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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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or the fact that you assign the person as nothing important effective via the story on talk to how does era holding the powerful to account as we examine the us is role in the on of your 0, the under arrest, the bolivian general accuse of an attempted to says he acted at the president's request, the kind of them are carl, this is alex, is there a life from doha also coming up, promises flushing away of us said it's hair would bring more aid into gossip. but you and figure to suggest otherwise. one day to go into the wrongs presidential election campaigning is over. but one of the 6 candidate strong sounds on one of
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the wells was through monitoring crises, house 2 dogs complexes pushing millions towards salvation. the who begin in bolivia, where a senior army come on the has been arrested off to what the president has cooling and attempted crew. on wednesday, ahmed vehicles roms the entrance of the presidential palace and the pas and troops, stone tools inside of his own to run past. a reports from the columbia and capital leaders have condemned the uprising and farmers vehicle ramming the entrance. if will leave us presidential palace and wednesday clearing the way for troops stormin and what the government has called and attempted to the man who led the operation general one quick zuniga had been dismissed. the you earlier, outside the palace,
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the site is growing anger about believe us, it cannot make slump and rising poverty. we all the forces intend to restructure democracy to make it a true democracy. not one run by the same few people for 50 or 40 years inside president luis as it could be seen confronting soon you got it all to the or just believes to come out in defense of democracy support. there's answer this call and faced off with the soldiers outside the palace. they wanted to surprise us and the bolivian people. we have reacted and the people have mobilized against this. attempted to thank you to the bolivian people. a few hours later the soldiers withdrew. and so when you go was arrested, the den said without providing evidence that the president had asked them to the states, the coolest thing of the will. the president told me the situation was bad and this week would be critical that something was needed to increase his popularity and i
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asked it, so we bring out the ahmed vehicles and he said, bring them up. president odyssey is facing several of the challenges or the v, as in the middle of one of the worst economic crisis in history, ged growth is that its lowest level into decades. inflation and unemployment rates are rising and the central bank is running out of port and currency protests are becoming more regular later in the evening soon you get and and then alleged co conspirator present it to crowds. a government official says they could face up to 20 years in prison. as night fell calm returned to let past many believe ian's remains on the streets a chose to the many citizens, but i want to leave. they say, well, what we do in our homes. we, why don't we come? we don't want me to cruise is this. the leaders from brazil, mexico in here in columbia have expressed the alarm and denounced what they consider an attack on democracy. and although president, i'd say,
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declared the situation under control, it doesn't take away the reality of a country deeply divided and on the age of possible explosion. i listen that i'm get just the book that catherine, that of a is a political commentator and coach of i'm the bolivia, she says the army has a history of attempting cruise anvil, highlighting rights of the situation. and the way that it unrolled is very, very unusual, and some people are skeptical about the motives behind it or, or if the, you know, the people there are people on the far left that are wondering whether or not this was something that was kind of a setup to increase support for our so it's impossible to know there's de escalation. this is a very, very bad sign for an already extremely fragile democracy or democracy that was just recovered. at the end of 2020, it's
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a and an armed forces that received payment to help stay to crew. i remember the image of, of the commander of the armed forces, placing the presidential metal on the legally appointed president jeanine. and yeah, i'm, yes, in 2019 with a lot of human rights violation parity groups, violence to massacre is carried out by the military. these are all boons that have not healed impunity that continues. and so it's a nation that said of very difficult position. and this has made things worse, it's made it less stable story and predictable. and i think that is something unless there are significant consequences for the armed forces involved. and a significant restructuring of that institution. living constitution clearly stipulates that the military cannot have a political position make political statements that they must debate the executive
