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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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in the side of the far right is expected to shake off politics in brussels. from around the world, the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. the we can expand it to the sounds is in the us, unintended to side. pat who's quote here and to formalize of the deal on espionage charges, the cherry johnston. this is, i'll just hear a lot from the also coming up and, and frustration in 10 year over the text that demonstrates a se will raise the cost of living for the president is defined promising to cut
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down on what he describes as criminals. kenyon police arrive in haiti has positively un back mission to help restore old country struggling search of gang violence. israel attorney general asks the ministry to immediately dropped 3000 ultra orthodox students. of the supreme court losing must be listed into the, on the wiki, they accept, found the doing the song disappearing before a federal court and us pacific territory of the mariana islands. he's expected to admit the charge of conspiring to obtain and distribute the classified information for sounds as plea agreement ends at washington's efforts to prosecute him for revealing government secrets about was enough. got us down and rock,
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also the hearing insight and he's expected to travel back home to australia as a free man. it will get reaction now says australia shortly with sarah clock, but so we saw the in washington dc with mike and mike, what's happening now in court. then as far as we know, it was very difficult to understand that the quote is a long way away in the north pacific in the northern mariana islands that have been some reports out of the quote as saying that they all waiting for the proceedings to stop but i must add as well that no cameras are allowed in the court. very rare for the proceedings in the federal court to be live streams, or indeed any photographs taken. so we're not going to know really what's happening in the, until they will count. having clinched, basically what is a clean deal, julian, the songs has pleaded guilty to a single count off contravene in the security legislation,
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and he will be sentenced to time. so this is in terms of an agreement reached between the department of justice and of functions. lawyers and ends this link the saga in terms of a song cheese on getting the attention. unlike people may be forgiven for wondering why this particular us temperature in the pacific is what it does appear that the song she threw out has attempted to evade any form of we pack the or we movement to view nighted states. and so he has resisted attempts to come back to be in this country, appearing some type type of imprisonment would follow here in the united states, as one of the reasons why he sold refuge and an embassy in london to avoid being moved to the united states so the department of justice had an agreement with his lawyers now that instead of coming back to the united states, which as on, she was very reluctant to do. they would hold these court proceedings in the
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northern mariana island style. this is a us territory. it is a federal court and it is from a song she's point of view, most convenient to get back home to australia because that he is what he wants to do. immediately these court proceedings are concluded, the pre bogging is agreed on it is signed. he will be leaving the courtroom and proceeding directly back to his home in australia for the 1st time in over a 10 some 15 years. mike, kind of, thanks for that. let's uh, cross live. that's a brisbin australia with sarah clark who's following developments for us. there are set out. what's the reaction to all of this in australia thread. what does the guilty see? that's expected mean for press. freedom of the well, the prime minister to me opened easy is the one who's been leading the charge of lights. he met with us president, dr. barton, last class diploma, and publicly declared that the situation of incarceration had dragged on for too
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long and regardless of people's opinions on his, on his activities, it was time to bring aside time. now, as on his case, has been a red point of contention or friction between, well he's the s drive. yeah, i mean not site, which is what nobody is taught relationship. but the reaction full assign just returned to australia, possibly as early as as this evening to land and campers being one of a lation for his family. they are all over the moon, but they have stress that they are concerned about his mental and physical health. after being away from his drivers more than 14 years and the legal, sawgrass should also, i side is far from either of the points of contention. i have this play deal have implications for as you mentioned, press freedom, his lawyers didn't want to go down the path of having him plead guilty. and as a result they'll be expecting to request. we expect them to request a play deal. but as i mentioned, once this quarter parent sees all of us into us. i pin us on the board, apply we expect, and we expect him to attend to his strategies,
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national capital. we will understand more about what this play dealing with the agreement that's being struck out between the united states and estrada once the court appearance is finished. but as i said, he's journey to freedom and back to australia, stotts. today. sarah, thank you for staying with this. uh, donald roswell. is it professor of international law or the or straight in the national university? he joins us from camp. welcome to the program at will this then be seen as a victory for jude in the san joel, or come to us now say look, we were right. and whether or not i think today is a pretty significant do i because it's the 1st time the juliet sanchez voluntarily appeared before i us course and on devices of what we know he's about to enter into right play deal, acknowledging that he is guilty with respect to the charge for it to him under the espionage act. on the other hand, it brings an end to this very long running legal,
