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tv   Witness The Last Shelter  Al Jazeera  June 28, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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lifetime the man is now free to fight against r k. grace as low as that belong to the past fault lines. conviction on a jersey to the the low. i'm about this and this is the news all live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the stage is such as the form of us commander in chief, donald trump incumbent joe biden, head to head, and this is 1st presidential debates. the vote candidates are disliked by the majority of american voters with the issues of immigration, foreign policy, the economy,
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all top concerns for voters. israel launch is a deadly military operation on this is a neighborhood or east of guys assessing, forcing thousands of follow settings to flee again. the no end to the unrest in kenya, protests, there's not one president, william russo just step down despite and ditching and unpopular tax failed. the armies being called in to restore order the it's all one g m t, that's 9 pm in the us city of alonzo. where president joe biden, and republican presidential candidate donald trump, are about to phase off in their 1st televised debate. tens of millions of americans are expected to june and to the earliest tv debate, i had them in election and us political history. the debates between the 2 presidential candidates is likely to set the tone for the rest of the race before
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most americans cast their ballots. on november, the 5th i did show castro's at a watch party in the crucial swing state of wisconsin. she's going to be gauging reaction from voters. allan fisher is in atlanta where that presidential debate is taking face. first. here's his report. my. this to page boss's. it is like, let's move across to island live. now in atlanta island, there's a lot of focus, of course, on the messages that are going to be sent on in this debate. but also of course, a lot of focus on the performances as well. like this could be a political dest much if one of them really makes a mess of this debate. it could be the end of the presidential campaign. the people really, the support for either candidate is kind of big 10 on the, on the site is who will be watching this one thing to see. who is going to perform the best? does anyone not meet the mark?
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is anyone not presidential remember debate? so normally where the candidates introduce themselves to the country, the company to more candidates who are better known than joe biden. and donald trump are actually walking onto the stage in atlanta now, but they will attack each other. we expect that, but most americans want to know, how are they going to make things better? inflation is crippling. many families. how are they going to handle the, how is it going to lower the cost of healthcare? how are they going to deal with the everyday issues that families have to deal with the concert to each other? i call each other names when they have the microphone and remember the moderators of the chance to mute them. but really, america wants to see at to people who can perhaps present a vision of moving beyond the divisions that have royal to america over the last 1012 years. and there's so many different subjects that bozeman could,
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could target the other far. and so many problems that they would, uh, the navigation is that they could make it just briefly. can you narrow down as far as, is this predominantly about the economy, other, other issues that are going to be key in this? well the talk about that you're creating was those talk about israel and the war on guys as well. but the, we'll talk about inflation, they'll talk about unemployment to at. but it will come down to a degree about kotik to and joe biden will go on the talk about donald trump, essentially encouraging the attacks on january the 6th will donald trump talk about partnering, all those that were involved, donald trump will attack joe biden. and the board ducks, let's say, doing this, don't undocumented. margaret's coming across the board during committing crimes committing murders. they are both areas that both are vulnerable to it will depend on who performs best. now it might well be a still mean they might cancel each other, right?
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but we know the both men say that getting momentum from this to be will be important. even though we're 5 months away from the big thoughts on november the 5th. and thanks very much indeed, that's unofficial talking to us from atlanta where that debates taking place, we're going to go to high digital castro and you know, she's in the swing state of wisconsin. and of course, wisconsin, one of the key elements of the run up to the election that could actually make a big difference in the eventual result of that election. but as all i'm was pointing out, people are just more concerned about how their lives are going to be changed by whoever gets into the white house to absolutely, and this watch party that i'm standing outside of, rob is a really unique and special one because not only are we in this very purple county of a purple state, but this watch party was put together by a group that seeks to bring together people from across the divide. so we have about evenly divided crowd behind me as well as independence in the middle. and i
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want to talk to some of these voters bring their voices in and we have lucas rice here. your young voter who dentist who identifies as a democrat. thanks for joining us, ma'am. thank you for having me. tell me about your thoughts as this. the presidential debate is kicking off. we've obviously had bite in the white house. we've had trump in the white house of as well. what more do you need to learn from them to help make an informed decision? sure, so a lot of people right now are obviously having concerns about israel palestine. i know that's a lot of the coverage. you all do roe v wade is fresh off everybody's mind. so i'm really looking forward to we have in this chapel, as you mentioned, we have democrats, republicans, and an increment and brakes were all meeting together and having conversations about the answers that the candidates gave. so i'm interested in while i'm interested in hearing biden and trump's responses, i'm interested in hearing the american voters responses and sort of where we can agree and where we still disagree. hm. what are the top issues for you?
