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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the challenges with the the kyle: this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, a tight race center ron's presidential election between a reformist and ultra conservative candidates fling is really a tax. once again. tanks, fire at tents, housing displaced, palestinians, and what was declared sites signs of the parts of the strip, but also bombed. we're going to talk to is that
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a hospice in northern gall. so who's been operating under severe sausages and a target themselves? plus on doing that, smith in western paris 12 months after police shop a 17 year old. you dad in a traffic stop the prompted nationwide rights the the final results from the wrong presidential election are expected in the coming hours. numbers suggest a tight race between ultra conservative side jelly and reform is nice to possess skin iranians choosing a successful to abraham. i see who was killed in a helicopter class last month. that's all the reports from tapper on a busy day at to see if i've put a station in northern to air on the lone cool waters continued the whole days. and
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as the sunset more people arrive to cast their ballots. i watched the bod and trump debates, and it seems the next to rainy and president has to be efficient and experience. i called on people to vote because it is a national dc. you're also being leader, also called on people to participate. double major. what is the existence and dignity of the country before the world is relying on the presence of people? that's why we recommend out the people to seriously take the issue with participation in this important political test. as of the election turnout is a source of list them and support your boss political establishment in the past, it has sometimes exceeded 80 percent. but that changed over the past 2 elections. in the 2021 presidential race turn off was just over 48 percent in the 2024 found them in 3 elections it up to 41 percent meant to say that is because people believe elections will not being about change. your one is facing an economy, cries is no installation from the world. for me,
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randy and chief nuclear negotiator and hotline conservatives identity promises to reach out to non western companies. and this isolation, the coffee process is underway. hello to announce my thing to be a victory. what at the conservative and could have parliament speaker mohammed bucket credit bussey's. he's not a guest including ties with the west, but ended the constitution has to be in line with the principles of these lubbock revolution. he's a loyalist but also that p is to reform is what there's gentlemen cutting about how close ties with the particular stablish needs. but neither of them between from the race in favor of the other of the division between conservatives, benefits the onto the form is candidates running for president. mr. position young . a former health minister and performance politician says ron's main problem is the international sanctions imposed by western companies. he promises to re negotiate a nuclear deal with the west and open you run off to the world. and if any form is, becomes
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a garage president that doesn't necessarily guarantee and pulls emissions with the west in iran on an electrical piece of holes, significant palmer performance governments might squeeze resistance from the political establishment and the conservative is likely to be supported by the same undetected, but powerful familiars behind the scenes. what is the start of that? i'll just get off the wrong correspondence data hold joins us now live from the capital tack, ron zane, and give us an idea of the results that we know so far from the counting as it stands. what we know about the townhouse in yesterday's palace. the well, so far the partial results that have been released by the interior ministry show a very tight race between the 2 of the 4 candidates, the ultra conservative side, shalise and the sol reform is candidates on the ballot pay for my sewage physic scan and it is a tight race, so it's too early to call, but the bottom line is this so far?
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none neither of these man haven't clear cuts much warranty. the 50 percent the votes needed to win in the 1st round. so it is looking likely that we may be heading to a 2nd round of run off the next friday, which would be only the 2nd time in the summer for public's history in terms of voter turnout. we're still waiting for official figures, spots around the and state media and the semi official media into ron se, both or turn off was between 40 to 42 percent south that is low. that is, that his story flow much lower than the last selection of 2021. when voter turnout was 48 percent. so this election really shows that many people did not feel that change can be brought about through the ballot box. and, you know, it wasn't good news for the political establishment, the conservative champ, which really holds power in this country because they have been calling for a mouse turn out to show their legitimacy in the system. it also was not good news
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for the reform is chapel. we're trying to make a political come back for the 1st time, not boycotting in many ways are participating. if you like in this vote, is that why didn't so many people boy in caught the vote when that was will the is a reformist on the pallets of the. 7 there's a lot of this illusion, man, people really under a, you know, an economic crisis. yes, there was a reform is on the ballot, but in a round the reform discount for the conservative camp. we're talking about different functions, their deep divisions within the caps, who have a reform is can that is yes, but a lot of people see him in one way or another as a government. a pointed candidate because he has been saying that he's going to bring about change from within the system. he's not, you know, he wasn't confrontational. the express loyalty to the, to the supreme leader, to the political establishment for this illusion voters, this is,
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this is not enough. now the question is, if the contest boils down to 2 men, the ultra conservative suddenly and the reform is, will these, this illusion voters go and give their votes to pass as scanned? in order to avoid what they see is a hard line administration because sites are really, is very different even from his rival conservative candidates. he's more quote, hard line if you like. he, he doesn't, you know, promote dialogue a, with the west. so it's not clear how votes or behavior will change from now till then. but so far, what the results show in this country is that there are deep divisions, not just between conservatives and reform is, but with them both accounts. they know that brings the latest as we watch those results coming in and runs presidential elections. thanks very much. i know well meanwhile, installed on the wrong to members of a security forces were killed in the attack on an election vehicle. it happened didn't system pollute just on proven switch board as ask on
