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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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of the hello. i'm jessica washington. this is denise our lives from to ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. counting begins in iran, snap presidential election forth between 2 hard liners and a reformist candidates. the fee is classes in southern and those in gaza between palestinian fighters and is many forces at least 4 soldiers have been killed on the back of the page as well as i do know. 2 how to tell the truth, joe, by whose problem is not, is age,
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it's not. is anything really, it's got no problem other than it's his job, but it's back on the campaign trail. alter lat, cluster debate performance, that alarm democrats, us president joe biden, valves to stay in the race against donald trump. he's prominent stanley. this person's violence, as the 1st contingent of canyon police officers arrive the beginning, this new zoe. any ron with polling stations have now closed, and votes are being counted. millions of people have cost a balance in the snap of presidential elections. the choosing a successive abraham racy was killed in a helicopter crash last month to hold the reports from tara. the election held early because the president to bring him right you see was killed in
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a helicopter crash in iran. elections are also seen as a referendum on the political establishment. while casting his vote supreme leader at least come in and he reiterated the need for a mass turn out saying that his stomach republic gains, its strength and legitimacy from its people. double majority is the existence and dignity of the country before the world is relying on the presence of people. that's why we recommend out the people to seriously take the issue of participation and this important political test. in recent years, voter turnout has declined. but as with previous pools, conservative supporters were out in force and the solution is significant because it is good for my country. we are listening to our leader and they should be someone elected to take care of the people's problems of the vote as a test for another camp to the reformist,
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who are seeking to return to the political arena. for the 1st time in years. a reform is politician, a proof to run has a chance of winning muscle physics. tn is backed by high profile figures, such as former presidents has central honey and mohammad. the hot to me, they began to participate and have been trying to bring voters, especially undecided ones to pulling stations. i don't know, i should i go down there is a chance for change. if people feel that is needed, is it the reformers that can make peace with the world? the performance of conservatives haven't been good. the, the conservatives are facing a challenge. public discontent and protests have spread in recent years. and they failed to nominate a consensus candidates. mohammed back or gladly above the current speaker of parliament and his opponent, site jelly the an altar. conservative serving on the supreme national security council. both have good relations with the political elite,
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but their personal rivalries will split. the conservative vote account of it needs more than 50 percent of the ballots cast to win, or a runoff will be held next week. while this polling station is busy, some people have stayed at home as a form of protest. there is a sense of disillusionment. iranians have been reeling under a strained economy and some say, a lot of liberties. they don't believe the election will bring change. reforms aren't promising a radical shift in policies and plan to work from within the system. if they come to power. the votes outcome may be unpredictable, but the post election phase is expected to be one of continuity rather than change . then there was just data different on well let's go live now to turn around and speak to him, correspondent russell. such a russell halls have closed and vote counting begins shortly. when should we expect the results? the wells,
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the poles and stations had been closed and now the content is on the way. and so any run the regular pack, this is that the, for the ministry, every 2 to 3 hours was make the announcements regarding the worst that had been prompted. and regarding the candidates how, which candidates receiving how many words. and also given an idea about the turnout, so that content is going to continue through the nights and then in the morning as well. so we'd expect him before the noon to have the official results regarding the final turnout and also whether n or if this candidates that we're running for president is emerged as the been there. or if the election is going to go to the 2nd found. so found, so then it one, if i know if the put it, the candidates cannot exceed or get receive more than half of the woods dental
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dramatically, it goes to the 2nd round, which if that will be, the case is going to be have next fridays on july the 5th. so which will pass through exactly how significant are these elections and what's it states you well, you, me one more then who is going to be the next president? the most important thing is actually to turn out. so it has particular recent years become a serious issue. traditionally, they, me around the particular establishment enjoyed the high turn now sometimes exceed an 80 percent. but in the last 2 elections that has changed in 2021 after the parent, the during the presidential election, the turned out. what's the likely of or 40 percent then in 2024. during the parliamentary election it went below 41 percent. why is that important? because the turnout is the primary source of the list. them is the for the particular establishment. and now the,
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the grouping concerns that even this election could further seeing a low turnout and even the court in some people, it could be the low was turned out since the establishment of the islamic republic . and of course, if that would be the case, such a low turn off would benefit the conservators. all right, thank you, russell. sergio. that's all correspondent reporting line from tara. all right, let's stay on the story now. i'm joined by so you know, so the who is a professor of international affairs at george washington university and he joins the now live from washington, dc profess. so thank you for joining us on the, on to 0. use our holes of closed and you might have heard l correspondent, they're talking about the question of turn out exactly. what can we learn about turn out in terms of how they relate to the results of the selection? well, i would say from what i'm hearing in the content on and the social media is by, by 11 pm 10 pounds time. there were some 22900000 people who actually turned