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. but this is a clear violation of the constitution. so there's a lot of work to be done. and a lot of a from prior to attempts and cruise and human rights violations that are, that are still exist the and is why the attack on a neighborhood east of kansas city. he has killed at least 5 palestinians. one person was injured in the right and this through dia, area, and nearby house was damaged, wiping. people inside cruise matters to rescue them, but several others are still missing. that's bringing all correspondent tag. assume you joins us now. live from daryl by law. sorry. tell us about this strike and all those across concept that this morning. yes, slow right. what we continue to he is loud, is very display which ends ends attacks of course, the central areas. and even if they know that part of the gaza strip this portion
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of the gaza strip has been witnessing please tip of is very minute, 3 attacks and all the noise volumes. and even within the hours of this morning, glow around what we, what we do know from sources on the ground in the north of the district that the, as many military has targeted 5 residential houses in a separate sha. yeah. neighborhood. at least 3. what killed in a separate area? what 5 of those have been killed? 2 o'clock in the us. yeah, yeah. neighborhood. well, what we do here from the civil defense cruise is that the is the is, but it has to give these places closing countless destruction for the neighborhood that was targeted as the memories to rescue. and i'm folks, italians were very stuck under the records and ours to some best thing victims who are to now facing a very notable difficulty in order to be recovered and moved from under the remnants of that destroyed house semesters. yeah, yeah, neighborhood, but sit means we what we do continue to know in the central areas of the gaza strip . that's a great refugee camp has been widely talking to them. now we can hear loud sounds
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of explosions in that area. we're at least one palestinian has been revolted, killed with 2 others being who didn't. they have been transferred to the hospital get medical treatment, but apparently as well as racing that time in order to close the warming to scale destruction of the record in the history for a very small space of land. and which is considered to be one of the densely populated areas on the planet while in the north, in the solvent parts of the goals of stripping particular in the roof district. we continue to hear from locals who are close to the most. the area that is been admitted to hospice out did the vast majority of residential neighborhoods in the western areas of the city as, as well, continues that separation in order to admit it totally controlled because of a city of rough iso farmer and tarik. tell us about the aid situation. understand that very little aid is guessing in a good that's is the grim reality impact to offset operational
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control over the mainland. cool region was and even land pressings, including roughly on the curb side of course things in the roof. last 6 feet. and what we pat with palestinians generally have been receiving of the past couple of weeks is released from a fox is what dropped for a minute to the air. airplanes that have been at every now and been throwing fast, one of them on the area. but the recently established a floating p a has phone and really shots in terms of initial expectations about activities in order to alleviate aggravating humanitarian crisis as the at that p. it has been only usable for 2 days since it's begun that separation on the 17th of may. but generally palestinian said that it's absolutely free to as this following report shows. it took just 6 weeks for the u. s. built to humanitarian p. it to fail. on may, 15th u. s. navy ships they into from the east by the ports of oz,
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d o to gauze. as these exclusive, i will just see your images show. these are, will ships and logistics. this thoughts are responsible for connecting the floating structure to gauze a show. when it goes way in the ship goes lean area. the p, it became operational may 17th, supported by 2 ship sitting about knowing columbus as of the coast. the image is true to us trips and the smaller one intended to transport trucks onto the pa, but problems arose almost immediately. 8 days later, how many waves, overwhelmed repeated over that period, just the 29 trucks delivered 99 shipments into garza dilemma that the american forces had in trying to build appear. that was absolutely 0 support from the israelis in a place of war. i'm trying to bypass it is real is is without coming to
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a clash with them and it added up to to little was bad. weather is too late. publicly available logistics details show u. s. navy persona, constructing the p, a us officials said the mission was also to protect it, armed with machine guns and almost vehicles. us forces also installed an a defense system and attached it to the eastern side of the year. when they collapsed, they have to dismantle the system. as will the folks missile defense system is capable of a domestically tracking styles and craft? here was it in operation at c. u. s. military officials are now looking at what went wrong with the project. in the meantime, more than 2000000 a city and continued to stuff i was not nearly enough addicting into garza by land or sea terika by su,
