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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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a scared little girl, but she never again, i'm more in general to to she get you the the oh, can you as high colt allows the deployment of the military to assist policing calling pro tests as anger on the streets continue the phillips, the you know, just they were like my headquarters here in the hall, also coming up 1000 slaves and the ends in gauze and city after a new wave of israeli arabs kills at least 8 palestinian united nation says the
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conflict and saddam has pushed new the $800000.00 people toward starvation plus island, fisher and atlanta, georgia were to 5, and donald trump will face to face for one of the alias debates in american presidential history of one that could prove to be the most consequential the welcome to the fact that we begin in kenya, where the high, cold has approved the use of military falls to restore the following days of devoted protest, hundreds of police officers and soldiers and now on the streets of the capital nairobi. so this comes a day after the present, when the mutate with 3 proposals to raise taxes. let's go save it tonight, right? the now i was able to solve your correspondence is standing by for us and can use defense forces deployed. now it seems a this, then you go to the 10,
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surely create more friction. that is correct. now the president ordered this to happen a couple of days ago. we seen the soldiers on the streets since tuesday since to take over of parliament. they helped in securing parliament once again, they've been backing up the police force since then. what we've seen now is that the high court has given permission for their deployment, but has done this with a copy of that said to the president, that he has 48 hours to exactly identify how the soldiers will be used and where. so it's not a blank track. now this is a much more professional, highly trained fighting force with the 6 specific set rules of engagement. so we aren't expecting them to be engaging with the protestors. we saw them out on the streets today in large numbers in their military convoys, patrolling the streets alongside the police. but they weren't engaging with the protesters. they weren't actively involved. they were there as
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a deterrence that were there to back the police up. what we did see is a continued heavy handed approach by the police force by ride police using rubber bullets using tear gas and stun grenades live ammunition, according to some eye witness reports when we spoke to the protesters there. so it has certainly involved in the police, it has back them up, it has shored up their defenses in a sense. and we can't, we've continued to see what protesters have called, antagonizing disproportionately behavior by the police, against extensively on armed young canyons, or simply there to raise their voice as the police continue to raise their guns against them. as they need managed to gain a sense of the situation, certainly by talking to those that have been protesting on the streets throughout the day. what was your sense in terms of whether these protests, all going to be short or long lived? depending on the reaction from the government and the way people interpret what's coming out of the president's office as well,
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the organizing of these demonstrators is largely through social media. many of the organizers are. busy trying to be a little more tactical, they don't want to see any more of a loss of life. you know that at least 23 people have been killed in the last week or so of these demonstrations across the country. we have reports that 2 more people were killed this evening and that goes along with what we seen as the sun comes down as the day dies down there seems to be an escalation of violence coming from the police side to try to dissipate the demonstrations. now what the organizers tell us is they don't want to see a loss of life. they're, they're trying to pull back on exactly where they organize, where. busy they had to where they calls them restrictions to happen, but the pressure is sustaining. there continues to be an enormous amount of anger. the demonstrations today were smaller in scale but no less violent in terms of the classes that were happening in pockets between protestors and police throughout the city center. and as we spoke to the protesters, they all say the same thing. they,
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the process may seem k audit on your tv screen, but the message from the protesters when we speak to them is very clear. and it is one single voice router has called them all criminals and 12 hours later because of the enormous pressure on him. he declares the tax build that it simply isn't good enough. they say now he must step down and they will not stop until they bring tangible change into the holes of government. they want to now begin to dictate terms they want to set the government's agenda from the street level, if that's what it takes, say, but strongly that for us in the canyon capital. thank you. of the protests also taking place on the side of my road. b, b nation news outlets is reporting protest, as in case of move the country is the largest city of the box from combat lay to the city center. now that stage was sitting a sit down process pod me in front of the kids. moved, states log in because in the southwest, police and demonstrations are reporting a fight that and running bottles and protest as in to see many of them. university
