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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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or whatever has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the, [000:00:00;00] the thoughts of them and you want to know, does it renews online? my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 60 people are killed in 24 hours. rescue a search for survivors as ease right in the military continues of tax across the gauze. as for the pressure goes on the academy and president to the side, the face of a controversial finance bill, which is the ticket filing protests. julia should never have spent
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a single day in prison. they hugged 14 years and then making julia the sergeant braced his wife as a free man after pleading guilty to espionage charges in the us, cold plus one. so any change in vietnam with the freight is one of the most luxurious of the stage is for defending champions. argentina had become the 1st seemed to reach the cold by miracle to finals. the reigning world champion, secured this both by beating today one new in new jersey. the welcome to the probably go. we'd be in the new zone and garza where at least 60 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. these ran the military bomb jamalia in the north of the strip, and these 4 people were killed in knots attack. so that all 15 pablo cities were killed and a strong,
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kind of having been last the rescue workers spent hours searching the rubble for survive. as most of the injured all women and children, and this really falls of carried out strikes on to schools, web, palance, city and families have been challenging. one of them struck a united nation school. dozens of people were killed and many injured. the attacks happened in garza city on choose day. how does the rest of most of hello test said this report from the sign to the attack on the residential building in beck layer is slide targeted, a residential house belonging to a web terminate. and it left here town as it can seem to get to this place. oh, this house used to be a full slow house used to accommodate 25 n. as in civilly is the fact the vast majority of them are children and women. but that is why the forces don't
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differentiate between the us and people and defy does as it can see, the best people accommodated for 25. and the sensibility is the health of them had been killed. and the other health is in the hospital and they lost most of the lamps. civil defense are trying to reach and bolt out. people who have been killed and left on the world wide. now why they can't do it? i just need uh, nothing does for a dollar sign, a balance as health workers and medical facilities of all being talked and biased. rarely as strikes during the world garza announcement that many injured palestinians have been unable to receive life saving treatment, pink time, beautiful. so from the in central casa and billing services can
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be the difference between life and and it was in distress q where it becomes even more critical. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the targeting of medical facilities is considered work crime. they have protected status under international humanitarian law, but medical staff say they have been repeatedly and deliberately hit the will one since the 1st day of the war. these rates have targeted our health system, the paramedics and the ambulances, because some of us stuff have lost the lives of many of us stuff with detained while performing the duties incense was ready to be present. at least 310 health professionals had been investigated by the is really, are we doing? were some, have been subjected to torture and starvation. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was evacuating the injured from
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a hospital when they were stopped. the something i thought, i'm ok with this office around the lenses were intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with present. we stripped us of how close treated us in the midst of a risk way of beating us and the rest of the 2 of us are, in addition to my brother from up to 3 hours these ratings released on and forced us to move towards south cause that this happens all the time. the war was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to see flies. nearly 500 health workers have been killed. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had his joslet out with the directed of. i'm getting an emergency. he was killed during a strike on a its clinic in the cities coordination of the transfer of injured peoples or what caused that the house ministry described them as a solid model of the bosses and determination. not only is the work dangerous but paramedics say the intense demand and nature of the war means they are isolated
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from their families and often sleep at night in the ambulance headquarters. but despite the hardships and personal risk, some like death on the c, d would continue working to safe policy wins. under english is really important in the city of just either the palestine is ready to demonstrate is of taken to the streets they hired for the binding a deal to return the captive, held by her boss and garza protest is held by those as they blocked a cross roads in northern israel. thousands of demonstrators have been rolling for months now demanding us these 5 deal under the elections and 11, all these right. these products have talked to the southern city of high um, for a 2nd consecutive day. this comes off to overnight to tax on the town of sheba in the southern level. these really all the sizes will things targeted. several hezbollah assignments intensified across the board to find between is riley and has blah full says has increased phase of
