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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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josie though the baby is full of talk, gentleness the rest of doctor, rebellious and against the government wants this is anita says it was the president to order the attempt to print the hello on and is it a problem? and this is algebra. life from door. how inside coming up, we look at what went wrong with the $300000000.00 floating kid that the us said would boost 8 supplies to gaza. i couldn't seat depth. i would not sign kenya as president touches his plan to increase taxes a day off to protest to storm parliament and one day to go on to their bonds.
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presidential election campaigning is especially over, but one of the candidates has dropped out. the we begin in bolivia were a top general has been arrested off to what the president has cooling and attempted could. and vehicles rammed through the entrance of the presidential palace and troops filled its hallways. but soldiers withdrew from the street from the owls that followed the army come on the leading. the mobilization form, a general san jose's amiga was dismissed from his position by the government a day earlier. just before his arrest. as anita accused, the president of ordering the crew, as it was the other made on sunday in less alcala. i met with the president and he told me the situation was bad and this week would be critical. he said it
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was needed to prepare something to push up his popularity. i asked him, shall we bring out the armored vehicles and he said, take them out. inside the government building presidents, louise odyssey was same. confronting zuniga, the president i'll say, was her tongue to come on to i am your captain light or the use of withdrawal. he's also called on bolivians to defend the countries democracy. and bolivians took to the streets, hating the call from the president to resist the crew attempt. the crowns gathered around the capital, central square chanting against the tree mobilization later the president odds the thanks to punches for the demonstration. thank you very much for your presence. it gives us more courage, new courage to continue resisting $82.00. it seemed because bolivia deserves as
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democracy one in the streets and paid with blood. they wanted to surprise us and the bolivian people we responded. and the mobilization of the people also allowed us to defeat this coup attempt. today. catherine led the political commentator in culture bomba in bolivia, and she says the army has a history of clues and rights violations of the situation. and the way that it unrolled is very, very unusual. and some people are skeptical about the motives behind it or, or if this, you know, the people there are people on the far left that are wondering whether or not this was something that was kind of a setup to increase support for our. so it's impossible to know there's the escalation, this is a very, very bad sign for an already extremely fragile democracy or democracy that was just recovered. at the end of 2020, it's a and an armed forces that received payment to help state to crew.
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i remember the image of, of the commander of the armed forces, placing the presidential metal on the legally appointed president jeanine. and yeah, i'm yes, in 2019 with a lot of human rights violations. parity groups, violence to massacre is carried out by the military. these are all boons that have not healed impunity that continues. and so it's a nation that's at the very difficult position. and this has made things worse. it's made it less stable for him predictable. and i think that it's something unless there are significant consequences for the armed forces involved in a significant restructuring of that institution. living constitution clearly stipulates that the military cannot have a political position, make political statements that they must debate the executive. and this is a clear violation of the constitution. so there's a lot of work to be done and
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a lot of old wounds from prior to attempts and cruise and human rights violations that are, that are still exist. the laws of civil defense has the level of destruction it off to israel as bombardment as they have law here in the north district. defies imaginations. at least 15 palestinians were code and the strike on a home in northern gauze. on wednesday, rescue workers spent hours searching the rubble for survivors. most of the injured of women and children of 8 months of let. this is randy as strikes and shelling, have couple deposits. health care system. hospitals have been damaged and critical equipment destroyed. now volunteer medical mission is helping to fix broken machines that unlocks the hospital and then all the la correspondent, honey, my food met one volunteer due to the ongoing war for the month
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of medical equipment and machines and god, the hospitals has been applied desire and catastrophic and here's some of the key points of the situation that showed you medical supplies, the lack of advance of medical equipment, the electricity and shortage of of fuel is among the many problems are causing this health care system across the set to be over well and a close to be very fruitful. everywhere you go to this particular hospital. many of the machines at equipment are broken or not operational. and the fact that we're seeing right now here in the hospital, the medical engineer from one of the medical mission volunteering deluxe, the hospital working on fixing some of these machines. so they're back on track, helping the medical staff and the hospital operating system. how to get through have you with us, can you show us what, what's going on here? uh so we have the see on one of the images into file one out of 2 that is not
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working. so we're looking at it now. we're trying to pinpoint the problem exactly. know why it's not working. we have 2 of these machines in the hospital. this one has been done for more than a month. the other one uh has been down for about 10 days now. take fully were able to get it back on track quick and yesterday. so what that means is for the past 10 days, we had no image in thinking intensive while working in the entire hospital, which means all emergency operations and surgeries had to be post put on hold. and patients i'm just following up, which made a big, big work loud and the doctors, we have law suite, caesar machines right now in this hospital and all 3 out of 3. 0, i'm not waiting. so this is one of the machines that you worked on. get in and really back to the operation room. how did you get back on track? actually, it was very challenging. it was both the software and hardware problem, and that is all sometimes is closed,