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students have lost towards the town center. at least one mind has been killed by police and then got the wrong guy. good job. do county residents told algebra that the victim was call to being cross fire was police fired at and t tax protest as in the area. catherine solely has the story. the whole here on the outside of the city of protested has been using this roads to bonds hires and said that they do not trust the president, even though he said that he is going to decline or he has the client to sign on. will they say that they want him in so that they can all of these have been done so and so we have for me who are trying to
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keep the order as is this. your guys on the other side, you have to protest to where, who the, how the, the so one was so, so basically what they're saying is that, that issue is not then just last final will they say they want jobs. they say the frustrated because they cannot get the job, the living is so high and not gotten the president of progress then that he's, he's going to give them jobs. so it's very upset. we have been talking to them and they said that they need the need to ship to do better passes. so i'll just bear off the the, the, these really be the trees as low as an operation. east of goal is a city and sold a people to leave these should try it and neighborhood. natalie is very false. has
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talked to the rate, can i get the state palestinians, honey, my mood ripples. i'd have to attempt to escape you to another years try going to show you a neighborhood in northern garza. many here have a slip multiple times and are forced to leave again. do you remember the speed of feelings in his star vision that marked the previous is really military operation? but nowhere in dogs, as some people, including children, were killed in the united nations run school is really bonds claimed more palestinians as they fled j. as in the east of dogs, a city near these really fast and i bought it all. i have this woman doesn't know where to go. she has 5 children who she stays are hungry and thirsty. why don't know who are you so can you? well, i am telling the well, to keep enjoying the season is over here,
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and causal to keep enjoying the support is riley's answer. keep enjoy within us on the siege forever. i might to, god is enough for us and god is the best disposal for affairs. the vehicles like this are useless because israel has cut off fuel supplies. there are no emergency response to cruise here. repeated bombardments and incursions have left no roads, hospitals or facilities. so how about if i woke up terrified to some salary showing i kept screening for a long time. got, we'll deal with the x ray. least we have nothing to eat and we can't carry anything with us. 1000 of people to stream out of his eyes. some here say is regular troops are advancing hot by, as the me notified that i collected would keep it for the children. the indiscriminate children hit every thing without warning. it isn't fair. most of the victims are women and children. i swear to god,
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these are war crimes to say enough is enough. people are killed and wounded for trying to find food for the children. we are deprived of food water under basic necessities, and we're being started by midsize and artillery shows. where's the was, what are the arabs and what are the most then a question that has a good across garza for nearly 9 months. i know that we are the people of gaza. i'll be rami from should j e. we are the people. we are the owners of this land. we are the heroes on the display as people of gaza reiterate that they are survivors as once again, they are forced to flee to an area which might come on. there is really a talk honey. my mother was just the it out from the central gauze on how to sign up to there was mohammed shaheen. is industry trying neighborhood and said this report is not the set of somebody. and that it has the high school that was standing here in the east of kansas city, where on thursday morning it's rainy,
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occupation forces began all tend to be selling laws, possible shy and neighborhood. and thousands of people are living here in extremely difficult humanitarian conditions. and as you can see now, people are heading towards areas of the west of kansas city carrying the children and whatever else they can carry under the scorching hot sun in this hot weather. due to the bombing leaving that destroyed science and temporary shelters. and way they are exhausted, i'm tired and are heading into the on the areas that they are unfamiliar with. all that priority now is to survive these product bombings. people here see that these really minute treat will follow this protocol to learn, selling with a ground operation. just as they did before, it was a 2 neighborhood inter ballier as well as the obviously fat medical complex. yeah, i know that role so being fresh and strikes and the central and southern areas of the gaza strip, at least 3 members of because of civil defense have been killed. and these really asked rank 73 civil defense members have been killed since october. the 7th, several policy studies will also killed after is very full of your tech tens
