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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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should to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the palestinian authority. no, many stores here have closed down and people say, every day this war continues, it adds another birth and the, the tear gas and robin hood, its canyon police confront, protest is again a day off to the presence you found on tax heights. the hello them are a kyle, this is out. is there a life from though? ha, also coming up is ready. will planes target residential areas across the golf and thousands of palestinians killed tom he stopped the fall. right. some patients that
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come to pilot in front and manual, not chrome, physical future is at stake and sundays snap connection. and we're on the wells, west humanitarian crises. how saddam conflict is pushing millions towards salvation . the hundreds of police officers, um, so soldiers are on the streets and kenya is capital a day off to the president, withdrew proposed legislation that would have raised taxes. these are the things in the sense of the capital never be what police use into gas and rubber bullets to this fuss pockets of antique government protested. and these 23 people were killed on tuesday during demonstrations against the finance bill. organizers had quote from nationwide protests against the government on thursday.
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let's go straight to our correspondent malcolm where he joins us live from norway, b and malcolm. these pitch as that was saying, clashes between protest isn't police people being arrested. what's the situation? the as yeah, right. place and plain clothes, security, a trying to stuff any crowd gathering before it even starts. but the crowd protested has been steadily growing. now the last, the police are using 2 gas to try and break it up. we've been waiting mosques much of the time. the interesting people putting them in that truck, just bear with me is cosmo mccore, who is the usually the an award winning pay this become prolific figure on social media. and this moving and you've arrested on tuesday this week. what happens? we will protesting, and it's gotten increasingly unsafe, as you've seen this badly,
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any people here, but they've been to your guest park consistency. and i think this is an intimidation tactic by the states which clearly has been scads. they do not expect this compliments use a prism to, to is running a country which has very heavily disgruntled use. and this would have been sorted out by him just joining down withdrawing the bill. and in as a sign of goodwill with going to hold up for patients act because we have no fee to nonphysical costs that we have a faith in in that good will for us. can i just say do or say to you when you were detained car and see i currently cannot speak because i've not been processed it. i just go home this morning and i've left my father and my family just as close to the house. now selling them. i need to go to the front because if i say on social media that we cannot, we should not in advance to protect it, as they would think of in both, all not unless i'm not being both offices that's,
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that's come out and i've found that that they're shooting children, i thought that was short in the back. and i know that we're willing to risk our lives for the country, but it's a black box kind of been declared the military states. and i know nobody's talking about that, you know. but the army has been given freely, would not be till the location would not be until that duration have not been told where that the to be doing that. so it's, i'm just coming to speak to remind the people of kind of the, i'm still with you. i'm still in the streets. i'm afraid i have not, the compressed i have eaten, have not shut up just she's refreshed. and then i've come to the speech to say that we do not need to advance about protect the bay area. we don't need to go gently into the fog lights, but if and when we make it, i will be there. i know it sounds like it's conflicting, but we do not need to lose any more lives. but this is what it takes for the, for the president to listen to the people of kenya. that is exactly what we will do . what are your demands of president william roots having the government?
