on prospects for investment and improvement of the economy to business, conducing me as in very difficult and dire situation. and that is reflected in the low value of the stock market. index describes the campaign and promises of the candidates about improving the economy. thank you so much. thank you, mr. not there. have b, b for your inside. now there have a be, is a professor of practice and economics of middle east said brandeis university. he's joining us a from boston. thank you so much for your time. this is what france will also go to the polls on sunday with the big issues being immigration and the economy, but in a country with europe's largest jewish population and one of the largest most in
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communities, is there as well. and gaza is affecting how some will vote, but it's may 3 for some parents every week since early october, somewhere in friends. there were protests against the war in gaza. news on candidates in the parliamentary elections being asked where they stand on the left vocal criticism of israel has made some traditional support as an easy re my ass on who's just been elected from these 1st palestinian french member. the european parliament acknowledges the challenges they face the pool, the buffer. i want to tell the jewish voters with all humility, that no parties perfect. we are perhaps not the perfect on progressive issues or the, and the quality or the fight against discrimination or antisemitism. we are humans behind these political organizations, but what we promote is a society we,
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everyone can live as who they are. it is absolutely the opposite of the far right. the only party convicted in, quote, for inciting hatred, discrimination and racism. but when celebrated, holler close to store and says crossville said he'd vote for the fall right over the left, the lines it shopped, the country. it exposed how troubled some jewish voters with the options before them in this election, adding to the tension to teenagers from a power sub of, of charged with the rate of a 12 year old go, aggravated by anti semitism. this is a riley to show solidarity. it's only showing me think ahead of the fall left said he was horrified by the crime. but marie le panel the far right sort opening to criticize what she called stigmatization of jews find in the fall. and that's what seems to be a friend. and i tell you seems to be put start a friend. we are dealing between an enemy for a business term length of sales forever,
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from the right. so we need to focus on the center. why? because to day, when you do is you need your focus. we need to invest on republic and the ripley because demo pressing isn't the middle. this is the center. it's on usual for a foreign event to have a significant impact on a domestic election. but israel's war and gaza polarized french society to such an extent. but some people will vote based on how the political parties view the company and that could have an impact on what is one of the most consequential elections that that'll be easy to dismiss our power. international criminal court as issued arrest warrants will form a russian defense. mesa, sugars show equal and general voluntary grass them off showing go, and the current chief of staff of rushes, military are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the course as they directed a tax on civilian populations in ukraine, european union members have agreed a new package of sanctions against russia,
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the new restrictions aimed to close some loopholes and reduced russia's revenues from liquefied natural gas exports. since the beginning of the war and ukraine, n g exports from russia to europe had increased. the new measure stopped short of a complete e u band on at n g in ports 9 india and you, dentist, minister of water, has been taken to hospital. her health has deteriorated after spending 5 days on hunger strike over water shortages in the indian capital t. she is demanding the neighboring funding state of how the on our release water from the yamuna river to supply debt is 20000000 people. the capital is experiencing one of his hottest summers on record with water supplies, reaching low levels, or at least 24 people have died after severe weather triggered flooding and lance lives in ivory. coast is largest city, a week of heavy rains, destroyed roads, homes and businesses, and not be john authority states and foremost settlements are particularly
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vulnerable because of forced on the drainage. the nature, logical agency says flood related death, common, or the city recorded full time. the usual amount of rain in a single day, still ahead on algae 0 will be live in germany, a head of tonight's your 2024 matches with french fans expecting that team to take top spot in the group. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the next force as feature for the thank you very much. phones kick off the final group
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game with the euro's against poland in around 10 minutes. the big news, so for on suspend opinion about the is back in the starting lineup. the french captain, misspell last game against benevolence, with the broken nose picked up the injury in the opening match against all strip buffy. it has been wearing a protective mosque during training. their opponents opponent have already been eliminated from the 2 of them and well fronts remain in the fights, the top spot in group d. so the netherlands are also looking to finish top base. so to have all of the french on gold, schooled as they prepaid to face all strip, it will be a tough match for the batch against ralph or rank mix team. who b, poland, 31. england already a showed a bad place in the last 16 if they prepare to face slovenia, but the wind would guarantee top spot in groups sea and they would avoid hosts. germany in the next round. they would run is up at the last few years. but i mean, i'm the pressure of the to lackluster performances. so for at this tournaments, we're a high profile team. we use expectations,
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and we fully understand everything we do is going to be scrutinized. so i'm very comfortable living that life, but i don't need to engage an ext. uh no, cuz on mine biggest critic and i think players are as well. so there's nothing to be gained from us. it's going to help improve us listening to external criticism. we know what we've done well, we're very honest about that. we know where we need to be best to group see, looks like this, coming into the final round of matches, denmark and go through with a when of a sylvia. but both the serbians and slovenia still hall, the hopes of reaching the last 16, depending on how the results turn out on the nights. it's go live to correspond to dominique, kate, who is in, but then dominique. let's start with group the way from the netherlands on the top of the standings on paper. that's what you would have expected, but my to australia through a spanner in the works. yeah. the cross certainly ralph
