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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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at us, we went to all things, donald trump isn't a strong position here in nevada right now. he has a 5 point li, the head of joe 5. a lot can happen between now and november, but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada. at least if donald trump gets his way the of the color themselves the attain. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the radians are heading to a run, offered often none of the candidates secure enough votes to win the presidency and then election that so hit start lo tenants. is there any time spot? a tense, housing, just based palestinians, and what was the tread?
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say sons, all the pots have gone up and his wife had my arm operated on yesterday at the indonesian hospital and i reported to work today and i will remain serving my people until my last breath. we speak to doctors as a hospital and hills, and garza keep an operation. i'm the severe shortages costs the migration this should be the immigration electric brakes. so why immigration is becoming the dominant issue and the u. k. ahead of those days election that the, and i'm trying to how much was scored for sale. get the 1st when i'd be called by america to goes from denise as jr. help them beat 5 by full one and move a step closest to the to find the
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voters in arona now headed to a run of presidential election on friday. none of the candidates secured enough votes to win the presidency outright, reformist the mustard possess can one the most votes, but he still fell short. of the majority of 51 percent ultra conservative site angelina. he came in 2nd. the 2 of them will now face a run a foot. this is only the 2nd time. there has been a presidential run off in a run since the 1979 revolution. this selection, so a reco low turn out 40 percent. it does all set as easy to evaluate. the 2 candidates have to put themselves to the people's vote again next friday. they will start the campaign in again this week and lock in the last round. that's for speaking good legal and ethical standards. and we will witness another election in iran, in god willing and what we'll see how this important event will be conducted in peace and stability. let's break down. there is faster on the election results that sol, reformist candidates must have jessica and secured the most with some 42.5 percent
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of the vote. just followed by saw usually the, the full met. chase newton negotiates a he had 38.6 percent of the volume. well that's we talk correspondent results that a huge one is this now from the arabian capital or so just about a 1000000 volts between them, but not enough to prevent a run off. we knew this was likely, but it also seems remarkable. given the choice between these 2 man is basically 2 very different runs of the in did. so in this election, there were 6 cat, it as being flat to be an approved by the guardian console. 5 of them were conservative with different, with, with different tones and of course nuances. and only one reform is kind of as soon as this. yeah. so the pool is what's happening offsets, it's going to be a low turnout. however, this became such a little too and i was still not expect it. so now the 1st uh candidates before
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leslie because this guy got their alternative. 43 percent and side generally. the 2nd one took the 8 percent. so these 2 guys are going to compete next friday in the 2nd run off the election. they're quite different profiles. so side generally the hard line, conservative is a former chief newton negotiators and he also has served as the 2nd is off the national security council. just close ties you to supplement either. on the other hand, mrs. position has served as the health minister from 2001 to 2005 under the 1st report ms. president of the around miss tammy. so the jenny is promising people's ties with a non western countries to, to put them and the installation on the right. and on the other hand, the discount seeing that, well, that's not going to be enough. yes, we are for the improvement ties within non western countries. however, that is that's there is the international sections and the only way to remove them from negotiating a nuclear is the,
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with the west kind of ties with the west as well. so we were hearing in the lead up to the selection that economic issues were really top of mind. so versus, what do you make is the same inversion apathy that we've seen in be? so that'd be some of the off the v as long as the revolution in 1979. the one in particular scotsman has enjoyed how high for now sometimes because exceeding 80 percent. but that's what i've has changed in the past 2 elections. it's $121.00. it was just about 40 percent and it's $124.00 parliamentary elections. one know 41 percent. so here, the main reason that people are offering is that the right hands are losing faith and elections that the cause, the time of change. and of course, the company is suffering from the international sanctions that are our sanctions imposed on iran by the western countries. particularly these usc and you can field
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impact off this sections over the continent, even an economy over the daily life of the people. people are really on the database of suffering, this hardship. and of course you want economy solution is pretty much close to it's for them policy as well. that's why in this presidential election, there were 2 items that requires important economy and the international relations that very much close to each other. as i said, side generally saying that the west doesn't matter what is going to continue or they are sections, they're not trustworthy results. just focus on improving ties with the non what's the company's about c o c position? i'm believes that the only way to remove the sections and to cover the economy is to negotiate with the west and 22 ties with that. but that doesn't mean if in case that reform is present, elected, that doesn't mean necessarily size with the west,
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because many believe that the new run, the real power lies with the on the like the officials. and that before miscounted, it probably is going to really going to face of assistance from the system. why? because that if the one probably is going to be supported by the system or so set up the keeping an eye on iranian elections for us will be also watching that run off very closely. indeed on friday. thank you or so. well, let's spring and how many drugs that golems out a use the direct to the different logic house think tank into ron. he was also the form and jordan, chief of the med news agency. he also joins us now from terror on how many drawers i want to start with the turnout this historic low even less than expected. it suggests values on multiple funds for the reformists to mobilise divergence of the posters who got it so wrong. but does it also raise questions perhaps about in addition to see if the selection of the parts of the motors, food do not turn out to send their voice message to the stablish man that they
