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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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many countries, every time and expense and increases military emissions, increasing endless war and this climate christ all hail the product on a jersey to the a more than a 1000 people have reportedly been killed in 10 years after crowd of protest is stormed. comments, president rudo says such unrest won't be allowed to happen again. the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is under 0. live from don't. also coming of israel is attorney general orders the military to immediately dropped $3000.00 ultra orthodox students after the supreme court ruled. they must be enlisted in the on the lakes
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found a julian assigned is traveling to a court appearance on a us island in the pacific after play deal with washington plus in paris, some of frances c for sulfur full size, including kidding of black pay. all taken aside from the countries upcoming elections. the can use president is cooling, the storming is paul limited by protest is a national security threats. at least 13 people have reportedly been killed during a dramatic day of demonstrations of the m p. 's post a new bill imposing new taxes. the military was deployed of to hundreds of protest as storms. the poem and compound in the centre of nairobi. instead of building on fire, the u. s. and african union has urged restraint and cold old parties to provide
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space for dialogue. protests to say there's still time to stop the president from signing the bill into law. but president william russo has vowed such unrest won't happen again at both have a cost. i hear by people not to use the planner, the finance just focus st. us on the bit test of violence. and i know that the security infrastructure is published to protect the public and it's southern and wouldn't be deployed to stick to the country and threats to know much the same bus route of the was at the protest in the capital. and i robi and begins our coverage within hours of passing the despised tax bill. and just part of them. it was over run by angry demonstrators fulfilling a promise to occupy how many politicians were forced to evacuate her shelter in the
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basement. parts of the building set on fire president william brutal may have got what you wanted, a raising taxes to pay mounting national debt. but demonstrators made it clear he will find it difficult to collect the real a few documents that that'd be done by the we want the one of the, every time, during the course of several hours, the crowd swelled from dozens to thousands, overwhelming police and pushing them eventually breaking through the lines as these painters continue to escalate the pressure on the government with the protesters you want to say is they want to send one clear message to the government. no matter what happens in parliament, no matter what happens in the holes of power, no matter what decisions are made,
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they will be the ones to decide the future of their country. these protests are unprecedented chemistry to say they have 2 weeks to make sure the president does not sign the new bill into law. and if leaders won't listen to them, this is how they plan on making their voices for tenure is now in uncharted pair. no leaders, no politics, just young people who want jobs, freedom at a future, free of corruption and mismanagement. they say i look to the and they are angry, unafraid, and determined to make the same bus route. the older 0 nairobi can now come with these in i will be where he's been following developments since the president spoke the president route. so it was said that he's directed on national security to deploy measures to support all attempts to undermine in security in our country. he
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said this was against what he described as criminal elements, that it infiltrated the processes at that members of this movement online and expressing on social media for days that they believe that this security crap down against a legitimate movement. what they say is a legitimate movement has already begun rights groups say around 2000 people of being abducted by plain clothes and uniform security. in the last few days, most of them the last 24 hours. they say that the sum of being released, others remain in custody across the desk on the street today. rights groups have also been saying that this is a, an unconstitutionally vine and cracked down. meanwhile, the defense minister has said that the armies being deployed to support the police can use human rights commission has said that this is on constitutional because doing so requires an approval from parliament that hasn't yet been granted. meanwhile, can use medical association to set the hospitals in nairobi,
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overwhelmed with people who were injured from today's demonstrations. and there's been a significant incident. so down here in kenya, people in the internet industry have told us that the government would have some internet service providers to slow down or switch off the internet effecting, not just kenya that much of the stuff for malcolm web. i'll just 0, nairobi, kenya of the, in the south of the gaza strip, at least 3 palestinians have been killed and many injured in is rarely showing of a house in hon. unice, eye witnesses say a displaced family with sheltering in the building. so for patients are underway and wounded people have been taken to hospital. is there any forces also carried out strikes on a you and school housing? dozens of displaced palestinian families at alshaun see come in the new gentlest,
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smallest. oh hello. it has been speaking to those who survived the attack as a result of this rate, but who are sleeping and sudden losing new styles is the screw and the whole place turned to the fire and smoke. a lot of people were killed and injured. there were dead bodies everywhere. we already lost our houses and we came here to the school. we were shocked to hear themselves hitting the school. there was fire everywhere. is this fact? these really say there are terrorists here, but there are just women and children. what do they want from us? may go deal with them? what do they want from the people? what do they want from the children? there were people killed including the children who are sleep. it was 3 am. how mostly the is now here, has said to the killing of his sister by in his really as drank,
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and garza will not affect the groups resistance against israel. at least 10 members of honey is extended. family has been killed in his riley as strike in northern gaza hunting wood reports a southern refugee camp. one of the biggest and oldest camps in dogs of it again by in his rate air strikes. one of the target was the home of how much political leaders might and any where his extended family live. so, so the, so the whole months at 2 o'clock in the morning, they talked to the house without private warning. it's the house of heavy honeys, ones then his mother, the sister of honey. we came because the explosion was strong, get the several members of honey is family were killed into strike, and others injured. united beside her 4 children were screaming charging father, father, father, i woke up to find myself covered and blowed. we call the ambulance in the civil defense, but no one came out. so we waited till the morning for the ambulance and we got 3 people are like, oh my god,