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for me, it's going to be political. the polarization, i do all this work to bring people together. so i'm very interested again in hearing everybody's mindset and how they're feeling about this upcoming election. a hot button topic is going to be israel, palestine, the immigration is going to be a really big one. i'm from south texas, so that's going to be a big one to me which impacts my local and state government. i'm interested in. yeah, i'm interested in the differences that are going to be shared between donald trump and and you know, looking at the polling numbers, many are saying that bite and maybe in a bit of trouble, especially with younger voters who are disenchanted over the israel, gaza issued do you think that's going to be detrimental to his campaign? yeah, i think it's going to be a majority of young voters who are already going to be a little bit less likely to vote. i'm hoping that some of the students, a student loan forgiveness will aid him a little bit. on the flip side,
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we know that trump is going to be probably more heavy handed on the israel palestine issue is going to be more pro israel, meaning he moved the embassy to jerusalem. so between the 2 of them, i'm going to say that bite and even if you are against his actions that he's taken in support of israel, i think that he's going to be the better candidate between the 2. if you are feeling like there's very big injustices happening to those in palestine, but i'm curious for those who are not supporting bite and because of the israel palestine. i'm curious to how they're gonna feel about donald trump's responses tonight. yeah. curiosity seems to be really motivating people in there because like you said, people want to hear from each other even when they disagree. that's true, but that is not something we see from many americans. it's so cool. all right, so what makes this so important for you? guys as a group to try to start this conversation in
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a respectful manner. so the debate that's going to be going on the night between trump invite in is going to be them appealing to the american public. i think that it was a fight in that said specifically in the last presidential debate 4 years ago is that i'm talking to you, the american people, the debates that i do are talking to one another, having a conversation with an individual person. so i think that if we have more things like, what's going on in this chapel, where instead of listening to what donald trump has to say or listening to what biden has to say, if we can listen to one another, i think that we may find out that we have a lot more common ground than we originally believed. lucas, thank you so much. thank you for having me. and of course, of course, all the action is happening right now. there are so much more than a 1000 people filling the fuse, watching those from all those angles. and afterwards they are going to debate amongst themselves and we get to be the lucky wall. flowers they're listening to what they have to say. rob, how do you? thank you very much. indeed, we're going to be checking in with you. of course, as
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a debate goes, goes on is going to be lasting for about 90 minutes for now. thank you very much. indeed. steve clemens is the host of all judges. so how does it show the bottom line? he's joining a slide from uh, washington d. c. steve, uh, great to have you with us. you've got so much experience in and around washington dc and the politics and the head into the back room. stuff that goes on, i want to ask you about the following up from going to hide these guys. lucas was saying, there's so many things that people want to hear about. but is anybody actually going to hear anything new from this debate? and i really don't think they're gonna hear anything expected from either candidate. what people are going to be watching for tonight is their behavior is donald trump going to behave so, outrages, sleep. so in temperate, you know, be in temperate unplug. nature's, that he makes independence nervous. that's one question is, is joe biden is going to have a grasp of detail and community communication and himself in such
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a way that those who doubt him not because of his experience or even his views. but they worry about his a change, a just the biggest issue for joe biden. and if he, you know, i spent a lot of time with republicans and democrats, which is what's interesting is, is the republicans want to see a slightly more mellow. donald trump. he doesn't have to win the nomination anymore . he's got to run to the middle, but he keeps failing to do so. and those people close to joe biden, who believe in him, strongly believing for the democratic party and the accomplishments that is, had just to worry about bite and being in bob lee and seeming as he's not the right guy for this moment. so that's what's at stake. tonight, it's not just issues, it's performance and steve, we're getting a little bit of break up in your signal there, but we're on a gun to persevere. but because i really wanted to get your thoughts on this in terms of the performance. um, as you say, there's a lot of speculation about how donald trump is, is going to behave particularly in this. it's a very different kind of debate though to the previous one. back in 2020, isn't it?