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political and diplomatic ties, which in one way or another has extended back to 2010. and obviously that's an important resolution for a sanchez situation. and quite remarkably, within the spice. so 2436 hours. he might find himself back in australia by the end of the day. what indeed long running as you say me, why has this in your view taken so long to be resolved? probably because a assign transport, every single legal proceeding that's being brought against him. we. we need to recall that this goes back to originally i swedish arrest warrant that was issued in 2010. so the 4th, that was the vices for him. eventually entering the ecuadorian embassy in london in 2012. and then, of course, the tropic ministration, formally broke charges against him under the espionage act in the united states and
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formally, so these extradition from the united kingdom. so that there's an interplay of a series of legal issues here in sweden and in the united states. and the united kingdom, which is saying this span out, i have a such a long time. and as i said, i sanchez for in contested. every single state provides legal proceedings. will this definitely be the end of the matter? do you think kind of as a be reopened? you know, i don't think it can be reopened, but i guess i'm much remains to be saying in terms of what is next to julian assigned in terms of whether he actively engages as the editor and the head of wiki lakes. there was so many large global stories and which one would think that when he leaves would have a strong, interesting, especially involved in the united sites. so it might be read saying a resume that could decline prominent journalistic role. and that could bring him to the attention of the us authorities or guys you mentioned to us them. and they said that the material that was released all those years ago put offer tips at risk
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. was there any merits and not talking well, certainly that there's a lot of strength to the way in which the district department independent gong was very concerned about the release of some of that material. certainly a good shot, a lot on us options and, and activities and milked reactions and the global war on terror. but from a us perspective, you vi. so the us of visuals are very much applies in threats and imperil as a result of some of these actions are there remind divided views quite clearly on that particular perspective. the us perspective in the assigned and the press freedom perspective. so weekly, it's just promoted. you mentioned the press freedom damaged during this time. what do you think this has meant for all the websites and outlets when it comes to considering publishing material, which perhaps many governments wouldn't want to be published? it's been. so that's a great question. i think we need to reflect that the wiki looks really kind of
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prominence really 15 years ago. and the issues that we're talking about really have not changed to ever since the release of much of that. we see leaks materials in around 2010 that we also need to recall that accost donald trump very famously praised weekly leaks during the 20s explain presidential election and arguably some of the material that week he likes released with respect to hillary clinton was important during that 2016 presidential election campaigns on lot of media comment tighter or a journalist, so i can't really speak from inside the media. but no doubt the global attention that the way he leaves tyson hassan just case has attracted, will have been able to really close on pause for the media or in general, a small, generally. but on the other hand, these concessions my by the united states will be site is very positives, that solid rock throughout we very much appreciate your time. thank you. one
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of these now can you, as the preston says, vowing to crush unrest at whatever cost describing the storming of palm. it's my protest as treasonous. the countries medical association says at least 13 people have been killed during the day of demonstrations off the m p. 's post a bill imposing new taxes. the military was deployed off to hundreds of protests is poured into the parliament compounding nairobi, funding parts of the building. the us and the african union have urged, restrains, uncalled for dialogue between all policies will demonstrate to say, there's still time to stop the president from signing the bill into the same as writing reports now from the process in not right. within hours of passing a degree on popular new thoughts and use hard limits was over run by and we demonstrate many politicians were forced to evacuate or sell to the base
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a government building set on fire president route. so they have got what he wanted by raising with them, and traders made it clear this. find it difficult to the due to the fact that the do we want the good one of the thousands of people who will police breaking through their laws? are these pay to continue to ask the pressure on the government, what the protesters you want to say is they want to send one clear message to the government no matter what happens in poland, no matter what happens in the holes of power, no matter what decisions are made, they will be the ones to decide the future of their country. what is happening in 10, you know,
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he's fun precedent and we some time addressing the nation router described the day's events as an attack on the law. i assure the nation, the government must be nice with some of the nation's disposal to ensure that a situation of this nature would not recall. again at whatever cost championing national security. the rescue of a self style strong man on duty under increasing pressure given a signal of what is to come, the president ordered the deployment of the canyon military tobacco police move kenya's. human rights commission says is unconstitutional. while the president labeled demonstrators as traitors, his critics say this through mismanage corruption, the deaths and disappearances. can you mean he has broken the social contract?