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out initially in the morning when the ballast we're open, a lot of the turn out was low people who are not participating in elections. but i thing as we, when you know toward the evening and, and you can say the temperature also played a huge role because it's really hard to take on right now. and other cities. more people started showing up. and by sunset, there was a search and the number of people who actually turn out that the amount of boxes to vote by seeing the turn out is t or possess the young who is a reform is candidate if he can, when 50 percent of the votes as was in your report or managers to go to the 2nd round with either j leave or finding ball. then in the 2nd round, he has an opportunity twins and, and the report didn't mention that
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a lot of people, a stuff through their support behind this doctor because i see on. but i think the key figure defined as i see on is the form of form. and it says that the cool campaigns on behalf of a position young asked who has full support behind a candidate. this is a campaign with cost of living has really dominated the concerns of voters, as we indeed see in many elections around the world. did we see any sort of meaningful suggestions from the candidates about how they might overcome some of those economic concerns? if we take a look at, for example, just the price of basic bread going up more than say, 200 percent in just the past 3 years. absolutely positive. i think there is, there are 2 fundamentally the different world views. a state here. one is represented by the sight of j need was an ultra conservative, a deep format,
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and who is known for these monologues in india providing negotiations. and she believes that the wrong does not lead sanctions really any wrong. this was the slogan of his campaign that there's one more opportunity inside the wrong meaning that he does if he's not interested in lifting the sanctions, his interest in neutralizing the sanctions. i think the world view discontinue for her so so the world view is represented by possess young who understands the sanctions or have people leave on an economy you wrong need some legal issues with the west. you're on the east of these the sanctions. and you also mentioned the f a t yes, which is key in open in your on financial system and to the outside world. professor, if you could explain for our audience who of all over the world and pets, would like to be more familiar with the political system. any ron? exactly. how important is the position of the president?
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how much influence do they actually use to overcome something like the economic challenges that around is currently facing as well. the ultimate decision maker is like for the holidays. but i would disagree with the argument that the president does not play any role. if the president didn't play any role, then we should have seen consistency in the foreign policy the whole time he had controversial figure such as i might even show or even roll on e n president lake president. i see. but the evidence suggests that the foreign policy is of these 4 different products. it is quite different. so president, yes, his role is point and limited, but he does exert influence in shaping your honest foreign policy. and the reception that he gets from the outside board is also important. i'm. i'm absolutely certain that the reception that what time he received from the outside
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world was quite different from the controversial figure such as that it is all or someone like trying to see what we did see president ever had raised. they pursue quite an associate of foreign policy, strengthening ties with asia with china in particular, with a candidates that made that a priority during this campaign season. connecting to asia, i think it was a i think has become a priority from the run in ego shifts, the understanding or the thinking gave me the wrong is that the relationship with the united space cannot be improved because the united states is simply at a, at the cold war with the wrong, so the relationship cannot be and then we're interested in improving relationships with the europeans and perhaps the adjacent to the way. but the experience of the failure of the europeans, meaning a, treat germany fast patty not to take, not show that they cannot uh, the resist us pressure. so the only option remaining for them is what they
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call that look to the east approach or pivot to this approach, which is china, russia. it's an expansion relationship with the yvonne's neighbors, including saw the radio way, q a, e car, an auto regional countries. all right, thank you so much professor. as soon as ody from the george washington university, thank you for joining us. thank you for having the at least full is there any soldiers have been killed in this huge and neighborhood in kansas city have lost his armed waiting because i'm brigade says it is engaged in fees. specials with is rarely forces. on thursday, 7 bodies were pulled from the rubble industry. j a neighborhood after a series of is randy and strikes. 0 to 0 is male, uncle reports from the neighborhood that's been flooded and in these really offensive has the months left. i left the list,
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entire residential area has be flattened by this really occupation forces. it's now a goes to city. there is no trace of human life, and it's a project on how does, while filming, we discovered this was a center sheltering display of spell experience. as we were filming, and we found that body wasn't lying over there in the middle of what once was a temporary shelter. no one could come near the body to bury him for fear of being targeted. move on the cord, going to report you to the single defense themes anyway, and yet, what seems he was killed in and he's rarely ever strike until now. no one has been able to recover or bury this body, have you on a couple of well, and that's how our camera crew can not get any closer this on have you. we have taken refuge behind this room. buildings get out and fight. this entire area is under is really air rates heavy. i'm totally controlled by is really fire power, the high sci young stuff and no one can enter such
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a yeah. or use the mean of roads like all of which are now controlled by is really the tanks. if i want troops, you and worship from the sea. it should be noted that surgery, i used to be a densely populated neighborhood with a bustling with life to my left. who that was the main open marketplace of this is really tanks are station on the road behind it, just the meters away. as you can see, the entire area has been just totally destroyed and level by these really occupational forces having the month to come with troops carried out to ground defensive. if there's such a well, now there is no sign of human life and have you um, up on top of the high rates, you can see and is rarely tank got it station on elements, har ridgemont providing the use of the entire area middle. this is the 2nd day of this really ground defensive in such a. yeah. a number of bodies were found blank, abandoned on the ground. many injured the victims are stranded without any assistance snyder,