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don't want to participate. and they are opposing something done, other than working to take it to a stand against establishment, but they want to show their these contents with astonishment. that part of the society easiest thing to avoid the participation in the elections. but the reason of the parts that we can see in this election, not even in the parliamentary election that we had just a couple of months ago. das, they are one thing to change the another against the legitimacy of the, uh, says that they are not as, let's say, and waiting for and participation by the one some change. so that's why we can see that that behavior of the motors is different from once more the expects that based on the sooner reason for the speculations that we have in recent weeks, a problem, the researchers on the and points so. so the body of the assign feedback to the
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transition, removed it for the conservatives did not move in that way. and those who want to explore reform is not working that way anymore. and so if he's a combination of all of them, then that's why i would say that it is it called for change. they said that if we are facing the economy problems and the economy, it's a bad economy. and this hardship should be address by the government and we need some change fee of changes on the ground. what it's really interesting can you have addresses start to come in, because i'm curious about what version behavior might actually look like. going into this model if you were saying earlier that the last time it went to a 2nd round, we so even west turn out. is there a chance that given just how diametrically opposed these candidates saw that that might in itself motivate change both of behavior. this coming friday as
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i have addressed, so just checking to see if you can hear me. i believe we've lost our guests that we will try to get them back for you later on here on now to 0. but let's move on. the all these really minute tree is targeting heavily populated areas across the gaza strip. dozens of palestinians have been killed since the early hours of saturday morning and is really dry and has targeted a civilian con. now summer neighborhood in gauze city can be replaced full palestinians. people, it stops that to get water as a distribution point. many others we'll also injured. meanwhile, tanks have been firing, it tends housing, the space, people in the southern areas. i'm a wasi earlier in the war v as really ami had designated that barren strip of land a so called safe. so in an order to palestinians to go that now these attacks are
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forcing already despised families to flee. yet again, we were sitting peacefully in out tents and all of a sudden the area was carpet bombed by these ready war planes. the strikes closed in on our neighborhood. i heard neighbors crying out as many were injured on the corner. is there any tanks also showing the area we will run for our lives, leaving everything behind? i don't know where i'm going now. because the, all of a sudden these really tanks invaded the area coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. i saw that people took him to the car, we saw pieces of flesh all over the place. i carried my children and run away for our lives. we don't know where to go. just walking with the cries, menu worked as an injured. this was supposed to be safe sales. let me know where and safe at all. you mom and that's beat talk correspondents on the ground heading for dar issues in general. bala in central garza and joins us now from that. and we're obviously seeing attacks across the strip,
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but i wanna focus financial on garza city. can you told us through what's happening there right now of the? well, let me 1st give you an update on as to milwaukee. it alpha, the area where the is ready for says we if read that and maybe another southern encourage it in as a close area in the western parts of roof. i know so close area is the area that separates it off off from some units. there has been intensive, a sound bombs, a smoke bombs, and also there has been heavy at a gunshots between on the palestinians in those makes if that comes and let me remind me that they withdrew and reallocated from that area earlier today, we're department because we're trying to pull and rescue as much people as possible . and there are a lot of journalists that's are trapped in that area because they were covering the withdrawal of the is really from the area of moving to the got the city where there
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has been intensive air strikes. and are totally reselling on different areas, especially in the residential houses. and so building cars outside many from a lot of other kinds of how many were striving to fill up a gallon of lots of them that are tele, returning targeted them and for pilots didn't use among them. children were killed in this setting. also an apartment for inquiry, that family was also targeted by the is really, were planes were also at least 5 or 4 pilots sinew, sorry. we're also a noun skilled and at least 8 others were injured. also, a group of palestinians in the public park were also targeted where at least 5 college sinews were killed. there were a lot of appeals online caused for palestinians harmonies trapped in as a neighborhood not being able to leave their houses. and most of them have been injured by. is there any are 10 every they're trapped in the house not being able
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to leave because the is there any forces are it's are you seeing anyone who tries to leave or to move with flood captors and drones? it's very intensifying also between the palestinian fighters and is there any forces images? and there has been also at the targets in is where the air strikes from the. is there any war plains on attending our neighborhood, which is in the north western parts in the gaza? city, but also from the north scottsdale strip to the south. scott, the strip to the middle area at the where is the target for the is really forces impala sinews are left homeless, being displaced, more than one time trying to flee. that is where the air strikes, but the is ready as strikes are tele, resetting. continue to chase the policy news where ever they go include all right, they're reporting for us from the ground from general bala and central garza thank to him. oh doctors come all out one hospital in northern garza operation under
