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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is a nice smile on one of your makes modern plates. the the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the new style environment from dawn coming up in the next to 60 minutes. it was never very good. but now is really not good last night was the defeat not only providing but for the entire radical left democratic party. donald trump is in virginia for a campaign valley, appearing victorious off to the 1st us presidential debates ahead of november's election. when you get that boundary, get back
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a positive job item remains defiance is he host his 1st rally, often underwhelming performance on thursday. the polls have closed in iran when millions of photos are picking a successor to president abraham re seat was killed in a helicopter crash last month. and feels battles are taking place in central gaza between all custom brigades. and is there any forces at least full? is there any soldiers have been killed? the? it's $21.00, g and t, and we begin this news. our in the us, the to presidential candidates president joe biden. and donald trump has made this 1st appearances at campaign valley's following thursdays. televised debate that the base made. many democrats worry about biden's performance. but joe, by the end, remains defiant. and he's a kid at a campaign event in raleigh,
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north carolina. he told the crowd that while he's not a young man, he is up to continuing in the job. the years to i don't speak is movie i used to. i don't the bad debate as well as i use. but i know what i do know. 2 how to tell the to the the. 2 the meanwhile for me, us president donald trump told thousands of supporters in chesapeake virginia that biden's age is not the problem. joe, by whose problem is that is a huge, it's not is anything really it's, you've got no problem other than it's his competence. he's grossly incompetent. the
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joins now live had to go hand in the white house in washington dc. had he, we've seen that president joe biden returning to the spotlight, appearing more energized and confident that he did during the debate. president biden. uh yes, he had a absolutely horrible debate, debate performance so much so that immediately after even left wing media were coming out and saying that there needs to be a real conversation about whether or not joe biden should be the democratic nominee for president. so we hear that that we keep hearing that course, it's not going away, is pretty clear from this been coming out of the, by the administration, or try to send the message that look, it's just gonna be a couple of days. it'll die down the do the campaign hasn't been set yet. not sure . that's entirely true. although the debate has pretty low numbers. a television viewership numbers, again, social media, those times would bite and just got lost and thought stopped speaking and said he killed medicaid. when he was asked about the about re, reproductive freedom,
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he somehow brought up an illegal immigrant that it killed the child. and those are all going to continue to live on social media. and again, the people joe biden needs to win re election are young people who are getting their news or social media that already stop favoring him because of his stance and the war and gaza. so he's trying to reset it, trying to just go about say, that was bad. let's keep moving on. we're hearing some democrats. is there going to support him? one said, well, i'm confident of the teens. it's around him. not exactly is the best winning strategy for november. but we are starting to hear more and more official. busy it maybe even not getting their names, but saying that there needs to be a real debate as to whether or not to abide and not only should run, but could actually have another 4 years in office successfully. and patty, as we're speaking, we're also seeing a full, my president, donald trump speaking at a rally addressing support is in virginia. i know you've been following that rally
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as well. what does he have to say a a lot of what he said last night, which is completely false. uh, things like michelle obama pool pools for a blue. she does. she actually is one of most respected women in the country that windows don't work. they do that the schumer's of house city and i started or she moves our highest resume, jewish official in the us congress. obviously not of house didn't in the crime is rapid. and in fact, the numbers are way down. he kept repeating during the debate and was not fact checked on this, that in states like virginia, where he's at right now to be kind of west virginia that he's in right now. that people can give birth to a 9 pounds a 9 months after 9 months. the doctor simply says, put the baby over there will deal with it later. that in fact, is not law. that never has been law. it doesn't happen if it did, they'd be charged with murder. so again, he's repeating these false placed with this is what donald trump does, and the moderators is the page shows off to fact,
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checked him thinking that president joe biden would in president joe biden. if you tried, it just didn't last, it was a very, very bad debate for joe biden, and they're active discussions now on whether he should step aside. and if he doesn't step aside if the powers that be in washington and across the country to try to force him to. all right, thank you so much patty. that's had to go hand proposing from washington dc. the press, the public and political unless as well as politicians from both sides of the aisle are assessing biden entrance as a spot about the economy migration, as well as the was in ukraine, and garza one joins now live from doddington's month. i showed her son who is a democratic political strategist. well, i sure thank you so much for joining us on the owners here and use our let's possibly begin with talking about the debate. it certainly wasn't a strong showing from president joe biden was it?
