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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine. lydia young man has regions and so many others. we go to them, he makes the effort. we tear straight the, the bolivian police arrest, the former army general launch of the capital deposits a staging ground of an attempted cruise. the de put ottoman this is allison 0 live from the also coming up. we explained what went wrong with the $300000000.00 flushing pay that the us said was 1st aid supplies to gaza. home at loss which it expanded. julian massage finally arrived in australia as part of a p d. and with us officials i couldn't see and therefore
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i would not sign kenya's president touches has kind to increase taxes a day off to protest to storm ottomans the . we'd begin in bolivia where a top general has been arrested off to what the president has cooled and attempted crude and vehicles ran through the entrance of the presidential palace and troops filled its full ways. the soldiers withdrew from the streets and the olives that followed the army colanda leading the mobilization form. a general san jose zuniga was dismissed from his position by the government just a day before. just before his arrest, soniega accused the president of ordering the crew. it was the other me on sunday in less out college, i met with the president and he told me the situation was bad and this week would
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be critical. he said it was needed to prepare something to push up his popularity. i asked him, shall we bring out the armored vehicles and he said, take them out. inside the government building presidential resolves was saying, confronting the niga, the, the president as was telling the calanda, i am your captain. i order use of withdrawal offices quote on bolivians to defend democracy. well, bolivians talk to the streets, hayden, the cool from the president to resist the crew attempt. the crowds gathered around the capital of central square chanting against the trees mobilization later the president to us bank solutions for the demonstration. thank you very much for your presence. it gives us more coverage, more courage to continue resisting $82.00. it seemed because bolivia deserves as
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democracy one in the streets and paid with blood. they wanted to surprise us, and the bill of young people, we responded. and the mobilization of the people also allowed us to defeat this cool attempt today. alejandro on p. i to joins us live from bullish on. now that has been a dramatic few hours in bolivia, alessandro. what is the situation now of the absolutely last a the various return to comments to better the and the believe and copy the past. it seems like and the military loyal to president luis as says the situation under control. busy the latest news came from a press conference held by the minister of government. who do i have the advantage castillo as the press conference, the parade zoo, and you got the military commander that led this attempt, that the crew?
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earlier on wednesday, he paraded him in front of journalist and said, you will now face up to 20 years in prison. he also pray that a 2nd general that he's had conspired that a width do, and you got to do this military action. he also showed pictures of civilians allegedly injured that during the military action earlier on wednesday. but even if it seems like the crew has failed, this doesn't mean that the situation is totally under control. and i believe, yeah, there are actually 2 different narratives right now. uh, around this situation. the 1st one is the law in coming from the government that says that this was an old school military coup attempt. the other one is the one that the new guy himself told reporters has the was leaving to go right in front of the presidential palace a. he essentially said that the,
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his action was a stage crew that a spam from a conversation he had in past days with the president. i've said we're president pastor said that he needed some sort of action to raise his popularity at a very difficult the moment for him. so right now there are a lot of questions that don't have an answer. there's no way for us to confirm this story. one way or another about the i can give you some context here in the context is that this is a very difficult time for president. the to say his popularity is low, the latest pool have him at the around 38 percent in approval. and also the fact that he's facing a very, very difficult to economic situation in the country and even a friendly fire coming from the former president. that's april of morales, a very popular figure in the country has been president for many years who comes
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from the same party, the mass by the of the president. the i say that has been in power for most of this century and believe yourself a very combustible situation. creation though, it's back to a relative uh, calm and love bus auto sounds good. thank you very much for that. that's how the sounds of it on the, at the monitoring the developments for us from bull with the, the, the gods of civil defense as the levels of destruction off to as well as bombardment of bait law here in the north of the strip. the 5 imagination, at least 50 impala civilians were killed in this try called a home in northern gaza. rescue workers spent hours searching the rubble for survivors. most of the injured women and children. i was just there as lots of carlos has sent us this report from the size of the attack on the residential
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building in bait. la, here it is. flag started a residential house belonging to a wet terminate in big la here town. as it can seem to get to this place, oh, this house used to be a full slow house used to accommodate 25 n. as in civil is the fun. the vast majority of them are children and women, but that is why the forces don't differentiate between the us and people and defy. cuz as you can see, the best people accommodated for 25 and the sensibility is the health of them had been killed. and the other health is in the hospital and they lost most of the lamps. civil defense are trying to reach and bolt out. people who have been killed and left under the level white.