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housing displays. people to the west overdraft. fee is where the aspects of also targeted edge all the a refugee camp in northern goza. at least 32 palestinians were killed in those attacks. is where the ground troops pulled out all the count apparently of this month after weeks of fighting. the residence of jamalia live in difficult to humanitarian conditions that most residents struggling to find food due to a lack of aid supplies. traitors have been trying to revise one of the largest markets and the knolls destroyed in his way the strikes. the zeros. most of the clues has moved from jamalia in northern garza. a severe shortage of the basics of lies here. nothing goes, but as nothing answers to the, nothing goes for whether phones the south or from the air is the crossing as it gets in the bookshop. this is, did you found the central lock? it's off. so that's why the forces destroyed the market completely. as you can see,
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there's no under budget the rules and fruits to offer, so those have nothing to offer for the civilians here. over less reloads, delilah says the on it, the basic needs are not available. as you can see in the market. on the hold of northern does, i have nothing but 30 kilograms of tomatoes every day. it's and it has to say for the vegetables, this is some garlic. this is not enough at all for the people's cousin. a good email that civilians and residents. yeah. nothing. guess what? i'm struggling every day. finding something to eat as something to feed their children with. as you can see here is the seeing and did you buy the refuge account? all of these products is nothing. just a small amount that's not or doesn't cover the extensive needs of the relation that out of the day. and so the main vegetables are not available in
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the market before the price of one kilogram. fleming was one shake. the price now is $25.00. jacobs for one. kito fleming. i left be here in jamalia. we all starving . there's not enough food or even volta. we pay a lot of money to buy something from the markets, which likes the main vegetables. we need civilians. here are the links to all international bodies to provide nothing goes with, with the basic supplies, the fluid. i just need a, nothing does a thread, dallas fine. meanwhile, the west jerusalem hundreds took to the streets to demand the return. it was ready to captivate. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been facing growing friendship to secure a seaside deal with the mouse. and these ladies that i want to speak for early elections and an end to the will in gulzar. but at least $35.00 rockets are being fired from level and tools. the city of south end and those in israel.
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2 you won't get interrupted by israel's and then system stuff. it's municipalities says that when the casualties reported so far, but that means of a power outages. it's the latest of the series of test. the types of tags between has blah and is ready for us is the us present a button and then in the state of georgia. well, he'll go head to head with donald trump. in the 1st debates of the 2020 full presidential election campaign, the 2 men lost faith stall in the run up to the 2020 election. the debate could help shape the rest of the rates. as ellen fischer reports, though, from atlanta, of the people set the tone for the next 5 months. the most anticipated debate
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in recent times to buy less stood face to face with donald trump. 4 years ago on the presidential debate states, a lot has changed. some things haven't like the o well between the 2. so left. what do you show right on the fight and one and 2020 some complaint with the evidence victory was stolen from him. there's been the assault on the capital. on january 6th, 2021. there's been, don't terms, conviction on safety for a felony charges, and there's been the conviction of joe biden, son, hunter, we know donald trump has a very, very, is very skill at be a disruptor. so i think what we're going to see is one of the debaters attempting to try to stay presidential and stay focused on the issues. and the other one is going to try to do everything he can to disrupt of his challenger. joe biden thinks his preparations are going well. the trump has been on the campaign trail,
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mocking his opponent. i know he's locked up in a log cabin someplace. you can imagine what both men will lead to deal in policy, immigration on the board to is a political liability for bite and abortion rights for trump and bite. and we'll have to defend his position on the water and gaza. but most americans will want to know how each candidate will make their lives better. all the media, things that go by may have done well, like handling the pandemic of economic recovery. inflation is still high. many people still feel like the cost of living is not commensurate with their payment with their wages. and so even though he is overseeing lots of good things, he is still the president right now. and all of these things are happening. i think donald trump is going to try to make a joe biden look out of touch, perhaps a daft and not ready in that to the job. nearly a quarter of all americans was neither mind to win this election,
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but this is the race. these are the candidates and both will be hoping this debate will give them some momentum before the vote in november. i was so sure, i'll just see that adelanto was sick. you live now to the state of georgia marietta . so why has to bite and has loved it and a false one while he is being greeted by local officials. but basically that in policy, of course, the democrats, people, he and his medicaid make their way into central atlanta and to see it in the hosp pulled castro on this particular debate, which will be within the next 2 to 3 hours when it starts. of course, he is expected to receive a tough cooling from donald trump, but to be expecting, of course, of a very heated debate between the 2 of them. of course, we'll be joining that debate later. here on alex's sarah, now the us economy, foreign policy and integration likely to dominate the debate. here's what some people are hoping to hear. and tonight, head to head between button and trump. yeah, sure,