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no, it's not a good night for him and it's not a good new cycle for him coming up with that. that's for sure to well, how do we move forward from this shot? i mean, how, how it politically significant, all these debates, we still have some months before the election itself. and of course not everyone is, is sitting at home watching these, the full duration of these debates. so how does the president move forward? that's exactly the question that political opportunities consider every time that there is a debate. how significant, what is it to be useful for? we can see and polling when they come out in the next few days. if there's a button, we should actually see that complicated, sustained over time or not. but the fact of the matter is that most people do not watch debates, the vast majority of them, despite what you might see on cnn, with their life at all, uh, panels and forms of undecided voters. the vast majority, people that watch the debates watch it for sport, not because it helps them decide which way they're going to vote. they don't come in and decided. so i've always said this to other folks the recently,
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but it's the base for the thing that determine the election. we would have hillary clinton as our president. currently we would have had al gore as our president in 2000. so they don't really have a strong impact on the weight of things at the way that people vote. one thing that may happen, one of your previous guess, pointed out, is it either campaign, may choose to use clips and put them out and social media maybe in their own as they may paint the other opponent, the other candidate in a negative light. and i think both candidates have plenty to choose from if they wanted to pick out a few clips. and i should, i know that the, the democratic convention is coming up in in august. is there any possibility of a conversation around for placing president joe biden before the democratic convention, or is it, as you say, the case that the debates are simply not as important as some analysts might be receiving them to be. but there's a couple points to make your 1st like i say, i am a delegate to the convention. so of the 2000 people who get
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a vote and nominate the president. i'm elect to delegate to do that. so while we may see a lot of people talking about that talking heads on television, pundents and whatnot, of which i'm also one, i guess that's actually not how this process works. we don't go and and decide to broker convention. our job is to represent the voters of our state, the cast ballots. the primary we represent in millions of voters, the dnc cannot name by it's owned by laws, just decided to invalidate those votes. that's not how this process works, not at all. so it's fun to talk about for a minute, but it isn't something that start the actual process itself. i should say the 2nd lady in terms of the duration how long this will be a big deal. yes, we're talking about it right now. but on july 11th, donald trump has a sentencing hearing. so we can talk about this event. now that politics is something that is driven by event after event, after event, and at least the next one that we can predict is donald trump has the some of the
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consequences of being a 30 to try and convicted felon. and he will have to serve some kind of penalty, some kind of punishment for he may be the 1st president in history that has a campaign on an under house arrest. that is a far larger liability than having one bad night's performance. is there the right, is there then a communications problem in terms of president job items? can the strategy because it seems that we have so much about president jo biden's age when in fact there's only a 3 year age difference. and we have so much about that rather than but other than the have to check a pause of donald trump, as i said, is the misstep on the biden campaign team. because what they needed to do was to paint a contrast between the 2 of them that that was an age related. and unfortunately they feel pretty badly. there was a contract period between the 2 that ends the contracts between a loud confident liar and a soft spoken. sometimes mumbling, accomplished policy. walk in that isn't the best contracts provided, but it is
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a contrast to go on. donald trump lied, i'm challenged at the entire debate. you could not count them up and seeing that it is absolutely terrible job attempting to control any of that. they broadcast ahead of time that they would not be doing any faster effect tracking. and of course, what do you think donald trump did in response to that he lied all the time. defining campaign going forward in terms of the communication. as the 1st point out, the stakes involved, that there's a contrast in the vision between these 2 men and how they see the world. that's the only way forward for the tools that if they're to use this debate in their favor at all, they can point out the fact that donald trump is, does not have good temperament. not be honest. and does it actually have a vision for the, for the century that moves us forward? that's the only way forward here. all right, thank you so much for joining us on the order here and use our shuttle son who is a democratic political strategist. thank you. i said the u. s. supreme court has
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made it harder to charge capital right defendants with obstruction. a charge also faced by donald trump, the supreme court raised the legal ball for prosecutors pursuing obstruction charges against defendants involved in january 6 attack on the capital. the justices ruled 6 to 3. the ruling is a set back for the us justin justice, department and biden's administration, and provides a perfect potential boost for trump. she had redundancy reports from washington dc . a. this is a really just in case because it wasn't just being watched with concern by right wing from my go republicans, but also by anyone interested in civil liberties. freedom of speech on the left them the right. because when the author, january 6th, the public justice didn't just charge based on the conflict with the normal charges you'd expect of trespass and the souls. and so they also dug up a lower felony. the car is a maximum of 20 is 20 years to add onto those charges to show how serious it was
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for that more up to that point had just been used to go off the corporate criminals auditors and shred documents to conceal evidence from an official investigation. that happened and going to go off the people doing something like this. i'm majority on the quotes, and that's not true because it was not meant to go off to people who stormed the capital up front. ethical products as it was meant for people who obstruct any kind of investigation by timeframe with evidence. and so, and because there's a little fear about this, because the precedent, it steps would have been quite large because if it's a 20, a maximum sentence felony to, if you obstruct an official proceeding, then then for example, we see protests in congress. what will time about golf? so what about those people that are they have strong thinking, official proceeding? should they then be have the book thrown up with 20 as in prison? who is that political political speech unit. so it would have been a really, really frightening prospect for those who believe in the, in the right of protest. so that's interesting. i'm not sure was interesting. i don't have, you know, you are watching hopefully a couple of hours ago that was