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now why they do it? i just need, uh, nothing does for a dollar sign as well as causes humanitarian crisis. wilson's f as to bring food medicine and see what will continue to fold to own each truck and of supplies can enter from any point. although it was reopened early this week. the us build pair to deliver aid by sea has logically failed so far, and it's set to close in just a few months. well, some dies that explains what went wrong. it took just 6 weeks for the us built humanitarian peer to fail. on may 15th us navy ships sailed from the is really port of us got the gaza as these exclusive valves as their images show. these are worship some logistics vessels responsible for connecting the floating structure, the gaza shore, on a causeway in the shape of gene area. the pier became operational on may 17th,
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supported by 2 ships, sitting about 9 kilometers off the coast. the images show to us ships and a smaller one intended to transport trucks onto the pier, but problems arose almost immediately. 8 days later, high waves overwhelms appear over that period. just 29 trucks delivered and 99 shipments in the gaza, publicly available logistics details show us navy personnel constructing the peer us official said their mission was also to protect it. armed with machine guns and armored vehicles. us forces also installed in air defense system and attach it to the eastern side of the pier. when the pier collapsed. they had to dismantle the system as well. in the meantime, 2000000 palestinians continue to suffer with not nearly enough a getting into gaza by land, air or sea. wilson dies ard elda 0 to
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kenya's president and says he will not sign a bill that's legit to major protests. at least $23.00 people were killed on tuesday to end pace possibly legislation that would have raised taxes on a central license. and the televised rest of the nation, william buddha has promised to open dialogue with young people. catherine's sort of of thoughts from nairobi. many people here see they've never seen anything like this before. we started out as peaceful protests on tuesday. quickly pond violent when hundreds of protest is invaded. parliament police fired t a gas. what the commons and life will, that's several people accounts and many injured. but on west the president, we a moved to about to the pressure and has we stoned the bill just mckinley to the people who will have said loudly that they want
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nothing to do with these fight. non speed of 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign the 2024 finance bill and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members. but that becomes of a collective position car on the call. morticia says that will not bring back hot 22 year old son was shot in the chest miss getting by. as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to spot my what to do it. one of the most kanyes are believed to support the protest against a finance bill that will increase taxes. so i'm like this man from a nate over the narrow b decided to take marches into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty who said yes to the people here. say he doesn't
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represent them anymore. that angry and the frustrated that the crazy because that's very clear because the mobile home gun you have to bribe for everything. when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get the job man, dot com back us. so i really and he's neighbors, see the county office is supposed to help them. but at this point now on their own, kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi. the yvonne will hold its presidential election on friday losses, which is a success, a able to humanize even died in a helicopter crash last month. candidates have promised to revive the economy versus a middle prospect of economically for the cost of living prices without an end to international sanctions. zayna,
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although has spoken to some of them in the capital and fed on that runs graham bazaar is known as the financial hub of iran. but this center for trade is also a place where the economic crisis is being felt. and it says here that we get the sense of public sentiment, so there's hundreds outside compared to last year. the prices have increased by a 150 percent and then the local currency. but the prices are based on dollars. under the arch ceilings, the kilometers of cor doors to georgia and the hustle and bustle of stores are stories of struggle. iran is suffering from installation. there's also the currency depreciation that successive governments have blame on international sanctions over its nuclear development program. there are those who believe iran should be part of the international financial system commission. and if it was part of the
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country, all the neighbors reach most of the percentage of the old people. his acceptance. in a few days, a new leadership will be voted into office and presidential hopefuls are promising to address the financial challenges. but many say they've heard those promises before. i am not going to vote because presidents can do anything. they don't have the authority to do anything for people, and life is very expensive. livings standards, particularly among the middle class, have worse and in recent years, skilled workers are leaving and there is little prospect for, for an investment because of sanctions. there is another election that could have implications on iran economy. in a few months. there may be a new administration in the white house. donald trump, who reinstated tough economic sanctions on iraq and after pulling out of the nuclear deal in 2018, could make
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a political come back. you runs economy relies on crude exports, which have increased due to the easing of sanctions under the biden administration . but the rise in government revenues is not being felt on the streets and the local currency. the reality is already trading at near the $600000.00 to the dollar of 15 fold increase since 2018 center for their i was just, you know, the one still ahead on i'll just say about the quarter. russian begins a close to tried, of an american journalist accused of spying and had to had to pay for the services through knack and opposition. the, the kids thought of space something to debate ahead of next week's chance of election. the
