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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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speed forever. the is there any war planes target residential areas across guns and thousands of palestinians of fi until the oil that says al serra life and also coming up, kenyon police as of today folks prevent protests. continuing even off the premises . newtown, i have a tax hikes, i'm the arrest the bolivian general accused of an attempted. who says he acted up the president's request on the emerald con is back in court of high expectations for the release of the pack. it sounds full not find minnesota the
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when begin the in garza where people are describing the past 24 hours as bloody and brutal. dozens of palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes an attack in the eastern pause of golf. the city guilds, at least 5 palestinians, homes of damage, and this huge i area with crews rescuing people from the rubble of destroyed buildings. others a still missing and northern gauze. a 3 is really a strikes tubs of the crowd of jabante. a refugee come at least $32.00 palestinians were killed and the attacks on wednesday is where the ground troops pull down. so have to come earlier this month of to weeks of slicing or nothing. there can be a few ideas we were sitting at home and we had an explosion near it. we went out and found body parts thrown around everywhere in the group of civilians who had no connection to any military was targeted by the positive throne here. and that has
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put the entire capital as him now correspondent in darrow pilot, in the central garza type tell us about the strikes that we've been seeing across concert in the past 24 hours. it's laura especially to so you know, for a fee to this very attacks. of course, this trip has been so familiar to gauze and see, of course, this detract tree because the believe that as well as up skating day, 5 days, this part of the fighting and even increasing the death to long civilians, especially the college, and because of strep as people have been describing the approach suspects to them, going to be a box havoc chasing where the only has been targeting civilians in the homes without getting any probably warning 5 at least have been killed in shoes. yeah, yeah. neighborhoods off to a residential building was completely destroyed while 3 others in a separate neighborhood, which is only a few kilometers away from us. yeah. yeah. and as we have been hearing from locals in the north of distractions that families has. thoughts of display shoes. yeah,
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yeah, heating to the west trends, part of dollars a which has been also subjected to is by the phone is in the course of the past couple of days. and this is the vast majority of palestinians recently started to go to in order to seize protection, especially give a shot to richard cap that was because of previously and previous entirely. okay, just at the same time as well as targeting areas in the center of distribute in particular in a bridge refuge account. what would see could have been targeted thomas city and mental institute as he was trying to collect was in order to help his family set fire to cooking purposes as we have had from his phone by at the same time, we continued to loud explosions in the city of con you, since even in the district with is very minute, 3 is expanding the fighting in order to operational control, russell and holding to gauze health at ministry here in the territories, they have confirmed,
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at least 12 palestinians have been killed since don't today as as well to now did not stop its military attacks. of course, the goals was trip, and it's expected that the coming hours will be loaded with bombardments and even casualties amongst civilians, laura and tart, tell us about the age situation. i understand that very little is guessing and of the it's quite hard to describe that laura. in fact, as we have completely seen, different signs of famine looming in the northern parts of gauze or the not gets on the salt divide since the beginning of rough authoration that was one of the biggest blows for humanitarian relief corporations, quite humanitarian organizations due to the collapse of security conditions and basically due to the operational control over the 2 main important planned career goals that have been used in order to deliver aids, to the cause of the trip. and we continued to heat also from locals that the floating p a that has been recently established by the american
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a combined at so that at least it was a regional for 2 days. and it has been described to be ready to do to it's a very weak effectiveness in order to engage that we're facing human at target price is what only is getting into the gaza strip. oh, absolutely. commercial trucks that are sold with various corrupting prices as dispute from the perspective of palestinians have really and deeply short stolen folded in terms of the initial expectations. so what predicted in terms of the level of phase that could be delivered through out that a floating docks. as the following report shows, it took just 6 weeks for the u. s. built to humanitarian p. it to fail. a may, 15th u. s. navy ship stating the from the east bed report to us though, to garza as these exclusive, i will just see over images show. these will ships and logistics results responsible for connecting the floating structure to gauze. a show. when it goes
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way in the ship goes lean area the p, it became operational may 17th, supported by to ship sitting about knowing columbus as of the coast. the image is true to us trips and the smaller one intended to transport trucks onto the p. a problem arose almost immediately. 8 days later, how many waves, overwhelmed repeated, over that period, just 29 trucks delivered 99 shipments into garza dilemma that the american forces had in trying to build appear. the woods absolutely 0 support from the israelis in a place of war. i'm trying to bypass it is real is is without the coming to a clash with them and it added up to 2 little was bad weather it too late. publicly available logistics details. show
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u. s. navy persona. constructing the p a us officials said the mission was also to protect it on with machine guns and almost vehicles. us forces also installed on a defense system and to test it to the eastern side of the year. when they collapsed, they had to dismantle the system as well. the thoughts missile defense system is capable of a to magically tracking styles and craft. here is it in operation at c. u. s. military officials are now looking at what went wrong with the project. in the meantime, more than 2000000 palestinians continue to suffer with not nearly enough a dissing into gauze by land or sea terika by su, algebra very by homicide. at least one is really sold was being killed in 16 of those images during explosion in janine and the occupied westbank.
