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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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in that is this, how is this on this? so i had been counted body but didn't it the saw that the no k a when radians will a head to a run offered for the presidency in an election that so historically low turn on the hello again, i missed all the attain. this is alger 0 life from the also coming. and there's really drug and targets a civilian call as a water distribution points in gaza. city getting a taste for cost plus i'm new to all day and probably be palestine star christian
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town choke bias where you supplements and i'll post a now series on demolition and and $23.00 rebels capture a town in the east and democratic republic of congo. the following weeks of fighting with the on the whole voters in a row now headed to a run of presidential election on friday. none of the candidates secured enough words to win the presidency outraged, reformist, and mostly for jessica and won the most votes, but still fell short of the move in 50 percent of its needed for victory, out of conservative sides and really came in 2nd. and the 2 will now face around us . this is a need the 2nd time that there has been a presidential lot, often around since the 1979 revolution. there was reco low time out in this paula 40 percent the, the seller has easy to buy and the 2 candidates have to put themselves to the people's boat again. next friday. they will start the campaign in again this week,
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like in the last round, respecting good legal and ethical standards. and we will witness another election in iran and god willing. we'll see how this important event will be conducted in peace and stability. well that's the breakdown layers faster on the election results, the sol, reformist, candidate, and still possess can secure the most with 42.5 percent of the vote followed by side generally the format chief nuclear negotiator, he has 38.6 percent of the vote for that spring and our correspondent results out of he's been keeping an eye on things for us into wrong result. it feels like a rain is have a relatively stop choice now. and this one off between conservative and reformist, of the tvs that were scattered is running for president. those have been approved by the guardian costs of one day before the election. 2 of them have, have withdrawn from the race and then for remains. they compete, that's 3 of them were quite prominence. candidates that the reformist of the candid,
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dismissed with business again and the world's conservative sides entity. and the more the conservative back of the credit about who's also to be the problem, to speak of. now, after the election, that was for the yesterday now there's 2 chatted as a running for president and the elections going to be house on next fridays. so the 1st candidate is the switch position. yeah. the reformist one has been at a house in minnesota from 2001 to 2005 font of the government for a few lenders for us to do for mr. president, mohammed talked to me when he answered the race was not quite known. people were not given him a high chance of winning. however, to the presidential campaign, he has gained momentum by the support of the eye clinic, the reform mister vickers across the country. he says that's the main problem that the country is facing part of international sanctions. and the only way to remove the sections is to re negotiate
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a nuclear z and with this west and companies and also to move on to the world. so site agenda. the other hand, the hard because of it to say is that she is going to continue the for the seasonal resident design basically died fanatical crash last month. and that means to reach out to the non western countries to increase the debate, emissions with them to put an ad, 2 rounds oscillation on the world. so next week we're going to see each one of them is going to be at emergent has to be met with the election result. when we look at this record low turnout. does this perhaps reflect to a profound dissolution and with the version process? do we expect that to change in the rental of the well, that's not much x fact it's uh, when we talk to the iranians, the reason of these don't want to stand off the turn out to be the last couple of elections, particular started from $20.00 to $20.00 on is that there is vision in the economy
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in iran, and that's close this data to it on support on policy as well. so has this, that case that you're on is on the, the sanctions imposed by the west some countries and that is significantly impact the men crippling your running economies. so you'll see a very high rate of unemployment that will be used. so the prize is all this kind of rocketing and also the, most of the value in the national currency is quite significant. the inflation rate is about 40 percent chronically. so all of these factors combines and also the lack of faith in the electoral system as well. many iranians believe that the, that the degree of power lives with the on the back, the officials in the wrong. and doesn't matter whether you enact every 4 missed on order concepts and candidates at the end of the day. these are not the decision makers. the 1st thing an establishment is going to decide about the policy of the