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rudnick hopes to throw a spiner into the works. it would remain, but as you were saying, bess, most of these things already know the fight polls playing the french for their act . the australians will, they know that only a combination of a terrible results against the dutch and then of the results which see them going out. they'd have to ship 5 goals, which seems unlikely. it also in place such as marco, are now to rich. they have high hopes of being able to spring a surprise on the dutch playing here. but i mean, i have to say that that was a see of call around. yeah. as i say in touch of orange as the funds came in to the stadium here, they expect great things from that team and they might win the groups if they get victory here, we'll say indeed we show, but in groups see england or top of the standings even though they've been really impressed so far, how important is it for them to put on a good show against slovenia? well,
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the thing to say immediately is that the height about the possibility of english in going deep into this tournament came most states from the english media, some in the german media agreed with that. but since the performances of a theme pushing at why jim immediately said that the english engine has been stopped touring. is it, what's the how screen sometimes so clearly winning the group, winning this game and winning the group, would send a signed note on each of the media. but to the other teams in this competition who lie in wait till mike's lie in wait for the english are a serious proposition. but remember, also the danes are playing at the same time, is the english and they to hall, but high hopes. so lots writing on these games taking place now here at the, in the big stadium and elsewhere around germany with what's also set and we will know a great deal more. which teams are being eliminated, which teams will be clinging on so that they might be one of the best full. so
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place things come tomorrow evening when everything will be clear. it's going to be a fascinating evening. w kane will speak to we getting a little bit later and it is taken ask any stones cricket is just faulty in use for making those senior woke up. dave, you? so we think the semi finals for the 1st time they'd be bangladesh to book they spots in the final for the p. 20 woke up conditions in the west indies means i've got a stone, could only post 115 for 5 inmates. wayne sierra of is rain delays put bangladesh on the pressure to chase that so in just over 12 of these and they almost did. it's an m b 's and $54.00 from let's invest threatened to deny f county. so i'm a fairytale when fucker she'd come and a veto hawk took for wickets each to the desk on the stone to a famous 8 run victory. they will tell you so that africa in the 1st semi final on wednesday it's a big argument for our being in the city. we find that is in the yeah, i think the cricket we have played in the mean so far, things like we,
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i read is mtv. the send me the in the video to bit as far as the ability of getting into the game and performing best for the team. so i don't know how i can describe my feeling, but it's, it's massive achievement boss of a team and have a nation to be the same as in uh and i was looking forward to the series. the florida panthers have one their 1st stand the comp side, lots of completing a full 3 series winning the epic series against the edmonton oilers. the way it is, it came back from 3 nothing down in the final series, the full game 7 on monday. but the pencils were ready to make history costs of hey he and sam ryan home school goals. and so gabriel bretzkey may 23 saves independence. things to decided to one wouldn't be in h l 5 or at the futon of asking in the teams city history. so i, that's all the small things for the time being. i live another updated bit like it's a visa. thank you very much. and that wraps up as news our on on to 0,
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but do stay with us on our friend to milwaukee is coming up very shortly, including the latest on the situation. and i will be kenya with protests against attack size have turned violence to stay with the las vegas employees. thousands, a huge proportion of them. latino workers in the service industry had taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called for the. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values, our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we wouldn't all think. donald trump is in a strong position here in default, right now. he has a 5 point lead ahead of joe 5. a lot can happen between now and november, but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada. at least if donald trump gets his way at the edge of a hot or does, there is
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a refuge for weary travelers. most are crossing africa looking for a possible way to your some are coming back the other way. and their stories are chilling. reminder of the dangerous that's my head, the safe haven at the crossroads of hope and despair. the loss shelter. witness on a jersey a on board china is past fishing. evidence of human rights abuses is widespread trafficking wage the code on the black people starving death on land. it's a legs we goes a forced to work in c food processing units, obligations. china denied one. 0, one east investigating some china slaves fiction. oh no. just the examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to ship fun, they started attacking the machines unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send?
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we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a pundents world. class progress on ours is 0. the police in can yes, fire lifetime emission and cross protesting against the coast tax rises. several people are killed in front of the apartment complex. he's on fire, the hello. this is all jesse or lie from to hi, i'm 40 by people also coming up. at least 32 people, including children,
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are killed in is really strikes across guys. on wiki leaks found a julie and assigned to lines in brand called cap to being released from


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