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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the, the attempt to admit it treat to and to live here also on the choice to storm the presidential palace, the general leading it's has been arrested surrounded by his ministers and backed by the oil change. but it's a unit seat preston. house things on the withdrawal from the streets, the carry johnston. this is i was just here a lot from the also coming up a israel, a sol, so northern dollars that intensifies the palestinian civil defense says the destruction in waiting to hear defies imagination. also. i can seat
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depth, i would not sign kennedy as the president of ditches his plan to increase the tax is day off to protest to storm upon him. on the conflict in saddam's forces more than 600000 refugees to fleets of china. we report from the eastern the beginning in bolivia where the top general has been arrested off the president of gold and attempted to ahmed vehicles rammed through the entrance of the presidential palace and troops filled its hallways. the troops pulled back from the streets and it was the full that the army combined to needing the mobilization general juan jose so knew that was dismissed from his position by the government just a day before. so you got side to the growing and what is economic slump and rising
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poverty. what is the amount of pretend that the armed forces intend to restructure democracy to make it a true democracy, not in run, by the same few people for 3040 years supporting the use inside the government building. president lewis also has seen confronting jungles and you can face to face the head telling him i am your captain. i. what do you to withdrawal? i'll say is called on. but if he is to defend the democracy, so the, to the bolivian people in the entire international community, the country today is facing and attempted to data. today, the country once again faces interest. so the democracy in bolivia is ruined. here we are, the national government with all its ministers fund, with a vice president here on catholic long day to confront any to attempt any attempt
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to threatens out democracy. that will be in people a call. today, we need the bolivian people to organize and mobilize against the crew data in favor of democracy. we cannot allow once again, 2 attempts to take the levine lives voltage, everyone to defend democracy. here we assume in the castleguard today with the entire cabinet with our social organizations, we have the social organizations invite them so that they, once again show the past the democracy to the bolivian people long lived with oblivion. people long live democracy. i'm going to there and so i've taken to the strains, the heating the quote from the president to resist the coup attempt. crowds gathered near the capital central square close to the presidential palace, charging against the mobilization. which on homeless for them, developments for us not from mexico city. john, it's been a dramatic and fast moving few hours. what's the latest now?
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okay, well just to bring you up to date, you mentioned the, the general juan jose. so when you go was arrested, as he was bundled into the cob reports has got to him and what he said to the was bass, i'm quoting him here. the president told me that the situation was bad. he actually use an expletive. this weight was going to be critical. i mean, needed something to raise is popularity. then they start the button limits of the car and one of the reports is, gets the tight machine and then says, is this a cellphone noise to general? and he says yes, yes. so obviously those remotes from the general lab copy. you haven't got them verified, they copy validated it. so it's just his words of what's just happened. an off the he sort of slightly pneumonia. slate left plaza marie yorba central square the capital. but we can give you a little bit of context around it. and the context is based with the president of the country. and we saw se isn't a bit of a problem in this sense,
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but he's got low approval ratings. last one in march, which is a 38 percent. the economy's not doing well a toll. and he's also involved in a protracted box. so with every morales, the ex president of the country, for the nomination of the mass policy that they folks belong to for the nomination . the next elections, which are in 2025. so this is a difficult time for president reese say, and what was important off the visit over let and did i was listening to an interview. one of the v is ex president who was saying, we will come out, we can them this crew completely, but that shouldn't be confused with supporting luis. uh say you have anything that should be clear is that this bit sort of thing should be decided next november, the polls note was someone trying to drive times up to the gates of the government pilots. so its entry component traits too. but one thing is for us a, is that the military to all the action has finished their all crowds outside of the
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government policy and financial stability of a so returns. and don't tell us of the political background that's actually brought us to this point now. yeah, i mean part of it is what we've been talking about, the spot, so between eval morales and louis sauce. and it's really had an impact as well in the country. this country has been covered by the mass policy that both of those men belong to the most of the current century, since 2005 eval morales was in charge up to 2019 which really essentially he was forced out power and inspect. so here in mexico, there was a show intervening period, and then we saw say of to code for his president off to that. and that taught to madison middle morales presided over time of economic growth that was coming to an
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end even before 2019, when he left power and now abilities in a rim economic problem. it's one of the poor countries in latin america. anyway, lots of the $12000000.00 people a suffering right now from a shortage of dollars apart from anything else, they're all positions take is the strong actually general one hosting funds whom you spoke to may support to them. they're in prison. the next for the president. it to me 9 years and also lose financial camacho, he actually came out and sweets it off with and said that he rejected his crew as well. so it's a really difficult, combustible solution. a situation right now in the country, this becomes the divided and how do i some the fact that happen this afternoon, a piece to venue for the moment isn't going to take away the explosive nature from the country to own home in life for us. the thanks very much.
