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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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decisions to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the palestinian authority. know many stores here have closed down and people say every day this will continues. it adds another birds in the icon seat and the apple that i would not sign the print of $54.00 speed i shot, you turn from kenya as president william hotel after nationwide protests against tax hikes. the hello, this is l g 0. live from to hi, i'm for the back. people also coming up and is really a strike has killed at least 15 palestinians in that home in northern gaza. the
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civil defense is the level of destruction defies imagination. we can make, found a judy and assigned to returns home, a free man as part of a p d, a with us. so forty's and vietnam's plans for high speed rate on try keeping us to a stage on to it's slower, but scenic the can you, as president says he will not sign a controversial bill that split to major protests at least 23 people were killed on tuesday. after and peace passed the legislation that would have seen a rise in taxes on a central items in a televised address of a nation. william router has promised to open dialogue with young people out there as catherine story reports. and i wrote many people here, see they've never seen anything like this before. what started out as peaceful
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protests on tuesday, pretty pond violent. when hundreds of 4 testers invaded parliament, police fired to a gas, what the commons and life bullets. several people accounts and many injured. but on west the presidents, we a moved to about to the pressure and has we stoned? the bill is mckinsey to the people who will have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these finance be 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign that printed printed for finance bill, and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members. but that becomes a collective position car on the call. morticia says that will not bring back hot
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22 year old son was shot in the chest misgiving by as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to start with what to do it. one of the most kenya is our believe, to support the protest against a finance bill that will increase taxes. so i'm like this man from a neighborhood and narrow b decided to take matters into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty who said yes to this bill. people here say he doesn't represent them anymore. that angry and the frustrated that they're clear because and that's very clear because as we move on gotten it, you have to bribe for everything. when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get to joke, man, duck one, back of the level and his neighbors see the county office. they supposed to help them. but at this point now on their own,
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kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi and live to another vault correspondents. they never will be malcolm web, malcolm. i would go to rejecting this finance bill. now we've drawing it, at least it's his own bail. how is this being received versus reactions of the roots as comments have been met with quite a lot of skepticism on social media, which is where this movement begun before it brought people to the streets just 8 days ago in the numbers of people rapidly growing. since that up to the demonstration that took place on tuesday, but people are expressing that just because president research says something, they don't believe that necessarily means it will happen. there's also a great deal of anger being expressed about the people who were on the process. this was shot dead by security forces using live gun fire about president route. so it is speech saying that 7 people died when we can the american association and
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others instead of how is before that at least 23 people has been killed. adults as union had told us that the government had lost its leaders to so as members not to disclose the numbers of people injured or killed, the numbers have as to have been coming out. that's clearly close to a lot of frustration among people online who are still cooling people to go to the street. right and process again on says david waiting to see how many people will take to the streets and what kind of response they'll get from the security agencies. and it'll be, it'll be interesting to see what happens on on thursday. so what happens now to the bill? i mean, the president has said he will not sign it, but legally it still exists doesn't mean of the will. just a short while ago we were speaking to the chief legal advisor to as amy, i can use the opposition official position in parliament. he was saying that for
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the president to stop the bill, it's now required that he would have to send a memorandum to the speaker for them and rejecting the fail. and the retail speech area was that full political statements and the statements of intent for the housing tax. these again, the procedure of stuffing the bill. so we waiting to see how that will actually proceed. and then it would be members of parliament themselves who would then have to withdrawal the fairly for that deed that they did happen. call them is actually going into recess day, full until late july. and then the constitution states that if the president neither rejects no signs, the bill is a little then it will become become little within a matter of weight. so again, the people on line who would come pay me against this, or expressing doubts as to if president re say has actually been down and this is fine. i'm still could indeed still come to pos. welcome. thank you for the update.