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because mikes are going to be switched off. there is no audience and the data, bosh and, and i jake tapper from cnn, very experience, washington hands, very experienced in dealing with this kind of education. how is that going to shape the debate? do you think i'm do you think that that is also been a show? donald trump almost the end of how false light is it? why? because he is so constrained by those restrictions. and i think many of us are, are, are waiting to see how it is. donald trump take someone that turns off his mike and how will he be, hey, will he accept it? will he stand there? will he yell or bello? we just don't know. we've never seen a debate like this where mike's were turned off where there was no audience to play to because donald trump is a, you know, a performer or someone who connects with people who are out there. and so it's going to be interesting, the true answer is we don't know how this will go,
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but this is a president of the united states, the reading, a former president of united states. neither one of these people liked to be managed or controlled by moderators by people and pulling their plug corps by their own attendant. so when you see what they're going to do, i imagine we're going to see another level of performance given the, you know, some island violence and constraints that may be much more physical, at least for donald trump. much more physical communication is a cameras aren't going to be turned off. they will still be going regardless of whether the mike is going. there are so many different points on, on both sides where um the opponents could, could try to strike a hit if you like in terms in debating terms. but one of the things that, that young man lucas was referring to was that, of course, israel's war in gaza and the unrest that that is created in the united states just give us some contact. steve, how much do you think that kind of thing that foreign policy element is going to play into how people begin to consider their voting as they go forward to
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look, i think it's a big deal and it's a bigger achilles heel. a soft point for the l biden. who's in office now and responding then for donald trump, it's a real problem because 2 of the communities that put joe biden in the office over whelming, we were the american black community and the use that came out and in big numbers for jo. well, joe biden, before to today a substantial number of you are very alienated by the foreign policy, the cold war mindset of some of the leaders of the democratic party right now. now, and the end, the 1st section that care about palestinians, or guardians, as much as he cares about is really and this is, this is turn turned into as opposed to a middle east politics question for many, a young man era americans in y'all's and young. i think the same thing is true for the black community that also may not be turned into what's ethical or right after
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the october 7th attack and in israel and the response. but the depth of 40000 people to them reminds them of themselves. being the mean harassed to build jail and it's turned into an identity issue and it's an issue. so, so, and that's before you get to michigan where there's a very large arrow at the american community. it's also disaffected. so much of this is, it is, is important, and it's important in battle. ground states were joe biden, just simply can't afford the percent or to in this conflict. so this may be the 1st presidential race that i can remember that foreign policy maybe determining factor, potentially in the outcome state. we appreciate it. obviously we're going to be coming back to you to get more of from you as the debate goes on different streets on this. thank you very much indeed of the,
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the, is there any military as long as an operation in the northern guys and strip it's ordered civilians to leave? this is a, a neighborhood when its soldiers had earlier killed age palestinians. and i moved reports from central guys and i came to escape you to another years try going to show you a neighborhood in northern garza. many here have a slip multiple times and are forced to leave again. they remembered the speed of killings in his star vision that marked the previous is really military operation. but nowhere in dogs, as some people, including children, were killed in the united nations. when school is really bonds claimed more palestinians as they fled. should i as in the east of dogs, a city near the is really fast. 3 now one moment all i've ordered, all this woman doesn't know where to go. she has 5 children who she stays are
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hungry and thirsty. what are you still going? well, i am telling the well to keep enjoying the season is over here and garza to keep enjoying the support for his release. and so keeping joy within us under the siege forever. i might to, god is enough for us. and god is the best disposal for what affairs. the vehicles like this are useless because israel has cut off fuels, supplies. there are no emergency response to cruise here. repeated bombardments and incursions have left no roads, hospitals or facilities that we woke up terrified, but his on salary showing a kept screening for a long time. got to deal with the x ray lease. we have nothing to eat and we can't carry anything with us. 1000 a feeble to stream out of his eyes. some here say is really, troops are advancing up the, the notice i collected would keep it for the children. the indiscriminate children
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get everything without warning. it isn't fair. most of the victims are women and children. i swear to god, these are war crimes to say enough is enough. people are killed and wounded for trying to find food for the children. we are deprived of food, water, and basic necessities, and we're being thought by mistake. an artillery shows where's the was, what are the error ups and what are the most? the question that has a good across garza for nearly 9 months, i know that we are the people of gaza. i'll be rami from should tell you, we are the people we are the owners of this land. we are, the heroes are not on the display as people of gaza reiterate that. they are survivors. as once again, they are forced to flee to an area which might come on. there is really a talk, honey. my mother was just the it up from the central garza how the sign and the size of these 4 people have been killed and dozens have been injured and,
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and is really attack on the coastal area of alma watch. the northwest of rough or heavy shelving has been reported around shall cost and southern gaza. a local journalist says is really troop subbing shooting. it tends where people are living, forcing many of them to flee. these really amenities also have a local government building in devil bala in the central gulf strip. dozens of people both injured or killed in the strikes of being taken to hospital. several refugee comes in guys that have also come under age, really 5, at least the 3 members of the civil defense to be killed and all boys to whom the total number killed since october, 7th, to 73. and in central garza is really strikes of killed 3 people and injured at least 12 more in the center. stabilize your body and the northern gaza strip are living in extremely difficult conditions. traitors have been working to revive one of the largest markets in the area, which was destroyed by is where the strikes. i'll just see it as most i'll call it as more as a visual page of the basic supplies. yeah,