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the eldest cut on chaise, a fellow from the international cross. the street focuses on latin american politics. he joins us live, not from the top by sky. welcome to the program. so what's your take on, on? what's happened here? what has been a dramatic and confusing situation as well. thank you so much for inviting me. and 1st of all, there's so many questions that we main on answered, and we have these 2 narratives or these 2 versions of what has happened. the 1st one is that this was a certain, uh, a coup. it's a failed coup, attend. and by the sector of the army led by a commander, a swede. and which ultimately, and he led to his direct confrontation with luis odyssey and him leaving the now government palace in which is a military and broke into it. so that's a mess of the 1st version that we know. and then there was this other version that
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just came about. and when asked the general sweet guy was arrested and he said that this was actually a so cool. and this could be read as a maneuver by the own government to gain supports and, and to maybe try to have this gardner, they support. and that can be used for the next presidential elections. and so we really don't know which of these versions is true. and we do know is, and the military and is now on, on the street people right now in bolivia are actually celebrating and this victory of democracy. and we also know that this is general arm and an army sweetie that has been arrested. and so we'll have to see how these events unfold if there's an investigation of what happened, or any other anarchy actors come out and give them more sacrilege declarations and
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we'll have more details into which of these versions is actually true. okay, you mentioned the people that had been how will the why the population in bolivia be viewing these events so all they divided to of the yeah, there's that free division and bullying society of the country has to be a very di palerose ation. and as mentioned, and because of the ruling party, mouse is divided into 2 factions. one is supporting and it's the, the least i'd say, called the r ceased, the faction, and the other one is supporting eval morales called and it needs to function. so we have least play this very direct confrontation between these 2 factors to see who actually guide the party into the next election and, and who can be the candidate. and so we have more dollars, we'll seeking the election. and res, obviously has not been very vocal about his is he's going to seek re election and,
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but there's definitely of an element of polarization between the main political party. and that's also, we can also see that in what was the other sectors of society in the opposition and in that's a certainly an element that has to be true during, in the past years, at protest and violence in the widest sense. then what will neighboring countries in the region be making of this i'm sorry, could you repeat the question? yes. what will other countries in the region be thinking about what's happening as well from what we saw today is the, the, the other regional countries and were very quick to condemn this and to stand by democracy and, and to stand by the preservation of the institution. ality and to
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to hold are be very vocal against violence and the military or any type of events like this and slicing. that's a good sign that they're showing that they have their eyes on olivia and libby i as, as i mentioned, has been plunged in this very and the political and institutional crisis and from the 2019 elections. and so these political battles are not new in the country, and it's very important for other regional governments to be very mobile and to show support for democracy and for the preservation of these institutions. will you be that the assess? thank you very much and thinking it'll just come and say that for us. thank you. the causes civil defense says the levels of destruction off the israel is from bob
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until they hear the north of the gaza strip. defies imagination. at least 50 and the palestinians were killed in a strike on the home in northern gaza. rescue workers spent hours searching the rubble for survivors. both of the injured the women and children. well, i'll just say it was most outcome flute has sent us this report from the side of the attack on the residential building in that light is flying targeted, our residential house, belonging to a wet terminate and big la here town. as you can see, the good to this place. oh, this house used to be a full slow house used to accommodate 25 n. as in civil is the far the. 5 majority of them are children and women, but that is why the forces don't differentiate between the us and people and defy. cuz as you can see, the best people accommodated for 25. and the sensibility is the health of
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them had been killed. and the other health is in the hospital and they lost most of the lamps. civil defense are trying to reach and vote out people who have been killed and left on the world. well, why now? why they can't do it. just nothing does this for all this time has gone, so it's not a tear in crisis. wesson's efforts to bring food medicine and fuel continue to filter. no age trucks have entered does a for weeks. us had to built a peer to deliver aid by sea, but the plan has largely failed. for some dies on explains what went wrong. it took just 6 weeks for the us built humanitarian peer to fail. on may 15th us
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navy ship sailed from the as really port of us got the gaza as these exclusive valves as their images show. these are worship some logistics vessels responsible for connecting the floating structure, the gaza shore, on a causeway in the shape of gene area. the peer became operational on may 17th, supported by 2 ships, sitting about 9 kilometers off the coast. the images show to us ships and a smaller one intended to transport trucks onto the pier, but problems arose almost immediately. 8 days later, high waves overwhelmed appear over that period. just 29 trucks delivered and 99 shipments and the gaza publicly available logistics details show us navy personnel constructing the peer. us officials said their mission was also to protect it, armed with machine guns and armored vehicles. us forces also installed in air defense system and attach it to the eastern side of the pier. when the pier