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a trap shouting behind me, briefly interrupted, i live, it turns out he was one of those charged onto this little and so, or along with the years the misdemeanors he was charged with he would get a maximum of one. yeah, because of this low. so you got an extra 2 years in prison. any serve that. and now you can see the d o j for wrongful imprisonment, a lindsey more ahead on the news hour, including the tense proposals continue in tenure accord, has gone police from using water can and to gas, and both live and rubber bullets against purchases and russian scientists conduct an autopsy on a 44000 year old was caucus discovered in the siberian town the from the poles of now closed in iran of devoting was extended twice by the countries
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election commission. millions of people have cost the balance in early presidential elections that using a successful around race, he was killed in a helicopter crash last month. and all of the reports from tara an election held early because president ibrahim, right you see was killed in a helicopter crash. the iran elections are also seen as a referendum on the political establishment. while casting his vote supreme leader at least come in and he reiterated the need for a mass, turned out saying that his stomach republic gains, its strength and legitimacy from its people. double majority of the existence and dignity of the country before the world is relying on the presence of people. that's why we recommend out the people to seriously take the issue of participation . and this important political test. in recent years, voter turnout has declined. but as with previous pools,
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conservative supporters were out in force. i'm the positive, i'm like, the solution is significant because it is good for my country. we are listening to our leader and they should be someone elected to take care of the people's problems . the vote is a test for another camp to the reforms who are seeking to return to the political arena. for the 1st time in years. a reform is politician, approved to run has a chance of winning muscle physics. 10 is backed by high profile figures, such as former presidents has central honey and mohammed the hot to me. they began to participate and have been trying to bring voters, especially undecided ones to polling stations. why should i go down? there is a chance for change. if people feel that is needed, is it the reformers that can make peace with the world? the performance of conservatives haven't been good. the, the conservatives are facing a challenge. public discontent and protests have spread in recent years. and they
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failed to nominate a consensus candidates mohammed back her gallery buff, the current speaker of parliament, and his opponent, site jelly the an altar. conservative serving on the supreme national security council. both have good relations with the political elite, but their personal rivalries was split. the conservative vote account of it needs more than 50 percent of the ballots cast to win or a run off will be held next week. while this polling station is busy, some people have stayed at home as a form of protest. there is a sense of disillusionment. iranians have been really under a strained economy and some say a lot of liberties. they don't believe the election will bring change. reforms aren't promising a radical shift in policies and planned to work from within the system if they come to power. the votes outcome may be unpredictable,
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but the post election phase is expected to be one of continuity, rather than change their elders either different on joints. now live by wrestle sorta, who is intent on russell pulse of now closed, but often they were extended not once, not twice, but 3 times focus through what election day has been like? well here in the north or for to it run in front of give it to me is out what a station it was quite a busy day. however, many of the people here are saying, telling us that these could be a misleading picture, because the business here might not just flag the true picture of the whole country as the expect stations off, the low turnout here now, around 45 minutes ago. the 40 stations were closed. now the compton is on the way. so at every 2 or 3 hours,
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you're expecting an announcement from the for the administrator interior. given us update about the, the, the, the, the, what's that have been counted the candidates. and of course, the turnouts as well, and that is going to go through the whole night. so the final results, products fact it should be announced before the noun times. and if any of the candidates immersed as the v near or if the election is going to go to the seconds, well, so as you say, accounting in the process of counting already beginning put this into context for us. exactly. what's at stake in these election? well sir, you, me one more important than who will emerge as the vin? there is the turn now. so that is a great method of the concern here for the for they can stop the shipment. because the turn now is the chief source of the dimensions. the machine and through years
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we have seen that you're running pulls the can establishment, has enjoyed the high turnouts in some cases because even about 80 percent. but in the past 2 elections that has changed. so it's 121, getting the president should election. the turn out was lower than 49 percent done in 2024. march getting the fundamental election. it was sort of down below 41 percent n. as in iran, the turn off is regarded as the measurements of the test. for the stop is for you that you read new officials one, often another comment important on people to go and to cost the balance and the forms all supposed also before the election is showing that nearly half of the rad new population. those work outage of up towards either were on the side this or say that they are not going to, to cast their ballots. so tomorrow, of course,
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you have agreed to have the answers about the turnouts. about if there is any cavities that emerge as that being or how that federal government concerns, not in the around that these calls be the lowest turn out seems to establishment for obama republic in 1979. and if that is the case, such a low turnout would benefit the conservative chad, right? rest oral surgeon and thank you so much for joining us from here on the is rarely media says full is there any soldiers have been killed in the should jane neighborhoods in kansas city, the own cousin brigade says it is engaged in phil specials at close distance with his many forces on thursday, 7 bodies were pulled from the rubble industry. j. a neighborhood offer a series of is there any strikes out of the or is, is mail. i'll go,