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tenure is an uncharted territory. a movement with no legions, no just young people who want jobs, freedom and the future. free of corruption and mismanagement that they say are relics of they are angry, i'm afraid, and determine the ministry said bus route, the old to 0. and i wrote the american web has more now on what the present route had to say the president route. so it was said that he's directed on national security to deploy measures to support all attempts to undermine in security. in our country. he said this was against what he described as criminal elements that it infiltrated. the protest is at that members of this movement online and expressing on social media for days that they believe that this security crap down against a legitimate movement. what they say is a legitimate movement has already begun rights groups say around 2000 people of
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being abducted by plain clothes and uniform security. in the last few days, most of them in the last 24 hours, they say that the sum of being released, others remain in custody across the desk on the street. today. rights groups have also been saying that this is uh, an unconstitutionally vine and cracked down. meanwhile, the defense minister has said that the armies being deployed to support the police can use human rights commission has said that this is unconstitutional. because doing so requires an approval from parliament that hasn't yet been gone, said meanwhile, can use medical association to set the hospitals in nairobi, overwhelmed with people who were injured from today's demonstrations. and there's been a significant incident slow down here in kenya. people in the industry have told us that the government would have some internet service providers to slow down or
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switch off the internet effecting, not just kenya, that much of the stuff for cap malcolm web. i'll just 0, nairobi, kenya. they've been nancy tax bill protests in 10 years. other major cities in odessa police, 510 gas and shopped into the head of demonstrates is held back stones protests to say they will return to the streets if the bill is not withdrawn. a little less of because of a few changes even though own has let them leave it doesn't overly into the data in this country is going to be one to us and we're going to going to lift the lid that's happening. i'm going to need to be the one. what do we have showed up in big numbers when it's good? we're going to show up today to model i'm different than miss beech you've been able to. then i'm going to end up going through this maybe until the day if we must be going to be okay with us. a whole different story. it's as also gather than the hometown of president william roots at large crowds of people. forthwith police and
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elder had a strong hold of the president for testers that have also found the whole demonstrations until the bill is withdrawn. katherine, so it has moved from to see can use the largest city very well in weston, k. yeah, police have just fired a to you guys on protest has thousands of them have come out to protest against this by non bill. some of them are saying that they want to march to the state house. yeah. they're very angry and they're saying that that they are heating the calls of the old denies of these protests. they say basically that the cost of living is very high and that they want the lead us to listen to the, the, the land revenue to eat. just give me 2 fits. we still have some tickets remaining . that is posted this day presidential acid,
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that's been waiting for all that as we continue to do these. that'd be good to you to come together. happy not to to, to, to have anybody but to give out on jimmy and cry. i've tried to reject that built into a child. the progress is always seeing here are very young on many of them are in the twenty's 10 years. so um is uh, a has a very young population. 65 percent of the population is on the 35 years old. and so they said because of that, they have the power in they have the power in numbers and they want to use that power to basically pull out their leaders. call out. they'll politicians cloud. president, william, brutal, catherine. so you are, the 0 canyon police to crack down on protests is at home as some of their offices begin the mission to tackle violence in another part of the world. well,
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the 1st group of offices has arrived in haiti as in the you in fact force trying to contain gangs controlling most of the capital for the prince. deployments, faces a legal challenge in kenya. presidents, when the router's government has gone ahead with us backing. how does to raise the vote reports? now, foreign forces have a troubled history and haiti he has been display several times in the past year. that may be, he said, it was a bus driver and was injured doing a recent fight between rival gangs that now controlled in most of haiti's capital. he's now living in a government building unable to go back home. i am hoping international forces will come to haiti to disarm the gang, so we can have a life once again. but if they are going to come here to do what the united nations did in the past, i hope they don't. the united nations security council has also right the disability meant if i moved to a national security support mission to haiti to assist the haitian national police