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that sounds easier as mountain way of reporting their life from my will be kenya. the guys's civil defend says the levels of destruction after israel as bombardment of bait law. yeah. in the north of a strip. defies imagination. at least 15 palestinians were killed in a striking home in northern gaza. rescue workers spent hours searching the revel for survivors. most of the injured are women and children. i'll just here as well. i felt hello ties this update from the sides of the attack on that residential building, inmate, and what he did flag started residential house belonging to a web terminate in big la here town as it can seem that zip cha to this place. oh, this house used to be
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a full slow house used to accommodate 25 n as in civil is the far, the vast majority of them are children and women. but that is why the forces don't differentiate between the us and people and the fighters. as you can see in the very best people accommodated for 25 and the sensibility is the health of them had been killed. and the other health is in the hospital and they lost most of the lamps. civil defense are trying to reach and vote out. people who have been killed and left on the world wide now why they can't do it? i just, you know, nothing does this for all this time. and else way at least 60 other policy indians have been killed in other parts of guys in the last 24 hours in guys
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a c t. is there any forces carried on strikes on 2 schools sheltering policy in families? one school was run by the united nations. thousands of people were killed in giovanni and these really attack handful palestinians. and in the center of the strip in this, there are several people died in is really a tax on residential buildings. while the constant is really a tax is preventing aid organizations from working in gaza and delivering much needed somebody terry and age. we spoke to our daemon who's a founder and president of a charity. nara, she says distributing aid in gaza is extremely difficult. aide either comes in through a crossing in the south kind of silent or it comes in or crossing via the north. but there is no movement or easy movement rather of aide, between the north and the south and vice versa. and this is problem maddox, because the same items don't come through every single crossing point. and in fact,
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8 organizations don't have much of a say in what comes through. so in the south, you have a very robust commercial market. you have the availability of fruits and vegetables in the north. you only have flour and i was taking part in, in the mission to the north with another organization trying to deliver a truck of fresh vegetables for distribution which would have been sufficient for around $1200.00 families. what happened was that even though initial approval came through for the movement, then in the morning the really side decided that they wanted the movement to happen, not in a close truck, but rather one that was open. now that's presumably for security concerns. why do organizations and i really want to shift towards using close products. it's because of the severe increase and looting and criminal activity, and you really want the products to actually reach the people that they need. we ended up deciding to just go up on our own and the vehicle shopping as much as we could inside. because, you know, if you have the opportunity to move,
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even if you're just able to provide for a small fraction of people, in my opinion, it is well worth the effort. well, let's get an update on the situation and guys come out and speak to, i'll just hear as honey. my motor was in dow, blah in central guys. honey, bring us up to speed with the latest these really attacks. where have they focused on the the just follow the will, the past 24 hours have be quite violent. been a bloody and been quite a brutal for palestinians across the gods there. but not only talking about the ongoing difficult situations and living conditions are created by the ongoing, intense bombing campaign that keeps the grading of tragedies everywhere. but the fact that there are more concentrated attacks on areas that are densely populated. whether in the northern part of this thread, or the central area of the gaza strip here in missouri review, cameron further through the southern part of the state where the really military still operate at aggressively destroying and systematically demolishing homes,
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residential homes in brooklyn city as well. as continue with a talk on the 10 side of the western part of the city as well as the eastern area. but the fact that these attacks are happening right now on a population that has been herded it from one place to another. already this weighs more than one time and traumatized because of the ongoing, intense bombing campaign in the heart of gaza. already struggling on daily basis. would they enforce the hydration and force? is our vision the, the obstruction of, of a there is quite of, of a car vision the spreading in northern part of the god strips. there's not only the unpredictable fall in bonds that are killing people, even if we, for the sake of argument. if we said the bombs, this, the bomb is stop following up. people are going to die because of the dire situation is a created by all the difficult conditions. great advice is really military so far
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for atrocities committed within the past 24 hours. we're looking at these 60 people, and this number 60 people to the casualty, the number that paramedics civil defense, the crew and volunteers from local communities were able to remove it from under the levels or from the streets and transferred to the hospital. there is still more people under the robust, there are more people than injuries, and the casualties are in the areas that are on a bose where they get to en route and remove them. or if there is still a life to save them. but also looking at the number of critically injured, we ended up in a really low capacity health facilities across the district need. thank you very much for the update. that sounds very tiny. my most live there in down the last central gossip 11 on these really strikes of targeted the southern city of cam for a 2nd consecutive day. this comes after overnight attacks on the ton of sheba in $711.00 on these are the armies says it's will pains, targeted several hezbollah size intensified cost $4.00 to $5.00. between is read