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who is just the has also been cautious in the south, in which and is there any soldier, was killed by palestinian resistance fighters? these images of explosions were captured in the city of rosa. these rarely ami says if no controls 70 percent of the area, the intensifying is many attacks have forced more than $1000000.00 palestinians to flee, rasa with no is safe to go on. the salutes has more on what's been happening on the ground in gaza. and she reports from on in jordan these really military still not confirming the depths of 4 is really folders and 5 others who were injured in fighting in this area. neighborhood of northern gauze reports within is really media also indicating that several is really helicopters were flying in and out of the area to evacuate, the killed and the wounded. it comes after these really military release, a statement around 10 am local time announcing that they were continuing operations
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in this area neighborhood, both from this guy from bonds coming down from is really plans. and additionally, is really troops on the ground that these really army is maintaining, that they are not harming civilians that they have given evacuation orders. would we have seen that we 7 palestinian civilians who were killed inches a year on friday. additionally, these are pell simians who have been displaced time and time again. bite is really forces to say they simply have no place left to go. it's also worth mentioning, but this is one of the areas in the north that these really army has said they have achieved almost full operational control of that area in the north, nearly 6 months ago. but we are seeing now in the late june that these really army is still encountering some us fighters on the ground in northern garza to send who is just the, you know, i'm a, a palestinian man with a mental health condition whose been missing for a month has been returned to his family with life threatening injuries. his family
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says he was detained by is really forces in rosa before being handed over to the red cross, doctor se if he doesn't get treatment outside garza, he will likely die honey. my note has more on the story from the in central gaza. and a warning that view is may find some of the images inhabitants report disturbing a hi on a sudden the hearing one of the 1st brought me out the bolts down water through us . the range, unable to lift his head, his breathing as shall he has been brought to nasir hospital in hon. eunice in the south of the strip in the hopes that something can be done for him. i'm a big guy or my brother has a mental disorder in speech disability. i was searching for him for a month. we didn't know he was detained in rough by his riley forces. now he's lost, his ice side even though was stomach was ripped open and he has multiple injuries. he's almost day to the whole. it is believe the suffered multiple gunshot ones and has been left with almost no i sign from the plug in the surface typically on the
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home go to that. it seems these riley soldiers fly and on him at close range, and they all 5 bullets in his stomach, a bullet went through his eye and off the back of his head, discolored, frankly. and he was also shots in his arms and legs should get in his family, believe he was operated on by these regularly, while in detention before being handed over to the red cross. the, there's no, he has called fractures, gun woods, through his eye, and all over his body parts of his in test time. where do i have is another gunshot wound and he has another in his back. his stomach was ripped open. we brought him to the hospital, hoping his life can be said, oh doctor, is that nicer? hospital confirmed that rama is in need of the media to critical care that is not available inside the gaza strip. the medical exit permit are difficult to get even more so with the closure of robot crossing. what's that?
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and then what do you have them as it is? the dentist said that he's in a very critical condition and has been admitted to the i c u. he's now suffering acute circulatory collapse, unconsciousness and high blood. the city which has developed into duck senior crime is just one of about 10000 palestinians in gaza that the world health organization stays needs immediate medical evacuation pending mode was either from the central area of the gaza strip palestine. the more ahead on the news allah, including the u. s. supreme court rules to weaken the lower used to prosecute january 6. riots is charged with obstruction charge. also phase 20 donald trump fonts. the anger or the tax proposals continued in 10 accord has broad police from using roads you can into a gas and both live and bumper bullets against a protest as the
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criticism of us president joe biden's performance during the 1st televised debate as the race for the white house continues some within the democratic party, a cooling for biden, to stand down, but the president has declined to do so. donald trump also didn't fork away unscathed. he's been criticized for making many false claims during the debate from washington dc. his, my kind of the rest from the debates. president biden, hip, the campaign trail in north carolina seeming more energized in the night before any had an onset critics of his debate, performance or diseases i used to, i don't speak is movie i used i don't the bad debate as well as i use. what i know, i do know. 2 how to tell the to the ultimate about holding
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a rally in virginia claiming victory in the debate unless you all said what you saw as the pages and priorities of president biden. the questionnaire rebuilder should be asking themselves today is not whether joe biden can survive a 90 minute debate performance. but whether america can survive for more years of crooked jo by the white house. the majority of analysts, or trump, as a clear victim on the, the style front. trump looked like 4 years had not passed since he left the white house and died again, leaves people wondering how is it possible for him despite his convicted felons data despite being a known and almost pathological liar. now if he still standing with the full weight of the republican party leadership behind him and some photos of a harsh about the age of both candidates, you can just see they're both very set in their ways. and they're not changing it.