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now i think this whole situation was reduced into the finance. the top has greatly desensitize the people of can you up to the killings that have happened during for us to remember, we get on the is up to on the things we will armed with what our tongues, how and cookies and bottles of water. we demand justice, will the people who been killed only about 20 of them accounted for the founding life long before the fire in life. what is that even yesterday to see some categories i was holding life with us, we're asking them to deal with upset and graphs, asking them to do away with this military state because they don't set some national security. we're asking them to do away with those extra unconstitutional positions to stop using because we don't have any problems. we have an expenditure problem. the office of the 1st lady's office of the deputy, possibly the office of the prime company and the wife. why were you using all that money? we are in such difficult times and that's why we are rising. i'm driving. i would very much rather be playing piano and not being sleeping too,
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i guess. and having random screens just lose sleep. but thinking that i've been, i've been killed, i would much rather be at home doing that. i come to do that because somebody else to speak for the people. and that's why i'm judging the youth and i'm very grateful . but a lot of them just by being to you, i just have come to receive me into the streets to action, but we don't need anymore blood. should it pains, we please be deeply to see children high school going kids under 1816 year old. be charged for things they do not do. and how deep in this group play out and say to head now that it pays the government doesn't want to let anyone purchased it. so whatever it takes we will do. we don't know how it will play out. we would hope that the president, which would have a soft or hard because this is the time. this is not the time to just move the time to. i'm just going to, i'm us. just listen to us. listen to us. we are people. we are the people who elected, you know,
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the people in the streets, chancing route. so you must go announce aspect of it and seeing increasingly on social media as well as to do to go is the voice of the people. remember i'm the only one in front of the camera. i have no idea what came to the lead of the jersey. i've just feature very permanently. but it's, that's what it takes for us to have a sole bucks, an upright kind of the new to my school who to must cool. it's we the people who elected this government and this government has been nothing but heartless and too close to its people. president to, to, it seems me, excuse me. but so you see that award winning status is to come as a benefit in social media during this protest moving and he's just out of detention a few hours ago. that's what he said back to you in de ha. okay, malcolm many things and dave are giving us a voice of
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a flavor of those protests. we can see pictures of the nice us from that know i raise a relatively small crowd, but allowed and time and crowd none the less out on the streets a day off to president, we to dismiss the controversial finance bill that the original protest against these people still out on the street today, the mom during the president must go demanding just to split 23 people. it was killed on tuesday in protest then. and they stormed a parliament building. these people were refusing to leave the street, but being met by tick us and rubber bullets and a rest by authors, he's will be keeping a close eye on the situation. fat and not very b as it continues to on phones. the . this very minute tree has launched on operation. east of kansas city is older
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people to leave the shoots. i area eliot is really forces talking to the era killing at least 7 palestinians. families are fleeing up on beaumont intensifies. at least 40 people have been injured. homes have been damaged in the attack with cruise rescuing people from the rubble of destroyed buildings. others are still missing. in northern gauze, have 3 is really strikes of talk to the crowd to jamalia refuge account. at least $32.00 palestinians were killed and the attacks on wednesday is rarely ground troops pulled out of the camp any of this month of 2 weeks of fighting nothing. there can be a few ideas we were sitting at home and we had an explosion near it. we went out and found body parts thrown around everywhere in the group of civilians who had no connection to any military was targeted by the positive throne. here in the spring entire capitalism 9 joins us live from daryl viola, tara people seeing huge,
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i for the past few hours and tell us what's happening now of the yes, laura, what exactly happens in a huge and neighborhood is that it is very ami, has started a new source of ministry attacks and that very densely populated area. what since that have been receiving controversial evacuation orders to no longer remain in such and focused industries. yeah, yeah. and they have published map with a q r code regarding the places that they need to leave. i'm to hit to the southern sides of slide the road close to the central areas of kansas city, which i also bought it by the is where they met it. treat us, be happy hearing from my witnesses, you know, she's yeah, yeah, neighborhood. they were shocked by the level of compartment that was carried out suddenly and surprisingly in people. areas that we're living in, in generally, under the same time, we have heard the sound of it's very minute treat tags. advancing towards the main urban areas, the bus majority of them were destroyed with families have recently started to live
