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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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company or is the the hello, this is in use our own houses here. um for the back. people live in doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. i can seat depth pool. i would not sign the tragic 20 full speed of my shop. you turn from kenya is president william roto, often nationwide protests against tax hikes and is really a strike as skilled at least $15000.00 students in that home. in northern garza, the civil defense as the level of destruction defies imagination. also the so we
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can make founder, julie and assigns returns home as a free man after the deals with us and get plans for high speed rail remain on track even as tourists phrases, slower, but phoenix, predecessor, the thank you for joining us. can use president says he will not sign a bill that's let to major protests. at least 23 people were killed on tuesday after and be spots the legislation that would have race taxes on the central items in a tele vice address to the nation. william road to has promised to open dialogue with young people. alger 0 is kathrine, so you report somebody will be as many people here said they've never seen anything like this before. it started out as peaceful protests on tuesday, pretty pond violent. when henry, the forecast is invaded, parliament police fired
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t a gas. what the commons and life will act. several people were killed and many injured. by the west, the president, we a moved to about to the pressure and has we don't. the bill is mckinsey to the people who will have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these finance be 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign the 2024 finance bill and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members, but that becomes a collective position. kyra nicole morticia says that will not bring back hot 20
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year old son. was shot to the test. think i'm going to miss getting bad as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to stomach what to do it. one of the most kanyes are believed to support the protest against a finance bill that will increase taxes. so i'm like this man from a need over the narrow b decided to take martha's into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty who said yes to the people here. say he doesn't represent them anymore. that angry and the frustrated that the crazy because that's very tia because as we move on gotten it, you have to bribe for everything. when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get to joke, man dot com back us. so i really and he's neighbors see the county office, he's supposed to help them. but at this point now on that own kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi as go live to one of our correspondents. they never will be malcolm
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a web. so malcolm president hotel rejecting and withdrawing his own finance, fail what has been the reaction source ruth has been since he met with skepticism from a lot of people who oppose that is fine on sale on social media, which is way at least campaign began to for people to the streets just 8 days ago and never i'd be city sense that just found that the numbers on the street i agree rapidly since up until that demonstration, as it took place on tuesday. people express scripts isn't where the retailer would actually meet the legal requirements and see what was needed to to proceed with the bottom and being able to restore this filled out just in the last few minutes minutes. president bruce size office has published the memorandum from the presidency to the bottom and paving the way for them to uh,
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to go ahead and withdraw the bill, which we've been so by lawyers have you spoken to now does now meet the requirements of them to do say that the skepticism of mistrust on line continues to be expressed, particularly i by the people who were killed on protests as shot dead on tuesday with live gun fire. and it is speech president, recess and 7. people have been killed hours before the can use medical association . another organization said 23 people have been shot dead on the streets. this is still causing quite some anger, right? among people who were supporting continues to support this movement and they were demonstration. there's another demonstration planned for thursday. will that still go ahead? the social media, some of the key for the 6 figures in this move and have been calling for the demonstration to go ahead saying this is going beyond the finance bill because of those deaths on the streets. people were chanting route,
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so you must go us as well as we're just bill and other slogans. we're waiting to see how many people will take to the streets tomorrow is the test. it took place that there's kennings on tuesday. i will deter people 5 people off and i'm going to move. so we're waiting to see how many people do indeed takes the streets and what kind of response they will get from the security agencies. thank you very much. welcome for bringing us the late to save from. and i will be malcolm when. well on the i spoke to stella kyra, who was an african governments and secuity on list and a long term tax reform campaign. a. she says, present rule to had no choice, but to withdraw the bill. these do you find commitments when they didn't see an opportunity talking about or politically dropping this by announced a view when it's in the future. another thing that was he's going to convince him to drop it's i, i don't see why that's one of the changes to be going on because they've been so
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the last couple of days convinced him. but if he's sending it about you sending that back to the drawing board, then basically they're saying that he needs to be honest with mobile data about this thing i have mentioned to the previous entities that he had. i knew that the problem that the kind of problem he has in his hands. part of it isn't why you will see that he's even if he's not simply be but they're still calling for protest. is because this thing graduated into another conversation about the money that you need. some of the switches, of course, apple, a new conversation that has come up as a result of they had handedness and the products of the week, everything was being implemented in the last couple of days. the guys, a civil defense stays the levels of destruction after is around so environment of bait law here in the north of a strip defies imagination. at least 15 policy news were killed in a striking a home in northern gaza. rescue workers spent hours searching the rubble for