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company. so they believe that the elections, i'm not going to bring much change, and that is a reason that there is a globe in apathy on the waters off going through this, edited that the, that the elections. and of course, next week there are 2 things that are on certain that are going to determine the outcome of the election. the 1st one, if those what this for back and kind of what that includes. everything is the 1st one, are going to work for hotlines, candidates, generally or not. and the 2nd factor is going to be weather data for this kind of mr. business can, will further mobilize that before missed or not. these 2 factors are going to determine the outcome of the election next week, and we'll, we'll certainly be keeping a close eye on it here. i'll just here, we're still set up, then you're waiting capital for us. thank you. we're so to the will these really minute tree is targeting heavily populated areas across the cost
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of stress. thousands of how the students have been killed since the early hours of saturday morning and is really dry and targeted a civilian call. and the all summer neighborhood involves a city killing, at least a full palestinians. the people had stopped to get water as a distribution point. many others have been injured. meanwhile, smoke is rising, as you see about this huge and neighborhood of cause. a city with israel's military offensive has entered a sunday view and it says it has forced at least 60000 palestinians to free ones again. and then the elbow res refugee camp in the central part of the strip, at least for palestinians, have been killed including 2 children. these really minute treat bummed, residential building. dozens of palestinians, hospital searching under the rubble for some specific items. well that's now speak to tom a couple of them. he joins us now from darrow bala in the central part of the gaza strip tare because we've been saying strikes from north to south to because through israel's focus sometimes of it's offensive right now. there's the main
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focus and the 2nd says there is on the central, even in the southern parts of the gaza strip, where they can split it on me. has been targeting a more of the area in the roof district. this is, wow, how city is previously in the beginning, who have been told to seek refuge in the now with expansion of the fight to, to reach to that area. families, this constitutes actuated to from that very smooth face of land coming to different, but a have to con you to city. just looking for alternative places are for that to live fading away from the is very football, but even to the bottom, it extended to areas that designated by the meant to, to be safe to here in a variety trucks, digit capital residential duties was completing talk. that's getting at least full palestinians. we're going to do for ministry. said that since the hours of this morning at least 31 palestinians have been killed sofa in a very up scaling procedure being made by the army regarding the textbook from land
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and sea, especially in the north of district just as well as with behavior ex reply witnesses, the situation dies, getting incredibly read. what families are being bombarded and mr. jenny, for his doses of have some young being changes and they have been transferred to the top this hospital to get medical treatment. the only to mount was operating in the streets of issues. yeah. yeah. neighborhoods where they have been flashing with whom i spoke with a very complete destruction. had been carried dr. due to the intense foaming campaign that was carried out by the east bed on the box, the situation of the notice absolutely quite different from the district people that have been attacked by this without getting any suits of humanitarian aid. they are not only trying to find the button to box the. so trying to find the home going at rising rates of famine, especially today here in the central areas and in the box, the hospice of palestinian boy has passed away due to the city mon,
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you to sure that he was suffering from. and this is incredibly, a part of the roof inspection results from the is very minute. treat, encourage it in a rough on this because we have been hearing from these. but it from minnesota ration is about to nearly over in a rough spot at the same time. what we do witness on the ground, this is vince is bruce, you me? it's minutes. reparations of areas that out of the rates of and before. and that is a clear reflection that is well as is planning to expand the scale of the ones, even the duration of this ongoing offensive, the to now has to more than 37000, probably in the stuff we have. well over 37000 and no and inside target was in that and central garza for us, thank you to our residents in the occupied westbank are alarmed by the israeli government. plans to expand is illegal settlements that's hearing that the communities may be under threat. zoning and construction and neighborhoods known as
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area be used to be controlled by the palestinian authority. but now israel has taken control type. it is one of the villages in that area from which neuro de fault this report is one of many palestinian towns that will be affected by these really governments decision to officially recognize 5 illegal sceptre up posts and expand existing supplements in the occupied westbank. inside the though people are more concerned about another is really decision that ruling strip the palestinian authority of its civilian powers related to construction and zoning. in a 5th of the occupied westbank, these rarely cabinets says this was done to come back. what it terms illegal palestinian construction. hey jenna, for the goal is for us to leave. and what we will people go rooted into slant alignment. this down existed before christ and it will continue to exist. god willing, more than half the population of the occupied westbank falls within this area,