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especially that it's both of them. we can say that one of them at least was closed due to the electricity keeps cutting out and coming back, which are, which can over one that power source and then the motherboard. so the motherboard was the hardware issue and then we had the software issue as well. here's volunteering for team we've talked to to keep, keep being very, very difficult. what has been personal experience. so i've, i've gotten a lot of experience before, even though i've had a lot of programs to prepare me for these. and i was because many because i can, but when you in this situation it's different when, when it's like saving people go out of the ordinary additive textbook and they just come up with solutions. but still, the solutions are not old with with, but you can see that they, they do the best they go above and beyond. my,
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on my over all of about the situation is it's, it's, it's on bear with me. if it's not normal hosted, it shouldn't be that way. those are overcrowded. they get running 100 percent capacity and even for mood, which is 0. central garza palestine. k u s. president william rouge hi says he will not sign a finance bill that's led to major protests. at least 23 people killed on tuesday after and paste past the proposed legislation that would have raised taxes on essential license. he's promised to open dialogue with young people. catherine sort of reports from nairobi as many people here said they've never seen anything like this before. we started out as peaceful protests on tuesday. pretty pond violent when hundreds of for testers invaded parliament, police fired to a gas what the commons and life bullets. several people were killed and many injured by the west, the president. we
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a move to about to the pressure and has we don't. the bill is mckinsey to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these finance be 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign the 2024 finance bill and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members, but that becomes a collective position. cairo nicole morticia says that will not bring back hot 20 year old son. was shot to the test think i'm going to miss getting back as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to spend on what to do it. one of the most canyons are believed to support the protest against
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a finance bill that will increase taxes. so i'm like this man from a neighborhood in arrow. be decided to take martha's into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty who said yes to the people here. say he doesn't present them anymore. that angry. and the frustrated that the crazy because that's very clear because the mobile home got it. you have to bribe for everything . when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get to joke, man dot com back us. so i really and he's neighbors. see the county office, we suppose to help them. but at this point now on their own, kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi, the campaigning and around this presidential election has especially come to an end one
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day head of the vote. iranians will be choosing a successor to implement, but i see who died in a helicopter crash last month. 5 candidates divine for the top job after one contest and dropped out to hard liners and one the fullest or among the leading candidates that's bringing on correspondence. a in a whole the, she's joining us live from the capital fed on and last minute withdrawals on to uncommon. and iran, zayna tell us about got these out there. jose, how should we use decision and what impact it could have on the election? the little guy sees the how somebody's decision to withdraw, what from the race will not have much of an impact on the election. he was not one of the main contenders. now what he says, he's calling on his brothers to unite and to come up with a consensus candidates, you know, in favor of the revolutionary front because he is, he was among, you know, 4 or 5 conservative candidates running in the, the election. and the very fact that they don't have
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a unified or consensus habit of me for conservative vote would be split. and that works in the favor of the soul reform as candidates in this election. it also means that the candidates may not be able to, you know, garner 50 percent of the votes, which would lead to a run off the following week. so he called on others to withdraw. now there are 2 main contender as their sites are the, the end, there's more how much the backer color box? these are the 2 main conservative candidates in this election we were expecting one to withdraw in support of the other that did not happen. so this election is going to be a competition among conservatives, but also this election is going to be a competition between a conservative cap, which is fine to consolidate control over all levers of government. which of course would include the presidency. and you have the reform is, was trying to bring about change from within the system, but his administration will have to work within the confines of the establishment
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and zayna. wish all the chances for the reform candidates must have possess gannon, what role will work to, to not play in? who does well well, voter turnout is key in any elections. what we've seen in previous elections are really record low turnouts, but this race is shaping up to be a competitive one and unpredictable one. if you look at the polls, best reform is candidates, fedex. you really have a chance of winning, but he needs to get people to go to the folding. spacious. in fact, the reform movement has sets their main rivals are not the conservative candidates, but their, their challenge really is to get that this illusion society takes to, to, to actually, to vote so. so this is key, but i can tell you there is quite a lot of voter apathy in this country. people are delusions and there's a lot of concern about the economy. many people will say, you know,
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these candidates are making promises for, for better governance and, and to lift the sanctions. international sanctions really have, have hurt the around me and the economy. so unless there is a high turn out, then position doesn't have really much, much of a chance. and, and of course you have this conservative in fighting. so we could see a possible run off. uh, you know, and onto life on july, the 5th looking forward to your coverage of the elections. i know that zane of held a live in that on to the head on alger 0 home. at last, we can expand a joining assange finally arrives in australia as part of a plead in with us officials. and we'll have the details of the un report which highlights the rise and drug use and traffic in the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump?