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on the remnants of their destroyed houses. so swimmingly, it seems that the study only is about to start a new manager with ration of due to the classification of some such and folks, anastasia, your neighborhood to be incredibly dangerous as citizens that have new please destination in order to take it as a clue. refuge because the vast majority of the northern sex solve the goals district has been on the want military attack by the us. but all meet specially in a shot your record, you come and even in a separate neighborhood. this is what, how the city is recently started to head in order to find a sense of safe to refuse. but generally, as, as, as have been reporting, i'm assuming i was to 0 that we are absolutely experiencing on forces in the state of porter and a terrifying attacks by the, as many army as families have been grappling with the freezing rates of famine and been north of this trip now with new internal displacements wave for message i get
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to other areas this place, the c j impacts right has been sold by the spend a minute trans. previously, the army has officially announced that the managed submit, a totally dismounted from us battalions in that area, again pointing to bump, bump, link is resuming, came back, very densely populated area, giving a clear reflection that is by the army is re operating in the vast majority of the gaza strip without ends inside for the operations on the ground. ok talk money. thanks for that update target. assume reporting from the central garza. another candidate has dropped down to the wrong presidential election otherwise as the economy in the mail of tyrone announces referral on social media. campaigning has officially come to an end a day before the vote. iranians will choose a successor to abraham lacy, who died in a helicopter crash last month. and a full confidence all left in the running fonts goes to the polls on sunday for the 1st round of us not parliamentary. those. the national assembly has 577 elective
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members. a policy needs the majority of 289 states to form an executive party and elect a prime minister. 2 major parties and dominating the race. the governing renee songs hose, the majority in both fronts as low a house, the national assembly and the senate. it's opposed by marine the pen 10 national violin advisors are done by della fall right populous policy recently gained a significant proportion of seats and e. you parliamentary elections presents a manual macro on this aiming to prevent a fall right takeover of fronts. but if he fails, he'll be remembered as the president to propose the far right to power. tasha butler, pulitzer mac loans, hometown of ami um of us. it was one of the manual macros defining movements unexpectedly waiting into a heated protest against the closure of a well pool appliance factory in northern town design. yeah. during the 2017
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presidential campaign fees. so what the form of bank a kid about? what? cuz this trade union leader who was that says my call listen to the grievances is a point which was on your left for me of the promises that no one would lose. that y'all do said he host need take care of our case if he was elected and not let us down. so we thought, ok, this is interesting. we would desperate and wanted to believe him macro and went on to be elected. but the factory closed jokes with last work has left didn't visit, go back monday. so it was a uh, it was so disappointing, particularly because he's from here. he's from out here and we thought we have a president ma'am. yeah. so he'll surely look after us. how lucky you put in the foot in the end, he's a catastrophe. we will weigh about 20 or 2017 saga was trademark, micra vida, who likes to surprise, quote, control for c and take risks. the gambles don't always pay off, and there's
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a growing sense of weariness with the unpredictability and some policies, including his controversial pension and immigration reforms. the snap selection is the last rule for some disappointment and this illusion all words. you hear a lot these days when people are talking about a manual mycroft ease and see in his hometown of i'm yeah, he's on one polity. and so i, during the sushi even said to us, but he says that it could be the end of my kind isn't, was still hard version the people of setup across the board with his presidency. both of his times, most good is also this. she, people are disappointed in french politicians of all kinds. they're all looking after their own interests. once proud of mac roles and most faith, most living citizens, people in m. yeah. so did overwhelmingly for marine depends the right policy in this month. you election in front campaigning in the city left when candidate falls off, lisa says, vote is one change is the most up and what we simply need more equality in this
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country. what sense sustainable is a president who since the very 1st day has been a reverse robin hood, why don't you take some of the pull up to give to the rich? it's not looking good for my call. who's policy could lose power in a political drama? is making a nest studies micro has one most surprise of his sleeve. natasha butler, l. g 0. i'm yeah. front. so it has hair on alex's era under arrest the bolivian general accuse of an attempted to says he acted at the president's request. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the other again you are watching, i was, is there a has reminder of all top stories this our hundreds of police officers and soldiers are on the streets of kennedy as capital a day off to the president withdrew. proposed legislation would have raised tight says lisa, using take us and run the bullets this past the price has done. is there any minute trans lawrenceville for ation, east of kansas city or the people to meet those to julia neighborhoods. earlier is