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survivors. most of the injured women and children. islanders here as well off the hello. has this report from the side of the attack on that residential building in that lot? yeah. yeah, it's like started, it's a residential house belonging to a web terminate and it left here town as it can see the good to this place. oh, this house used to be a full slow house used to accommodate 25 n. as in civil is the far the. 5 majority of them are children and women, but that is why the forces don't differentiate between the us and people and defy. cuz as i can see, the best people accommodated for 25. and the sense of really is the house of, of them had been killed. and the other health is in the hospital and they
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lost most of the lands, civil defense are trying to reach and go out. people who have been killed and less of the world. well, why now? why the capital just nothing does this for all this time. elsewhere and guys, at least 60 people have been killed in the past 24 hours and got the city is ready for us is carried out strikes on 2 schools, sheltering policy and families. one school was run by the united nations in giovanni and he's really a talk kids full palestinians. and in the center of this trip in the say, a rot. several people died in these really as tax on residential buildings. almost half a 1000000 people in guys are facing the most severe levels of food and security aid organization said guys, i still have high risk of funding because not enough food is entering the strip. i'm virtually everyone is facing difficulty finding enough to eat and drink. that
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has a little of what happened as if i knew into some other stuff. i was displaced from left off to a school in san eunice in law. she's not suitable for leaving a tool. we struggle to get water, we wait for hours, 5 or 6 hours to find some, and then we go home. that's why we saved the risk for drinking us for cleaning and washing. we get that though to go to for the buffer. i'm can see here there's fun and there is nothing to eat or drink. we will for long distances to find a distribution point or community kitchen. find a solution. earlier we spoke to our daemon who is the founder and president of a charity nara. she explained the difficulties or organization faces ditch distributing, aiden goslin, an aide either comes in through a crossing in the south kind of was silent or it comes in inter crossing via the north. but there is no movement or easy movement rather of a, between the north and the south and vice versa. and this is problem added because
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the same items don't come through every single crossing point. i'm in fact 8 organizations don't have much of a say in what comes through. so in the south you have a very robust commercial market. you have the availability of frequent vegetables in the north. you only have flour and i was taking part in, in the mission to the north with another organization trying to deliver a truck of fresh vegetables for distribution which would have been sufficient for around $1200.00 families. what happened was that even though initial approval came through for the movement, then in the morning the really side decided that they wanted the movement to happen, not in a close truck, but rather one that was open. now that's presumably for security concerns. why do organizations and i really want to shift towards using close props. it's because of the severe increase and looting and criminal activity, and you really want the products to actually reach the people that they need. we ended up deciding to just go up on our own and
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a vehicle shopping as much as we could inside. because, you know, if you have the opportunity to move, even if you're just able to provide for a small fraction of people, in my opinion, it is well worth the effort. and other developments 11 on is really strikes of targeted the southern city of cam for a 2nd consecutive day is, comes after overnight attacks on the time of she bought in 711 on these really ami says it's working. targeted several hezbollah sides intensified cross border 5 between is really and has bullet forces has increase. here's of a full scale war. has bullet fired full on time me size over the border into israel, hitting a house in the city of mid july. no casualties were reported in that attack as well . i also talked with communications equipment that a military force in their cot ration will take. he's president, test all parliament that he's country will stand with levon on addressing lawmakers worship type, or the one wound up potentially is really invasion, would be
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a disaster to god the design. and it seems that the israel, in which the state of the casa, is now setting its sites on lebanon. we see that although western powers different in front of the cameras as cold as behind the scenes, they passed israel on the back and even support it. it is extremely bad and pathetic that governments which talk about freedom, human rights and justice, are captives of a mentally ill person like that. then you can download on their end to more head on this news. our including 30 percent of british children live in poverty, but the crisis is not a priority for politicians campaigning for next week. so let's press on setup wizard. in fact, or on the screen, the economy is what concerns many voters on the eve of the presidential election. the
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another world news we can make sound a julian assign jazz returned to his con, home country australia. as a free man, he pleaded guilty to a charge of espionage under a plea deal with the us after a 14 year battle against expedition. that agreement tends washington's efforts to prosecute. massage for revealing government secrets about the wars and i've got a son and a rock assigned was embraced by his wife stella moments. after landing camera, she says he remains principals and unafraid. it reveals how uncomfortable just the united states government is. in fact, of having these arguments, eric, because this case of foxes of this case is an attack on journalism. it's an attack on the public's right to know and it should never have been brought. julia should never have spent a single day in prison. but today we celebrate, because today,
