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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do. the how's it feel to be a free man? we can make found a julian hassan just on his way home to australia and self defeating guilty. it's a violation us espionage. the study of hey, this is alex is here at life and on the bull valley is against a controversial finance fill up plans. and can you please come find at least 13 people during 1st test over the past to the rescue. massage for survivors in northern draws, often of the night as rarely strikes on
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a residential complex killed at least 50 and tell us 30 percent of british children live in poverty, but the crisis seems to not be a priority for politicians campaigning next month selections, the always unique found a journey and a sounds is due to arrive in the strait in capital tambra as a free man competed guilty to a challenge of espionage on the plea deal with united states. and then a 14 year battle against extradition. disagreement also ends washington's efforts to prosecute the songs for revealing government secrets about the boy's, and i've got a stone and rock sarah clock reports from president a defining moment to julian. aside, up to 7 years of self impose confinement and another 5 of enforced attention in the united kingdom. so we could expound a list of federal court in the mariana islands. a freeman storage he brings
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his legal team agreed to a play deal with the united states justice department. assange was convicted on a single couch of conspiracy to obtain and distribute national defense information that pay granted piece of freedom. as you can easily imagine that his spirits have lifted and he will be able to spend quality time with his wife, stella and his 2 children. after 2 and a half hours, quote, hearing sounds, deposit on a private chat, applying for his home country australia regardless of the views that people have about mister assigns is activities. the crisis dragged on for too long. this was the video shaped by weekly the us justice department accused the sons of talking
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with form of us on the intelligence officer. chelsea manning just you and published within 700000 pages, classified documents about the what was in iraq and afghanistan. this is the documents also contained names of confidential military and diplomatic sol, serial sounds rejected. those allegations fell and said he was a journalist doing his job, a refugee ecuadorian embassy in london, and to avoid being extradited to the us in 2019, he was charged with a criminal, kansas conspiring with the former intelligence officer charges which could have led to a link the prison sentence, sanchez being a red point of friction and what is normally a tight relationship between the stride? yeah, i mean, united states the white house is it was not privy to disagreements, and it was an independent deal negotiated by the us justice department to saw. massage will always be a criminal to others, a hero of media afraid i'm sure o'clock our 0 brisbin. well, that's and i'll speak to danielle robinson, she's outside kendra applewood where sandra is due to arrive. and the coming out as
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daniel is, as i understand of the sound isn't quite home yet. he still needs a half a $1000000.00 to actually pay for his flight. back, how close is he to to hitting that target to yeah, that's right, gillian sondra is it travel to freedom is coming out a huge costs at around $520000.00 us dollars and that is a payment he will have to give back to the government, so essentially when he lands in australia, he will be in debt. now, in a show of solidarity and a support from australia, hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised in just hours by the people he to show their support and to help him recruit some of that costs. and that came off to respond to his wife's. stella set up that fundraising type, so people really trying to help. and now the excitement here is really starting to build a joint assigned is due to labs. now he, in the camera, in about 30 minutes time, where we will expect a reunion to take place in
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a more private terminal with media isn't allowed, it is away from the public airport in a camera. and of course, this long awaited old deal that has lost it more than 13 years, is nearly coming to a close this chapter of this old deal. and what we can now expect is that a sons' will want to try and recover some of the time that he has lost with his family. and he will also want to focus on his physical and mental health. this long battle now soon about to coordinate in a long awaited reunion here. do we know at this stage, daniel, if he's planning any further legal action, what next steps might be taken by his legal team? yeah, we do understand that he's future pos, quoted by some obstacles his legal team today, for example, describing his prosecution as persecution and saying that his arrival here in australia is not going to be the end. they were very strong in the statements. they
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said that he's plea of guilty really set the dangers presidents, the journalism, and they will be looking for a presidential pot and that will be a step they will be taking. and they've also said that julian assigned will not be silent. something that may come to fruition tonight, would you like sending out a tweet saying that a press conference should because we also expecting you won't be a prime minister in a couple of hours as well. offer sondra rise in camera. this cd that has really been the powerhouse for a political move in with politicians. he has influence global governments to make this happen. but now moving forward, people will be able to witness this new size of jolena sanchez fight for freedom and see what that will uphold. daniel robinson, that live for us conroy efforts will be staying across open developments there in the coming hours. thank you tonya. let's not bring in greg bonds. he's the legal