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and has full as forces as increase. here's of a full scale war, has bullet fired for anti tank ms size over the border injuries around having a house in the city of mid july. no casualties were reported in that attack as well that also targeted communication equipment, out of military posts. in their con, ration hey, not a lot of use wiki league found a julian a sanchez returned to his home country australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a challenge of espionage under a p g, a. with the us, after a 14 year battle against extradition, that agreement tends. washington's efforts to prosecute assigned for revealing government secrets about the wars in afghanistan and iraq assigned was embraced by his wife stella moments after landing and camera. she says he remains means principled and unafraid. danielle robertson has moved from outside the airport in camera, where assign, slanted as a monumental moment for assigned to leaving
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a high security prison entering a historic hearing. and now landing on home soil julian assigned is in australia declared a free man. he's homecoming, watched across the world. he is now able to hold his wife in his arms and begin a new chapter. his wife's stella was brought to tease as she thanked old boys who supported them over the use. but this was never just about one man. it was also about journalists ability to report on events that governments deemed to be a secret. and that is once again, a points that his lawyer is reiterated to saying that a sondra is guilty place that's a dangerous precedent for journalism, and that they will be seeking a presidential pod. and so while his lawyers have indicated that assigned is now going to enter this new phase full, he's 5 full freedom. his priority at the moment is he's family and being with his
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wife and he's children that he's spend so much time away from. he's going to focus on his physical and mental health and he's going to experience what his father says is the beauty of ordinary life. it one that has so far off being extraordinary, still ahead on al jazeera, on the further into her, on the strange economy is what concerns many voters on the eve of the presidential election, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now? i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected. justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 must close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment,
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no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, for 30 years, friends carry down nuclear tests in the pacific, exposing locals as such workers to high levels of radiation. 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific forgotten nuclear victims. and i was just 0. the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the fucking back, a recap of that top stories on how to 0, kenya is president william bhutto says he would draw a controversial bill that would have phrase taxes. this comes a day after at least 23 people were killed during protests against a policy increases. he said, the government needs to make all concessions, gather civil defense as the levels of destruction actually is rise from bond meant a fate law here in the nor for the strip defies imagination. at least 15 palestinians were killed in a striking home in the town. and we can make found that julian assigned has returned to his home country australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a charge of espionage under a p g. and with the us, it ends washington's efforts to prosecute him for leaving the government.
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the iran will hold its presidential election on friday to choose a successor to a brain bracy who died in a helicopter crash last month. candidates have promised to revive the economy, but vote to see little prospect of relief from a cost of living crisis without an end to international sanctions, which is 0 is the holder. i spoke to some of them in the capital t. ron, that runs grand bazaar is known as the financial hub of iran. but this center for trade is also a place where the economic crisis is being felt. and it says here that we get this sense of public sentiment. so the problem is the other side, compared to last year, the prices have increased by a 150 percent ion and the local currency, but the prices are based on dollars. under the arch ceilings,
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the kilometers of cor doors to georgia and the hustle and bustle of stores are stories of struggle. hey ron is suffering from installation. there's also the currency depreciation that's successive governments have blamed on international sanctions over its nuclear development program. there are those who believe you are on should be part of the international financial system commission with the war. we should talk over all the country, all the neighbors reach. most of the percentage of the people that is accepted in a few days, a new leadership will be voted into office. and presidential hopefuls are promising to address the financial challenges. but many say they've heard those promises before. i am not going to vote because presidents can do anything. they don't have the authority to do anything for people and life is very expensive. 8
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living standards, particularly among the middle class, have worse and in recent years, skilled workers are leaving and there is little prospect for, for an investment because of sanctions. there is another election that could have implications on iran economy. in a few months. there may be a new administration in the white house, donald trump, who reinstated tough economic sanctions on iraq and after pulling out of the nuclear deal in 2018, could make a political come back. you run to economy relies on crude exports, which have increased due to the easing of sanctions under the, by the administration. but the rise in government revenues is not being felt on the streets and the local currency. the reality is already trading at near the 600000 to the dollar of 15 fold increase since 2018 center for their i was just either different on to saddam now where people who need medical treatment face increasing
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costs and shortage and shortages of medicines as the conflict between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces intensifies and in the only hospital for cancer patients in the eastern city of good batteries. staffing services are becoming overwhelmed. i was just here as mama drawn has a story to the different from their homes by conflict and suffering cost sense of what these people can't afford, the medical treatment they need. know how i am i on a level i'm displaced from cartoon and have been sick since 2017. when i came to l cut that is, my illness increased and my hand broke. i'm undergoing chemotherapy now. thank god, i'm in a very bad condition and i cannot buy medication tablets for team. how much is the patient to also last, how home and job looked at with the treatment then it was receiving treatment before, but they stopped paying a salaries in the a tech on the city of money forced me to stop the house. i believe since the beginning of the one in april and last we had