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confrontations took place in the city and the as refugee comes over night is what he's special forces. way to vieira independent least h palestinians during the raid palestinian fighters attacked as ready on the vehicle to the explosive devices of more on this that scale like to know a day of correspondence in ramallah. i know we talked about raising the occupied westbank almost daily, but this one and felt like more of a thoughtful of this one was quite unique. laura, indeed the is really army confirms that 16 soldiers were injured one seriously and that one soldier killed. there were 2 explosions. the 1st one caused injuries, the 2nd. that's where the death happened. then it said a little bit of borrowing from the gaza scenario. we've seen such a tax conducted in that manner. according to preliminary, is really investigations. the devices were buried or located a meter and a half into the ground. so deeper than the is really military vehicles,
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usually dig to be able to find those. improvise devices, of course, as you said, is rarely, military rates have increased dramatically over the past month. about 38 rates a day. we've seen also an increase in the tensions among those to the 28 detained today in several is really raids, is the amount of, well a member of thought that revolutionary council, a prominent political figure in jeanine. and we've also seen several incidents of home demolitions, 25 percent increase in those demolition since january in comparison with last year, displacing over a 1000 palestinians. so the overall situation in the west bank as we continue to monitor and this describe but tensions really increasing and having no horizon of letting down if this trend continues, okay, know many signs for the update that from ramallah in the occupied west bank. that's
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where i need to have a tax with southern lebanese to see of the back to the raid, talk to the building and the city center damaged, neighboring homes. at least 5 people were injured. the tennis present, when we say, says he will not sign a bill that's led to major protests. at least 23 people were killed on tuesday, off the m p 's past proposed legislation that would have raise taxes on essential items. he has promised to hold dialogue with young people. government story reports from my right away. many people here see they've never seen anything like this before. started out as peaceful protests on tuesday. quickly pond violent when hundreds of for testers invaded parliament. police fired to a gas, what the commons and life bullets. several people accounts, and many injured. by the west, the president, we a moved to about to the pressure and has we stoned?