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ready for his talks of the area coming at least 7 palestinians, families of planning on going from boston. and i just know the candidates has dropped out of a bronze presidential election otherwise as economy the mail of tyrone announced his referral on social media. campaigning has officially come to an end the day before the face and a full confidence on this in the running united nation and says nearly 800000 people are facing starvation. institute on the army and rapids support forces have been fighting for more than 14 months. and the resulting displacement means many people are depending on community kitchens to survive. the milk and reports from undermine waiting in line for his number to be called wasn't what types of food i've been time. imagine he'd need to do to get food to fill his stomach a day labor. he used to be able to afford meals for himself and his family. but
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that was before conflict between the dance army and the parent military rapids support forces started in april last year. the fighting took away his source of income and force them from their home. a lot like that. how do i lost my job because of the conflict and move my time the several times. and that has been very costly, especially with no source of income. so i now stay here in a school for displaced people with my family. and i come here daily and sometimes go to other kitchens to get 2 meals a day. is one of hundreds of people who come here each day. more than half of working 8 for the needs worked and non foremost factors before the conflict. lack of access to the jobs as fighting continue means many have lost their income. financing has also limited supplies in markets and increased fluid costs. so when it's a good sounds like best provide food for thousands of people here in a little mine. but the city isn't the only place in the capital where people need
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help getting enough to eat the high cost the food and it starts at the end markets mean many around the capital can no longer afford to feed their families. and that's contributing to the high numbers of those around the country already facing the same problem. the agencies such as the world's flu program, say more than 40 percent of the dance population are facing hunger here in under man, kitchens being available like this one. notice how to clean kitchen means food for a family for the day. the initial unit, if we took care we provide for more people, we may give out 5 kilos of lentils, and that would be enough for 2 days for a family cooking. it helps us seedmore families and we provide food daily. some of our kitchens provide for up to 2000 families. yeah. so then government says such initiatives are welcome to ease the needs of civilians affected by the conflict mission now. and then how much more, i mean, i think i, uh, what is my thought, what matters is that provides help to the citizens because our capabilities,
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government is extremely limited. kitchens are directly type the communities we coordinate with them and they're open to all the initiatives. we are trying to develop kitchens from wheezing in lines, serving them in their home, in the hudson in west fights and continue. the number of those in need of food supplies is increasing. for many here waiting in line is the only thing that keeps them from starving, at least for one day, even more than all just their own. i'm through mind. let's take a closer look at how suit on has got to this point. and 2019 the minute 3 hours to the long time that lead to i'll the share, often months of mass protests, then the army moved against the protest as boss on the international pressure. it was supposed to sign a power sharing agreement with civilian groups. in october 2021. yet another military coup. i'm stated, prime minister of dell handled, who was seen as the face of the transition to democracy. in december 2022, the ministry and political act has signed
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a framework agreement that was supposed to assure and civilian rule. last year what began as a power struggle between the ministry leader and his full, my deputy, has now become a full blown conflict. thousands have been killed and millions displaced. so what do i need as now have from here in dough is allan bowles. well, he's the one of director of one of africa director for the international crisis group. good to have you with us. it is actual west who timothy is just added to don to the top of its emergency watch list. what does that say about the states of the country? i won't see them, isn't it completely horrendous states. you can analyze that either from a political level where the sued in the state has collapsed um, or the humanitarian level where we now have millions of sudanese, basically on the brink of famine. i'm everywhere this war has reached and they keep spreading has left the siege populations where now starving. and mostly the 2
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warring sides are also doing their best to start the sudanese as well either through looting or through blocking food. i want to take the area where we can see that happening as al flasher in the full, the, the r s f has it on the seat, hundreds of thousands of people trapped in that city. medical facilities also closing down. what is the latest situation that you're hearing? what you have an escalating conflict for l foster, the capital north. therefore, it's the only city in a dar 4 in which the shooting these army, which is now to camp, from cartoon to ports to day on. it's the only city that they still have a presence in that they still control. and the r s of has surrounded the city, you know, for the past the months, be seized it and it's fighting the army and it's fighting other local dark boy arm groups who have a line with the army. and you have perhaps about a 1000000 civilians where it stuck there in the cross hairs and very dire
