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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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to transport us accountants. we have 160000 young people working because i'd be took the position that if we don't deal with maybe on so be young people out of scores out of college who have certificates and they don't have jobs. they would soon become a very big challenge for us as a country, as we are witnessing at the moment or the young people, you see they're looking for paternity. they're looking for jobs. and that is why our housing program, once it is fully ordered out, we will have a minimum of half a 1000000 young people working in our housing program. i have been very clear on making sure that additional to
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a housing program is our digital infrastructure. the digital superhighway, the digital hubs on the horn, typical system of what we are doing, integrating digital or jobs high within reading. we've, under booking canada, is right there. not, not more than a month and a half ago. launching a hub that with the high a 4500 young people and a few ca in these budget we are, i did 10000000000 shootings to cbs. for them to be able to construct. i see the hubs in it towards the property that would keep up with communities for 2 to 300 young people in every what to
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access the internet to be trained to have a hub and to monetize their digital skills. we would really find another way of implementing this plan, even if we have to cut back on cdn. if that is what is going to happen again because we believe that the young people this up opportunity as i talk to you, we've just concluded pretty bilateral agreements. one of them with germany on export of labor because we have negotiated with many countries who are interested in the high schools of conundrum.
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and we have on because it's been, we now have a plan on how we're going to make sure that the young people in can you get opportunity to walk a day in kenya or outside can in fact, just this week, this week last week i. so for on day, on the headlines one of the daily. so there was a gentleman from my village. he was put on bed life. and he said to your buddy that from where i used to a buddy telling chicken that's why they put them in the headlight. on the keys complain was you see, the president has not done well. because in these village, many people are going to look for jobs outside
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that gentleman did not know that those people the know appreciate that are going to saudi arabia or you a i am the one, is this up. what are the program for them to go as part of the export? ok. so he thought that this people were going away because they want to jump same kid. but it is part of this brand. i have kept on thinking about because i think it was going to be story with somebody. if you go and check the headlight and i think go back last week, thursday or friday. he was there. he didn't know they would young man that they, i think we have almost 500 or 400 and something people in around that village that are kind of good in jobs outside can. and they added changing that village and that he's up to me on
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a mission by that gentleman. that's our plan on the export of labor is lucky. and number 2, that when we committed that was said to making sure that we get the opportunities for young people to walk. we meant it. so we have a program on housing, we have a program going to get the jobs. we have a program on export to play by. we have a program on the phone monday, the fuck getting sick. let me give you another example. now i'm thinking be a leader. we deliberately last you said we cannot continue to import products that become mindful, james. good. one of them was click submit
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furniture. stephen, what has happened? the last one. yeah, very many folks fired to be specific. companies have sort licenses in can to, to cling to, to segment and lots tia because of what the deed would reduce the importance of clean by 9 to 5 bucket save before an exchange, we'd get the jobs locally. i was in westport with my minister, full industrialization. i'm sure the members of us because they're here their way. they want that with me in westport, but pending. i couldn't get fucked on that now. high as 2500 young came up with another almost 2000 as drive us support stuff
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big market now in english because it's funding manufacturing in kenya. is that right? fi and it is the reason why some of our policy in dep insurance on my task like important stuff that are being met of object good. for example, we have said subsystem that low quality, important funny, tiny parts from china and other places. how can they come into kenya when we have 10 companies in can, high editing, can young people, how can they come on computer or the products? that'd be a mind fuck getting real kindly. we must perfect our local industries so that they
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have to jump through. so that we can go back in these by non speed. you will also see that we have him post duty on him, protect those from you shortly. how can we continue in booking? we'll get those from you and we have from us, right. get it now. we have to come right here in non data 1 in the morning in 2 miles. how can we justify, how can anybody take offense that we have in post duty on imported, put that we have put duty on imported x on imported on the on because we must protect our local from a kind of ga gov that every country does that.
