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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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in that is a challenge to solve this. so i had been counted tardy, but didn't it? the saw that the no clear when ron ends will head to a run off of the site for presidency in the election. so head start low turnouts, the kind of them or kyle, this is out. is there a live from the also coming up and is running dry. and tom gets a civilian college award for distribution points in gauze. associates getting at least full palestinians attacks and all the areas kill dawson. m.
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23 rebels capture a town in eastern democratic republic of congo. following days of fighting with the army task done and smith in western powers. 12 months after police shop a 17 year old, you dad in a traffic stop. the problem took nationwide, right? the voters and rhonda now headed to run of presidential election on friday. none of the candidates secured enough fates to win the presidency outright. reformist my food possess scan one, most votes, but social to the majority of 51 percent ultra conservative side saline came in 2nd the to will now face of run off vice. it's any of the 2nd time there's been a presidential run off and around since 1979 revolution was also a record low turnouts of 40 percent. of those all set it as easy to buy. and the 2 candidates have to put themselves to the people's boat again. next friday. they
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will start the campaign in again this week, like in the last round that's respecting good legal and ethical standards. and we was witnessed another election in iran and god willing, and we'll see how this important event will be conducted and pace instability to. let's break down those 1st round election results. the sole reform is constant to mislead, possess can secure the most with 42.5 percent of the vote followed by side jelly the former chief new to negotiate. so with 38.6 percent of the site that's breaking out, corresponded russell. santa enjoys is now live from at tyrone. so russel, iranians have a stock choice in this one of between the conservative under reformist indeed, it's now we have 2 figures that are having people that they purchase when it comes to economy and the foreign relations. so 1st one is, this is miss, which is this?
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yeah, so that's a business. yeah. is a former house administer west server from 2001 to 2005 under the administration. the government's off the iranian 1st before ms. president, mohammed hi to me. so when he come to the race, people know we're not giving him high chances of a to his election campaign. she got a momentum and he was endorsed by the format before mr. as a mom, if that's any. and then by di clinic lee that all of the green movements, 10090 state, and we'll study. and then for me writing for administer job cities. and the finally the for me, runyan presidents has several honey. so he has been able to lead in this election and she is saying that you loves me problem, that this is the main problem that you're on the spacing, or the international sections. and one way to remove them is to re negotiate a nuclear deal with the western countries and to open your run off to the world. so the 2nd one is identity. she's in
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a hard line. conservative who has served you as the winds, nuclear chief negotiator and also have sort of as the secretary of the national security council, just close ties with the particular establishment with the supreme leader. but she says that she's going to continue if you don't just the same policies of the leads presidency. but i embrace it, which means these were for disease, improving ties with the non western countries to increase the raise and costs of nations by dish to put on add to your own size, elation from the world. russell. it was a, as starting, no turn out of this, but why all people so disillusioned with the balancing process as well. so there's 2 reasons here. the 1st one is for the village for the policies of the run. and the 2nd is the economy. but the guns both are quite inter related because one is determined and the other. so iran has been under the are sanctions
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by the western countries, particularly since that kids and that is cleveland, you're running the economy is reducing the production capacity off the country. it is causing a high chronic inflation over 30 percent. and you can feel the impact of that international sanctions, you know, on your learning economy, in people's daily life. they are on daily basis, softly and from the economy called shift. and through the years, the conservative of the reformist or the more the presence will not make any difference. now, people who are more of goofing and apathy, and they believe that on the election will not think about the change. that's why, there is a, don't more to the end of the turnouts in the running elections, particularly desktop. but in the starting from 2020, that seemed of the cold low to nothing. the presidential election, $121.00, and then another, be called low turnouts. in 2024 parliamentary elections. so now,
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next week that's going to be a seconds non to district candidates for this as this young engineer are going to compete each other. but 2 things are on certain 1st. if those who support the more than the conservative party buffy in the 1st rounds are now going toward for the world, are conservative sides unity. and 2nd, if the supervisors down to reform is candidates will disable to further mobilize the before ms. waters. as of now, we do not have the answer could answer for these 2 questions. yeah, no, we don't. we wouldn't have to wait and save or next friday. russell said on many things in days. well, originally golems out a is direct. so the diplomatic house think tank and tell ron, he says that both the low turnouts, i'm the change in traditional focusing past them sends a strong message to the establishment. the parts of the waters food do not turn out to send their voice message to the stablish man that they don't want to