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a full scale will be united nation security account. so let's again, it's these ready to government to stop expanding illegal sacraments the occupied westbank members will, and they threaten any chances of a 2 state solution, but such cools are being ignored up to now. and instead it's building more. i'm just, there is gabriel is on the report. so from you and headquarters in new york in the security council chamber, once again calls for is real to stop a few legal settlement expansion. i read raise it all these way to set events in new york by westbank duties was left has no legal validity, an art in flagrant violation of international and relevant un resolution. i urge the government the least right to seize olsen, activities, immediacy. it was in december, 2016 at the council passed resolution $2334.00. the state it is rarely settlements
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are illegal and must immediately stop. the years later they haven't in march the un said illegal settlements have expanded at a record pace. at the same time, these really government approved over 3000 new homes on palestinian land. on tuesday, council members use the meeting to get in call out is real as these actions coupled with the ongoing demolitions and seizures of palestinian own structures directly threaten the viability of the 2 state solution since they are a continuous encroachment on palestinian territory. while simmons tenuously displacing its law for the residents, we call on israel immediately and completely sees all settlements activities in the occupied palestinian territory. even the us one of these rules, most loyal allies, continued urges real to stop further. we reiterate our belief that israel's
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program of support for the expansion of settlements is inconsistent with international law and only serves to weaken is really security. the counsel is united is real, needs to stop its settlement expansion. but these really government continues anyway, knowing that any action by the council to punish israel would likely be blocked by the united states. gabriel is on to l. just data at united nations in new york and well punched, more head hail on the opposite. renews are including unavailable on affordable so dollars already ailing health care system is not breaking points as the roll rate is on punch. last spring policy is united to find the rise of the rights, but kindly have a come that this for this the, the can use present when they move to is facing growing pressure to reject
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a controversial bill. imposing higher taxes, at least 23 people were killed during demonstrations on tuesday. after empties past the bill. the ministry was deployed because protest is poured into parliament on cheese a 2nd part of the building on fire roots i was described to move as the trees of this pledge to clump down. protest is, of course have a cost demonstrate to say there's still time to stop him from signing the bill into low you know, the phone that people supersedes everything. so, and, and people come in large, you know, mass united states has your business. but even though it, i've been include down by the moving that to that, that, that, that, that, that's the tax being o stopping it. they do not go to that. that level, i think you to see more violence because people are very angry. people are be to really the 5 has to be less, cause a little less as us, you see a lot of destruction and really most of our businesses,
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if we move out and i think you see that most of the instruction and i think i've missed you take action on that of course, but of elk a web joins as though from nairobi and it seems everybody's waiting to hear what the president might say, all due next, malcolm. so yeah, and he's expected to speak, present research, dyslexic, to speak any time now at state house. meanwhile, rights groups and medical groups have been trying to piece together what happened on tuesday and trying to count the casualties. the main doctors unions told us that as need as well off by keeping the governor not to disclose the number of people killed or injured. but that is happening any way to can the medical association and said as of last night, when some 3 people had been killed, it also said and several people about 30 people have been injured. we've gotten shot waiting,
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some of being treated at the already at the can use main government. the federal hospitality is not far from here. others were awaiting surgery and they're out of about a 160 people hits the same various kinds of injuries. meanwhile, protests organizes on social media sausage. sweet thing to keep tiny says day that means we meet on says day holding for another demonstration. on the day that we so has been expected to sign the bill into law, but we just seem to force the compress that he may send the bill back to parliament and not sign it, which would give them as apartments another chance to reject it. but we haven't yet been able to consent from the presidency, but we're hoping to find out as soon as president william rich, i stopped speaking, which is expected to happen anytime. now, of course, malcolm, you know, you're out on the streets the with us. we were talking what 24 hours ago when the
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disturbances began and the, and started, i mean, you've had a chance really to digest what you, sol, how would you really describe from your own perspective, the atmosphere right now in the capital compared to perhaps what's being seen in the head around the country of the streets today. com, but that wasn't the case. yes, today's, he said we with a by parliament in the central business district is nairobi. we've learned today from the academy medical association that says demonstrations took place in about 60 different towns and cities were about 3 quarters of can use counties. so one of the things that striking is just how quickly is move in his grade. and just over a week ago, there was widespread on gary express on social media towards the government's proposed past tax hikes, which began i, on tuesday last week with a demonstration of just a couple of 100 people trying to march towards parliament,