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reports have the months ago, i left you. this entire residential area has be flattened by these really occupation forces. it's now a goes to city. there is no trace of human life and it depends on how does, while filming, we discovered this was a center sheltering display as well as the news. as we were filming, and we found that body lying over there in the middle of what once was a temporary shelter. no one could come near the body to bury him for fear of being targeted. move up the cord, going to report you to the single defense themes anyway. what seems he was killed in and he's rarely ever strike until now. no one has been able to recover or very if his body has copy or well, and that's how our camera crew cannot get any closer this on have you. we have taken refuge behind this room building that looks like this entire area is under is really air rates heavy. i'm a totally controlled by is really fire power,
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the high sci young stuff. and no one can answer such a yeah. or use the mean of roads like all of which are now controlled by is really the tanks, troops, and warships from the sea. it should be noted that surgery, i used to be a densely populated neighborhood with a bustling with life to my left. who that was the main open marketplace of us is really tanks our station on the road behind it, just the meters away. as you can see, the entire area has been just totally destroyed. and that those by these really occupational forces have you month to come, which will carry down to ground defensive. if there's such a now there is no sign of human life and have you um, up on top of the high ridge you can see and is rarely thank god, it's station on elements, har ridgemont providing the use of the entire area middle. this is the 2nd day of this really ground, defensive and show j. u. a number of bodies were found blank, abandoned on the ground. many injured the victims are stranded without any
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assistance. right, and who? i just see it on the end of 200 and a reminder the is ran, the government has banned out a 0 from reporting there. so i'm joined now by 100 us of those who is in jordan. honda took us through the reaction as we see these is rarely media reports that for soldiers have been killed as well. we haven't gotten confirmation just yet from these really military, but as is really media is reporting for is really soldiers killed at least 5 others wounded reports of several military hosp. helicopters, excuse me, going in and out of the area to evacuate. both the wounded and the killed, it just goes to show you the stiff resistance these really military is facing when going up against spiders. in the north, this is an area that was supposed to be under what these really are me called total operational control. they said that they had nearly achieved that 6 months ago back in december. but again, time and time again,
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we've seen these military operations by is really forces in the north, like we saw in japan the last month. these really military released the statements around 10 am local time saying that they were doing what they could to evacuate civilians. but we've seen this time and time again. these really are me says they're doing what they can to keep civilians out of harm's way. meanwhile, civilians are dying and all of their military operations, as we saw again this morning. so the army is maintaining that they are doing what they can in order to defeat from us. but what we're seeing on the ground again sometimes tells a completely different story. right. thank you. honda that's honda. someone reporting from jordan this hello city and civil defense agency says 3 of its medics were killed in an overnight. is there any strength near its headquarters in new setup in the central gaza strip? more than 500 health workers have been killed in gaza since israel's will began in october. michael and full reports crews of the palestinian civil
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defense agency always on the rushing to what emergency away diesel 1st responded easily identifiable by the familiar orange base. but that's often little protection hubble i'm going to am and the need is very noticeable that the israeli occupation forces continue to wilfully target civil defense teams all across the gaza strip. with theme of preventing us from providing humanitarian assistance. overnights israel launched it strikes me of the palestinian civil defense agencies headquarters in the site. right. the was peppered with shrapnel. the 3 members of the civil defense agency were killed with an old defense cruiser, essentially carrying out a civil service in terms of international humanitarian law. these men are involved
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in search and rescue. they are firefights is then medics and the job since day one. we've been appealing to the wells and, and even with the tensions to provide the minimum forms of protection to the civil defense themes and also to those working in the field during the strikes. while more than 500 health workers had been killed since the start of the war, at the 74 of those had been members of the civil defense agents. the day in and day out. these are men who are facing graves conditions to save lives. the increasing b, it's at the expense of the light to apple. out is there to all the news. no large crowds have been gathering in kenya for the funeral of a protester killed during recent confrontations with police. at least $27.00 people,
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including a child, have been killed in recent days as protest is demanded, president william mucho withdrew a controversial finance bill. off the pledging to square footage window is now facing growing pressure to resign. meanwhile, the high cold in kenya has prohibited police from using was a kind of take us. and both live and brother pool is against protesters. a majority of those were driving the protests in kenya were born in the late 19 ninety's, the characterized by the familiarity with social media. they've created a grocer, its movement that has never been seen before. more than half the population is under the age of $35.00. they say they grievances go beyond the finance bill that has now been scraps. catherine, so a report from nairobi. a me boss is in kenya are known for the loud music and color from slogans. it's been a symbol of kenya's, aarp and culture young people like using this mode of transport. so we took