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fellow with things already live, the stalls across the good parts of the us know them areas of the us, well them place pushing over towards the great lakes, this area, flight pressure, responsible for the big and heavy down pools that we see might cause some a flash flooding to see how it travels this way, all the way back towards the pacific northwest on the move, the slide, a little further east, which as we go through 1st they say west to whether coming into eastern positive canada. it'd be rain for some temperatures. take back to around 21 celsius the and also take the resources in that for the seats. the rush of showers then coming on that next weather system, spitting out so that western side of canada right down across the mountain states, northern plains, pushing further east with some heavy rain, central canada, the upper midwest as we go through friday and it's still dc at around $32.00 degrees, one or 2 showers down towards the southeast as well, fraud to sing some wet weather, toys up with the wet weather that we have across the caravan. because some lobby
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showers coming in across cuba, jamaica one or 2 heavy showers to enter his bond. y'all really wet weather setting in the across southern parts of central america, nicaragua, costa rica, seen some big down poles. meanwhile, that sunshine is showers for the east notice of the west indies over the next few days. the african stories from african perspective, the museum, it is the menus to say mass email books from some people to short documentary by african filmmakers from the media. and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change, it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water. and the go from a new series of africa direct on, i'll just sierra, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you watching out 0 with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. the sound of the, the, an army general has been arrested off to what the president says was an attempt to cru, bolivian army troops have retreated from the presidential palace office storming earlier. the general leading the revolt was dismissed from his position a day ago in regards of civil defense as the method of destruction off to as well as from bob and to baseline in the most of this trip to find the imagination. at least 15 palestinians were killed in this try on a hunt and the town on kenya's president and says he will not sign a finance bill that submit to the nationwide on breast these 23 people were killed
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on tuesday. off the emperor's last legislation that would have raised taxes on essential items which he makes fond of joining assange has returned home to australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a challenge of espionage underwood did with the us justice department, after a 14 year battle against extradition, assigned his wife of noise went to the australia in parliament to fact politicians who campaigned for his freedom as a very happy to announce that earlier today, the espionage case against mr. assigned in the eastern district of virginia was formerly dismissed, and the case against him is over formerly. and officially, it's a case that never should have been brought. and i hope that we never have another case like it. i think it's quite unique that it got people together from, from all sides to work towards julian's freedom and to keep it up the top of the
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agenda for years now. and the results we see today we see last night i think the whole world celebrated with us. um, it was us me thing on the tarmac, but it was the entire world who was celebrating any other robinson as live for us now and camera and diana, the white house have said that it had no rolling massages release that it was the justice department that was in charge, but what do we know about what led to this release of to so many years of the, you know, this is really the result of use of diplomatic, political and legal battles that really speaks to the power of quite diplomacy. he in australia, not long ago, julia sanchez boys alongside his wife's. stella spoke. he impala mentioned they thanks to weld, as well as the australian public. the poignantly, they sang to sterling publications and in particular the strolling prime minister anthony alban,
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easy for the consistent diplomatic efforts that was able to get this over the line . as strongly as prime minister has consistently said no matter what you'll be, was on the case that it had dragged on for far too long. and this was an issue that cross coffee lines here in column. and so you know, ratio of bipartisan support. now the prime minister's talks with us president joe biden, and he's diplomatic if it's with the united states. so his legal team says is what enabled them to be able to negotiate the return of an australian citizen with one of the most powerful countries in the world. but that relationship between the united states and australia was also questioned this morning. ministers here today did admit that this case did put a still on in the side of those relations boss. now that these parts of it has been concluded, they say it has now be restore to their relationship is stronger than ever poignant considering his lawyer as a still seeking
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a presidential pardon his voice. i also indicated that this may have ramifications for the cases in australia to exploit is watching closely to high profile with low cases across australia, including one with a man was sentenced to the revealing information about a lead full primes. enough to understand this really now indicating potentially a new era in the slide for press freedom journalist any other robertson live in kendra, thank you. incredible. and american journalist accused us, while a spying has appeared in a russian quote, for the sound of his clothes, doomed trial, prosecute as a choose. evan, good coverage of working for the c. i a has employed the wall street journal and the bottom administration. so the charges are politically motivated under simmons with holtz, if i'm guess, give it stands as the 1st american journalist to be arrested in russia on espionage charges since the fall of the soviet union. the managed
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a smile of the media on the other side of the glass box. this the only access gen this a given in a closed door trial and the prosecute to have this to say. so this is the, the investigation has established. i'm documenting that the american to the left of the wall street journal. this is you haven't got coverage on the assignment of this yang, collected secret information from the territory of this federal dusk region about the activities of the defense enterprise for the production and repair of military equipment. just giving you a report of the wall street journal was brought to this quote for a katelyn book, goals for the moscow jail where he's being held since march 2023. it was while i'm assignments in a counselor, we book, the guest of which was arrested, charged with gathering information on the tree trunk, manufactured so far. the russian prosecutor has not published any evidence in the whole street journalist as