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now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the adjuster system. frank assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se felt that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story on al jazeera, i think it's this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decision working at the 0 enables me to make that
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positive voice as relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the be watching. i'll just say i was me, elizabeth put on them. and uh, a reminder of our top stories saw a formal bolivian army general just interested off to what the president says was an attempt to include levin army troops have retreated from the presidential palace soft, assuming it earlier. the general leading the results was dismissed from his position a day ago. kenya's presidents as he will not sign a finance filled estimate of nationwide on rest. at least 23 people were killed on
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tuesday, all to mt off. the legislation that would have raised taxes on essential items. garza civil defense as the level of destruction of to israel's bombardment to make law here and the most of his trip defies imagination. the police 15 powers to dance for killed in a strike on a home in the town on wednesday. as gauze as your monetary in process was sentenced, efforts to bring food medicine and fuel continued to fold to know a trunks of entered gaza for weeks. the us had built appear to deliver aid by sea, but the plan has largely failed. wilson dies that explains what went wrong. it took just 6 weeks for the us, build humanitarian peer to fail. on may 15th us navy ships sailed from the is really port of us got the gaza as these exclusive valves as their images show. these are worship some logistics vessels responsible for connecting the floating
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structure to gaza, shore on a causeway in the shake l g and area. the pier became operational on may 17th, supported by 2 ships, sitting about 9 kilometers off the coast. the images show to us ships and a smaller one intended to transport trucks onto the pier, but problems arose almost immediately. 8 days later, high waves, overwhelmed appear over that period. just 29 trucks delivered and 99 shipments in the gaza. i think the dilemma that the american forces had in trying to build appear that was absolutely 0 support from the israelis in a place of war. i'm trying to bypass these real is, is without coming to a class with them. and it added up to, to little was bad. weather is too late. publicly available logistics details show
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us navy personnel constructing the peer us official said their mission was also to protect it, armed with machine guns and armored vehicles. us forces also installed in air defense system and attach it to the eastern side does appear. when the peer collapsed. they had to dismantle the system as well. in the meantime, 2000000 palestinians continue to suffer with not nearly enough a getting into gaza by land, air, or sea wilson dies or elders 0. what k makes fonda, julia assange has returned home to australia as a free man. he pleaded guilty to a challenge of espionage under the deals of the us justice department after a 14 year battle against extradition assigned his wife and lawyers went to the us trading and parliament defect politicians who campaigned for his freedom. a very happy to announce that earlier today, the espionage case against mister assigned in the eastern district of virginia was
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formerly dismissed. and the case against him is over formerly. and officially is the case that never should have been brought. and i hope that we never have another case like it. i think it's quite unique that it got people together from, from all sides to work towards julian's freedom and to keep it up the top of the agenda for years now. and the results we see today we see last night i think the whole world celebrated with us. um, it was us meeting on the tarmac, but it was the entire world who was celebrating. daniel robinson reports from camera. this is really the result of the use of diplomatic political and legal battles that really speaks to the power of quite diplomacy. he in australia, not long ago, julianna's sanchez boys alongside his wife stella spoke. he empowerment and they
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thanks to weld, as well as the australian public. the poignantly they sang to sterling pulled petitions and in particular the sterling prime minister anthony alban, easy for the consistent diplomatic efforts that was able to get this over the line of strategies. prime minister has consistently said no matter what your view was on the case that it had dragged on for far too long. and this was an issue that cross party lines here in parliament, in a ratio of bipartisan support. now the prime ministers talks with us president joe biden, and he's diplomatic if it's with the united states. so his legal team says is what enabled them to be able to negotiate the return of an australian citizen with one of the most powerful countries in the world. but that relationship between the united states and australia was also questioned this morning. ministers here today did admit that this case did put us the one in the side of those relations boss.