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much big of one on thursday in about 20 different towns and cities around the country. and then the one that took place tuesday this week was much bigger than any of those before. so the certainly a growing amounts of pressure on the government. and i'm present really in research to try and find a way to navigate out of the situation when the 1st test as a cooling for yet more demonstrations to take place on thursday. welcome, thanks very much for the update. of course, we'll keep in touch with you throughout the day as that situation develops and the president comes to the waves. joining me know from library b. o. not yet. uh, not quite, i do apologize. money. i think it a quality, all those big issues driving the protest as and can use title public data amounts to 70 percent of it. suffice domestic product a result of the government borrowing heavily to funds major infrastructure projects . while the countries in debt can either piece are amongst the best paid in the world with highest salaries and empties and many major economies to the hospice can use the budget codes, tools,
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paying government employees. unemployment has risen in recent years, especially among the young who make up 3 quarters of the population just because of the day to night ivy, as the god show makes a senior less that so hungry such joys be as bit premature that mister germain could have you with us on al jazeera, after what's happened in the past 2 days, i mean the choices made by security full say is about how sort of people are a fee of how people are feeling as left present router and his government. you might say that backs up against a wall, which ways you think that going to move on. so what we're doing now is this, the, the president's, i mean there's, there's a motion from the, from that are willing to put, to put them in to a joint by the event up until july 23rd. this is something that we've just a just even done some information, but also deadlines. it seems to bring in kenya's military into helping the can
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police to quote this purchase. of course, this is a move the constitution and it will require the approval of vitamins of which of course, you know, we also know that a motion to speak with together to make this happen the for you just to give you some i can just jump in that for you to give you some background because we got news wide dropping here, but then i wrote the high quotes, according to reuters ald wednesday, is halted. the deployment of kenya is the so the quote. so now getting involved here, which of course the narrow is the options for the president. if this is the case. yes. indeedy, i'm most of that as well. so just be filed a few moments ago to prevent the best of from signing the financial bill from my side to get into a lot of so it's, it's all very unpredictable. what has happened next. but what else can we can
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actually see is a president who is taking on a hot stats? this is what we saw from yesterday when he made a speech at 9 p. m. and the see whether or not, i mean the conflict from before steps that the community has probably been involved in funding done process focused. even as this, it'd be, as, as, as, as, as most states in north america will be, you know, but we have, it's still good and, you know, information regarding ongoing staff. so such a, it's good now has made a statement about this. i so therefore whether or not it would be legally possible, we see a president tools that we sell bins into each taking a hard stuff on the side. and that's a beautiful sunrise. this is really bad and a bunch until he actually takes to the ways that you were expecting around about uh, $1300.00 which is around about now. so we still have to wait, see what he has to say. what he has a problem with this, putting the blame on anyone because the one thing that was very clear from the gen z, the youth demonstrates at the beginning of this
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a demonstration as being gay on what the 7 days actually even until yesterday was that they were saying to the opposition, do not get involved. we don't want you anyway near out demonstration. and this was very much an old comic demonstration. and i can get to the streets from young people who do feel completely disenfranchised from what they see is a privileged politic in kenya. yes, i mean it's one of those things. one is a, the generation which is what we, what we probably know the emission and is important is that it's a highly educated generation of young people. but lastly, i mean, really the point i so therefore that acutely aware, especially because of the a not we using the digital technology of social media sites that it could be aware of what the openness of the contents do this you which, which is bodies a lot from their own lives, right? so even though this generation may not have been impulse in paying attention to
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public affairs before the rising cost of living, their own sort of personal situation, be communicated on social media, but homes leaded to these moments, right. and put a little bit out on the streets. so what actually drove people that's in the street is sort of a multi uh, capacity if you like, you know, people that just generally understood use this, this generation to gender. i'm the on has to use those to be i'm going um, but you know, it, you know, as, as you feel very right, it's video gardening, there's no need to, even though that a gene is trying to, uh, identify the lead us of this momentum, bye bye bye, you know, select people up, talk to a number of, of active specialist will be the issue is as the weight will be just purchased by that it's, this is, is, it is very much the, i don't get any leaders of moment. if you buy, i'm one of the things that he makes it very difficult for the president to, to wants to sit down and have
