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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the says which behaviors what got us into this problem and surface behavior will not get us out of this from the wiki, likes found to turn in a sound admits a charge of publishing ministry secrets the court. hearing on a us on and temperature the on cherry johnston. this is all just a real life from taylor will say, coming here in 10 years against the tex bill protest to say will raise the cost of living for the president . the vows to crack down on what he describes as criminal canyon police arrive in
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haiti as part of the un mission to help the store or the country struggling. the search of gang find these rows. attorney general austin village street to immediately dropped 3000 ultra orthodox students. supreme court looks like must be listed to the on the we can expand the joining asylums has admit to the federal espionage saw just doing a court hearing in the us territory. the northern marianna audience is part of a plea agreement that set to end washington's efforts to prosecute him for revealing government secrets about was enough. got us started on a rock for the hearing. it comes a day off the he was freed from the u. k. prison, but he felt extradition to the us. a sounds expect to travel have him to australia, off to the court proceeding. you have been very clear as liability to and as
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prime minister that regardless of like your views about mr. science, this activities he's cases dragged on for too long. there is nothing to be gained from haste, continued incarceration, and we want pain brought home to australia. that's something you know, say this live the later is something, you know, i've said as a prime minister, and it's something that i will have more to say that one se legal proceedings have concluded, which i hope will be very, very soon. a, a sarah talk is fine development so far as from brisbin, australia. sarah, what more has happened in cold well, this federal court hearing go down the way about 2 and a half hours ago. it's still under way as united aside just play the guilty to one count of conspiring to obtain and distribute us national defense information that these particular a charge carries
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a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in prison. so it is unlikely, so that purely because of the time is already spent and served in the u. k. and attorneys representing the united states and this federal court hearing this morning, i've characterized which he likes as a website to put the purpose place, thoughts to expose a sense of the information that threatens national security. i should also, i know that his son spoke in the federal court hearing this morning and so i pen, he's defended these actions in court. he said he was a journalist and should be privy or protected a by the 1st amendment. he did also, i can save however, if this went to trial, he was unlikely to win. but we do know that this guilty play is part of a deal of the struck between he's legal team and the us justice department. and this please grant team. he's for it and we also know that we expect him to board and his private child slot the brought him to stop pen. once this hearing has finished today and we expecting to return to camp and be on home soil in australia for the 1st time in more than 14 years on spencer in the why? the sense then, what does the guilty plea actually mean when it comes to press freedom of
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what concerns had been raised about what a judge may need potations for free speech and journalism. his lawyers did not want to go down as part of the guilty place. uh they will, i will assume they'll be putting in a place post the hearing. but my point is that the guilty play place does potentially threaten free speech. uh, the other thing i should set the family has spoke to the last hour or so. i have a note with this. i have spoken to julia massage and he's in good spirits. he's father john shipped and said he's all over the moon is doing cartwheels. he's also a nice at that having him home off to 15 use of incarceration is good news. we are unsure of, of what restrictions will be put in place on a sunday when he does return to campus. but what we do know is, today is the 1st day of his freedom bodies journey home back to australia. sarah clark, thanks very much indeed. and we are expecting to hear from you in a son's outside the court house,
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off to the proceeds and these all nice pictures from outside. and we will of course, bring that to you. as soon as that happens was that old. roswell is a professor of international know at the australian national university. he says a summons, his role as a controversial media figure may not be of is a much remains to be seen in terms of what is next to julian decides in terms of whether he actively engages as the editor and the head of wiki lakes. there was so many, but large global stories of which one would think that we see leaks would have a strong interest in especially involved in the united sites. so it might be read, same resume that could decry prominent journalistic role. and that could bring him to the attention of the us authorities or guys. i think we need to reflect that the helix really kind of prominence really 15 years ago. and the issues that we're
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talking about really have not changed a ever since the release of much of that with you leaks material in around 2010. we also need to recall that accost donald trump very famously praised week you'll extra in the twenty's explain presidential election. and arguably some of the material that we can links released with respect to hillary clinton was important during that 26. 9 presidential election campaigns on lot of media commentator or journalist. so i can't really speak from inside the media, but no doubt the global attention to the way he leaves caisen assigned his case has attracted, will have been able to bleed quotes on pause for the media and drill a small generally. but on the other hand, these concessions, my body, united sites will be site is very positive step or kenny is the president's has value to cost all the rest at whatever cost describing the storing of parliament. my protest is treasonous. the country's medical association says at least 13 people
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have been killed during the day of demonstrations of the m p's. pasta bill imposing new taxes. the ministry was deployed off to hundreds of protest is poured into the parliament compound and i rode the burning parts of the building. us an african union has urged with strange and cold for donald. between all parties demonstrates a se, there's still time to stop the president from ascending the bill into the same as well. the report stuff on the process in i read within hours of passing a degree on popular new thoughts and use part of them. it was over run by and we can expect many politicians were forced to evacuate or sell to the base, a government building set on fire president boot so they have got what he wanted by raising with them and traders made it clear the find it difficult.