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nothing goes with as nothing answers to the nothing goes for whether phones the south or from the air was the crossing. as you can see in the bookshop, this is, did you found the central lock? it's off. so that is why the forces destroyed the market completely. as you can see, there's no and the vegetables and fruits to offer. so those have nothing to offer for the civilians here. over less reloads, delilah says the on it, the basic needs are not available, as you can see in the market on the whole of northern does or has nothing but 30 kilograms of tomatoes every day. and it has to say for the vegetables. this is some garlic. this is not enough at all for the people. i'm cousin, a good email that civilians and residents. yeah, nothing. that's what i'm struggling every day. finding something to eat as something to feed their children with. as you can see here as the see and did you
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buy the refuge account, all of these products, there is nothing, just a small amount that nots or doesn't cover the extensive needs of the relation to that of the day. if so, the main vegetables are not available in the market for the price of one kilogram for them and was one shake. the price now is $25.00. jacobs for one kito flemming. and i may be here in jamalia. we are starving. there's not enough food or even volta, we pay a lot of money to buy something from the markets, which lacks the main vegetables. we need. the values here are b links to all international bodies. so, but nothing goes with, with the basic supplies. why the fluid, i just need a nothing does a stretch dallas fine, that it was the rest of them. hundreds of israelis and taken to the straits to
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demand the return of his ready captives, housing garza, and an end to the war. similar realistic place in tel aviv for protest is blocked. major roadways by minister benjamin netanyahu was facing growing pressure to secure a ceasefire. deal with how much money is various have been demanding early elections under. so loops is following developments from amman and jordan. now let me remind you, we're reporting from outside israel because of the is there any government spine on? i'll just here and see government demonstrations continue in west jerusalem and k saria outside of the homes of his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. protests organizers are pointing thursday as a day of strike and resistance, as they say, they're going to continuously protest every single day until there's a change within israel's governments. on thursday morning, demonstrators blocked major roads throughout israel, as they want to see a change within his rules. governments, but that's not all they are asking for. they also want to see
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a deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. now protesters say that nothing else whose government is neither capable nor interested in accepting a deal that would save the release of the remaining $120.00 is really captive still held in guns. a large demonstrations are also expected across the country on saturday and places like tell a beef the north and west jerusalem as well. and demonstrator say that these types of demonstrations are the only way to up the pressure on this and yahoo and his government. and this includes jersey, you know, i'm the good is 35 are all kids have been fired from 11 on towards the city of south side in northern israel. a good. 2 2 long since we're interested in my israel's iron dooms system, local government authorities sent there will be no reports of casualties so far. but to have been power outages is the latest and
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a series of tit for title tags between has bala and is really forces the what is by considering to protest as demands king as president william brutal has been unable to prevent more demonstrations on thursday of activists on demanding that he kills a controversial tank spill completely, and that also calling on him to step down the signals, the deep rooted distress, the people not have and their leaders zane. besides, he has more from nairobi, a boy out between kenyata and tell them in the heart of downtown i wrote what is happening on this street is a snapshot of what is happening in cities across the day after president william brutal said he would kill the tax plan the demonstrations still going
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to have smaller in scale the classes with police as violent as a physical activity. got every have a. c like i'm done, you have a really mad at the yeah. i do. i do question. i love the what uh what else with more they weren't from the government. they do not minutes. there was the time that thing is, well, why do i. c the cleaning up the prison router seems to have miscalculated the reaction, who would get from 10 years younger generation, the kind of authoritarian isn't wielded by previously. whatever the government has done so far, it has come to little too much of the cost of too many young lives presently chose
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actions have not gone far enough to tell the anger on the deployment of 10 years armed forces along side police who continue to use heavy handed tactics, fuel gas, water cannon spend your days. why that munitions and often just as little rubber, bullets seemed at people's heads, all as to growing distrust and anger. and the government must be our boy, my child. i have the the club. despite with a government scrolling and they continued to meet ways, good with the raised voices the as far as they're concerned, they say they've back to their president into a court. and now is the time for them to set the government's agenda from the st,
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saying bus route, the old to 0 nairobi. and so my mother say there's a little president router can do to appease a new generation who accused him of being a member of 10 years old. political guard just drop and reports a few of them. okay, now we route. so only no one can use 2022 presidential election. although a member of the country's political establishment and a former deputy president for nearly a decade, he said he was different. the hustler on the side of the pool, you said he had a bottle of pine promising employment for the use of an end to decades of corruption and mismanagement. people were killed one tuesday in violent protests against these finance bill that included heavy tax increases. and natalie says these protests of different, i'm going to be own king, this traditional political divides. what he's missing now is