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the bill is mckinsey to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these finance be 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign the 2024 finance bill and it should subsequently be withdrawn as and i have agreed with these members. but that becomes a collective position. cairo nicole morticia says that will not bring back hot 22 year old son was shot in the chest mis getting by. as a mother, i feel terrible. whoever's trying to have my children needs to stomach what to do it. one of the most can use our believe to support the protest. so i'm like this
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man from a neighborhood and i really decided to take matters into their own hands. this is a county office of an empty go said yes to the bill. people here say he doesn't represent them anymore, that angry and the frustrated that they're crazy because that's very tia because the mobile home got it. you have to bribe for everything. when you finish school, you still have to pay a bribe to get to joke, man that going back on. so i really and he's neighbors see the county office, they supposed to help them. but at this point now on that own, kathy saw you all to sarah nairobi. now collab joins us now live from nairobi. nothing was like a heavy police presence that was going on the street. what's the situation? a we're in the city center just a couple of blocks away from parliament which as it demonstrates is ended. and
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tuesday's protest is very heavy security presence around a riot. please, a restore a minute to vehicle and many threes outside parliament and also very heavy security deployments outside state house can use presidential palace just outside the $0.60 that the roads around the state house a sealed off. there will say 7 stations taking place in some of the cities in the 4th city of on boss uh as well. so in case we moving west and can yeah, the demonstrations which are relatively small compared to others that we've seen in the last 10 days. but every night, very b as in this area demonstrates us. i've got it each time they march uh, over the last 10 days. i know social media in many forms. uh, people involved in this campaign to be cooling people, to demonstrate again today. oh, what do they call even to demonstrate against for now that the president has withdrawal and the finance bill,
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a professor is important to bear in mind that the was the 1st round of demonstrations was extensively against the finance bill. this comes with a context where people are tired of increasing stock sation for example. this is the 2nd. yeah. and the way that the tax is a going away, i meant to be going up. but in a context where people feel service delivery is declining, where people are very skeptical about and demick corruption, the feelings of the, of the leaders which is very visible. and so it was a feeling of being us to come to be more and that kind of context that seems to bring people to the streets and much as president william vague has now said added the final bill will not be passed. and those tax increases will be brought to those remaining issues still possessed. but there's quite some discussion going on among people on social media about what the next to months should be some people the
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saying that today they should much states house and, and take care of that and, and the president willing boots or should resign. others saying that's not dangerous, the doctor said into a black box off the on tuesday we so these 23 people killed, as many of them shot dead by security forces using live gunfire sheets and shooting out the protesters. so there's this thing today should be a day morning for the people whose lives were lost on tuesday. and on social media, we're seeing increasing use of the hash tag. read so much guys, which is something that people which i'm seeing in the streets a lot of those demonstrations that taking place here over the last 10 days, 10 situation remaining the in kenya, malcolm many thanks for the update. the seller has a hair on onto zara. one of the wells was who monetary and crises. how so? don's conflict is pushing millions towards salvation. we were both from the
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hometown of the french presence money on my phone. once i, his political gambled to cool a small selection. okay. of the hello. we have a lot of the clots just almost just looking around the philippines at present. i don't think it will develop into a tropical system as such, but lots of very heavy, right? big showers, big down pools in length, last flooding as a result of that, give rash of showers, the cost of mount jobs, southeast asia, relief and into missing some very heavy. right and over the next couple of days, nothing. this is where i can see the next batch of the really big down post. this is and the way over to was southern parts of indo china, but a good rash of showers for oil as we go through the next few days. we say some ra, the weather to into west in australia,
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72 millimeters afraid to the north of us. we are looking at what an active area of life pressure just swelling away here. that's going to drift this way a little further northwards. and we've got some west of weather, just running across the bites. a 2nd reload just develops in the bytes and that's going to make his way further east. we can see how this cloud links on its way all the way back up towards the northwest of all. so we'll see some wet weather coming into where the fall south of south australia, down to bull's pennsylvania, a few showers to enter the eastern side of queensland for a time at what the weather will drive its way through. victoria entering a south wells below the river right beneath sealant the the