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now that this part of it has been concluded, they say it has now be restored and their relationship is stronger than ever poignant considering his lawyer as a still seeking a presidential part in his voice. i also indicated that this may have for on this occasion. so the cases in australia to his lawyer is watching closely to high profile with low cases across australia, including one with a man was sentenced to the revealing information about a lead. will crimes enough kind of done this really now indicating potentially a new era in the swipe for press. freedom are children living in constant zones are increasingly under risk of injury, exploitation all day around the world. that's according to a you and report released earlier this month. the security council. how did the base on the findings on tuesday gave me and, and he's on the reports from the united nations in new york. the security council was brief about the secretary general's annual report on children in armed conflict
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. the report was released publicly earlier this month, and it documented almost 34000 great violations against children, the highest number in almost 10 years. and for the 1st time, the secretary general included israel's military and security forces in the report . and what is commonly known as the list of shame of countries to violate the rights of children. former un secretary general spend key move speaking with the council on behalf of the elders and organization made up a world leaders for him to look at human rights issues. told the council there needs to be accountability to give just one example. so united nations has verified more than a 1000 grade violations of those 4247 pallets tend to children and 100. so can you try the children in printing? 23,
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reflecting this shocking scale and truman cost of the car runs the country. the report looked at $25.00 countries and also spotlighted sudan were violations against children, were up for 180 percent since last year. due to the ongoing conflict. gabriel's on to out is it at united nations in new york, in the united nations has released as annual drugs before was wondering that the number of uses globally is increasing. and there's also a rise in trafficking. it says between 20122022. the number of people's using illicit drugs has increased from around 16000000. a rabbit has increased to nearly 300000000. that's a 20 percent jump over the 10 years. most uses, that's 228000000 people worldwide used cannabis and harmful use of marijuana also searched off to it was legalized in several countries, including canada and parts of the us. $16000000.00 people used opioids and tens of
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thousands of them a dime each year from overdosing on the drugs opium production solid globally by around 74 percent last year after the solemn on band it's production. the report also note should a spike of 20 percent of the supply of cocaine reaching a record high of, of a 2700 tons. globally well side of goal is one of the country's effective nicholas hunk. sent this report from the capital, the cost a decent police police are about to bird and bury all of the narcotics and drugs they have seen since the beginning of the year. and a look at how this drug is being transported just like this. sometimes in certain cases, now, this is all of a things yours that have been made at airports on the road, but also off the shores of senegal. and you can see a heavy police presence. why? because this is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. so these are some of that
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narcotics that the police have seized this year. there's cannabis, there's co king crowd. karen met and put them into extra seats, and some of this is actually being consumed here in san diego, but also throughout west africa authority is an otp, the bags of drugs into this elevators and will go off into a furnace. and in a matter of just a few minutes, all the drugs that definitively as police have seen since the beginning of the year will vanish into flames. but authorities say that the trafficking coming from latin america through west africa, on to your up is on the rise. and that more and more people are consuming narcotics in the region. a problem that the government here says it's trying to tackle
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nicholas hawk. allen's is 0. the car stay with us on al jazeera inside story is coming up next. the color sunshine across the me. lisa, no surprises here. it's pretty much multiple sunshine batch as well. a bit of a brisk breeze that southwest the most. so you're just driving those heavy showers . i went to was the proctor stop. tell me to say we don't have 43 degrees celsius as to place to 50 a little further north for me to change my significant change. as we go on into friday, we're into the fault is to close parts of the eastern lead. like a said 3041 celsius, will see enough, right across the events, gaza, 3132 over the next status. and you can see again, allows you drive it not too much the way when he quit,
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whether to speak of hot and dry across the northeast of africa, 43 celsius, the full time, right? included in west of over to was the north west mines. you any more? i didn't catch a shot. what a just around the straight stitch. a process a shot was continue unabated across west africa into the gulf of guinea. stretching their way a little further. eastwood since they should do not as watch but as we'd like to see some wet to whether they're into mesa, big pushing across into zimbabwe. south africa generally stay dry as we go through the next couple of days. while the more the last year i was just creeping in as we go through friday and some flights of whether the coastal fringes of kenya, the
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kenya is shaken by mass demonstrations against proposed tax hikes. protests that use the president assailants and about to has election promises. so the government says the finance that is needed to pay off the debt only on risk be contained when the escalation even said, this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them it all started with piece.


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