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a ride with them as we spoke about the situation of the country, the government should concede that they. busy are but texting people, kenyon say, mean a probate jumps, but they use. yeah. and the, the government does go to the sense that they use landing more just say the protest did not come as a surprise. it's something that has been bubbling for. yes. it really does the best 1000 stoops to the streets in different parts of the country with scientists and smartphones. please use to guess what to canon and live with that. at least 27 people a say to have been killed by police and some social media influences are said to
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have been adapted. this is one of the buildings that was destroyed during the process. many young canyons say they have lost confidence in the elected fetus. and it was clear from the demonstrations that politicians misread. the mood on the ground. the process, well organized by young people who use the digital platforms to call the beach and amplify their voices protest as you have specific names and mach kyla trucks, a social media trains. he says a millions of people have viewed or contributed to the debate on line within the last few days. on line sentiment does not necessarily translate to offline civic action. this right now the we've occupied parliament reject finance bill. it's never been closer to see that what happens on a screen on the internet is happening offline and manufacturing with real people in
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real places with audio message. the products plus not just about taxes, but also by governance. canyon's posted videos of politicians showing off the walls at a time when there is an economic crisis and peace here are among the best paid in the world. now those who voted for them say it will not be business as usual. catherine, so i to sierra nairobi head on now to 0 origin. tina is low make is pause the president's economics will soon program at spots months of violent protest the the a hey there. good to see. so we have outbreaks of sunroof swans will start here across spain. some of these could be severe or capable of dropping
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a months worth of rain in a single hour to places like madrid. so that could cause some flooding that went whether leaks in to france into northwest italy and also switzerland as ball were just the other day. copious amounts of rain felt in geneva, so that did trigger some flash flooding. otherwise helps for across the airport. we got going on some heat, berlin, warsaw down through the bulk ins as well, but it's a different story for the islands, have harland and britain fresher field here with the breeze temperatures coming down. so best i can do for you on saturday is 25 degrees in london looking good in turkey. uh huh. okay. maybe a bit of a breeze coming through the boss for us, for a stumble at 27 degrees. and to africa, we go, let's put the colors on dr. had the hotter is historic heat here. i'll jerry it for the 1st time in june hitting 50 degrees. 50.3. now on saturdays, we do have heat wave conditions here quite breezy through or attain. you're sending just spinning around from this hard desert. so hazy there and speaking if there was
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winds there pumping up temperatures for that southwest slice of south africa had a bad day. and cape town, 19 degrees for you with plenty of sun, bye for now. the full hales the planet, interrogates while i was think about climate change, the way we do this, a global issue is abstract, so whatever i do, it doesn't seem to make a dent. alley re reveals how, with the, and it created into distancing also from the climate crisis. and delane meaningful action as faculty reactions has been both intentionally and unintentionally, quite a few ideas to create confusion as if we're confused with the power of psychology in booking climate action. on out to 0, examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to say fun, they started attacking the machines, unflinching john noise. and what message do you think that they were trying to send?
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we'll come here and we'll tell you and meet it, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you will determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on abundance. world class, progress on ours is 0. the the the hello daniel watching. oh, just a reminder of our top stories. this donald trump is as a campaign event in virginia, where he said those days debate with president joe biden was a defense for what he called the radical left democratic party earlier slide. and appeared at a campaign event in north carolina. he told the crowd that while he was not
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a young man, he was off to continuing in the john paul's, i've now closed in iran after voting was extended 3 times by the country's election commission. millions of people have cost a balance in early presidential elections, that choosing a successful abraham race was killed in a helicopter crash last month. it is very media says for soldiers have been killed, initial j, a neighborhood in garza city. the old custom brigade says it's engaged in via specials at close distance. with is raining forces staying in guns. a palestinian man with a mental health condition has been missing for a month. has been returned to his family with life threatening injuries. his family says he was detained by is ready forces in russell before being handed over to the red cross. talk to say, if he doesn't get treatment outside garza, he will likely die. honeywell quote has more on this story from the in central garza and a warning that some view is may find to the images in his report,
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disturbing a hi. on a sudden, the hearing one of the 1st rami out the bolts down water through a syringe, unable to lift his head, his breathing, his challenge. he has been brought to nasir hospital and han eunice in the south of the strip in the hopes that something can be done for him. i'm a, the guy or my brother has a mental disorder and speech disability. i was searching for him for a month. we didn't know he was detained in rough by his riley forces. now he's lost his eyesight, i'm in the stomach was ripped open and he has multiple injuries. he's almost dead to the whole. it is believe the suffered multiple gunshot ones and has been lifted almost. no, i sign from the plug when the surfaces of the on the whole go to that it seems the is really sold is find on him at close range. and they all 5 bullets in his stomach was a bullet went through his eye and off the back of his head, discolored. frank chosen. and he was also shot in his arms and legs should get in
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his family, believe he was operated on by these regularly, while in detention before being handed over to the red cross. the girl he has called fractures. kind of woods through his eye and all over his body bots of his interest time, where do i have is another gunshot wound and he has another in his backpack. his stomach was ripped open. we brought him to the hospital, hoping his life can be st. model doctors that nasir hospital confirmed that rami is in need of immediate, a critical care that is not available inside the gaza strip. the medical exit permit are difficult to get even more so with the closure of rough eye crossing was that and then whether you had them as it is a dentist so that he's in a very critical condition and has been admitted to the i. c u. he's now suffering acute circulatory collapse, unconsciousness and high blood. the city which has developed into duck senior crime is just one of about 10000 palestinians in gaza that the world health organization