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who is free. and this is how julian assigned his lawyer described his release. this is a huge win for a stranger and for us right in democracy. this is a huge win for free speech. this is a huge win for us, right. is that our prime minister suit up to allied the united states and demanded the return of an australian citizen. and at julian came home today is the product of 14 long years of legal battles, political advocacy, and ongoing campaigning. not just by us, but by so many people in his community. a global movement was created around julian and the need to protect for a speech. and it's that global movement that has led to his release today. danielle robinson has moved from outside the airport in camera way. assigned, slanted, a monumental moment for assigned to leaving a high security prison entering
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a historic hearing. and now landing on home soil. julian assigned easy in australia declared a free man. he's homecoming, watched across the world. he is now able to hold his wife in his arms and begin a new chapter. his wife's, stella was brought to tease and she thanked old boys who supported them over the youth. but this was never just about one man. it was also about journalists ability to report on events that governments deemed to be a secret. and that is once again, a points that his lawyer is reiterated to saying that a sondra is guilty place that's a dangerous precedent for journalism, and that they will be seeking a presidential part in the wild. his lawyers have indicated that assigned is now going to enter this new phase full. he's 5 full freedom. his priority at the moment is he's family and being with his wife and he's children that he's spent so much
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time away from. he's going to focus on his physical and mental health and he's going to experience what his father says is the beauty of ordinary life. it one that has so far been extraordinary. the, the ron will hold its presidential election on friday to choose a successor to a brain re see who died in a helicopter crash last month. candidates have promised to revive the economy but volta see little prospect every need from a cost of living crisis. without an end to international sanctions. obviously, rosanna hunter has spoken to some of them in the capital t. ron that runs grand bazaar is known as the financial hub of iran. but this center for trade is also a place where the economic crisis is being felt. and it is here that we get the
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sense of public sentiment, so there's hundreds outside compared to last year. the prices have increased by a 150 percent iron and the local currency, but prices are based on dollars. under the arch ceilings, the kilometers of core doors to georgia and the hustle and bustle of stores, our stories of struggle. iran is suffering from installation. there's also the currency depreciation that successive governments have blame on international sanctions over its nuclear development program. there are those who believe iran should be part of the international financial system commission with the war part of the country. all the neighbors reach. most of the percentage of the all people is accept. in a few days, a new leadership will be voted into office and presidential hopefuls are promising to address the financial challenges. but many say they've heard those promises
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before. i am not going to vote because presidents can do anything. they don't have the authority to do anything for people and life is very expensive in the living standards, particularly among the middle class have worse. and in recent years, skilled workers are leaving and there's little prospect for, for an investment because of sanctions. there is another election that could have implications on iran economy and a few months there may be a new administration in the white house. donald trump, who reinstated tough economic sanctions on a run. after pulling out of the nuclear deal in 2018 could make a political come back. you runs economy relies on crude exports, which have increased due to the easing of sanctions under the biden administration . but the rise in government revenues is not being felt on the streets and the local currency. the reality is already trading. it's nearly $600000.00 to the
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dollar. a 15 fold increase since 2018 center for there. i was just so you know, deshawn early i spoke to mom and raise as far as on megan, who's a professor of economics at phillips university of marburg. in germany. he says, corruption is also responsible for the economic processing era. as i guess is a made. there's a cost as the designs and it has the damage to you i need what i mean is, if you can be, but then we look at it. now there's an estimation shows that the law income on average per year, per chasing power pipe. the main, mainly that means that just in plain relation then, and you can do all the adjustments. so it is around $340000000000.00, which each one is losing per year on average, because of the diag damage of sanction. and the last piece is i'll, fortunately to the other countries. now these are the minimum of all of these candidates do usually design sions, but obviously one of them and which basically has in precise normalization of
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relations, you losing the expense in the diet or with the other countries that i i see that for the position i add the, i know more to your eh, gen dollar to negotiate. we do is an organization do nation key for the new club program of the law. so uh, this is a what i observed from the rest and debates you run in video. the sanction basically is contributing to a lot of economy costs and you don't, so it is key and that is the single sanction already 3 gain and business opportunities for economy sectors. the wrong, i mean we are basically increasing the for alt. this will site because the cost simply do the trade with the rest of the what we thought maybe need to be here is the central bank, the sanction would believe that it was involved with the debt. and that means the society to a normal doing business. so many of the corruption incentives would be disappear
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and one at the same time, the duke was other reforms indeed on me. so he's not the on the move to sanction decimals here. why do you think all right, for me today also, did you conversational, think what i mean? all the other factors which are taking different did the costs of engaging the crossings. big the benefits on the because read simply because the that the control of production in the case of the you on the, on it's more see creation equity toward the bank. so. ringback that i guess there's a, there's a better, so use them. me for reform, the media from the apologies that'd be gained to trust to be both of the system and the cost of living is also one of the biggest issues for voters in the u. k. general of the election, which is due next week for some that means the biggest chunk of their income going to essential spending. but for writers in poor or regions, that means they're unable to feed their children, get the main parties appear to be paying little attention to talking poverty in