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in their fight against criminal gangs. gimme a husband and to you to police contingent that will lead the mission. but it's not the 1st time forwarding troops had been deployed to haiti since he already 1900. there's been at least 3 following interventions, including a decades long occupation by the united states. the last 4 enforced the country was a you in step i, station mission known as new stuff, which was deployed in 2004 after the rest. the engender trend that receives most haitians associate meaning staff to colorado out week that comes at least 9000 people the outbreak with linked to the united nations peacekeeping base. the also related to sex, one of you would like to see forces you come and help us go back to our live. i don't want them to come in rape women, but to help us about the same thing,
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the assassination of president job in anymore use in 2021 has been chaos. nearly 400000 people have been displaced by violence and almost 3000 had been killed this year. i transitioned our presidential council was set up last month to handle the power to an elected government by february 2026. but the country needs to be stabilized. first, we've seen the cycle throughout eighty's history, right? of these repeated for an interventions and whatever sort of short term games they might provide a, they've always sort of to undermine the long term consolidation of a sovereign democracy in haiti. and ultimately it's, it's that weakness of the state, the lack of a social contract and the lack of representative government and 80, that, that perpetuates the, this cycle. and so we see how these things seem to relate and perpetuate one another. and, you know, sadly it looks like that's more of the same coming patients say they need the
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violence to and, and are hoping things will be different this time. very similar, just so you sort of head here on, i'll just here at least 32 people including members of a mass, the smile and he is family are killed in the latest is really strikes across guns. and i just recently the, the big influx of heat from the gulf that reached north and south dakota and the midwest is produce a very big thunderstorms and potential for flooding, a real serious damage. and some places. this is big the river in south dakota, as it says, that's a repeat performance. a big focus on probably won't be there. be on wednesday. it's extending their tools, the appalachian che, then down through arkansas and to the science coast the gulf coast. so the northern
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plains, at least on rest or wednesday, the quite find the shouts developing of old the rock is young, but it's just not particularly big, but it could be locally thunderstorms because of the heat and the time of the year . but the time you get to $50000.00, stretch of big thunderstorm developing in the dakotas and they're running down through iowa for example. so it isn't necessarily safe just yet to big readings and central america. in fact, the times the recent most recent place to post pictures of some flooding as a result. now they might be more in daily cheryl's will thunderstorms, as they build for the afternoon heat in the time. the rest of mexico can also see significant chest, including in mexico city. and the same is true for much of the rest of central america. for the south of right and is limited to this line through sas. these didn't pass the result was sunshine. otherwise, don't the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you watching out is here armando, about top stores this out. we could the, except found that you in the sounds is in quotes in the us purchase site, where he's expect to, to plead guilty and spreading us government secrets between 2 and 6 years of attempts to prosecute, prosecute, to say, a sounds conspired to us on the intelligence level to publish literally see chris canney is president, has blamed the storming of comments and i rode the on once he says it's a group of organized criminals. the canyon medical association says at least 13
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people have been to protests against bill to raise taxes. the government has deployed the army to quote, the finance and canyon, the police correct down and protects us from the same day. the 1st group of offices arriving fates each cabinet kenya is heading a you in the back. international force house containing the guidance of control. most of the troops in the south of the gaza strip. at least 3 palestinians have been killed. many injured and is very setting of a house in con eunice eye. witnesses say this place to family with sheltering in the building. satcher operations are under way and wounded people have been taken to the hospital for him as a leader smell honey, it has said to the king of his sister and other members of his family and his very s track in northern gauze. it will not affect the groups resistance against israel . honey macbook reports a southern refugee camp. one of the biggest,
