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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] news, i gave you my words abiding i would not present it again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul. i can do this job. you as president joe biden. dunn plays a week of debate performance against donald trump despite growing calls to quit the race. the more about this, and this is obviously life in doha. i'm also coming off of votes of being counted in a run snap presidential election alley results to show a tight choice between an ultra conservative and a reformist fears. flashes in southern and northern garza
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between palestinian fighters and this raving forces abby's for soldiers hoping to make it in. yeah. hazel's prominent gang leader instructions violence is canyon. police arrive to try to take back control the streets. the us president joe biden says he won't stand down despite growing criticism of his performance during the 1st televised debate ahead of elections in november. his opponents, former president, donald trump, has been accused of making many false claims. june the debate from washington dc. here's mike hanna, the rest from the debates president biden hip, the campaign trail in north carolina seeming more energized in the night before any had an onset critics of his debate. performance or diseases i used to,
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i don't speak is movie i used i don't the bad debate as well as i use but i know i do know. 2 how to tell the to the ultimate about holding a rally in virginia claiming victory in the debate unless you all said what you saw as the pages and priorities of president biden. the questionnaire rebuilder should be asking themselves today is not whether joe biden can survive a 90 minute debate performance. but whether america can survive for more years of crooked jo by the white house. the majority of analysts, or trump, as a clear victim on the, the style front. trump looked like 4 years had not passed since he left the white house and died again. leaves people wondering how is it possible for him despite his convicted felons data despite being a known and almost pathological liar? oh,
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if he's still standing with the full weight of the republican party leadership behind him and some photos of a harsh about the age of both candidates, you can just see they're both very set in their ways and they're not changing it. and they just want to make the other look that it was tragic. i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing, and i support biden. and now i don't know what to think it has been some calls will president biden, to make way for another candidate, but he's already secured the support of some 99 percent of the delegates to the policy convention in august. and unless he agrees to step down, it's difficult to see how he could be replaced. we need you, we need you the crowd on to death, an off to debate potty. and the reality for all members of the party is that this
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appears to be true. by kind of out just sierra washington. well, one of the most influential newspapers in the us, the new york times, has published an editorial from is board calling on joe biden to leave the presidential race. as off to a growing concerned among democrats, standing from his performance and thursdays televised debate and at the paper says, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble that our democratic leaders batch every clip to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a 2nd. trump presidency goes on to say, it should be remembered that mister biden challenged mr. trump to this verbal jewel . the truth mister 5 need to confront now is that he failed his own test. the greatest part for democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to do truthfully with the american public, acknowledge that mister bivens con, continue his race, and create a process to select someone more capable. on every com is or us political on the list of the former congressional stuff. i'm, he says, democrats,
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i've got no choice, but to get behind. joe biden, who remains defines in staying in office. i think the issue of replacing joe biden at the top of the tip of the ticket is a moot point right now. the democrats are stuck with joe biden good or bad, and given the fact that he has made clear he's going to stay in this race, it is incumbent now on democrats to actually get behind his candidacy and try as best they can to push the move. the finished product did not fair any better. and i think both of these men walked out of that debate with growing questions and concerns about their candidacy. i think as we know and power in american politics one night, one day 90 minutes is literally a lifetime. so this will long be forgotten. what happens now? here's both of these men now need to begin the process of trying to recruit those
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core voters and those key battleground states that will determine the outcome of this rates. now what we saw today in north carolina at that rally from joe biden was literally a night and day from what we saw last night. he was certainly energetic, he was engaged and he was very spirited, 10 that joe biden continue this process now through november. that's the question, but also one thing that hasn't been discussed enough is president biden has been a politician since entering the oval office who has had a complete this thing with the optics and the stage crap of the presidency. and i think we have seen that play out last night. unfortunately, it was a night that joe biden simply could not afford to actually issue the optics of a debate since he called ford and set of course, we know nearly 50000000 people watch that debate. ok, let's stay in the u. s. and a decision by the supreme court that has ruled the department of justice improperly