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their campaigns. i'll just, there is really challenge reports from new castle up on time. i a spin, at least a century has time side. so it is one of the roy time power houses of britain's industrial age, 60 cents. every generation has kept mucous, those hospitality humming, and the funds iq is coming. but you don't have to stray spots to be reminded. the ne, england has some of the u. k is most deprived areas. you can see poverty up close and personal. it's, it's, it's in people's demeanor. you can see that it's in their health. it does shocked me still when i see sometimes the hardship people are dealing with jo mccory is the chief executive of the costs of food bank and network incentives that gives food to people struggling to afford it. john wants to see profit. he talks about more in the election campaigns. i would like to see it being more of a political priority according to a recent study, at least
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a course that revel children live in poverty and 66 percent of the constituencies across things in wales. but here in the northeast, that same policy level affects 89 percent of the constituencies. so we've got a special book today called d is a, it's a familiar story. more and more people are falling into poverty because of use of cuts to vital social services. in secure by be paid jobs and austerity minded government policies like the recent to child benefit cap. so if you comp money to pay your electricity bill, you comp matters to buy to see children. you are going to use the child benefit. so when it's tough to, to children, that makes a significant difference, and we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years, which publish it. you've talked about remarkably little on the election campaign trail. the conservative policy thinks cutting taxes and spending $15000000000.00 less on welfare will make everyone better off. the labor policy is talking about
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the child policy strategy, but it hasn't committed any money to it. growth is alcohol business. that all size that there is the willingness to change, but i'd like to symbol the most small really the country's food banks are likely to be busy for some time to come. will reach helen's. i'll just say are new castle and friends left wing parties that formed the coalition to stop the far right from winning power in parliamentary elections on sunday. for the parties are notoriously fractious and better known for fighting each other rather than uniting against a common enemy. venice smith free for some powers the world $98.00 is the only candidate of any left wing parting standings upon them. and in this working class power sub across from the socialists the greens, the communist so often at odds with each other. now, agreeing to form a coalition to try to stop the far right to the see some major story collection,
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the country faces to patch the thought of knights of documents that of the extreme right of the division of the french people were a part of homer about the response to the social political, you go and do you believe the government programs facing the country? the whole body as false as young luke melon shot lead of the fall left friends on file is you don't have the best, did you? good? adult bible finds his 5 year rhetoric, alien members, many of these not least a rough male book, some of the socialist lead and frequent thoughts of mental and show the insults of the temple does that. i'm not going to tell you what to mind. you have loved was the deluxe on, says of the hastily formed coalition. and if there is for orleans and bald, which remains very strong within the left. and then there is the communist policy, the socialist party, the ecologists, which in fact almost peripheral in comparison. so the problem is that the range is so wide,
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the policy is defended by all of these left wing sensibilities are so different that it is obvious that there was a risk of, i would say, a certain fragility to come to the new popular from just the coalition is known as trying to persuade vote as the best strength is in the diversity if it's the roles, deaf and best judge the indeed, there are certain people who may have somewhat extreme positions, but we don't really have a choice. we need to prioritize the 1st, we fight against extreme right. and we will fight together. and then we will actually be able to re balance things in the national assembly with a political group which may be diversified and in which more moderate positions will be expressed. the left to the left wing coalition still has some persuading to do it's pulling around 29.5 percent of the folks fall right? is at least 10 percent ahead with the largest share with the both of the top of vote as concerns of purchasing power and immigration left as promised, amongst other things to increase the minimum wage. unfreeze the price of fuel and
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the central goods. it's sympathetic on migration, and that's where the far right is drawing and supports with the promise to correct down on immigration and assignment. but it's all just era parts. essentially us now and house democrat jamal bowman has been defeated in the primary bi challenger. at george latimer, foreman is a progressive left tween politician and congress. he became unpopular among pro israel democrats because of his support for a cease fire in gaza and lobby, who are american israel public affairs committee, known as a pack for a record breaking. $14000000.00 in political advertising to unseat on the african american congressman has accused what he calls the zine is regime of buying the election. while a pack is not the only pro israel lobby in washington, but is widely seen as the most influential. the group was founded in 1963 and for most of its history, it did not fund candidates directly,
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but rather encourage members to give to other groups supporting them. a bank says it has a $100000.00 members across the united states and insist that it has support from both democrats and republicans that claim has been tested in recent years after some of the candidates it's supported, refused to certify u. s. f, as in joe biden, victory in 2021. i speak to wyatt laza, yet about this he's a ceo of engage, which is a muslim civic and political organization based in the us. thank you so much. while for joining us on alger 0. so did jamal bowman lucy election because of his vocal criticism of israel and is repeated questioning the bottom administration support for his rep. and certainly, if you look at the historic spending by pro, is there a groups including a back and others, there are very public reasoning for marshalling. these funds that guest him and spending him on tv ads and digital advertising was because of his criticism of his