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i'm gonna watch the debate on thursday and i think it's a i don't know, it will say i'm, i think like everyone, i'm nervous to see how, how these guys do me personally. i hope to hear someone have a concrete stance on how we are addressing the situation in palestine. that is my biggest concern personally as of older, i don't think that our country is going in the right direction in regards to that. and i would hope that our leadership is able to take a concrete stand one way or the other. it's making it more difficult election than i think that it would be was not an issue. i think us, the american policy has gotten so weird that the substance has been almost entirely lost when you have a non truth advocate on one side, which is trump. how do you even talk to somebody just talked to nonsense all the time? am looking forward to hearing both sides of the debate and
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like for said, you know, i'm looking for someone who's honest and know that the facts. and i'm just hoping that this person would be someone who can represent our country and not take away from democracy as it is he in the united states. the roles and jordan has moved from washington dc. joe barton and donald trump take the stage for their 1st debate on thursday night east coast time in the united states. they're going to be focused on the issues a sensibly the handling of the economy, dealing with immigration, 6 tasks of dealing with reproductive rights. and with civil rights, but before the debate, both campaigns have released new television and social media ads, as well as putting out new newspaper ads, challenging and questioning the other candidates fitness for service. the buying
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campaign is saying that donald trump is a convicted felon who shouldn't be anywhere near the white house. has those basically stowed races and the sergeant instict divides in the country and basically was the impetus behind the attempted crew on the us government on january 6th, 2021. the trump campaign is saying that don't that joe volume is just too old to be serving as president, has done a poor job of handling the post pandemic economy and engaged in some dollars whistling by suggesting that a fight and has to step down early. a woman of black and self asian just said pamela harris would become the new us president. something that trump supporters are still to believe would not want. now it's a question of whether these talking points these campaign ads are going to make it into on thursday nights to be. because the idea is to focus on substantial issues
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and not just on political spin. russell and jordan elders, era washington as well still a head held out as ever brought in statues and gold coins. it's the welcome time lou to the ancient of works. but know that if we think is intact, the hello. we are looking get some well kimberly, from the hate to cross parts of west to year, but definitely a little bit of patsy class. i'm rain as well. we got this. what the powerful i pressure this well it gets way in this kind of continue driving is way further eastwood system active with assistance making that way. and here we are looking at a little bit of cloud ad rates. apache, ryan full some plus pre conditions to have that music as odd as know the mileage. it's scuffling mold in areas of england,
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but the southern england should be dry actually this week, free to this one in terms of the west the weather lot. so what, whether it's essentially you're looking at sundry down post sliding across into scandinavia, pushing across into pilot, running right down across the northern pa. so basically once again, it's an official, it's, it's a central and southern process do some way whether they're into a spain and portugal issues could be rather likely for time as we go through. so that's the possibility of some localized flooding. i give russia shout was coming in because i'm not sure front by the last a possibility of new central the nation. there's of the match still for us. he will particular close at east the side of the met him. we're looking to spray high temperatures going in place for cover for the full celsius, close enough, the in tripoli. nice houses. we go into fast. i mean, well, plenty of shala's west africa of the
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i'm just gonna show what we've got some feet about black. but i want to do it live on, come funny enough with the police left behind us to black essential workers share their experiences of racism in the u. k. replaced by the end of a point where they've done well and showed the way black. it was on the weathering on the jersey to the book about you want to i'll just bear with me. so robin into a reminder of all the top stories can be as high goals as approved. the use of ministry falls to restore all the following days of often violent protest. at least