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the due to the fact that you didn't bother to just, we want the one of the thousands of people who will police breaking through their laws. are these pay to continue to ask the pressure on the government. what the protesters you want to say is they want to send one clear message to the government. no matter what happens in poland, no matter what happens in the holes of power, no matter what decisions are made. they will be the ones to decide the future of their country. what is happening in 10? you know, he's fun precedent, didn't we? some time resting the nation router described the day's events as an attack on the law. i assure the nation, the government must be nice with the nation's disposal to ensure
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that a situation of this nature would not recall. again at whatever cost, championing national security. the rescue of a self style strong. that one's duty under increasing pressure in a signal of what is to come, the president ordered the deployment of the canyon military tobacco police move 10 years human rights commission says is unconstitutional. while the president labeled demonstrators as traitors, his critics say this from the spanish corruption, the deaths and disappearances. you mean he has broken the social contract, tenure is an uncharted territory. a movement with no legions, no. just young people who want jobs. freedom in the future. 3 of corruption and mismanagement that they say are relics of they are angry and
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a free and determined st. bus route, the ultra 0 night rosy covering, so it has more now from a consumer can use the largest city very well in washington. k. yeah, uh police have just fired uh to you guys uh on for testers, thousands of them have come out um to protest against this by non bill. some of them are saying that they want to march uh to the state house here. uh, the very angry and the thing that, that they are heating the calls of the old denies of these protests. uh they say uh basically that the cost of leaving is very high and that they want the lead us to lease and to the, the, the land revenue to you just give me 2 fits. we still have some tickets remaining.
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that is posted this due for the different assets that still waiting for all that as we continue to do these, that'd be good to you to come together happy. i'm not to to, to, to have anybody but to give out on jimmy and cry. i've tried to reject that built into a child. the progress is always seeing here are very young on many of them are in that 2010 years. so um is uh a has a very young population. 65 percent of the population on. he's on the 35 years old and so they said because of that, they have the power in they have the power in numbers and they want to use that power to basically. c that their leaders cloud, the politicians. 7 president william, brutal, catherine, so you are the 0 canyon police, correct down on protests is at home. some of the offices begin the emission to
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tackle bought into another part of the world. the 1st group of offices has arrived in haiti and being a u. n. bout force trying to contain guns controlling most of the capital for the prince. visible reports in a waste flight landed in puerto prints on tuesday carrying 400 members of kenny as police force their part of the un small time national security support mission task with containing gangs who control more than 80 percent of haiti's capital. haiti has faced scale since 2021 after the killing of president julian invoice acquisition of prime minister and got equally less for name or this month. he says the security forces will play across a role in stabilizing the country. we want to think all the friendly countries that have supported this initiative behind the vision strategy and mandate that this
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transitional government has to re establish security in the country to allow or have a half a 1000000 people to return to their homes. to re launch the country and of course to hold elections as soon as possible. but doing so won't be easy. haiti's capital has been ravaged by violence. hundreds of thousands have been displaced and large parts of the population are struggling to cover their most basic needs, like food and medicines. via the me know with shot in his leg and he's back. he had to spend 8 months in a hospital but was forced to leave because a guy getting baited the building minutes ago when they were about to get up. well, i didn't take over medication. i should have have a loss of pain, especially in my buttocks account sets will stand for a long time. the un mission is meant to support haiti's, national police force, some 50. now the nation, including countries in africa and the caribbean,
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are expected to join the canyon contingent, as well as canada, friends, and britain. the security forces will form a 2500 strong peacekeeping mission that's going to be funded by the united states with fighting against the gangs when be easy. they're heavily armed and leave side by side the population. haiti has had a long history of controversial following interventions. many fear the presence of following security forces on the island once again, but the vast majority of haitian se the violence needs to end and food. now the un mission seems to be the only way forward. that is, i will just see to the, the office of as well as the attorney general has released a letter requesting the ministry immediately draft. the 3000 ultra orthodox jewish