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a different kind of telling because the tele know is demographics and getting additions, the does not have a class of decimal tough try this, don't. so they have this large group of very young people who seem to be possible to split during a pump and ceremony filled state to visit to the united states last month on the 1st by an african leader in 15 years. us president joe biden said there is a bright light of the white house designated kenya, a major non nato holloway. but router's cost is check, good to say the least. he was accused of august making a campaign of political violence against ethnic groups. the killed 1300 people following dispute to the elections in 2007. we are in open session now. in 2016, the international criminal colton dropped the case against inciting, witness interference and intolerable political meddling. believe to be
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with hundreds of millions of dollars he has over the years being repeatedly accused of involvement in the mode. political opponents and many land grabs and rooters finance bill has created fury across the country and a determined protest movement led by the young. almost everybody in the country believes that he lies. and that that's the kind of work out of that. almost everybody in the country believes his corrupt, comfortable cult of that. so it's not clear where he's going to go to his next support from which i was supposed to refuse to sign off. when you text little saying he can see the canyon's wanted nothing to do with it. the new generation of protest as in kenya may have won this battle. but this little indication the present will seriously address then why the grievances felt stuff without
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a 0. the still ahead on all does it when for women's rights, for us, supreme court has volts to template on lakes. a lot of abortions in idaho for pregnant women facing medical emergencies. the heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on scene until now. our moral is high. now brothers die every day to the right to our country. to 0 world reveals the long lost personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for all julian independence. i'm writing to you, not knowing if this could be my last letter. letters of love letters or for analogies 0 interrogate the narrative is the new wife has continued support for israel, affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states is
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effectively complicit to the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront. without the members of thailand's most notorious gang captured, encased and last, gangs of monkeys took control of the city in central time in several years ago. stopped of tourist treats during the cove at pandemic. they over and shops and businesses sourcing owners for payment and food. but now the long i'm at the lowest cost for their incarceration begins. however, documentation and sterilization refreshing to mock their arrival in jail tattoos or a bicycle pos chris mike. and then it's just as true for these monkeys as they get their id numbers place to the page. rather for says
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emmanuel, not call a surprised phones by cooling a snuff. imagine just weeks before the live big games in paris after a so just support from reading the penn national run, the policy will look apple pay all. will the country know cheaper to the, to the far right of the french. and i've seen without using the challenges with the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back to our pennies on l. g 0 the
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the origin or the 0 reminder. if i told stories, this is really better. she's launched an operation east of garza city, an order of people to leave. this is a neighborhood in northern garza. 3 is where the air strikes if, if there's a funny, a refugee camp getting at least 32 names. so vitamin donald trump over in atlanta, facing also the 1st presidential debate of this election cycle for students all over the economy and the opening exchange and they've traded bonds over inflation, jobs and taxes. and across to heidi joe cost or inc, on ocean to swing state of wisconsin. of course, wisconsin, one of them, the key states that could influence significantly outcome of the election in november. you with a bunch of people there who are gonna be watching this very closely, talk us through what the reactions have been so far. a
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rob, this is a very special watch party taking place in the building. i mean, because it's about equal parts. republicans, democrats and independents, and i was in that building, watching along with 7 and it, there were gas in the audience at to moment so far. and that is when president biden really showed his age about 10 minutes into the debate. he seemed to lose his train of thought, he said something about medicare. people were, had their hands to their mouth, said they were going like this with their, it, with their, with their, with their head. it was a moment of certainly of discomfort were pulling through the crowd. i also saw people really taking matter. seriously. they were taking notes. they were also fact checking as the newspapers are, are doing fact checking in real time on their telephones. but certainly there's so much all ready to die sacked from what the 2 candidates had been saying,
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talking about all those issues you or you mentioned the us withdrawal from afghanistan, immigration, trump, seeming to be quite focused in his answers. 11 woman who's an independent that i spoke with in the audience and she said that he was spewing out lies. but she also said that she was very concerned with how by the end appears to be performing. and that this performance so far is really showing the president's age, which is, as we know, his number one owner ability in this campaign, hardy for another. thank you very much. indeed, we're going to be checking back. and of course, we still got maybe another hour or so of this debate to go. that's heidi joe castro, talking to us from wisconsin. now we're gonna go solid and fisher, who's in atlanta, where that debate is happening. i know you've been able to catch some of the debate that we've been hearing about so far and gives you an idea of what's been happening . look, what we're seeing is a much more dynamic performance. some donald trump, no one spot checking in,
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and some of the things he says just simply on troops, but he's delivering his lines on the landing on to a bite and he'll look slightly disengaged. he struggled with finishing some thoughts. he actually looks like the old man that donald trump has been betraying him, us and certainly, democrats and i've been texting with a few of them over the last 20 minutes or so. a deeply consent about how to abide and looks at the moment. this is an issue for the democrats and to buy needs a much better last toss of this debate, or else there is a possibility that he could be the loser here. now as i say, donald trump isn't being fact check the people who are watching this don't follow politics to the same degree that the likes of you and i might. and so they will see donald trump being confident being forward and suggesting look, things will get better. and these are the mistakes that joe biden has made. joe biden has called donald trump, a couple of things. he's called him a liar. he said that he's not telling the truth and some of the things simply on