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increasingly difficult conditions with a severe shortage of medical supplies, patients and not having critical surgeries without anesthesia, blood transfusions or even oxygen. some surgeons have injuries themselves. loss of clute spoke to some of the stuff that a health care system and nothing does surface collapsing as i was up to is that is what any policies have to prevent the axes from the medical supplies to the nothing does for of i'm hoping to come on a one plus bill, which is the mid off tree, nothing goes with this hospital is full of political cases. that is in danger. struggle to find the medicine. most of these patients are indeed need to do, said jury box. this costs are 2 of the medical equipment and the medical supplies prevent the officers to do with the surgery for them on the system for management,
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right, and enough to we have suffering shop, shortage of medical supplies and equipment. in addition, many of the crucial loss saving medications are totally absent. as a result, a number of newborn babies lost the lines over the course of the week. we're currently operating on the last quantities of fuel. now position soon, the hospital is oxygen generate as we'll come to a grinding halt. babies like the one behind me living on launch support breathing it for autism. and required a constant supply of oxygen deadlines by hanging by its reed. if we run out of fuel in the coming hours, many will be pronounced deed to day. these died today due to the lack of necessary medical supplies. and so without the kind of the deal i suffered this injury in may at the time i came to check on a patient, i performed the surgical operation on and entering and leaving paper here was close to impossible. at the time, it was a gamble to come to duty that day i entered the come all at one hospital about 7 in the morning and i checked on the patient. and on my way back, i was accompanied by use of soror. may he rest in peace,
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who came to check on his family? and he was gone down by it and is really sniper. he was killed right in front of me . i tried to give him 1st aid, but then the sniper fired twice on me, and i suffered a bullet in my back and another in my arm. miraculously, i did survive despite all that we, the medical staff, we never abandoned, our people were reporting to duty every day. had my arm operated on yesterday at the, in the nation hospital. and i reported to work today, and i will remain serving my people the until my last breath suspend underneath. as it can see, doctors, old, so all in davis fargo. and the eyes are full of shoes, just because they are seeing patients are dying every day. because of this, if you're tional page on the cost of t, the me because of lies was a special, i just need, uh, nothing does for all this time. and that's not bringing mentor schuman, he's a humanitarian waka and activist. he himself was in garza until lunch,
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but he joins us now here and other has to do. and so thank you for being with us. when you hit about these huge shortages, these ongoing shortages of medical supplies and people being essentially trapped in the strip meeting, urgent medical attention, i have to ask you, how did you get out all people who need to get out wanting to leave. all they able to do that unfortunately, no, no, especially after the demolition of thought off the border that connects us to egypt . i was one of the lucky ones with an international passport who was able to leave you using that as a benefits. and when the board did it was there, people used to pay between $5.00 to $7000.00 us dollars just to be allowed to leave a message. right now the board has been demolished, no one is allowed to leave even if they have the money to do it. so now the only people are allowed are few of those in every day that they've given very special in the medical the, the operations stuff needs to be covered outside of the system. and that's called
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the can only happen often approval from the egyptian, under the radio for these. so let me ask you a little bit about your experience being in the strip up until march. i mean, even then we were hearing about a 1000 and assessing and pockets of the strip at that point. what was your experience of, of moving around in the strip and then speaking to people. i remember moving with my family several times. i would origin that home wasn't because the city beside the ship a hospital we moved from our house to enable us home and then to a ship a hospital. and then to can you want us hold off on milwaukee? so very similar to what a lot of people that i know of suffering and brothers, but still they are suffering or it's not even more. because not only that they are moving constantly after being taught, for example, of loss with the safe area. now it's not, as you can see in the news, right now they are lying. for example, in hand, you want us to the ends of kind. you want us, where there's a lack of fluid water,
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medical supplies, and the lack of security on my hearts is with it, with my, with my family, with my friends, with 2200000 philistines that have still remains inside the plaza. i don't know where things are going. i don't know what we can do more, but definitely we need to continue to speak up to allow this genocide to stop as soon as possible. we need to open borders. we need to have a no fly zone in order to allow people to see that the said a little bit safe. and we need to allow for 8 to come in, but our thousands of trucks lying in the south waiting to be entered. so this needs to happen as soon as possible until you were telling me that that your wife's family are still on the strip, including some of them in the north, in cost of the city. what are you hearing from them right now? unfortunately, the north of because uh, including the city there is an ongoing finding that right now the only thing being allowed there is to the crossings of as it came and it is a few flower trucks, stuff coming every day. other than that, people have no other kind of nutrition,
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clean water is very scarce, and they are eating that ice. now the extracts of leaves from trees, that's how by the test, as soon as they get some nutrition into their bodies, there's also a lack of liquids, the lack of caution to area. people are suffering and they're not seeing an end to what's happening. and now there is a, there's a military escalation by these really is, and the east side, the presence of the swatches. right? yeah. so there's a lot of unknowns and then also fun predictability. and people off shopping for house, asking the international agencies to do something to put that into this month. so if you yourself, off from the occupied westbank, right. i know you believe that the war isn't going on only in gaza. explain that to us. yes. in addition to what's happening in the us that are all sorts of things happening in the west bank. i think the whole world has learned of these really governments approval that has been given by similar to ch to build 5 more