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a doubt indeed since any very difficult times try control until perhaps it goes back on the ways to get into the moment engulfed to me, thanks so much for joining us from nairobi. thank you. so let's see on top story and as well as world goals, or at least 60 people have been killed in the past 24 hours after strike and a home in battle. here rescue workers spent much of that time searching the revel. this, the volume is most of the injured all women and children are all in diamonds, is the founder and president of the child. is he in all the joys of stuff on the in central dogs and the state and kentucky with this on? i'll just over. thanks for your time. i mean, what we do now is that your group just try and help those across the gaza strip. so in terms of getting aden permission and permission to deliver that aid, as we know, is often problematic. we've had some so many sol says that it can be what's your
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experience being of you trying to do your bit in the past 24 hours. you know, if i had to summarize what it was like to actually be in the humanitarian space and gaza, it's either constantly trying to turn yourself into a mental practice soul to try to figure something out or some sort of a weird dark, obscure version of mental olympics, and i'll just give you an example of what happened yesterday, where i was a company, another organization to the north. and in case your viewers are not aware aide either comes in through a crossing in the south kind of asylum, or it comes in and are crossing via the north. but there is no movement or easy movement rather of age, between the north and the south. and vice versa, and this is problem matic because the same items don't come through every single crossing point. and in fact, 8 organizations don't have much of a say in what comes through. so in the south you have a very robust commercial market. you have the availability of frequent vegetables
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in the north. you only have flour and i was taking part in, in the mission to the north with another organization trying to deliver a truck of fresh vegetables for distribution which would have been sufficient for around $1200.00 families. what happened was that even though initial approval came through for the movement, then in the morning the really side decided that they wanted the movement to happen, not in a closed truck, but rather one that was open. now, that's presumably a for security concerns. why do organizations not really want to shift towards using close trucks? it's because of the severe increase and looting and criminal activity. and you really want the products to actually reach the people that they need. we ended up deciding to just go up on our own and a vehicle shopping as much as we could inside. because, you know, if you have the opportunity to move, even if you're just able to provide for a small fraction of people, in my opinion, it is well worth the effort to do,
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then ended up waving at the holding point for permission for the green light as it's called to get to the north for about 4 hours before we were ping pong back and forth between turn back go through, turn back or through. we did eventually get through and what you really see when you get into gaza city itself is exactly how destructive and wide spread. the destruction actually is of every single aspect of life that would make the gaza strip and habitable where i am standing right now. and dated by left, this is pretty much the only area in bozza that is relatively speaking, still standing. every single other part of this new little stretch of land has been rendered almost completely and totally on inhabitable and in the north you not only have a shortage of, you know, just basic food items and the hygiene items. you also have people trying to live on
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top of the rubble on top of the rubble of their home, where their loved ones were killed with no sanitation, no food, no proper hygiene, no water, so misstep, it'd be described really. everything that you know, we've heard all in minute detail and it is as always have reflected by to who witnesses the scenes of themselves. you visited garza, many times before in your professional life. do you recognize the gaza that you saw over the last 24 hours to the cause of that you remember? no i, i don't, but even more than not, you know, i'm able to, across from, you know, dated by the, from the southern part of because of the middle part of god's us to the north buttons. dawson's are not permitted to cross. i came back down with all the credits
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from the north and i was showing in 2 friends of mine who are from the city and they were scrolling through my phone saying, well we, we don't recognize anything. they were asking me the street names because they couldn't recognize any in a way to realize we were talking about this level of destruction. it's building that are either completely destroyed or partially destroyed or burned or riddled with bullet holes. it's, you know, streets that are now filled with piles of rubble and automates. and the people don't recognize that were familiar. the mental image of boardman on the person's soul. and syfy has led to a situation where many people tell you right now that they barely even recognize themselves for their own people. there are very real series about the long looseness that is probably the criminal activity, the leading,