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a stone pack is done around in media say government opened fire on the vehicle which was caring ballot boxes. the is there any minute tree is targeting heavily populated areas across the gauze? a strip, at least 21 policy minutes have been killed since the early hours of saturday morning time. so being firing up tends housing displaced, people in the southern area of on the y c. other in the world is really ami, designate to the buyer and strip of land a so called safe stone, and ordered palestinians to go the now the attacks of focusing over the displaced families to flee, yet again in the north is really strikes, hit a residential building in dogs associate can at least full palestinians, 2 of them children, many people were injured and have been taken to overwhelmed hospitals that are on the brink of collapse. and the good, all right is in general,
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violet and central guns as he joins us that now festival. and can you tell us what's happening at all? no, i see in the well in the last see right now there is the state of the panic of fear a month that just plays palestinians because this area is the sick need to and recognize by the is released forces as a safe area. so all the people who evacuated from different areas across the gaza strip and specially people from the eastern parts of the software station in milwaukee area. there has been a unless artillery selling their husband also a lot of live munition and gunshots on the policy. the news in those makes, it comes the most of these, how does the news are trying to flee and to evacuate as the is there any forces reallocated into the western part of europe at the, the, the paramedics are trying to rescue as much people and to pull the bodies of the
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palestinians in the western parts of the funds, especially the innocent goose area. the area that separates it off off with can units. and at least 5 kind of thing use were bought. the dead bodies were pulled by the parent because what makes, makes me also remind you guys that there is no hospitals and verify that all of the hospitals went out of service as the is there any forces started there around invasion in the more than 40 days ago but also palestinians are left at work leading from a place to one other, but they are left homeless right now because every time they evacuate, or every time they reallocate that, is there any forces? i talk this area and tell us the news are telling us that they have no place to go everywhere is overwhelmed, everywhere is passed and they do not have any place to set up their tents, especially in the middle area where there is there any forces also at told the palace in use to evacuate to the middle area,
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but also there has been endless airstrikes and our senators selling in the eastern parts of the mit the area. but we're have been talking to a couple of people from dropbox. they're saying that yesterday was very violent, it was very intense, and they, at most of them slept on the streets, not knowing where they could go or not knowing where they could shelter. and also hinge in the north of the gulf a strep. we're hearing about constant selling them more strikes. what's happening the of the well, the latest update we got is the, is where new forces targeted a house for a queen, the family. and as soon as a city, your area in the central gods, a city where at least for palestinians were killed and a number of injuries reported. there was also a couple of targets on residential areas. and more people are expected to be
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rescued by the i'm getting says, but the i'm going to says and the paramedics are telling the people on the ground that it's very hard for them to go and to rescue people, because the shilling did not stop the air your sex is not stop and even the plots carpenters are hoover in this car at targeting. anyone who is trying to move from a place to another. but also let me remind you that palestinians are trapped. they're telling us that they could not even leave their houses because 1st it's danger, very dangerous. and 2nd, they have been surrounded by different types of artillery, selling airstrikes and drones. and also kind of thing is another another. and cause was through, i've been witnessing severe starvation, they have been under located for months now. and now there has been an intense violence rate and encouraging, honestly. yeah, yeah, this is in the heart of god, the city. and also it's
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a very densely populated area. so publish the news and the another in parts of the gods us true in the central gulf boosters are also left. has bliss, homeless, frustrated, desperate, not knowing where to go, also being displaced for a place to another league. is there any error strikes and have ready, horrifying situation? many thanks, hint, could ari for bring us the situation the in goes on the doctors that come out. a lot of hospital in northern dogs are all pricing under increasingly difficult conditions with a severe shortage of medical supplies. patients. so having critical surgeries without anesthesia, blood transfusions or oxygen, some surgeons have injuries themselves as a result of, as well as targeting of hospitals across the strep was all colored task gain access inside the medical facility. and spoke to some of the stuff, a health care system and nothing does surface collapsing as i was up to. that is why any policies have to prevent the axes from the medical supplies to the nothing
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does flip. i'm hoping to run 1st bill, which is the mid off treat. nothing goes with this hospital is full of political cases. that is in danger. struggle to find the medicine. most of these patients are indeed need to do said jury box this cross that to you of the medical equipment and the medical supplies prevent the officers to do with the surgery for them on the system for management, right. and enough to we have suffering shop shortage of medical supplies and equipment. in addition, many of the crucial loss saving medications are totally absent. as a result, number of newborn babies lost the lines over the course of the week. we're currently operating on the last quantities of fuel now position. so in the hospitals, oxygen generate as we'll come to a grinding halt. babies like the one behind me living on launch support bringing in the upper offices and required a constant supply of oxygen lines by hanging by its read. if we run out of fuel in the coming hours,