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really policies, particularly in it as his call for a cease fire, as simply tim calling for pals to the and freedom and human rights. and that is, that is why this money was directed at him and unfortunately, and despite a lot of efforts including by organizations to defend his seat, it was just too much money for this election. right. a fax spends nearly $15000000.00 in the primary to unseat bowman. do you think the pro israel lobby has basically bought the democratic party? you know, it's hard. it's hard to say that they didn't 20 spend that much money and you get this off. com which is not reflective even of the majority of democratic about. ready views on israel palestine, the majority support a ceasefire. the majority support conditioning aid to israel, and many support
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a palestinian state and a more balanced relationship between the united states and israel and the palestinians. and so therefore, this election really distorts the will of the people. it does not reflect with the majority of democrats, one wants to see from their members of congress. and it has, i think, very, very bad ramifications for the american. the look toral system and our democracy, right? well, i'm gonna ask you about indications for this year's election, but wanted to find out more 1st about all the members of congress that may have been targeted by a fact because of the support for a ceasefire and costs a big uh and really this goes back before the dress and october 7th, we saw this even in, in, in, in recent primaries with their uh, with their uh, campaign against congressman and 11 in michigan. very newman and illinois. the cycles are absolutely going after anyone who has been not necessarily only support
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of a ceasefire that has been at the forefront. congresswomen court in bush is being targeted by the her primary elections are coming up. we expect attacks against han, homa, rashid clave, and others. but it's really important to know that we have a multiracial coalition that has stepped up to defend these allies. we were successful in defending congresswomen lee in pennsylvania, where the pac worked with and republican may get donors to try to on caesar. and do you or not, if they were not successful and so important to really speak to that because there is absolutely the ability here to defend. we may not always be able to do it, but to say that they are august contested and that whole is last is also not true. so it seems that we're now entering a new era of massive spending not just for the general elections, but for the, for the primaries,
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as we saw in new york. what are the implications of this on us politics and the upcoming vote in november and our american voters at all concerned about this growing and what appears to be unlimited influence of, you know, the jewish lobby. you know, this is a fairly 0 lobby. i don't, many jewish americans have supported jamal bowman and support policy and freedom and peace between israel and the palestinians. and so i would categorize it as the jewish lobby. you have a lot of have been joel christians, find the way as you know, we support a back and it's racist policies. but a lot of americans are extremely worried about the influx of money in these elections. artists are elections are becoming extremely expensive. if you go from working class means you almost have no shop that's running for office and winning. and more importantly, there's a lot of money beyond just feedback in american politics that could now accelerate from corporations, from other special interest groups. i mean,
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what is it to stop amazon or google for putting a lot of their money impacts in the future? and also we need primaries or other groups that, that we have not seen. i think this is going to be very problematic in terms of the cost of play and being reflective of the will of the, of the people to have a congress that is less and less representative of us as a nation. thank you so much for talking to us. very interesting to your thoughts about this while as i out joining a staff from washington dc, i thank you so much st. ahead on this news, ours will have the details of a un report which highlights the spiking drugs use and increase trafficking. a quoting brush, it begins to close. so try for americans are and basically use of spot, the
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color, more hot sunshine across the middle east. and no surprises here. it's pretty much multiple sunshine. that's as well. a bit of a brisk breeze at southwest the most. so you're just driving those heavy showers. i would towards the practiced on top of the say we don't have $43.00 degrees celsius is to place the 50 a little further north and they change my significant change as we go on into friday or until the 4th is to close part. so the eastern led me to say a 1341 celsius will see enough right across the events, gaza, 3132 over the next status. and you can see again, allows you drive it not too much the way when, when the weather to speak of hot and dry across the northeast of africa, 43 celsius, the full time, right? included in west of able to was the north west minds. you and you might even catch a shower to just around this, tracy to process the shelves, continue unabated across the west africa into the gulf of guinea. stretching their
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way a little further. eastwood says they should do not his wants, but his we'd like to say that just some way as to whether they're into mesa, big pushing across into zimbabwe. south africa generally stay dry as we go through the next couple of days. while the more the last year i was just creeping in as we go through friday and some flights of weather, the coastal fringes of kenya, what does a really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society we want to create all this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice? a g i 's beach, actually a tournament and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations, there's more power and light in the bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before humans as well as human on al jazeera. ok, foundation is deliberate,