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collapsed. they had to dismantle the system as well. in the meantime, 2000000 palestinians continue to suffer with not nearly enough a getting into gaza by land, air or sea wilson dies ard elda 0. still to come here, all now just head to head a u. k. prime minister, issue soon, i can. neither of the opposition kissed on my face off debates ahead of 6 weeks to move next. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's
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a pro 10 last cause approach, felt that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes reach inside story. on al jazeera, the think edge of the honda does, it is a rescue for way we travelers most are crossing africa looking for a possible way to europe. some are coming back the other way and their stories are chilling. reminder of the dangerous that's my ahead. the safe haven at the crossroads of hope and despair. the last shelter. witness on the just the the knowledge is here. with the
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the fucking back remind to of the main stories. a belief in the army general has been arrested. of what the president says was an attempt to live in an army. troops have been retreating from the capitals main square, presidential candidates office storming the army general leading the apartment which was dismissed from his position to stand the cause of civil defense as the levels of destruction is welcome, bob, as of right now here, north of the street defies imagination. at least 15 palestinians were killed and a strike on the town. can he is president so says he will not
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sign the bill. that's. that's a major protest. these 23 people were killed on tuesday, off the end piece. pasta legislation that would have raised taxes on a central items. so as long as the address to the nation router has promised to open the door with young people, catherine saw it reports from my writing. now. many people here said they've never seen anything like this before. what started out as peaceful protests on tuesday, pretty pond violent. when henry, the forecast is invaded, parliament police fired t a gas. what the commons and life bullets. several people were killed in many injured by the west, the president. we a move to about to the pressure and has we don't. the bill is mckinsey to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these fight. non speed of 2024. i can seat
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and therefore i would not sign the 2024 finance bill. and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members, but that becomes, of a collective position. cairo nicole morticia says that will not bring back hot 20 year old son was shot to the test miss getting bad. as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to spot the what the most can use our believe to support the protest against a finance build that will increase taxes. so i'm like this man from a neighborhood in arrow. be decided to take matters into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty go said yes to the bill. people here say he doesn't
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represent them anymore. that angry and the frustrated that they are clear because that's very clear because as we move on gotten it, you have to bribe for everything. when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get the job. manda going back as you. so i ruined his neighbors. see, the county office is suppose to help them. but at this point now on their own, kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi. the conflict 10 said don, has forced more than 600000 refugees, mostly women and children, to flee to tried. that's according to not to nations. it says the amount of time in crisis and eastern child is reaching a critical point of this, there is a federal until it runs back reports from childs eastern board, listed on the, the living conditions that has any more how you have any more cut, slid nadia be this temporary refugee camp in the chatty and city of address near
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the border with through done posts around 200000 sued in these refugees. local authorities here together with some international organizations such as the high commissioner for refugees. want to move to sit in these refugees from the audrey city come place the city's buddha, to other places, tens of kilometers away from the border area. several attempts have already been established for this purpose, but look forward to say they need more funding to finish the basics facilities and when it comes to the conditions a most suitable for accommodating refugees to be not big numbers of refugees are still coming from west awful state there also some refugees from the city of l fashion. whether helping to collections for around a month that can provide those coming from outside should get to work about the extreme difficulty of the situation. well, many are unable to leave and escape the city. and they all hoping that some outlets will be opened for them to be able to leave. and to come here for the lab does, that gives you the minimal how you, i mean the id and a. so then you be my, the, and if you add to the nations is also released. it's
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a new drug reports warning the number of users globally is increasing. and there's a rising traffic. and it says between 20122022. the number of people using elicit drugs increased in any 300 minutes. most uses. that's 228000000 people worldwide consume cannabis. 60000000 people used opioids. opium production though, so globally, by around 74 percent last year. also a ton of baton band. it's production, therefore it's also next, the spike in the supply contain agent of record 5 over 2700 tons in 2022. what's on the goal is one of the countries affects it from that. nicholas ha, not reports. a decent police police are about to bird and bury all of the narcotics and drugs they have seen since the beginning of the year. and a look at how this drug is being transported just like this, sometimes in certain cases. now, this is all of