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one minus has been killed by police in colorado county residence, told i'll just say over the mind it was called something cross fine as police find that for testers, these are the military is low still correction, east of gauze, and city of the older people to leave us a giant neighborhood and northern gauze, a 3 is randy as price of it, the jabante, a refugee camp, killing at least $32.00 palestinians who was present to advise this just touch down in the state of georgia tech with donald trump in the 1st the base of the 2020 full presidential election campaign to leading candidates in the us presidential race last face stuff in the brought up in 2020 the debate. good health shape the rest of kate's the right season. let's see what spring cost has rolled to temporarily, and i'll, boston's in, idaho full, pregnant women, facing medical emergencies that reinstated se level cost decisions. but the states need complete band on abortion comfortably in the emergency medical treatment and
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labor at present it binds ministration, had sued, idaho, arguing that the act takes precedence of states low well under causes comes as fighting between the me a department, if you rep its full force as rages onto the 14th consecutive month ensued on community kitchens that become a lifeline for those fulls to flee the homes. that of morgan has moved from the outskirts of call to waiting in line for his number to be called wasn't what types of sit i've been time. imagine he'd need to do to get food to fill his stomach a day labor. he used to be able to afford the meals for himself and his family, but that was before conflict between the dance army and the parent military rapids support forces started in april last year. the fighting took away his source of income and force them from their home. well, why do i look at that? how do i lost my job because of the conflict and move my time the several times.
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and that has been very costly, especially with no source of income. so i now stay here in a school for displays, people with my family and i come here daily and sometimes go to other kitchens to get 2 meals a day. is one of hundreds of people who come here each day more than half of working age. so the news worked in non formal factors before the conflict. lack of access to the jobs as fighting continue means many have lost their income. fighting has also limited supplies in markets and increased fluid costs is the meanest extensions, like best provide food for thousands of people here in a little mine. but the city isn't the only place in the capital where people need help getting enough to eat. the high cost the food and it starts at the end markets mean many around the capital can no longer afford to feed their families. and that's contributing to the high numbers of those around the country. already facing the same problem. 8 agencies such as the world food program,
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say more than 40 percent of the dance population are facing hunger here in under man, kitchens being available like this one. notice how to him kitchen means food for a family for the day. and if not, you know, if we co care we provide for more people, we may give out 5 kilos of lentils, and that would be enough for 2 days for a family cooking. it helps us seedmore families and we provide food daily. some of our kitchens provide for up to 2000 and some of these young sedan government says such initiatives are welcome to ease the needs of civilians affected by the conflict commissioner and then a much more. i mean, i think i, uh, what, what matters is that provides help to the citizens because our capabilities, government is extremely limited. kitchens are directly type the communities we coordinate with them and they're open to all the initiatives. we are trying to develop kitchens from waiting in line, serving them and their home was fighting continue. the number of those in need of
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food supplies is increasing. for many here waiting in line is the only thing that keeps them from starving. at least for one day, even more than all just their own on through mine. but least of all is executive director of world peace foundation. he says the situation is very dark and it's difficult to distinguish timing from starvation. i don't just look for that word assignment because things have to be truly, truly terrible for fun and complete collapse and food systems, very high rates of child. now nutrition very high and death rates read the description of what is actually defined in conditions, just short of all family conditions of food emergency which is the next step down are truly terrible. people are going hungry, best selling the assets that being forced into the stream, indignities of trying to survive on children or die. and what we see in many of these crisis is that even if comments does not stick to the end of the day,
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the death toll is tens or even hundreds of thousands of, of chose ensued on the 2 major during policies are using starvation in rather different ways the rapid support forces operates as a sort of routine machine. it sustains its armies by depriving the population of the necessities while the v u. n. recognize government to sit on of course, is cutting off a supplies to the recess areas, but it can hunger easy. it's cheapest and most effective weapon. it's not making progress on the battlefield, but it believes that if it can go up to monetary assistance that put, put the populations in the recess areas. under such a pressure that the our assess will begin to face rebellions will begin to face fragmentation. and like a senior um, become in that has be interested after what the president is calling and attempted to general requirement. jose.


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