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i wasn't negotiating with a prime minister of india because they are imposing duty on the cards. i was in court at negotiating with a government of course. yeah. because they are imposing duty or know what the on a coffee and all of them. yeah. including. so why the upper part of your country does that to protect them much unless there's a mutual agreement. so these, that among the things we are doing to make sure that we grow our local manufacturing, create local or jobs create drop on when that is how we're going to move forward as a country. we cannot continue to be a supermarket for other people. it's but it's important that people who
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produce our own products way young people can produce products in kenya, which are of high quality which are of international standards. and you can do that . and so i just wanted to clarify these points because it is addressing the young people of our country. and i am looking forward to a conversation with my son to the young people of these mission to explain to them the opportunities that they have. and i want to listen to them. what additionally do they want me to do? what can we do better? and how can we move the country for what? okay. thank you very much. thank you. excellent. the bed must be end of the questions session. if you want to, i'll just say we're on the canyon present, william re to saying, i concede i will not sign the 2020 full finance spelt it has been withdrawal now
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by the president himself. he will not sign it even though it was passed through parliament. uh, only yesterday, uh, the story of course was that people came out on to the streets. young people, people who pull pulse, an old bolts of life, a lead to less movement, organically grown. people frustrated with the potential for increase prices on commodities such as grad consumables and personal toiletries. these things that would have been made locally would have been heavily taxed as well. those riots from the public to spread to paul a bit to a positive parliament was set to on fire. but the government himself, uh, the president himself saying that the government needs to make bull concessions. that has promised to get communities involved, making sure that it's
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a multi party by part is that engagement, which involves religious leaders and civil society. let's get more of this from malcolm web. a correspondent to is following what the president had to say. he was very detailed at the beginning of his speech, malcolm explaining the, the caught, sees, made to the budget and where the budget stood before the pro tests, but also explaining how he has be listening and watching what happens over the last 24 hours. and it's cool, seems that the complete you to yeah, as he said, he saw it since the beginning defending his reco. it's saying things that he's done to reduce can use that bad. and then they also tried to justify various closes uh, in the, in the finance bill trying to raise taxes for various programs as part of the
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problem. or one of the reasons leading to this uh, is growing crowds on the streets over the last uh, 8 days. uh, just been a lack of trust in uh, in these programs. and what people feel is just the lack of evidence on the grounds . if any of these things uh, actually helping and what people say they see is uh, is declining services and i'm very visible corruption. people feel that the money that is being raised is being misused or is being stolen. now one of the things the president read say, i talked about was the constituency development fund. you said that in the budget they to, but the tens of thousands of dollars equivalent. can you feelings in into each constituencies, creating at digital jobs is one of the programs who is defending the bose finance fairly saying that we'll have to find another way to raise the money. now, speaking to people on the street to the last week, we can. ready to develop fund is one of the many parts of the budget that it's
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deeply skeptical about they saying that that's money, that actually just goes to m p 's without any accountability. and so, and so that, that money is essentially a patronage or form of bribery from the government to m p. 's to, uh, to, to, to steal. that's what they believe happens to, uh, to most of these money. and certainly that what people say about service delivery uh for example, lack of drugs and hospitals and is over there areas and so on. people very much feel as if these things um, being delivered now just looking online was the president bruce. i was speaking of some of the responses of from social media use is still a great deal to skepticism about what we say was saying. one of the things that people have been pointing out is that he's the president doesn't sign a bill into law or if he doesn't defense it, then it automatically becomes little within 3 weeks anyway. and that's uh,
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the only way that it can be retracted is that was if parliament retracts the bill. now that's what retail said. his m p 's had agreed to do but parliament's going into recess and now and it's expected to be in recess until late july, which would cost us $21.00 day limit. and so people online on social media, we're saying that they think that this is just the destruction bill will still be automatically post by the constitutional parliamentary process. and now what that points to addresses because of the lack of trust in what the president saying, the people they've been demonstrating and on the streets and say critical on the, on social media. i feel that they've been lied to so many times before. and clearly the sensitive as to assist among many realizing and so in depth and quite cleaning what the president has said to hasn't said as well in the coming as for the name of mount the web back in directly. thank you.
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the, the, the 60 people have been killed in the past 24 hours across garza rescue work has been titles such as the rebel falls. the volume is not striking to have in bethlehem and an old 15 of them died in the time. most of the injured all women and children of the rest, both all colored to send this report from the sides of the attack on the residential building in bentley what? yeah. slight started. it's a residential house belonging to a what? 70. and it left here. town. as it can seem to get to this place, oh, this house used to be a full slow house used to accommodate 25 n. as in civil is the far the. 5 majority of them are children and women, but that is why the forces don't differentiate between the us and people and defy.