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many will be pronounced deed to babies died today due to the lack of necessary medical supplies. and so with that, the kind of the deal i suffered this injury in may at the time i came to check on a patient. i performed the surgical operation on and entering and leaving paper here was close to impossible. at the time, it was a gamble to come to duty that day i entered the come all at one hospital about 7 in the morning and i checked on the patient. and on my way back, i was accompanied by uses toward may he rest in peace, who came to check on his family and he was gone down by is really sniper, he was killed right in front of me. i tried to give him 1st aid, but then the sniper fired twice on me, and i suffered a bullet in my back and another in my arms. miraculously, i did survive. despite all that, we the medical staff, we never abandoned, our people were reporting to duty every day. have my arm operated on yesterday at the in the nation hospital. and i reported to work today and i will remain serving my people the until my last breath suspend. underneath, as it can see doctor's old,
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so all in davis for gold and the eyes are full of shoes. just because they are seeing patients are dying every day. because of this, if you actual page on the cost of to the me because of lies was especially with just either nothing does is for all this time us says it will not bring back a temporary pass, a more aide into concert until the current stockpiles are being distributed, u. s. military was again for this month will the floating device because of bad weather has now been moved to i stalled in as well monetary and why? because i've repeated these at the most effective way to get a into go on. so as to land crossings, which as well as closed article, hayden has moved from washington dc with the situation and gaza so dire the spanish very need. so urgent, more bad news from the us pentagon saying that had to move that temporary peer that
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it was using to deliver humanitarian aid into guys and they cited rough seas. and this is the 1st time that had to move to appear in the past. they had issues were bad weather, the peer broke apart and beach several ships are an injured service members. now they say it's not that the peer won't come back, but they've also pretty much run out of room on the beach. so there's a holding a staging area where all the humanitarian aid goes. they said they've simply run out of room because again, on june 9th, the world food program, after israel bond 2 of its warehouses that it was going to stop delivering that aid . so it's basically just been piling up at the beach. the pentagon says it's so far they've been able to deliver 8831 metric tons of humanitarian aid using the peer. but it's unclear if that's going to continue. as of right now, the intention is to continue to get 8 into gaza by any means necessary that
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includes the pure air drops. and of course, as we've always said, with the pier, it is meant to be temporary. if it is not the long term solution or solve for land routes, we know that's the most effective way in. but uh, that's really a decision that the commander will make as, as we continue to evaluate the highs the states. we do know that the inspector general's the watchdogs from both of the department of defense and us a, i. d, have launched a joint investigation, looking out the costs of this peer, and whether or not it was effective, particularly elda 0 washington. my social mind as you mandatory and walk and act to as he was in gone. so until march the joins us now head in the studio. great to have you with this one. so from day one of this will that has be know west safe in gauze with just hearing now again of tanks, farming on tends in on the last see, this is this tiny strip of lined up is really told palestinians to go to what is it
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can you give us any idea of what it's like to not have any protection. i especially if you have a family like wife children, father, mother, you really feel helpless and there is no play safe. and it was, this is a true statement. and we thought that for a while, the south would have been a safe area. and then slowly we were asked to go to it off and then asked to go to mossey. so we kept on being asked to move to different areas, thinking that to, to be safe. but now, as you heard the news, even though the milwaukee is not the safe area and people are now seeing that towards areas that have been told to the bathroom by the israeli defense forces over the last few months. so it's, it says like, it says like hell on earth right now. when trying to live in the us, there's a lack of food, a lack of security. i like a falter and people don't know what to do next. i'm in contact every day with friends and family members, and they're telling me,
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i'm on sort of please get our message off to the world as soon as possible. this cannot continue. it's been over 8 months. we need the world that has been talking about human rights and democracy to step up and put an end to the genocide that was happening. and was that right now? the covers the messages guessing out everyone's talking about dogs that everyone is fully aware of what's happening. but still nothing is changing. i mean, that's extraordinary, isn't it 8 months into this war? that's correct. that it is getting worse. and as you, as you talked about, you mean in the north? there is fireman right now. right now i had the friend who, texting me, sitting on shore. we are eating the, the, the extract of the leaves of the trees, the just in order to provide us with nutrients. all they have up north is flower. flower that is coming in through very the to the residual and aids that has been left off the embedded computer. and that is coming through the team. and it is the
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land across points in the north of us. so we need as soon as possible to open up the land crossings to allow the thousands of trucks that are full of age. some people donated them and organizations around the world and through the people who has the, especially in the north. as soon as both that it was a that's been stacked up on the beach where the us pail was. why is that not being distributed to people not very far away, who was so desperately in need of us? that's it is the minutes it is on. it's the, the, the regular citizen cannot come close a few kilometers that area. it is in control by the idea for right now. and i think the data talking, negotiating how to get this aid and to home over the next few days. but even talking about the aid that was before before this struck by that's there. we only had around $29.00 flux come in with that $250000000.00 structure which was built. so i don't think that the return on investment is there in any way. and i think