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including all homes inside they are ready. 3 illegal is really supplements and several outposts of sees 14000 square kilometers of play to reducing the town to a 3rd of its size. shrinking space until teen hope the decision was framed as retaliation for the recognition of palestine by 5 european countries. but experts say this is a cover for a more strategic plan. a lot like if you just look at the number of our posts slated for authorization by the government, the number just in the past 6 months is the equivalent of many years. the plan is to take over. experts believe towns like i may be a ne of bethlehem is likely to be effected 1st by israel's decision palestinian homes. here are some of the more than 3000 are ready slated for demolition. the
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decisions of these really, governments will outlive this right wing coalition. and given the lack of international uproar, it will be up to the residence of pipe in other towns across the occupied west bank to defend their very existence in their land. with all the data, find the palestine, the, the democratic republic of congo, m 23 fighters have capture the town near the border with you've gotten that and we're one that they took up a condo, but younger on friday evening, firing had intensified that between the army and the on group in the past 2 weeks, for one that has repeatedly denied accusations that it supports the m 23. well, let's take a closer look at the m 23, which matched more than a decade ago. it's mainly based on the eastern congolese problems of north keep it, which is rich and natural resources. m $23.00 lead is on mainly from the took the
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ethnic group. and they say one of their rooms is to 5 groups founded by who 2 is who fled for one the off to the 1994 genocide bmw $23.00, much with the congress on the, on the 2009 peace deal. but then in 2012, they said that the agreement had not been upheld and broke away along with connie reports from the in the east of the country. this is this company to be changing the conflict because this going to buy on the let's, let's mission that this area was not cost on. we didn't 0 by you. they fighting in the past to use the damn 23. the fighting broke out between them. 23 and the government forces they have been fighting around to that one of go my many lead into 232 and o, o 2 and the must. this is what all the government, the 4th with a focus on the, with even the regional forces, which would you probably do is to 3 of them, the subject including, which is a group in south africa sort of does and does on all of these people who have been
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trying to stop with their move, what variables on this don't go, but then the last 2 weeks them to the 3 dev jumped to another level by attracting this area of the which is in another territory out of the data which we're concerned by the conflict from the beginning. this is very strategic, not only for the rebels, but also for the government because we have seen what exactly government or the policies in this area or the, you know, that will stop them 2320 miles because of no, they took control of this. it's operating the forward for variables to both of the area, the commercial in hub, which is temple. this is a large 2nd, a city of this properties of north k. we after the tone of go, my yeah, that it's making this week isn't very difficult right now. in the area, anybody doing to an outbreak of cholera has killed thousands of people already across my g area. does a number of cases rises. health officials say that the country is running low on vaccines address reports. these hills workers and they goes on the
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mission. they want to drive home a message on the importance of hire. i do this largest city is dealing with the color outbreak. the government says campaigns like these are reducing the number of hospitals that patients. yeah, for sure. if that goes somewhere in the range of 600 because it's difficult to give you an absolute number because every day we have people coming in to say they develop this condition 2 days ago, but they just presenting now. so our numbers keep changing, but it's in the we don't know about right now. as of today, about 650 after civil depths of you should say, the outbreak of stipulation, we see that this college is kind of reducing on it lots and lots come in. um, not as behaviors said, i'm not as bad as the early up to since last week was lake of state reported the
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1st cases of color i the end of april with 50 percent fatality rate. since then, 29 other states have reported infections and debts from the disease caused by eating or drinking contaminated food. a lot for me to i didn't had feedback and was worried, it was color. but after running some test, she was told that had dr. gene practices and i wanted to show like why the health workers explain to us that if we keep our surroundings clean, keep our environment clean, cover our food and wash our hands regularly. we will be safe from color officers. the color of axes are running low and orders have been placed for more. it's not set in how soon they will arrive and that's flushed. let's continue to contaminate food and water sources that concerns the rex's may arrive too late for some nigerians. how many degrees? i'm just well, still a head here on out. i'm doing it smith in western powers,