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participate. and they are proposing something they are not working to make it to a stand against establishment, but they want to show their these contents and with this foundation. and that's part of the society easiest still to avoid the participation in the elections. but the reason other parts that we can see in this election, not even in the plan you meant to re election. and we had just a couple of months ago at the r one p change done up against the legitimacy of the uh system. they are not as, let's say, avoiding for an participation by the one some change. so that's why we can see that the behavior of the motors is different from what was expected based on the center reason for the speculations that we had in recent weeks from the researchers on the
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and points. and so the body of the society, back to that try the general, remove it for the concert with these panels, the not enrolled in dine way. and those who are more tech for reform is did not voiding that way anymore. so it is a combination of all of them then that's why i would say that is it called for change? the is very minute. trans housing heavily populated areas across the goals and strip thousands of palestinians have been killed since the hours of saturday morning. and there's really drain, has talked to say, the civilian calling the all supper neighborhood and gone to city, getting at least for palestinians. people had stumps. the to get was at a distribution point. many of those have been inches. the tanks of being flowering at tents, housing displaced people in the southern area of alma y c. i live in the world is really ami, had designated the power and strip of land a so called states soon,
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and ordered palestinians to go to that. now the attacks are forcing already displaced families to flee. guess again. we were sitting peacefully and out tents and all of a sudden the area was carpet bombed by these really war planes. the strikes closed in on our neighborhood. i heard neighbors crying out as many were injured on the corner is really tanks. we also showing the area we will run for our lives, leaving everything behind. i don't know where i'm going. now. the, all of a sudden these really tanks invaded the area, coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. i saw that people touring the car and we saw pieces of flesh all over the place. i carried my children and run away for our lives. we don't know where to go. just walking with the cries, many were killed and injured. this was supposed to be safe sales, but nowhere is safe at all. and because already has moved from darrell bhalla and central garza is ready for,
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says we as rated and made another southern encouragement in as for coast area in the western parts of brooklyn. and us across area is the area that separates sort of off from some units, there has been intensive, a sound bonds, a smoke bombs. and also there has been heavy and a gunshots between on the policy and use in those makes if that comes and let me remind me that they withdrew and reallocated from that area earlier today, we're department because we're trying to close and rescue as much people as possible, and there are a lot of journalists that's are trapped in that area because they were covering the withdrawal of that is really from the area of moving to the gaza city. where there has been intensive air strikes and are totally reselling on different areas, especially in the residential houses and civilian cars outside. many from a lot of other causes. how many were striving to fill it up a gallon of water?
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when the r teller was telling target to them, and for palestinians among them, children were killed in this setting. also an apartment for a squeeze and famine. he was also targeted by the is really at work names were also at least 54 pilot sinew, sorry, were also a noun skilled, and at least 8 others were injured. and democratic republic of congo and 23 fighters have captured a town near the border with uganda. and wanda, they took the kinda by on the on friday evening. fighting had intensified that between the army and the on group. and the past 2 weeks. rolanda has repeatedly denied accusations that it supports the group. let's take a closer look at the m 23 on which a much moving a decade ago is mainly based on the eastern companies province of north keep it, which is which in natural resources am 23 lead as a, mainly from the tipsy ethnic group. they say one of the aims as to find groups
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founded by shooters, the federal landa officer, the 1994 genocide, the m 23 and much with the companies on the, on to a 2009 piece deal. but in 2012, they said that agreement had not been upheld and broke away with a spring and all correspond to. now, elaine, the economy, who's in good go my, that's the regional capital of north keybo who prevents whether it's been months of on going slicing. island give us an idea of just how much of a win this is the m $23.00. how strategic is the town of kind of by younger this guy is very strategic, not only for the m 22 bucks for the d. r. c government because this is one of the area which i've never been affected by this conflict before them. 23 is right now, fighting against the i mean the data on the for almost 2 years right now. and they're fighting as been forecast in the men to big at the minute. 30, tory,
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which is called the my cc. them save this for the in depth changing difficulty get us onto another call, each one which is biggest done them $23.00 bits that are for the another call issue on which they are calling themselves as a bid, or they're going to leave the right to different ada, this the way down for the 1st time and launching the diesel fuzzy if in the past 2 weeks it, oh, kind of i own, but to be honest, i mean, what are the meanest day and kind of what am i trying to stop? did it was because by the time to do this video to the yesterday, it's opened and for the weight to them to them like just city of with them. but which is a big business going to commercial hub in the area here in norfolk people. and also it's clear to more attention us now the population that everybody we'd have to devise they were doing. so to find another way to go right to now. yes, because kind of going to is this home just i'm 60000 people. what's happening to them?