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charged. some of those involved in the january 6th riots of the capital building. the case has been keen the watch by civil rights activism. both the political left hand right because of its implications for free speech should hubbard times say rewards from washington. dc, hosted with us capital assumed that the public trust is didn't just charge the rogers with traditional offenses like trespass and assault. to sure how serious january the 6th was, it also added, obstructing an official proceeding a felony carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. and on friday the supreme court found that the d o j was wrong to do so. the republicans, it was vindication of their arguments for the d, o, j has become politicized. effectively, the court agrees that a number of the defendants and the january 6th proceedings have been overcharged. and that is something that i also think many people have recognized for some time. and now the highest court in the land has declared that to be so the supreme court ruled with a lawyer in question had been drawn up to prosecute corporate criminals to tampered
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with evidence in order to impede an official investigation. for example, by shredding documents, it was not intended to go up to political protest, no matter how extreme civil libertarians on paper right down the left, which in this case very closely off true. if protesting that by obstructing and official proceedings now fell, it may punish move up to 20 years in prison. that could refer to all sorts of political process, the full as well sure of storing the capital and around the world. for example, since israel's warren goals or began congressional hearings of repeatedly been interrupted by those disgusted and congress is green light for the soldier. if the justice is ruled in favor of, of the or j. it's conceivable that one is now a misdemeanor most could potentially become a felon, me for interrupting an official proceeding. brandon fellows among those who enter the capital on january the 6th, he was convicted on multiple misdemeanors. but he was also charged under this law as a result of the supreme court decision. he can now suit a d, o j for wrongful imprisonment,
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as can schools of others the most they could have given me is one year if they maxed out my charges. right. but because of this 20 year maximum felony, this obstruction, unofficial proceeding, which the supreme court just rules does not apply to us. i was in there for 35 months for it spelled, the department of justice said it was disappointed with the decision that would take the appropriate steps to comply with if she ever time see elders here at washington the what kind of things underway and it runs presidential race on the ballot. 3 conservatives and the reformer alley results show a tight race between the ultra conservative side jenny and the so the fall and this kind of the most would possess can and then ends up choosing a successor to the previous president. abraham that i you see who was killed in a helicopter crash last month's russell sudden report some time from a busy day at to see if i've put
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a station in northern terra. the lone cool waters continued the whole day. and as the sunsets more people arrive to cast their ballots, i watched the bod and trump debates, and it seems the next to rainy and president has to be efficient and experience. i called on people to vote because it is a national gc. you're all separately. they're also called on people to participate . dev all majority is the existence and dignity of the country before the world is relying on the presence of people. that's why we recommend out the people to seriously take the issue of participation in this important political test. as of the election turnout is a source of list them and support your boss political establishment in the past, it has sometimes exceeded 80 percent. but that changed over the past 2 elections. in the 2021 presidential race turn off was just over 48 percent. in the 2024 found a mentor elections it up to 41 percent. menissi. that is because people believe
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elections will not bring about change. your one is facing an economy, cries is no installation from the world. for me, randy and chief nuclear negotiator and hotline conservatives identity promises to reach out to non western companies. to end this isolation, the company process is underway. hello to announce might bring dignity a victory. what at the conservative and turn upon them and speak of mohammed bucket cutting bussey's. he's not a guest including ties with the west, but ended the constitution has to be in line with the principles of these lubbock revolution. he's a loyalist but the safety of to reform is what there's gentlemen cutting about how close ties with the particular establishment. but neither of them from the race. you take it off. the other of the division between conservatives, benefits the onto the form is candidates running for president. mr. position young, a former health minister and before miss politician says,