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that the sooner the borders open at unlimited lee to the thousands of trucks available, the sooner the better for the people inside the plaza right now. how much of a distraction was that us parents now being completely removed don't to i stalled, we didn't know when it will be back if ever. and it was a lot of focus on this being the way that a would guess having to gone. so any tension on trucks is used today. how much of a focus should just be instead of guessing the line board is open? so i think 100 percent of the focus should have been on the land borders openings, sending in the air drops the american structure and opening up period the period on a periodic basis. the north or in the us borders just to flour is just the destruction. we need 3 change. we need an immediate cease fire. we need permanent opening of the different land borders to the 8. and we need security to the people because as soon as possible, when you say security, there is another issue inside gone. so it's been developing and that's
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a breakdown in law and order. a civil society crumbles and people don't have the structure of society. how much of a problem is lawlessness to people who was simply trying to survive? i would like to kindly disagree with you on that. my understanding is that despite there being a lack of governments, the people on the ground are trying to organize themselves to ensure that the law and order continues their uh, extended family structure. and faith is very strong and eliza and that's what keeps them together and staying strong even so it's been 9 months of this on the rest. so yes, it's might go into the oldest and this but as of now things are under control within the people on the ground. ok. my social my money. thanks indeed for coming in and showing your experiences of gaza. thank you. i was punching most of the has had on this, these are including migration, lower immigration, this should be the immigration collection. why immigration has become
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a dominant issue in the u. k. ahead of next thursday's election on the us supreme court rules. cities come find homeless people from sleeping in public places. we know from what this means, the 10s of millions living and die of oversight. the know? yeah, off to offense, police shot dead, a teenager of african descent at a traffic stop in west in paris. his mother is due to hold asylum march and her sons, memory. the shooting prompted nationwide price has some concerns about the rights of immigrants. the anniversary comes on the eve of parliamentary elections, which could osher in fall right, anti immigrant government. then smith reports from them town fresh flowers mark the spot unknown to the hail mazda, who was shot dead by police officer during a traffic stop. 12 months ago, it was all caught on video. a police officer pointing
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a gun that in the hail and firing apparently and provoked this working class community where the 17 year old lived is still struggling with the consequences of the killing. we have now, mistress a on both sides police and the population. when someone is stopping it from the from police, we thought about what's happening. last time was 9 miles killing sparks nationwide rights presidency manual. my chrome said the teenagers, death was inexplicable. inexcusable. the police officer who killed dial has been charged with murder niles, death about an hour, took the french police use excessive force and get away with its view and commission if the human rights. so the shooting was a moment for the country to address the serious issues of racism and racial discrimination in law enforcement. the victims of police violence say nothing ever changes us to try all right,
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brother adama died in police custody. his sister says excessive force killed him. a series of autopsies concluded adama died of heat stroke, which probably wouldn't have been fatal if it not been arrested. the counselor is that the reason we are afraid every day because our brothers can get killed like my brother and like not. and those fears are present when we go out into the streets. when their identity checks, we fade when we see the police run in and ask ourselves why we are afraid to speak, the country is in the state of time. well, because the far right is going to wind power. while in practice it already is in charge. on saturday night was mother will lead asylum march in memory of some one year after his killing burnett smith address era known to western powers ahead of next week's election in the u. k. opinion polls suggest migration has become at one of the biggest issues of h as the 2nd only to the concerns about the cost of living. but on the ground,
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public asked students vary depending on age where people live. i'm so political leanings, i was there was pull brennan report from the southern port town of to the migration . slower immigration were chasing migration, migration, migration. this should be the immigration election migration, mathus to british voters in the last 6 years. 120000 people have made the dangerous crossing on small boats from france to present mention migration in this election. and these are the images, the many u. k. voters will visualize. it's kind of a rush as tests these images that we see very much of images of migrants arriving, being arrested by the vote. of course. besides the liberal people, the 5 rights and board is what they see there is desperately refugees seeking a place of safety. risking their lives, besides the conservative say, is people exploiting a weakness the board and not being secure rose being broken in both cases. these are sincerely how deeply held social values and they mean that the reaction to
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those images is just pilot represents. it's the actually probably the rising in terms of the see the same image see and vi difference hands drove up with its famous white clips as long gonna powerful symbol of the u. k. is defenses against unwelcome arrivals. it's here in the porch. the, the migraines plucked from the small boats in the channel are brought under those images which have laws to be driven the debates about the migration in the u. k. but the emphasis that folk just puts on migration as an election issue very significantly depending on policy allegiance. just 3 percent of labor policy versus c migration is the single biggest issue that rises to 27 percent among those who intend to vote for the conservative party. i'm not rises again to 68 percent for people who intend to vote for nigel financial reform. u. k. party. the public desire to cut migration is