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this is the main challenge, right? to not what do you want to do on a just have been already no money calling for the the, the had to these people do with the left to kind of by on the us, different bombs were allowed to buy the rebels and also the army which was trying to, to stop the possibility of going to any of them. half of this population they left already to see, to kind of my own. but unfortunately, the, with just around the area like you ma and don't us to call, you know, different areas at the dispute are right. and now as we are talking labels already, you know, some of them and these people, they have now to make their way forward. with table that with dental, well, even the ripples during the public admitting to day morning they own with the one that they're coming doctors they object if they want. now to get started to take thousands under the controls and with 10 boys, one of the area, the target to know to go. and this is where the population right to know kids. we man, i already on the roads trying to reach this area. it's making more the more was that
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you want. don't situational in the area on how is all this fighting and upheaval affecting the city where you all the city of government, which is the capital of north keeping province to go. my grandma has been already affected the full fall and most of the way to now because go might use it under what we can call a lock down when you come on. take a look at that would be considerable as, as we described before, the i've been controlling on where the, the minute roads bringing 40 and also the controlling demand. the board up, for example, one of the big customs border with the city of go my here or bludgeon or the population of goma or to deal with the ones on the, on the open, the ones on board or is it all open border between goma and out of it is only the one done and done making success on a very difficult in terms of the economy and also for the supply. because the fighting still going on, some of the bombs have been,
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i've been reaching event the comp that just less com or within the area of go my yeah. so yes say suggest what is called taking a go my in terms of economic lead. does people know told it is this probation under the military is page under the impression that this was declared by the president in order to deal with this additional? unfortunately, the, it has been very difficult to have done for that mutari those while they didn't charge about them switching discounts and they've been wanting add the launching done on that's teacher. so it's very difficult for the initial because this tone is hosting, right to no more than 4000000 people instead of a well what, which was before and that is what it's very difficult to right now here. okay, i don't know a county many things. indeed for bringing us to the that from coma and eastern. com . okay. it also has hair on alex's era, the image, so the long run, joe biden says he was dropped out of the us presidential race despite concerns
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about his performance. and the 1st of age, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or a weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 moscow's approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, of israel's war on gossip be coming forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite the insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza,
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the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the the oregon you are watching. i was, is there, as reminder of on top stories this hour? iran is headed to a bundle of votes on the 5th of july of to no candidate received enough states to
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win the presidency outright. performance candidates must soon as possess scan, an ultra conservative side jelly will be on the 2nd round ballot. and it's rainy, dried, and has talked to the civilian car and they all suffered neighborhood, and gulls associate coming at least full palestinians. people had stopped that to try and get most at a distribution points. many others have been in just in the attack. and the m. 23 fighters have captured the town. the board with rolanda and uganda. they took over kenya by on the, on friday evening lighting it intensified between the army and the on the group. in the past 2 weeks, the us need a job item says he will not quit the presidential race despite criticism of his performance during the 1st televised debate to have a head of november's vote for my president. donald trump is also being criticized.
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accuse of making several false claims during 1st days debate like kind of has moved from washington dc. chris from the debate president biden hippe, the campaign taylor, north carolina, seeming more energized and the night before any had an onset or critique. so piece, debate performance or diseases, i used to write those pages movie i used i don't the bad debate as well as i used but i know i do know. 2 how to tell the truth, the out and about holding a rally in virginia, claiming victory and the debates, unless you all said what you saw as the pages and priorities of president biden. the questionnaire rebuilder should be asking themselves today is not whether joe biden can survive a 90 minute debate performance. but whether america could survive for more years of
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crooked jo by the white house. the majority of analysts, or trump, as a clear victim on the, the style front, trump looked like 4 years had not passed since he left the white house and died again, leave people wondering how is it possible for him despite his convicted felons data, despite being a known and almost pathological liar. how if he still standing with the full weight of the republican party leadership behind him and some photos of a harsh about the age of both candidates. you can just see they're both very set in their ways and they're not changing it and they just want to make the other look that it was tragic. i've had my hopes that buy it and would make a good showing. and i support the bye. and now i don't know what to think it has been some calls will president biden, to make way for another candidate,
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but he's already secured the support of some 99 percent of the delegates to the policy convention in august. and unless he agrees to step down, it's difficult to see how he could be replaced. we need you, we need you the crowd on to death, an off to debate potty. and the reality for all members of the party is that this appears to be true. or mike kind of, i'll just sierra washington new york times has published an editorial from his paws cooling on binding to leave the presidential race. and it the paper size, the president is engaged in reckless gamble and that there are democratic leaders, best equipped to present, to clear compelling and energetic alternative to the 2nd trump presidency. it goes on to say, binding challenge, trump to this level 2. and he needs to confront the truth that he fails his own test. and finally, the paper argues, declare his pasta democrats to defeat the kinds that defined by his lies. it's