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true. but the way he's delivering these just one thing. and at the moment, if you were to ask who was a head on points, it would certainly be donald trump. they, this is a different kind of debate and, and we were talking about this a, about an hour or so ago the mikes have switched off. there is no audience. we've only got to be the 2 adjudicators are in charge of, of the whole thing. what's your impression of how the 2 men are coming across within those constraints? is there any sense that donald trump is, is struggling to maintain with it? stay within the lines as well as certainly he's. he's following the rules at the moment, but he's not fully answering the questions that are being asked of him. what he's doing is going back to lines, excuse me, that he knows what's from his speech that get big support from the republicans who go long to his riley's and he continues to hammer those lives. now he might not answer the question,
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but it's proving to be an effective tactic here because it's certainly throwing joe by the office. right. and sadly, donald trump looks, the more composed at the more put together. did i see it actually, the more presidential at this point, because joe biden simply looks his age, even though there's only 3 years between them. donald trump does look much more energetic and engaged than the cutting president of the united states. and thank you very much. indeed. obviously we're going to be coming back to you for an are all in fisher in atlanta. thank you very much. 12 was about 4 months ago until election day, a survey conducted by the new york times and sienna college. it shows a titration between the 2 candidates biden is training just behind trump. in national polls, 46 percent of voters. i've indicated support for trump, a 45 percent support environment that survey conducted just days ahead of this debate shows that 60 percent of voters thought trump would perform either very or somewhat well only 46 percent. so the same of a binding,
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both of the oldest to seek the presidency, 59 percent. so they're very concerned about biden's age only 18 percent. so the same about donald trump. i live mind calling, so have a rama. spoke to alan lets me and he's a distinguished professor of history at american university, and he's an expert in us politics. he explains, we're both candidates are going to be focused on this election. the cnn is going to be fact checking the candidates and donald trump, supporters have already been up in arms and complaining about that. and there's another unique thing about this debate. yes, these candidates to note, but there are 2 narratives for each candidate has to overcome. and this debate that are very important and are not tied to issues for binding. he asked us to overcome the criticism that he's too old is to diminished. he really can handle a 2nd term. and trump has to overcome the narrative that he's on hinged that he
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rance, that he is divorced from any kind of reality. those are the 2 big knocks on the candidate. so that's what they've got to overcome more than anything else in this debate. they may have to of a combat, yet the view of watching and the positive is voting in the united states. looking at this, this debate, do you think decisions and conclusions all made after that 1st debate? so from your sort of research, do you see those that i say it swing undecided voters waiting until the 2nd all the debates until they actually make that final decision? what's the thinking? well, i'm going to throw cold water and all that. and i've done this many times. it's a great myth that debates predict election results. they don't. hillary clinton won all 3 debates in 2016, and she lost john, carry out shine george w bush in 2004. and he lost, and it's
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a great myth. the kennedy won the tv debated 1960, cuz he was cool. and swab and nixon was kind of swarming that was concocted long after the election at the time the commentary. and there were no poles on, it was very, very positive. and the polls did not move an inch. so if you want to predict an election, the only way to do it is to follow all the keys to the white house. my prediction system, which been right since 1980 for 40 years, and contrary to all the upon the tree in the falls, i assure your reader, your listeners and watchers, it's a governance not campaigning. the couch campaigning, including debates have no predictive scientific value. what, what are you looking for out of this debate in terms of analysis and the way that you, thing you can perhaps analyze whether each of these candidates has the right form
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of governance for the keys to the white house. come to that and again as well, the key is a subsidy is so i think you highlighted key substantive issues that have to do with the governance of the white house party abortion of immigration, the economy, democracy. and we know donald trump is going to be on the attack on a lot of these issues. and here's what i'm looking for in response to joe by joe biden has got to pull off a really need to just say, well, if he wants us to buy the a tax, he's got to show on the border that had a deal, a bi partisan deal which with 90 percent to a short republicans wanted, and donald trump without even reading it, scuttled it and destroyed it on inflation. he's got to show that donald trump's policies like and across the board, 10 percent of our of them big tax cuts for the rich. a going to vastly increased
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inflation. that's the only effective way through jiu jitsu for binding to counter attack was going to be a withering republican. donald trump assault on him. the us supreme court ruled a temporarily a lo, boston's in idaho for pregnant women facing medical emergencies. that reinstates a lower codes decision of the states near complete dine on of washing contravenes the emergency medical treatment and labor act. presidential binds administration that has sued, idaho, all giving the act takes precedence over state club. she advertise the explains from washington dc. the serena colt decided as a taking this case on 2 out of it. first of must go through the le quotes before it reaches them at issue whether a woman who enters a federally funded emergency room and a hospital hospital emergency room is all federally funded. should receive an abortion if that's what it takes to stabilize the medical condition. even in states