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i'm now. but bodies are believed to still be under the rubble. and he has family were taken to allow him the layer of the hospital in gaza city along with others gold in the tax on the cam. the what is the fault of the children? what is the fault of women, all of this? what did they do wrong? to deserve this, they were just sleeping in their homes. it's main honey who lives abroad is one of the homeless public faces. he was born in a shot at cam in april and his really are striking central garza go to 3 of his sons and 4 of his grandchildren. and he says he has lost about 60 members of his family since his real war on ga. that'd be guy on the 7th of october and even more, i was just the central gaza palestine. 0 to 0 has obtained a video showing and his really military dog, attacking a palestinian woman inside her home. the incident took place during his rarely ami
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operation in the devali account a few weeks ago. and an elderly palestinian woman says the is rarely occupation forces send to the dog into a house after she refused to leave it. she says the dog dragged out of her bedroom, leaving her with injuries. the footage of the attack was captured on a body come that the dog was wearing. i had, you know, let's look and then i'm 100 down. lots of do not alton nani. from jabante a refugee camp, i refused to be forced out of my house. no lie, a band in my home. so these re lease, that's a dog on me. which bit me while i was sleeping in my bed, it dragged me. and this still pulled me move away to the entrance stool. now i have a serious injury. there were no hospitals or anything to treat my injury. my hand is still on treated is really full, says that the dog on me grabbed my arm as of the office of israel's attorney
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general has released a letter requesting the ministry immediately dropped 3000 ultra orthodox jewish is released into its ranks. it follows an earlier ruling by the supreme court. the ruling could split prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition government ultra orthodox parties, a part of making yahoos ruling coalition. and without them, the government will collapse, leading to new elections. the court said, israel is compulsory military service applies to the ultra orthodox like any other citizen. the religious group has previously been exempted from being drafted. these ran, the government has bend over 0 from reporting this. so honda salut sent us this update from jordan a little bit good certainly rattled benjamin. that's in y'all, is government. israel's high court of justice ruling, the ultra orthodox men are no longer exempt from military service. now, in a letter from the attorney general's office,
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they have said that these really military must immediately draft up to 3000 ultra orthodox men weren't eligible for these really military. the same letter was also address to the countries finance ministry who said they are now banned from issuing any sort of funds, stipends or government grants to you, she vote or religious institution, students who are previously receiving them, as well as being exempt from military service. now, there has been reactions across these really political aisle. let's begin with nathaniel who's ruling with who party, who so that the high court of justice is ruling is a temporary kind of measure that doesn't exactly solve the issue of conscription. they went onto slammed the measure of saying that the way to get it done is with the bill. the coalition is currently trying to pass in the 2nd and 3rd reading. so israel la position that has well come to this move saying that the time for quote shanie deals for missing out government is over. but none the less,
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the more religious parties in it's in your government, like shock and united tor judaism have said that they are going to fight the measure. and essentially, it's just, you know, i'm truly an assigned is expected to plead guilty to one charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information in his us quote for him in the pacific on wednesday, as on his release from the u. k. ends washington's long running efforts to prosecute the way he likes found a revealing government secrets. he's now on his way to the us controlled pacific island of sy, putnam daniel robinson reports. this is the moment wiki likes found a julie, the sons left london finally released from prison and ending a stand or that divided the will for mold. in 13 years, i just came out about most prison. and what i hope is my last visit to see julian, the here in the prison, where he is spent 5 years,
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2 months and 2 weeks that optimism tempted by his pending appearance before a us court in the mariana islands. he's expected to plead guilty to conspiring to steal and distribute classified documents on us schools and foreign policy. a charge his wife won, scrapped. i think that the, the correct of course of action from the us government should have been to drop the case entirely. we will be seeking a partner, obviously this u. s. military video. that made headlines around the world and turn to julian assigned to into a globally recognized because the us justice department says assigned pulsated with military intelligence analyst chelsea manning to steal and publish more than $700000.00 pages of classified documents about the us was in a rock and kind of stand and containing the names of confidential military and
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diplomatic sources. sanchez's, he was a journalist doing his job. he then took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london to avoid arrest the us taj to him in 2019 with violating the espionage act. the son just wants spend any more time behind bars. after the hearing insipid, he's expected to travel to australia, supporting the strong impala, meant to bring his own home across party lines in a rare display of bipartisanship to me, there's nothing to be gained, but he's continued incarceration, and we want pain brought him to a strategy assigned is expected to arrive in the capital camera before spending time with his family. his wife's stella says she will only believe he's truly free when she can hold him in her arms. he's priority when he lands in his homeland will be his physical and mental health and to spend time with his children who have only
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ever known him behind bars with more challenges still ahead of him. a song just journey back to was through ellia and he's next steps of fall from simple as he begins the next chapter. in this extraordinary saga, danielle robinson out to 0, a seal ahead on. i'll just hold balloons filled with trash from north korea and the 74th anniversary at the start of the korean, the presidency manual. not call surprised phones by calling us not to mention just weeks before will be live big games in powers of to us. the just support for marine, the penn national run, a policy will look at the pay off a little bit country, no cheaper to the, to the far right. how does the print connection without the