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advisor to the australian a sons campaign. he joins us now from newcastle in australia. greg, i know you've worked for years to get us on time. how are you feeling right now knowing he's literally in the next hour, going to step off a plan in camera as a free man as well. i think it's a great night, not a need for drilling into these family, but also frustrated because the strength and government, the strong and community and strong and politicians from across the spectrum of what a very, very hot on this case for many, many years and particularly the current government, i think that they open, easy government has shown that been a struggle which is to use actually reaching the us to strive your logic can do so . and it is demonstrated that the principle of freedom of the pressure has been paramountcy around julian, a sorry and get on. in the last hour though, i spoke to the ecuadorian consul who gave the songs asylum all those years ago. and on that you choose to stream yeah, of of does that thing. so i'm just sensually and has time is needed. was that
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a fair assessment? what eventually? right. during that period they, they don't have government like the government was very unsympathetic. and in very little was dining with back. nothing was really done on the they call they should governments, conservative governments explain the organization, government which is kind of applied in this matter, right. the saw, well, i understand that the campaign is billing. this order is as a waiting for press freedoms. but essentially, this deal also means that for the 1st time in american history gathering and publishing secret governments information will have successfully actually been treated as a crime that obviously sets, precedents will play the items done sooner. president, i can say there is a lawyer and arrangement to play very mature and arrange the fit to come to between the prosecution and defense for a variety of reasons. but that doesn't create impressions and it is not by court decision or a court ruling in that sense. okay, moving aside of, of,
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from the semantics here in terms of not necessarily being a legal precedent, but it's certainly send a message. i've been wondering if the events of the last few years have have change to sounds or what he of agreed for instance, to a deal like this several years ago. and why are they just a matter of the julian? but what i can say is the guy has gone on far too long. i mean, he's soften installed trick and funding for a number of using bill mice prison. prior to that he was a ecuador, and embassy in london. and it, you know, this guy should have been to many, many years ago striving should have acted many years ago and finally has, which is great. but we've got to make sure that we don't allow strange to languish united states prisons. it way the countries are perpetuating injustices. we've gone to the quick lane to resolve physicians, greg, as the legal advisor to this training this on his campaign. do you know what julian's plans on out sounded from a correspondent that like he intends to essentially keep fighting his case?
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so i think they shouldn't make wants to continue to advocate. he's a bed a been extraordinarily offensive. advocates of press freedom, but also transparency and government. it's also julian as to what he wants to do going forward, but uh, you know, it's probably between for that she's crisis recognized as being sending over and dined with single. but what happens when governments trying to, to journalists and publishers from undertaking the dye dye job. and that is revealing what governments get up to when governments don't want us to know. and so it's really important that we dont allow the assange guys to be sort of right and watch for governments to do what the united states do the sketch greg bonds, they have a legal adviser to these training. it sounds campaign. thank you so much for joining us on out of there today, right? to thank you. the
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can you, as president william router is packaging to clamp down on protests against a controversial finance bill at once. have a cost. he's describe the storming of parliament in the capital nairobi on tuesday as treasonous. and the canyon medical association says at least 13 people were killed during demonstrations on tuesday. of the m p is past a bill of reading tax increases. the military was also deployed off the hundreds of protesters as you see that poured into the problem, that contents, even especially fine capacity the building, the us and the often union have ads, restraint, and dialogue between all parties demonstrates as i say, that is still time to stop the president from signing the bill into a little while at speak to his name is robbie. he joins me now from the kenyan capital. then i can see a relatively substantial security presence that behind you. i know everyone's on edge talk us through how people are processing. what's happened? well, what we've learned overnight that or is that the death toll has risen at least 13
