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tv   101 East Pacifics Forgotten Nuclear Victims  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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when president luis odyssey came to power almost 4 years ago, with a promise to industrialized olivia as administer economy, a former president table morales, he helped lift compendiums out of poverty by nationalizing the gas industry. but in this marketing, believe us capital of us, most people are disappointed coordinator will says, the president has failed. people like her, you'll be, will be that i, but i live from my work on what i saw here. and i don't sell anything. i suppose that the president and voted for him, but he's the golfing about us. get in. i believe he has economies struggling the country's running out of gas reserves. it's the main source of income due to a lack of investment in exploration when you reserves. but the south american country has one of the largest lithium we service in the world around 23000000 tons need seeking more investments from russia and china to help explore the uni south flats. for now, it has to be paying off this a shortage of dollars, lack of fuel,
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and the cost of living is on the rice gas exports that helped drive what was known as the bolivian economic miracle. in the 2, thousands have dried up needing to a dangerous and drop in for a reset. the economic difficulties are felt everywhere in the country and people are demanding solutions. that until now, the government has been unable to provide this week images of an attempt to go shocked. many as members of the many time he tried to take control of the proceedings of the palace, some bolivians see the court attempt as a farce. and question, what was behind it with annalee say it expose the problems that believe the precedent odyssey are facing today. you can always model fields and in latin america we have seen as many times the model of a boom of silver and the 19th century. the model of coffee and the model of gas here you have a positive shock. you have lots of money. the economy grows and creates conditions
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that you cannot maintain your print money and you have a physical deficit. and then chaos the. and that's why many here are already looking at mixed use, elections, want capital. that's what he says. he's concerned with what is happening in the country. now is that going for you as we had given the government, our faith after everything that happened in the country in the past years, but he wouldn't be able to do anything. no, we want elections and something you, when libya was once considered one of the fastest growing economies in latin america. but things have changed. it is now struggling with an economic crises and political unrest. very simple as just the lock box. and that's it from the elizabeth put on them for this part of dues. you can always keep up to date with all the developments on our website. i'll just say i don't come, stay with us 101 east is coming up next.
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israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states? why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for his real in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line. the facility use france carried out nuclear testing in the south pacific. $193.00 theaters were conducted in french polynesia, including $41.00 atmosphere. it exposing the local population to high levels of radiation. recent investigations reveal the toxic full out is for great, has been friends, has officially knowledge to solve the most or send the, the best to send to the billing code to the tool because equals this whole sure to,
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to, to you. i mean, you let the full today, new generations, boone, after the last test in 1996 and stuff for from cancer and developmental diseases. yeah. probably closest you think of. so you thought it was you didn't take the day for the pool. the might fall on my shoulder total of a soldier over the phone. it will say or should is all for on the $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the physicals and victims of frances nuclear test in french polynesia. the course is you told the gdc put in on suited to clear retreat body thought some film
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. pretty news just read up. what does it of what sort of media does it do? do you like of these all formal name? i'll just drop it down to my pharmacy, all they need to do my lab that's on the go see i go use it. do normal as well. could only put back on you please continue to date. the 5th. i'm feel free to call them. yeah, cool. my lads, so these in the last one is you need us, you know, that got photos talk to mr. them who was advised fairly soon. we did, i bought the well do that home the the easy to do you do them or are you mad at my goal? may i ask who i'm so let's, here we are create a muscle beauty, repeating t on al young, my mama, a mass. so much more speakers,
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you'd be best to invite the ale that needs to be done by mom on disability on went out on $330.00. so you remember these guam or the last? i mean, if you do like me, could you please you that just to see a way of existing one? yeah, i don't think google visions if i was like, oh my god, you know, as you came here, she was diagnosed 9 years ago. that the main us as a system in the city, but often to me model in easy for will says this not going to do you put a new did new kid. that is, the model will put an easy you to hold
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a member of parliament and minister in french. polynesia may new saws live politics in 22 to to actually remains a possible voice in the pacific sucking machine that it was ordering to do a walk on the easy scepter. the motion is that, you know, sauls is allows you to, to, but a speed is on these will just sit through this to dispatch the said, knife, the positive, where you said to move through saw, suppose you to do, tell the united states were the 1st to use the pacific, the nuclear testing, conducting 67 tests on the marshall islands in the 1940 and 50 french polynesia. this follows a 121 island spread over an area and larger than that of the european union and move in 15000 kilometers from from the french president
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general shows a goal travel to talk easy to we know these subjects. good . yes, i d, i a pretty easy for us to go get us was a pretty cheap, low salaries getting read all on it. daughter's yours. the said, all you just, you'll do, you do our best you a lot, but i don't all solve it. as long as they have the the dead menu, the front opened its pacific testing center. the c e p. ports were developed and jobs created as a nuclear program called underway. let the diesel support a small task going in and does the,