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cuz as you can see in the very best people accommodated for 25 and the sensibility is the health of them had been killed. and the other health is in the hospital and they lost most of the lamps. civil defense are trying to reach and bolt out. people who have been killed and left under the level white. now why they can't do it. i just need uh, nothing goes for the sign. so head hey on. i'll just there are available on affordable. so dollars already ailing health system isn't breaking point because the roll rate is on the okay. foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world,
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100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the book about your field 0 my the top stories that lead 60 people have been killed by as many strikes in gaza in the past 24 on a 60, the dodge where they've residential building in northern gauze. okay. but to touch
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base to the injured all women and children and youth husband, when he agreed to donate controversial the would have raised taxes, it comes a day after at least $23.00 people were killed during protest against the proposed increases. the said the tough but needs to make bold concession to the people leading medical treatment in sit on the facing increasing costs and shortages of fighting between the army and power. military rapids simple forces intensifies the hospital, full tents of patients and the eastern city of al categories is overwhelmed. mountains all how's the story? the different from their homes, by conflict and suffering costs and buffets. these people can't afford the medical treatment, they need. know how i am i on a level. i'm displaced from cartoon and have been sick since 2017. when i came to l cut, that is, my illness increased and my hand broke. i'm undergoing chemo therapy now. thank god,
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i'm in a very bad condition and i kind of by medication tablets for team. how much is the patient to also last how, who job looked at with the treatment then it was receiving treatment before, but they stopped paying a salaries in the a tech on the city of mud any forced me to stop the house? i believe since the beginning of the one in april and last year we have been facing many challenges such as a huge increase in the number of patients. plus here we receive that on 900 new patients compared to only 300 to 400 patients before the one. the medical centers does not have enough capacity for the amount of patients. we now have on the 27 beds and we need at least 60 more, more important than the pets is medicine and treatment. but the more testing says radio therapy is now far too expensive for costs of patients, even if it's available. i told the world health organization since 65 percent of people in sudan can't get health care due to the dysfunction of medical facilities
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. and scarcity of supplies was the result of the conflict. a team of specialized canadian ad. so these doctors has warned, not more than 40000, the costs of patients in the country could died because of their lack of services. how much fun does you, the healing, substituting assault, which has returned to his home country will stray as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a charge of espionage under plato with the us after a 14 year battle against expedition. now that's agreement ends washington's efforts to prosecute his own ravine and government secrets about the rules that have gone this on the road to go. robinson is following developments from outside the building camera solids rented a monumental monument for his sons leaving a high security prison entering a historic hearing. and now landing on home soil julian assigned is in australia declared a free man. he's homecoming watched across the world. he is now able to hold his
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wife in his arms and begin a new chapter. his wife stella was brought to tease and she thanked old boys who supported them over the youth. but this was never just about one man. it was also about journalists ability to report on events that governments deemed to be a secret. and that is once again, a points that his lawyers reiterated. the saying that assigned is guilty place that's a dangerous precedent for journalism and that they will be seeking a presidential pod. and so while his lawyers have indicated that assigned is now going to enter this new phase full, he's 5 full freedom. he's priority at the moment, is he's family and being with his wife and he's children that he's spend so much time away from. he's going to focus on his physical and mental health and he's going to experience what his father says is the beauty of ordinary life. it one
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that has so far off being extraordinary the wrong will hold. it will be presidential election on friday to choose a successor. to evaluate you see who died in a helicopter crash last month. dozens of candidates submitted applications, but the guardian council, a 12 and the vetting body approved only $62.00 consecutive candidates under a full list. all the funds run us from top right. so, so that explains who they are. he runs presidential election is expected to be one of the most contested in the history of the islamic republic. as soon as called him and speaker mohammed back and cut the bus is almost as conservative. previously turnarounds may have from 2005 to 2017. he's seen as a technocrats and has extensive ties to iran, security agencies. in the 19 ninety's, the supplement, either a point, the team commander of the revolution, the guards,
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a force and chief of police. he promises to be a bridge between the people and the state. mon. i caught them by him a man of action, not of tension. corals and discord might have dedicated my whole life to the people of a wrong number, like some of those in the presidential race. probably boston is regarded as the most closely aligned with the revenue of evolution of the gods. this connection has greatly improved. she's chances of winning, but his presidential campaign is running far from smoothly, as has been frequently criticized by his hard line. competitive side generally, generally is a popular figure. among conservatives, the former nuclear negotiate there has strong ties with the supreme leader, and he's perceived as a strong she, loyalist, quote, involved the e book. the country can not be run through shows and formalities for now more years, cut them out because it did, it has fee of his bid for presidency before losing in 2013 possible honey in