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supplements with the west bank. we believe that there's an ongoing upside happening in the west bank with over 200 of check points separating different towns and cities from between. you know, the and the is really the areas that they have. in addition to that, we are feeling that similar to the possibility of exciting the people of us from because into egypt that it might happen and design of the people of the westbound from the west bank to door to them. so people in my family that are living in fear, especially those living in judas, and i'm in the west back and they are what they are feeding the worst. i think there is that there needs to be more immediate coverage on what's happening in the west bank in addition to what's happening and what's going on. so shoot me an issue, monetary and walk on active as to the left, cause that and march. thank you so much for sharing your experience and, and that of your family and with us here and out of here, i really hope that that they do manage to stay safe. thank you. it's the
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opinion polls suggest that migration has become one of the biggest issues for vs in the u. k. ahead of those days election, the secondary data concerns about the cost of living but on the ground. public assets use vary depending on age where people live, their political leanings. l 0 is pull. brendan reports not from the southern port town of dr. migration, lower immigration, which i think migration, migration, migration. this should be the immigration election, migration matches to british voters in the last 6 years. 120000 people have made the dangerous crossing on small boats from france to present, mention migration in this election. and these are the images of many u. k. voters will visualize, it's kind of a rush as tests. these images that we see very much of images of migrants arriving, being arrested by the 1st decisive, liberal people. the 5 arrived from vote is what they see there is desperately
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refugees seeking a place of safety. risking their lives, besides the conservative se, is people exploiting a weakness, the board and not being secure rose, being broken in both cases. these are sincerely how deeply held social values. and they mean that the reaction to those images is just pilot, right? because it's, it's literally probably the rising in terms of the see the same image, see and very different sense. i drove up with its famous white cliffs, has long been a powerful symbol of the you case defenses against unwelcome arrivals. it's here in the porch. the b migraines plucked from the small boats in the channel are brought under those images which have laws to be driven the debates about the migration in the u. k. but the emphasis that folk just puts on migration as an election issue very significantly depending on policy allegiance. just 3 percent of labor policy versus c migration is the single biggest issue that rises to 27 percent among
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those who intend to vote for the conservative profit. i'm not rises again to 68 percent for people who intend to vote for nigel financial as reform u. k. policy. the public desired to come migration is a defining factor in the 2016 brick said referendum. yet kevin polling indicates that overall votes as a jew to actually soften partly because the post wrecks it, labor shortages in key areas. when the u. k. public, aust, would you like levels of migration to full? is a fair proportion which say yes that they would like migration that goes to full. but then when they are asked about the groups which make up this april vega, so different groups of michael work has such as coworkers, of doctors and nurses or ukrainians or should have all these different groups. most of them people have exponent, say that they would like more of these, these individual groups. so i'm one level they would like overall migration levels
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to full, but they would like the groups which make up that number to increase if he does, that's a contradiction that all the parties are promising to resolve just in different ways. the white clips. so the place where the u. k is closest to continental europe . those who land here. so how far apart the 2 still off, poll brennan, i'll just sarah dover as well. let's take a closer look at immigration in the u. k. high levels of immigration and then a major political issue that i'm moving to decade last year. net migration, that's the difference between the number of people arriving and leaving the country reached 685000. that's more than 3 times higher than during the last election. now to reduce those numbers, the government has almost doubled the minimum salary required to qualify for visa. net migration drops slightly last year, but it's still a major baffle ground issue. this selection, the conservative, say a bill, announce an annual limit on the number of migrants. well,
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labor is suggesting visa restrictions and training british walkers, so companies that don't have to hire from overseas. what we can now bring in david gal cuz he's a former conservative m p and the ex bushes minister of justice. he's also up. this will come on tuesday and he joins us now from london. david, i want to start with the small boats because the many that's been such a visual issue for voters. i know you've been highly critical of the time to deport asylum seekers to roll on that. how that's divided the conservative party and you'll mind how is that playing out? and the selection i think with difficulty for the government with small bags is that they have promised the deliberate. so wishy see knock some time ago a the old indies time as prime minister sessions as one of his 5 priorities and essentially all the drugs on stopping with small bags. and the difficulty here is yes, it is a problem. yes, it does need to be addressed, but it's complex and there's no easy solution to that. and by placing such emphasis
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on this particular review and assessing such and i'm vicious, talk at the government is, is this is, is widely criticized for failing to meet, say, interactive. and that has created the space financial for all of his reform policy . so exploits it. so going to the issue, i think i think the government does have to address it's i think he can simply ignore the issue of school, but it's by placing such emphasis on that and then coming forth for maintaining if you like a plan, the run, the file that had so many practical legal difficulties with it's they found themselves if you like, emphasizing a problem for which they have that it will be a solution. is a difficult issue for labor as well because they that have but i don't see a solution, but it's the conservatives who are suffering from this. and they've given an opportunity to before, which was perhaps always going to be there. but as being