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. ringback the, the again, your, what you're now is there a has reminder of on top stories this hour. and it's really attack on a neighborhood in the eastern part of kansas city. has killed at least 5 palestinians. items were damaged industry, jaya area, with crews west screwing people from the russell of destroyed buildings. and these one is right, any soldier has been killed in 16 inches on to an explosion in janine and the
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occupied westbank on. the confrontations took place southwards where the special forces rate of the area entertained at least 8 palestinians, and hundreds of police and sold as on the streets of kenya as capital a day off to the present withdrew proposed legislation to raise taxes leave 2020 people were killed during demonstrations to protest against the bell on choose day organizes have code from will process on thursday. in bolivia, a single ami colanda has been arrested off the president as cooling an attempt to crew on wednesday on the vehicles roms the entrance of the presidential palace in the past. and troops. storm tools inside was under a run p as a report from the columbia and capital. but i need to have condemned the uprising an armored vehicle ramming the entrance if will leave us presidential palace and wednesday, leaving the way for troops to store mean in what the government has called and
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attempted to the man who led the operation. general one who said zuniga had been dismissed at the earlier outside the palace. the site is growing anger about believe us, it cannot make slump and rising poverty. we all the forces intend to restructure democracy to make it a true democracy. not one run by the same few people for 50 or 40 years inside president luis as it could be seen confronting through and you got it all to the or just believes to come out in defense of democracy. support. there's answer this call and faced off with the soldiers outside the palace that they wanted to surprise us and the bolivian people. we have reacted and the people have mobilized against this, attempted to thank you to the bolivian people a few hours later the soldiers withdrew. and so when you go was arrested, he then said without providing evidence that the president had asked him to states
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the crew with them. the president told me the situation was bad and this week would be critical that something was needed to increase his popularity. and i asked it so we bring out the ultimate vehicles and he said, bring them up. president odyssey is facing several challenges for the v, as in the middle of one of the worst economic crisis in the history growth is that its lowest level in to decades. inflation and unemployment rates are rising and the central bank is running out of important currency. protests are becoming more regular later in the evening soon you get and, and then let's co conspirator present it to crowds. a government official says they could face up to 20 years in prison as night fell calm return to the past. but many believe ian's remains on the streets a chose to the many citizens, but i want to leave. they say, well, are we doing all homes? we won't be come, we don't want to cruise is this. the leaders from brazil,
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mexico in here in columbia, have expressed the alarm and denounced what they consider an attack on democracy. and although president out of se, declared the situation under control, it doesn't take away the reality of a country deeply divided and on the edge of possible explosion. i listen that i'm get the, i just eat of both the. it's a global food wondering agencies as a risk of funding in 14 areas across to don. if the conflict escalates further assemble than a year of war, hundreds of thousands of people are facing salvation. many depend on community kitchens to survive. have a morgan reports from on demand waiting in line for his number to be called wasn't what types of sit i've been time. imagine he'd need to do to get food to fill his stomach a day labor. he used to be able to afford meals for himself and his family,
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but that was before conflict between the dance army and the parent military rapids support forces started in april last year. the fighting took away his source of income and force them from their home. well, by the way that, that how do i lost my job because of the conflict and move my time the several times. and that has been very costly, especially with no source of income. so i now stay here in a school for displays. people with my family and i come here daily and sometimes go to other kitchens to get 2 meals a day. is one of hundreds of people who come here each day. more than half of working 8 to the needs worked in non formal factors before the conflict. lack of access to the jobs as fighting continue means many have lost their income. fighting has also limited supplies in markets and increased food costs. so we need to kitchen like best provide food for thousands of people here in under mine. but the city isn't the only place in the capital where people need help getting enough to
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eat the high cost the food and it starts at the end markets mean many around the capital can no longer afford to feed their families. and that's contributing to the high numbers of those around the country already facing the same problem. the agencies such as the world's flu program, say more than 40 percent of the dance population are facing hunger here and undermine kitchens. being available like this one known as hot room kitchen means food for a family for the day the initial unit. but if we took care we provide for more people, we may give out 5 kilos of lentils, and that would be enough for 2 days for a family cooking. it helps us seedmore families and we provide food daily. some of our kitchens provide for up to 2000 families. the sedans government says such initiatives are welcome to ease the needs of civilians affected by the conflict mission now and then how much more. i mean, i took i out with whom i thought what matters is that provides help to the citizens