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and they just want to make the other look that it was tragic. i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing, and i support biden. and now i don't know what to think it has been some calls will president biden, to make way for another candidate, but he's already secured the support of some 99 percent of the delegates to the policy convention in august. and unless he agrees to step down, it's difficult to see how he could be replaced. we need you, we need you the crowd on to death, an off to debate potty. and the reality for all members of the party is that this appears to be true. by kind of out just sierra washington joins now by thomas gave to is the director of the center on us politics at university college in london. and he joins me from harrisburg,
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pennsylvania. thank you so much for joining us on the challenges here and use our let's begin with president biden's performance in the debate. how do you assess that performance and how to democrats contain the damage from perhaps what some of assessed isn't on even performance in that to base for i think that the consensus position is that bind performance ranged either from disappointing to absolutely chemist close mac and then he needs to get out of the race. i think probably the reality is somewhere in between. but the one thing that we can say for sure is that it was not jo buttons finest our. there's a reason why so many democrats are now clamoring for a replacement for at the very least, kind of king gelatin just seemed to lose his train of thought. he didn't project well. he stumbled over his words, all the worst fears that democrats had seemed to come to fruition last night, very glaring way. it's very difficult to contain this damage. i really think that
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your body needs to do one of 2 things either needs to be absolutely affirmative that he's in this race and he's in this rate is to win it. or he needs to seriously think about stepping down and reflecting on what that process might look like. taking any kind of a middle way, i think is just going to be the worst of both worlds. what thomas, let's also talk about donald trump's performance in that debate. because of course, well, joe biden was criticized for appearing perhaps a bit confused at pots at the debate. there was also criticism that donald trump's bounce with many folks who is and he also continued that, as he addressed a rally shortly after the debate. i absolutely, i don't think that there's any doubt that donald trump, almost every other sentence, seemed to be stealing false thirds and half truths and lies. that's typical, donald trump, and it's something that we've gotten so accustomed to that we almost don't better than i whenever we hear it. washington post did
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a record finding that trump lied something like $30000.00 plus times during his time in the ohio office. the problem is that by musing able to stop check trump on the spot. and so a lot of yours are just kind of ingesting this as it is kind of taking it as gospel, particularly among republicans. and really, i think when it came to the performance aspect, kind of a theatrical aspect of this debate from did well. and in fact, he was relatively disciplined and restrained. one of the things that we saw back in 2020 was that donald trump was constantly interrupting and insult sang joe biden. she really didn't do that last night. one of the reasons was because there was a mute button. it didn't allow him to do that. may have actually played to his favor because it contains some of the worst impulses of donald trump, thomas. we have a sound bite that i'd like to play for our audience of donald trump, speaking at the debate, and then shortly after, at
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a campaign rally in virginia. let's, let's have a short listen to that. as far as israel and, and how much israel is the one that wants to go. he said the only one wants to keep going is a must. actually, israel is the one and you should let him go and let him finish the job. he doesn't want to do it, he's become like a palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad palliser, that he's a weak one. a guy like senator schumer, i've always known him in john, i'm a long time i come from new york. i knew him, he was, he's become a palace, sit in, he's a palestinian now congratulations. she was very loyal to israel and to jewish people, he's yours. but he's become a palace to them because they have a couple of more votes or something. nobody's quite figurative. thomas, there's some particular language being used by donald trump, not only in the debate, but now at this campaign event in virginia. what do you make of this? well, i'm certainly not an expert on us foreign policy. the israel palestine issue of
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course, has become a major issue in the campaign. we saw all of the protest college campuses, and there was real consternation within the democratic party that individuals so as a care of this time to are going to leave a job i'm, it's possible that, you know, donald trump could make some inroads there. but at the same time, he's also kind of a horn because there is sort of the segment of voters, but there's also, um, you know, uh pro is rarely, uh, routes as well. so i think the town of trump is going to kind of tread very carefully in this area because there's not a whole lot of there, a room for him to join. and thomas in the altima of this debate, donald trump's message to his supporters is that biden's problem is not his age, it's his in, it's his competence, adult country is being lost at all over the world. how does the bite and campaign move forward from this? as well, i think the,