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a bigger role is unity because the government, if you'd like, cuz as, as based on campuses, the comment that you mentioned, some of the suffering within that conservative policy. i know you believe deployment us just to knock is further to the right. and he's generally can't drive and you think that the policy is on the edge of catastrophe. tell us why a well, essentially refuse to see that too. i think he's a very interesting figure on the rights of the politics is, is, frankly, and improvements on our strong symbol is trust and does a more diligent and sensible prime minister than his the breed assesses the policy as sold to appeal to the rides, but not very successfully and it's ended up essentially satisfying. no one hasn't been able to appeal to the most white wing popular spaces all a because rich easy next to meeting. there was no overs. right wing the list, whatever his policies might be. but know that they've been able to build the, to the center ground,
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appreciate qualtrics because they have been so focused on these right wing popular spaces. a most has happened to some extent is the conservatives of last vices to the rights public fail. the big promises haven't been delivers. but they will say losing bite has to send to ground and to the left of center policies a be because they all have see you as being out of touch on quite a number of if you use them to, to extreme, say that this in the, in the size is fine of the anybody, and that's why it's results and it pretty disastrous results on thursday. david, as we see this factoring, essentially a british politics, can i ask you about your choice to, to leave the conservative party even oppose it as an independent? what was it that actually pushed you over the edge? a lot of that's the consecutive policy in 2019. and that was launch these do with frank sites i disagreed with the direction of our strong. so was getting and i'd, i'd say the,
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where we've gotten that going to end up with breakfast rates on divorce johnson was gonna be very bad for the country. so yes, i left the policy and then when it comes to this jermel actually, and one of those bases the things yes is going to need to be a painter guffman. but i also, i won't say functioning opposition and where they're all conservative. see, well, looking to appeal to the center grant will resist and move further to the right. where is this? for example, 9 to fraud becoming policy inception policy. as, as a beta, i would support them in, in, in confusion, in those constituencies. whereas the site sensible or kind of that suspended. so that's, that's where i am. but you know, clearly the conservative policy is losing a loss of a, is moderate center spaces and has them for the past few years because it has moved
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animal this direction the, the, the problem for who is the adult even from properly appealing to those popular spaces either leaving quite a few visuals, politically homeless, but it will say the conservative policy without a strong political base anymore. well, it certainly set to be a very interesting election on thursday will be keeping an eye on on here on out to 0 for you. david got the, the form of which is the minister of justice and the former conservative and he himself, thank you so much for joining us on the new zone. thank you. are still a head here on out as here on the and it's smith in western paris 12 months up to police shop a 17 year old. you dad in a traffic stop to prompted nationwide rights conference board. we're building up to the final of the t 20 cricket, 12 cop with both india and south africa out to free the
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hello. it is looking good for the football and jeremy at least on the side today. lots of warm sunshine. others. how does it has been recently, but plenty warm enough nevertheless, some people further west we have got what am active area of life pressure which has been spinning out of know the spain and portugal for the buy of this guy. because coming through on this as we go on through the next couple of days, so it could be some localized funding is the system breaking some heavy down pools across central, the southern parts of space into north america, basically using across towards the switzerland. still a few showers there and to northern spain to this day's day. guy gemini, fine dry, warm, and sunny palate, 30 degrees celsius. so as i said, plenty warm enough as we go on into a sunday, the football here, mike will say some live yourselves with some fun the and that will roll its way across the country. some went to weather coming into southern parts of sweden,
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easing over towards finland, ahead and had lots of heat in place. 30 celsius of that towards the most guy could see a $35.00 in vienna. that's going to be pretty horrible off numerous them live the storms banging away here. se about severe penny halting off with a good deal of sunshine. lots of hot sunshine across north africa. tripoli, 40 degrees celsius and lots of showers to because a good part of west africa as the, to count the french colonial propaganda. a jewish liberation army recruited yugoslavia as find this camera man to join the struggle and seize control of the narrative. decades later, a trove of unseen archive is uncovered. then the great the images of the minds behind the lens now monitored for the contributions to jerry is independence. single religious a with this documentary on the latest news for the findings
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here could be used by the international criminal court has further pieces of evidence of israel's war crimes and gaza with detailed coverage. most of the 36 hospitals in golf will have been destroyed. so it's a go health cost, the main and accessible from the house of the story. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank for violence is really military raids are relentless. the, the the, the matcher watching al jazeera that's remind you about top stories, the sound,