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is raised into its ranks as far as an elliot routing by the supreme court, or the ruling could split prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his coalition government also orthodox policy, is a positive netanyahu's. runing coalition known without them, the government will collapse, eating sinew elections. the quote sir, as well as compulsory military service applies to the ultra orthodox like other citizens. the religious group has previously been exempted from being drafted. is what a government has bound. i'll just say if i'm reporting from that and that's why i'm the so who would follow this update from the jordanian capital? i'm a, a little bit good certainly rattled benjamin. that's in y'all is government. israel's high court of justice ruling the ultra orthodox men are no longer exempt from military service. now, in a letter from the attorney general's office, they have said that these really military must immediately draft up to 3000 ultra
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orthodox men who are eligible for these really military. the same letter was also addressed to the countries finance ministry, who said they are now banned from issuing any sort of funds, stipends or government grants to you, she vote or religious institution, students who are previously receiving them, as well as being exempt from military service. now, there has been reactions across these really political aisle. let's begin with nathaniel who's ruling with who party, who said that the high court of justice is ruling is a temporary kind of measure that doesn't exactly solve the issue of conscription. they went onto slammed the measure of saying that the way to get it done is with a bill. the coalition is currently trying to pass in its 2nd and 3rd reading. israel law position that has well come to this move saying that the time for quote, shanie deals permits, accounting government is over, but none the less, the more religious parties in nothing else. government like shock and united tor
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judaism have said that they are going to fight the measure from the central woods and just need to know the legal team of which he leeks found that you this sounds is speaking now in the us tetra site. and after accepting a p d, let's listening to what they have to say to supporters and to us and to everyone who believes in free speech around the world. that he can now return home to a strain to be reunited were united with his family. i want to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have around the world supported joint assigned over these youths and who have supported us in defending him. if it has been a global move, a hind julian to protect free states. and it is because of that global movement of support that today's outcome is possible. i also want to take time to thank the straight in people and the straight and government for all of the support that we've received from home in australia. in particular,
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i want to thank how prime minister anthony albany easy for his statesmanship, his principal leadership and his diplomacy, which made this outcome possible. it was his leader of the opposition. he said and took a stand for justice and said enough is enough. there is nothing to be served by julians continued into incarceration. as prime minister. he's so true to his word and he did what he needed to do to ensure joins freedom. he raised at the highest level at every opportunity. i want to straighten officials and making outreach to the us. they knew that they were acting with your full authority of the prime minister of australia. it was his intention that this be done. and we wouldn't be here today without department of service trying to support. so i want to thank our minister, anthony open, easy and i also want to thank our attorney general mock dreyfus farms minister penny wong and get particular things throughout us. ambassador and full of prime minister kevin rod. the his adept diplomacy and his relentless efforts in
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washington that facilitated on negotiation to the us government and insured this outcome. i also want to thank hot commissioner in london, steven smith, who's ta this work enabled us all to be here today. i think it's also important that we recognize the free space implications of this case. julian has suffered for more than 14 years because of the risk of expedition to the united states. he faced a 175 years in prison for publishing evidence of war crimes, human rights abuse and us from doing around the world. today he pleaded guilty to an offense for having published information in the public interest for which is one journalism awards the world. i've been nominated for the nobel peace prize every year for the past decade. this, it's a dangerous precedent. this prosecutions that's a dangerous president, that should be of concern to journalist every way the u. s. is taking to exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction of all of you without giving you constitutional,