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which is leading to conversations about who is actually going to begin to restore that the moral code that exists in among people. and that happens when everyone is talking about the data for it extends the access to, to mandatory and assistance. it is a unfolding and disturbing picture that you paint for us. but thanks very much for the update of and diamond the founder and president of the channels that you know, joining us from darrow butler. thank you. shops now the international criminal court has conducted the leader of and i will call you to link create that whole time renewals. and molly, for war crimes and crimes against humanity has a dual disease. was found guilty of crimes including torture and rape committed intended to between april 2012. and january 2013. the hague issued a warrant for his arrest last week. he faces up to life imprisonment when
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a sentence has 100 down. as of late to dates, we can make it sound that you need a solid just returned to his home country, australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a challenge of espionage and replace a oh with the us after a 14 year battle against expedition. now that the agreement ends washington's evans to prosecute his own for revealing government secrets about the was that of got us on iraq. the sound was embraced by his wife's style and movements of to lending camera. and she says, everybody's principles and unafraid. it reveals how uncomfortable just the united states government is in fact of having these arguments errands because this case the substance of this case is an attack on journalism. it's an attack on the public's right to know and it should never have been brought. julia should never have spent a single day in prison. but today we celebrate. because today, doing this for
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a few minutes i'll just lawyer has described his release a huge waiting for australian democracy. this is a huge win for a stranger and for us, right in democracy, this is a huge win for free speech. this is a huge win, frustrated that our prime minister suit up to i loved the united states and demanded the return of an australian citizen. and the julian came home today. it is to productive 14 long years as legal battles, political advocacy, and ongoing campaigning. not just by us, but by so many people in his community. a global movement was created around julian and the need to protect for a speech. and it's that global movement that has led to his release today. the del robinson is following philippines from outside the posing cobra. well, sounds like a monumental moment for assigned to leaving a high security prison entering
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a historic hearing. and now landing on home soil. julian assigned is in australia declared a free man. he's homecoming watched across the world. he is now able to hold his wife in his arms and begin a new chapter. his wife's, stella was brought to tease as she thanked old boys who supported them over the youth. but this was never just about one man. it was also about journalists ability to report on events that governments deemed to be a secret. and that is once again, a points that his lawyer is reiterated to saying that a sondra is guilty place that's a dangerous precedent for journalism, and that they will be seeking a presidential part in. the wall of his lawyers have indicated that assigned is now going to enter this new phase full. he's 5 full freedom. he's priority at the moment, is he's family and being with his wife and he's children that he's spend so much
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time away from. he's going to focus on his physical and mental health and he's going to experience what his father says is the beauty of ordinary life. it one that has so far off being extraordinary. the type of love to know who's of it to a hot sunshine across the middle east and no surprises here. it's pretty much multiple sunshine. that's as well. a bit of a brisk breeze at southwest the most. so you're just driving those heavy showers. i would towards the practiced on top of the say we don't have 43 degrees celsius, has to place to 50 a little further north for me to change my significant change as we go on into friday or until the 4th is to close part. so the eastern led me to say a 1341 celsius will see enough right across the van, gaza, 3132 over the next us. and you can see again allows you drive it not too much the
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way when, when the weather to speak of hot and dry across the northeast of africa, 43 celsius, the full car, right? included in west of able to was the north west minds. you and you might even catch a shower to just around the stresses, to process the shelves, continue unabated across the west africa into the gulf of guinea. stretching their way a little further. eastwood says they should do not his wants, but his we'd like to say that there's some way as to whether they're into a most big pushing across into zimbabwe. south africa generally stay dry as we go through the next couple of days. while the more the last year i was just creeping in as we go through friday and some flights of whether the coastal frontiers of kenya. a still a head here all the i'll just say when use uh we take a look at the candidates of the phrase. if it comes around next president didn't spoil it. the most successful i lived in a full time full reform in the fight against a thing that's all coming up with some of
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the name is brandon jackson. i'm a 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released on all web, the 25 and a half years have been flee now less than 90 days. after a lifetime of prison, a man is now free to fight against our k racist laws that belong to the past fault lines. conviction on a jersey to make a rule. so as for the love of the game, big discount starts at 50 percent and dropped one percent every day. or a freebie impulse. subscribe down to what you 8 the euro 2024 more.