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a defining factor in the 2016 bricks. it referendum. yes, kevin polling indicates that overall votes as a to, to actually soften possibly because of post wrecks it labor shortages and key areas . when the u. k. public cost would you like levels of migration to full is a fair proportion which say yes, that they would like migration levels to full. but then when they are asked about the groups which make up this over bigger, so different groups of michael workers such as coworkers, of doctors and nurses. so ukranian, so sort of all these different groups. most of them people have exponent, say that they would like more of these, these individual groups. so i'm one level they would like overall migration levels to full, but they would like the groups which make up that number to increase if he does, that's a contradiction that all the parties are promising to resolve just in different
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ways. the white clips. so the place where the u. k is closest to continental europe . those who land here. so how far apart the 2 still off, poll brennan, i'll just 0 dover. the cities in the u. s. canal and falls binds on homeless people sleeping outside in public places. the supreme court ruling means they'll have the ability to clear out incumbents, but activists of time to riley in washington dc on sunday to highlight the poverty faced by tens of millions of people. something that's a isn't being treated as a major issue. this presidential campaign rentals ruffles in paducah, kentucky, the local church, one food bank has become busier than ever these days as high food prices for more and more people to seek health. steven rogers, who lives with is disabled parents has been coming here for 10 years. they help us want them lots get something to eat when we're starving. according to census data in 2020,
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to nearly 38000000 people in the us lived below the official poverty level. 11000000 of them are children. tens of millions more are low income in one crisis away from destitution and a church in washington, d. c. volunteers are procuring for the annual assembly of the poor people's campaign and coal for moral revival, a movement, religion, the civil rights era of the 19 sixty's. i'm here because i believe that we can eradicate poverty. it doesn't have to be this way. and i believe that with my entire heart river live steel, harris is co chair person across the board. people of all ages, all races, all genders, all religions are experiencing poverty in this rich nation. it doesn't have to be this way that we, we could actually win this war on poverty and, and, and, you know, fight poverty and not the poor. cuz currently that's what's happening in our
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society, but poverty hasn't been a major issue in the us presidential campaign. both candidates focus more on the pressure inflation ports and middle class families. the poor people's campaign aims to mobilize millions of voters to demand a new laws in new spending, priorities, living wages, adequate health care, affordable housing, and high quality education are all at the center of the campaigns agenda. so i believe that we can only win the world that we want by uniting the poor and dispossessed. i believe that if we all get together, we can make real demands and really change the system. in paducah. stephen rogers says the free groceries are a godsend. they're all just blessed. of the grace of god, we have a place to get food, but the food banks directors say money needed to feed the poor is running out.
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leading people like rogers and many more to face hunger, rob reynolds alger 0. so it has hell on now to sierra i gave my word is applied and i would not be running again if i didn't believe of all my heart and soul, i can do this job. us present. terrified and down plays a with debate performance against donald trump. despite calls for him to step aside the a hey there, good to see the so we have outbreaks of sunroof swans will start here across spain . some of these could be severe or capable of dropping a months worth of rain in a single hour to places like madrid. so that could cause some flooding that, whether leaks in to france into northwest italy and also switzerland as ball were
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just the other day. copious amounts of rain felt in geneva, so that did trigger some flash flooding. otherwise helps for across the airport. we got going on some heat, berlin, warsaw down through the balkans as well. but it's a different story for the islands, have harland and britain fresher field here. with the breeze temperatures coming down. so best i can do for you on saturday is 25 degrees in london looking good in turkey. uh huh. okay. maybe a bit of a breeze coming through the boss for us, for a sample at 27 degrees. and to africa, we go, let's put the colors on dr. had the hotter is historic heat here. i'll jerry it for the 1st time in june, hitting 50 degrees. 50.3. now on saturdays we do have heat wave conditions here, quite breezy through our 10 years, 10 invest spinning around from this hard desert. so casey there, and speaking of those winds, they're pumping up temperatures for that southwest slice of south africa had a bad day, and cape town, 19 degrees for you, with plenty of sun,
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bye for now. the, the latest news for the findings here could be used by the international criminal court has further pieces of evidence of israel's war crimes and gaza with detailed coverage. most of the 36 hospitals in golf will have been destroyed. so it's a go health cost remaining accessible from the house of the story. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank for violence is really military raids are relentless, is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all
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turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the plague annual what challenges era has reminder of our top story. is this our final results and the wrong presidential election on to within the next few hours, early numbers suggest height, price between ultra conservative site delaney and the fullest messrs. possess. can these ready minute tre as august saying, have any populated areas across all sorts types of being firing? it tends housing displaced, people in the south, west an area on the wasi which as well, has designated a circled sites then and then no one says really strikes,