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free speech protections. and anyone who cares about free speech and democratic accountability should stand against it. but i want to encourage everyone that sort of stood up and fault for julian to continue to stand up and fight against this dangerous precedent. i heard the just the fact that we've been able to free join us on today against opiates and against one of the most powerful governments in the world will give hearts old journalists and publishers were imprisoned around the world. and we encourage everyone who sort a spot for julian to continue that fight for him and for all of those others in the hope that we can secure their freedom to thank you very much. we're not going to be taking any more questions, but i want to encourage you that we're going to go back inside to join join and you'll get your shot of us will coming out of 4, but thank you all for being here today. thank you very robinson. the positive
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during this time is legal team and speaking outside the courthouse, with a plea agreement ends. washington's efforts to prosecute him for repeating government secrets about the voice, enough gun, a stone, and a rock. we're going to cross to circle now uh in uh for his friends. so sarah, with coming to the end of what's been a very long saga of the you still need this hearing now inside pen in the us. federal court has taken out the about 2 and a half hours and by the sounds, but julia massage is now a free man of to 14 use. obviously he's now the u. s. federal judge. he sentences sentenced him to time already said in prison. so assange, as we noted, he did plead guilty, and this is part of this play deal who did with the us justice department and that charges of conspiring to obtain and distribute sensitive information. and that brings us defense, national documents. so this morning he did stand up and defend disposition, interesting late. he said that he was
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a journalist and should be protected on the 1st amendment. he did also note that at this time went to trial that he wouldn't wins. i certainly, it's a huge news with julie massage, and he's committed legal team as well as the strong and governments we've got permits to add to the of needs when he was elected in 2022, he escalated the assigned case and said he would dispute the drive to bring us on time, he did not that regardless of what people thought, oh, besides his activities, that this case had dragged on for too long. so simply this is huge use for your san family for julian hassan. his father had spoken in the last hour or so and said that assign, just need a great a frame of mind. he's also known to that. he's excited to get him off to what he describes as 15 years of incarceration. so it's a big news up by the sounds of it. these proceedings have finished and we do expect as a science to be leaving the cold very soon. and so i pon, and we do expect it to both these private child supplies and that shot of what we expect to arrive in camera. and we do expect that plan to arrive as early as this
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evening where he will be greeted with his family. and also he'll be great. it's uh, by the time it as the entity open, easy on. so in a wide a sense then what does this uh, do safely mean for press freedom going for what concerns had been raised on a number of fronts? and also by jim that's about what this gives you play, does implicate so what is what it means for journalism in freedom of speech. but this was the only way the science was done to be able to, i guess. so grouchy is freedom and again this was part of this, a play deal done with the us justice department, but it does impose or concerns about what it does. main full freedom of speech. nothing that's a totally the science is always said that he is a gym is represents freedom of speech, but he was also considered by some or cues by many as a criminal for exposing those sensitive national defense documents. so lots of implications from this particular hearing today, but what we do know, it's a saw just free. we're also not sure that what restrictions will be put on him when he does return to a strategy. but we do not will be meeting his family
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a very soon. i'll spring 14. is it various elements of, of child time in the you tired. of course, when he took x off and the door you name to see, but it's a big news for julia massage on this guy. okay, we'll leave it there for now. so o'clock in prison for us. thank you. it's a national criminal court has issued arrest warrants for former russian defense minister, so they showing good and general under me and asked him of chicago and the chief of staff of rushes, miniature cues of war crimes and crimes against humanity in ukraine. but voss and is following the developments from amsterdam of these arrest organs against a form of defense minister, sega, shaw, you go, and the general chief of staff melody. good, awesome of come at a time when the i c. c. the international criminal court is under a lot of pressure there recently announced that they have come under unprecedented attacks of their security system. so now the pre trial chamber has announced that