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over $300000000.00 will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless. i'm we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news out on al jazeera,
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a reminder of our main stories this our kenya is president william bhutto says he will withdraw a controversial bill that would raise taxes. this comes a day after at least 23 people were killed during protest against the proposed increases. for the size, the government needs to make more concessions. guys of civil defense as the levels of disruption actually is rascal involvement of state law here in the northwest street. defies imagination. at least 15 palestinians, which are going to strike on a home in the town. then we can make sound that juliet sanchez returned to his home country australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a charge of su nashandra, p. d, over the us defense washington's efforts to prosecute him for revealing government . now un reports, as they has been advised in global drug use and trafficking, the report which came out on well drunk, de also highlights a jump and the number of guests from overdosing countries around the world is struggling to tackle the problem and set
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a goal is one of them making us hoc reports so the synagogue east capital via a cemetery, same side as the manufacturing. and so the similes, police are about to bird and bury all of the narcotics and drugs they have seen since the beginning of the year. and we'll look at how this drug is being transported, just like this, sometimes in certain cases. now, this is all of a senior shares that had been made at airports on the road, but also off the shores of center go. you can see a heavy police presence. why? because this is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. so these are some of the narcotics that the police have seen this year. there's counted as there's cocaine crowd. karen met and put them into extra seats. and some of this is actually being continue here in san diego,
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but also throughout west africa. look at it today. drugs are not just driving delinquency, but they haven't become a public health issue. there is a real danger that we need to get rid of. we need to tackle drug trafficking and access to narcotics have become too easy and send the goal. and the west african region gone on. nothing is or it is. and always taking the bags of drugs into this elevator and will go off into a furnace. and in a matter of just a few minutes, all the drugs that definitively as police has seen since the beginning of the year will vanish into flames. but authorities say that the trafficking coming from a lot in america through west africa on tier up is on the rise. and that more and more people are consuming narcotics in the region. a problem that the government here says it's trying to tackle nicholas hawk. allen's is 0. the car to savannah, where people who need medical treatment face increasing costs and shortages of
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medicines as a conflict between the army and military rapids support forces intensifies. and in the only hospital for cancer patients in the eastern city of the vars, staffing services are becoming overwhelmed. malcolm with malcolm vault has to so my mom advisory has the story, is different from their homes by conflict and suffering cost sense. but these people can't afford the medical treatment they need know how i am i on a level, i'm displaced from cartoon and have been sick since 2017. when i came to l cut, that is, my illness increased and my hand broke. i'm undergoing chemotherapy now. thank god i'm in a very bad condition and i cannot buy medication tablets for team. how much is the patient to also last? how home and job was i had a tumor then i was receiving treatment before, but they stopped paying a salaries in the check on the city of met any forced me to stop the type of policy
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. i believe since the beginning of the war in april and last we had a couple we have been facing many challenges such as a huge increase in the number of patients. last year we received that on 900 new patients compared to only 300 to 400 patients before the war. the medical sentence does not have enough capacity for the amount of patients. we now have on the 27 bits and we need at least 60 more, more important funded pets is medicine and treatment. but the more testing says radio therapy is now far too expensive for cancer patients. even if it's available . i told the world health organization since 65 percent of people in sedan can get health care due to the dysfunction of medical facilities and skill city of supplies . as a result of the conflict, a team of specialized canadian ad. so then these doctors has worn more than 40000 costs of patients in the country could died because of the lack of services. how much fun does. yeah. well,
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the conflict in savannah as for us more than 600000 people, mostly women and children, just need to chime according to the un. it's described to him by the terry and crisis. an eastern china is reaching a critical point. one 3rd of the new arrivals in china are currently living in ty conditions. i'll just arrows fido abdur ross loc has more from trans eastern border with saddam has any more how you have any more cut slip nadia? be this temporary refugee camp in the chatty and city of address near the border with through done posts around 200000 and sudanese refugee local authorities here. together with some international organizations such as the high commissioner for refugees. want to move to sit in these refugees from the audrey city. come place, the sudanese border to other places, tens of kilometers away from the border area. several attempts have already been established for this purpose, but look forward to say they need more funding to finish the basics facilities and these camps. so the conditions are most suitable for accommodating refugees to be now big numbers of refugees are still coming from west awful state. they're also
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some refugees from the city of l fashions, whether helping them to collections for around a month back and see what those coming from outside should get to work about the extreme difficulty of a situation. where many are unable to leave and escape the city. and they all hoping that some outlets will be opened for them to be able to leave. and to come here for the lab does, that gives you the minimal. how are you? i'm in the id and a so then you be my, the, and if you add to the military, quoting democratic republic of congo has refused to stop the trial of $51.00. people over an electric group brought that is a spite calls from lawyers of the defendants to drop the case. they argue the court cannot try the defendants as they are civilians. but the court ruled, they are being prosecuted as a compass is for crimes that can only be tried by a military court. the charges relate to an attack on homes and offices of key members of the government. on may the 19th the, the to be not fit in the, the quote points out then when it comes to the merits of the case,