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hit the residential building all just as it kidding, at least for past simians for them children change it to being taken to test results on the posted in mind with a mental health condition who's been missing for a month has been with tons of his family with life threatening injuries. they say he was detained by. is there any forces in rasa before being handed over to the red cross? talk to say, if he doesn't get treatment outside garza, it's likely he'll die hunting. lockwood has more on the story from dow pilot and central garza and wanting to our view is that some of the images and how these reports on to staffing a hi. on a sudden, the hearing one of the 1st rami out, the bolts down water through a syringe, unable to lift his head, his breathing is shallow. he has been brought to nasir hospital in hon. eunice, in the south of the strip, in the hopes that something can be done for him on the day or my brother has a mental disorder and speech disability. he was searching for him for
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a month. we didn't know he was detained in rough by his riley forces. now he's lost his ice site and then the stomach was ripped open and he has multiple injuries. he's almost day to the whole. it is believe the suffered multiple gunshot ones and has been lifted almost. no, i side from the plug when the surfaces of the on the whole go to that it seems these really soldiers fired on him at close range and they all 5 bullets in his stomach. a bullet went through his eye and off the back of his head. this call is frank chosen and he was also shot in his arms and legs should get in his family, believe he was operated on by these regularly, while in detention before being handed over to the red cross, the girl he has called fractures. kind of woods through his eye and all over his body bots of his interest time, where do i have is another gunshot wound and he has another in his backpack. his stomach was ripped open. we brought him to the hospital,
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hoping his life can be st. level doctors at mazda or hospital confirmed that rami is in need of immediate, a critical care that is not available inside the gaza strip. the medical exit permit are difficult to get even more so with the closure of rough eye crossing was that and then whether you had them as it is a dentist so that he's in a very critical condition and has been admitted to the i. c u. he's now suffering acute circulatory collapse, unconsciousness and high blood. the city which has developed into duck senior crime is just one of about 10000 palestinians in gaza that the world health organization stays needs and media medical evacuation. pending mode was ita from the central area of the gaza strip palestine. the us either joe biden says he went credit quits the presidential race to slide
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criticism of his performance join the 1st televised debate ahead of november's vote for my present. donald trump is also being criticized accused of making several false claims during 1st days to pay like hannah has moved from washington dc. the risk from the debate president biden hit, the campaign taylor, north carolina seeming more energized and the night before any had an onset critique. so piece the base, performing the years to write those pages movie. i used, i don't the bag debate as well as i use. well, i know, i do know, i know how to tell the choose the soon as possible. so i'll send about holding a rally in virginia claiming victory in the debate. unless you go to what you saw as the pages and priorities of president biden, the questionnaire rebuilder should be asking themselves, today is not whether joe biden can survive
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a 90 minute debate performance. but whether america could survive for more years of crooked jo by the white house, the majority of analysts, or trump, as a clear victim. on the, the style front, trump looked like 4 years had not passed since he left the white house and died again, leave people wondering how was it possible for him despite his convicted felons data despite being a known and almost pathological liar. how is he still standing with the full weight of the republican party leadership behind him and some photos of a harsh about the age of both candidates? you can just see they're both very set in their ways and they're not seen yet. and they just want to make the other look that it was tragic. i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing. and i support by and now i don't know what to think
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it has been some calls will president biden to make way for another candidate, but he's already secured this of. busy of some 99 percent of the delegates to the policy convention in august. and unless he agrees to step down, it's difficult to see how he could be replaced. we need you, we need you the crowd chon, to death, an off to debate potty. and the reality for all members of the party is that this appears to be true by kind of. i'll just sierra washington. well, the new york times has published and the editorial from his board cooling on by them to leave the presidential race. and the paper says the president is engaged in a reckless gamble, and that the democratic need is better equipped to present to clear compelling an energetic alternative to a 2nd, trump presidency. and it goes on to say 5 and challenge trunk to this viable jewel . and he needs to confront the truth,
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but he failed his own test and finally did pay for august. the clerk has passed the democrats to defeat the candidate defined by his live. it's a deal truthfully with the american public of knowledge. 5 and cons, continue his race and create a process to select someone will capable or a. com is a us political unless them form a congressional stuff. he says, democrats have no choice, but to get behind job i i think the issue of replacing joe biden at the top of the tip of the ticket is a moot point. right now. the democrats are stuck with joe biden good or bad, and given the fact that he has made clear he's going to stay in this race, it is incumbent now on democrats to actually get behind his candidacy and try as best they can to push the move. the finished product did not fair any better. and i think both of these men walk out of that debate with growing questions and concerns