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for abortion has effectively been outlawed in all, but the very rarest of cases, incest, rape, or if the mother's life is in danger. but what if the mother's health is just in danger about that issue still has to be adjudicated by the locals. the, by the end of the session, does hope that the reproductive health care abortion will be a major issue in before the coming election. a was a major issue for them as in the 2020 to mid terms and helped the democrats well. so in other special elections at a time when jo biden's, personal popularity is so low and that so much discussed among the base about his policies towards israel. out of time, what actually independence, the republicans are concerned about this issue since the supreme court ruled that there was no constitutional right to an abortion, the democrats were hoping that they will still be that memory that drives people to oppose, even if people log terribly keen on joe biden, because it was donald trump, who appointed the justices here the supreme court,
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who eventually outflow that constitutes a right to abortion, who knows what he might do. and his next step will be their arguments. but mostly, and yet there, that this issue really has 5 up independence and swing versus destruction extends. so that general hatred to this illusion with bite and has been overcome with the democrats. so hoping she ever time see out, is there a washington us? but let me as president lewis, i'll say, has denied to being behind and attempted to against him, saying that the army general accused of leading it, acted on his own critics. and the president's visit to boost his popularity. 17 people including general juan jose. so he and i've been arrested over the attempted government take over on wednesday. teresa boat has more know from the past, and this is what the street so a lot of the, one of the largest cities in bolivia look like on thursday morning. people looking roads concerned about their country's democracy, located most beautiful, such as going into the system. we are here to say never again to accrue to the
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military trying to control our democracy. it comes up to the dramatic scenes in the capital, a pass on wednesday when military units took over a main clause in front of the presidential palace. they were led by general one closely sonia who had been removed from his post a day before. the government says it has made a series of arrests in connection with what it's calling and attempted cool. general one closer to me and at least 10 others involved in the core currently retained in this prison. but you can see right here they're facing the possibility of between 20 to 32 years in prison. ford expedition, dozens of people have showed up here. they say that he was involved in a call, and he needs to pay for it. but the general detained suggested wednesday's events were a political stand intended to post the government's popularity. minister marianella pratt was with president lu, satisfied on wednesday,
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inside the palace. she denies the accusation, no, simply that you cannot install this idea of the government's lead crew for political purposes because you're ignoring and attempted kuda, talbot filed instead of treasuring out democracy, someone is trying to play dirty politics. the attempted, quote comes at a time when people who believe you are facing all sorts of economic difficulties. bolivia has gone for being one of the fastest growing economies in latin america. the ones traveling with a shortage of 40 we sirs and is continuing to struggle to recover from the covey pandemic. i should be the fan, i should be the, the government needs to do something as the prices go up when there is chaos, they can not solve the problems we're facing every day. there are no us dollars to trade. we don't know where we're going. precedent lu, sadducees under increasing pressure to improve the situation from the opposition, but also from former president able morales once to run for office once again
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investigation is ongoing over what happened on wednesday, but it's not the 1st time in bolivia, but they military has interviewed definitely growing discontent to try to take control of a situation, the politics has scale to resolve this. i will just see that in the past. healthcare is one of the major issues for voters and next week's election in the u . k. junior adopters are taking their 11 to somebody to strike action, overpay, they're complaining that the n h. s has been under funded for many years and it's on the point of collapse. both major parties have been criticized for the lack of detail and how they plan to fix it. on a home reports from london, it's been the all positions stick to beat the government with for years brings cherished national health service free to use, and only to nice because of under investment and mismanagement. doing your doctors who make up around costs of the medical workforce that they've gone there. 11 strongly of the pay to the impulse suggesting the opposition labor party will
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soon replace the conservatives off to 14 years in power. so the next government will face an an enviable challenge. the health care system is in dire need of invest, may ultimately be don't invest in the, any just during invest in the workforce. if you don't invest in adults, then you wouldn't be able to provide functioning health care. hello, let me just. both parties election promises have been described as unconvincing and lacking in detail. a leading think tank. the health foundation has concluded that there is a $50000000000.00 a year show tool in both. these need to keep the n h s in england the flow to over the next 5 years. what the interest is needing to do is to deliver more cash for more people with more complex health needs. it's trying to do that while dealing with stuff and gaps and shows joseph of skilled stuff. it's trying to do that from
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crumbling buildings with outdated equipment and technology. this is frankly not fit for purpose. it wasn't long ago that an h. s. workers were applauded for risking their lives on the front lines of depend demik. now they stand on maurice, within the meters of number downing street protesting against long hours and low as health work as images, things as far as the dna. and you know, prior to the dra, all of that made was by a crisis in social care with an aging population at the mercy of a sector that unions and care leaders describe as be on bro, could maybe the next governments agenda will list the n h s. hi, i'm on the raft of public services in need of attention and investment without adequate public funds to pay for it. the parties are accused of dishonesty both about the scale of the problem and the likely tax rises that will be needed to
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solve it. joe know how to 0 london so they had an order 0 further into for on the presidential races down to 3 men. and the result is unpredictable. and the way it gets longer for support as a form of practice study assignments are in a long time to see him released from jail. the the latest news, as it breaks far, it is environment. that's the realtor that, that spends of not permitting any more members of the muslim community to enter its territory with detailed coverage. they found that the us, they've really got us reflect um, southern facebook, they've all from around the world. this rose war and gauze that was polarized french society for such an expense, and that could have an impact on what is one of the most consequential elections does have to be in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that
