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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the job i did 9 is republican challenger, donald trump, trade blows on the economy. immigration, a bullshit as well as foreign policy. the 1st at a debate between a sitting and a former american president, the, i'm sammy's a, them this down here i live from dell hall. so coming up no end to the unrest in kenya, protests is now on president william router. it's
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a step down despite fixing and the unpopular tax bill beyond me as being pulled into a store or trial launches deadly minute trail price. and somebody should die. a neighborhood, east of golf, and city forcing thousands of pounds of cities to slee again, plus another in tester on the presidential race is down to 3 men. and the result is unpredictable. the game in the u. s. city of atlanta, where president jo buys and not a republican presidential nominate donald trump, have just finished the 1st televised debate of 2024. the verbal attacks both by the sitting and the former president. both declared the alba unfit for office. they convey the message on a range of issues and pulled into many voters,
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including the economy, abortion, migration, and the was a new craven garza. of the 2 candidates, also spa, the over approval ratings, declaring each other unfit to sub and everything one another is the worst president and us history. if i can listen to that exchange, joe, our country is being destroyed as you and i sit up here and waste a lot of time in this debate. this shouldn't be a debate. here's the worst president he just said about me because i said it. but look, he's the worst president of the history of our country. he's destroyed our country . now all of the studies tried to get a little tough on the board or you come out, came out with the nothing and nothing deal. and they're reduced that a little bit, a little bit like this much is insignificant. he watch open borders. he wants to our country to either be destroyed or he wants to pick up those people as voters. no one thinks where we no one wants to screw around with us. nobody. number one,
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number 2, the idea that we're talking about worst president's. i wasn't joking. look it up or go online. 159 or for 58. don't hold me. the exact number of presidential stories, they've had meetings and they voted who was the worst president in american history . one for best to worse. he said he was the worst and all, all american history. that's a fact. that's not a best, not conjecture. all right, let's crossover now to add an associate in atlanta, georgia island. this debate happening at the time of political polarization in the us, but is a consensus forming on who won there is, i've been speaking to republicans and democrats since the debate ended just about 25 stuff 2 minutes ago. and the overwhelming view is that this was a very good night for donald trump. yep. joe biden. cole died. donald trump on his line, he's on his full suits. when he's exaggerations on things they simply are not true
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. but donald trump looked, does that mean he was in, come on know, many of the things that we've had from donald trump, that we can prove our false. he said again, he repeated a lot of the things that he uses, and his speech is joining his rallies. but the simple fact is he look thing, come on for joe biden. he simply didn't finish thoughts. he looked confused on certain points, and this was a bad night for him. now, for someone who spent the last several days preparing for this, his advisors are going to be very disappointed at the to bite and it came out to you. the other thing to remember is that many voters have been concerned about jo biden's age. they are what are you that he will be $86.00 at the end of another tab . this performance is not going to do anything to assuage those concerns. of many of the voters in the middle grade who will eventually decide this presidential election loading. it sounds like this is a houston. we have a problem moment for the democratic camp. what are they looking at now in terms of
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their options going forward off to this device and he's performed by this performance. and that's, it was someone that i was speaking to is a democrat set this far away from full blown panic about joe, by his performance tonight. and certainly they have options. it would be highly unusual. but at the democratic national convention, they don't have to make, don't, they don't have to make joe biden the know many they can nominate from the floor. and if there is a consensus there, someone else could be the candidate. of course, the question would be, who kind of how this is tied into joe biden know, so that probably wouldn't be a good idea. they'd have to look for an upside or someone like gavin use of who is that they can sit they as the governor of california who is also a democrats who was considered to be someone in the next generation who couldn't move forward. or perhaps someone who's in the cabinet like people who to judge, but he hasn't exactly said the department of transport,
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a light with the things that he has done there. there is a deep consent among democrats about what happened to you that the white house has in the last hour so stuck to spend the fact that joe biden had a key. we thought it might be cove, it, but it wasn't. but that's why there might have been a bit of a, a poor performance. but if you consider that the 1st debate between these 2 men, 4 years ago attract in 73000000 viewers. if the viewing figures and a thing close to that, there's going to be a lot of people who watch that tonight. and so i am not voting for joe biting. and some of them what english for the democrats might be died in the will democratic voters. allen, this, well, a lot of 1st here, 1st time a former president convicted of felony crime is going off in a debate 1st time a former and a current president go up 1st time law the 1st to the age of, of joe by then how did all those precious play out
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and remember, donald trump is only 3 years younger than joe biden, but the difference between the 2 looked a lot more than that over to 19 minutes of the debate. certainly, people will say that joe biden has been able to walk across the aisle and to a degree has been able to bring the country together with he's failed. as with donald, trump has intervene. and of course, anyone who thinks that donald trump will bring the country together after he's talked about being at the teacher on day one and taking revenge against political opponents. would be concerned about how does that would play out if to abide and has one thing in his favor is that there's 5 months to the election, so they have time to fix this. but how do they do that? that's the consent. they can't put them out in public more than they've done. it hasn't been that much, and people just haven't bought what, what they've seen. they think he might be too old. they could start thinking about replacing them. and that might be a viable option. we knew that this could be