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the of the, [000:00:00;00] the book about 2 or 3 officers. news. our visa who rahman and the reminder of all the top stories. at least 60 people are being killed by his very strong song. dogs for the past 24 hours. 15 of them died when a residential building in northern gauze that came under a time base of aged all women and children. at least 23 people died in kenya on tuesday. some instructions can use present when a brute type is under pressure to decide the future of the controversial finance
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bill. response widespread and we see leaks found that you need a phone tubs with tubs to his home country in australia as a free month. the baby guilty to a charge of espionage of c deals with the us know that us efforts to prosecute him for revealing government secrets. rebec events such as the director of campaigns that report us without borders and joins us now live from paris service. vincent good have you with us on al jazeera, how much of this bottle, the soldiers being fighting sort of goes be all the facts. so we could, we can weeks released is about truth and facts and information that the public should know about why the so called fight is being fault. and then they both have elected government. and i think julian assaults has come to represent many things. for many people um, from my organization reporters without borders, we've defended him all these years because of his contributions to journalism. we believe that the publication, bi weekly leaks and 20 ton of hundreds of thousands of leads classified documents
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was in the public interest, informed public interest journalism around the world. we still see stories being published to this day on the basis of these lakes and the information exposed is alarming. we saw evidence of war crimes on human rights violations which i've never been persecuted. so all these years it was only the publisher being pursued. we raised the alarm most because of the precedent that the case could have set if he was extra to the us and put on trial under the espionage out there. and in fact stuff all entirely alleviated by the situation because of the charge that he's had to plead guilty to is under the espionage act. so where we stand now is that publishers journal of those who work with leads classified information do remain at risk of being targeted in the same way by the espionage octave. and if it is not reformed, do things to do. you think there was a precedent this being said, that is that the united states will continue to bang to the i'm a pull. i don't have to apologize. rebecca will be back with you shortly. we have
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to go to kenya, where it's lead to present to the router speaking to the media at states house. to start saying some wind up going to me to sign into the store, but for some power for recorded just high for a private property. very similar, but in assuming passed by the public that rob put the ground. all right, front of me. my son has a rug todd assembly filled up today. he had an consistently filled up today in the process of essential commodities. like whom do i have dropped from 240 shillings for a 2 kilogram bucket to connected and 100 met jelly attributed to our
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for the lives of subsidy programs. that is the landfill buy from us and good rains that were given to us by god. during that period, we didn't do that price, so for the lives of or so from 75022500 pixel of prizes. i've come down to from ohio to $117.00. now $187.00 that lead to the shooting us printing against the dollar from a high of $165.00 to now $127.00. 128. we have made significant progress in pulling the initial back from the brink of debt distress. our debt situation is better manage and our budget now have space for investment unimed programs aimed at easing the hardship on bundle people and creating opportunities for the young people. i want to be grew by 5.6 percent last year for duncan can now among the
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$27.00, fastest growing economies into what our inflation fee goes have fallen from a height of $9.00 and $8.00 in may last year to 5 percent in a prison. this year it is instructive for the admission to know that for every 100 shillings we collect as texas, we spend $61.00 shillings in debt service we have paid can now see europe on the debt, as douglas bought out in 2014 of $2000000000.00. that's been hanging around our neck. we paid the last installment
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of $500000000.00 last week. today can us that button is much less most of dana book and we had on cost to redeem our country from the discomfort of debt. and a thought i was hoping and i need this, you just said it had proposed a budget of 4.18 premium. i did direct that's been reduced by 200000000000 to come down to 302.99 to the finance bill printed 24 generated after life. these budget underwent public participation, which is the sort that the concessions by which we agreed to drop proposals on p a t o and branch. what the vehicle looks like. collision tax via