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algebra very by his side. and these one is where a soldier has been killed in 16 inches, a doctor, an explosion in janine and the occupied westbank. confrontations took place in the city and its refugee comes over night. and is there any special forces way to the area and detains at least 8 palestinians joined the right policy and fights has attacked? is there any on would vehicles with explosive devices for more on this? let's go to nor dave. she's standing by for us in ramallah, no ready to coming across the occupied westbank. tell us how this one was different to well, this one was different because of the, for ross city of that it improvised explosive device to in fact, now confirmed by these really military 2 devices were set off injuring 16 soldiers one seriously and killing another. and according to these is really military
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sources. it seems that the of the soldier who was killed was killed in the secondary explosion. so maybe a little bit of borrowing from that guy is that scenario. and the attacks that we've seen there with improvised explosive devices. these rates, as you said, laura have tripled over the past 9 months. we've seen that increase confirmed by palestinian sources and tell us, put in human rights organizations. talk about the, you know, the full picture. so we see those rates. we see a rough, $28.00 in total today, including a senior political figure from fact that his name is or was the amount of when he was detained in geneva. but we also see demolitions and displacement of palestinians about $565.00 homes and structures since the beginning of the year. that alone displaced over a 1000 palestinians will have no more homes to return to. okay, nor day many thanks. indeed for bringing estimates as that from the occupied
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westbank as riley jets have attacked the southern lebanese city of na by to the right, tonka, the building in the city center and damage neighboring homes. at least 5 people were injured. the campaigning and the wrong presidential election has officially come to an end a day ahead of the vote iranians, which is a success that the abraham racy who died and helped across last month. 5 cons that saw competing for the job of the one drops out to hotline is under a full list or amongst the leading candidates. a boss has lani is a senior research fellow at the center from at least at egypt studies. he believes the reform is concept. my suit of the scan has a slight edge and the polls ahead of fridays by the us. the magic candidates who can have the child. so being the presidency among them is to conservatives,
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and one before miss atkins and the according to the risk and polls conducted in the country. the reform is kind of the, you know, is a, had a different pose show different figures, but it can vary from 3 to 5 person that just to 10. that is a head in the polls. but the best hopes among the conservative come to create a correlation among them, because to make sure that one can secure the rest of the votes. but this didn't happen yesterday. and it seems that a run up could be very much likely unless the level of to turn out increases. and some argue as specifically those in the reform is come. that if it turns out increases more, this can increase the chance of the reform is, can do that as well. the seller has had on al jazeera, we are full from the hometown of the french, present money of my crowns,
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and with his political gambled. coolest smell election will pay off the color we have signs of flesh around coming into the north west of europe over the next couple of days down towards the southeast. it has been by achingly hot. this is in south west to the 42 degrees celsius, but even up towards the northwest wednesday afternoon, temperature got degrees celsius. the heath crowe is we go through the next couple of days. monterey is coming in pressure actually we say pushing in from the atlanta quite a tightly packed swell of cloud. the period of low pressure on usually the power of light pressure, just running towards the northwest of europe has the results of action. behind that we will see some afresh or conditions, but it is home the most part. so we are still seeing lots of red showing up on our
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jobs, really high temperatures, that was a se and able to was about 6 states as we go through the next couple of days. just watch how the orange you start to push for your interest in the allies up tools and northwest intense heat. just getting squeezed into a central and eastern pass. and by the time we come to the next week, temperatures must go could touch the si se if you to the full t. meanwhile, in between, we have got live, the showers rumbling away breakdown pulls could cause some localized flooding. but some of the students continue to drift that way for the east. the name is brandon jackson. i'm a 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released for the 25 and a half years. have been slee now less than 90 days.