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people were killed in the events of yesterday. overnight. people who've been taking stock of exactly what played out we know that families have been seeking out injured in the hospital and trying to identify the bodies of the dead in march where is following the pro test as night fell as organizers co told people that they should head home and not protest in the dark. many of the use that live that came here to central nairobi live in the suburbs, around nairobi, densely populated areas as that we're heading back. we're hearing reports of police care, got operations to harass detain, and go after those young people that were heading back to their homes. we also here have unconfirmed reports that there were desks overnight and the death toll from these protests is expected to go up and coming days. now in terms of what's happening here in central right, well we were just near limit the security presence once again. very, very heavy, clean up crews are working to try to clear up the debris from the classes that took place. the confrontations between police and the protesters,
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there is com. but since the situation remains very tense and people have been critical of roots. so for this heavy handed reaction for deploying the military, which is technically his critics a unconstitutional for him to do so without the approval of parliament, we were just in front of the parliament building. we were told it's a crime scene. we cannot be there. we need to be pushed away so route. so identifying the protesters as criminals, as treasonous. but his critics say that his reaction to these protests, the depths of canyon people, these the tensions, the illegal detentions of kenyan people show that it is. in fact, he who has lost any sort of legitimate mandate to govern criticism has been pouring in. the canyon lost the side of the law society of canyon organizations. the longstanding history of resisting government overreach in this country has slammed roots. so saying that he has been quote, sitting pretty as protesters were, being shot and killed, have also criticized the clergy, international organizations,
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professional organizations for simply standing by and not raising their voice. while the use are the ones that took the districts, despite all the criticism those and in his televised the rest of the nation last night, which i seemed to be doubling down. and we know that he is no stranger to allegations of brutality himself. that is correct. it really is a cause for concern for organizers. there are no protests calls for today, but they are expecting a protest tomorrow. there have been calls for organizers by organizers for people to come out again tomorrow. and there is a concern that going forward. things will only worsen roots, a call that called out to the press made that address to the nation. last night. he made a short statement, it was very strong. and he took no questions from the press and simply walked back into the state house, sending a clear message that she was not going to lose his determination to continue not just forward with this bill, but to continue his strong land tactics in defense of as he said the democratic
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rule of the country, but it's critics say that he's doing exactly the opposite of what leaders of democracies are supposed to do, which is listen to the people. so with his very strong determined stairs and the protesters not letting out the where is the things will only get worse from here. sand is robbie. the was a very nice as for us from the canyon capital. thank you very much. i us now does riley strike on a residential building in northern draws. it has killed at least 50 and palestinians. thousands of people are also believed to be still buried under the rubble of the full story home and vague loc yeah, most of the injured on women and children as to why, cuz they're still trying to pump survivors. let speech talk up with him. he joins us now from daryl bell on central garza tongue. took us through these latest
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strikes. it seems that a number of them took pay 7. i guess that's right. this strongly contract. instead, there has been carried out by the forces 3 times today. why the house talking to a residential building in town in the fall north of this trip, at least 15 palestinian sofa being killed while those of injuries have been recorded and transferred to the baptist hospital to get medical treatment by the grim, a fax in the north of this trip is the big law here. town has been widely targeted by these bed a full seats and even if country unit, so the ground where they have rates it in before. so there is a kind of renewal of military attacks on areas that only has operated in previously while we continue to shift from it from civil defense cruise, that the level of disruption left behind this attack. before his imagination, we're talking about capital destruction into the infrastructure, alongside with the house that was targeted and even to me,
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a point houses that absolutely inflected from the home button. and i also have heard from them that they managed to rescue 15 palestinians from a direct neighborhood. also the house well was talking to as, as they managed to recover do set to palestinians who have been mostly injured. um, now they are getting a sent you a medical treatment. we continue at the same time. so please set just ministry strikes in the fall south of the gaza strip in con, you to see see where those type of study is, how big the 16 just off is out of town. and the eastern area of hon. unice has been attacked and it's worth remembering. all of you is that new to city has been widely installed by the 20 army and also the departure and the departure from the city that families associates again to re visit these areas until they've ident him at the destroyed buildings. and even on the remnants of justice areas, because they have new empty spaces in order to take it as a refuge,