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the binding campaign really just needs to focus on its record and to draw a clear contrast with the trump administration. i don't think that that's very difficult simply because these 2 men offer such diametrically opposed to provisions of the future of america. and the future of america's role in the world, i think it's quite easy to make the case that donald trump pursued a belligerent isolationist happenstance. he attacked foreign leaders, he pilloried international institutions. he goes to bottom, you're putting to invade parts of the eastern europe. it's a very sharp contrast, and if joe biden is not capable of making that contrast, and frankly he's going to be to blame for it for not winning. certainly a lot of democrats right now are clamoring for different option. they think that somebody younger and alternative would be able to more effectively go. i don't go
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with donald trump, but i really think for now find is the candidate but the democrats are running with . right. thank you. thomas gifts the director of the center on us politics at university college of london. and of course human rights advocates already beginning to condemn former president donald trump's references to palestinians and immigrants allegedly taking black americans. johns during thursdays debate with president joe biden cooling the remarks racist or insulting shifting focus to an important supreme court decision which rules that the department of justice improperly charged a january 6th right to the case was keenly watched by civil libertarians on both the left and right, because of its implications for free speech. she had been tons, the reports from washington dc, the author of the us capitol assumed the republic addresses didn't just charge the rogers with traditional offences like trespass and assault to sure how serious january the 6th was. it also added, obstructing an official proceeding,
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a felony carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. and on friday the supreme court found that the d o j was wrong to do so. for republicans, it was vindication of their arguments. for the d, o. j is become politicized. collectively, the court agrees that a number of the defendants and the january 6th proceedings have been overcharged. and that is something that i also think many people have recognized for some time. and now the highest court in the land has declared that to be so the supreme court ruled with the law in question had been drawn up to prosecute corporate criminals who trampled evidence in order to impede an official investigation. for example, by shredding documents, it was not intended to go up to political protest, no matter how extreme civil libertarians on paper right on the left were watching this case very closely off. true, if protesting and the by obstructing an official proceeding is now fairly made punishable. about to 20 is in prison. that could refer to all sorts of political protests, the full as well short of storing the capital and around the world. for example,
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since israel's warren goes up again, congressional hearings have repeatedly been interrupted by those disgusted congress is green, liked with the soldier, if the justice is ruled in favor of the or j. it's conceivable that one is now a misdemeanor most could potentially become a felony for interrupting an official proceeding. brandon sellers among those who enter the capital on january the 6th, he was convicted on multiple misdemeanors. but he was also charged under this, lo, and as a result of the supreme court's decision, he can now suit a d o j for wrongful imprisonment ask who i'm suppose of others the most they could have given me is one year. if they maxed out my charges right, but because of this 20 year maximum felony, this obstruction, unofficial proceeding, which the supreme court just rules does not apply to us. i was in there for 35 months for it spelled the department of justice said it was disappointed with the decision, but it would take the appropriate steps to comply with if she ever time see elders here at washington still has on our team is low,
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make us pause the president's economic reform program. it stopped months of violent protests. prussian scientists conduct an autopsy on a 44000 zeroed wolf congress discovered inside period coming from the the hello, let's roll with your weather update. unfortunately, it's not a great one for australia, disturbed weather from the red center right into the southeast corner of the country here. and look at this. we're talking about cold air here. this is pulled her air so they'll burn your points to see your cold this weekend. in 4 years, so here's how it breaks down by the number's best i can do for you on sunday. that's going to be the coldest, a 10 degrees, an overnight lows down to 2 whites. and when the conditions here,
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it's con for now in new zealand. but all that weather, in se, australia will eventually cross the tasman. so outbreaks of rain to be expected here. next week. outbreaks of rain also for into the easy as islands talking. java boucher also for borneo as well. north of this, whether it's in play for the philippines, mid to now and the size islands here. so some pretty good pulse is a frame. and speaking of good pulses of rain, looking at our summer reins in china, if you're dragging right across the yangtze river valley here, shooting out over the yellow sea that's point in to the korean peninsula book for places like woo hahn. we could see a months worth of rain over, i'd say about $48.00 or 72 hours and again, quite a soaking for korea. but this also moves into japan. so for q issue and hunter 2 islands, we could see some line sites there. what does a i really mean for the future of humanity?