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a growing 0. it could be a political death much, and many people look and send the joe biden simply didn't do enough in the ring to justify going forward in november. so election, this has all ended the entire race, or let's find out on fisher for reporting to us as continue this. so we're going to go over now to heidi joe castro in can ocean the swing state of wisconsin. as i said, you are in the swing state and i believe in a room full of people who a bit of a mixed crowd there. so maybe a bit of that. otherwise ation the coming together or being bridge tonight. what is the temperature in the room? they having watch what just happened. oh sammy, there was so much fringing on both sides watching this debate and hold and you are right. this group has brought together by a non profit called framer and is trying to bridge this political divide. so we've
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had the even numbers of republicans, democrats and, and there was much cringing on the part of democrats when, by the last this train of thought, there was much laughter too. when trump pushed back against the debate, moderators some people calling this on the point as far so ridiculous. but i want to tell, have you talked? i want to bring you the voice of a voter personnel. this is corey treacher, very nice to have you here. and tell me, cory, what kind of voter are you typically and how has the influence? so i'm typically a democrat, but are you i supported or by the 2020 when he ran for donald trump, when i was not during his for your presidency, i was like i didn't want to support them. so i went to support
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for and then watching the debate tonight, especially being in this environment, listening to listening to him small or anything that i had never heard from him before i started to access. and now i'm considering changing my room from wow, thinking about it, it appears that you are not the only one think this right now after the performance that we just saw for 5. and were there specific things he did that made you? not one of those for him? couldn't answer a question. i think him and tell me what kind of what the answer the questions. what specifically the answers for me were why they weren't specific enough to the supposed to be going to policies and all we kind of the trump thing like a lot of things from trump,
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but power went by them was saying that maybe about maybe just not as bad as the body, we've heard people describe tremendous performance as disciplined as more focused on policy. we've also heard many people say he was full of lies. how what, what did you think of his report? i think it was a combination. i think he was pushing packages. i'm also trying to deliver what he knows the american people want. it's the one they want to hear more about. what i heard him say about the portion that he believed in the next session. i've never heard him say that before. so that was one big thing that got the wheels. wow. and so you're going to take this information you got tonight and you're potentially going from bite into the trunk? yes, i'm thinking about it. i'm not here yet. i think it's gonna take watching the other debates and definitely doing my own research and deciding where i land on things
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and how he approach returning. i'm definitely considering slipping from what about the criminal convictions that trump has now history. so my thoughts on matters as i can pick this on. i don't think he should be president. however, our justice system has done the work. he's appealing it. so i want to see what happens if so is that if the phone is go away, then don't they won't play a part and whether or not i vote for him if the person. okay, great, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. shit. as to that, that's the candid assessment, you know, from one democratic voter who says she's considering switching her vote after watching this performance, which certainly is the last thing that by does have a was hoping after tonight. and we're hearing a lot of consensus from people saying that they believe that trump was the winner of this presidential debate. no doubt that will be
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a very wiring samson for the democratic camp. thank you so much. i the jo, castro that hi aaron cole is the director of debates at the university of michigan joins us now from atlanta, georgia. good to have you with us. so how do you take what just happened did from when this one? yeah, i think that's going to be pretty universal consensus button. yeah, i think some of them saying they seem a little bit so you know, melodramatic, made, company presence usually lose the 1st debate. this the base pretty early june through november. it does a lot, obviously that can happen any and, or bidding times the new cycle in united states move very quickly. so, hosting, for all we know, tomorrow the supreme court to come out with the decision of the trump immunity case and all of a sudden that trial could be back on and for several months in washington dc. so it's a bad night for present by didn't have a good performance, but um, you know,
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i think babies can sleep on it and kind of, uh, maybe take a little bit longer views and all the doom and gloom. and i were talking about a replacement candidate coming up in the democratic national convention in july. all right, so perhaps we shouldn't jump the gun to cold the right is even if we're calling the debates at this point. but looking at what happened in the debate, was it, what was it that you think help download from to a much more is the when it was it simply the poor performance, the lack of train, of thoughts sometimes on the part of, of joe biden, or was it really the performance of donald trump. yeah, it was a combination of both to it didn't seem like a prison vitamins dealing with a minor cold and we saw back into the 2020 believe on debates trunk. we had to overcome cobit it's, and so just bad luck in time making something that that happens. it's such an important night with the stakes are so high, but um, i think it was a combination to the preparation just like ronald reagan in this 1st debate. 1984.