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2021 to me through from electron it's able to see about henry, see a fellow conservative who's that, you know, had to go up the cash last month. 3 good. the election is generally becomes president. he's expected to continue with the late presence policies. many heavy jelly as a shuttle presidency is 2021 because of his close relations with receive the close of a thing. what their base is divided between these 2. a strong candidates federal reports that one might be people from the race in favor of the other because preservatives are concerned this division moves them. the election reform is victory. the only reformist candidates running for president is best position. yeah. the good and console disqualified him into 2013 and 121 presidential elections. he was health minister from 2001 to 2005, under the government of iran sports to report his president mohammed to me. position still enjoys to me support, which many believe cause bring him and election victory jobs. that is,
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the form that you were in and for the minister is also supporting position the position is appealing to the reforms waters. but she is cautious not to be seen as a threat by the particular establishment money to sort of get on. i'm a conservative in my lifestyle, but a reformist and policies and from day one i have repeatedly said my father as a policy set, but the leader of the islamic revolution over the huck us so i don't know. many of them believe that it is this can, can mobilize reformist, execute a high turn out in the election. human emerge as to being there on friday. this will save that, which is 010 wrong. well, to another coming fall on the cost of living is one of the biggest issues of voters and next week. so you k general election for some, that means a bigger chunk of direct, i'm going to essential spending, but for others in polar regions, it means an inability to feed the children have to main policies, appear to be paying little attention to tackling poverty and that campaigns really challenge it pulls from new castle up on time. it's been at least
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a century for these times side. so it is one of the roy time power houses of britain's industrial age. cities sense of re generation has kept new castle is hospitality humming and the funds seek is coming. but you don't have to stray spots to be reminded. the ne england has some of the u. k. 's most deprived areas. you can see poverty up, close and personal it's, it's, it's in people's demeanor. you can see it's in your health. it does shock the stone . when i see sometimes the hardship people are dealing with john mccory is the chief executive of the costs of food bank. a network of sent is, is it gives through to people struggling to afford it. john wants to see puppets, he talks about more in the election campaigns. i would like to see it being more of a political priority. according to a recent study, at least a course at reval, children live in poverty and 66 percent of the constituencies across england and
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wales. but here in the northeast, that same policy level affects 89 percent of the constituencies. so we've got a special book today called d is a, it's a familiar story. more and more people are falling into poverty because of use of cuts to vital social services in secure by the paid jobs and austerity minded government policies. like the recent to child benefit cap. so if you count money to pay your electricity bill, you comp matters to buy to see children. you're going to use the child benefit. so when it's passed to, to children, that makes a significant difference. and we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years, which publish it. you've talked about remarkably little on the election campaign trail. the conservative policy thinks cutting taxes and spending $15000000000.00 less on welfare will make everyone better off. the labor policy is talking about the child policy strategy, but it hasn't committed any money to
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a growth is alcohol business. that all size, that there is a willingness to change, but i'd like to symbol much more really. the country's food banks are likely to be busy for some time to come, will reach islands out to 0. you can also the thoughts of the sounds good around the united states, all the staging joint drills. the still persons take place at the time of heightened tension with north korea. feeling yang has just signed any defense packed with russia, south queen for then use a cube, voted the u. s. s. theodore roosevelt. on tuesday. the nuclear power cross carry is and the reason for the 1st of a 3 way military exercise, also involving japan. china has defended its technological development and cold on countries to strengthen partnerships with basing good enough. isolate their economies from the leak of trying, made the comments of the so called some of the false conference in the northeastern
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city of the land. it comes to mid rising tensions of e u. impulse of electric vehicles as katrina. you're to pull some basing more than 1500 business and government lead is a gathering in the northeast in chinese city of delhi. and this week for the world economic forum, also known as this on the davos. this is the is the next frontiers of growth. chinese officials are using the 3 day music to promote investment opportunities. the message, tanya, is academy strong and open to business good, which yet we are accelerating the contribution of new quality productive forces and the full storing new drivers of growth. these efforts have not only provided power vote and now museum for china is economic development. but also created greater cooperation room for companies from around the world. during his speech, the criticized what he said with a protectionist policies of the west and defended china is technological
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development as being rooted and it's super size, the market and industrial network. the comments com is the european union proposed to high tariffs or impulse look.


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