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ron's main problem is the international sanctions imposed by west and companies. he promises to re negotiate a nuclear deal with the west and open you run off to the world. and if any form is, becomes a garage president, that doesn't necessarily guarantee the missions with the west in the wrong on an electrical piece of coal, significant palmer or the form is governments might please resistance from the particular establishment. and the conservative is likely to be supported by the same on an active, powerful familiars behind the scenes. how does the long term wrong? meanwhile, in southern around 2 security force members have been killed in an attack on an election vehicle. it happened and sustainable. this is tom province was bought as i've got a stand, unpack this time still ahead on all the 0. the family in garza lames is very forces for detaining and torturing a palestinian man with a mental health condition. leaving him with life threatening injuries
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and anger overtime supposes continues in continuum. our court has bonds. police were using water cannon to gas and both live and rubber bullets against protesters the the it just in time for your weather update. let's go in and update on this monsoon range right now draped across northern india. so whether it's in play here a copious amounts of rain, but this is to be expected. it's our summer monsoon season. okay, we also have weather alerts to speak of for the philippines minute now and the size islands here. so intense rounds of rain to go here. but check out our seasonal summer rains are plum rains stripped right across china is yangtze river valley here. copious amounts of rain will be falling. we've already seen mine sites in
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southern china. i suspect we'll see some across the yangtze river valley. all of that. shooting out over the yellow sea. important in to the korean peninsula. sun spots looking at about a month's worth of rain at about 48 to 72 hours. here comes into korea that's on saturday, but check out what happens on sunday. this becomes a story for japan. northern honshu island, dark blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling should be fairly drive or into the dry season now for indonesia, but still getting pulses of rain for java, sumatra, and borneo islands. len, this weather report in august on were little bit of rain did cool things off in karachi, but temperature is up once again. hot and humid. 37 degrees for you on saturday. see you later. i the okay. foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice, emboldened $75.00 countries around the world,
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100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the buffer crossing in recent months, alamo, so he's bless and be blessed. and we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the you know, just need a reminder of the top. so is this our presidential by 9 former president donald trump of facts on the campaign. so there's growing speculation about find the joe binding to be replaced as the democratic candidates often shaky performs during thursday nights. debates with some vote content was underway in iran in this
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presidential race alley results. so tight space between ultra conservative site and suddenly under silver form is confidence, muscle possession, the least for is really soldiers have been killed in this j. a neighborhood of guys, a city homeless on during the custom brigades says that it's engaged in fear. his bottle is with his ready forces on thursday and 7 bodies were pulled from the rubble. and should you offer the seeds of his very air strikes, such as it is not on cold reports, has the months left, i left the list, entire residential area has been flattened by this really occupation forces. it's now a goes to city. there is no trace of human life, and it depends on how does, while filming, we discovered this was a center sheltering display of smell experience as we were filming. and we found that body of the line over there in the middle of what once was
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a temporary shelter. no one could come near the body to bury him for fear of being targeted. move out of the cord, going to report you to the single defense themes anyway, idea what seems he was killed in and he's really airstrike until now, no one has been able to recover or bury this body, copy of it, and that's how our camera crew cannot get any closer this on heavy we have taken refuge behind this room building that looks like this entire area is under is really air rates heavy. i'm a totally controlled by is really fire power, the high sci young stuff, and no one can answer such a. yeah, or used to mean of roads like all of which are now controlled by is really tanks, troops and worships from the sea. it should be noted that surgery, i used to be a densely populated neighborhood with a bustling with life to my left. who that was the main open marketplace of us is really tanks our station on the road behind it,
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just the meters away. as you can see, the entire area has been totally destroyed and level by these really occupational forces having a month to come with troops carried out to ground defensive. if there's such a well, now there is no sign of human life and have you um, up on top of that high ridge, you can see and is rarely thank god, it's station on elements. har ridgemont providing a view of the entire area middle. this is the 2nd day of this really ground defense tv and such a yeah. a number of bodies were found blank, abandoned on the ground. many injured the victims are stranded without any assistance is made of wood. i just see it on the hudson was also been fighting and the size of guys, these images of explosions were captured in the city of rafa. is really army says, and not control 70 percent of the area. intensifying is really a types of forest, more than 1000000 palestinians to flee rafa about a city in mountain with a mental health condition has been missing for