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t on locally manufactured bypass and sunset he pods as well as advice duty on monday terms fast offices among of us the additional tex misha's. we have proposed in the cf finance bill. want to raise money. in that june of 346000000000 went up on the face on slide 4, made subsequent to public participation that was undertaken by parliament that came down to 200000000000. i had made these proposal taking into account our situation and the priorities that, that i want to thank the members of parliament see that behind me
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and those who voted yes for identifying the priority areas of our niche. because when i made the proposal to parliament with my company, we had sutton critical priorities for the nation. number one is a good cut. we did make recommendation and part of the money we were going to raise from the finance bill was 10000000000 shootings that will go to for the life of subsidy. 18000000000 shootings. that will go to making sure that junior, sep, wonder is quoted,
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teach us $46.00 of them. $46000.00 of them would be confirmed on permanent pension or business. we are pretty clear, you know, minds that education being the greatest a for life. no child in kenya should go to west point where there is no teach or that where they are no adequate teachers. it is because of that reason that's been this finance been or so we have committed to hire an extra $20000.00 teachers. we also had envisioned because of the program of lost my the connectivity to homes,
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especially in rural areas. we had committed 14500000000 shootings. 50000000 for every constituency for the last my connectivity because we realize that there are many people today cannot go to the hospital because they cannot afford because they have no health insurance. we have to committed 6000000000 shillings to a personal life while you're new, but sort of have coverage plan that would make it possible for every citizen to have a health insurance. those who cannot afford to be paid for by the government of kenya and to bar. so personalized the clinic even as fund that will make it possible for those who suffer from cancer,
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diabetes. high potential to be able to go to hospital or be treated and go home without being asked for any money. we also had planned to put the money for about 4 feet from us to retire the heavy debts. that that be definitely not going to be a problem us. we also have a located money for us to look in from us to make sure that that what you're getting from us get out of the debt. but very we had also committed to music from us to 1000000000 shootings to make sure that every farmer is paid a minimum of 50 shillings by lead time to make sure
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that these from us very had working citizens of our nation get a fatty time for they had to walk and full feeding our niche and that is why i commend these members, so by government for agreeing with us that or the prior to it. yes, i have mentioned why that right priorities to be funded and by so doing, they supported the proposal, doing corporate or for the abuse of the people. these members will find them and getting back to us after they went to listen to the people of going on, they came back, 100 used to buy, did on their own to buy a 146000000000 savings funding for
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these concessions. it has become evident that the members of the public still insist on the need for us to make more confessions. and because i run the government, but i also lead people and the people have spoken. i am grateful to all the members of the national assembly who bought it yesterday from actively for the finance being attempted, vengeful, amended on the floor of the house to incorporate the view is generated through public participation in following the passage of the be the country witnessed widespread expression of dissatisfaction, would it be less past?
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regret the blade resulting in the loss of life, destruction of property on description of constitutional institutions on my own behalf. and on behalf of this member and many other can i send my condolences to the families of those who lost their loved ones in this very unfortunate manner. consequently, having deflected on the continuing conversation around the content of the printer has been the 2024 and listening keenly to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these finance be 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign the printed print, the full finance bill,
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and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members, but that becomes a collective position the putting these need for us as a nation, to pick up from here and go into the shift. and i am the apple proposing that because we have go ahead and read both the finance be 2024. it is necessary for us to have a conversation as a nation going forward. how do we money to that fast of the country together?