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ron is headed to a run offers on july 5th, often no tons of received enough votes to win the presidency performance candidate . and the student possess skim and ultra conservative sides or leaks will be on that 2nd round buttons. and it's really dry and has targeted a civilian call. now sabra neighborhood and casa city killing, at least the palestinian people itself, the tri, skipped work to as a distribution point. many of those 2 were injured in that email tanks had been firing of 10 housing, the space people in the southern area and on the wasi earlier in the war, the is really ami designations that are in strip of land, so called stay southern and had ordered palestinians to go to that kind of republic of congo and $23.00 fighters have captured the town near the border with you've done the and rwanda fights is took over the town of kenya by on got on friday evening fighting had intensified that between the me on that on group in the past 2 weeks,
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for one that has repeatedly denied accusations that it supports them. 23. well, let's take a closer look at them $23.00, which now much more than a decade ago. it's mainly based in the eastern congo least province of north cable, which is rich and natural resources and twenties, really, it is on mainly from the top, the ethnic group. they say one of the aims is to find groups founded by who choose who fled rolanda off to the 1994 genocide. now the m 23 had much to, with the comedies on me on the a, 2009 piece deal. but then in 2012, they said the agreement had not been upheld, and they broke away. well, let's not bringing a correspondence, a language, connie, he's in go month or we don't capital as north cuba weather has been ongoing flashing over recent months. and then just how strategically important is kind of the young guy understand it lies on quite an important route between major towns. does this actually change the trajectory of the conflict in any way? the kind of,
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i don't like very important the very strategic because the dc is the it, well, no money that i'm a us try to pull all of these, i mean is to stop there. so they both float to progress in data where they're going away to know why they did so because this, the never been affected before. we the court fee $2.00 of them. $23.00, but they have been battling here in the it onto the team in the area or for the total. and also my cc this i data or mostly like it it to pass it onto the core tunnel variables. the why to now, but these are what they have changing this 20 because they have been now in the big quantities on the i know, talking in terms of leeway. so this is why the progressing factor. this area which was not normally in the configuration for 4 of the conflict with the government of the deal to see them coming up. i owned a sort of opening for the door to day to day. both of them. 23 to here. do i to now as they're trying to do in the man and not just city of the table,
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which is the cool minnesota tub for, for, for this property. so if enough people, and this is why it's really weird thing, a big funny because this is totally and know that you're interested in the, in the, in the, in the conflict between the government and this, what i was alone, you mentioned the panic hung up by hunger, i understand, is also home to some 60000 people. what does this now mean for them? are they trucks that this morning that it was the public meeting with the population into the city of car? nobody went about almost half of these people. they were already out of the area because of the ongoing fighting which i was already, you know, up to 2 weeks. 1 between the army and different bombs, which with lots in the industry, 2 of kind of one of the most of them were already in the area of to buy in different areas. they don't with the cook, i know, but them about unfortunately this is also the area what variables are, why to know what i'm saying. and also sort of gives us a way that we created many panic at all and then also gotten. so then all of this
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population will have now to, to continue to i was taught with table whether it was i said, doubtful, going definitely to making the see this a more complicated for the popular song with their families at all in the area. indeed. and already a huge displacement crisis in that area, along with connie, the voting for us from a good amount of the regional capital of north keith. we thank you so much. i know . yeah, of defense police shot dead, a teenager of applicant defend as a traffic stop in west end paris. his mother is used to hold the silent march in her son's memory. that's routine prompted nationwide protests and concerns about the right to the difference. the sound of us, we also comes on the eve of parliamentary elections, which could usher in the far right. and the immigrant government funded smith reports from little fresh flowers mark was spelt, unknown to. well, now hale mazda, who was shot dead by police officer during a traffic stop 12 months ago. it was all caught on video. a police officer pointing
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a gun that in the hail and firing, apparently on per vote, is working class community. why the 17 year old lived is still struggling with the consequences of the killing. we have now mistress a to both sides police and the population. when someone is suffering from the, from police, we thought about what's happening. last time was 9 miles killing sparks nationwide rights presidency manual. my chrome said the teenagers, death was inexplicable and inexcusable. the police officer who killed dial has been charged with murder nails, death about an hour, took the french police use excessive force and get away with its view and commission if the human rights. so the shooting was a moment for the country to address the serious issues of racism and racial discrimination in lauren folks. that's the victims of police violence say nothing
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ever changes as a trial. res brother adama died in police custody. his sister says excessive force killed him. a series of autopsies concluded adama died of heat stroke, which probably wouldn't have been fatal if he'd not been arrested. the counselor is that's what is what we are afraid every day. because our brothers can get killed, like my brows on like not, and those fears are present when we go out into the streets. when their identity checks, we fade when we see the police run in and ask ourselves why we are afraid to speak to the countries in the state of time. well, because the far right is going to wind power. while in practice over d as in charge on saturday night, altima will lead asylum march in memory of some one year after his coming burnett smith address era known to western powers. several protest is interested in germany during demonstrations outside the far right. if the parties convention, police, and protest as, as you see, ford in the city of ascend as up to date,