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a couple. we have been facing many trying to injures such as a huge increase in the number of patients. uh, last year we received around 900 new patients compared to only 300 to 400 patients before the one of the medical centers does not have enough capacity for the amount of patients. we now have on the 27 beds and we need at least 60 more, more important than the pets is medicine and treatment. but the more testing says radio therapy is now far too expensive for cancer patients. even if it's available . i told the world health organization since 65 percent of people in sedan can't get health care. due to the dysfunction of medical facilities. and scarcity of supplies was the result of the conflict. a team of specialized canadian ad. so then these doctors has warned, not more than 40000, the costs of patients in the country could died because of their lack of services. how much fun does. yeah. well the conflict teen so don has forced more than
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$600000.00 refugees, mostly women and children, to flee to chat according to the united nations. it's described the humanitarian crisis in eastern chad as reaching a critical point out is 0 is for down of the ride back has more from chance eastern border with saddam a has any more how you how many more caught slid now? do you not be this temporary refugee camp in the chat in city of address near the border with through done it posts around 200000 sudanese refugees, local authorities here together with some international organizations such as the high commissioner for refugees. want to move to sit in these refugees from the address city company, place the cities border to other places, tens of kilometers away from the border area. several attempts have already been established for this purpose, but look forward to say they need more funding to finish the basics facilities and these caps. so the conditions are most suitable for accommodating refugees to be. now big numbers of refugees are still coming from west or full of state. they're
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also some refugees from the city of l fashion. with the helping of clashes for around a month back and see what those coming from outside should get to work about the extreme difficulty of the situation. well, many are unable to leave and escape the city. and they all hoping that some outlets will be opened for them to be able to leave. and to come here for the lab does, that gives you the minimal how you, i'm in that unit. so then you might be in, if you add to why fi is that set to launch wants of results, continental area that's home to the walls launches tropical wet and the blazes is searching before the peak of the dry season. as always, of dakota, state of emergency, the area is home to a range of wild life, including a large community of chanc was about to vietnam, where economists urging the government to approve a new re link from the north to the south. they say investing at a high speed line could boast economic growth. i'll just here is tony chang report . some of the non tucked away down one of handle is narrow streets,
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a new hot spot to visit us several times a day train. supposing taurus pump into the cafe is impulse to catch the rolling stock rumbling bye. but for those wanting a more immersive experience, a new service will be slightly more expensive. via toes, a luxury train carriage that runs along the coast of central vietnam. the private seats and table service provided by leverage stuff hawking back to the golden era of steam. they want to have an experience within the whole holidays. i guess an experience with a new experience. and it's not necessarily about rushing for me to be about enjoying something along the way. the view isn't enough. is fine dining in your seats. well, the chance to stretch your legs and
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a few other bits with an on board massage. for 6 hours, you can sit back, relax, how much the work good. even though you're going alone, you still get the last thing in the streets. of course you need to get as well when you're in the state of the country started a few carriages down the views the same that the tickets and the fraction of the cost. this is how most people travel for those wanting to go places in a hurry. rail is known as a good option. travel time between the big cities in the north and south is about 40 hours. this rail network isn't much steve of investment, but this year the government's expected to approve a high speed network linking handily with low team in city and testing that journey across the country. by 2 thirds. that plan, however, is a long way down the track and speed is everything. for some,
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it's all about the june. and the destination. tony toyotas are central vietnam and that is in use or not on al jazeera, the weather is next. and then inside story will look at the unrest in kenya and its root causes. i'll be back with the news hour after that. just stay with us on out. you see the the color more hot sunshine across the middle east and no surprises here. it's pretty much multiple sunshine. that's as well. a bit of a brisk breeze at south leslie month. so you're just driving those heavy showers. i would towards the pockets stop. tell me to say we don't have 43 degrees celsius is too close to 50, a little further north and they change my significant change as we go on into friday or until the 4th is to close part. so the eastern led me to say
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a 1341 celsius. we'll see enough right across the events, gaza, 3132 over the next. i said, you can see again allows you drive it not too much the way when he quit, whether to speak of hot and dry across the northeast of africa, 43 celsius, the 4 car, right? included in west of over to was the north west minds. you and you might even catch a shout to just around this traces to process a shout was continue unabated across west africa into the gulf with guinea, stretching their way a little further east woods this, they should do not as watch, but as we'd like to see that just some went to whether they're into mesa, big pushing across into zimbabwe. south africa generally stay dry as we go through the next couple of days. while the more the last year i was just creeping in as we go through friday and some of what to whether the coastal fringes of kenya, the
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heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on scene until now. our moral is high, now brothers die every day to the trade. our country 0 to 0 world reveals the long plus personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for o julian independence. i'm writing to you, not knowing if this could be my last letter. letters of love letters or for analogies, 0 us kenny was shaken by mass demonstrations against proposed tax hikes. protests accused the president of failure to live up to his election promises. the government says the finance that is needed to pay off the debt, all the unrest be contained with an escalation even said, this is inside story, the


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