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conditions and very much in the, in the, in the line of fire where all the efforts full piece tools. so why, for example has the jetta mediation fails? yeah, the only place that's really managed to bring the 2 belligerence together for peace talks of being a bit since the beginning of the war was i wasn't jetta in saudi arabia at least in a formal manner in those talks. i have not taken place there since last year. there was a major push from the us over the last few months to push saudi arabia to reconvene these talks to include a wider and some other countries in the region as well. and that was, but that push has, has basically stalled out these shooting. these army has been refusing publicly to come back to peace talks. it's also an unclear whether or not to the people the, the countries that have influence over the army are actually really pressuring the
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army to come back to talks on. so it's a very dire situation of the armies, not winning this war. the, our stuff is not winning the war, the country is in full collapse. and frankly, the world has been too distracted to really apply the pressure on these 2 warring parties to come sit down and end of this war. and that's really what's needed, whether the piece talks be in jetta or somewhere else. they need to come back to the table. there is no waiting. this for the we're just needs to end. as i say, the written, the world seems to be distracted. and there really is a distinct lack of interest, only the international community tools. so don, why is that? as well? you can blame ukraine and gaza, but sue dan, a collapsed well before the war. the recent war and gaza broke out in there still really wasn't any attention. um, so on a political level, it hasn't been there. you know, you'll not hear president bite in the state of words to day on. it's just not
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a focus at that level. um, of the white house, but it really hasn't been a focus really anywhere even within this region. but within students, greater region in africa and the middle east leader is it's just not at the top of their agenda. and therefore, there's a lot this war has been allowed to continue. if there was a concerted high level of focus on this war. it could have ended relatively early on now, and it's getting harder and harder to resolve towards fragment dean into numerous different arm groups. we have full state class and student needs are starving to that leading to devastating circumstances for the millions of people in so don't unbelievable. many thanks for joining us. senior on a come on to and bolivia has been arrested off to what the president is calling and attempted to general juan jose is an ego or the soldiers to store them a presidential palace in the past on wednesday and vehicles vimes. the entrance of the building and troops filled its full ways. soldiers withdrew after
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a few hours generals and mika had been fired a day earlier, just before he was arrested hick use the president of ordering the uprising it will be helped me. on sunday in less alcala, i met with the president, and he told me the situation was bad, and this week would be critical. he said it was needed to prepare something to push up his popularity. i asked him, shall we bring out the armored vehicles? and he said, take them out the, the inside the building president lewis also confronted soniega it could be heard tell him to come on to, i order you to withdrawal the present also a bolivians to come out onto the streets. lisa, once the situation was under control present, i'll say fine to simple says, who does the thank you very much for your presence. it gives us more coverage, new courage to continue resisting $82.00. it seemed because bolivia deserves as
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democracy. one in the streets and paid was blood. they wanted to surprise us and the bill of young people, we responded and the mobilization of the people also allowed us to defeat this cool attempt today. and that's it for me, laura kyle and whether next. so then inside story, looking at the unrest in kenya, even off to the, climbed down by president roo site the hello. we have seen some record to 9 folded into pond salt japan recently and there's more to come over the next few days. you can see them in your front, which straddles wealth, central areas of china, running out toward key issue towards con, shoot more heavy rain just posing is way across a similar areas spelt the difference friday. going on need to assess that yet more heavy rain just coming in across
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a similar area drive for time it will be human. really sticky conditions. west of weather does come out into the yellow sea full sas day that will continue to drift further. east was, as we go to the pots of next week. so it's been pretty wet weather, looking across the west and got sylvania now pushing up and to go to right. these are the monsoon range. still a little slow up towards the north east of india, but some big down pulls into bangladesh. the zip free monsoon shala's just around the top of the desk. some heavy rain in place. here we have an orange one is in 4th floor time of the which is the weather will continue to run its way out the west and got snow solid weather across the middle. a cities hots it is drive and it can get temperatures here. even though $142.00 degrees celsius does a little cooler. as we go into ss day, as the humidity picks up. the, what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity?
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what sort of future society do we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice age guides, which actually a tournament incorporating in doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations this more power might in the bill and entire country, the future's going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before she needs as well. as human on al jazeera, kenya was shaken by mass demonstrations against proposed tax hikes. protests which is the president assailant and of up to his election promises. the government says of finance, but is needed to pay off the debt. all the unrest be contained, with an escalation even said, this is inside story, the


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