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what sort of future society do we want to create and all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice? age guides, which actually a tournament incorporating and doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations this more power might in the bill and entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before humans as well as human on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks far, it is environment. the realtor that that spends of not permitting any more members of the muslim community to enter its territories with detailed coverage. they've done that. the 1st i really gotta police part um, studying facebook people from around the world. this rose warren gauze that was polarized french society for such an extent, and that could have an impact on what is one of the most consequential elections, those that are being the
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snow. again, this is an interesting reminder about 12 stories. this all boats of being counted any rounds, presidential election, snap pole was called on to abraham racing was killed in a helicopter crash the jump. the 3 content is all true conservatives. and one reforms president joe biden and former president donald trump. a back on the campaign trail, democrats are talking about replacing fighting off the his shaky performance during thursday nights to face with trump. at least 4 is there any soldiers have been killed, industry, or diane. they performed in dogs as a mazda is ongoing. the custom brigade says it's engaged in fees,
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specials with these really focuses on thursdays. 7 bodies were pulled from the rubble industry. jane naples, after a series of is rarely strikes you. in fact, report says there is a high and sustained risk of funding across garza and about half a 1000000 people suffering from catastrophic hunger. israel has coals the report, the quote biased and misleading, and told 3 spend today with the palestinian mother and her son living in attend or having to sell food to survive of the feeding others to provide. so your own and nearly impossible task in gaza. your water is scarce ingredients or out of reach may be less than ours than mine and just put together high t meals that she sells, where she can mendoza honey. i prepare rice pudding. yeah. but i also sal traditional stewed beef and bavarian cake to support my children in this situation
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. so we can be independent and don't have to rely on anyone else. beautifully. she doesn't. one tend out only the ability to provide for her 13 children and grandchildren. but it's simply not enough. israel has caught a food supplies into this trip, destroyed fields and farms and restricted a coming in pushing of prices for basic vegetables and food with some items going up to 50 times during the original cost. the you and say is more than one in 5 households in gaza go days without the tang, including the business family and to be that is just one of many mothers trying to adjust to life in a word zone and provide for her family, sending food. she has made with her son, has become a daily rich was and the means to survive. the 1st of all costs are seeking today. for example, apples cost $17.00 shekels a killer more than $4.00. my son used and stood next or an apple vendor and said he
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would like to eat apples. i bought him 3 apples for 12 shekels. when children see such things and they desire it, you can't tell them, you don't have the money. they simply don't understand when they want something, they just want it. at this time, e as in some other managed use, his hunger, but the boy's needs are growling with him. his mother says she can't afford to buy him clothes and shoes, or even the food see why he hasn't had her said food at 14 years old. he's having to ensure his family survivor vision and as my home as well. so sometimes people come to me who don't have money, they would beg me to give them stuff for free. i would say that i can't, i pretty comment because i'm financially responsible for my siblings. e, as in so many still gives up more than it can afford to the tiny yeah. number sofa, women suffer. i know
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a woman whose husband has died. she buys from me. sometimes she would have money other times she wouldn't have any home. so i would just give her free book, she has 3 daughters and then by feeding each other and providing for their junk lands. tuscany and families are resisting them, were raised on their stomachs one meal at the time and told that he just ita did it . but by this time, he is rarely governments has approved funds to expand its illegal settlements in the occupied west bank. is there any finance minister of business motivated to push for the move? says it's a response to palestinian legal actions against israel. and it's also a form of retaliation against the recent recognition of a palestinian state by 5 european countries. the palestinian foreign minister has condemned the decision saying it will only consolidate upon side. and there is no less hop in the settler violence against palestinians in the occupied. westbank is
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rarely said, let's have set fire to palestinian land in bait. for the town is located southeast of novelist. palestinians rushed to the side, trying to get the fire under control. it is rarely settlers have attacked a palestinian residence on the outskirts of told him as i, ne of for amolla. they hold stones and objects at the property reeking gloves and windows. before fleeing the scene. settlers have become increasingly violent towards palestinians since the war in garza began in october. the un estimates they've carried out 4 times a day against palestinians on average. 12. the news now large crowds of has been gathering in kenya for the funeral of a protest or killed during recent confrontations with police. at least 27 people, including a child of been killed in recent days of protest as demanded. president william go so withdrawal a controversial finance bill of to pledging discrepancies or so is now facing
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growing pressure to resign. meanwhile, the high court in kenya has prohibited police from using war to come and take us and both live and rather bullets against protest is. a majority of those who are driving the protests in kenya were born in the late 19 ninety's at a characterized by the familiarity with social media. and they've created a growth roots movement that has never been seen before. within half of the population is under the age of $35.00. they say they grievances go beyond the finance bill. that's now been scrapped concerns. so a reports from nairobi. me boss is in kenya are known for the loud music and powerful slogans. it's been a symbol of kenya's art and culture. young people like using this mode of transport . so we took a ride with them as we spoke about the situation of the country that governments should concede the day of but texting people can say, mean a probably jumps,
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but they use. yeah. and the, the government does go to the sense that they use as many more just say the protests did not. com is a surprise. it's something that has been bubbling for. yes. it's the problem is the best way to those dates. don't 1000 stoops to the streets in different parts of the country. with scientists and smartphones. please use to guess what to canon and life will at least 27 people a say to have been called by police and some social media influences are said to have been abducted. this is one of the buildings that was destroyed during the
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process. many young canyons say they have lost confidence in the elected and it was clear from the demonstrations. the politicians misread the mood on the ground. the process was organized by young people who used the digital platforms to call the beat and amplify their voice. these protests does, he have specific names of mach kyla trucks, social media trains. he says, millions of people have viewed or contributed to the debate on line within the last few days. on line sentiment does not necessarily translate to offline civic action . this right now we've occupied parliament, reject finance bill. it's never been closer to see that what happens on a screen on the internet is happening offline and money. first thing with real people in real places with audio message. the protest was not just about taxes, but also by governance. canyon's posted videos of politicians showing off their
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walls at a time when there is an economic crisis and piece here are among the best paid in the world. now those who voted for them say it will not be business as usual. catherine, so i to sierra, narrow be the suspense of canyon. police officers have arrived in hazy. it pauses the multinational force that the united states has pushed for. and the united nations has sanctioned to try to stop the country's rams and games. they were on doubts about how effective they will be. and on surprisingly, the gangs of promising move islands when they head out onto the streets. john hohmann has more. i hate sees most visible gang leader jimmy barbecue, too busy responding to the 1st cohort of canyon police arriving in the country. he's not happy in. yeah. you're a can you shoot them?