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about their candidacy. i think as we know and power in american politics one night, one day 90 minutes is literally a lifetime. so this will long be forgotten. what happens now? here's both of these men now need to begin the process of trying to recruit those core voters and those key battleground states that will determine the outcome of this rates. now what we saw today in north carolina at that rally from joe biden was literally a night and day from what we saw last night. he was certainly energetic, he was engaged and he was very spirited, 10 that joe biden continue this process now through november. that's the question, but also one thing that hasn't been discussed enough is president biden has been a politician since entering the oval office who has had a complete this thing with the optics and the stage track of the presidency. and i think we have seen that play out last night. unfortunately, it was
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a night that joe biden simply could not afford to actually shoot the optics of a debate since he called ford and set of course, we know nearly 50000000 people watch that debate. us supreme court has ruled some of those involved and the january 6th attack well, improperly improperly charged by the justice department. civil rights activists have been watching the case closely because of its implications for the white to free speech share, but tons. the reports from washington dc. the author of the us capitol assumed that the republic addressed as didn't just charged the rogers with traditional offences like trespass. and assault to show how serious january, the 6th was, it also added, obstructing an official proceeding, a felony who carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. and on friday the supreme court found that the d o j was wrong introducing the republicans. it was vindication of their arguments for the d, o, j has become politicized. effectively, the court agrees that a number of the defendants and the january 6th proceedings have been overcharged.
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and that is something that i also think many people have recognized for some time. and now the highest court in the land has declared that to be so the supreme court ruled with the lord and question had been drawn up to prosecute corporate criminals who tampered with evidence in order to impede an official investigation. for example, by shredding documents, it was not intended to go off to political protest, no matter how extreme civil libertarians on paper right down the left, which in this case very closely awful. if protesting that by obstructing and official proceedings now fell, it may punish, move up to 20 is in prison. that could refer to all sorts of political process, the full as well shows, stopping the capital and around the world. for example, since israel's warren goes up again, congressional hearings have repeatedly been interrupted by those disgusted and congress is green. liked with a soldier, if the justice is ruled in favor of, of the or j. it's conceivable that one is now a misdemeanor most could potentially become a felon,
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me for interrupting an official proceeding. brandon feller's among those who entered the capital on january the 6th. he was convicted on multiple misdemeanors, but he was also charged under this low as a result of the supreme court decision. he can now suit a d, o j for wrongful imprisonment, as can schools of others the most they could have given me is one year if they maxed out my charges. right. but because of this 20 year maximum felony, this obstruction, unofficial proceeding, which the supreme court just rules does not apply to us. i was in there for 35 months for it spelled, the department of justice said it was disappointed with the decision would would take the appropriate steps to comply with if she ever tennessee, elders here at washington up to 80000 protests as are expected to announce in germany, when the fall ride a if the policy holds its convention. members. amazing. and then for a 2 day congress where a leadership site is expected to happen. after the recent a, you election results, city officials of deployed thousands of police officers
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a heads up. the catherine still had hair on out there on the surviving when he cooled a failed crew. earlier this week, living as president face has more challenges this time with the economy, the israel's war on god. so be coming in forever war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, las vegas employees thousands, a huge proportion of them. latino whose work is in the service industry, had taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called photo. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values,
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our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we wouldn't all think donald trump isn't a strong position haven default or right now he has a 5 point lee, the head of joe fight. a lot can happen between now and november. but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada, at least if donald trump gets his way of the the recent times of government protesting can you being driven by james, these young people born in the late ninety's take talking to us all the platforms they use to vent that and get an organized demonstrations. many say that grievances go beyond the finance bill, which present when which i withdrew. often nationwide,
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protests catherine slowly spoke to some young people in my very be about the mom's me boss is in kenya are known for the loud music and color from slogans. it's been a symbol of kenya's, aarp and culture. young people like using this mode of transport. so we took a ride with them as we spoke about the situation of the country, the government should concede the day of but texting people, kenyon say me, a probate jumps, but they use. yeah. and the, the government does go to the sense that they use landing more just say the protest did not come as a surprise. it's something that has been bubbling for. yes. it's the
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best thousands, dukes to the streets in different parts of the country with scientists. and smartphones, please use to guess what to canon and live for that. at least 27 people a say to have been killed by police and some social me the influences are said to have been abducted. this is one of the buildings that was destroyed during the process. many young canyons say they have lost confidence in the elected and it was clear from the demonstrations. the politicians misread the mood on the ground. the process, well organized by young people who use the digital platforms to call the beat and amplify their voice, ease protest as you have specific names and mach coldwell trucks, social media trains. he says, millions of people have viewed or contributed to the debate on line within the last