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an oldest scam, sing dogs of it again by in his rate air strikes. one of the target was the home of how much political leaders might and any where his extended family left for the, the full months at 2 o'clock in the morning, they talked to the house without private warning. it's the house of of have you, honey, as ones then his mother, the sister of honey. we came because the explosion was strong, get the several members of any is family, were killed and destroyed, and others injured. united decide or for children were screaming charging father, father, father, i woke up to find myself covered in blood. we call the ambulance in the civil defense, but no one came up. so we waited till the morning for the ambulance and we got 3 people. the bodies are believed to still be under the rubble honey. his family were taken to allow him the latter be hospitalized in gaza. city along with others, golden,
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the tax on the account. the what is the fault of the children? what is the fault of women? all of this, what did they do wrong to deserve this? they were just sleeping in their homes. it's main honey who lives abroad is one of how much public phases he was born and i shot it down in april. and his really are striking central garza go to 3 of his sons and 4 of his grandchildren. and he says he has lost about 60 members of his family since his real war ongoing that began on the 7th of october anyway. mode, which is eda, central gaza palestine. as the office of israel's attorney general has released a letter requesting the ministry immediately draft 3000 ultra orthodox jewish is raised into its ranks. but it follows an early of everything by the supreme court. the routing could split 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. his coalition government also orthodox policy is a concept making yahoos,
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really coalition. and without government will collapse. leading to new elections. the court said, as well as compulsory military service supplies to the ultra orthodox like other citizens, the just group has previously been exempted from being drafted. while these very government has banned l, just a reform reporting from the us all at home, the cell who is at fault, this update now from the jordanian capital. a ma a little bit good certainly rattled benjamin. that's in y'all is government. israel's high court of justice ruling the ultra orthodox men are no longer exempt from military service. now, in a letter from the attorney general's office, they have said that these really military must immediately draft up to 3000 ultra orthodox men who are eligible for these really military. the same letter was also addressed to the countries finance ministry, who said they are now banned from issuing any sort of funds,
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stipends or government grants to you, she vote or religious institution, students who are previously receiving them, as well as being exempt from military service. now, there has been reactions across these really political aisle. let's begin with nathaniel who's ruling recruit party, who so that the high court of justice is ruling is a temporary kind of measure that doesn't exactly solve the issue of conscription. they went onto slammed the measure of saying that the way to get it done is with a bill. the coalition is currently trying to pass in the 2nd and 3rd reading, israel law position that has well come to this move saying that the time for full shanie deals permits and government is over. but none the less, the more religious parties in nothing else. government like shock and united tor judaism have said that they are going to fight the measure to central woods and just the don't know a chinese luna prob is made history by returning with sortland work samples from
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the start of the move that's never seen from us. the mission increases beijing's rivalry with united states to dominate space and its results is katrina, you reports now from basing of the tongue of 6 spacecraft returns to chinese toil caring. the 1st of the samples of loot of soil gathered from the false side of the moon, the pro bland in northern end of the goal, your province on tuesday afternoon. the mission takes aging one step closer to with the vision of putting a bad on the moon before 23rd. she's trying to want us to be a leader in the space technology and i think that's good. i doubt that it's the 2nd most important at the end space. now behind the us it's definitely a clips. the russian space program. the mission is the 6 in china is moving exploration program that's named after a mythical goddess of the moon. the latter touch down and a huge crater on the dock side of the moon called the south pole


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