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he thinks his name hate. he's been large. the list big is gangs right? mode of robotics too powerful. previously it will, they formed an alliance because they have on song live together against the new force which threatens the control the canyon police late to be joined by more officers and soldiers from other countries to form a 2500 strong force. it's estimated that the gaines can count on formal flights as will be it with little training or discipline chavez. he was with love both the associates. it's a fight for us, a fight for the country and will fight for it. even if i die, i'm sure that they'll be successors and there will be other people who will continue this fight. patients out 0221. so change and safety for this get school, the foods can provide it by was just gum. why do we have police and military? there's a specialized deflect, the gigs. why are they not deployed?
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like give the canyon force until august to start solving the problems of the was going to they just to you for the money. i've added the with an estimated 80 percent the capital on the gain control. they agree, something has to be done. so did the international community united states push for the force united nations back to now hate these intern prime minute stuff is welcome to use the people of can you of heard the cries and sufferings of the haitian people? and they're here in the spirit of solidarity. what are please the says the fools will get to work soon. when a quick thing, john, the 1st contingent has been mobilized on the subject, being placed company and support station strategies to regain our security house by house, neighborhood, by neighborhood. time by time. have to back out to you to the i did to 120 about negotiation, not just back to a little body to john lauder. many people think we're afraid and that we're asking
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for forgiveness when we're asking for dialogue. so i think today people with military training, even if you're in the middle of fighting, you should have an open door to dialogue. but in order to lay down their weapons, gang leaders have said they will mistake in a see a table over the country future off to the crimes. they've committed lives. they then, they don't damage that will be too much for many haitians to swallow on home. and i would just see the still ahead on i will just will hear from indonesia is 1st olympic gymnast. she passed ahead to power the the
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dean has fallen into his boston economic reform program that had spots months of violent protest. little was put forward by presidents heavy, i'm in a, he's valid that he's so cold shock therapy will look. the critics say the little risks was sending it already. dia, economic situation. charles profit reports. you go see it, the yours. a 147 votes in favor. a 107 against 2 abstentions called you teen is congress secretary analyses the results of the votes on a controversial economic reform package. problem, it's just finally approved of the month to the times this debate, an outcry from opposition. politicians and supporters aligned to legislation, gives broad power to the self proclaimed. i'm not co capital is president of
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a delay. more control over the energy pensions and security, as well as controversial measures, including a tax amnesty for those with on declared assets and white scale privatization of state towing company. this is a video. so getting into the media set up on our some of these need to understand that what we're doing is essential to create a prosperous new argentina. leaving behind the misery caused by the previous governments. the police held bank protest as well in peace voted the sign on the symbolic funeral. rece reads democracy. this government wants to take away all right. they don't want him up this little present, complete labor reform, what's new conditions? the work is and they come to a more than 50 percent of the population is already below the poverty line. the late came to power 6 months ago when
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a legend seen as inflation sold to an annual rates of nearly 300 percent. the famously we'll do the chain soldier. his election campaign is a symbol of his promise to slash states, interference, and economy. but since then, budget cuts and a major devaluation of the past. so against the dollar of stronger peoples purchasing power economies, a wide spread to regulation, privatization, and the unconditional opening up the economy means industry and small and medium sized businesses will suffer the most of the smaller, mainly exempt big companies. and the rich from texas while adding more taxable income workers. this low result in more layoffs, more hunger and more unemployment. really has already announced plans to slash 70000 government jobs. and so fall says it's so cold shock therapy is working. inflation drops for a 5th straight month and may shop by his critics described as
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a brash radical libertarian. with no respect for the pool, you will be celebrating the m p 's endorsement of his plan. the president says he doesn't include them. he's here because the invisible hand of the free market does it for him. now his parliamentary approval to try to prove wrong. charles office, i'm just a scientist in russia. i carry out an autopsy on the remains of a wolf that died at tens of thousands of years ago. the congress of the ancient predator was found in the far north eastern region. if he could, you, in 2021. under simmons reports. it's one of the most remote places on the kusha in the arctic northeast of russia, a vast region, most of which is still covered in pub, or frost. no surprise that this was a land where prentice says roamed in such a prey. but a shock good. how long ago this mail was passed away?