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congress began on saturday, members of the 50 expected to hold the leadership. first off to the recent you election results. extra police officers had been deployed for the gathering with up to $80000.00 protest is expected. the cities in the united states canal and forced bends on homeless people sleeping outside and public places. a supreme court ruling means that they'll have the ability to clear out and cabins that activists to have come to rally in washington dc on saturday. the highlight the poverty faced by tens of millions of people. something that they say is not being treated as a major issue. this presidential campaign for brendon supports in paducah, kentucky. the local church, one food bank has become busier than ever these days as high food prices for more and more people to seek health. steven rogers, who lives with is disabled parents has been coming here for 10 years. they help us
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want them lots get something to eat when we're starving. according to census data in 2020, to nearly 38000000 people in the us lived below the official poverty level. 11000000 of them are children. tens of millions more are low income in one crisis away from destitution. and a church in washington, d. c. volunteers are preparing for the annual assembly of the poor people's campaign in coal for moral revival, a movement, religion, the civil rights era of the 19 sixty's. i'm here because i believe that we can eradicate poverty. it doesn't have to be this way. and i, i believe that with my entire heart, reverend lives deal, harris is co chair person across the board. people of all ages, all races, all genders, all religions are experiencing poverty in this rich nation. it doesn't have to be this way that we, we could actually win this war on poverty and, and, and,
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you know, fight poverty and not the poor. cuz currently that's what's happening in our society. but poverty hasn't been a major issue in the us presidential campaign. both candidates focus more on the pressure inflation ports and middle class families. the poor people's campaign aims to mobilize millions of voters to demand new laws in new spending, priorities, living wages, adequate health care, affordable housing, and high quality education are all at the center of the campaigns agenda. they believe that we can only win the world that we want by uniting the poor and dispossessed. i believe that if we all get together, we can make real demands and really change the system. in paduka, stephen rogers says the free groceries are a godsend. they're all just bless. of the grace of god, we have
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a place to get food. but the food banks director say money needed to feed the poor is running out. leading people like rogers and many more to face hunger. rob reynolds, l g 0. now the army general who lead reported to attend this week and bolivia, has received 6 months free trial detention for the army. chief general one. jose zuniga faces charges of terrorism. an uprising on wednesday and soldiers occupied the central square of the pas and then round the door of the presidential palace to try to break. in 2 of the senior form, the military leaders have also been detained. zuniga says that he was following orders from president louise. okay, something the president himself, the nice stuff i need is this preventive detention that the judge is arranging, will undoubtedly see the president and is a good sign. so this investigation can continue to move forward. officials have
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issued evacuation orders in the us that he's scottsdale because of wildfires. helicopters and pains are dumping was that and fire retardant to help put out the flames with ours use of closed roads, and also shut down parts of, of nature as of. and the red cross has set off in about 2 ation center for displace to families after high school is still a head hit on al jazeera protecting purchased as a quote and falls police from using water cannon to gas and both live and revel going on in kenya, columbia, sense of celebration. yes. again of to the team, the book fair place and the quote of finals. because that america, that's coming up shortly with some of the so and if you can kind of, i'm not, i'm part of the, you just unplug the manufacturer of this late. you have so for us, well,
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kind of hold on when i, when i went to what i get definitely with that you've had it with us. well, this is what we wanted to see the, this is that that's been marie. that's the full rush. and i remember this one button to fix the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the mac, it is time for support and hit on it. thank you very much. it and stuff. it will denise this junior school twice as a result picks up the 1st victory at this. he has called that america the 9 time champions. it'd be 5 by full one and las vegas, which was a much welcome performance off to the opening school this door with costa rica, the defeats full time. well, i mean, they can not make it into the know thought the stage will also boost sales. drill against colombia, and the final game would be enough to send them to, to the quote, to finals. but that will be a tough game. columbia are the blue, peters, allen, a run of $25.00 matches without defeats. difficult to use this to open this going
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from the penalty spots in the 3 know when over casenita stevenson scientists and don't go to the bus. but the other goals and phoenix to ins from to for columbia and guarantees them a place in the quotes of finals ahead of that game with for sale. that's now 10 wins in a row for columbia. oh, the 02024. knock out of state just kick off later with hosts you have many taken on denmark involvement. many are aiming to lift the trophy for the 1st time since 1996 and are on beach and sofa finished on top of the group studio knuckle spencer 5 east pox copland and hungry before that last minute and drill against switzerland. nothing doesn't matter of your hosting or not, the expectation of our offense will be always the same. and there was one to see a successful team at the end. i think it's give us a big, a big support and good feeling when we see all the pictures out of the streets or fans that are supporting us and then celebrate the games. we try to keep them going
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like that. the mock reach the savvy finals at the last heroes and are also, i'm beaten to the competition, drawing all 3 of the group games. they'll be hoping to channel the spirit of 1992 and they beat gemini and the final. so in the euros a lot has been said about 92, especially in the most part of the growing up that you uh you uh you learn about uh that particular summer i think we have a good team. but there's no doubt that for anything special to happen, we would have to be a bit of an upset. it's a mentality that we embrace, we'd like to seize the, the favorites, and obviously germany will be strong favorite to in front of the home crowd. best assessing came on task today, but 1st off we'll see the defending champions. it's an action they're up against switzerland. they live big stadium in berlin. just a few hours until the final of the t 20 cricket woke up between india and south