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let's do faculty to several people. so we will look into those. and especially if there's somebody from the roof a o v o 2 was bone during the 1st test against a score to some family. do leave id you be today's procedures. uh, yeah, i mean these are go, salters. you were to go down see your, see my drug j. uh for the yes,
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she must. so if you do see the frequencies and then obviously jim of the get slower. yeah, i'm going to q. this is, you don't obviously your mom on kia down to example certain some g murphy, the problem some of the week of the i don't have you have the right to set it
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up much such as you've you my headache and that it can keep us if the shows exam off, so i'm going to leave it in my near but, but keep the donnie bar and then with that one, you know, guys, let's get people, she get it to me and or if you will not be present, i'll take it away or you know whether you take it there or not. so that's the dump the questions to a child psychiatrist this reaches russel's daughter machine, a scene she was full of those who may need to check on the most up to see 22 to 3 to hold on using any. so you only need the whole goal is not see
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a for about teen. and y'all took it asthma, so i don't usually told me the name of to that what that means a lot to 20th to somebody can use it. so the higher i say did honestly do go ahead and put you on that to you don't if you took the some dual credit, but it comes interesting. so you can see what i don't usually use and we'll do the division if you're not in the shop, please much that you sent me was through a decision that you keep on a little the textbook. as you'll see that you, i'm also told was them, can legally they record was on this really cool most of these. it commercial. good . cool. because to the different people know who wants to get it done cuz it gets to plastic issues with the best security. i'm going to click on apple, that's what i'm going to disagree. so exclusively, just for me,
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because it takes it to close, reaching out as soon as you give us a lot of time that we can squeeze it all. and the way by the end of the longer are you deserve to the of the phone, the program. but you should, you just, you know, the phone is also keep, i've used to press or c 2 forms to this. get on the do because you need to see since my ideas to cd or does anybody i should show super laws are for, for the 80 monet's condition. prompted the psychiatrist to begin investigating the most 8. ok. the quote is that
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a to me also needs to be present as capitals, expert, distributors, logic over to me is also all to do was only accounts own appraisal test, which it will say during the, those videos clinic to this was successful, the told you, different people but there was, you know what she kept so you took the letter from her, so she put cheese on the phone to video. we'd have you thought it would give it to come where you had, you saw somebody to present produce escalated to file. i please. absolutely. i can fix those sheets the luxury moment, surely when or or to the best way of book this. oh is 2018 report study, the grandchildren of c. p veterans and the inhabitants of the islands, numer roller women. nice grandfather with sewer and his colleagues examined around 2000 children, nearly 300 headed, put faces developmental disorder. out of those,
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$69.00 also have intellectual disability and genetic abdul malik cheese. almost 80 percent of these children have relatives with nuclear relationship. these is a clear hypothesis generation transmission. yeah, find them because you think of some, we just looked all this on this. we're going to take the day for the, for the my, for my shoulder to love associative level. it equals sale or should is all 4 or noble, simple, deep classified video dates from 1967 a lot. he was gonna tell you that i still feel the seat of this if they make any good the only good exposure they me. so if you knew, believe you did it look what they mean. it's all, you know what i'll be able to in the
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military and civilian still at the pacific testing center had to evacuate the contaminated ass rolls off to the test bed. automatically you look that up plus specific exclusions the, the of the news of the sale. i mean the the prescription was 72 through junior, the edge of it from the low to the the it is it is to all the do cool. i can be of
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any more you combine for most and then even if it, the, the companion please to do mooney see of a to turn stuff as you go when he goes to me today. if not, i'm on the roof and i'll go to one more pull these, you know me to leave the, the, the security through the web. so now they're not only do, don't be on the simple to sign new blue a lot left. so do the only thing the, the french government used respected saw interest is still the message that we cannot all say when does gift. yes, this is samuel same. what do you know? we did is excited about that. so on the corner of the provider, i think the the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the strategies and us are already, you know, that of the most us young. the pretty is. yeah. you may get them off where the deal is. if you don't show it is easy. i thought it better than ball. what are you going to mom? so she will be on may the she had your you did to shut the team for d. e. audrey in there and so of course, with all your activities that you are looking to in your phones in the east, the email that you and your growing security company, national funding, i see, i put their trust. you a good question. what did the please? who is this going to stay in effect? oh, yeah, that's something they put us on. pause when, when you these 2 big spending want that. so if children went with your activities, i meet you at the test continued in french, polynesia until 1991 june 1995 reservation to announce the testing in the pacific
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position in europe transformed into the 1st test in time out of the case were carried out the full front finally agreed just i would try to find the consequences for another decade so. so to move the teresa to these 2 deals, you want to call in the code form for these little detail on that piece. with many of the most source of detail to solve the most already thought, maybe the bus to a city block or to the tool because equals soul. and you do you mean you loved the phones in 2006 and inquiry by the assembly of french polynesia reviewed