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after a lifetime of the prison, a man is now free to fight against our k racist laws that belong to the past. fault lines, conviction on a jersey to the the again, you're working out, is there a reminder of on top? so is this on and bolivia, an army general has been arrested off to what the president says was attempted to. troops of treats it from the presidential polish off to an estimate. general accused the, the twos of leading the result, revolts was dismissed, a dagger and his right attack on neighborhood in the eastern part of gauze and said he has killed at least 5 palestinians. a nearby house was damaged,
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trapping people inside crews managed to rescue them. the several others remained missing. campaigning and the romans present to election especially come to an end a day ahead of the boat, around is which is a successor to abraham rice, the inside and a helicopter across last month. or from sky to the polls on sunday for the 1st round of a snap haldeman. she bowed. the national assembly has 577 elective members. a party needs a majority of 289 seats to form an executive party and elect a prime minister. 2 major parties are dominating the race. the governing resist renee sentence holds the majority in both fronts as low a house and the national assembly of the national assembly as the senate. it's opposed by marine depend on 10 national valley led by jordan, but that the far right public policy recently gained a significant portion of seats in the parliamentary elections for the manual macro
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on is aiming to prevent a fall light takeover of fronts. if, when the seal of pulled off a crew that will make french history, if not, he'll be remembered as the president proposed the phone, right? the power talks about that report, so microns hometown of on them to us. it was one of the manual macros defining movements unexpectedly waiting into a heated protest against the closure of a well pool appliance factory in northern town design. yeah. during the 2017 presidential campaign. see, so what the form? authentic head about workers. but this trade union leader who was that says mike, call listen to the grievances. there's a point in controlling left for me of the promises that no one would lose that y'all do, said he host need take care of our case if he was elected and not let us down. so we thought ok, this is interesting. we would desperate and wanted to believe him macro and went on
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to be elected. but the factory closed jobs with last work has left didn't visit, go back monday. so it was a uh, it was so disappointing, particularly because he's from here. he's from out here and we thought we have a president from them. yeah. so he'll surely look after us. how lucky you put in the foot in the end. he's a catastrophe. we'll waive the 20th. or the 2017 saga was trademark micro vida, who likes to surprise, quote, control to see and take risks. the gambles don't always pay off. and there's a growing sense of weariness with the unpredictability and some policies, including his controversial pension and immigration reforms. the snap selection is the last rule for some disappointment and this illusion all words. you hear a lot these days when people are talking about a manual mycroft even see in his hometown of i'm yeah, if i'm one pull a teen slide during the sissy even said to us, but he says that it could be the end of my current isn't was still hard version the
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people of setup across the board with his presidency. both of his times, most good is also this. she, people are disappointed in french politicians of all kinds. they're all looking after their own interests. once proud of macro, all that most faith, most living citizens, people in m. yeah. so did overwhelmingly for marine depends the right policy in this month, you election in front campaigning in the city left when candidate falls off, lisa says vote has won't change. it won't stop and what we simply need more equality in this country. what sense sustainable is a president who since the very 1st day has been a reverse robin hood, why don't you take some of the pull up to give to the rich? it's not looking good for my call. who's policy could lose power in a political drama? is making a nice that is micro has one most surprise. a piece sleeve. natasha butler, l g 0. i'm you front. the
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attorney leading kansas in the us presidential race will face off in a debate later on thursday. it could shape the rest of the race between joe biden. as donald trump allen official reports from atlanta in georgia, it will set the tone for the next 5 months. the most anticipated debate in recent times to bide less stood face to face with donald trump. 4 years ago on the presidential debate states, a lot has changed. some things happen, like the ill will between the to the left. what do you show right on the fight and one and 2020 some complaint with the evidence victory was stolen from him. there's been the assault on the capital on january 6th, 2021 that has been done in terms conviction on safety for a felony charges. and there's been the conviction of jewel bite and son hunter. we