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africa. both teams are on beaten, heading into the game, the kensington oval in barbados. but both have something to prove in the last decade. india has finished up runners up a 5 times across all 4 months, including the t 20 woke up 50 over world cup champions, trophy and will test championship. well, south africa have never won a well known attorney and the journey is now finally got us here to our 1st final, which is a proud and special feeling not just for me, but for everyone involved in the, in the squadron to, to have an opportunity to to one office trophy, you have to be in a final to have that opportunity. i'm sure they will not be thinking about history and it would be efficient in teams that have 2 teams. i think that everyone will agree with probably the top 2 teams in this tournament. play the best click it, i think in this tournament both africa and india, so deserving finals for the themes and for the to the game,
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a cricket and hopefully before them. but i'd say not to major league baseball and some big hitting by the new york yankees. 3 o soto suite one . so to head to $31.00 home run against the toronto blue jays and canada labor torres then added the 2 run homer and the yankees went on to uncomfortably $16.00 to $5.00 the ends of full game losing street. and there was some spectacular scenes at the end. a tel draft was held at the sphere venue in las vegas and it was canadian young. so macklin feel abrinay who was the overall number one pick for the san jose sharks. he just turned 18. but earlier this year, the 17 year old he became the youngest of us to be named as the best, the in men's college hockey. for the 2nd day running, we saw
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a hole in one of the pga tour event in the choice of jo heisman, the fence. his t shots writes in at the 5th whole, but it's 22 year old actually by 2. yeah. who continues to impress at the top of the lead the board? he's in a share for the needs with the andre, at the healthways stage. on the 13th on the 2 days alejandro is have vito continues to impress on the tennis store. his through to the said final the season and said it's different surface. this one is on grass at the mile cart. championships that he flipped from a set down to beach front flag and we'll see if somebody to place australia sebastian, or not in the final. latham and brazilian says it's hello. fed has sent out a strong message ahead of his limpid title defense. the next month, he came to the 2nd victory of the year on home waters and rio hitting a phone, just the phone just a few weeks before the end of the excess competition enticing. and that's a useful for me to send you back to this does. yeah,
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thanks so much center. now the reason the anti government protest and kenya are being driven by gen these young people who are born in the late 19 ninety's take talk and x forming, known as twist a, all the platforms that they used to bends their anger and to organize demonstrations. many say that the grievances go beyond to the finance bill, which present when embers are withdrew. often nationwide, protests, catherine toys spoke to some young people, and i wrote about the months me boss is in kenya are known for the loud music and powerful slogans. it's been a symbol of 10 years, art and culture. young people like using this mode of transport. so we took a ride with them as we spoke about the situation of the country, the government, you should concede the day of but texting people can say, mean a probably jumps, but they use. yeah. and the,
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the government does go to the sense that they use as many more just say the protests did not. com is a surprise. it's something that has been bubbling for. yes. it's the problem is the best way to those dates. i don't 1000 stoops to the streets in different parts of the country with scientists and smartphones. please use to guess what to canon and life. well, that's at least 27 people a say to have been killed by police and some social media influences are said to have been adapted. this is one of the buildings that was destroyed during the podcast. many young canyons said they have lost confidence in the elected and it
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was clear from the demonstrations. the politicians misread the mood on the ground. the process was organized by young people who used the digital platforms to coordinate and amplify their voice. these protests does, he have specific names of mach kyla trucks of social media trains. he says, millions of people have viewed or contributed to the debate online within the last few days. on line sentiment does not necessarily translate to offline civic action . this right now we've occupied parliament, reject finance bill. it's never been closer to see that what happens on a screen on the internet is happening offline and money. first thing with real people in real places with audio message. the protest was not just about taxes, but also by governance. canyon's posted videos of politicians showing off the walls at a time when there is an economic crisis and peace here are among the best paid in the
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world. now those who voted for them say it will not be business as usual, cost me so i to sierra, narrow lots of remain associates, hey for this new zone for kyle will be here in a minute with more news and i will be around for them to stay with the what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create it? all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice? a g i 's beach, actually a tournament and operating and doing the best as the technician. oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the bill and entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well as human on al jazeera,
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the that the good news is that our technicians and i try to go, but digital it down because the the, the tech is to live in a condo. so i'm assuming that the, the, the,
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the, the, the houses that have been counted by the, with the, didn't it, the saw that the no clear when a ronnie ends will head to a run off of the site for presidency in the election. so historic low turnouts, the kind of them or kyle, this is out, is there a live from the also coming up and is running dry. and tom gets a civilian college award for distribution points in gauze. associates getting at


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