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we're talking about thousands of families are 2 that are no longer even secuity due to the east valley. unrelenting scale one tax on destruction that continue to at this very moment. who supply these very ami as well as you talk. i was in the reform force from the ground central part of the gaza strip. thank you. try a well, still a head here on out a 0. we take a look at the candidates. i'm afraid to come. it runs the next president. the who i think is safe to say the heat is on across much over year at the moment. a boy from these some 3 down polls that we do have into central virus and the possibility pushing across into the balkans, a little further racism. we will see things just freshening up across the northwest as we go through the next steps. service area,
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flight pressure will just not just way and on and see his band of cloud. his weak weather system weak front, just extending cause, southern ireland pushing across into central scotland as the dividing line between the fresh era and the right hotel. if you sell to us in london, some of the temperatures having to buy a little cooler, less hot here, but enough, some examples the into southern charity pushing down across the alps into italy and using across the bulk is that so we're going to make its way a little further east, which as we go one into us as a this, that pressure restaurants have to push this way in london is around $25.00 celsius to plenty warm enough. now there's a few shells into northern ponce's, the spain and portugal west. the weather just drifting a little further east was and still hot down towards the southeast corner view of just across the eastern side of the mediterranean. watch enough across north africa chi race to look 40 degrees celsius. tiny, a shower has been noticed wants, but it's, they should be for west africa. the
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african stories from african perspective. jimmy's and we did the menus to say mass email books from phone people to short document trees by african filmmakers from the media. and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change, it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water and the go from a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra news the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories,
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the sound which he makes out of during the song, just on his way home to australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a charge of espionage on the plea deal with the us. it ends american efforts to prosecute him for revealing government canyon and president william route. i was putting the clamps down on purchase against the controversial finance the at once. have a cost, he's described to the storming of parliament and i rode the on choose day as treason and his reading strikes on a residential building in northern garza has killed at least 15, palest thousands of people named from under the rubble of that full story home and bad luck, you must have the engine on women and children fall in love along as rarely strikes have also targeted the southern city of cayenne for a 2nd consecutive day now. and this comes off to organize the tax and the town of siobhan in southern lebanon. these rarely army says it will pains targeted several
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hezbollah sides intensified across the board of 5 between is randy and has the forces have increased phase of a full scale. will some more on this that speak to austin bag isn't larger unit in southern lebanon for us. also, they have been very, very real phase of serious regional escalation for weeks. now, how does this renewed activity that was inc, i into them? well, there is a real fear of escalation. what content of your head is that we haven't been hearing increased to re fire fight digits fighting overhead. and as he said the 2nd day in a row of him being targeted. and if i step aside, i could help figure out if my cameraman consuming on. okay, i'm on this bill. some smoke coming from the town and that was just on the one hour ago, we had this loud explosion. we felt the shockwave and me. so we saw the strike location of him now that's the 2nd day running that's been hit them. if i can just
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give you an idea of the geography here now where you see the smoke rising from that is okay, i'm not, not fall to the right of that is the, it's really 2nd month of metal. know, here's the law have targeted. is there any soldiers at that settlement they said using using guided missiles. now what it seems like, what's happening is israel is trying to strike back around these areas, but this is slowly and sloan sloan intensifying as i said, we have been hearing fire across the board to fly out all morning and we've been hearing strikes car that throughout the night and we can here fight to aircraft as well, but the difficulty is real sizes, is that his beloved operate within southern level, not a like a like a normal conventional ministry folks. for example, in ukraine you can see ministry move, magick, see tanks and vehicles and soldiers moving. and so that everyone,
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you don't see that, that they're very organized. they targets as well and then just disappear. and that's the challenge they face. but also we heard last night from the deputy general, so the general secretary of his will named costs and he and what he said is that israel do what they want and we can do what we want to invest the real 5th of the escalation that's taking place here and says 11 on which is that it's been slowly simmering and it's intensifying day by day and there's not a day that goes by with it on trustworthiness strikes and many people, it's something that we're on. i've been displaced, and those that remain are really fearful of what happens if this transact of transition to a would like for us and then the in mazda you, in, in southern 11 on reports and for us from the ground. thank you very much. i of the