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a political motivation of russia with the war in ukraine is obvious. it says that reported was only doing his job. and they were bogus charges of spying, that will inevitably lead to a bogus conviction, is gosh, could, which could face up to 20 years. in jail is found guilty. russian president vladimir putin is reported to have suggested he might exchange good coverage for a legend, russian assessing, being held in germany. the us administration, accusers, russia, of conducting hostage diplomacy and says it's committed to making sure guess can, which is brought back home. andrew simmons, i was just there children living in conflicts of increasingly under risk of injury, exportation, or death around the world. that's according to the u. s. report released earlier this month on grade violations against children. the security council held a debate on the reports findings on tuesday before the secretary general bunkie moon courting for accountability. gabriel alexander reports from new york. the
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security council was brief about the secretary general's annual report on children in armed conflict. the report was released publicly earlier this month and it documented almost 34000 great violations against children, the highest number and almost 10 years. and for the 1st time, the secretary general included israel's military and security forces in the report . and what is commonly known as the list of shame of countries to violate the rights of children. former un secretary general's band key move speaking to the council on behalf of the soldiers and organization made up a world leaders for him to look at human rights issues. told the council there needs to be accountability to give trust one example. so united nations has verified more than a 1000 grade violations of those 4247 percent
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of children and 100. so 10 years right. it shows rose in 2023. reflecting this shocking scale. and truman cost of the car runs the country. a report looked at $25.00 countries and also spotlighted sudan were violations against children, were up 480 percent since last year, due to the ongoing conflict gabriel's on to out here at united nations in new york . the united nations has also released as the annual drugs are poor for one, and the number of users globally is increasing. and there's also a rise and trafficking that says between 20122022. the number of people using elicit drug says increase to nearly 300000000 most uses. that's 228000000 people worldwide consumed kind of us and home full use of marijuana also searched off. it was legalized in several countries,
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including canada and pots of the west. $60000000.00 people used opioids, and a large proportion of them, a dying from overdosing on the drugs opium production, salt lovely by around 74 percent last year after the tyler bond band. it's production. the report also note should a spike of 20 percent of the supply of cocaine reaching a record high of, of a 2700 tons. globally, senegal is one of the countries affected from where nicholas hawks now reports. a decent police police are about to bird and bury all of the narcotics and drugs they have seen since the beginning of the year. it will look at how this drug is being transported just like this, sometimes in certain cases. now, this is all of a things yours that have been made at airports on the road, but also off the shores of senegal. and you can see a heavy police presence. why?
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because this is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. so these are some of the narcotics that the police have seized this year. there's cannabis, there's co king crowd. karen met and put them into extra seats, and some of this is actually being consumed here in san diego. but also, throughout west africa, authorities are now taking the bags of drugs into this elevators and will go off into a furnace. and in a matter of just a few minutes, all the drugs that the syndicate leads police has seen since the beginning of the year will vanish into flames. but authorities say that the trafficking coming from latin america through west africa, on to your up is on the rise. and that more and more people are consuming narcotics in the region. a problem that the government here says it's trying to tackle
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nicholas hawk allen's era. the car was far as a slip through large parts of the sales pods. no area that's home to the world's largest tropical wetlands. the place is a surgeon before the peak of the dry season. authorities have declared the state of emergency the areas home to a range of walls life, including a large community of jack yours. the south korea's military says north korea has fight a ballistic missile off the coast of the korean peninsula. it also says the hype of sonic and assault exploded mid air. the following came, is north korea commemoration, be 70 fields, anniversary of the beginning of the korean for a mass. riley was held at made a stadium in the capital of showing in the countries, official news agencies as more than a $100000.00 people to attend to the event they carried on to us slogans included a day of struggling against us imperialism. the leaders of the u. k 2 major parties have gone head to head and what set to be the final debate before.
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next week's general election for waste was watching in london. thing that i would like to the public department stuff is to this was a lead us debates in which leadership itself was very much in question involved not been crystal clear that patients face the prime minister, risky. so not cause taking the conservatives to a seemingly hopeless position in the polls that was but opposition lead a case storm of labour of personal approval ratings. very much on the underwhelming side. are you to really the best we've got to be the next prime minister of all great country i was doing by analyst heavier. so who do you to see where the only the could start to inspire confidence in the purchase public storage. your appointment is that all those legal migraines will be out on the streets and that is the choice for you. do not surrender all borders to the label. thoughts save yourself to be enough to know all


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