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a month as being returned to his family with life threatening injuries. his family, he says he was detained by his very forces and drop off before being handed over to the red cross, doctor se if it doesn't get treatment outside garza, it's likely he's going to die. i mean, my quote is good more than the story from down by the in central garza want to warn you that some of you might be disturbed with the images and having this report a hi. on a sudden the flush brought me out. the bolts down water through a syringe, unable to lift his head, his breathing is shallow. he has been brought to nasir hospital in hon. eunice in the south of the strip in the hopes that something can be done for him. i'm a big guy or my brother has a mental disorder and speech disability. i was searching for him for a month. we didn't know he was detained in rough by his riley forces. now he's lost his eyesight, i'm in the stomach was ripped open and he has multiple injuries. he's almost dead
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to the whole. it is believed he's suffered multiple gunshot ones and has been lifted almost. no, i sign from the clubs and activities on the whole. go to the right. it seems. these riley soldiers fly in on him at close range and they all 5 bullets in his stomach. a bullet went through his eye and off the back of his head, discolored, frankly. and he was also shot in his arms and legs should get in. his family believe he was operated on by these regularly while in detention before being handed over to the red cross. the there's no, he has called franchise kind of woods through his eye and all over his body. lots of his in test time. where do i have is another gunshot wound and he has like another in his backpack. his stomach was ripped open. we brought him to the hospital, hoping his life can be said, oh doctor, is that nicer? hospital confirmed that rama is in need of immediate critical care that is not available inside the gaza strip. the medical exit permit are difficult to get even
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more so with the closure of robot crossing. what's that? and then whether you had them as it is a dentist so that he's in a very critical condition and has been admitted to the i. c u. he's now suffering acute circulatory collapse, unconsciousness and high blood. the city which has developed into duck senior crime is just one of about 10000 palestinians in gaza that the world health organization stays needs and media medical evacuation. pending mode was as ita from the central area of the gaza strip. palestine united states says, is posing operations that a temporary peer, which has been used to get a into gaza and us as the central military come on and has confirmed that because of adverse weather and high seas appears being moved from the coast of gaza back to i saw it in israel, the you and hasn't been distributing food and also the emergency supplies arriving through the peer since early june. after these are in the military used an area near the pier to fly out of captives and, and operation,
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and was over 270 palestinians were killed. these really government has approved funds to expand illegal settlements and the occupied westbank. is there any finance minister best of small states has pushed for the move and he says it's a response to palestinian legal actions against israel. it's also set to be a retaliation against the recent recognition of a palestinian state by 5 european countries. palestinian foreign minister has condemned the decision saying it will only consolidate a pop type. such as violence continues against the palestinians and the occupied. westbank is ready. settlers have set fire to palestinian land and bade footage tons located so feast of novelist. palestinians rushed to the side trying to get the fire under control. and these various atlas have attacked a palestinian residence in the outskirts of total this item northeast of ramallah, the whole stones and objects of the property breaking glass and windows before facing the scene,
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such as will become increasingly violent towards palestinian since the war and gaza started on october, but he went estimates the candidate for attacks a day against the palestinians, on average, as a majority of people who are driving the anti government protests in kenya, our jane z is born in the late ninety's take talking towards her mother named platforms defense. their anger and organized young canyon and so their grievances go beyond different huntsville, which was ditched by president william russo often a nationwide process. got some sort reports from nairobi. me boss is in kenya, are known for the loud music and color from slogans. it's been a symbol of kenya's art and culture. young people like using this mode of transports. so we took a ride with them. as we spoke about the situation of the country, the government should concede the day of but texting people can say, mean
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a probably jumps, but they use yeah. and the, the government to go to the sense that they use as many more just say the protests did not. com is a surprise. it's something that has been bubbling for you as it relates to those dates. don't 1000 stoops to the streets in different parts of the country. with scientists and smartphones. please use to guess what to canon and life will at least 27 people a say to have been called by police and some social media influences are said to have been adaptive. this is one of the buildings that was destroyed during the