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stays needs and media medical evacuation. pending mode was ita from the central area of the gaza strip. palestine has been a government has approved funds to expand its illegal settlements in the occupied. westbank is rarely finance minister best and most, most rich. the pushed for the move says it's a response to palestinians, legal actions against israel. and it's also a form of retaliation against the recent recognition of a palestinian state by 5 european countries. the palestinian foreign minister has condemned to the decision saying if will only consolidate apartheid, nor that has moved from ramallah in the occupied westbank. several measures announced by these really cabinet concerning palestinian present in the occupied west. month of the one hand there was land grab the retro active authorization of 5 illegal supplement outposts in the occupied west bank that's been hailed as
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a personal victory for the right wing minister, but says smotts rich, some we have now rectified even the cabinet meeting the decision of me in the prime minister to establish box sacraments in the west bank. we announced a month ago this to every country that you need to actually recognize. who's that probably seen states. we will establish just have to mention that there are 5 countries that can meet this mistake, so we will establish 5 settlements. this is our response to the instate threatens the existence of the state of israel and it will not be established. we will develop an expand the sacraments for building organizing and establishing sacraments and shooting for structure. we will bring a 1000000 settlers and this is our response to the enemy. or there's also been a very strategic decision to take away powers of the palestinian authority over more than half of the, of the population in the territory. now israel particularly smart, which will have control over who can build in those areas and who cannot. and it
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will allow, according to many observers, israel to demolish a lot of a palestinian housing and structures in that area. another measure announced by these really government is punishments, so called punishment measures against senior officials for their role in seeking the engagement of the i. c, j and the international criminal court. all in all these measures have been called a game changer by senior palestinian officials. i was just ego has been speaking to not all day as us either on palestine rising rents and it shows age of affordable housing. a major issues in the upcoming general election in the u. k. still contract in central england is one of the worst affected areas. thousands of people in the city live in hotels, temporary accommodation, or on the streets, elena, vessel, of which reports. i'll stick to the master. it's time for dinner at the y n. c a.
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and the young people living here on lining up. this huge shell to providing a safe haven to those who would otherwise have no way to live. like charlie, who feeds, becoming homeless before she was also didn't hear. that was a big relief in itself to know that. however, the temporary one scene was secure for the moment. i do have friends, but they live with parents or in a circumstance where they call it and accommodate to someone sleeping on a mattress on a floor because, but they just don't have the space of this hostile is plugging the need for housing in stoke on trent in central england, we're trying to do all very best throughout the housing because it's required is needed. you know, we, we are operating a waiting list for instance in, in that, which is ridiculous. you know, so we're 100 percent full and we've got a waiting list that keeps growing. and that growing housing crisis, now a huge election issue in the u. k. with old political policy is promising to solve
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it. but those promises can few empty in a city like this got to buy the decline of the industries that once sustained it here in stock and try and housing prices are actually cheaper than the u. k. national average. but unemployment is high to and so many people, the price of rent and mortgages is out of reach. and there's little faith that things will get better. if you look at the 0 arrows yourselves. counselor a lot of homeless white before it wasn't like that. hm. yeah, 22 years are living this story. i couldn't remember even well unless in highly but now maybe it would be best made me partner. people won't try to look for buying a house, but it's just too expensive loan, such as ridiculous. and i call even save up for when you look at house own barrels . and it makes it very difficult for especially young people like yourself and like
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a friend to actually get a house. and you're actually move out with your parents. the dream of having a home to pull your right feelings every distance to many here and across the country. you know, the city to reach out to 0 state can trend in central england, u. k. the you leaders have approved the nominations for the union's most senior officials for the next 5 year term of office. it follows elections to the european parliament earlier this month. the body has to approve the appointments before they can take office. us live under land has been nominated to retain her role as commission president. political is prime minister has been nominated to lead the european council, the body which provides the you with political direction. and the heads of government topped estonia is prime minister kind of call us to be the unions next. foreign policy chief activities comes which does not. that's condense with the same
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time. it is the consensus of the $27.00 states, although not an entirely unanimous decision, but it was still achieved with the support of a vast majority with the support of a political platform and the pilot. because the 3 parties supported the candidacy of mrs. one to land, so we can assume that they have prepared a good decision here, and we can proceed quickly without you are paying union to funds. now with the far right, national polity of marine, the pen is leading opinion. polls ahead of sundays, parliamentary elections. it's campaign has focused on immigration and it promises $2.00 to $9.00 migrant social benefits and housing. opponents say this good to and millions of people into 2nd class citizens. so foss and reports from the french riviera of the french we vieira has been a welcome escape for foreigners, for centuries, a mix of nationalities looking for some and see within this region close to the border with italy and t immigration and say no phobic sentiments out on the rise fed by the phone, right?