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the hello again, this is elder 0 over my telephone told stories the seller can use. lita has blamed the story of the countries homage when a group is organized. criminal was at least 13 people have reportedly been killed in protest, triggered by employees passing the bill to raise taxes. the government has deployed
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and the army in an attempt to qual, vine. in the south of the guns, a strip at least 3 palestinians have been killed and many injured miss brand, new shelling of a house in her eye. witnesses say a displaced family with sheltering independence. the edges, they also says the of israel's attorney general has us the military to immediately dropped $3000.00 onto orthodontic jewish is released after the supreme court ruled, they can be exempted. the ruling could split the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition government prussian authorities have released cctv footage, which they say shows ukrainian strength on russian annex crimea on sunday. bloss can be seen hating a crowd of beach, sending sundays is running for cover as plumes of water rises from the sea, according to russian officials, the miss all was american made and carried cluster munitions that killed 4 people,
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including 2 children. the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for former russian defense minister should. so occasionally go and general valerie garage similar should go and the current chief of staff of rushes, military are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in ukraine. the court says they directed a tax on civilian populations. european union members have agreed a new package of sanctions against russia, the new restrictions aimed to close some loopholes and reduce rushes revenues from liquefied natural gas exports since the beginning of the war and ukraine. ellen g exports from russia to europe have increased. the new measures stopped short of a complete event on invoice. european union has launched membership tools with ukraine and mold over the agreement was acute last week, and the process is expected to take his keys and just on to apply to join the you
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following brushes, invasion of ukraine in february 2022. there's no guarantee that the negotiations will ultimately lead to membership within our power just a 2 years ago on the 23rd of june, 2022 european union said that they will stand with you credit as long as it takes. and now this is the 1st promise implemented, you can start the exception for hopeless a pro process uh with the full scale war continues to raging going and our territory will continue are very forms and your premium people with 90 percent support this and that gives them the moral power to continue with standing the same as football is including style striker q in. but they have waited into the debate around the upcoming snap election in products, but it's not only football that's playing a role in the ballot. the 1st round it takes place on june,
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so that she is less than a month before the powers olympic games. natasha butler reports from parents, catalina, but they rarely talks about politics. but last week, the super saw from football capt into cosigned. hey, to francis not collection clinton, but the concluded katie and bob days against extremes and debates of ideas from we have the opportunity to choose the future overall countries. you don't need that for people to want to be proud to wear, destroyed the number 7. i don't want to represent a country that doesn't correspond with my values. some of the faults play is currently in germany for the year or championships have followed suit. marcus durham, when further urging people not to vote for marine depends the right policy effected by talk with the jump, we must find every day to stop the spinning and stop the national. riley from gaining power, houses twice, one the world comp 1998 of 2018 with teams, including players of african heritage, a symbol of unity and multiculturalism for some,
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but it's thrown in the side of the immigration fall right. upset by an image of fronts they don't support depends both the shape, jordan, but the heed bracket improperly in comments that went viral on social media. difficult on that, i show that when i, when you have to look to have a very big salary to be a multi millionaire, i'm flying a private just then i find is a bit much to hear these well paid sports. people give advice to the french people who kind of make ends meet its own clear what sway the football is, have, but these young people say matches. and by people idolizing listen, can motivate them to go out to vote. so it kind of have an influence, but people should be voting irrespective of what celebrity say, football is not the only sport playing an unexpected role in an onyx did election in july, paris, hays, the olympic games of themes, all diversity and inclusiveness. but some one do i have problems is going to project the image. if the fall right, wind power going depends where the criticize the choice of french molly install. i
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in a more a to sing at the opening ceremony cooling it, a pearl vacation. but this research says most people are more concerned about what happens often deal and breaks the fact that this dissolution of the national assembly happens, shows that there is more profound crisis within the system. so i don't think this very short break of the olympic games will change anything. the lympics is supposed to be a movement of unity and fronts and up lifting season of sporting magic. but with the election costing a gloomy shadow. frances ford stalls are under even more pressure to deliver when it matches, especially popular. i'll just say we're part of the world health organization says alcohol kills nearly 3000000 people every year through drinking drink, driving. alcohol induced violence and abuse at the multitude of diseases and disorders caused by alcohol and accounted for almost 5 percent of all global death
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. in 2019, nearly 3 quarters of those deaths were in men. an estimated 400000000 people or 7 percent of the walls population age 15 is and all the leave is alcohol use disorders. we have the highest problems in the european region. 10.7 percent of people. age chieftain. yes. plus and in the region of the americas 10.2 percent. you know, as in tina, hundreds of people of processing following the disappearance of a 5 year old child who was last seen more than 10 days ago. officials have announced that they will ask police in paraguay for health, as they believe that the child could have been kidnapped by human trafficking network. 6 adults are in preventive detention as investigation into the disappearance continues. while it did occur in the no, no, i don't trust the police and career narrative in any town here or anywhere else.