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know donald trump has a very, very is very skill at being a disruptor. so i think what we're going to see is one of the debaters attempting to try to stay presidential and stay focused on the issues. and the other one is going to try to do everything he can to disrupt his challenger. joe biden thinks his preparations are going well. the trump has been on the campaign to smoking his opponent. i know he's locked up in a log cabin someplace. you can imagine what is your most men will lead to deal in policy, immigration, on the board, the is a political liability for bite and abortion rights for trump and bite. and we'll have to defend his position on the board and gaza. but most americans will want to know how each candidate will make their lives better. all the media, things that go by may have done well, like handling the pandemic and economic recovery. inflation is still high. many people still feel like the cost of living is not commensurate with their payment
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with their wages. and so even though he is overseeing lots of good things, he is still the president right now when all these things are happening, i think donald trump is going to try to make a job. i look out of touch, perhaps daft, and not ready, and not up to the job. nearly a quarter of all americans was neither mind to win this election. but this is the race. these are the candidates and both will be hoping this debate will give them some momentum before the vote in november. i was so sure i'll just see the atlanta the former president of under us has been sentenced to 45 years in prison by a judge in new york. it was extra device into the us to face federal challenges last year. hon. alondo and is was found guilty of conspiring to import cocaine into the u. s. during his 2 times as president is expected to appeal his conviction. kennedy as president william, which he says he will not sign
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a bill that's legit to major protests. at least 23 people were killed on tuesday of to m p. 's pasta proposed legislation that would have raised taxes on a central items. rito has promised to hold dialogue with young people. catherine story reports from nairobi. many people here see they've never seen anything like this before. what started out as peaceful protests on tuesday preclude tons violent when hundreds of protest is invaded, parliament police fired t a gas. what the commons and life will act. several people accounts and many injured. but on was the president. we a moved to about to the pressure. and has we stoned? the bill is mckinsey to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these 5 non speed of 2024. i conceit and therefore i
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would not sign the 2024 finance bill and it should subsequently be withdrawn as and i have agreed with these members, but that becomes a collective position. cairo nicole morticia says that will not bring back hot 20 year old son was shot to the test, miscast by. as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to start with what to do it. one of the most kenya is our believe, to support the protest. so i'm like this man from a need over to narrow be decided to take matters into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty go said yes to this bill. people here say he doesn't represent them anymore, that angry and the frustrated that they're clear because that's very clear
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because as we move on gotten it, you have to bribe for everything. when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get to joke, man, duck one, back of the level and his neighbors see the county office is supposed to help them . but at this point now on their own, kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi. now come web has the latest from my right they . it was a very heavy security presence and thoughts. if not, maybe we don't fall from state house that can use presidents or products, but over the roads around it, we sailed off. we place. we've also seen a couple of military vehicles as well in the city center, around part of and also a very heavy security presence of it to some of the uh, the high profile uh, social media organizes are the demonstrations. uh uh, well, many of them have been expressing a continued discontent with president william russo yesterday evening on wednesday
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evening. and it's with the space meeting of visiting campaign is in the social media uses that attended by uh, one point more than a 100000 uses were discussing what dates to thoughts should happen. next a, there's a lot of anger express about the people who've acute on tuesdays demonstration when live 5 was 5 and the, and at least 23 on processes were killed. many of them shot dead, some of the activist to be saying that the today's people should demonstrate for those who had killed others. i've been cooling to occupy states house and to see it, the only thing that they would accept. now, as president william, we chose a resignation, but so far, no sign of any demonstrations gathering in the capital yet so that there are some reports of protests in other towns in other parts of the country. also, more than
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a year of conflict ensued on hundreds of thousands of people are facing starvation . many depends on community kitchens to survive in the move and reports from on demand. a waiting in line for his number to be called wasn't what types of sit i've been time. imagine he'd need to do to get food to feel his stomach a day labor. he used to be able to afford meals for himself and his family. but that was before conflict between sedans, army and the power of military rapids support forces started in april last year. the fighting took away his source of income and force them from their home. well, why do i look at that? how do i lost my job? because of the conflict and move my time the several times. and that has been very costly, especially with no source of income. so i now stay here in a school for displaced people with my family. and i come here daily and sometimes go to other kitchens to get 2 meals a day. is one of hundreds of people who.


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