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wrong will hold an early presidential election on friday to choose a success. as the abraham roy, you see who died and a helicopter crash last month. thousands of candidates and mrs. applications that the guardian council, which is a 12 member assessing body approved and the 6 to conservative candidates and a reformist all the frontrunners from the capital to iran wrestles that explains who they are. the ones presidential election is expected to be one of the most contested in the history of the islamic republic. caught them and speak. are mohammed back. okay. the best is the most conservative. previously turnarounds may have from 2005 to 2017. he's seen as a techno grant and has extensive ties to your on security agencies. in the 19 ninety's, the supplement either appointed him commanded of the revolutionary guards, a force and chief of police. he promises to be a bridge between the people and the state. mon, i caught them by him a man of action, not of tension portals,
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and discord might have dedicated my whole life to the people of iran and rule, the zip among those in the presidential race kindly, boston is regarded as the most closely aligned with the red new revolution, the gods. this connection is greatly improved. she's chances of winning. but his presidential campaign is running far from smoothly, as has been frequently criticised by his hard line. competitive side generally, generally is a popular figure. among conservatives, the former nuclear negotiator has strong ties with the supreme leader and is perceived as a strong she, loyalist, quote, involved the book. the country can not be run through shows and formalities, so normal years cut them out and did it has failed in his bid for presidency before losing in 2013 task sample honey. in 2021 you read through from the lesson is able to see if i can receive a fellow conservative who's that had to go up the cash last month to be a good election. if generally becomes president,
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he's expected to continue with the lead president's policies, many heavy jelly as a shuttle president since 2021 because of his close relations with re see the close of a thing. what their base is divided between these 2 strong candidates that will report that one might withdrawal from the race in favor of the other because preservatives are concerned this division. when these them the elections and need to do for mr. victory. the only reform is candidates running for president is mostly position. yeah. the guardian consul disqualified him in the 2013 and the 121 presidential elections. he was helped minister from 2001 to 2005, under the government of iran. sports reform is president mohammed to me. position you know, still enjoys 5 to me support, which many believe cause bring him and election to victory jobs. that is, the form that you were in and for the minister is also supporting position. the position is appealing to the reforms, workers, but she is cautious not to be seen as
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a threat by the political establishment money. it was sure to get on. i am a conservative in my lifestyle, but a reformist and policies from day one. i have repeatedly said my father is a policy set, but the leader of the islamic revolution of the the hug. gus, so i don't know, many of them believe that the physician can, can mobilize before mr. execute a high turn out in the election. she would emerge as to being there on friday. this was have that, oh to 010 wrong, a whole to another upcoming poll now. and the cost of living is one of the biggest issues devices in the u. k. is general election for something that means a bigger chunk of their income going to essential spending. but the others in poor regions. it means an inability to feed their children. at the main apologies appeared to be paying little attention to attacked and poverty in the campaigns. for a challenge, reports not from new castle up on time to spin, at least defend tracy's tying side. so it is one of the roar time power houses of
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britain's industrial age. city sense of regeneration has kept mucous, those hospitality humming, and the funds iq is coming with you don't have to strafe box be reminded. the ne, england has some of the u. k is most deprived areas. you can see poverty up, close and personal. it's, it's, it's in people's demeanor. you can see that it's in your health. it does shocked me still when i see sometimes the hardship people are dealing with jo mccory is the chief executive of the costs of food bank. a network of senses that gives food to people struggling to afford it. john wants to see profit. he talked about more in the election campaigns. i would like to see it being more of a political priority. according to a recent study, at least the cost of children live in poverty and 66 percent of the constituencies across things in wales. but here in the northeast, that same policy level affects 89 percent of the constituencies. so we've got
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a special post today called d as in it's a familiar story. more and more people are falling into poverty because of use of cuts to vital social services in secure bobby paid jobs. and upstairs, he minded government policies like the recent to child benefit cap. so if you call and want us to pay you electricity bill, you called modest advisors. the children you are going to use the child benefits. so when it's kept to, to children, that makes a significant difference. and we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years, which publish it. you've talked about remarkably little on the election campaign trail. the conservative policy thinks cutting taxes and spending $15000000000.00 less on welfare will make everyone better off the labor policy is talking about the child part of the strategy.


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