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national riley party, which has been pulling us the most popular here. the facts of these. i want them to think about us french, people who built this country and now live in misery because pensions of love and the cost of living is high, right. so every day, french border police present dozens of migrants and refugees. awesome. traveling from africa to italy, from entering the country. and national rally party wants friends to reinstate national borders. a phone and say, plans by default, right to tyson border controls even further are only unrealistic and pain restoration that's forced as refugees and life wants to take more dangerous routes . but with immigration being one of the main election themes, these are plants, a large number of photos, like to hear. the national rally party also wants to introduce a system of national preference, which will exclude millions of non french nationals from social benefits. and to exclude people with you will nationalities from certain positions and that's
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hopeful normally is to 20 on it's direction. and for us citizens with different nationalities. it's not easy to live in a country that no longer want sauce threatens austin tells us we are no longer welcomed while we participate in the french academy. we study to pay taxes. how garrett run several restaurants with a husband and niece. originally from tunisia, i couldn't move here from italy 12 years ago. we now have both friends and to nation nationality. since all the shows to present to you all these measures make us do a national feel like 2nd class citizens. other programs of the national riley party and of a but this one about doing nationality shows you are less and less welcoming from yes, even though you are afraid of she. some of the couple is considering, leaving friends, if the national valley party are asked to lead to next government parties. candidates in the border region did not respond to questions and stopped people from speaking to us, showing a growing divide in the region long symbolizing the french motto,
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i'll speak quality, liberty, and fraternity steps. last and i'll just say around at the french riviera, i'm goal in southern dosing and upon them and to re election with corruption along with the state of the economy has been dominating mongolia and like many parts of the world is still recovering from the impact of look downs during the pandemic, and the full out from the ukraine for whole suggest is governing mongolia people's party could win. but it's likely to have a small the majority. at least the 13 people have been killed in the southern indian state of cannot to go in a highway accident. the passengers were confusing in his on which collided with the station re truck. local media is reporting several people were injured. taken to hospital for further treatment, heavy rains in india have caused the roof of a terminal at new dallas international airport to collapse. rescue is say, one person died. the terminal effected is used for domestic flights. only. this
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comes months of to a refurbishment project and it will be rated by prime minister in ranger moody. india has rejected a religious freedom report by the us as one sided projection of issues and deeply biased. the report cited examples of violent attacks on minority groups, especially muslims and christians, including killings, assaults, and vandalism, of houses of worship. a foreign ministry spokesperson said the report lacked an understanding of india's social fabric and honest washington to refrain from interfering in other countries politics. the, the site itself is a mix of simulations mr. representations. selective usage affects reliance on bias sources and a one sided projection officials. this expense, even to the depiction of a constitutional provisions and duly elected laws of india. argentina is called
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them and has paused an economic reform program that had spoke months of violent protest. the little was put forward by president. have you in the way he's valid that he's so cold shock therapy will look, the critics say the low risk worsening and already dire economic situation. charles, stress, it reports, you go see it, go what the, your, a 147 votes in favor, a 107 against 2 abstentions called you teen is congress secretary analyses the results of the votes on the controversial economic reform package problem. it's just finally approved of the month to the times this debate, an outcry from opposition, politicians, and supporters alike. to legislation gives brutal powers to the self proclaimed. i'm not co capital is president of the control of energy, pensions and security, as well as controversial measures including a tax amnesty for those with on declared assets and wide scale privatization of
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state towing company. this is a video. so getting into the familiar slip on our some of these need to understand that what we're doing is essential to create a prosperous new argentina. leaving behind the misery caused by the previous governments. the police held bank protest as well in peace voted the sign on the symbolic funeral. rece reads democracy. this government wants to take away all rights. thank jones, on the way for them up. this little present is complete labor reform listening conditions. the work is that a country way more than 50 percent of the population is already below the poverty line. the light came to power 6 months ago when a legend seen as inflation sold to an annual rates of nearly 300 percent. the famously we'll do the change, so we'll do his election campaign as a symbol of his promise to slash states, interference and economy. but since then,
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budget cuts and the major the valuation of the past. so against the dollar strong go people's purchasing power economies. it's a wide spread, deregulation, privatization and the unconditional opening up the economy means industry and small and medium sized businesses. some of the most of the small really mainly exempt big companies and the rich from texas while adding more taxable income workers. this low result in more layoff, more hunger and more unemployment really has already announced plans to slash 70000 government jobs. and so fall says it's so cold shock therapy is working. inflation drops for a 5th straight month and may or by his critics described as a brash radical libertarian, with no respect for the pool, he will be celebrating the m p 's endorsement of his plan. the president says he doesn't include his hair because the invisible hand. this fremont good. does it for