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it will be up to the defendants who have village and they've been victims of these act to report them and provide, prove up, especially as torture, cannot be presumed, but must be proven. so it will assess each case subjectively. a trial of 5 suspects accused of measuring ecuadorian presidential candidate fernando. that'd be sent to you as be gone. he was killed in a shooting shortly after an election in 2023, a lawyer for one of $0.11. he has daughter said at the court confirmed there was a price of $200000.00 put on the lease, and she has lice. are us reporter accused of spying has appeared in the russian court for the start of his closed or try prosecutors accuse evan gross division of working for the c i a and connecting secret information related to a military tank manufacturer who's employ of the wall street journal. and the, by the administration say the charges are politically motivated, go school,
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which could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted. then you 5 minutes of the solomon islands has visited australia for his 1st overseas trip. jeremiah, now i met prime minister onto the albany scene comp camera to discuss security and development. neos visit comes those questions are being asked over whether he's country will keep close ties with china, australia and china, both have police deployed on the pacific islands nation. sherlock gas signed debt restructuring agreements with key creditors, nations, pretty crazy nations. the deals valley data combined $10000000000.00 is a major step towards stabilizing the nation's crisis. here economy shalanda to witness a financial crash in 2020 to a government run out of foreign exchange between 40 essential goods leading to widespread shortages. a salary as military says, north korea has fired a ballistic miss side off the coast of the korean peninsula. it also says that hypersonic masonic spilled in mid air. the firing came is north korea commemorate
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who is the 74 kind of a 3 of the beginning of the korean war? mass roddy was held at may day stadium in the capital young young countries, official news agency, says more than a $100000.00 people attended the event that carried anti us goldens and call it a day of struggle against us imperialism. and it's still just about us imperialism . manage allies have forgotten the bits of defeat in the past and are running a mock with confrontational moves towards north korea to violate the dignity and interest of our country. but they are mistaken. we will smash the enemies with the might of self reliance, military capabilities and single minded units. still i had on algae 0. the move stage at the euros in germany is drawing to a close as the last 16 begin to take shape will be live in building the
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business like this. this route to you believe i guess is i live slowly on one of your this makes modern plates. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads
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the the, the spots and backs and sports now in the groups age is drawing to a close that troubles european championships in germany. that's go straight to dominic k, not correspondents in berlin. so dominic, the 1st 2 games of the day i've finished bring this up to speed with who's gone through and who's out well, who is our? well, it's ukraine. the full points for me is 3 games. so when i drew a lot for a crude note pre trial janine pregnancy and could not speak about joyce, nature are composition completely with the points for the full teams in the
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group for points. romania as one of the great belgium sections i will now show through to the light comes in the last 16. and so back here waiting to find that who it will be playing lots of drama and that's true. it's over the whole whole team. so full points for the ukraine. that same is going back to the and the 2 more games coming up, dominique, what can we expect from those? yeah, this positive define, sorry, next to the right side. it's cool. so plans of the turkish came through a hold of herbs to say we'll teach the czech republic and finish 2nd in the group. if they do that, they will then go through to what might be considered to be a differential game. i can see australia and change if they lose by one or 2 goals . they'll go through the spanish team, the winter of the games that's being shown here on the big street, us to check the public versus the key. i will,
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they will go through and play austria. another game being played is portugal against georgia. the portuguese thing was already seems to slice copy, moved from that will run out. so you have some effect on that game. we'll wait to see, but the real prize is being played act between the czech republic and to a kia, and we'll see how it goes when it goes to the next 2 hours. and we'll check in with you for those results. dominic, thank you very much. domini cain lived there in berlin or that with a months to go to the power. so let me explain my swimming champion, michael south says call for an urgent reform of the world anti doping agency. he told the us congress that athletes have lost faith over the handling of alleged doping by the chinese swim team. dominic stokes recourse. the most decorated olympian of old time. michael phelps testified before congress on choose day and delivered a damning assessment of the global fight against doping. like right now people are just getting away with everything. you know, there are people who are still testing positive. they're still having the
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opportunity to could, to compete internationally. right, what this follows revelations that $23.00 chinese swim is tested positive for a band substance ahead of the less the lympics in tokyo, the water, the world anti doping agency still allowed them to compete. 5 of them went on to win metals and 11, a set to feature the parents and, and picks next month. when you heard the, the schedule that we have to give every hour of every single day. we are, they asked to know exactly where we are. you sort of knows exactly where we are and again, we are okay with that. if everybody else is doing that, then that's what i want. i want to be able to stand up some to, to, to the block is with somebody next to me and be like, all right cool. this is me versus you is not me versus you and 7 other drugs. walter accepted chinese explanation that the 23 athletes had ingested defense substance, 3 contaminated food. it's a hotel. it said coby 19 restrictions at the time old site prevented the more in depth investigation. several experts have questioned that response,