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process. many young canyons say they have lost confidence in the elected and it was clear from the demonstrations. the politicians misread the mood on the ground. the process was organized by young people who used the digital platforms to call the beat and amplify their voice. these protests does, he have specific names of mach kyla trucks of social media trains. he says, millions of people have viewed or contributed to the debate on line within the last few days. on line sentiment does not necessarily translate to offline civic action . this right now we've occupied parliament, reject finance bill. it's never been closer to see that what happens on a screen on the internet is happening offline and money. first thing with real people in real places with audio message. the protest was not just about taxes, but also by governance. canyon's posted videos of politicians showing off the walls at
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a time when there is an economic crisis and peace here are among the best paid in the world. now those who voted for them say it will not be business as usual, testing, so i to sierra nairobi. can police officers, i mean hating is part of a multinational for supported by the united states and the united nations. and so enough for to tackle haiti's gains, many of which have seems control of the capital of pull to products. but that are done. it's about how effective the policemen are going to be. john coleman has more hates. he's most visible gang, lead to jimmy barbecue. today's the responding to the 1st cohort of canyon police arriving in the country. he's not happy in. yeah. did you hear a, can you shoot them? he thinks was may hate. he's been launch the list. big is gangs right. mode
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of robotics too powerful. previously it will they phones in the alliance because they have on song live together against the new force which threatens the control the canyon police late to be joined by more officers and soldiers from other countries to form a 2500 strong force. it's estimated that the gaines can count on formal flights as will be, it would lead to training or discipline too busy. i was with love balls. i mean, we have the associates, it's a fight for us, a fight for the country and will fight for it. even if i die, i'm sure that they'll be successors and there will be other people who will continue this fight in. go find that patients out 0221. so change and say see this get school the foods can provide it by we just done, why do we have police and military? there's a specialize to fund the gags. why are they not deployed? like give the community and forced until august to start solving the problems. otherwise,
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they just for the money i've added the we've an estimated 80 percent the capital on the gain control. they agree, something has to be done. so did the international community, the united states push for the force united nations back to now hate these intern prime minute stuff is welcome to use the people of can you of heard the cries and sufferings of the haitian people? and they're here in the spirit of solidarity. what are please the says the fools will get to work soon. musical things off. the 1st contingent has been mobilized solidly, a place to accompany and support patients trust the teams to regain our security house by house neighborhood by neighborhood time. by time to back out to you. on tuesday, i did to 120 about negotiation. not just back to a little while it each i love many people think we're afraid and that we're asking for forgiveness when we're asking for dialogue. so i think today people with military training, even if you're in the middle of fighting,
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you should have an open door to dialogue. but in order to lay down their weapons, gang leaders have said they want amnesty. and to see a table over the countries future off to the crimes. they've committed lives. they, then they don't damage that will be too much for many haitians to swallow. during the home, which is 01 person's being killed in the russian air, striking the central ukrainians. if you have the pro, a residential buildings being hit by at least 12 people have been injured, including a baby to bolivia as president. besides, a recent to attend to his help to strength and support for his government, but bolivia appears to be facing more instability in the middle of an economic crisis. theresa boat imports from the capitol look past the left wing precedent. lease odyssey came to power almost 4 years ago with a promise to industrialize bolivia. as administer economy or former president
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people morales. he helped lifted millions out of poverty by nationalizing the gas industry. but in this marketing, believe us capital of us, most people are disappointed or the other one says, the president has failed. people like her, you'll be, will be that i, but i live from my work on what i saw here. and i don't sell anything. i suppose that the president and voted for him, but he's the golfing about us. get in. i believe he has economies struggling. the country is running out of gas research. it's the main source of income due to a lack of investment in exploration when you reserves. but the south american country has one of the largest lithium we service in the world around 23000000 tons need seeking more investments from russia and china to help explore the uni salt


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