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because our capabilities, government is extremely limited. kitchens are directly type the communities we coordinate with them and they're open to all the initiatives. we are trying to develop kitchens from wheezing in lines, serving them in their home. there's a few in the hudson in west fights and continue the number of those in need of food supplies is increasing. for many here waiting in line is the only thing that keeps them from starving. at least for one day. people, morgan, ologist, they're on, undermine the another kinds that has dropped down several rounds presidential election anyways as accommodate the mayor of tyrone, announced his referral on social media and campaigning has officially come to an end a day before the vote around is which is a success that's abraham lacy, who died in a helicopter crash last month and a full confidence all left in the running. assess lani is a senior research fellow for the at the center for me at least to teach at studies
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. he believes the reform is count that my food possess can have a slight edge and the polls has a fridays by of the arts, the magic candidates who can have the chest. so being the presidency among them is to conservatives on one before miss atkins. and there, according to the recent polls conducted in the country, the reform is kinda the, you know, is a, had a different pose show different figures. but it can vary from 3 to 5 person that just to 10. that is a head in the polls. but the best hopes among the conservative come to create a correlation among them, because to make sure that one can secure the rest of the votes. but this didn't happen yesterday. and it seems that a run of could be very much likely unless the level of to turn out increases. and some argue as specifically those in the reform is come. that this to turn out
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increases more. this can increase the chance of the reform is, can do that as well. and then coming out as a quote, impact is dom with leverage judgment that could see the former prime minister and wrong con, release from prison. con is 3rd life bushera finds an appeal oscar in the quote to suspends the 70 a jail times for what was ruled and legal marriage council are found guilty, yvonne, i see was let me know by failing to observe the requisite interval of the bush was divorced con has been imprisoned on a range of conviction since august. he maintains the case as it gets in the public . he motivated and the and the railing has with tons of power and elections in february. and you, john chose sentence, the former president of hundreds to 45 years in prison on alonzo, and on this was expedited to the us last year to face federal charges. he was found guilty of conspiring to import cocaine into the us during his 2 times as president
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. he's expected to appeal to conviction. the fonts goes to the poles on sunday for the 1st round of a snap, parliamentary vice national assembly has 577 elected members. a policy needs a majority of 289 states to form an executive, 40 and elect a prime minister to major policies of dominating the race. the governing renee phones holds the majority in both fronts as low a house, the national assembly and the senate. it's opposed by marine, the pen and a national violent adviser will done by della fall right. populous policy recently gained a significant proportion of seats in you, parliamentary elections, present by new blackwall is aiming to prevent the far right takeover of fronds. but if he fails, he'll be remembered as the president to propose the far right to power the butler report from that comes home town of on the this. it was one of the manual
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macros defining movements, unexpectedly waiting into a fee to protest against the closure of a will pull up the lines factory in northern town. vanya, during the 2017 presidential campaign sees the form of bank of kids about workers. but this trade union leader who was the says mike called listen to the grievances, there's a point of controlling left for me, of the promises that no one would lose that y'all do, said he. hus need take care of our case if he was elected and not let us down, because we thought, ok, he, this is interesting. we would desperate and wanted to believe him macro and went on to be elected with the factory. closed jobs with last work has left didn't visit a call back monday. so it was a uh should it was so disappointing, particularly because he's from here. he's from here. we thought we have a president problem ma'am. yeah. so he'll surely look off dress, how lucky you're putting the foot in the end. he's a catastrophe we will weigh about 20 or 2017 saga was trademark macro leader
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who likes to surprise, quote, control for see and take risks. the gambles don't always pay off, and there's a growing sense of weariness with the unpredictability and some policies, including his controversial pension and immigration reforms. the snap election is the last rule for some disappointment and this illusion all words. you hear a lot these days when people are talking about emmanuel mycroft, ease and see in his hometown of i'm yeah, he's on one polity inside during the city even said to us, but he says that it could be the end of my current isn't it was still hard version, there are the people of set up across the board with this presidency. both of his times, most good is also this. she, the people are disappointed in french politicians of all kinds. they're all looking off to their own interests. once proud of macro, all that most famous, living citizen, people in m. yeah, but we did.


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