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him. now, his parliamentary approval to try to prove wrong. charleston 1st, i'll just say still ahead on it, which is 0. so here from indonesia is 1st olympic gymnast. she passed ahead to power the in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash before he is the
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this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football. he is the no to an athlete who set to make history at the powers olympics and this next month restore for the allowed fee is the 1st jim this from indonesia to have
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a qualify for the games. this bond to below reports from jakarta, a success has already inspiring young people to and higher. on most days of the week, of course, support dedicates up to 4 hours to gymnastics. that's on top of the school and community. she lives on the south side of the indonesian capital jakarta and trains in the north. sometimes i miss like playing with my friends with like at the same time i want to pursue my dream. so i go to a site for at 13 years old and only 5 years into the sport. she has a clear, cool my future goal is that i can compete with. and nationally, i sat asian and brought them thing and then the jet. and hopefully i can bring another for indonesia. what's the horace role model happens to be someone. she's trained with risk. you're going to look feet. she's the 1st
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indonesian gymnast to qualify for the olympics. and she'll be seeing action in paris. rift has been training at this gym since 2013. indonesia has no national training center for gymnastics, so this plug, nurtured, and supported her olympic team. now the dreams of these young athletes were inspired by her success. many indonesians dream of football glory in the southeast asians age olympic golds were all one in bed and said yes, i know what are the most popular seats usually get nice attention from the government. but i've kept training and have proven that even with limited facilities that i can still achieve great things. yeah. make no mistake on permit or save it as had to endure some criticism from religious conservatives. because different type bidding leah towards that hasn't stopped or either has hard work or a hard worker. and then uh see the what people say yes,
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new database. and then the site of the sports, growing popularity. thanks in part to risk to indonesia is hosting the world championships in 2025. find below al jazeera jakarta, scientists in russia, i coming out an autopsy on the remains of a wolf that died tens of thousands of years ago. because of the ancient predator was found in the far north eastern region of euclid here in 2021. under simmons reports it's one of the most remote places on the kusha in the arctic northeast of russia. a vast region, most of which is still covered in permafrost. no surprise that this was a land where prentice is roamed in such a prey. but a shock good. how long ago this male wolves passed away? scientists say it was about 44000 years ago. of his ancient body discovered under the following time of frost. an autopsy is on the way. i mean to find out more
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about the ice age. goodbye. good to read and usually usually it's the bit for us animals that die get stuck in swamps in free. so this is the 1st time when a large carnival has been found, it was a very active predator. this is an opportunity to find out what it was feeding on to, to the scientists want to gain more insight into the mass extinction, various species of animals and plants thousands of years ago. they also hope to find more causes of climate change from the ancient past discipline log from a scaling, everything to disciplinary research involving various facets made you call them dating hollywood, genetics and probably of diet research enabled us to delve deeper into the history of all plan in history is the teacher of the future. those kolosso climate changes that took place tens of thousands of years ago may tell us what to wait till planets in the near future structure where the analyzing the remains of an ancient wolf can do anything to predict the future isn't clear yet,
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but that could be many more clues buried in the warming permafrost of your kusha. andrew simmons, i was your 0. right, that's it for this news our, i'm just the washington that we're back in a moment. on counting, the cost us debt continues to balloon should americans and the rest of the world be worried. swift, nomics all taylor swift concepts, boosting local economies. greece has introducing longer office hours, but will a 6 day week. welcome. counting the cost on i will just say around is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery
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in the shortest possible time donates with confidence for 30 years. friends carry down new to your tests at the pacific, exposing local the site to workers to high levels of radiation. 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific forgot to new to your victims on no just 0 presidency manual, not call us the price phones by calling us not to mention just weeks before the live big games in powers all through a so just support for marine the penn national run, the policy will look at the pay off a little bit country know cheaper to the, to the far right of the front. and i've seen years from, i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it. and typed on
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a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the . ready the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is denise allen live from dell ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. counting begins in iran, snapped presidential election force between 2 hard liners and a reformist, of candidates. the fee is classes in southern and northern gauze us between palestinian fighters and is many forces at least $4.00 soldiers have been killed.


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