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so i think the present binding maybe, uh, practice too much just it is spending the last week kind of buffered in camp david was over programmed and trying to get out different facts and figures, the posts, and keeping them a little more natural themselves. they have really 2 different styles to prepare for this debate. i think this one trump, to prove better, more free flowing, just not as formalized in the, perhaps was much more natural and loose. and that really came across the time. but did donald trump show he has enough factual substance and off presidential composure for some of the undecided voters? some might also be worried about those felony counts ago. finding the child convictions against too much. so he yeah, there's a lot of voters that really don't like either choice but are going to have to think about what's the issues that are most important to them as of things like the economy, integration, or a temperament, you know, criminality and things like that. so everyone's got to make any decisions based for
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themselves, their families. and you know, while some people may be concerned about the age, others may be concerned about some other things. then kind of trump reverting back to form a few times tonight. the credits, you know, the criticism was that in there, could remind them of some of the chaos from as far as it goes, ration starting in 2017. so, um, you know, some red flags for both. um, but uh which kind of what gets prioritized when people actually start voting as we get into the fall are basically saying, all right, thanks so much for your analysis of that debate. i wouldn't call the anytime despite conceding to protest as to bonds, kenya is president william bruce always been unable to prevent more demonstrations on 1st day actress on demanding. he killed controversial tax bill completely and the cooling on him to step down samples of all the small from nairobi. a
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boy out between kenyatta and tell them in the heart of the old town, i wrote what is happening on this street is a snapshot of what is happening in cities across the video for president william utah said he would kill the tax plan demonstrations still going to have smaller in scale, but classes with police as violent as a physical activity got every have a. c like i'm done and you have a really mad at the yeah. i do, i do. doesn't i lot the what uh what else with more they want from the government. they do not ments their words. that's the thing is well,
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what do i. c the cleaning up the prison hotel seems to have miscalculated the reaction who would get from 10 years younger generation, the kind of authoritarian is wielded by previously whatever the government has done so far, it has come to little too much of the cost of too many young lives presently chose actions have not gone far enough to tell the anger on the deployment of 10 years armed forces along side police who continue to use heavy handed tactics, fuel gas, water cannon spend your days. why that munitions and often just as little rubber, bullets beamed at people's heads, all adds to growing distrust and anger. i think the government must be, i'll avoid, like i have the,
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the club despite what the government is throwing in. they continued to raise guns with raised voices. the as far as they're concerned, they say they've back to their president into a court. and now is the time for them is that the government's agenda from the street same bus ride the old to 0. and i really can the, the, these right imagery is launched and operation in the north and gaza strip, so that civilians to leave issue j, a neighborhood. what soldiers that killed 8 palestinians. how many my fluids results from central garza. and i'd have to attempt to escape you to another years try going to show you
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a neighborhood in northern garza. many here have a slip multiple times and are forced to leave again. they remember the speed of killings in a starvation that marked the previous is really military operation. but nowhere in dogs, as some people, including children, were killed in the united nations. when school is really bonds claimed more palestinians as they fled. should i, as in the east of dogs, a city near these really fast? no one woman i've ordered all this woman doesn't know where to go. she has 5 children who she stays are hungry and thirsty. what are you still going forward? and i am telling the well to keep enjoying the season is over here and garza to keep enjoying the support for his release. and so keeping joy within us under the siege forever. i might have got is enough for us. and god is the best disposal for what affairs? the vehicles like this are useless because israel has cut off fuels,
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supplies. there are no emergency response to cruise here. repeated bombardments and incursions have left no roads, hospitals or facilities. so how about if we woke up terry properties from taylor, we showing a caps, screening for a long time, got to deal with the east re lease. we have nothing to eat and we can't carry anything with us. 1000 of people to stream out if she's a some here say is really troops are advancing. purchase the modem i collected would keep it for the children, the indiscriminate children get every thing without warning. it isn't fair. most of the victims are women and children. i swear to god, these are war crimes. enough is enough. people are killed and wounded for trying to find food for the children. we are deprived of food, water, and basic necessities, and were being thought gifted by mistake. as an artillery shows where's the was,
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what are the error ups and what are the most times? this was a question that has a good across garza, for nearly 9 months. i know that we are the people of gaza. i'll be rami from should tell you, we are the people we are the owners of this land. we are the heroes on the display as people of gaza reiterate that they are survivors. as once again, they are forced to flee to an area which might come on. there is really a talk, honey. my mother was just the it up from the central garza how the sign in the south, the lease full of people that being killed in thousands engine is right. the attack on the coastal areas of milwaukee, north, west of what off off, heavy shelling is being reported around chicago. she knows and gaza. a local journalist says is ready. troops have been shooting, it tends where people are living, forcing money to flee, to these very minutes a is also,
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here's the local government building and that invalid and central gaza. thousands of people, both injured or killed in the strike of being taken to hospital still ahead on al jazeera bolivia as president denies being behind and attempted to against him insisting the army general accused of beating. acted on these are the higher the southern half of the us on close res altis to own reco, plenty of extreme heat continuing through the date, se line here that mazda boundary between what's called a halter and the stream, the hall to the south of that. and that's going to stay in place as we go one into the weekend and beyond, i am afraid. so, so we already kind of way through a friday and so fast as you can say, some deep or red colors that many places to getting up above 40 degrees celsius.