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they did the job poorly. they should have close to town once the referral since the disappearance became known. but they didn't close anything that supervisors. i no longer know whether to let my son go out or not. it was such a quiet tone, but now there is uncertainty because we don't know enough. in the us, several families in louisiana have filed a lawsuit against the state. this is over, it's new law, requiring the display of the 10 commandments from the bible in old public school classrooms. the complaints that it violates the 1st amendment of the constitution, louisiana became the only us states to make the displays mandatory. a course in hong kong has begun mitigation hearings for prominent pro democracy act of us. they were found guilty in the cities biggest and national security case, as now face onto life in prison. the activists were among $47.00 advocates who were charged with conspiracy to commit some subversion. in 2021. south
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korean investigators are examining the remains of a lithium factory. the cold file on monday, killing 23 people. cctv footage shows the moment a pile of batteries ignited with smoke, feeling the room within 20 seconds. 17 chinese nationals were among the dead. and bodies are still being identified. the south korea is mocking 74 years since the start of the korean war president june. so appeal promised an over whelming and resolute response to north korea and provocations. as the young young sent a 5th round of waste filled the balloons to with southern neighbour units came reports from so strong words from south korea as president, as north korea says, yet another round of garbage failed balloons. days after inking a mutual defense packed with russia, use how good at a korean war anniversary event on tuesday called north korea's latest acts
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despicable and behind the times. you know, also made a visit to the us as theater roosevelt docked in south korea's port ahead of a multi domain. try a lateral exercise with japan later this week. those drills may insight. a stronger response in the some 350 trash bill balloons sent by appealing young, late monday. about a 3rd collected by south korea were assessed to hold simple garbage like pieces of paper, unlike earlier balloon despatches that souls that also held various types of parasites suggesting the presence of human feces. meanwhile, russia's deputy foreign minister, andre, who den code telling russian media the controversial clause in the past in between king john and vladimir putin last week for immediate mutual military support in case of war was not aimed at south korea. that's little relief for
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a soul which says that any military support that could harm it would drive south korea to seriously reconsider ascending lisa arms to ukraine. eunice kim alda 0. so and that's all for me, jessica washington. the weather is next. and then inside story, the visit went to choose to be expected with this circulation in the bark, bringing colder weather and cloud. and the few sherry outbreaks to have laid into melbourne, probably the capital as well. and increasingly the class reaching up through queens and to bring some right with it. but the biggest changes, probably in west australia, with that circulation off shore is bringing rain to most of the state. and so when fairly windy road, the carriers including temporarily, i think, post the eastern side of north adams or maybe from can concentrating on this,
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but would have seen 2 days. rain balls. how me get this is that it's still raining heavy for a time, but it will tend to ease off of that might be some funding as a result, us one drinks on the stones, a stair. right? and so the y c in the southern philippines, they're not extensive, but they're all there. and they probably shouldn't be the missing investor sumatra because the focus of heavy writing is being ma, thailand. beyond that, to, into china, there's funding on the ground. it's not seen. so at least the eastern side of china, set from food you on up to what the yangtze in shanghai, right. we'll keep folding. and that'd be that's, that's the result. it would also reach across to south korea and the southern part of japan with flooding a like a result. of course, if you go to the west, you'll see now extensive thunderstorms, right? almost all of it, the, the,
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the u. s. smith solves 5 by ukraine, kill sunday, those including children on the beach in crimea. moscow rooms, washington. it will respond both sides on escalating weapons and targets and the ukraine rule. so is there a great a danger of direct conflict between russian knights says, this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the show. i'm sammy's a.


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