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the story go again on some of should be arrested because of their enforcement in war crimes. they have also ordered these crimes, according to the i, c, c, a war crimes against the civilian population, but also against the power system of ukraine. last year, they were also arrest orleans against russian officials. and one of them was president flooding the a put in. but so far, none of them have been handed over to the i see in the hague. and this all comes around a month after the prosecutor's office of the i. c. c has also requested arrest warrants against the it's really prime minister. benjamin is on, you know, is minutes still defense and 3 leaders of how much also for work is going to break into that. now because we can see these nice pictures. so if you need found that julian sons who has been appearing before a federal court and us
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a territory might be on the items to the admitted it's one song. so that conspiring to obtain and distribute classified information. we heard from his legal team a few moments ago that was jennifer robinson, who very much thank you for the efforts. know, so obviously we'll face it to the sounds that he seems to be about to get into a vehicle that surrounded by the rest of the force. physically agreement ends washington's assets to prosecute him for revealing government secrets about was and i've got a son and the rock off to the hearing inside time. he is set to travel back home to australia as a free man or other news. now it runs
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supreme leads or is urging a presidential candidates not to i themselves or anyone to deviates from the revolution people's votes on friday for one of 6 content. this is the country grapples of economic hardship. so said report stuff from tyra, long as economy is crippled by international sanctions imposed by western governments and the un if nation is running at around to 50 percent, but that is the lowest when it, when the presidential hopefuls see pollution and sections as the major challenges bucket good above the motive comes over to put addition. accurate and part of me speaker is promising to increase saturdays in line with inflation to keep people's put cheese and power stable when they go over. so you said vantage to families, employees, social workers, nurses, and those on the fixed income are losing data because only inflation. my economic program is based on a supportive shields focusing on balancing inflation and seller raises. the only
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reforms candidates running for president must be position young. i believe the main structural problem for the economy is the lack of transparency. he promises to bring the flow into, you kind of make management elected up as up on a shelf. we have the laws written, but they are not implemented because the parliament, governments and judiciary are disconnected from people. if you have to hear the voice of people who are suffering, you're always younger generation would be with what someone would call restrictive liberties. also suffer from a lack of opportunity and high unemployment. the hotline comes over to say, generally wants to give to them. because best, who you owe emphasis would be on creating the quote was more lead for your on ways the best place for opportunities to florida schools is almost every student and faculty member must be given a quick, quick candidate. yes. to play a role in the countries progress. jenny also problem is this,
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the continued the late present receive eastwood policy. that's how to enter your on site solution by reaching out to non western countries. many iranians believe that the international sanctions are the main reason for the power in their country. but main presidential candidates are setting different solutions which candidates propose those workers prefer would be decided on friday, saturday. oh, to 0. sarah. how spoke now and i've gone to stone, no stone, the cricketing world by reaching the semi finals of a global tournaments though, face south africa in the last 4 of 18. 20 well come. after defeating bangladesh and kingstown, jeff guns posted amiga 115 for 5 before rein interrupted play. under this ultimately folding show to the revised target by 8 runs a sullivan job in the ports from cub a typically for the afternoon couple
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a decent front. but a short delivery gets smacked, and the cricket fountains love it. even though many players and this bill to pittsburgh, refugee is doing the board in the country. they hone their skills, and some of the big nationally names are down for the bowling and batting. now they are forced to be reckoned with too much to hold on to the tulip, put them right now. cricket is the most famous and most watch sports in afghanistan at yahoo! gas them has its special fans on an international level like india bung with dish england on easy later when you look it up performance in the last o d, i will come. we smash full big teams and true. even if we look at the current t 20 will come to the afghans face distributing economy ramp and poverty resting. impose sanctions. a lot of jobs and social restrictions after years of buying a ticket provides an update for them to let go and enjoy the sport. nearly every i've gone child.


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