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few days. on line sentiment does not necessarily translate to offline civic action . this right now we've occupied parliament reject finance bill. it's never been closer to see that what happens on a screen on the internet is happening offline and manufacturing with real people in real places with audio message. the products plus not just about taxes, but also by governance. canyon's posted videos of politicians showing off the walls at a time when there is an economic crisis and peace here are among the best paid in the world. now those who voted for them say it will not be business as usual. catherine, so i to sierra nairobi. muller is the communist policy of 10, yet organized and participated in the protest. he says, most cousins, why don't we try to step down. so it's important to,
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to up knowledge that the president to did not accept. because the mont, with the odd to, you know, was saying a price is the price. so police brutality, the price of outcome rates being modified by the state. so some of the concessions that they've been william, somebody to, to made was forced upon kate and us and, and any of the things that they must as ok now has gotten from any ruling class things. the defendants have been as a product of this time. well, they came to max, it's so our demand was not just to reject the i am, may have imposed financed based upon the canyon people, but the condemned people fighting. i mean, tom, on fine. what's the advantage of the call for who to must go? is reflection of the by the wish of something my duty to pick and people because
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people see president so total as up copies of the united states on the west. that's even what's eas, inspired and people to stay on this piece. even one day the after the president was compelled to received on 8 some he was ation. remember, the president invited the member of the parliament, a decent bribes to them in the step house to actually possibly stay. this is how important that the so circumstances, 8th, the only general who led devin for him who attends this week and bolivia has received 6 months pre trial detention. full ami chief general juan jose as in eco faces, the challenges of terrorism and on the uprising to all the senior form a minute to need is i've also been detained. soniega says he was following orders from present. notice i'll say something the precedence denies stuff. i, you just this preventive detention that the judge is arranging will undoubtedly see the president and is a good sign. so this investigation can continue to move forward. well,
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the law president also has be attempted to has strength and support for his government, but the nation is facing more instability because of an economic crisis. tribes of a report from lab has left when president reese odyssey came to power almost 4 years ago with a promise to industrialize. believe you as administer economy, a former president table morales, he helped lift compendiums out of poverty by nationalizing the gas industry. but in this marketing, believe us company tell us, most people are disappointed or the other one says the president has failed. people like her, you'll be living today, but i live from my work on what i saw here, and i don't sell anything. i suppose that the president and voted for him, but he's the golfing about us getting in to leave us economies struggling. the country is running out of gas. we served its main source of income due to a lack of investment in exploration when you, we service. but the south american country has one of the largest lithium we
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service in the world around 23000000 tons need seeking more investments from russia and china to help explore the uni south flats. for now, it has to be paying off this a shortage of dollars level fuel. and the cost of living is on the rice gas exports that help the driver. what was known as the bolivian economic miracle in the 2 thousands have dried up needing to a dangerous drop in for a reset. the economic difficulties are felt everywhere in the country and people are demanding solutions. that until now the government has been unable to provide this week. you may do suff and attempt to go shocked. many as members of the many to have you tried to take control of the proceedings of the palace. some believe you and see the court attempt as a farce and west in what was behind it. but i'm in the say it expose the problems that believe the precedent odyssey are facing today. you can always model fields
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and in latin america, we have seen as many times model of a boom of silver and the 19th century, the model of coffee and the model of gas. here you have a positive shock. you have lots of money. the economy grows and creates conditions that you cannot maintain your prints money and you have a physical deficit and then chaos. and that's why many here are already looking at next year's elections. want got off. that's what he says. he's concerned with what is happening in the country now, is that going to be as we have given the government, our faith after everything that happened in the countries in the past years, but he wouldn't be able to do anything. no, we want elections and something you, when libya was once considered one of the fastest growing economies in latin america. but things have changed. it is now struggling with an economic crises and political unrest. bailey. so we'll just see to let us. i'm not going to 7 point to us quite because shaking the southern coast of peru, district to them to keep up was most effective and hit by fall off to shocks. 8
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people have been injured. and that's it for me for this these. i'll be back in a moment for the move, the is the, the a part of his, i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece. i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take effective use of the present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era these called church solutions that gives us know for a future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number. think about it as
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a person. person yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women and my country, the not sweet to come up to on we are not the night is all a to we are human beings on this earth to be truth and the coins. we are working in their thoughts, that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to
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the . ringback the of the a tight race and a wrong presidential election between a reformist and an ultra conservative kind of that the final results are expecting shortly. the other them or kyle, this is out. is there a life from the also coming up? is there any time spot tense housing at this place, palestinians, and what was declared safe things off of the pots of gone. so bummed as well also


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