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a things yours that have been made at airports on the road, but also off the shores of senegal. and you can see a heavy police presence. why? because this is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. so these are some of the narcotics that the police have sees this year. there's cannabis, there's cocaine crowd. karen met and put them into extra seats, and some of this is actually being consumed here in san diego, but also throughout west africa, authorities are now taking the bags of drugs into this elevators and will go off into a furnace. and in a matter of just a few minutes, all the drugs that definitively as police have seen since the beginning of the year will vanish into flames. but authorities say that the trafficking coming from latin america through west africa,
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on to your up is on the rise. and that more and more people are consuming narcotics in the region. a problem that the government here says it's trying to tackle nicholas hawk allen's is 0, the car. and it is of you, case 2 major parties have gone head to head was set to be the final debate before. next week's general election force was watching in london. thing that i would like to the public to problem is that is to this was a lead is debates and which leadership itself was very much in question involved. and i've been crystal class that they should face the prime minister risky. so you're not because taking the conservatives to a seemingly hopeless position in the polls, but opposition lee, the case dom of labor. it will take personal approval ratings. very much on the underwhelming side. are you to really the best we've got to be the next prime minister of all great country
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i was doing by analyst javier. so who do you to see where the only the could start to inspire confidence in the british public storage. you'll find minnesota, all those illegal migrants will be out on the streets, and that is the choice for you. do not surrender all bored as to the life of thoughts. save yourself to be enough to know on the number. this is the most heated, it's been the question of immigration. why is that hot button? it is 2013 was a breakfast that extra and this is an election of the cost of living. and i would say to some extent, integration, i think that one of those issues where people think that they could be conservative governments have not delivered to quite the opposite. it's immigration, right? it means having the coverage of your convictions. nope. changing your mind on every single position that you've taken, so not a paid more authority to what to do for the country. if that's not what customer is doing. the adult stomach was more rambling. thanks. no, i expect the highest standards, and then i'll take decisive action is a full below, but that may not touch it. you know what marks us as an issue of competition. so with votes is usually used rather than personal ratings. the signatures of
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confidence who i spoke to, to the with the economy today with defense, human rights and migration to him. and i mean, most of those issues case time a is out of out performing research. so next time post breaks at trade, stretching scandals on cost of living, what all threshed out. but it seemed the most important thing was to emerge from this debate on a scale of probably so far. and that has been going from scandal. this comes out of failure, so i think he needs to find a way to put everything for the line and everything and try to save as much as he can for the last week of the campaign and tried to kind of have a us kind of free week which so it seems that kind of quite difficult. in the case this time is quite the opposite. he needs to show stability and try not to commit any mistake. one week to go the debates finished and probably no impact on the results or full reach out is there at london. you can
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find more information on websites. i'll just say what the. com, the weather is next. then inside story, do the hello will big down pools go central piles of china. you see the may you find here, the plumber is still pulsing their way through the line of west east, whether it's going to continue dragging this way for at least with this we go through this day. so really heavy rain anywhere on this line. you could see some flash flooding. wet weather, right close to south korea, pushing the cost issue as it go through friday. went to weather into the southern half of hong shoes and picked down pools. again that could cool some flash flooding . and you can see how it runs, it's why all the way back into the hearts of china. so we are likely to see some big problems here over the next few days, some of the showers to into se, asia,
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as per usual repulsive summary. right? that coming into northern parts of the philippines in particular, lose on saying some very heavy rain for time. whether to stretch down across bony, good scattering the showers right across the region and scattering the showers to across south asia. the monsoon range, they still literally life and all the nice pump, some free monsoon res. that'll just move ahead on those temperatures. up to what was the northwest over the next style. so we could even say some lobby showers. welcome shows us, but getting into new data, but the west is weather continues across the western gast, i need this for like the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. so we've been seeing the exacerbation of the
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militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 010 years shaken by mass demonstrations against proposed tax hikes. protests that use the president of failure to live up to his election promises. so the government says the finance that is needed to pay off the debt only on was to be contained with an escalation even said, this is inside story. the .


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