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12 months after police shop a 17 year old. you dad and a traffic stop the prompted. nationwide rights migration. lower immigration. this should be the immigration election week. so i immigration has become a dominant issue in the u. k. ahead of those days or less the to hello, we're looking at move very heavy rainy to central parts of china. latest pulse of the plumber ice continues to drive by way up towards the yellow sea toward south korea. and that will continue to get to flag down into the sea of japan, west in areas of japan sinks and break down pools as we go through sundays. and sheltered by the mountains to take out around 30 celsius, it'll be a humid 30. we can see how that rain still stretches its way back across queue. see
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the falls south of south korea and to shanghai, and down towards the south west of china. and here we go again mall right across a similar area for monday. probably a ride me wall into a in dire china. some live you shout was rumbling away here. good scattering a showers across the philippines. what's the weather coming into that western side of boni? i would still pretty unsettled the efforts to monitor at across the malay peninsula . joining up with the monsoon range, which now stretch across the good parts of india, they have made their way into neat valley. really heavy down pause. here we are looking at some very heavy rain, brought across a good pots of northern in the red ponies enforced either towards the fond ne, through bung with bash orange warning for much at the north. i'm plenty of wet weather rod along the western gets the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the welcome back to what you know to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sat around is headed to
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a rental storage on july 5th. often no candidates received enough votes to win the presidency performance candidate and the suit possess skin and ultra conservative. so usually will be on that 2nd round bombers in central gaza, at least for palestinians, including 2 children have been killed. and then as really in the minute trip on a residential building and the album res refugee camp, thousands of palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes on saturday. the 23 fighters of capture the town near the border with uganda and the one that they took over the condo by on the on friday evening. no fighting had intensified that between the army and the great both of the past 2 weeks of march and the french capital has taken place. yeah. after the police killing of a teenager of african descent from to the nationwide protests crowds gathered in and tab in west end. paris for the anniversary is in the home is excess. he was a shot and killed the traffic stop smoking and get about the treatment of
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immigrants. the sound of esry also comes on the eve of parliamentary elections, which could usher in a fall right empty immigrant government funding. smith's reports from fresh flowers mark the spot in on to west nile mazda, who was shot dead by police officer during the traffic stop. 12 months ago, it was all caught on video. a police officer pointing a gun on aisle and firing. apparently unprovoked is working class community where the 17 year old lived is still struggling with the consequences of the killing. we have now, mistress uh, both sides police and the population. when someone is stopping it from the from police, we thought about what's happening last time was 9 miles killing spots. nationwide rights president the manual, my chrome. so the teenagers,
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death was inexplicable and inexcusable. a police officer who killed nile has been charged with murder, nails, death about an hour tape, the french police use excessive force and get away with its view and commission if the human rights. so the shooting was a moment for the country to address the serious issues of racism and racial discrimination in lower enforcement. but victims of police violence say nothing ever changes as a trial or his brother adama died in police custody, or it says to says excessive false killed him. a series of all tops is concluded. adama died of heat stroke, which probably wouldn't have been faithful if he'd not been arrested. will accomplish that. the reason we are afraid every day because i'm probably gonna get killed like my browse on like not, and those fears are present when we go out into the streets. when their identity checks, we fade when we see the police run in and ask ourselves why we are afraid to speak to the countries in the state of time. well, because the far right is going to wind power. while in practice it over
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d is in charge. on saturday, niles mother is leading asylum march in memory of some one year after he's killing bernard smith. i'll just say era known to west end paris. a several protest is interested in germany during demonstrations outside the far right. if the policies convention, police and protest is fault in the city of assent is up to date, congress began that on saturday. members of the 50 are expected to hold the leadership 1st off to the reasons you election results. extra police have been deployed for that. catherine was up to 80000 protest is expected and then under the crossbow has wounded a police officer in front of these really embassy. and so it'd be as capital belgrade. the policeman was hit in the neck. so b as interior in minnesota says that the officer then shot and killed the attack in self defense. the embassy was closed at the time and it stopped absent. what