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information that are being kept secret by frances minister of defense. it exposed that the new clue test, including atmospheric tests have caused a major public health problem in french polynesia and there was an environmental impact as well. this forty's shed by a former soldier contradicts french claims that precautions would take it. showing contaminated scrap metal being dumped into the ocean. the news, so in 2006 report from the french ministry of defense was released region by nuclear safety experts. they provided precise details about the test and with they were accident. notice some of the grade level, the union like the adult crew, the at a certain period on domains this event, the products,
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and then we'll proceed to buff. see the skate the fee. we're you alexi don't bucks . you don't phone well 41 tests were examined. one by one, but this was just the beginning. in 2021, using 2000 pages of d, classified french defense history documents. an independent investigation revealed almost the entire polynesian population at the time, was infected by radioactive fallout. with actual exposures between $2.20 times higher than the french government estimates. francis finally agreed to compensation for some victims, but with strict restrictions. today, rafael is collecting his medical records res boone kinds of compensation claim dylan no focus to move along. please split the familiarity solve that
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that's due to me at to just you know to ok. but i just want to see if i was not too busy. okay, busy. well, the see i did it in 2010. the more involved was introduced. ranking compensation to people who lived in french polynesia between 19661998. to be eligible applicants must have one of $23.00, kansas recognized as being nuclear related. compensation also requires exposure to be more than one really see that a radiation per year. as a result, move in 80 percent of claims have been rejected
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on diseases to french polynesia in july 2021. francis presidents. the menu on the cone refuse to agree to or to magic compensation. so if you lose 6 please, or can you fully on fall the whole sauce let to 30 d the to the some of the pet to do is you to use will be, will not consult on switching in some of the contributors from said the day that the magazine. so any button by the end of 2021. only 63. polynesian have received compensation. but another issue is emerging. the children born off to 1998 rafael's daughter. the machine a does not meet any of the conditions set out in the compensation rule. raphael and easily uh, people mean they are not ready to give up or by
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the voice of the we don't you for the so i feel easy. not a to say you need. yeah. it took us on both on c no food. yeah. because i need to one of the circumstances of the demo k h c on. yeah. on what i suggest on the main it e is this, and you can just also select you left off the speaker. so i was giving us your, excuse me, by susan over there he sent me a booklet on chris policy on sunday to let know mondays, unity and also from 8. it was a sending you just have a bike with 1st of all, i only for them to buy me in order to establish a causal link between genetic diseases of the younger generations. and then usually a testing a large epidemiological study is needed. it feel pretty easy and offering it to the faculty for found. whoops, i told him, i don't usually take the suggest is a foreclosure. excuse me, but there's a comment. now, directv,
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i thought that was sent through the top of what i top, i think there's an interest in a full demo. this is tina's font absolum into e t. she also thinks the study could be extended to other inhabitants of oceania of root safety tooth pulled. i why the i portals i watched and it was on for white for my lead showing. go come young, shoot me an ice, show me shoot both. all sounds good alicia, do that use of a previous you seem do calling just to get you to do the preschool or on the phone with us hall. see, that's close to put them on there shall. nice sweetie showing. 32. a don't. cook ended up out a new set of crews to please. it seemed easy. senior loans by the guy next door is email. charlotte? uh yes. hi e r o street on 54 menu need street our phone because safety truth for
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a septic you. a 20 d on said the cruise. he now has brought a fight for justice to an anti nuclear weapons conference in vienna. austria points to push me to continue to fight the the use it have. let's do that, please. did you google g psu for a month on the internet? only to preaches what account the only that it was to see bessie on said gene say don't, don't, don't usually treat we so sharing our story in the to get or on presenting down the form brings together and you be
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a victims from around the wound. i'm in front of you as one of the bad example of nuclear legacy. we want to reconnection of our 6 children as the victim of nuclear power. because for the moments, the condensation only to insurance people born before and 19 nights a. these are all the phones that we need to continue the fights of freight. that's the deal with the borders of the parts of speech to be really heard during this forum. i really feel to be part of a community. i think it's important now for us to get closer and work to do it or can you read out how can we help each other use tray? and that's what i which for all of us. thank you. tina and the fellow
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polynesian determined to continue the fight for recognition of frances ignored and said golfing victims of be sure you think they can see the is hidden in homes and communities across india is a deadly fiber. asbestos. the world's largest import india uses especially those can use this product from roosting to call leaving walk is with a dangerous one on the east investigate especially a just sign in on out to their ears from i'll just say on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on
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a new app from out to 0 new at your fingertips. pod huge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on these government with these 5 digit you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not that important effective. he of the story on talk to how does he have the capacity mancha? don't people this comfortable moya?
7:00 am
nice to match up on the price range of an auctioneer. the of the i gave you my words abide and i would not be running again. if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul, i can do this job. us president joe biden down plays and weeks debates performance against donald trump. despite growing close to quit the race, the visible on him, and this is algebra live from dell ha. also coming up early results and evolves
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that presidential election show a tight race between and conservative and of a.


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