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scientists say it was about 44000 years ago, or his ancient body discovered under the following time of frost. an autopsy is on the way, i mean to find out more about the ice age. goodbye good to right, and is your usually is the bit for us animals that die get stuck in swamp some for you switch it. this is the 1st time when a large comfortable has been found. it was a very active credit to you. this is an opportunity to find out what it was feeding on to, to the scientists want to gain more insight into the mass extinction of various species of animals and plants thousands of years ago. they also hope to find more causes of climate change from the ancient past municipally large, nicely entering into disciplinary research involving various facets, radio calls and dating polio genetics. and probably the research enabled us to delve deeper into the history of all plan in history is the teacher of the future. those colossal climate changes that took place tens of thousands of years ago may
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tell us what to wait till planets in the near future structure. where the, analyzing the remains of an ancient wolf can do anything to predict the future isn't clear yet, but that could be many more clues buried and the warming permafrost of you have kusha. andrew simmons, i was your 0 no to an athlete who set to make history at the powers olympics next month. i think the upfront and i looked fee is the 1st and you missed from indonesia to have a qualify for the games. and as barnaby lo reports from jakarta, a success is already inspiring young people at home to a higher on most days of the week, of course, support dedicates up to 4 hours to gymnastics. that's on top of the school and community. she lives in the south side of the indonesian capital jakarta and trains in the north. sometimes i miss like playing with my friends with like at the same time i want to pursue my dream. so i go to
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a site for at 13 years old and only 5 years into the sport, she has a clear goal. my teacher goal is that i can compete with. and nationally, i sat asian and brought to something in the jet. and hopefully i can bring another for indonesia. what's the horace role model happens to be someone. she's trained with risk that you're going to look feet. she's the 1st indonesian gymnast to qualify for the olympics. and she'll be seeing action in paris. ripped us been training at this gym since 2013. indonesia has no national training center for gymnastics, so this club nurtured and supported her olympic team. now the dreams of these young athletes were inspired by her success. many indonesians dream of football glory in the southeast asians, h olympic golds were all one in bed and said, yes,
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i know the full list popular seats usually get nice attention from the government. but i've kept training and have proven that even with limited facilities that i can still achieve great things. yeah. make no mistake on her mentor. save it as had to endure some criticism from religious conservatives because of her type bidding leah tarts. but that hasn't stopped her either. they've got her hard work, a hard worker. and then she doesn't come up with the what people say yes, new database. and in the site of the sports, growing popularity. thanks in part to risk to indonesia is hosting the world championships in 2025 find below algebra jakarta. that's it for this news hour. i'm jessica washington. thanks for watching this and will be here in a moment with more of today's the
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the the, the, the, the team a she's, you know that again, to decide the needed to be done. we're going to the other, you know, that the kids are going easy. they're going to the new, the new motor trunk and go to the devil to go through and 3 of them. i didn't go to them. no, no, no, you don't mind me and i can go to the wrong english. how's it going? good. so the amount of shit, one of the unit block showing it to like come a day look at a did, did you could well, normally, dixie, these are showing whether they came on was so close into it goes, it is in the future. but it was, it had to do that somebody who has to let the, the, this should give me, you know, other people to the sort of like,
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how would you buy one vegas do you guys already talked with the google does use disorders to center and doors or the, you know, the sort of the ones that are already taken on the home of the, so it goes into the, the bus that goes out. those are the sure where to get some use. like the pros, you knew these with the $10.00, but there's no, that's our coverage. all right, so you are moody who is your name? cuz or should go through? you're gonna find you if you have an i, what about a little decide to do you guys are going to go from over one of these orders is to go to the on counting the costs to us. death continues to balloon should americans and the rest of the will be worried. swift nomics all taylor swift concepts and boosting local economies and races introducing longer office hours, but will a 6 day week. welcome. counting the cost on al jazeera holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the world's own outages era
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of the day begins. and it runs that presidential election being fought between 2 hard liners and the reforms. candidates the i don't know about this and then this is all to 0, live from jail. have also coming up the southern and northern gauze of his reading palestinian fighters. it is really for, since at least 4 soldiers have been killed don't.


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