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opinion to suggest that migration has become one of the biggest issues for voters in the u. k. head of thursday is election this 2nd or need to a cost of living concerns. but on the ground, public attitudes vary depending on age where people live and their political leanings. i'll just do is pull ben and reports from the southern port town instead of the migration lower immigration, which i think migration, migration, migration. this should be the immigration election migration matches to british voters in the last 6 years. 120000 people have made the dangerous crossing on small boats from friends to present. mentioned migration in this election. and these are the images of many u. k. voters will visualize. it's kind of a role sas tests. these images that we see very much of images of migrants arriving, being arrested by the vote. of course. besides the liberal people, the 5 rights and board is what they see there is desperate refugees seeking a place of safety. risking their lives, besides the conservative say,
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is people exploiting a weakness the board and not being secure rose being broken in both cases. these are sincerely how deeply held social values. and they mean that the reaction to those images is just pilot, because it's, it's literally probably the rising in terms of the see the same image. same very different hands. drove up with its famous white clips as long gonna powerful symbol of it you case defenses against on welcome arrivals. it's here in the porch. the b migrants plucked from the small boats in the channel are brought under those images which have largely driven the debates about from migration in the u. k. but the emphasis that folk just puts on migration as an election issue very significantly, depending on the policy allegiance. just 3 percent of labor policy versus c migration is the single biggest issue that rises to 27 percent among those who
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intensive vote for the consecutive policy. i'm not rises again to 68 percent for people who intend to vote for nigel fowls. just reform you k party, the public desire to cub migration is a defining fact uh in the 2016 bricks it referendum. yet kevin polling indicates that overall, folks as a jew, to actually the sofa and partly because the post wrecks it. labor shortages in key areas. when the u. k. public cost, would you like levels of migration to full? is a fair proportion which say yes that they would like migration that was the full. but then when they are asked about the groups which make up this over bigger, so different groups of michael work is such as coworkers, of doctors and nurses, so ukrainian, so sort of all these different groups. most of them people have exponent, say that they would like more of these, these individual groups. so i'm one level they would like overall migration levels to full, but they would like the groups which make up that number to increase if he does,
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that's that contradiction that all the parties are promising to resolve just in different ways. the white clips. so the place where the u. k is closest to continental europe, those who land here. so how far apart the 2 still off, poll brennan, i'll just 0. the officials have issued that 2 weeks notice in the us city of scottsdale because of wall 5 helicopters and planes of dumping, water and fire were taught him to help put out the flames with ours. he's opposed roads and shut down posts of the natures of and the red cross has said something about duration center for displaced families at the local high school. a while fi is also threatening large areas of southern results depending on what trans region they had been. a record of breaking $2500.00 fires this month. the flames are searching for the peak of the dry season to that region is home to the wilds largest tropical wetlands. meanwhile,
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floods have swept through pots of eastern mexico. the area of chalka was hardest hit off to a nearby river best its banks. the national guard has been dispatched to help with clean up. there is risk of more heavy rain and flooding. state army general who led to a reported crew attempt in bolivia has received 6 months free trial detention from the army. chief general one who is a, is in ego faces, charges of terrorism on uprising on wednesday. so just occupied the central square of the past and round a door of the presidential palace to try to break in to inform the senior. but it really does have also been detained. unique, it says he was following orders from present through his all care which the president denies stuff for you. is this preventive detention that the judge is arranging? will undoubtedly see the president and is a good sign. so this investigation can continue to move forward. well, i mean, i'll present okay, says the tentative crew has strengthened support for his government to raise the
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vote. reports from the past. the left when president luis odyssey came to power almost 4 years ago with a promise to industrialized olivia as administer economy, a former president able morales, he helped lifted millions out of poverty by nationalizing the gas industry. but in this marketing, believe us copy to the bus, most people are disappointed or the other one says the president has failed people like, or you'll be living today, but i live from my work on what i saw here. and i don't sell anything, i suppose with the president and voted for him. but he's because in about us getting in, i believe you as economies struggling, the countries running out of gas, we served its main source of income due to a lack of investment in exploration when you, we service. but the south american country has one of the largest lithium we service in the world around 23000000 tons need seeking more investments from russia


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