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we're not going to see that heat staying in place. then less hot said that spot and all of the costs, but it does spring with it. some live be shy, was big storms of rumbling across the northern plains, heading towards the midwest, running across the flood side areas and looking up more very heavy down pools. lots, how will fund the flash flooding? certainly a possibility once again, and maybe even the tornado. you can see some behavior bus to frame top to in here for assessed as it pushes over 2 boys. that ne, in go to the us into the canadian maritimes. russia showers to the south is that plenty of showers mima across the caribbean, the heaviest of which on this, the west leeway, but it's got to continue driving its way towards the time peninsula with a lot of heavy rain. the central america, the, the
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name is brandon jackson, almost 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released for old web to 25 and a half years. have been slee now, less than 90 days. after a lifetime of prison. and mine is now free to fight against our k racist laws that belong to the past fault lines. conviction on a jersey to the plug it back. you're watching, i'll just hear a time to recap. ah, headlines us president joe biden and republican presidential nominate donald from
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just rap top. the 1st televised debate of 2024 and atlanta. georgia to debate has raised concerns raised issues rather important. and so many folks is including the economy, abortion migration, as well as the was crenan, casa funding sizes, administration inherited an economy. and kyle, since 2021 followed the president. tom says the us had the greatest economy in the world. during these right emetrius launched an operation east of garza city in order tables to lead the should jaya neighborhood in northern garza, 3 is radio stripes of hit, the jabante, a refugee camp. kidding and things that seem to kind of students of the us supreme court has ruled to temporarily allow abortions in idaho for pregnant women facing medical emergencies that reinstated so low quotes decision. the states
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may a complete final abortion contravene the emergency medical treatment and labor act . now for candidates all competing for the presidency in iran. but only 3 considered to have a chance of winning. a low turnout could lead to a 2nd round of voting next week. so i hold it into her on explains the political landscape. the race for iran, 2nd highest job is down to 3 men. opinion poll suggests none has a clear cut majority, each se, he is the man of the people and promises good governance. their challenge now is to mobilize iranians to make friday's election different from recent ones, which had record low turned out. it's can be used for the people, especially for the people who they are looking for to help are the, are looking for the government and for the future. this is important for them. not
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everyone shares this enthusiasm and this largely liberal neighborhood in northern test on despite the candidacy of reform is politician muscle physics. and he is seeking change from within and once better relations with the west. but the weekend reform is movement said it's main rival. is it this illusion society, i cannot have major expectations from this because because uh from the, uh, uh, the hierarchy of the government here present the decision maker. the feeling is different and conservative neighborhoods in the, around the and capital. the core base of the establishment makes up at least 20 percent of the electorate. they're expected to heat the call by the ultimate authority supreme leader. audi come in a to cast their ballots of course level, but if not, then we can expect foreigners to come and governance. this is our country,
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but conservatives are at a disadvantage. without a consensus candidate, bahama thought. her kindly boss and said gently refused to withdraw. in support as the other, the fractured political landscape could work in favor of the reformist wing, if there is a large turnout or force a 2nd round of voting a week later, each candidate represents a different iran. the election is a choice between conservatives, consolidating their control over centers of power and opening the way for change, but with an administration that operates within the guidelines of the system. elections were planned for next year, but brought forward after president ever humor i, you see died in a helicopter crash in may. it shaping up to be a competitive and unpredictable vote that will have implications, but not on the runs strategic decisions that are already in place. that i heard there, i was busy to push on the bullet is present as low as sanchez denied being behind
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them attempted coup against insane. the army general accused of leaving it, acted on these critics say the president did it to boost his popularity. so isabel has more now from the past this is what the streets of a lot of the, one of the largest cities in bolivia look like on thursday morning. people blocking roads concerned about their country's democracy. they must be the most up to us. we are here to say never again to accrue to the military trying to control our democracy. it comes up to the dramatic scenes in the capital. a pass on wednesday when military units took over a main clause in front of the presidential palace. they were led by general one closely sonia who had been removed from his post the day before. the government says it has made a series of arrests in connection with what it's calling and attempted cool.


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