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including the head of the us on the doping agency. they should have immediately provisionally suspended vasily to take them off the playing field that's mandatory under the rules that was not done. folks is retired, but still carry significant weight can well support having one, an unmatched 28 metals, including 23 golds expressed. it's frustration that nothing has changed since he left to pay the full. the same subcommittee 7 years ago to discuss was handling of russian state sponsor doping i out worked at any single human on this planet. that's a fact. that's why i got the results that i got. and for me, i don't want kids growing up thinking that it's only doping and cheating where you're able to do these unfathomable things. why does president declined an invitation to a parent cheese face hearing, saying they don't want to get dragged into a political debate between the us and china? they do know any wrong doing,
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but an independent review into the handling of the child. the case is ongoing. with 30 days to go until the powers olympics, david stokes l g 0, defending champions argentina have become the 1st seem to reach a cobra america quarter finals, the writing world champion to secure their spot by beating chile one nail in new jersey, argentina captain, you know, massive watson, he rode his time as he failed to break the deadlock. that title goes to those tyra martinez who came off the bench just for the decisive for the 88 minutes for his 2nd bullet, the tournament, the back to back wings. argentine and now has 6 points and come up with a, with a game display. in the others will be match canada be for 1000000, kansas city for the 1st victory over a south american teen in 24 years. the match was overshadowed by series of interest caused a significant delay when an assistant referee collapse on the field in the 1st half, due to excessive heat and submitted to the medical staff, attended to the official before,
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eventually stretch anymore. no one fires have swept to launch parts of brazil's continental area that's home to the world's largest tropical weapons. the blazes are searching before the peak of the dry season. authorities of the credit state of emergency, the area is home to a range of live life, including a large community of job was not to vietnam way economy sir, urging the government to approve a new re link for the north from the north to the south. they say investing in a high speed line could boost economic growth. tony chang reports from the non tucked away down one of henry's narrow streets, a new hot spot to visit us several times a day train. supposing taurus pump into the cafe, his impulse, to catch the rolling stock rumbling by both of those wanting a more immersive experience. a new service will be
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a slightly more expensive the via toes. a luxury train carriage that runs along the coast of central vietnam. the private seats and table service provided by leverage stuff hawking back to the golden era of steam. they want to have an experience within the whole holidays. i guess an experience with the material. it's not necessarily about rushing for me to be about enjoying something along the way. if the view isn't enough, there's fine dining in your seats. well, the chance to stretch your legs and a few other bits with an on board massage. for 6 hours you can sit back, relax, how much the work good. even though you're going along, you still get to see loss runs. i mean the streets of course, you need to get as well when you're in the country. so i just saw a few carriages down with use the same,
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but the tickets and the fraction of the cost. this is how most people travel for those wanting to go places in a hurry. rail is known as a good option. travel time between the big cities in the north and south is about 40 hours. this rail network is in much need of investment. but this year, the government's expected to approve a high speed net was leaking, handle a with low team, and city, and testing that journey across the country. by 2 thirds. that plan, however, is a long way down the track. and speed is everything. for some, it's all about the june and the destination. tony toyotas are central vietnam and that is it for this. we use our own houses here as always print them on our website that out to 0. don't com for me for the back to one whole team here and go . hi, thanks for watching. jessica washington is with you next with more of the day. some stuff by
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the name is brandon jackson. almost 3 or 4, louisiana. i've recently been released for the $25.00 and a half years, have been slee now less than 90 days after a lifetime of the prison, and is now free to fight against our k racist laws that belong to the past. fault lines, conviction on a jersey to for 30 years, friends carry down nuclear tests and the pacific, exposing local, the search workers to high levels of radiation. one to one east. investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific forgot to new to your victims on know just 0. las vegas employees. thousands. a huge proportion of them. latino,
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whose work is in the service industry. it taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called for the. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values, our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we wouldn't all think donald trump is in a strong position haven default, or right now he has a 5 point lee, the head of joe 5. a lot can happen between now and november. but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada, at least if donald trump gets his way. you will scott, a duty in a grove using for the p, use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copy,
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revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris the icon seat. and therefore, i would not sign the trinity. trinity for finance be the shop you time from 10 years. president william russo to unprecedented protests against tax on the hello. i'm jessica washington. this is emma 0 live from to ha also coming up and


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