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how do we manage our debt situation to get that? how do we walk on the budget with a deputy that now exist together? and as i committed last sunday, i would be proposing an engagement with a young people of our initial our sons and daughters. for us to listen to them. as i said on sunday, we listen to the abuse. listen to their proposals, their ideas. they have gone funds and what they think we should do, but i think go forward. i am what, sorry, commending month to sick drug, bipartisan,
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multi stakeholder engagement from civil society, a religious organizations, professional bodies, photographs as a nation to speak to the future of our country again together. and this would be on my thoughts that that contained in the bill and my thoughts that the people of good enough got invest in the position that has been going on in this regard as well. i am directing for immediate 5 that was dated emissions to reduce expenditure starting with the office of the
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president the entire presidency, and extending to the entire executive of government operational expenditure and the president debated used to remove locations for the confidential fort. you've probably pretended to parts of the vehicles, renovations, and other expense this will cover the entire presidency and also the executive of government. i also propose that the courtney parliament, visetti and county governments working with the national treasury also undertake budget cuts and austerity to ensure that we do
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leave with the no means prospecting. the very loud message that is coming from the people of letting me confirm that i have discussed with many tests the court us. i wouldn't be meeting some of them at shortly after this meeting on testing or wait for what that to make sure that we cutty, the whole mission in this very important journey as we go into the future as a country me also confirm that as we did with the state, the loud message on dealing from decisive and
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expeditiously with corruption is a matter that we have discussed. and we have agreed that it will just take the front by now. as we go into the future we will continue to do this. on cutting out these very important con position. and i want to remind us that we should proceed within the foundation of principles upon which our mission is founded. namely, constitutional doesn't fit into the portal. and respect for constitutional institutions must continue to operate within the bottom. it does or below i think it will
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take a few wisdom, 3 questions to be best. thank you. you excellent. see man. and the 1st question will start to elizabeth and want to go from tv 4 to 7 this good evening. my question is so young a leaders of the disease generation who was just to be in the us the the day before yesterday. what happens to that 2nd there? why don't people who want to be doing the demonstrations? what do use because that us behavioral state dudley. how do we move forward on the budget cods, especially now that you've seen that we're going to have of state each emissions hughes, but how then we secure a develop linked thank you very much.
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no, no, it's okay. so i have said young people, 6 to be exact 6 people yet they lost their lights very unfortunately they shouldn't have lost their lives. and i have said it is a pretty unfortunate situation. i wish that well, no doubt. and there is a framework that would make sure that those 6 contents would that be a study would it be accounted for? number 2, i did come into the country that they have will be no expect additional cleanings
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going forward. and ever since i came into the office, there is no one incident of expect additional what you said about up duction, sickness i'd like to be said to some of our students has had to groups. but all the people they mentioned as i have since been found in police custody and doorstep, why already processed. why would it be released on the matter of development that you have said might not for the finance be, it means that some of the development programs amounting to 200000000000 shipments, we would have to cut down to delay them. they will have to wait some of them for next year. we will try it again and we'll try next. you have to find some money.
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some of them. um, we would have to cancel because the best of the natural things. and it is because the people who cannot have spoken loudly that they want a, you know, but did went to number 2. we'll take that next question from was sarah k 24 or not so long dot com is that need a new isaac on by my to miami. yeah. vienna, jen z and i buy the auction. yeah. well, i won't get younger people copy, so i'm have to be able to you that will come my eyes, which will have to again the book. you shall come back to know what they should be done. i think on my move. well, he was talking to a muscle eyebrow, and i live in got tell you from o'denza, tell you for something. give me do talk a chevy for y. z. a come from walk of was about to me. the city cutting america wisdom, a comfortable us. 32 moses. yeah, for the transparency that started normally show they get paid up. when you look on
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my thinking, the quote number, what are the for the key i was on the phone with you have one, i'm going to put it up with you. i know that you said it kindly, this money on my people. yeah. what number was pretending to be, so i'm gonna put you on to bubble. we don't have an idea how you of heads up with. yeah, no ascentis. thank you very much. um about 214 can y involved in various comments? yes. and many of them went to us $1.90. 5 of them was to get and released some of them. i think one is really nice view and of us. i think 14 minutes days. yeah, i've seen the hospital, but the majority of them was treated and released yesterday because i
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have to do on the full lot of their lives. that wouldn't be a mechanism of how they will be accounted for on the young people at home. you have said, how do we listen to that? let me say the following. number one, i did make a very clear determined program to create opportunities for young people to walk as it was, you know, many preston is in my plan. as i talked to you, 3 of the programs going on the housing program today has 160000 young people working as engineer. there's actually 6 point it does have this columbus
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missile carpenter, a defense transport of accountants. we have 160000 young people working because id take the position that if we don't deal with maybe on so be young people out of scores out of college who have certificates and they don't have jobs. they would soon become a very big challenge for us as a country, as we are witnessing at the moment or the young people, you see they're looking for paternity. they're looking for jobs. and that is why our housing program, once it is fully brought it out, we will have a minimum of half
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a 1000000 young people working in our housing program.


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