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a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, the 4 candidates are competing for the presidency in a run, but only 3. i thought to have a chance of winning a low turnout could lead to
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a 2nd round of hosting. next week, in a condo into run, explains the political landscape on the eve of alley elections brought about for the death. last month, a former president of the human eye you see of the race for a round. second highest job is down to 3 men. opinion poll suggests none has a clear cut majority, each se, he is the amount of the people and promises good governance. their challenge now is to mobilize iranians to make fridays election different from recent ones, which had record low turnout. la, it's can be used for the people, especially for the people who they are looking for to help are the, are looking for the government and for the future. this is important for them. not everyone shares this enthusiasm and this largely liberal neighborhood in northern test on despite the candidacy of reform is politician muscle physics. and he is seeking change from within and once better relations with the west. but the weekend
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reform is movement said it's main rival. is it this illusion society, i can not have major expectations from this because because uh from the, uh, uh, the hierarchy of the government here at present the decision maker. the feeling is different and conservative neighborhoods in the around in capital, the core base of the establishment makes up at least 20 percent of the electorate. they're expected to heat the call by the ultimate authority supreme leader at a how many to cast their ballots. of course level, but if not, then we can expect for those to come and go. we're not, this is our country. but conservatives are at a disadvantage. without a consensus candidate bahama thought. her kindly boss and said gently refused to withdraw in support as the other. the fractured political landscape could work in
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favor of the reformist wing if there is a large turnout or force a 2nd round of voting a week later, each candidate represents a different iran. the election is a choice between conservatives, consolidating their control over centers of power and opening the way for change, but with an administration that operates within the guidelines of the system. elections were planned for next year, but brought forward after president ever humor i, you see died in a helicopter crash in may. it's shaping up to be a competitive and unpredictable vote that will have implications, but not on the runs strategic decisions that are already in place. that i heard there, i was busy to deshawn, a quarterback. a son has rejected an appeal by a former prime minister in long con and his wife to release them from prison khan and his 3rd wife, busch. b being asked on this level about court to suspend their 7 year jail terms
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for what was ruled and then legal knowledge. a couple of the found guilty of violating is let me close by framing to observe required interval after bush or divorce to previous husband. kinds been imprisoned on a range of convictions since august, maintains the cases are politically motivated and the name to the railing has returned to power and elections in february. north korea claims as tested, the ballistic missile with multiple warheads. according to state media, the test was a successful separation and guidance control test of 3 warheads, which hit their targets on wednesday. south korea detected miss our launch from the north, but it was considered a failure. taiwan is warning people against travel to china as a week after beijing released new judicial guidelines that include the death penalty. but those who voice support for tie ones independence, china claims taiwan as its own territory and recently conducted military drills, just of the self governing island by one's new president's liking. it was
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inaugurated last month. it's taking a tough line against the country. raising brian detained by a dangerous separatist. every rains of set offline slides in the northwest in columbia, and province of i'm took you the much size dummies homes and blocked roads. 7 people, a reported to be missing, or brazil's indigenous communities have taken part in the march advocating for the demarcation of their unsuccessful lands. travel leaders are urging the government to to officially acknowledge that territories and, and safeguard them against unlawful mining. the law only recognizes land so been inhabited by indigenous communities when brazil's constitution was established in 1988 indigenous lands comprise about 13 percent of territory in brazil, mostly in the amazon rain forest. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes because most of the day is these included the course of
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coverage in the us presidential debate. robots stay with us and of the the higher the southern half of the u. s. on closer race. altis june on reco, plenty of extreme heat continuing through the date, se line here, that mazda boundary between what's called a halter and the stream, the hall to the south of that. and that's going to stay in place as we go one into the weekend and beyond, i am afraid. so, so we already kind of way through a friday and so fast as you can say, some deep or red colors that many places to getting up above 40 degrees celsius. now i'm going to say that he's staying in place and less hotel that's by the middle of the course, but it does spring with it. some live the showers big storms of rumbling across the
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northern plains, heading towards the midwest, running across the flood side areas and looking up more very heavy down pools. lots . how will fund the flash flooding? certainly a possibility. once again, it may be the or tornado, you can see some behavior bus to frame top to in here for fast as it pushes over 2 boys. that ne, in go to the us into the canadian maritimes. russia showers to the south is that plenty of showers, meanwhile, across the carrot bay and the heaviest of which on this, the west we waive that is going to continue driving its way towards the time peninsula. we have a lot of heavy rain for central america, of the listings in the gaza strip as easily as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as,
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as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i know about this, and this is the news on life from dog coming up in the next 60 minutes. joe biden, i'd is republic and challenge of donald trump trade blows on the economy. immigration of auction at a host of other issues and the 1st ever debased between a sitting and a former american president no end to the


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