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a deal truth fleet with the american public of knowledge. by to con, continue his race and create a process to select someone will capable. all right. com is a us fiscal allison, former congressional stuff. he says, democrats have new choice, but to get behind joe vitamin, i think the issue of replacing joe biden at the top of the tip of the ticket is a moot point. that right now, the democrats are stuck with joe biden good or bad, and given the fact that he has made clear he's going to stay in this race, it is incumbent now on democrats to actually get behind his candidacy and try as best they can to push the move, the finished product did not fair any better. and i think both of these men walked out of that debate with growing questions and concerns about their candidacy. i think, as we know and power in american politics, one night, one day 90 minutes is literally
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a lifetime. so this will long be forgotten. what happens now here is both of these men now need to begin the process of trying to recruit those core voters and those key battleground states that will determine the outcome of this rate. now what we saw today in north carolina at that rally from joe biden was literally a night and day from what we saw last night. he was certainly energetic, he was engaged and he was very spirited. can that joe biden continue this process now through november? that's the question, but also one thing that hasn't been discussed enough is president biden has been a politician since entering the oval office who has had a complete this thing with the optics in the stage crap of the presidency. and i think we have seen that play out last night. unfortunately, it was a night that joe biden simply could not afford to actually issue the optics of
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a debate since he called ford and set of course, we know nearly 50000000 people watch that debate are several processes of being arrested in germany during demonstrations outside the fall right after the policies convention, police and protests is forced in the city of fm as the 2 day congress began on saturday. and as of the, if they are expected to hold a leadership vote off to the recent e u election results, extra police officers have been deployed for the gathering with up to $80000.00 protesters expect the 10th year off. the french police show that a teenager of african to send to the traffic stop in west and paris. his mother is due to hold a silent mulch in her son's memory. the shooting prompted nationwide protests and concerns about the rights of immigrants. anniversary comes on the ease of parliamentary elections, which could usher in a far right. anti immigrant government. smith reports unknown to fresh flowers mark the spot unknown to the hail mazda who was shot dead by police officer
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during a traffic stop 12 months ago. it was all caught on video, a police officer pointing a gun that in the hail and firing, apparently and provoked is working class community where the 17 year old lived is still struggling with the consequences of the killing. we have now mistress a on both sides. police and the population, when someone is stopping it from the, from police, we thought about what's happening last time was 9 miles killing sparks nationwide rights president emanuel micron said the teenagers, death was inexplicable. inexcusable. the police officer who killed dial has been charged with murder nails that's about an hour take the french police use excessive force and get away with its view and commission if the human rights. so the shooting was a moment for the country to address the serious issues of racism and racial discrimination in law enforcement. the victims of police violence say nothing ever
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changes. us a try or eyes brother adama, died in police custody. his sister says excessive force killed him, a series of autopsies concluded adama died of heat stroke, which probably wouldn't have been fatal if it not been arrested. will accomplish that, please, what we are afraid every day because our brothers can get killed like my brother and like not. and those fears are present when we go out into the streets. when their identity checks we fade. when we see the police run in and ask ourselves why we are afraid to speak, the country is in the state of time. well, because the far right is going to wind power. while in practice it already is in charge. on saturday night was mother will lead asylum march in memory of some one year after he's killing bernard smith address era known to western powers. this magnets here is 7.2 escalade because shaking the southern coast of peru,
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district of a cape was most effective. and was hit by full off the shocks. 8 people have been injured. administrative defense is flying in a fit for me, laura kyle: counting. the cost is next to stay with us at the account, the the hello seasonal range, the 2nd with a vengeance across the central, the southern parts of china. will hon with a $161.00 millimeters of rain full in a 24 hours. that was the weather has continued to drag its way across a similar area through shanghai, running up to well south korea and the system here, the plumber rains the my you front of course that'll run up into the sea of japan. more heavy rain just clearing away from the south. great. but pushing into the west
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side of japan as we go one through sunday, it is lot is a holes flooding problems across parts of the south korea for time, and then southern areas of japan. so you have a ray just runs his way back across a similar area to the south of blue han down towards the southwestern corner. so you still raised, causing flooding to into parts of india and delhi, while the monthly rise have now setting here $228.00 millimeters of freight and only 24 hours. that's a sort of full time to do this. but see in the in time, month of august, which is the what this month of all the orange one is being forced across the northern plains, pushing up towards the northeast and cool one or 2 red holdings into the far northeast of india. or as well as the system continues to pulse that really wet weather and lots of heavy rain to for the western gas to count the french colonial propaganda. a jew is liberation,
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army recruited yugoslavia as find this camera man to join the struggle and seize control of the narrative. decades later, a trove of unseen archive is uncovered. then the great the images of the minds behind the lens now monitored for the contributions of jerry is independence, scenic or religious. a witness documentary on that does the, the, the hello, i'm, adrian said again, and this is counting the cost on out to 0. your we can look at the world of business for the comics. this week, us dep continues to grow its own tracts to reach more than 50 trillion dollars over the next decade. should americans.


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